Calamity In One Punch Man World

Chapter 43 – The Aftermath (Season 1 End)

Heyya! Sorry for taking so long. Anyway, as for our last chap for season 1, I already put the art about our beloved mc, Rena! make sure this site is loaded perfectly so the pic is shown. Tho, if it still didn't show, search for my comment in the comment section because I also put the link to the pic there so you guys can see it from there!. I'm not a full-time artist so don't expect too much tho. And lastly... don't ask how long it takes :D


1st POV


After Tatsumaki confessed her true feelings to me, several days passed.

But a few days before that, a guy in glasses from Hero Association came to Tat-Chan's house and ask for her presence at Hero Association.

Tatsumaki keeps looking at me because she worried that I didn't like her coming back to that place.

But I shake my head while saying,

"Go ahead, I will wait for you at home my beloved..."


She immediately blushed after hearing my sentence and smiled.

She then give me a kiss on my cheek then spoke,

"I'll be back."



I replied smiling.


Meanwhile, the guy in glasses is just confused about our relationship,

But we decided to ignore him and laughed it off.

Just like that, Tat-Chan walked out and waved her hand at me.


"Take care,"

I spoke, waving my hand.




"Good grief, they really can't spare time for an S-Class hero, aren't they?"

I spoke sighing.


Also, I decide to let Tatsumaki continue her Hero career.

She asked why, but I just answered that her feelings alone were enough to make me happy.

She then decided to just believe me and continue her Hero career.


After she reached Hero Association, she immediately got scolded because she was absent from a big attack and kept rejecting their phone calls.

Because of that, she was punished by helping Dr. Bofoi A.K.A. Metal Knight to build a new Hero Association base on A City.

They collect the remnants of the creatures that the flying giant monster summoned.

Metal Man said that those scales are good materials for the new Hero Association Base.

Also, after my house is gone(destroyed), Tat-Chan said that I could live in her house.

Of course, she also allows Nyan and Black Sperm to come by.

Even though they are dangerous being for humanity, she still allows them in because she thought they are my precious pet.


"Pet, huh..."

I spoke then let out a sigh.



A sudden voice came.


My mood suddenly went up.

"Nyan, welcome home~"

I spoke.


Nyan immediately turns back to his original form.

"This isn't our real home thought,"

He replied.


"There there, by the way, where's Black Sperm?"

I asked.


"Ah, He... you will know once you turn on the TV."

He answered while trying to avoid my gaze. He then continues,

"Anyway, where's my catnip at..."


"Gosh, you really are..."

I can't help but smile as he walks away. I then continue,

"TV huh..."


I glanced at the TV in the living room and walked there.

I grabbed the remote and sit while grabbing myself some snacks with my psychic power.

Then I turn on the TV.



"After the invasion of the giant humanoid dragon, or we decide to call it [Dragnoid], there's another invasion from a Dragon-Leveled monster called [Black Sperm] in the D City who seems like-"


I immediately switched the channel.


"Hahahaha, they were unable to properly defend the city because I, Amai Mask wasn't there. If I-"


I switched the channel again.


"About Dragnoid, it-"


"The next topic, about why the giant flying-"



I immediately turned off the TV.


I then laid my head on the sofa while looking at the ceiling.

I then start pondering,


Dragon... eh...

The reason why I reincarnated in this world is that I saved a kid who god deemed an important figure in the future.

Because of that, god decides to fulfill my wish,

And the wish is the one when I'm still in my eighth-grade syndrome phase.

Or known as chuunibyou.

That's why I'm here.

But not as a normal human...


At first, I was happy that I can experience something new, something different.

I thought I finally can get rid of my boredom with this.

That's why I can't help but act like a kid who just got a new toy.

Because it's an experience I never felt before in my life.


I slowly changed my gaze to Nyan who happily burying his own body in the pile of catnips I present him a few days ago.


Sometimes, I was thinking, if I were reborn as a normal human, what would happen instead...

Did being reborn as a monster makes me regret something?

I keep ponder and ponder, and without realizing it, time passed.

And now, I know the exact answer to my question.

