Caged In

Chapter 23: Dinner

I went to my room first and took a nap in my bed. I felt unusually tired today, probably due to the lack of sleep last night. I closed my eyes and when I opened them, it was dark again. I got out of bed and walked out of my room to smell someone making dinner. I continued to walk down the hallway into the kitchen to sit at the table for dinner with drool practically dripping from my chin.

When I got there, the table was full. I mean literally no place for me to sit.

" Hey Lucy, you can sit on my lap!” I hear Greg snicker along with a couple of teenage wolves.

" I’d rather sit on a cactus.” I smile.

Evan stands up,” Then take my seat, princess, as a gentleman it’s my honor.”

Mentally I backhanded Evan and Greg so hard that they went flying into orbit.

I smiled gracefully," No, I’ll just take my food and go back to my room I guess. I have to pack my stuff up anyway.”

My parents had already eaten, and were dealing with pack business. They always ate first. No one was allowed to even touch their food before my parents finished theirs.

" It’s here again.”

" God it smells.”

" Can’t it just leave.”

" It’s a disgrace.”

Whispers fill my ears as I pass the table to get a plate and fill it with food.

" It’s such a slob.”

" So disgusting.”

I place some salmon on my plate.

" Just like a dirty stray cat.”

I grab some salad.

" Nothing like us.”

That’s it.

I throw my plate onto the floor as I shake in anger.

" Uh oh, it’s angry.”

I should have expected it earlier, but Henry was probably behind this sudden surge of disapproval.

" Fuck yeah, I’m angry. I’m right here, so say what you want to say to my face. You say I’m a slob ? Half of you aren’t even fully clothed, and we are at the dinner table. And I smell ? You stink of sweat and sex all day and you don’t hear me complaining!” I growl,” You said I’m nothing like you, and I thank goddess for that every day. I’m glad I’m not put on your level of pettiness!” I growl.

Everyone was quiet,” I’m going to bed.” I hiss.

I jog out of the kitchen and as I close my door, I hear Logan and Sage scolding the pack which comforts me somewhat.

My family still loves me. That is all that matters.

There is a sudden knock to the door and I feel my heart beat more swiftly in anticipation.

" Who is it ?”

" Lucy, it’s your father, I heard about what happened just now.”

My heart sinks.

" Oh, uh, yeah. It’s fine.” I murmur.

" No, it isn’t, Lucy. Open the door.”

I slowly drag myself to my feet to twist the door knob and open the door.

My father was smiling while holding a platter of food.

" Greg threw this at me when I came downstairs to see what all the commotion was about.” My father calmly closes the door and hands me the food. I put the patter on my bed as I sit down next to it.

" So what did you really come here to discuss ?”

" You always were to the point ever since we found you.” He chuckles.

" I don’t really change how I act, it’s tiring putting up a facade. Cut to the chase, old man.” I mutter.

" You were also never good with respecting your elders.” He drawls on.

" Stop beating around the bush, just -”

" Your family knows you’re here.”

I groan,” Based on Evan’s sudden appearance, I assumed so.”

" He reported the fact that you were here to them, my wife practically threw every book in the library at him before he got to the phone, though.” He smiles,” I am truly sorry we couldn’t stop him.”

" I admire her. Your wife has guts.”

My Father puffs his chest out with pride,” Yes, she’s quite wonderful, isn’t she.”

" I wish you were my biological parents, I wish I could stay here with Logan and Sage and live -”

I could see the sympathy in his eyes as he shook his head,” I’m sorry Lucy, but that isn’t the life you were given.”

" No, you’ve done so much for me, I understand.” I say quietly.

" But let me apologize for everyone here, I’m sorry the pack has been -”

" They’re just cautious. I get it.” I whisper.

" Thank you.”

" So, when ?”

" You have three weeks until you are dragged back by your toe nails.” He says,” At least you’ll finish your semester.”

" I’m indebted to you.” I kneel in front of him,” Tyler Wild, I owe you more than my life. If you have anything you need, I will provide you with it, all you need to do is ask.”

I feel his hand under my chin as he lifts my head up to look into my eyes,” Lucy, save your tears. There are worse things than this that can happen to a person.”

I stand up as a tear rolls down my cheek,” No, Fath - I mean Alpha Wild, I really don’t think there are.”

I exit my room and close the door behind me only to be pulled into someone’s chest.

" What was that about ?”

" Nothing that you need to know about, Greg.” I say.

I begin to walk down the hallway towards the front door to take a walk outside and I smack my head as I remember that I left my food in my room.

Oh well, I’ll eat it later.

" Don’t walk away from me, low breed.”

I hear a grunt and turn around to see Evan holding Greg’s forearm,” I’ll kindly ask you to stop bothering her.”

Greg rips his arm away from Evan’s reach,” This isn’t your business.”

" That’s where you’re wrong, you see -”

" Evan, let it go, I don’t need you to fight my battles for me. Actually, better yet, go back to your pack. I know you were the one who told my family where I was, you traitor.” I say.

" Lucy, I’m sorry -” Evan starts.

" You’re not.” I huff.

" Everyone thought you were dead after you disappeared, it’s not fair to your father after all he’s been through. He has no one else.”

" No, he has someone.” I say,” And he can go die a terrible horrible death with that bitch.”

" You don’t mean that.” Evan says,” I know you don’t, he’s your father.”

" That bastard is no father to me!”

" He is whether you like it or not.” Evan simply replied.

" Shut it, you lacky.” I growl.

" Greg, leave.” Evan mutters.

" Why does he have to go ?” I hiss.

Not that I wanted him to stay, but as long as he was here, Evan would avoid certain topics.

" Because we’re discussing personal matters, and quite loudly I might add.” Evan says.

" Fine, that doesn’t matter then because I’m leaving.” I hiss as I throw the door open.

" They never really did teach you manners, did they, princess ?” Evan says.

" Guess not.” I say,” And shut up with that stupid pet name!” I yell before I slam the door.

1259 words

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