Calamity In One Punch Man World

Chapter 49 – New Hero, Complicated Mind

Did you know, if you eat rice everyday you're certified as an Asian?(imo)



3rd POV


Four figures were situated in a room filled with chairs and tables. One of them lounged casually, chewing bubble gum, while another sat with crossed arms. Meanwhile, the third figure played with her phone, emitting an occasional odd giggle. The last figure stood before them, hands resting on either side of the table as he prepared to lecture them.


"First, congratulations on passing," the young man in front of them, Sneck, an A-Class Hero, spoke. He continued, "Though one of you may have gotten lucky. So unless you want that luck to go to waste, I expect you to give it your all." Sneck glanced at them, noting their lack of reaction. He slammed his hand on the table, pointing his finger at them.


"But don't let it go to your heads! Remember your status as heroes and act with humility! Your faces will be on display on the Hero Association website," Sneck emphasized, observing their continued indifference. He noticed the bald man blowing bubbles with his gum, which irritated him.


"D-Do you hear me? Your clownish behavior will be seen by the whole world. If you don't want to embarrass yourselves..." Sneck leaped onto the table, demonstrating his special move before concluding, "Strive to become exemplary heroes like me!"


Sneck scanned the group again, particularly noticing the bald man, whose bubble grew larger than his head. Suddenly, the girl behind them realized this and popped the bubble.




The bubble burst, covering the bald man's head in gum.


"Sensei!" the young man with a cyborg body exclaimed, already holding a tissue, while the girl burst into laughter. Observing this, Sneck's irritation became evident, manifested in several tick marks appearing on his head.


"As an A-Class Hero, I have some influence over the association. I'll make sure those who behave irresponsibly, LOSE POINTS AND GET DOMOTED, DON'T YOU FORGET IT!"




After the lecture ended, Saitama, Genos, and Rena headed to their respective homes. Along the way, Rena waved to Saitama and Genos as they parted ways.


"I've become a hero," Rena said softly, gazing at the reddening sky signaling the approaching night. She murmured to herself, "A monster turned hero, huh... I wonder what Nyan and Black Sperm would say about this."


Tatsumaki's House


"You idiot," spoke Nyan, a humanoid cat.


"Sowwy," Rena replied, in a seiza(kneeling position).


"Then? Are you going to massacre your comrades from now on?" Nyan asked, arms crossed as he scrutinized Rena. Hearing this, Rena realized the gravity of her mistake.


"No, I..." Rena struggled to find the words to respond to Nyan's inquiry, her gaze fixed on the ground, her emotions in turmoil. 'I shouldn't have casually agreed to their proposal,' Rena thought.


"Listen, Rena," Nyan crouched down to Rena's level, gently grasping her chin to meet her gaze. "I'm saying this for your own good. Remember your roots. Remember where you belong. Because eventually, when they learn the truth about you, they won't hesitate to turn against you." With those words, Nyan released her chin and walked away, leaving Rena kneeling with a heavy heart.


"What a spiteful pet," Tatsumaki remarked, approaching Rena as she watched Nyan depart. She continued, "If he weren't your precious pet, I would've dealt with him long ago." Tatsumaki extended her hand to help Rena up.


"Tat-chan... he wasn't a pet you know," Rena gave a small giggle then slowly shook her head. "No, what he said is true. I should have considered my origins more seriously."


"I see," Tatsumaki replied, then added, "Regardless of your decision, I'll stand by you. Even if it means becoming an enemy of humanity or the world, I'll always support you." Tatsumaki spoke warmly, eliciting a blush from Rena.


"Tat-chan..." Rena hugged Tatsumaki, expressing her gratitude. "Thank you for always being there for me. I love you." Due to their height difference, it appeared as if Rena was attempting to suffocate Tatsumaki in her embrace.


"U-un," Tatsumaki stammered in response.




Hero Association

Break Room


Two figures were present in the room. One sat leisurely, while the other stood by the window, gazing at the reddened skies.


"Did those three newcomers really pass the exam? Their attitudes were awful!" Sneck exclaimed in frustration, lifting his hot coffee. "I'm ranked 38 in the A-Class, and they didn't even recognize me. They're complete amateurs who don't understand how the world works. They'll be gone in no time."


"No," the young man with glasses replied promptly. Sneck turned to him, intrigued. The young man continued, "Mr. Genos achieved perfect scores on both the written and physical exams. He's an exceptional rookie who earned an S-Class ranking right away. As for Mr. Saitama, while his essay scores were terrible, he aced the physical exam with a perfect 50. Moreover, he shattered the Hero Association's test records by an incredible margin. And then there's Mrs. Amanozako Rena. Although her written test was abysmal, her physical performance mirrored Saitama's with perfect scores and new records. What's more, she received recommendations from all the top heroes, earning her an S-Class ranking instantly."


The young man in glasses glanced at Sneck, who wore a complex expression. "Sneck, you've been surpassed by Mr. Genos and Mrs. Amanozako. And Mr. Saitama may catch up to you soon," he added. Sweat formed on Sneck's brow as he processed the news. With a mixture of emotions, Sneck replied,






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