Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Hypnotic Gaze (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)

A/N: A Hypnotic Gaze was originally written in five parts from June to October of 2018. As well, it ends somewhat abruptly. But I don't think it's ever getting another chapter, so here it is compiled into a one-shot for your reading pleasure.

Summary: In which Xander eats and then spits back up something he really shouldn't have. There are consequences to this... and the changes that come next will alter everything.

Themes: Mind Control, Master/Slave, Dom/Sub


It had been a wild night, to say the least. Even wilder still for one Xander Harris. While Buffy had had to kill some sort of snake demon guy, Xander had definitely had it worse, at least in his opinion. Not only had the Delta Zeta Kappas forced him to put on women's clothing, makeup, and a wig, they'd not been satisfied with that, oh no.

In the end, they'd gone so far as to force him to lick some disgusting toad they had. It was all part of the hazing, or so they said. As desperate as Xander was to not blow his cover, he'd gone along with it right up until the point they forced it into his mouth and held him down until he inadvertently swallowed it. Of course he resisted then, anyone would… but by that time, it was too late.

Xander wasn't feeling very good, not anymore. But then, of course not. He'd eaten a fucking toad. And now here they were at the end of the night with the frat guys getting hauled away by the cops for killing girls. Couldn't tell the police about the actual demon that was eating the girls, so in the end, the members of Delta Zeta Kappas were going to be labelled sadistic, freak show cannibals.

It was likely that they would all get life sentences for what they'd done, and Xander was perfectly happy with that. Or he would be, if he wasn't feeling like shit.

"Alright guys, I'll see you at school tomorrow I guess! Hey, Xander… you alright?"

Blinking, the young man looks up, realizing Buffy is staring at him with concern on her face. Now that she's brought attention to him, everyone is looking at him. He feels clammy and maybe a little pale as well. But then, he's also still wearing makeup, and part of the stupid dress that the damn demon worshippers had forced him into. Managing a weak smile, Xander just nods and coughs.

"Y-Yeah Buffster, I'm fine. I um… just a long night, you know? Gonna head home too, I suppose."

And with that, he turned and left. His place wasn't too far away, but then that was the joy of living in a place like Sunnydale. As he goes, Xander steadfastly ignores the itching in his eyes. Said itching had actually been there the entire time they'd been dealing with the snake demon, but only now is it becoming more and more noticeable. Growling, Xander rubs the heels of his palms into his eyes, even as his stomach rebels against him.

Quite suddenly, the young man doubles over right then and there in the middle of the street, and a familiar toad spews out of his mouth, landing easily on the ground, no worse for wear. Xander stares down at it for a moment, as it turns and looks at him with eerie intelligence. Its eyes are normal for all of a moment before they begin to twist and turn and hum in the relative silence of the night.

Xander stares for a moment, open-mouthed… and then he scowls.

"Great, did I have some kind of magic fucking frog in my gullet? This is so not cool."

There's a pause, and then the eye-effect abruptly ends as the toad cocks its head to the side, seeming to take him in a second time for a moment. Then, without saying a word (did he expect it to say anything?) it turns and hops away. Xander watches it disappear into some bushes for a moment, mouth agape. A flash of light suddenly blinds him, but when he runs forward to check, there's nothing. The weird-ass toad is gone, and he's all alone in the night… in Sunnydale… home of vampires and demons galore.

Letting out a curse, the young man makes his way home at a far faster pace. Unbeknownst to Xander Harris things are about to change in a big way.


The next day sees him feeling even sicker than the night before. He grumbles as he stumbles into the bathroom, clinging to the sink counter as he looks at his tired reflection. The itching in his eyes is worse than before, and it's kept him up all night if he's being honest.

"Fuck… what the hell is wrong with me? Fuck!"

Rearing back a leg, Xander kicks forward at the cupboard beneath the bathroom sink. Given he's barefooted, this would have resulted in a helluva a lot of pain under any normal circumstances. Maybe even a broken toe. Instead, Xander's foot goes right through the cupboard door, and he gapes as he stares down at what he's done.