Because I was a monster, I met them.

Nyan, Black Sperm, Psykos, Genos, Tatsumaki...

I don't think I can met all of them if I were a human.

That's why, I don't regret it.



I called him.



Nyan poked out his head from the pile of catnip.


"Can you come over here for a moment?"

I spoke.


Nyan then silently walked to the living room in his cat form.

After he reach the living room, he immediately jumped to the desk and spoke,

"Need something?"


I then cloaked him in psychic power and bring him to my embrace.


He screamed whilst trying hard to break free from me.


"Can we... stay like this for a moment?"

I spoke with a calm tone.



No words can be heard from Nyan.

He then let out a sigh then spoke,

"just a little while okay?..."


I immediately let out a small giggle and proceed to close my eyes.

Just like that, after a long time, I got myself a good nap.




A Few Days Later

3rd POV



A door noise can be heard.


"I'm home,"

Tatsumaki spoke after entering. She then continues,

"Ren-Chan?... Fubuki?..."


No one answered.



With a worried expression, she starts walking to the bedroom upstairs.


After she reached the door, she slowly open it then spoke,


"Ren- WOAH!"

Tatsumaki was immediately surprised by how fast she got grabbed after entering the room.


After Tatsumaki was grabbed to the bed, the door shut.



And was immediately locked.


After Tatsumaki opened her eyes, she was greeted by Rena who was above her holding both of her hands.


Tatsumaki can't help but ask.

"R-ren-Chan? what are you doing?"


"I've been holding back this entire time... But I can't hold it any longer..."

Rena answered.


"What do y-"

Without letting Tatsumaki continue her sentence, Rena starts kissing her.

But it does not stop there.


Rena starts moving her tongue while kissing.

Making Tatsumaki's face even redder.

Tatsumaki got one of her hands free from Rena's grip and pushed Rena's face a little bit to get some space.


"Wait, Ren-"

But that didn't stop her.


Rena keep forcing her mouth like a beast who just lost control of their body.

Tatsumaki's face gets redder and redder while still trying to push her face off.

And finally, she dropped her hand and gave up.




A few moments after, Rena finally let go of her kiss.

Both of their faces are red while letting out a heavy breaths.


*pant* *pant*


And suddenly, Rena starts spoke,

"Can I do it now?"


"Eh? *pant* *pant*"

Tatsumaki replied.


"You already know my true self, and still accepting it. I don't think I need to hold it back any longer,"

Rena's hand slowly moved towards her waist, and soon reached her pants.


"kya- w-wait! Ren-Chan, I think it's too fa- anh-"


Tatsumaki can't help but immediately close her mouth with her both hands.

And Rena giggled at Tatsumaki's action.

Soon after, Tatsumaki slowly removed her hand from his mouth.


With a shy expression, she spoke,

"Please be more... gentle."


Rena immediately blushed, then smiled.

"Yes, my love..."


Just like that, the night both of them spent at that time became an unforgettable night in their memories...

Meanwhile, at the same time...


On The Roof Near Tatsumaki's House


A figure of an old man can be seen resting his chin while looking at a picture while smiling.


"Oi Nyx, Blast is calling you."

Beastking spoke.


"Hmh? ahh, tell him I'm on my way."

Nyx replied as he slowly walked away from the fence.


"Alright. Also, what was that picture earlier?"

Beastking can't help but ask as he is curious why Nyx smiled while looking at the picture.


"Hehe, you're curious?"

Nyx replied with a playful tone.


"Stop your playful act. It's disgusting,"

Beastking spoke with an annoyed face.


"Hehe, it's nothing... just a picture from a future Blast and I visited a few hours ago..."


Nyx answered while looking at the sky.


"Hmm, I see... show me"

Beastking starts forcing his way to grab the picture.


"Hehe, nahhhh,"

Nyx evaded all Beastking's moves like it's nothing.


"Kughhh why are you this annoying!, GIVE ME THAT FREAKING PICTURE YOU OLD GEEZER!!"

Beastking screamed.


"Hehehe dun wanna~"

Nyx replied.








(The Ends Of Season 1)


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