Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession


Caitlyn bowed her head. “I hope you had a good time, Mistress. Wolf.”


Lamb stood before the grand double doors of the rec room, Wolf hovering at her side. Black cum matted her fur in patches all over her body, like blotches of ink or the spots of a Dalmatian. She cocked her head.


  “A truth?” Lamb asked. “Mmmm. Not quite, but close.”


Caitlyn's breath caught in her throat. “You did enjoy yourself?”


  “Mmmm?” Lamb cocked her head to the other side.


  “Foolish mortal, she was referring to your statement,” Wolf said.


  “Oh.” Caitlyn relaxed. “Sorry for my ignorance, Wolf.”


Wolf groaned. “You actually mean that.”


Lamb nodded. “A truth.”


  “Whatever it is that has torn your mind to ribbons, however beautiful it may be, do get it fixed before you die. Only one of us can take you. Don’t make us argue. It’s tiresome.”


  “I enjoy debate,” Lamb said.


  “Your love of mortal folly disturbs me, Lamb.”


  “A truth,” Lamb said, sounding pleased.


They exited the rec room, leaving Caitlyn to stand at attention for her next partner. She allowed herself a twinge of pride at having satisfied two gods at the same time. Not many whores could boast of that.


However, she only let the pride last for so long. Pride had gotten the better of her with Wolf, up in the air. Ordering Wolf around. Letting her desire dictate her partner’s actions. Not putting in any work. That wasn’t what whores did. Whores serve and please, they’re not selfish.


That voice tried to whisper something in her mind again, but she shut it out. It was the animal part of her brain talking. The part that didn’t understand responsibility, or anything civilised like that. It only wanted pleasure, everyone else be damned.


The double doors opened and a woman with green skin walked in. A mermaid, but with human legs instead of a tail. Scales, green like emeralds, covered her from shoulder to wrist and thigh to ankle. Frills like the fins of fish formed a v-shape from shoulder to belly button, exposing her human torso – green and smooth, with a pair of sizeable breasts. It looked like she’d been stuffed into a fish, and a cut a slit down the front so she could still show off.


  “Evelynn really didn’t hold back, huh?” The fish woman asked.


  “No, mistress.”


  “Please, no ‘yes, mistress,’ this, or, ‘no, ma’am,’ that. Just call me Nami.”


  “Y- Okay, Nami.”


As Nami looked her up and down, she thumbed a long necklace. It draped over her breasts; a chain decorated by three blue gems of decreasing size. They pulsed gently, like a heartbeat. At a closer look, Caitlyn noticed a thin veil of light the same colour as the gems shimmering over Nami’s scales. The light was more prominent around the gills down the sides of her neck.


  “You’re quite pretty, aren’t you?” Nami began to circle Caitlyn.


  “Yes, I’ve been told so before, M- Nami.”


Nami traced her fingers over the curve of Caitlyn’s ass, underneath the dress Lamb and Wolf had picked out for her. They were rough. Each scale felt like the tip of a fingernail. She lifted Caitlyn’s dress, lifted her cheeks, dropped them, admired the jiggle, and did the same with her breasts. “Humans… you’re all so squishy. Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be rude. It’s just- well, here, feel me and you’ll see.” Nami puffed out her chest.


Caitlyn did as she was told. Squeezing Nami's breasts was like squeezing rubber. They were flexible like normal breasts but resisted far too much. Normal breasts felt like squeezing water balloons. Caitlyn didn’t mind. It made no difference. She could pleasure someone made of rubber as easily as anyone else.


  “They feel wonderful, Nami.”


  “But different, right?”




  “So you get the difference?”


  “I do.”


  “So… you’re not offended then?”


  “No. Humans are squishy.”


Nami sighed. “Great. I’m horrible at remembering your sensibilities. Call a Marai tough and tender, and you’re likely to get a smack.”


  “Most humans probably wouldn’t like being called squishy, Nami. But I’m here to please. If my squishyness excites you, I’m glad of it.”


In place of whites, Nami’s eyes were black. Which highlighted the sheen their emerald irises gained as she gave Caitlyn an inquisitive look. “You really mean that, huh?”


  “I do.”


Nami’s cock grew. It had been hard to spot between her thighs, green on green. When it stood out on a slight, upward angle, it touched Caitlyn’s belly, despite the two of them standing a few paces apart. Like her breasts, Nami’s cock was smooth and scaleless. A dark green tip poked out of the foreskin.


