Caitlyn’s F*ta Obsession

Nidalee & Neeko

Caitlyn swayed her hips as she climbed the basement steps. “Lay them out on the couch. Neatly.”

  “Yes, Mommy!” 

Qiyana hurried past Caitlyn, clutching her officer’s uniform to her chest. Her ass put on a show of a lifetime. With each step, its broad cheeks bounced. Caitlyn whipped it with a slap as Qiyana passed her by, and basked in the princess’s shrill gasp. How it hurt to have to say goodbye. She could have pegged those perfect cheeks for hours.

Caitlyn arrived at the top of the stairs as Qiyana finished her chore. The officer’s dress, thigh straps, frilled choker collar, and tall hat sat in a neat pile, folded and straightened. As fun as it was to strip, doing so for every round would kill the novelty. Better to enjoy the freedom and satisfaction of nudity, and save stripping for special occasions.

  “Good job, Empress. Aren’t you so diligent?”

Qiyana beamed, and her shrivelled cock threatened to regain its monstrous size. “Thank you, Mommy.”

Caitlyn kissed her sweaty forehead. “Be a good girl and serve Gwen for a few hours. Tell her it's my way of saying thanks.”

  “Of course!” Qiyana fidgeted. “Uh… what are you saying thanks for, Mommy?”

  “She helped me realise something about myself. Now…” Caitlyn slapped Qiyana’s ass. “Get out of here before you make me lose control.”

Qiyana giggled and slipped through the double doors. Someone beyond the doors whistled. Two others laughed. One sultry laugh belonged to Ahri, but Caitlyn didn’t recognise the second. It sported a strange accent; musical. Not sweet and melodic, but rather smooth, with a flow like a dancer light on her feet. Graceful.

The doors opened, and two women entered. One human, the other reptilian. They both wore very little. 

A belt of fangs and rope supported the human’s leaf loincloth, which draped past her knees. A fur chest wrap hugged her breasts. They bulged over the top of the fur, squished against her chest. Apart from that, every inch of her bronze skin was on display. Four fang-shaped, white tattoos decorated each of her thighs as if a set of claws had seized her legs from behind. They were two on her slim waist too, as well as her shoulders.

An orange loincloth conformed to the curves of the reptilian hips. Thick stitches travelled up the sides, showing off triangles of green skin. A cropped low-cut top sported the same stitches. One of its shoulder straps hung loose. The reptilian paid it no mind. Twirling her blue hair, she looked Caitlyn over with wide, yellow eyes. Her plump lips remained fixed in a permanent o-shape, as her tail swished behind her head.

  “You are naked. Neeko sees this. Why?” the reptilian asked.

Caitlyn blinked. “Because… getting dressed between rounds is a hassle.”

  “Hassle? Hmmm…” Neeko furrowed her green brow. She had no scales, only smooth, leathery skin.

  “It means annoying,” the human said.

  “Ah! Thank you, friend Nidalee. But, it is not annoying. Is fun! Clothes are like painting with your body. Yes?”

  “I guess,” Caitlyn said. “But wouldn’t painting the same picture over and over again get boring?”

  “Neeko did not consider this thing…” Neeko whispered.

Nidalee chuckled. Her tied-up black hair jostled with the shake of her shoulders. She attacked Caitlyn with a smile. “You need a rest, cutie? Qiyana can be a lot. Trust me we’ve all been there.”

Caitlyn shrugged. “I found her to be quite amiable actually.”

Nidalee scoffed.

  “Is she not usually submissive?”

  “Miss Empress? Submissive? Not fucking likely.”

Caitlyn grinned. “I pegged her.”

  “No way!”

  “Really. I made her pick it out and everything.”

Nidalee laughed and clapped her hands. “Good shit! I would have paid good money to see that royal bitch whimper on your cock.”

Neeko’s loincloth shifted. “I would also pay this ‘good money’ to see this thing. Mistress Qiyana can be… not nice to Neeko.”

A sly smirk spread across Nidalee’s lips. She slung her arm around Neeko and guided her chin so that her large, yellow eyes looked up at her. The top of Neeko’s head was level with Nidalee’s collarbone.

  “Aww, what’s wrong? That gets you all worked up?”

Neeko’s green cheeks darkened. “Y- Yes. Neeko does feel, uh, worked up.”

  “I think someone needs to take care of you, sweetie.” Nidalee shot Caitlyn a glance. “Would you like her to help?”

