Cāi Cāi

Chapter 78

Chapter 78 Act 10 “Music in the Rain” ③

Act 10, “In the Rain” 3

After thinking about it, I decided to interview the music director once.

In fact, not only did he want to see Yao Yin, he also wanted to see him.

The musical titled “Waiting for a Polar Day” is a story of schizophrenic patients seeking and redeeming themselves. The original script is an unknown autobiographical novel. The hero often hears a voice talking in his ear. This voice is both his friend and his enemy. That voice will laugh at him and attack him, but also encourage him and keep him.

There is a rumor in the field that this autobiographical novel is often viewed by the film emperor Yiheng, and now the film remake has been established. This will be Chang Yiheng’s first self-directed work.

With such a halo over his head, the musical project “Wait for a Extreme Day” went smoothly and hard.

The smooth part is that the investment is easy to pull and the director is easy to find.

After all, the crew finalized a male starring, but the other party actually lost the pigeon! The crew asked Grandpa to tell Grandma about it, and finally set his sights on Xiang Guai.

Xiang Gu didn’t know how big a challenge he faced until the day he joined the team.

And the trouble is more than that-this is actually a one-man show! !!

Yes, yes, Xiang Gu asked one person to decorate twelve characters, dress up on the spot, and one person to sing and perform while dancing for two hours, while interacting with the audience.

After getting the synopsis of Xiang Guai: “…”

He blinked and asked, “I haven’t signed yet. Can I refuse the job?”

The producer smiled, and the director set him up left and right, dragging the dying swan to Yao Yin’s recording studio.

Yao Yin is actually the composer of the “Waiting for a Extreme Day” musical. Because he was not assured of the presentation of his work, he decided to simply become the music director.

Maybe outsiders would think that the composing part and the writer part of the musical screenplay are both performed by the same person. In fact, this is a very rare phenomenon. Most of the time, after the script is completed, find a composer to write lyrics.

Many times, the role of music director is also part-time, such as a pianist, a conductor, and even an actor.

Before meeting Yao Yin, Xiang Gui had imagined the appearance of this returning composer many times.

But he didn’t expect that Yao Yin … was so personal.

He can’t see his age, maybe more than twenty, or maybe thirty. He pursed his lips and looked critically at Guess with a critical eye, which added an unpredictable temperament to his neutral features. He tied a long hair on top of his head into a little bitch, a row of earrings on the left and right ears, each of which looked very valuable.

A green-black tattoo extends from the sleeves of his sweater, and the dense pattern is full of Yao Yin’s five fingers, which is not like a musician’s hand at least-at least to guessed musicians, in order to ensure the nerves of the hand Sensitivity does not add any traces to the hands at all.

“Mr. Yao.” He extended his hand to Guai.

“Don’t call it a teacher first.” Yao Yin’s voice was cold and interrupted him directly. “Let me hear how you sing.”

With that said, he handed out a sheet music.

The songwriter and composer are all Yao Yin, and the title of the song is called Jiji. This shows that the song obtained by Xiangchai is likely to be the theme song of this musical.

Yao Yin only gave Xiang Guai five minutes of preparation time, and immediately asked him to sing with the live band.

This time it was a piano + double violin configuration. A fiddler hesitantly reminded him: “Mr. Yao, we haven’t practiced this song yet …”

Yao Yin raised an eyebrow: “How many years have you been playing the violin?”

“Twenty-two years.”

“Twenty-two years, haven’t you learned to read and play?”


So, a male lead who read the score for the first time, and three bands who read the score for the first time, began the first cooperation.

Extreme Day is a sad tune.

The male protagonist named Jiji as the sound that appeared in his hallucinations, because Jiji represents eternal light and the sun that never ends.

The main character has been talking with Ji Ri, and the patient with split personality has difficulty in realizing that he is sick in the early stage. He mistakenly thinks Ji Ji is an invisible friend. This friend is cruel and gentle.

Xiang Guixian sang the first time. At this time, he was not fully in the state yet, his vocal cords were a little tight, he could feel his voice floating, and the treble sang directly, like a fairy stick in the wrong direction .

However, Yao Yin calmly accepted the flaws in his singing, gave a few pointers, and let him try again.

Then came the third pass.

Then the fourth, fifth …

At the end of five times, Xiang Guai and the band are getting better and better, no matter whether it is emotion or intonation, no obvious flaws can be heard. After singing this superb theme song for five consecutive times without a break, Xiang Gu was so sweaty that he could not wait to lie on the ground now.