Caitlyn’s heart fluttered at the size of the thick, monster cock. She didn’t allow her body’s excitement to dominate her. Her mind stayed in control. “Where would you like to have me, Nami?”


  “You’ve got access to the portal, right?”


  “I do.”


  “The shores of Targon there. I know a beautiful alcove where the water is as warm as a spa this time of year. Some fishermen might spot us, but it’s nothing they haven’t seen before. You don’t mind that, right?”


If Nami wanted to fuck in warm water, why not use the pool, or the spa upstairs? Did it have to be where people would see them? 


Caitlyn blinked. Her mind faded blank. Don’t think. Don’t question. Just do.


  “Yes, Mistress.”




  “Nami. S- Sorry.” Idiot. Idiotidiotidiot.


Nami giggled and patted her shoulder. “It’s fine. Relax. Come on, let’s go. If I have to look at you for much longer without getting my hands on you, I might explode!” She slapped Caitlyn’s ass.


A sharp sting. As Caitlyn followed Nami downstairs, she ignored a flood of lust. It was just a feeling. Feelings can’t control her. Instead, she took pleasure in the joy Nami got from fondling her as the portal bubble whisked them away.




As colours swirled in a frenzy, Nami and Caitlyn made out. They lay on nothing, suspended above the swirling chaos, separated from it by only the warbling bottom of the bubble.


In contrast to the scales of her fingers, Nami’s lips were like a pair of clouds. They were a dream to kiss: soft, pump, and aggressive. Nami’s mouth knew what it wanted, and claimed it without a second thought. It helped distract Caitlyn from the fact people were going to watch her fuck again.


The way Nami described it, it seemed these people were used to her fucking in plain sight. But, was it fair for people to be used to such a thing? Stop that. Focus on your partner. Nothing else matters.


Caitlyn explored Nami's peculiar body. The vast majority of her body felt like a fish. Scaly, but still mostly smooth. 


Her arms and legs were rougher the further down you explored, starting soft on the forearms and thighs, and ending as rough like small stones. Her ass – too big to grab in full – almost felt scaleless, and jiggled only slightly when slapped. The rougher the skin, the more the muscle resisted her gropes. Groping her hands and feet was like trying to squeeze stone. 


A v-shape on the front of her torso - from belly button to shoulders - and her face were scaleless, with a texture like rubber. Nami could part the edges of the v-shape ever so slightly to reveal a set of dark green nipples. Fat and perky, they fit quite comfortably in Caitlyn’s mouth. Caressing her cheeks was like squeezing a rubber ball. She could pinch them as hard as possible, and get little more than a giggle out of her. The same was true of her breasts, but not her nipples.


As Caitlyn sucked on Nami’s breasts, Nami stroked her hair. “Bite my nipple.”


Caitlyn nodded and nipped the nipple.


Nami gasped. Her cock flexed against Caitlyn’s stomach. “Harder~”


Caitlyn gave a firm bite.


Nami bit her lips. “Fuck, harder!”

Caitlyn sunk her teeth in.


  “Yes!~” Nami shrieked. She seized Caitlyn’s shoulders, and flipped her over, slamming her down onto the nothing. The swirling colours danced in Nami’s emerald eyes, and a grin split her face. “You’re so much fun.”


Caitlyn caressed Nami’s hips – Nami had requested to be touched as much as possible. “Thank you, Nami.”


Nami’s grin faded. Sand appeared beneath Caitlyn’s back. The swirling colours vanished from Nami’s eyes.


Caitlyn clenched. “I’m sorry, Nami. Have I displeased you?”


  “What? No. It’s… Fuck, how do I say this politely? You’re, uh, you’re like a robot. No wait, that’s not fair on Orianna, or Camille. You’re… I just wish you’d be a bit more, uh. Emotive?”


  “Less restrained?”


  “Yes! That’s exactly what I mean. You only seem to do things if I ask you to, and when you do, you do it all, like, solemn. Like a… like a Tidecaller swimming down into the Rift. No, that wouldn’t make any sense to you, would it? Uh, like a… like a…”


  “I understand. You want me to be more enthusiastic.”


  “Ah, yes! You’re so good with words.”


  “Thank you.”