Neeko shuffled her feet. “Yes.”

  “Don’t be rude. Ask her.”

  “Friend Caitlyn, would… would you help take care of Neeko?”

Caitlyn put on an innocent smile. “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean by that.”

That earned her a grin from Nidalee.

Neeko chewed her lip. “I mean sex.”

  “Oh! Sex, of course. But what kind?” Caitlyn cocked her head. “Would you like me to suck your cock?”

Neeko’s loincloth shifted.

  “I could… stick my tongue up your ass.”

The loincloth lifted.

  “Maybe, while Nidalee pounds your ass, I’ll ride you. Would you like that? To be the meat in our sandwich?”

Neeko pitched a full tent. “Y- Yes! Neeko would like that thing very much! Very very much, yes!”

Nidalee burst out laughing. “Aww, look who’s desperate for cock and pussy? Such a needy little slut. Isn’t she, Caitlyn?”

  “Oh, so needy.” Caitlyn approached Neeko from the other side. They shared a height. She slipped her arm around Neeko’s waist and nuzzled her neck. A tremble quivered Neeko’s skin. 

  “Do you think she’s earned such a treat?” Nidalee asked.

  “Not even close.”

  “Nowhere near close!”

  “But-” Neeko said.

Nidalee pressed a tanned finger against Neeko’s blue lips. “You can start by getting the portal ready. Our special spot. Can you do that?”

  “Neeko can do this thing!” Neeko made to run off

  “Uh,” Nidalee snapped. “What are you forgetting?”

Neeko rubbed her neck. “Oops. Sorry, friend Nidalee.” She stood on her toes, wrapped her arms around Nidalee’s neck, and kissed her.

The kiss lingered. Nidalee stole a handful of Neeko’s ass. Her thick, scaled tail stiffened. When they were done, Neeko spun around and threw herself at Caitlyn. Their lips locked before Caitlyn could react. Her tongue tasted of fruit, and she smelled like wet grass. Caitlyn closed her eyes, drew a deep breath of her scent, and held the kiss for as long as her lungs permitted.

Neeko pulled away right as Caitlyn’s lungs were about to pop. A silver string of spit connected their bottom lips. With a giggle, Neeko ran off towards the basement, fists pressed against her chest.

  “Wow…” Caitlyn said breathlessly.

  “You haven’t anything yet.”

Nidalee slapped Caitlyn’s ass and guided her by the waist to the basement.


The moment the portal’s bubble popped, sticky, moist air washed over Caitlyn’s naked body. It smelled sweet; a musty sweet, rather than a sugary sweet; a thick sweet. And it tasted like cut grass. Limp leaves clung to the souls of her feet as she stepped out of the ring. Hundreds of multicoloured birds hopped between the thin branches of trees which touched the sky. They sang thousands of songs. Beautiful, delicate songs, which when combined created a cacophony that bore down on Caitlyn with the weight of the world.

Neeko clapped and laughed. “Hello, bird friends!”

A bird tweeted at her. Ripples raced across Neeko’s face, and her head transformed into the bird’s. She tweeted at it, a little bouncing tune. The bird bobbed along with it.

  “Huh. Cool,” Caitlyn said.

  “That’s nothing. Just you wait.” Nidalee pulled Caitlyn up against her side. Their skin clung together.

Caitlyn lay her head on Nidalee’s shoulder. “Don’t make it a long wait.”


Nidalee cupped Caitlyn’s face and attacked her with a kiss. Caitlyn matched her beat for beat. She cupped Nidalee’s face with both hands, pushed her tongue back into her mouth, and nipped her lips.

Nidalee pulled away with a laugh. “Oh, I’m gonna fucking love you!” She slapped Caitlyn’s ass with both hands.


Arms linked, Nidalee and Caitlyn strolled through the jungle as Neeko sang with the birds. She scampered this way and that, and transformed her head into all sorts of bird heads. At one point, they came across a creature made of moss and stones. Ripples spread across Neeko’s whole body and she transformed into an exact replica of the creature. They danced a jig together until Nidalee hurried her along.

Possibilities swam in Caitlyn’s mind. Neeko could turn into Nidalee, and she could watch Nidalee fuck herself. Or she could transform into Caitlyn, and Caitlyn could fuck herself. Or, she could transform into Gwen, and gift her those unmatched thighs again. Or she could transform into Ahri, Camille, Illaoi, or even Kayle – and finally answer all the mysteries about her. If only I had longer with them to experiment.

