Calamity In One Punch Man World

Chapter 8 – Rena VS Metal Bat

3rd POV


Amid a pile of fallen heroes, one hero can be seen slowly walking towards Rena.

His name is Metal Bat, a B-class hero who also carries out subjugation requests from the Hero Association.

With his injured forehead, ripped clothes and messy hair, Metal Bat spins his bat, while saying,


"Yooo, that was quite a nice blow, you know."


He then stops his spin and banging his bat to his shoulder.

SSR+ Metal Bat: SHOULD YOU PULL? (May 2022) - One Punch Man: The Strongest  Tips

"It's been awhile since I fought a strong monster. Don't disappoint me will ya?"


Rena can't help but feel excited.


"Nice to meet you! I'm Amanozako Rena! You can call me Rena!"

Rena introduces herself with an excited gaze.


"Hah? I'm not here to listen to your stupid name. Let's start the fight already you sheet head!"

Bad answered her without caring a single bit about Rena's introduction.

AN* I will call Metal Bat with Bad cuz that's his name.


"What a cold person, humph!"

Rena pouted, then followed by a sigh.


"Well... if a fight is what you want then..."

Rena instantly appears behind Bad.


"Don't blame me for becoming ruthless"

Rena immediately throws a spinning kick to Bad's head.




Bad hit the ground so hard he bounced again to Rena's spot.



Bad vomited blood.


Rena throws a punch at Bad's back.

Bad immediately got thrown away and slammed into a wall, causing smoke and part of the building to crumble on Bad's spot.



Rena exhaled.


'He should be fine. Because I didn't focus too much power on my kick and punch this time. Also, he's a good opponent for me to learn how to control my power!'

Rena clench her fist and smiled.


Rena ducks and dashed to Bad's spot.

This time, Rena also didn't focus her power on her feet so she just runs normally.

The smoke finally disappears, leaving the figure of standing Bad holding his bat while his head was bleeding.

Rena ducks a little to throw an uppercut at Bad's face but, Bad already had his bat in touch with her face.




Rena got flung away by the sudden hit and hit the ground.

Bad gripped his bat harder and dashed towards Rena.

Rena makes a spin to gain her momentum and dashed to Bad too.



Bad unleashes a barrage of smacks with his bat at the same spot from multiple angles.



Rena unleashes a barrage of punches at the same spot from multiple angles.

AN* Luffy's :>


Both attacks counter each other while sparks and smoke happened at their clash. 

Even when Rena only focussed her power on her fist a little, Rena still got higher firepower than Bad.

The clash was won by Rena and Bad got flung away with Rena's last attack.

Rena immediately dashes to Bad then kicked him to the sky.

Rena adds power to her feet then she also jumped. 

Rena suddenly appeared above Bad, then she immediately kicked him downwards, causing Bad to fall even faster.




Bad fell into building, causing an explosion every time he broke through a floor.




Finally, Rena reached the ground, causing cracks to form beneath her feet.

Rena patiently waits until all the smoke from the collapsed building disappears.

Until finally leaving a standing figure of Bad.

His head bleeding a lot, bruises everywhere, his clothes torn, messy hair, and other injuries all over his body.

But he still standing.

Standing with his grip still hard on his bent bat.


"Metal Bat... will you tell me the reason, why are you still standing? from what we've seen, this fight was no doubt, acting in my favor"

Rena curiously asked.

15 minutes have passed since the battle started.

She then continues,

"Yet you..."


*pant* *pant*


"Why?... F* reason... it's fightin spirit you damned sheet head"

Bad spoke while panting hard, he seemed like he would collapse at any second.


"I... *pant* *pant* will beat you... here..."

Bad speak while taking a step forward.


"Why... Do you ask?..."  Bad still taking a step forward.



Bad start to charge at Rena.


Rena's eyes sparkled.


'I only watch those so called "Heroes" from the screen. I don't really get why they're so hyped about those so called "Heroes". But now, looking at him with my own eyes made me somehow...'

Rena pondered. Then she smiled.


"Hero, huh... what an awesome title..."

Rena muttered. Then she continues,

"Then I... as a monster... will respect your decision and will end you with all my might"

Rena taking a punching stance.

Rena gathered power at her right hand and her feet. She immediately dashed at Bad.

But suddenly, a big muscular figure blocked Rena's vision.



Tanktop immediately folded his arms to block Rena's attack.

Rena immediately threw her punch at Tanktop Master.





Tanktop Master vomited blood while got blown away and hit Bad. 

They both hit the ground then fainted.


"[Flashy Slash!]"

Flashy Flash appeared from distance and release his ultimate move to Rena's neck but...




His sword broke.

Flashy Flash's eyes grew wide.


'We can't win, we must retreat'

Flashy Flash's though.


But suddenly, Rena appeared behind him and threw a punch aimed at his face.

Flashy Flash gulped.

At that time, only one thing appeared in Flashy Flash's mind.

It's 'Death'.

Rena immediately releases her punch but stopped before it hit Flashy Flash's face.

A surge of strong wind comes from the force of Rena's punch. Making the road and the building behind him shatter in an instant.

A moment has passed. Rena takes her hand away from Flashy Flash's face. Rena immediately realized, He already lost consciousness a moment earlier while standing still.



Rena becomes speechless for a moment. 

Rena shrugged then she walk away and look for her friends.

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