Nami perked up. “So you’ll do it?”


  “I’ll… try. My first concern is your pleasure, M- Nami.”


  “Why? We’re here to shshshsh. You’re not my sex slave.”


  “I’m sorry, but I live to serve. However, if you desire me to be more emotive, I will.”


Can I do that? Can I skirt a line between indulgence and duty? I suppose I’ll have to try…


Nami sighed. “I suppose that’s better than nothing. Come on.” She stood. “Let’s get in the water!”


  “Yes, Nami.”


Caitlyn got to her feet and found herself in paradise. Curved cliffs towered over a crescent-shaped beach of pristine, white sand. Crystal blue water lapped against the shore. Colages of differently coloured moss decorated the cliffsides. 


The cliffs extended out towards a flat, boundless ocean. From where they ended, to where they met the shores, fishing lines dangled into the waters. And a few ornate boats populated the shallows. The fisher folk at the far end were mere specks the size of ants. Caitlyn could see the excitement on the ones above the shore.


Whistles and cheers rained down on them.


  “Come to give us a show, Nami?” A man’s voice called.


  “Make her squeal!” A woman’s voice said.


A hundred other voices mixed into a formless, cacophony. Wading into the crystal, blue water, Nami waved to them, giggling. Caitlyn fought the urge to run and hide. Whores performed all the time. Why shouldn’t she?


Caitlyn’s approach towards the water was heralded by cheers, whistles, and laughter. Her cheeks burned hot red, despite her best efforts. She took a step into the water and froze. Ocean water was meant to be as cold as ice, but this water belonged in a heated pool, if not a jacuzzi. Caitlyn couldn’t help but stare as heated water lapped against her shins.


Nami regarded her with a lop-sided smile. “Well look at that. Emotion. I didn’t take you for the nervous type.”


  “I’m not, nervous. I’ve-”


  “You are.”


  “I’ve just never done it in front of so many.”


  “Ah, ignore them. Focus on me.” Nami put her arms around Caitlyn’s shoulders, drawing their faces close. “Enjoy yourself.”


Caitlyn nodded.


Nami pecked her nose. “Good girl. Now, stay there for just a moment.”


  “Okay, Nami.”


The three blue gems of Nami’s necklace glowed. Giving Caitlyn and half the fisher folk a fantastic view of her ass, she bent over and touched the water with her finger. Like pulling taffy, she drew a string of glowing water from the ocean. She moulded it with both hands into a sphere. She tapped it, and a bucket’s load of normal water fell back into the sea.


  “Here,” Nami held it out to her. “Put your head in.”


Caitlyn ignored her hesitance. “Okay, Nami.” When she poked her head inside, she found it empty. The bubble floated around her head of its own accord. Although it warbled slightly, distorting her view a touch, it was clear.


  “This will help you breathe underwater,” Nami said as if that made perfect sense.


Nami eyed the water lapping their calves with tender, fondness. She knelt, stroked the surface of the water, and closed her eyes. Her necklace shot three flares of blue light. They swirled around her legs, froze abruptly, and expanded into a veil from hip to foot. When the veil vanished, it revealed Nami’s legs as no longer legs, but as a fish’s tail. Her cock remained where it was, just below the navel.


With a splash and a laugh, Nami fell onto her back. “Ah, how do you stand it? Walking, I mean. Wobbling back and forth like that; so tiring!” She flicked the fin on the end of the tail, splashing Caitlyn. “Well don’t just stand there. Get undressed! Let’s have some fun~”


  “Yes, Nami,” Caitlyn said, and then immediately cursed herself. Enthusiasm, you stupid whore. Enthusiasm.


Trying to pretend as if she hadn’t done that, Caitlyn shrugged out of the dress. It fell the water. Caitlyn stepped out of it, and the current pulled it out to sea. Nami made no move to stop it.


  “Fuck…” Nami whispered, staring. “You’re so cute.”


  “Thank you.” Caitlyn put on her best smile. “May… May I suck your cock, Nami?”


Nami gestured to herself with a broad, sweeping gesture. Which Caitlyn took to mean as a yes. 


She lay on the ocean floor, propped up on her elbows, submerged below the waist. The sand cushioned her better than any bed, and the water made her feel weightless. Smiling, Caitlyn locked eyes with Nami and wrapped her lips around the fat tip.