A curtain of vines and flowers hung from the tree branches. It formed a circular veil the size of a large house. Nidalee and Neeko pressed their hands flat against the vines. Light-green light flashed across the vines. They parted and revealed an oasis.

The air crispened and thinned. Moss and grass replaced the carpet of leaves. Thousands and thousands of bird songs muted into a faint, blissful murmur. A cave sat in the middle of the oasis – its mouth yawned, speckled with hundreds of blue gems which twinkled like stars. A steam ducked beneath the vine veil and formed a pool of crystal clear water.

Neeko plucked a pink flower from the veil and placed it in her hair. “Welcome to our come, friend Caitlyn.”

  “You live here?”

  “When we can,” Nidalee said. Her cocky grin faltered for a split second. It flared twice as broad, and she squeezed Caitlyn’s waist. “Bet you’re fucking jealous, huh? Where do you live, an apartment?”

Caitlyn blushed. “We aren’t meant to talk about our lives outside.”

  “How convenient.”

  “Enough talks!” Neeko kissed Caitlyn long and hard, leaving her breathless. “It is time for pleasure.” She stole Nidalee and Caitlyn’s hands and dragged them towards the cave.

Giggling, Nidalee and Caitlyn allowed themselves to be dragged. A massive tent pitched Nidalee’s leaf loincloth, and Caitlyn’s insides churned.

The trio half-ran, half-walked down a stone corridor beneath the indecisive light of the gems. The corridor opened into a wide chamber. Woven carpets of every colour covered the floor, crude paintings hung from the walls, and a massive, square hammock hung in the centre of it all – Ropes as thick as Caitlyn’s arms suspended the hammock from the dome-shaped ceiling.

Vines covered a giant hole in the ceiling. Nidalee stole her hand back and clapped. The vines retracted. Sunlight poured through the hole. Gorgeous sky-blue light awakened within the gems, and blue patterns shifted across the walls.

Caitlyn spun Neeko around and switched positions with her. As Neeko let out a delighted giggle, Caitlyn fell onto the hammock and pulled Neeko down with her. They bounced and collapsed in a tangle on their sides. A wonderful, warm, soft tangle. Caitlyn pulled Neeko’s mouth to hers, sucked on her sweet tongue, and explored her curves. Neeko laughed with every kiss and gasped with every squeeze.

  “Wait for me. Greedy sluts,” Nidalee said. She leapt onto the hammock. It rocked like a ship on the high seas, untangling Caitlyn and Neeko. “Come on. Into the middle. It’s more stable there.” She crawled towards the centre.

As they crawled after her, Nidalee flashed Caitlyn a sly look. Her eyes gestured to Neeko, and then to the centre of the hammock. Caitlyn suppressed a laugh and nodded.

  “Hmmm, you speak with your eyes. Why do this strange thing? Oh! It is a human tradition, yes? I will do this thing too.” Neeko smiled with her eyes, which caused Caitlyn and Nidalee to burst out laughing. Neeko beamed. “I have done this thing!”

  “Y- You have, sweetheart,” Nidalee said. “Good job.”

  “Are you two a couple?” Caitlyn asked.

  “We are two, yes,” Neeko said seriously.

  “Yeah,” Nidalee said. “That a problem?”

  “Not at all! In fact… I think it’s a bonus for me. Is that strange?”

  “Not at all~”

Nidalee gave Caitlyn the same sly look as before. Together, they nodded and then pounced on Neeko. As she gasped and squealed, they stripped her. Caitlyn yanked her loincloth past her ankles. A sleek, pale-green cock whipped free, and a gaped dark-green asshole puckered. Nidalee lifted her cropped shirt over her head. Lime-green, perky tits bounced out.

  “Sh- Should I transform?” Neeko bit her lip.


Nidalee kissed the valley of her tits. “Only if you want to.”

  “Friend Caitlyn? Would you like this thing?”

Caitlyn touched her chin. “Well… it would be fun to see Gwen’s body again.”

  “Oh yes! Friend Gwen is very much pretty!”

Ripples raced across Neeko’s body. Her thighs tripled in size, her breasts shrunk, and her cock became a pale monster. A perfect replica of Gwen smiled. “Is this good?” she asked with Gwen’s pitched voice.

Caitlyn squeezed her thighs. Soft like pillows. Exactly as she remembered them. “Fuck yes, it is…”

  “You captured her beauty perfectly, sweetheart.” Nidalee kissed her. “Now, let us take care of you.”

