Calamity In One Punch Man World

Chapter 39 – The Great Peril

Soz for late chap, my homework is piled up... whos fault u think? >:(

3rd POV



Is the only way to describe the situation.

And in the middle of that emptiness, a girl can be seen floating while gazing at the void, emotionless...

She then pondered,


Where... am I...


The girl switched her gaze to left and right slowly.

But the scenery was still the same.

An empty void.


I definitely was talking to someone before...

But that someone is... who?...


At the same time



A green haired girl was talking to herself while floating in disbelief.

Her name was Tatsumaki.

She then continues,


"So this is Rena's... true form..."

Tatsumaki was now looking at the giant creature in front of her.


The giant creature has a height of around 100 meters with its body covered with purple metallic scales.

At the center of its front body, had a big red crystal that was glowing with a bright red color.

Its head had two horns that goes to the front then grew upwards.

The head was that dragon-like but with purple metallic scales.

The back of its body had a long big tail with sharp white crystals growing from it.

And lastly, a pair of wings that was made from a big chunk of crystal, carved into dragon-like wings.


The monster is now gazing at the sky, without moving an inch.

As if it was gazing at the void of nothingness.

The monster slowly switched its gaze to Tatsumaki.

After both of them had eye contact, the monster's red eye is glowing.

Soon after, Tatsumaki's body is trembling.

Trembled with a fear that she can't control.


What is this...

It's as if, I was looking at the death itself.

My body, can't stop trembling.

Tatsumaki pondered.


The giant monster immediately let out a big roar and suddenly...

It disappeared.

Leaving the dumbfounded Tatsumaki behind, slowly recovering from the fear.





A City


The monster was teleported at the up of the A City.

It was looking at the city with a desire for destruction.

And at the same time, at the top of the Hero Association building, few figures can be seen.

They are "Dimension Walkers".

I decide to call them that since their information is still unknown.

And the one in front of them is, the leading figure of the Heroes, the famous S class and the top of all Heroes, Blast.


"Everyone, are you ready? this time we can't fail no matter what"

Blast spoke, crossing his hand while looking at the giant monster that was flying at the top of the A City.


"Humph, needless worry. This is not her full power so of course, all of us can handle it with no problem."

One of the figures spoke. She then continues,

"Although, you are the one who should make the correct decision this time."


Blast then scratched his hair then spoke,

"Well, I guess you're right"


Their conversation suddenly got cut by one of the figures.

"There's no time to chit chat, the breath is coming! quick, deploy the barrier!"

He screamed.


"You don't need to tell me, HAA!"

Soon after, the entire A City was covered in a large pink barrier.


A few moments after, the monster finished its charge and let out its plasma breath.




The breath finally had contact with the barrier.

But suddenly,





The plasma breath breached the barrier.

The breath immediately had direct contact with the A City.




At this moment...

The expression of the figures was in disbelief.

And so did Blast.


"You... kidding..."

One of the figures slowly spoke. She then continues,

"My barrier, A City is... destroyed... THIS ISN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!"


With a single breath of the giant monster, A City is 99% destroyed.

Only the Hero Association remains.

Although it's only barely.


"Blast what in the world is happening?!"

One of the figures asked.


"I... don't know. But one thing for sure, this time, an unexpected had happened."

Blast answered.



The other figures spoke.


Blast immediately snapped.


"Yeah, it's not time to be dumbfounded. I'm counting on you guys,"

Blast spoke and teleported away.


After Blast has left, they immediately prepared themself to fight against giant monster.




Blast POV


Amanozako Rena.

Her origins are unknown

Where she came from is also unknown.

All we know is, she was the sole reason for the destruction of the earth.

We Dimension Walkers have walked through many different timelines for several years.

90% of it was destroyed by a single creature called "Amanozako Rena" as known as "Dark Monarch".

And 10% of it was protected by an almighty figure of a Hero whose face is also unknown.

Whenever we tried to see his face, the sun always immediately got bright.

It's as if the sun were trying to cover his face.

Or maybe the light got reflected by something...

Although only a little bit, I saw the light was reflected from, his head?