"Boy! The fuck you doing in there?!"

His dad's voice sees Xander coming back to himself as he flushes in embarrassment and pulls his foot out of the hole he's made. He goes to open his mouth and reassure his father that nothing's wrong, but that's when his tongue decides to simply unfold on itself, flopping out of his mouth all elongated, turning his nothing into a slurred incomprehensible word.


"What was that? Damn it boy, if you're doing drugs I swear I'll beat you red! I'm coming in!"

Xander's eyes go wide as the bathroom door suddenly bursts open, his father standing in the doorway looking apocalyptic with rage. They lock gazes in that moment, and the itching in Xander's eyes reaches a crescendo, before suddenly something happens. It feels like he's seeing better than ever before… while his dad's face goes slack and his eyes glaze over.

"All Glory to Lord Xander."

Wait, what? Xander stares, completely baffled, as his father just stands there, swaying side by side.

"Uh… dad?"

"Yes, Lord Xander?"

Where was this coming from? Something to do with his eyes, obviously… and Xander was standing in front of a mirror. Glancing back to said mirror, the young man looks at his own eyes, and finds himself staring into that same wobbly, wibbly gaze that the toad had given him the night before. Except, it was him doing it. He was the one with the fucked-up gaze, and now that he was looking for it, he could hear the hum coming from his… from his eyeballs?

"S-Shit… uh… get out of here, please."

"Yes, Lord Xander."

His deadbeat dad leaves without another word, and Xander lets out a shuddering breath as he grips the edges of the sink, trying to figure out what to do next. This was… shit, could he even turn them off? Looking back at his reflection, Xander concentrates for a moment. To his relief, his eyes DO turn back to normal… but the itching returns, as if they NEED to be used to be satisfied.

Still, it's not nearly as bad as it was before. Xander can live with this itch until he can get to Buffy and the others and find a way to fix this. Except… does he truly want to? Xander finds himself staring into his normal chocolate brown eyes searchingly, his tongue once again pulled back into his shut-tight mouth as he considers himself, as he contemplates what he wants to do next.

Apparently, he had hypno-eyes now. His gaze was literally hypnotic, and while he didn't know if there were limits yet, that was still pretty cool. Not to mention the leg strength. The tongue was a bit more of an irritation rather than a plus, but Xander could get used to that. He finally had something special, something that was all him.

It was tempting to just… get used to all the changes. It was tempting to just keep things the way they were now. He needed to do some testing first. He needed to figure out just what he was capable of. He needed… an acceptable target. Now, who did he know who he could try out his powers on without worrying so much about problems?


It took a bit to get her alone, but in the end, Xander cuts Harmony Kendall off on her way out of the cheer team's locker room. The blonde girl was the only one who'd chosen to shower at the school tonight, rather than going home first and then showering. As such, it was just him and her when she rounded the corner and nearly ran right into him.

"Hey, Harmony."

"Wha- Harris! What are you doing here so late, you loser? I'm warning you, I have pepper spray!"

Considering she was already reaching for her purse as she glared daggers at him, Xander decided it was best to just act now and not try to keep any sort of charade up. Activating his eyes is a lot easier this time around, and he watches with intense enjoyment as Harmony's face goes slack and her own eyes glaze over, just like his dad's did. Except… it's a lot more arousing to see a hot blonde cheerleader in a trance than one's own ugly deadbeat father.

"… Harmony? You still going to pepper spray me?"

"No, Lord Xander. Of course not."

Grinning wickedly, Xander steps in close, and relieves Harmony of her purse and her gym bag, setting both aside. The hypnotized girl doesn't resist, she just stands there, swaying side to side in her cute, fashionable sweater and her knee-length skirt. A thought suddenly crosses his mind and his breath quickens as he considers her chest for a moment.

"Harmony… are you wearing anything under that sweater right now?"

His eyes are drawn up when a slight, wicked smile spreads across the hypnotized girl's face.