It tasted of salt water. She struggled to keep her gummed teeth from touching it. A powerful throb, pulsed through her mouth.


Whoops and cheers reigned down on them. Out of the corner of her eye, Caitlyn swore she could see someone touching themselves.


  “Shit…” Nami stroked Caitlyn’s cheek with rock-hard, scaly fingers. “You look so pretty with a cock in your mouth.”


Caitlyn intended to do a lot more than look pretty, but she smiled with her eyes all the same. Her hands worked Nami’s shaft and balls, as she poured all of her mouth’s attention into the tip. The tip was like the clit of the cock. It’s where most of the pleasure comes from. Her tongue applied pressure to the front, while a twisting motion from her mouth worked the rest.


Nami melted. Her hand fell away from Caitlyn’s face as, with a moan, she lay on her back atop the water. The water held her weight with ease. It took a moment for Caitlyn to adjust to the bobbing of the waves, but when she did, Nami sang. 


She moaned in waves, peaking and then crashing into choked silence. She clawed at the sand, kicking a murky fog in the otherwise crystal-clear water. She slapped her tail, splashing Caitlyn with warm water.


The fisherfolk went silent. Caitlyn snuck peeks at them. They gawked at Nami. Many touched themselves. Some pleasured each other. They turned her to stone. The more she became aware of them, the stiffer her movements became. In some ways, their silent awe was worse. It left room for the calming sounds of the ocean, the whistling wind, the lapping of waves, the cries of sea birds, and the tolling of boat bells, and twisted them into reminders of their presence. Reminders of Caitlyn’s… the thing the whore inside her did… not her, but still, it had happened.


Nami wanted her to be assertive. Perhaps it was time to take advantage of the request.


Caitlyn pulled her mouth away. “Nami?” She whispered.


Nami blinked as if awoken from a deep sleep. “Huh? Wha…”


  “I want you to fuck me underwater. Deep underwater.”


Nami’s eyes widened. She grinned. “Of course! I- I mean, fuck, if your pussy is half as good as your mouth… what am I even wasting time speaking for, come on!” Nami flipped onto her belly and sped off out to sea.


In an instant she was gone, leaving Caitlyn to stare at the endless ocean. Awkwardly, she got to her feet and tried to run after her. The sand sucked her feet deeper, and the water felt as thick as pudding. Bounding so that her feet came up above the surface of the water seemed to work better, but that made her feel like an idiot.


A mile or so out to sea, Nami’s head poked above the water, appearing as small as an ant. It vanished again. A series of ripples rocketed across the water in Caitlyn’s direction. In no time at all, Nami emerged before her.


  “My bad.” She clutched the back of her head. “I forget how horrible humans are at swimming. Here.”


Nami pointed at Caitlyn’s bubble. It pulsed and expanded to surround all of her. It felt like she was suspended in the air, like she was falling while at a standstill. Nami flicked her wrist. Caitlyn was turned face down and submerged beneath the water. The bubble kept the water at bay and provided her with air to breathe. Little fish swam around her in small groups, nibbling at the sea floor.


  “Ready?” Nami asked. Her voice sounded like it was coming through a speaker inside the bubble.


  “For… what?”


Nami giggled. “You’ll see.” She flipped, pointed out towards the endless blue void of the open ocean, and rocketed off.


A heartbeat later, Caitlyn flew after her. People weren’t meant to travel so fast. The ocean, the sand, the fish, they all devolved into formless streaks of colour. A trail of bubbles chased her, rising to the surface. She had to shut her eyes to keep her stomach from lurching.


  “Hey, you can open your eyes. We’re here,” Nami said.


Caitlyn opened her eyes and found that she didn’t know the true meaning of paradise. More colours surrounded her than she thought possible. Shelves of coral reef expanded across the ocean floor in every direction, the colours of the rainbow. Fish and other sea life played among the coral, swimming this way and that, churning the very water as thousands of bodies moved about. Shafts of sunlight streamed down like skyscrapers, painting a patchwork of sunlight on the coral. It was like looking into a city-turned-kaleidoscope.


Nami touched the bubble and it retreated to Caitlyn’s head, exposing her naked body to water as warm as a hug on a winter’s night. Caitlyn looked above her head. No eyes, just the shimmering shapes of clouds.