Neeko bit her lip again and nodded. Without a word, Caitlyn and Nidalee descended on her with their mouths. Nidalee gagged on her giant cock and massaged her smooth, hairless balls. While Caitlyn spread her legs and stuck her tongue deep inside her ass. Gwen-Neeko melted. She collapsed onto her back, back arched, as a giggled moan escaped her lips.

  “F- Friends… It is so good~”

Patterns of blue, gem-light meandered across Gwen-Neeko’s skin. They warped around the curve of her hips, lay flat against the back of her thighs, and rippled over her pale abs. Her milk-white skin glowed when contrasted with them as if she were an angel come to visit Runeterra.

Gwen-Neeko whimpered. Her cock heaved, and her ass squeezed Caitlyn’s tongue. Nidalee and Caitlyn pulled away. 

Split glazed Nidalee’s chin. “Not yet, sweetheart.” She wiped her mouth with her forearm.

  “I- I agree with this thing,” Gwen-Neeko said. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” Nidalee kissed her forehead.

Caitlyn lay on her back. “Apologise by eating me out.” 

Gwen-Neeko bit her plump, pink lip.

  “Bullshit. Why do I have to go last?” Nidalee asked.

  “Should have asked quicker.”

  “This is my hammock.”

  “Let’s let Neeko decide, shall we?”

Nidalee crossed her arms and gave Gwen-Neeko an expectant look.

Gwen-Neeko twirled her blue curls around her finger. “Well… I have not yet tasted friend Caitlyn’s pussy… Sorry, friend Nidalee.”

Nidalee’s scowl twitched.

  “Oh, come on. You can’t say no to that. She’s adorable.”

  “Fine. But you two are worshipping my cock after.”


  “I will do that thing!” Gwen-Neeko exclaimed.

Nidalee’s scowl melted into a soft smile. She caressed Gwen-Neeko’s high cheekbone. “And you’ll be excellent. Now, don’t keep our guest waiting. That’s considered rude, remember?”

Gwen-Neeko’s mismatched eyes widened. “Oh, yes! Sorry, friend Caitlyn.”

  “No prob-”

Gwen-Neeko dove between Caitlyn’s legs. She spread them, pushed their knees against the hammock, and cupped Caitlyn’s pussy with her hot, wet mouth. As she sucked and applied pressure to Caitlyn’s clit, her tongue slipped inside.

Caitlyn gritted her teeth. A surge of dominance gripped her. She leaned forward and claimed a handful of Gwen-Neeko’s enormous, milk-white ass. It filled her palm, bulged between her fingers, and bulged at the slightest touch. Gwen-Neeko’s tongue flicked her clit. A choked moan burst free.

Nidalee raised an eyebrow. “Good?”

  “U- Uh huh~”

  “Oh, fuck yes. Keep that look on your face.” Nidalee slipped off her leaf loincloth. “So fucking hot.”

Her cock curved to the left, ever so slightly. Bronze, and as thick as an iron rod, it could stand toe to toe with some of the worst monsters Caitlyn had taken. As she lifted her fur bra over her head with one hand, she stroked her cock with the other; or more like, she massaged what her small hand managed to grasp of the tip. The bra hid her tits’ true size. They dropped free with a jiggle, each the size of Nidalee's head. Bone piercings decorated her flat, brown nipples.

Pleasure melted Caitlyn’s insides. “I… I wanna suck on them.” She reached for Nidalee’s breasts.

  “What do you say?”

Caitlyn groaned.

  “No, not ‘ohhhhh’. Where are those famous manners of yours?”

  “P- Please!”

  “Needy slut. There’s no need to shout. Try again.”

  “Please… Please let me suck your tits,” Caitlyn whimpered.

  “There’s a good little cum slut.”

Nidalee knelt beside Gwen-Neeko’s head, grasped the back of Caitlyn’s head, and smushed her face against her tits. They enveloped Caitlyn’s head. Warmth radiated from all directions. She smelt of salt, grass, and the untameable jungle. When Nidalee let go, Caitlyn scrambled to get her nipple into her mouth. It grew. The bone piercing pressed against her tongue. Caitlyn sucked on it and pinched the other.

Nidalee gasped. “You whore! You… oh~… you fucking… cum slut. You’re gonna take both our loads aren’t you? Greedy bitch. It’s what everyone says. You love cum, and cock, and getting your back blown out. You were fucking made for this, weren’t you?”