"No Lord Xander, I'm not. And I'm not wearing panties either."

His mouth is completely dry as he looks at Harmony Kendall in a whole new light. Well, not entirely. He'd always thought of the blonde girl as a bit of a bitch. But now… now she was HIS bitch. Unable to help himself, the young man abruptly reaches out and grabs a handful of Harmony's tit through her sweater. True to her word, she's not wearing a bra. It feels… nice, touching her through nothing more than the fabric of her sweater.

A low moan leaves Harmony's throat as he molests her, but she doesn't do anything to try and stop him. Xander's other hand comes up to grab hold of her other breast. While he mauls her titties through her sweater, Xander carries on a conversation with the hypnotized girl.

"What am I to you, Harmony?"

"You're Lord Xander. All Glory to Lord Xander."

"That's good, that's very good… and from now on, I'm your Master, aren't I? You're my slave. No matter what, no matter when, whether you're hypnotized or not, you'll always know that you're my slave. Right?"

"Yes, Lord Xander."

Hm, he'd have to check that. First though, one more command.

"However, when we're with other people, you can't let them know you're my slave or that I'm your Master. You have to act normal. However, you won't be such a bitch to me anymore. You'll just ignore me when others are around unless I say otherwise. Understood?"

"Yes, Lord Xander."

Letting out a low breath, Xander pulls his hands back and grins sheepishly.

"All Glory to Lord Xander then, I suppose."

The hypnotized blonde is quite to agree.

"All Glory to Lord Xander!"

With that said, Xander turns off his hypnotic eyes. Harmony comes out of the daze a moment later, blinking dumbly as she glances around, and then down at her chest, as if feeling how sensitive he's left her breasts. Xander is ready to hypnotize her again in a moment if his ability doesn't work as he think it does… however, when she looks up at him, rather than disgust and derision, the young man sees nothing but devotion and adoration in the blonde's eyes.

"Master! How can this slave please you? Shall I fall to my knees and suck your majestic cock?"

Xander's mouth is dry as he shakes his head in the negative.

"A-Ah, no. As appetizing as that is… I want you to flip up your skirt and face the wall. Ask me to fuck you. BEG me to fuck you."

"Oooh, yes Master. How fun, I'm so happy you've decided to take your slut slave's virginity~"

Xander's eyes widen at that. He would never have guessed that Harmony Kendall of all people was still a virgin. Still, the blonde does as she's told nonetheless, pressing up against the nearest wall as she pulls up her skirt and reveals her naked ass and dripping wet cunt.

"Oooh, please Master! Won't you fuck me now? PLEASE fuck me, Master. I neeeed it! I'm begging you!"

This is why he didn't have her blow him first. Xander is nearly creaming his pants right then and there. He himself is also a virgin after all, as annoying as it is… but now, that's going to change. Pulling his cock out of his pants somewhat frantically, Xander steps forward and grabs hold of Harmony by her hip. It takes him a second to guide his member to her entrance, but once he's lodged just inside of her, Xander wastes no time in thrusting forward and filling her with his cockmeat.


… Hopefully the evening janitor wasn't anywhere nearby to hear that. Even if he was though… hypno-eyes. That said, Xander fucks Harmony against the wall without a care in the world, groaning as he pistons in and out of her formerly virginal cunt. He pounds her into the wall she's pressed again, and the blonde mewls and moans for more as she takes his dick again and again and again.

Shit, this was amazing. Xander could definitely get used to this, and now that he knew how his eyes worked, he would be most certainly getting used to using them. Harmony was just the beginning. She was a good fuck, certainly, and he'd probably come back to use her again and again… but there were others who he wanted even more than her.

And with this power, Xander would have them. He'd also be a lot more useful against the big bad vamps and demons hanging around Sunnydale. He had no intention of being Buffy's sidekick, not anymore. He was… he was… shit, he was going to cum.


His seed spurts out of him as he fills Harmony with his load. Xander groans and paints the girl's insides white before he finally pulls out of her and stumbles back, panting heavily.