  “Well…” Nami slid behind her and wrapped her arms around Caitlyn’s waist. “What do you think?”


  “It’s beautiful,” Caitlyn whispered.


  “You don’t say?” Nami took hold of Caitlyn’s breast and drew circles on her stomach. “What do you say we find a nice, comfy patch of coral, and get fucking nasty?”


Lust churned in Caitlyn’s belly. She normally should have resisted its call and kept a level head. But, Nami wanted her to appear excited, right? So, there’d be no harm in enjoying herself just a little.


  “Please,” Caitlyn whispered. She took a deep breath and spoke louder. “But take your time. I want this to last.”


  “I can do that. Count on it.” Nami ran her hands all over Caitlyn. “Oh, you’re so lean! I could spend hours exploring you.”


Caitlyn ground her ass against Nami’s cock. “Please do~”


  “Soon. Come on, I know the perfect place.”




Nami guided Caitlyn through a forest of coral. It covered the ground like a patchwork carpet, bridged arches overhead, reached for the sky as columns, and dotted everything like bushes that could grow at any angle. Nami constantly warned Caitlyn not to touch it. Apparently, it was sharp, even though they looked like sponges and clouds. The colours were so mesmerising it was hard not to touch, but Caitlyn resisted the urge. She was good at that, resisting. Whores had to be good at it, or risk becoming animals.


Hidden away on a cliffside covered in red coral bushes, a cave yawned. They swam up along the cliff, flying through the water. The cave wasn’t safe from the coral. Every inch was red, like the inside of a mouth. Nami cleared a space for them. The coral didn’t trouble her rock-hard hands.


Nami lay on her side on the cleared patch of a smooth stone. Propped up on an elbow, she grinned. Her finger glowed, and when she curled it, the bubble around Caitlyn’s head dragged her over.


Enthusiasm. Take initiative, but suggest what she wants. She seemed excited about my pussy before. Caitlyn knelt on the stone. “I want you inside me, Nami~”


Nami bit her lip. “Fuck, say that again.”


  “I- I want you inside me, Nami.”




  “In my pussy.”




  “So deep.”


Nami kissed her belly. 


Underwater, it felt odd. A kiss was meant to be wet, but everything was wet. So, it should have been the equivalent of a dry kiss. Only, it wasn’t.


Nami kissed her above her belly button. “I think I could get about this deep. Hmmm.” She kissed just below her ribs. “No, here. You’re quite small.”


Tentatively, Caitlyn allowed her heart to flutter. “Please…”


  “Well now, look at you getting all needy. You like them big, huh?”


  “Uh huh~”


  “Say it. Say, ‘I love getting railed by giant, fat cocks,’.”


  “I…” Caitlyn took a deep breath, and let the truth seep out. “I love getting railed by giant, fat cocks!”


Nami seized her face and smushed their lips together. “Fuck!” she gasped. “On your back, now! I can’t wait any more!”


Caitlyn flipped onto her back, and the water held her so that she hovered a few inches off the stone. In a flash, Nami swam between her legs. She spread them, stole greedy handfuls of her hips, and rammed her cock inside Caitlyn’s pussy.


Together, they gasped, and rode out dwindling moans. Bubbles rose from Nami’s gills and Caitlyn’s bubble. They danced around the two as they locked eyes. The blacks of Nami’s eyes made the green gleam. She burst out laughing.


  “Fuck, your tight!”


  “Y- You’re big…”


Having a giant cock inside her always made Caitlyn feel so small. Usually, it was exhilarating, but now it only threatened to steal her control. What if her mind melted? She’d become that person again. The one who… who…


Nami jostled her cock as she adjusted her position. A tiny movement. Caitlyn whimpered.


Nami giggled. “I heard you were sensitive, but damn, I barely moved.”

  “You’re… You’re just that amazing.”


  “Let’s see how amazing I can get, shall we?” Without waiting for a response, Nami started a rough, plodding rhythm.


She fucked Caitlyn the way a veteran woodworker hammers a nail. Slow, powerful strikes that exude confidence. Caitlyn’s pussy quivered with each thrust. Her clit tingled. And then sang when Nami rubbed it.


Nami’s fingers hurt wonderfully. Not much pain, but just enough to multiply the pleasure. Caitlyn’s pussy thanked her for it, and her mangled insides melted. Not her mind though. It wouldn’t. Not on her watch.