Caitlyn lifted her head. “Y- You know it. But so were you.” Quick as a flash, she grasped Nidalee’s cock. It throbbed against her palm, warm as a towel fresh from the dryer, and just as soft.

  “Wrong. I was made to fuck little sluts like you.” Nidalee slapped Gwen-Neeko’s ass. “And her.”

Gwen-Neeko gasped, lifted her head, and blushed.

  “Enough fucking around. Get those mouths on my cock. Now.”

  “Y- Yes, friend Nidalee!”

  “But I haven’t cum yet,” Caitlyn grumbled.

  “Don’t care. We’ll have you squirting buckets in no time. But now? It’s my turn, sluts.”

Butterflies fluttered in Caitlyn’s stomach. “Yes ma’am~” She grinned and shoved Nidalee.

With a shout, Nidalee fell onto her back. Caitlyn and Gwen-Neeko shared a giggle and attacked her cock. They kissed it from either side, fondled a ball each, and stroked separate halves of her shaft. Their lips touched as they wrapped around her tip.

  “Fuck!” Nidalee slapped their asses. “Fuck!

Caitlyn and Gwen-Neeko locked eyes over the top of the cock. Gwen-Neeko’s smiled. Caitlyn pierced them with a domineering glare. Gwen-Neeko quivered and retreated, allowing Caitlyn first dibs on sucking the tip. It pressed her tongue flat against the bottom of her mouth and leaked sweet precum.

Gwen-Neeko made to suck on the balls, but Nidalee cupped her cheek and met her eyes. “You don’t have to stay like that, you know. You… uh~… you…”

Gwen-Neeko smiled and patted the back of Nidalee’s bronze hand. “It is okay, friend Nidalee. I enjoy this form.”

Caitlyn lifted her head. “Transform into her. That would be so hot.”

  “Neeko, you can be-”

Ripples raced across Gwen-Neeko’s skin. Pale flesh turned bronze. Her curves sleeked, her breasts grew, and her ass and thighs shrunk. Her cock, however, stayed the same size. Nidalee-Neeko flashed Nidalee a smirk and deep-throated her cock.

Caitlyn stared. An exact replica of Nidalee sucked Nidalee’s cock. Her brain refused to accept what it saw.

Nidalee’s face melted hesitantly. “Th- This is… uh…”

  “You’ve never done this before?”

  “N- no… fuck, that feels good! But it’s so fucking weird!”

Caitlyn’s fingers slipped between her legs. “I think this is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” she whispered.

Nidalee’s head lolled back. Her back arched. She clenched fistfuls of the hammock.

Caitlyn played with herself furiously. Gods, it was so hot! It was like watching twins fucking. Which should have been disgusting. But it wasn’t. It was amazing!

  “Neeko, baby. I’m… I’m gonna cum…”

Nidalee-Neeko tore herself away from Nidalee’s cock with a gasp and splutter. Her eyes met Caitlyn. She giggled. “I think friend Caitlyn is ready for more. Don’t you agree?”

  “U- Uh huh. Oh! Turn in to her and let her ride your cock. I’ve gotta see that!”

Nidalee-Neeko touched her chin. “But, friend Caitlyn does not have a cock. This is a tricky thing you ask.”

  “Please, sweetheart. Give it your best shot. For me.”

Nidalee-Neeko giggled. She pecked Nidalee's forehead. “Now who is being… how do you say it? A needly slut.”

Nidalee smirked. “Watch yourself, or I’ll fuck you.”

Nidalee-Neeko cocked her head. “That is not a threat.” Ripples raced across her skin and she transformed into Caitlyn with a cock. The cock shrank to match Neeko’s original size. 

  “Holy shit…” Caitlyn said. “Do I really have that many welts?” She touched her body.

Nidalee sat up. “Yup.”

  “I look like I’ve been through hell and back.”

  “Hmmm, that is a correct thing you say,” Caitlyn-Neeko said. “Hell is bad, yes?”

  “Yes, sweetheart.”

Caitlyn-Neeko beamed.

  “Well, go on.” Nidalee nodded to Caitlyn-Neeko. “Don’t keep her waiting.”


After Caitlyn-Neeko lay on her back, Caitlyn prodded her shoulder. She felt exactly like her. It was as if she’d touched her own shoulder, but only it wasn’t her shoulder, it was someone else's, but also hers, but also not, but also… Caitlyn held her head. “Gods, this is too much.”