"Oh please, Master! Let me clean you up!"

Harmony is quick to drop to her knees now and begin sucking his softening cock into her mouth, slurping at their combined juices like the slave she now believes she is. Xander lets her, even as he pants heavily, only the new strength in his legs keeping him standing upright. Shit, that was an experience to remember! And ultimately, it was just the beginning.

As he laces his fingers through Harmony's blonde locks, Xander begins to grin. He's just getting started.


He'd gotten detention. It was irritating, to say the least. But he'd basically dozed off in class, and the teacher had been none-too-thrilled about his lapse of concentration. Unfortunately, with an entire classroom full of people around him, Xander wasn't so sure about using his hypno-eyes to bring them under his sway. He was worried that he wouldn't manage to get all of them in one fell swoop, or something like that.

All it would take was one student fleeing the room and giving away his secret. While the proper authorities might never in a million years believe it, and he could in fact have the rest of the people he'd hypnotized back him up after the fact, it wasn't the police or the school faculty that Xander was truly worried about.

Well, that wasn't true. One particular member of the school faculty, one particular Librarian and his Pet Slayer… now that was something for Xander to be worried about. If Buffy and Giles knew about him and his powers, they'd either try to stop him or capture him or something even worse. So yeah, Xander couldn't get away with trying to hypnotize an entire classroom, at least not yet.

Better for now to take his lumps and live with it. He'd get back at that idiot teacher eventually. In the meantime, his initial plan was to walk into detention, have a quiet hypnotic chat with whoever was in charge of detention, and then walk right back out. Whoever else had detention for the day, if there even was anyone, would be a lot easier to keep silent then an entire classroom full of his peers.

Of course, that was the plan before Xander walked into detention to find that there were only two other people in the room. Two women, at that. The teacher presiding over detention for the day just so happened to be Jenny Calendar, the Computer Science Teacher. And the only other student to get detention along with him was Amy Madison, a cute blonde girl who Xander remembered had some magical powers or something. Or her mom did, it'd been a while ago since they'd dealt with that.

Regardless, as soon as he stepped into the room, Xander knew he wasn't going to just hypnotize Ms. Calendar and leave. No sir…

"Ah, Mr. Harris, there you are. Go ahead and have a seat. I hope you brought something to work on."

Xander grins a little at that, even as Amy glances in his direction, but ultimately turns her attention back to the book she's reading. It's not one of their textbooks, but the teacher at the head of the room didn't seem to care all that much. In fact, Ms. Calendar hadn't actually even looked up from the computer sat upon her desk when she spoke to him. She'd probably glanced his way, but as he looked HER way, he found her staring at her computer screen, ignoring him entirely.

Well, that was just fine with Xander. Sauntering forward into the room, the young man plops himself right down next to Amy. She gives him another glance, and it's not at all friendly as she frowns at his proximity. After all, he did have the entirety of the classroom to choose where to sit, and he was clearly choosing to pester her. Or at least, that was how she currently felt, Xander figured.

"Hey, Amy…"

Whispering quietly, Xander leans over to the blonde girl, careful not to draw Ms. Calendar's attention. He needn't have worried; the teacher was transfixed by whatever it was she was doing on her computer. Amy scowls, and actually has the temerity to ignore him for a second. Xander doesn't like that, so he reaches out and snatches her book from her hands.

THAT gets a reaction, almost too much of one. But as Amy turns to him with murder in her eyes and her mouth open with the beginning of a shout on her lips, Xander activates HIS eyes… and breathes a happy sigh of relief when Amy's face immediately goes slack and she stares at him, dazed and confused. All of the anger and distrust and dislike fades from her in an instant.

"All Glory to Lord Xander."

"Shh! Amy, keep it down!"

Luckily, she hadn't shouted it at the top of her lungs, but it was still loud enough in the mostly silent classroom to draw Ms. Calendar's attention.

"Did you say something dear?"

Xander waves a hand.