Yao Yin’s mouth finally lifted 0.1 centimeters (Xian Guai even suspected that it was his own hallucination), clapped his hands, and said, “Okay, the warm-up is over.”

Xiang Gu: “…?” Warm up?

Band: “…?” Warm up?

Yao Yin flipped through the script in his hand and said quickly: “The song” The Extreme Day “appeared three times, each time the protagonist’s feelings are different. They are the ecstasy of knowing new friends, and finding that new friends are the product of hallucinations The pain afterwards, and the calm after seeing openly. Of these three states, ‘ecstasy’ is the best performance. Take a look at this script and audition in ten minutes. ”

The director nearby was afraid to scare away the last male starring, and hurriedly said, “Xiao Yao, Xiang Gui is the first time to read the script, you should give him more time.”

No matter, it doesn’t matter to take the initiative to guess: “Director, director, I want to try.”

He originally had doubts about this job, but the “warm-up” five times just now made him faintly have a strong impulse to the actor-playing him to guess! Want to play him well!

He wants this character to come out of the script and stand alive in front of the audience! Show his anger and sorrow, and show all his struggles and hardships!

Yao Yin raised his eyebrows and looked at him: “Children, it seems very confident.”

Xiang Gui didn’t answer, just hurry up and look down at the script in hand.

Ten minutes later, he closed his eyes to Guai, and silently repeated the episode in his heart. When he opened his eyes again, the boy’s eyes were full of confidence.

He didn’t take the lyrics page, so he walked into the band empty-handed.

The producer snapped: “How did he …”

The next second, Xiang Gui had already spoken the first sentence.

— “Where are you? … Who are you? … Will you leave me like they do?”

— “Do you like me? Do you really like me? I … I … I like you too!”

— “Then we, from now on, will be friends !!!”

At this moment, the actor “lived” over.

The producer and director exchanged glances and nodded.

After only reading the script for ten minutes, Xiang Guai can understand this character to such a degree. Such a young and powerful actor has a bright future.

Yao Yin originally planned to make Xiang Guai sing a song. Who wants Xiang Guai to take the initiative to perform the previous lines together, coupled with his body movements, and the expression of weeping and joy … Everyone was hesitating, as if it were true See the actor in front of them!

Yao Yin walked quickly to the pianist and whispered, “You get up.”

The pianist said blankly, “Ah?”

Yao Yin said, “You can’t keep up with him, let me come.”

The pianist hurried to give way, Yao Yin immediately dominated the stool, and his ten fingers flexibly moved in the air for more than ten times, then his wrists and elbows were down, and his hands were gently pressed on the keys.

At the same time, the actor’s lines finally came to an end. He looked up at Guai and looked to the distant distance, then took a deep breath and sang the first note—

The gale-like movements like the squalling rain poured out from Yao Yin’s fingertips, and when he opened his mouth, he directly mentioned the speed of “Early Days” three times the original version, and Yao Yin followed without hesitation! !!

Singing and guessing to Guess, he was singing loudly! !!

The boy’s clear, high-pitched singing hit the black and white keyboards and struck everyone’s eardrums.

Yao Yin’s gaze was tightly locked to Xiang Gui, who hadn’t heard such a blood-sounding sound for a long time!

He firmly believes that the hero of “Wait for a Extreme Day” must be Xiang Guai! And the songs he writes are only worthy of Xiang Guai!

They all say “no acquaintance”, then Xiang Guai and Yao Yin can be said to be “no acquaintance”.

After the audition ended, Yao Yin’s eyes turned to Guai, and they wished that they would worship their half-brothers on the spot.

Xiang Guai asked, “Mr. Yao, have I passed your test?”

“Don’t call me Teacher Yao!” Yao Yin smiled as if he were a different person. “We are so familiar, you can call me melody!”

Xiang Gu would like to ask him, where did they know each other.

After officially signing the contract, Xiang Guai received the complete script and Yao Yin’s fifteen solos for this play.

The whole drama of “Wait for a Extreme Day” is less than two hours, and the rhythm is very dense. The lines alone have tens of thousands of characters. Xiang Guai has never acted in a one-man show. When he received such a thick stack of scripts from the director, he immediately had the urge to escape.

However, you can only think about what is left in the desert. He likes the character, the songs, and the show, and the main thing is … he hasn’t earned income for a long time …

There is not much time left for this show. It is expected to rehearse for 42 days, twelve hours a day. From now on, Guai will enter the state, and began to recite crazy work.

Thinking of the coming busy life, he was full of enthusiasm and spread his wings proudly, and now I can’t wait to sing.