Caitlyn tried to move her hips, to sell her enthusiasm, of course. But, moving in the water proved difficult. Why was it that sometimes she could glide through it like air, and sometimes it acted like porridge?


Nami pressed her forehead against hers. “Relax. Let me do everything.”


  “B- But-”


  “Shhhh. All I want to hear leave your lips are moans. And maybe the occasional, ‘You’re so fucking big, Nami! Fill me with your cum!’. Think you can manage that?”


Caitlyn nodded. She let go of a little bit of her tension and allowed the moans to flow. They erupted. Words wanted to join them. They wanted to plead for more. Harder. Faster. In my ass. Down my throat. Too much. She needed to retain… she needed to… she-


Oh god, it felt so fucking good!


Caitlyn’s eyes rolled back. A grin split her face. She squeezed her tits together. “Fuck me, Nami! Fuckmefuckmefuckme! Harder, I want it harder! As hard as you can! Fucking ruin me!”


Nami roared with laughter. Bubbles erupted from her gills. She did exactly as she was told. Nami fucked Caitlyn so hard that her head rocked back and forth.


The world faded into blurs of every colour. Mostly green and blue, decorated by a rainbow of different colours on the fringes. Caitlyn didn’t know much. Only, that she came a lot. And, how and where it happened.


They fucked all over the coral reef. Nami pumped her pussy on the floor of the sea cave, blew her back out high above the sea floor as if hovering impossibly high in the sky, and upright amongst giant stalks of kelp that fluttered like banners in the wind. They fucked like bunnies in a huge ball of salmon, like lovers above a bottomless chasm, and like enemies inches from the surface. Nami fucked her throat, her hands, her pussy, and her ass, even between her thighs; anywhere her cock could be squeezed, Nami fucked it. 


On the surface, Caitlyn would have been a proper mess. But underwater, she could cry, splutter, and squirt as much as she wanted. Underwater, she could do whatever she wanted. Underwater, she was free.


Somehow, somewhen, they ended up back in the shallows, under the lusty gazes of the fisherfolk. Let them watch. Putting on a show made it all the more fun, and fun was all that mattered.


They fucked doggy style. Nami’s legs were back. She knelt behind Caitlyn, blowing her back out, plunging her pussy with that old, reliable rhythm. Slow, powerful, confident. It teased an orgasm out of her. Bit by bit, it drew the orgasm out of her, but nowhere near as fast as her body wanted.


  “Faster!” Caitlyn pleaded. “I wanna cuuuum!”


  “No, you’ll wait. I won’t much longer. Let’s make this last.”


  “I don’t care, I wanna cum! Please, Nami, let me cum!”


Nami slapped her ass. “Keep being a brat and I might just stop altogether.”


  “N- No!”


  “Maybe I’ll take a break. I am pretty tired, you know.”




  “Yeah, a break sounds pretty good. I’ll… I could recover and… and fuck y- you a while… a while… oh fuck~”


Nami’s cock twitched. She groaned, pulled out, and blew a fat load all over Caitlyn’s back. The first load flew, splattering between her shoulder blades, while the rest glazed her lower back and ass.


  “WHOOOOOOOO!” The fisherfolk cried as one. They erupted in laughter and chatter.


Caitlyn’s arms and legs gave out. She collapsed into the water. Little waves washed over. Warm, lovely, little waves. What a good fuck. The best she’d had in a while. Would her next partner…


Why was she smiling? Why was she happy? She just did it again! She lost control. Oh god, what if she’d done something horrible and stupid again? She wouldn’t even know! Her stupid, slut brain only remembered the good bits.


As Caitlyn felt as if she would start hyperventilating, Nami spooned her from behind. Warm. So warm. Soft and hard in all right places. A perfect mattress to hold her weight and unbreakable armour to keep her safe.


  “You’re perfect,” Nami whispered. “I almost don’t want to let you go.”


Caitlyn fought back tears. “Don’t. At least, not for a little while.”


  “Okay.” Nami kissed her cheek. “I’ll stay right here until Ahri is forced to come and get us.”


  “B- But, the rules.”


  “Ah, rules. Silly little things, I say. They’re just words.”


  “Important words.”


  “Sometimes. Not always.”

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Senna, The Redeemer. And cucks her husband, Lucian, The Purifier.

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