"Nope, no she didn't! All good over here Ms. C!"

Amy wisely shuts up as Xander speaks for her, while Jenny looks at the two of them with mild concern.

"… Keep it down you two, or you'll have to sit apart. This is detention, not gossip hall."

Then she goes right back to her computer. Honestly, she really is addicted to that thing. Xander waits a beat to make sure she's once more distracted. Then, he leans over and whispers to Amy once more.

"Amy, I want you to get down on your knees, crawl under my desk, and suck my cock. Do it quietly."

"All Glory to Lord Xander…"

She does as she's told, and this time at least she whispers those words a lot more quietly. Xander has to stifle a groan of his own a moment later, when Amy's mouth envelopes his cock and she begins to stroke the rest of his length up and down enthusiastically. She really is a good little cock-sucker, just like his first slut, Harmony.

As she sucks him off, Xander hisses and laces his fingers through her hair beneath the desk. He humps into Amy's face just a little, enjoying the feel of her hot, wet mouth immensely, even as he kept his eyes on Jenny Calendar at the front of the room. The teacher had no idea what was going on in front of her. But then, she probably never suspected a nerd like him to be able to get a blowjob from a hot blonde like Amy, not in a million years.

It made him grin wickedly and push into Amy's throat just a bit too far. The blonde girl began to quietly choke on his dick, ever mindful of his last command.

"Hulghk. Hulghk. Hulghk."

But even quietly didn't mean silently. And choking and gagging was enough to draw Jenny's attention from her computer once more, as the strange noise filled the empty classroom. Xander grins at the teacher unrepentantly, knowing that he's about to have her as well. She frowns at the look on his face, and then her gaze slides over to Amy's empty desk.

"… Mr. Harris, where is Ms. Madison?"

Xander just grins cockily and shrugs his shoulders as if to say, 'who knows?'. He's being an arrogant little prick, and he's not surprised when Jenny gets a much deeper frown on her face and stands up from behind her desk. She's glaring at him as she slowly approaches from the front of the room.

"Mr. Harris. If you don't want to spend the rest of your semester in detention, I would advise you to- what the hell is that noise?"

He hasn't stopped choking Amy on his dick, all this time. As such, when Jenny gets closer and the noise gets louder, she finally thinks to look down. This answers her final question for her, as her eyes go wide at the sight of Amy kneeling beneath his small desk, sucking Xander off quite enthusiastically.

"M-Ms. Madison! M-Mr. Harris! What do the both of you think you're doing?! Stop that right this instant! Mr. Harris, release Ms. Madison's head!"

Xander does exactly that. He even laces his fingers behind the back of his head for good measure. But Amy doesn't stop. She doesn't even stop choking. She continues to take him down her throat, quietly gagging on his cock as she swallows him to the base again and again. Jenny is flabbergasted, and she stares between Xander's smug face and what's going on beneath the desk in shock for a few seconds before he finally activates his hypno-eyes.

The older woman immediately falls under his sway. As it just so happens, he's also right at the edge as she does so, and maybe Xander's developed a bit of a mind control fetish, because seeing Jenny Calendar's face go slack and her eyes go blank as he takes her free will away is just enough to send Xander over the edge. His seed spurts down Amy's throat, and while the blonde gags and chokes on this as well, she ultimately swallows as much of his load as she can before pulling back and crawling out from under the desk to await her next order.

"Stand before me, both of you."

The two hypnotized women do so. One is a mature beauty, while the other is his age. Xander can't help it… he wants both of them, and he knows with his power he's going to HAVE both of them before the day is out.

"Go ahead and strip naked. Let me see what I'm working with."

They do as they're told, and Xander enjoys the sight of two delicious, albeit differently aged feminine forms. They're both very gorgeous, in their own way. Well, Amy is cuter and pretty than gorgeous, but Xander has a feeling she'll grow into it.

"Okay, here's the deal. I'm your Master from now on. You're my loyal, loving slaves. You're going to act like it when we're in private, and you'll act normal when anyone is around who I have not also identified as my slaves. Understood?"