Nidalee laughed. “Just wait until she’s inside you.”

  “I can change into someone else, if you’d prefer, friend Caitlyn.”

  “No!” Caitlyn and Nidalee yelled.

Caitlyn-Neeko giggled. A different voice than Caitlyn’s left her mouth. Caitlyn’s head spun.

  “Please do not make me wait, friend Caitlyn. I am very much horny.”

Caitlyn held her head and chuckled. “My bad, give me a second. This is just so… odd.”

  “I can not give you a second, friend Caitlyn.”

  “No, I meant-”

  “Oh, move over,” Nidalee said. “I’ll get us started.” She crawled between Caitlyn-Neeko’s legs, spread them, and eased inside her ass.

Caitlyn-Neeko’s pink asshole gaped. Her toned belly bulged. And her blue eyes rolled back into her head. She whimpered. “So big~”

Caitlyn grasped her cock as it flopped. That, at least, didn’t make her mind spin. Although, the sight of her groin without a pussy was still uncanny. She stroked the cock and thumbed the uncut tip. “Wait for me to get her hard, will you?”

Nidalee clenched her jaw. “Fine. But hurry up. She’s so fucking tight.”

  “I- I would also like to start this thing soon, friend C- Caitlyn,” Caitlyn-Neeko said.

Gradually, Caitlyn-Neeko’s cock hardened again. Caitlyn mounted. Her pussy welcomed her cock. It didn’t bulge her belly, stretch her to the limit, or melt her mind, but it was comfortable like a hug from an old friend. Caitlyn forced herself to look herself in the eyes. Something stirred in her belly.

  “I’m fucking myself…”

  “No? Really? Wow,” Nidalee said.

  “Actually, friend Caitlyn, you haven’t started yet. And I am not you. I am me. You are you.”

  “That’s enough out of both of you,” Nidalee said. “Shut up and moan like good little whores.” She seized Caitlyn-Neeko’s hips and attacked her with a frantic rhythm.

Caitlyn-Neeko did as she was told. She moaned. And wailed, whimpered, groaned, and grunted. Each rapid thrust drew a new sound out of her mouth.

Caitlyn gulped, leaned against the copy of her shoulders, and bounced her hips against Nidalee’s rhythm. When Nidalee thrusted, she lifted. When Nidalee pulled out, she thrusted. Double-time impacts rocked Caitlyn-Neeko’s body from two different angles. The hammock bounced and shifted. It threatened to throw her off, but as if riding a bike, Caitlyn’s body accounted for the motion and kept her planted. A good thing too because Neeko felt amazing.

As Caitlyn and Caitlyn-Neeko moaned and whined, Nidalee roared with laughter. “That’s it!” She slapped Caitlyn’s ass. “Who loves cock?”

  “We do!” Caitlyn and Caitlyn-Neeko cried.


  “We do!

  “Fuck!~ Louder!”

  “WE DO!”

Nidalee pulled Caitlyn into a vice-grip hug and erupted into a hyper rhythm. “I SAID FUCKING LOUDER!” she moaned.


Nidalee gasped. She froze and then went limp against Caitlyn’s back. She let out a long, wavered moan. A sweet, meaty smell dominated the air.

Panting, Caitlyn-Neeko giggled. “A- Already, friend Nidalee?”

  “Shut… up…” Nidalee whimpered.

Caitlyn looked over her shoulder. “Gods, you’re cumming fucking buckets!” 

Wave after wave of cum squirted out from the thin gaps Nidalee’s cock afforded Caitlyn-Neeko’s ass. Her ass. Caitlyn watched her own ass squirt cum.

  “Neeko…” Caitlyn said.

  “Hm? Yes, friend Caitlyn?”

  “I need you to fuck me as hard as you can. Right. Now.”

Caitlyn-Neeko perked up. “Oh yes, okay!”

Caitlyn dismounted. The cock slipped from her pussy. Caitlyn-Neeko let out a gasp as Nidalee pulled out. Nidalee collapsed on her back. A thick rope of cum erupted from her cock, arched in the air, and splattered her huge tits. Her cock limped and she sighed.

Giggling, Caitlyn-Neeko crawled over to Caitlyn, shoved her onto her back, and got between her legs.

Caitlyn’s stomach did a flip. “W- Wait. Can you transform? This is too much…”

  “I can be anything,” Caitlyn-Neeko said.