The new rehearsal hall is actually located on the second floor of the Shanhe Theater-yes, it is the theater where Xiang Gu was rehearsing the graduation show “Queen of Boots”.

Yao Yin sat on a stool, legs crossed, and shook his feet proudly: “This is my place, use it!”

Xiang Gui knows that Yao Yin is a rich second generation. This theater was run by his family. When he was eighteen, he gave him a gift as a gift.

When Yao Yin heard that Xiang Guai had a graduation show at the Shanhe Theater, he suddenly became interested. He provoked Xiang Gu’s chin, and said deliberately, “What does this mean? This shows me and Guess There is a fate. ”

After working together for a while, Xiang Guai has gradually become accustomed to Yao Yin’s personality.

Don’t look at Yao Yin who often jokes with Xiang Gu in private, but as soon as he starts rehearsing, he immediately turns into the most demanding teacher, which is even more terrifying than Yan Wang.

He can scold from the piano to the violin, and then from the violin to Xiang Guai, who has a weaker personality, has long been scolded and cried by him countless times.

Fortunately, work goes to work and life goes to life.

Yao Yin is best at using money to entice people-often he was scolded to dogs’ blood showers ten minutes ago. After ten minutes, he greeted everyone with a smile to take a five-star hotel takeaway.

When everyone was drinking milk tea and holding their claws, they could swallow their stomachs with even more resentment.

“How do you feel fat?” Tan Yiming said in the car.

“Well !!!!!! Really !!!” Xiang Guai, who was burying his lines in the co-pilot seat, instantly lifted his body in fright, raising his head in horror. “Ah, ah, it must be because you have eaten too much tea this afternoon!”

Seeing him like this, Tan Yiming couldn’t bear to tease him again: “… I lied to you. You obviously lost a lot, didn’t you notice it when you looked in the mirror in the morning?”

Xiang Gu slightly tilted his head: “Okay? I look in the mirror every day, and I don’t think I’ve lost weight.”

He has been rehearsing very hard recently. He spends more than ten hours in the rehearsal room every day and will continue to recite lines after returning home. Under such high pressure, Xiang Guai couldn’t stop the weight loss even if he ate a lot of food every day.

Tan Yiming said: “That’s because you didn’t look carefully enough.”

Xiang Gu didn’t think about it, and asked casually, “Did you watch it carefully?”

“Well.” The man admitted indifferently, “I look at you very seriously every day.”

Xiang Guai: “…”

The boy didn’t speak, and bowed his head arrogantly, brushing up and down the book, but he only knew how much he actually looked into. He just hoped that the sound of flipping Taiben was loud enough to cover his heartbeat.

Because the rehearsal hall of the Shanhe Theater is close to Tan Yiming’s company, Tan Yiming took the pick-up to Guess to work, just to spend more time with him every day.

In the closed compartment, the breathing of the two people fused together as if they were born as one.

It’s cold winter, and it was just a heavy snowfall yesterday. The snow was deep and the wheels rolled over, leaving two ruts in the snow.

Tan Yiming asked: “It’s New Year next week. Do you have any plans?”

Shaking his head at Guai, whispered: “We will rehearse as usual that day, we have to catch up.”

“…” Tan Yiming felt a little bit distressed at him, and decided to wait for the “Wait for a Extreme Day” to be staged, and then he must invite the whole company’s employees to see it again. “That’s it. I will take you to the rehearsal room on the morning of the 1st. At noon, I will return to my parents’ home for lunch, and I will pick you up in the afternoon. We can celebrate at night if we do n’t want to go out to eat How about eating hot pot? ”

In a blink of an eye, they have been living together for more than four months. This is the first new year they have spent together, but Tan Yiming hopes that every new year in the future can be spent together.

Xiang Gui shook his head nicely, distressingly thoughtfully: “It’s okay, I don’t care about it alone. You haven’t seen your uncle and aunt for a long time, stay at home for two more days, and stay with them.”

Tan Yiming wanted to say “It’s more important to accompany you”, but he turned around a bit, afraid to scare him or swallow it back.

“It’s not easy to take a taxi over the theater, and there are too few drivers who will come out on the New Year’s Day. It gets dark early in winter. I can’t worry about you going home alone.”

“It’s okay.” Xiang Guai said lightly, “melody said that he also lives in this direction, and I can take him back by car. And he is also alone in Huacheng for the New Year, and we can eat together.”

Tan Yiming: “…”

Melody, melody, melody, this ghost melody again! !!