"Yes, Lord Xander."

They say the three words in perfect unison, eerily synced up as they stand before him, swaying side to side. Xander just grins happily.

"Wonderful. Then let's have some fun, shall we?"

Turning off his eyes, he watches as both Jenny and Amy come back to themselves. Then, they blush as they realize that they're alone with their master, naked and at his mercy. Amy is still recovering from her throat-fucking though, and she's a little younger anyways. Jenny on the other hand.

"Mm, Master… All Glory to Lord Xander. Please, won't Master use this worthless slave to his heart's content?"

Xander grins at that, finally standing up as well as his hard prick points directly at the naked teacher.

"Oh, I'm sure you're far from useless, Jenny. But yes… yes I will use my slave to my heart's content."

She moans and mewls as he bends her over the nearest desk and guides his cock to her entrance.

"Master is right. This slave has so many uses for him to exploit. So many loyalties that no longer matter. This slave will assist Master however she can…"

That brings him up short. 'So many loyalties that no longer matter'? Xander wasn't entirely sure what that meant. But he'd figure it out later. Thrusting into the computer teacher then and there was much more immediately gratifying. Xander groans as he sinks into the older woman's cunt from behind. He growls as he begins to thrust in and out of her, listening to her sweet voice as she yelps and moans and squeals from the feeling of his cock plundering her insides.

Reaching around her, Xander grabs hold of Jenny's tits and squeeze and grips them as hard as he can. They're not quite as young and supple as one of his peers, but Jenny is still in her prime, that much is for sure. And she takes dick like she's in her prime too.

"Yes, Master! Yes, yes, yes! Fuck this slutty little slave, fuck her! Fuck MEEEEE!!!"

As Jenny cums around his cock, Xander grunts but doesn't let up. If anything, he SPEEDS up as he fucks Jenny harder and harder. A quick glance to the side shows Amy touching herself to the sight. The blonde girl blushes when she realizes he's looking her way, but she also smiles and bats her eyelashes, spreading her legs wider as she sits atop a desk, showing off the two fingers, middle and ring, that she's pistoning in and out of her cunt.

The invitation in her eyes is obvious, and in the end it's what tips him over the edge and causes him to spill his seed into Jenny Calendar right on the spot. But he's far from done, and he just as quickly moves over to fuck Amy, filling her with his cock meat next, even as Jenny rests, slumped face down on the desk he'd eagerly plowed her on top of.

… Maybe he wouldn't seek to punish the teacher who'd given him detention today in any sort of humiliating way. Maybe he'd count this as the blessing it was. Xander hadn't gone into today intending to bolster his ranks, but now he had and now Jenny and Amy were both under his control. He had no intentions of letting either of them go either.

As he fucks Amy, he wraps a hand around the back of her neck and presses his forehead against hers. She stares into his eyes with rapt adoration and utter devotion in her gaze. There's no other place Amy wants to be right now then on his cock, getting fucked by her beloved Master. Xander grins at her, and the blonde smiles back, happily, eagerly taking his dick to the base over and over again.

He cums inside of her too, after a time. And then he lines his sluts up on their knees and has them work together to clean him off. It's not until afterwards that he actually talks to both. Best to have a sit down with them and figure out what they're both up to. He knew everything there was to know about Harmony for instance. She was shallow as kiddy pool and twice as vapid.

But Jenny Calendar and Amy Madison… well, needless to say Xander was happy he'd taken the time to talk to the two of them after he took them and made them his slaves. Amy was the one with the witch mom like he remembered, but she was also a witch in her own right now. It was what had landed her in detention because she'd spent all night on a ritual instead of homework. Meanwhile, the book she'd been reading was actually a magical spell book.

Of course, that wasn't nearly as surprising as learning that Jenny Calendar, their computer science teacher, was in fact Janna of the Kalderash, a Clan of Gypsies of all things. Magical Gypsies at that. Learning all that Jenny had been hiding, and the fact that she had enmity for Angel… well, Xander couldn't help but be thrilled.