  “Including yourself,” Nidalee managed to say.

Caitlyn-Neeko’s eye twitched. She smiled. “What would you like me to be, friend Caitlyn?”

Camille would be fun, or Illaoi, and oh gods what she would do to fuck Vi again, but… “You, Neeko.” Caitlyn caressed her cheek. “I want you.”

Caitlyn-Neeko dodged her eyes. “But I’m not human…”


  “Humans are so pretty. You are subtle. The jungle, she shows off with her flashy colours. But humans? You save colours for your eyes and hair, while the rest of you is this thing.” She gestured to all of Caitlyn. “Shades of white and brown, of the dirt. The jungle, she needs her colours, for without them she would not be a pretty thing. She would be boring. She would be dull. Not humans. Humans have curves.” She caressed Caitlyn’s hips. “Tough bits.” She squeezed Caitlyn's abs. “Squishy bits.” She squeezed her breasts. “You are beauty without words. Beauty is your nature.” Ripples spread across Neeko’s body and she transformed back into herself. “It is not mine, that is why I am so bright.”

Caitlyn sat up. “You’re beautiful, Neeko.”

  “You do not have to say this nice thing.”

  “But I will, because it is true. You have curves.” She glided her hands over Neeko’s sleek, green curves and the curled, blue patterns that adorned them. “Tough bits.” She kneaded her abs with her thumbs. “Soft bits.” She squeezed Neeko’s perky breasts. “And even if you didn’t, it wouldn’t matter. Your voice is a song. Your body is a sculpture. Your skin is a painting. Your eyes are a light show. You’re art, Neeko. Art made manifest. Art is the epitome of beauty. And what is art without colour?”

Tears welled in Neeko’s wide, yellow eyes. Her green, heart-shaped face scrunched. Trembles quivered her blue, bottom lip. “You mean this thing, friend Caitlyn?”

  “I do.”

Neeko flung her arms around Caitlyn, wrapped her tail around her, and pulled her into a kiss. Their lips locked, warm and soft. Their tongues pressed against each other, wet and sweet. Their breath intermingled, choked and sharp. Caitlyn held Neeko’s lower back and eased them onto the hammock.

With a single, elegant motion, Neeko entered her. Caitlyn whimpered and Neeko giggled.





  “Rough still? Or gentle?”


  “Gentle. Please take your time.”

Kiss. Kiss. Kiss.

  “Okay, friend Caitlyn.”

Neeko settled into a steady pace. Her tip massaged the inside of her pussy as her balls tapped her asshole. It knew all of the right spots. And held back. It skirted around them, bold and cruel. Lust welled in Caitlyn’s chest. Depserate, needy lust. It built and built, expanded and expanded, and applied more and more pressure until she was ready to burst. When the cry came, Neeko struck. She hit a sensitive spot. Relief and euphoria flooded through Caitlyn. She moaned and laughed. They kissed. And then started all over again.

Each burst of relief brought her closer to the edge.

At the cusp of an orgasm, Neeko lingered. As Caitlyn whimpered, begged, arched her back, and curled her toes, Neeko held back. A grin spread across her lips.

  “You want to cum?”

  “I wanna…

  “Have you been a good girl?”


  “Hmm. Good girls use their manners, yes?”

  “Please let me cum, Neeko! Please!

Neeko giggled, slammed her balls against Caitlyn’s asshole, and touched her deepest sweet spot. Caitlyn spasmed. Her pussy clenched in waves as pleasure erupted up her spine, down her arms and legs, and to the ends of her fingers and toes. Electric tingles flowed like water.

Neeko’s pace didn’t falter. “Good, friend Caitlyn?”

  “U- Uh huh~” 

  “Then we shall do this thing again.”

Neeko made Caitlyn cum three more times that day. Each was more powerful than the last. And when she finally did cum, Caitlyn could have sworn it was more so out of mercy than out of necessity. Nidalee didn’t believe in mercy. She fucked Caitlyn’s ass until it was raw, then her pussy, then her mouth, and only then did she glaze Caitlyn’s face and tits.

They took so long that Ahri showed up halfway through. Neeko talked her down. She sucked her off in Caitlyn’s periphery for the rest of the session. Ahri and Nidalee came at the same time.

After everything, Caitlyn could hardly breathe. Still, she would have gone another round if she’d been allowed.

Thanks for reading! Feedback is appreciated <3

Next chapter, Caitlyn fucks Zyra, The Rise of Thorns

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