Anyway, due to our lack of information, we can't find out who this almighty Hero is.

Just like that, we gave up on that option.

As far as the information we Dimension Walkers have gathered, Rena was a monster who tried to live a life of a Human which she had failed miserably.

At first, we don't know the reason behind that but after a few more years of research, we finally found out why.


She is the reason why Amanozako Rena goes berserk.


"I need to find her soon before its too late,"

I spoke while running at an insane speed.


Not soon after, I finally reached Tatsumaki's house.

I knocked on the front door 3 times and wait for the answer.

But after waiting for a few seconds, no answer came.

I tried to open the door but it's locked.

So I forced my way by kicking the door.




Its worked.

I immediately saw a little girl immediately looked at me with a surprised face.

Her tears were still visible on her face.



I spoke.


"E-eh, B-blast! I-I'm sorry for not opening the door. I-I didn't know it was you,"

Tatsumaki stood while wiping away her tears with her clothes.


"Also, sorry for showing you my unsightly side. *ehem* is there anything you need, Blast? should I make some tea?"

The girl tried hard to go back to her usual tone.


"No, it's fine."

I shake my head.


I immediately glanced around the house then pondered,

What a mess... her emotion must be also unstable.


"The reason why I'm here, is to apologize to you for what I've said at that time."

I spoke, bowed my head down. And continues,

"It's my bad, I didn't know my word was affecting you so much."


"A-apologize, what do you mean..."

Tatsumaki asked.


I straightened my pose and looked at Tatsumaki in the eyes.

She tries so hard to hold down her tears in front of me... what a poor girl.

And it's all, was my fault.


"Tatsumaki, what makes people a Hero?"

I asked with a serious tone.


"W-why so sudden, o-of course, someone who managed to kill many monsters alo-"


"No, wrong."

I spoke, cutting Tatsumaki's answer.


"Tatsumaki, A Hero is, someone who can protect other people's dreams. They are willing to sacrifice themselves to protect those what's precious to others even if they didn't deem it as something important to them. But you know Tatsumaki, Hero can't also ignore their own feeling. Since if they did, they are no longer human but a machine. Hero protects other people's hearts, dreams, family... They wouldn't let others fall and succumb to darkness. And if they managed to do so, they were already a Hero in others' hearts. What I'm trying to say here is, Tatsumaki... the way you just go here and there massacring monsters while ignoring your own feeling is not Heroic"

I explained.


Tatsumaki was silenced for a moment.

She then spoke,


"So you trying to say don't ignore my feeling and proceed to go with it? BUT! IF I WERE TO DO THAT, IT WOULD MAKE ME BECOME A VILLAIN! I WILL NO LONGER A HERO, LIKE YOU!"

Tatsumaki screamed. Her tears beginning to fall.


I smiled, then slowly walked to Tatsumaki.

I then crouched down to make my height was the same as hers.

I then spoke in a calm tone,

"Do you know Tatsumaki, even a Villain can be a Hero sometimes. That's why Tatsumaki, could you please remove that mindset of yours and embrace the new you?"

I patted Tatsumaki's head.


"B-but, if I were to do that, *sob* m-many people will not accept that for sure! how you want me to handle it!"

Tatsumaki asked, her voice was trembling hard.


"Who cares about others, isn't there already someone who would accept you no matter how you became?"

I replied.


Tatsumaki's eyes widened.

She then had flashbacks about the time she spends with Rena.

All of its moment immediately falls to Tatsumaki Head.

She no longer can hold her own tears and burst out crying.


A few moments had passed, she suddenly spoke,

"Sorry Blast, it seems there's something I need to do."


"Yeah, go for it!"

I give her a thumbs up.


"Thank you, if you didn't save me at that time, I couldn't feel what its meant to be loved and love others. I really... thankful for that."

Tatsumaki spoke, smiling.

I also followed.


She then nodded and immediately dashed away with her psychic power.


Silence immediately descends over the room.

I slowly walked to the front door and fix the broken door.

I then pondered,


I'm counting on you, Tatsumaki!




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