How long Xiang Xiang had entered the new crew, and Tan Yiming heard the name of melody from his mouth many times.

From Xiang Guai’s mouth, Tan Yiming pieced together this melody’s image: a moody music director, a wealthy rich second generation, a talented composer, and an unknown person who likes to sing little swan verbally.

Tan Yiming thought that he had to find an opportunity and have a good time with the melody director!

——His baby swan just opened up, but he can’t be abducted.

The author has something to say: I originally wanted to write about geese gourds, but I actually wrote the old sauerkraut noodles ………


Thanks for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution

Thanks to the little angel who cast the [Rocket Gun]: a pot of Baibing, 33102749, Hou Qing;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the [grenade]: Mr. Liu and Xia Muzi;

Thanks to the little angel who cast [mine]: Chang Linghe and Mo Yanmeng returned 3; mulberry eyes, 221097882; Zai, Sanjin, always without the name you want to call, running tiger, Madame Shibuya, lll □□ ange, the power of strong men, 341,896,931;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the [nutrient solution]:

110 bottles of Tang Muxuan; 91 bottles of often dark beams; 90 bottles of Sanghua; 76 bottles of ash; Tian.1.69 bottles; 66 bottles of flag book; 65 bottles of ink and ink; 61 bottles of pan; 60 bottles; christinalsa 58 bottles; Ye Xuan de-icing three-point sweet 57 bottles; a bowl of crushed ice 54 bottles; rice, Juan, Sanjin 50 bottles; greensakural 49 bottles; sweet, big cat 40 bottles; no blue 39 bottles; 37 bottles of reduceivy; 36 bottles of fafelicity and sister walking slowly; 35 bottles of Shiyuan fork will waist, Yeze; 30 bottles of Zhenzhen, rotating cats, Dust Xiaoyan, Le Changan, xxxzhi_zhuansheng, Azi Zizi Meow 30 bottles; alo29 bottles; stupid humans, 28 bottles of water under the bar; redundant talk, 3280114027 bottles; white seventh, 2610882626 bottles; please call me 25 bottles without sauce; 24 bottles with me; 22 bottles of sycamore water; 548330, silent ink, , Sixi Sisi raccoon, innocent love, wlmxwylk, sugar buns, 25385227, lemon sugar, knj7qs, good-looking books are really hard to find, Mo Mo, the child Zhongshan wolf, a cherry blossom 20 bottles; Chen Yi 19 famous bottles of Lao and Renren; Jinyun has 18 bottles of sugar today; 16 bottles of coconut; Qiancheng side, Kong Deyin, leaves, Zhang Shupei | Yu Tian, On rainy days, we stir up Jitian, Duoduo, 15 bottles of taro rounds; 13 bottles of three smiles; Xiao Muzi, Mo Jing, Shu Chen, who came with the wind, came to bite me, la la la la, one Xuan amuro A Huang, Love’s Magic Circle, Nan Jingying, 22109788, Bu Yi, Evening Screen Bailu, 33102749, Sang Yufei Wan, Yun Chang, A Circle, Bai Mumu’s Claws, So-called Yiren, Not Jiangshan, Taotao, Xiao Almond, Qi Yi, cute, sloppy, sun-catching cat, losy, cat in the well, Chen 4 forks, cat Luo, spring breeze and peace, Tong Xiaomu, amnesia cat, simple way of thinking, ara, fancy10 bottles; grunt, Xiaose for no reason Because of it, the big red lantern, 26433560, Shaohua’s white head, but the floating one, add 9 bottles; kiss and kiss this autumn, violet color 8 bottles; peach pick, Su Mo 7 bottles; Lu Haohao, warm wine 6 bottles ; Hide, walk to the right of the horse, quanuan, sherrycullen, Xie Yu, Yogo kun, Ruo Rui, __, momo, Chuanxin · xinxin, Yuan Shili, lost Dutch pig, Chiyo, small, moons , Seven or ninety-four, single eyes, southward sea, Qin Zhige, why are you hungry every day, Xiaoyao seeds obediently, 5 special bottle; Mu Qiao, click here to modify nickname, Harborside. 4 bottles; Qing Rui, Han Zheng, Tian_Blue 3 bottles; Su Xi, Li An An, Boundless Rain 139, God said there should be 2 bottles; o., Troye, 32294389, small swings, words, big Bowl, muouren, fish roll roll, shrimp cake, sound, Mingyue He Jiaojiao, quietly, 123 listen to the heart, 15076635, , nomoreme, Qing , autumn grass flower language 1 bottle;

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