She'd been right, he was going to make use of her in some pretty great ways. Her and Amy both. They'd help him, because really, they had no other desire in life anymore than to help him. And that was exactly as it should be.

All Glory to Lord Xander indeed…


"Buffy! I'm heading out honey! I'll call you once I'm done, alright?"

"Alright mom!"

Joyce can't help but smile ruefully. She's not surprised that Buffy isn't putting up any sort of fight on this… after all, when Joyce was a young woman, she would have done anything to get out of a meeting with the Principal and her own mother. Still, as the mother in the current situation, Joyce Summers would have preferred that Buffy come along with her on this very important meeting, but alas, there was nothing to be done about it.

Principal Snyder had specifically requested that the meeting be one-on-one between the two of them. He'd specifically told her to keep Buffy at home. Well, what was Joyce to do but agree? This was after all a meeting about Buffy's 'behavior' at school, and how much it was affecting her learning. The thought that the Principal might expel her daughter was one that truly worried the older Summers woman.

So, getting into her car and putting the key into the ignition, Joyce lets out a slow breath and forces a smile onto her face. She had a feeling she'd be needing it a lot in the coming meeting.


"Punishing your daughter's behavior is not why I called you here today, Mrs. Summers."

Joyce blinks dumbly as she stares across the desk at the man seated behind it. Principal Snyder is the most irritating kind of person, and even a kind woman like Joyce Summers would be hard pressed not to judge him for his slimy dickishness. So of course, hearing those words from a man who she knew wanted nothing more than to remove Buffy from his school rather surprised Joyce.

"It's… it's not?"

Snyder smiles… snidely.

"No. Your daughter's behavior and the punishments she'll receive for it are no longer my concern. I've been given permission by my superior to wash my hands of the whole thing."

Joyce stiffens at that. His superior? Did he mean the Superintendent of the School District? She didn't like the sound of that, didn't like the thought of having to fight anyone higher up than a High School Principal when it came to keeping her daughter in school. This might have just gotten a lot worse… a knock on the door tears Joyce from her thoughts, and Snyder's smile actually becomes genuine as his eyes light up.

"Ah! There he is now! Come in my Lord! Come in!"

Joyce barely has time to register the honorific that Snyder uses as she instinctively turns in her chair to look to the door of the Principal's Office. By the time the "my Lord" penetrates her mind, the door has opened, and Joyce finds herself shocked to be face to face with Xander Harris as he steps into the room and closes the door behind him.

Smiling, Xander nods in Joyce's direction.

"Joyce. Good to see you. And now I think it's time for you to go under."

Before Joyce can say a word, Xander's eyes go wobbly… and the MILF's mind goes blank as she falls under the spell of his absurdly hypnotic gaze.


Xander lets out a pleased sigh as Joyce falls into the usual trance. He smirks when Snyder rises from behind his desk and salutes.

"All Glory to Lord Xander!"

Chuckling, the young man waves off the Principal. He might have hated Snyder before, but now the older gentleman was such a useful pawn in doing… well, whatever he wanted at Sunnydale High. It was impossible to continue hating such a loyal servant.

"Yes, yes. Go ahead and get out of here, Snyder. Do whatever you want for the next hour or two. Joyce and I are going to have a chat about Buffy's behavior and what we'll be doing to 'correct' it going forward."

"Yes, Lord Xander. Please, take as long as you like."

Snyder quickly vacates the room, and Xander slides around the man's desk to take the Principal's seat. Joyce's glazed-over gaze follows him, the trance having her turn back in her seat to look at the object of her hypnosis as she sways back and forth a bit.

"Now then, Joyce. Let's go rather simple, shall we? I'm going to be your Master from now on. I'm going to use you as my personal sex slave whenever I want to. However, right now you just know that I have the power to make or break Buffy's future. I'm in charge here, and you'll do anything… ANYTHING to make sure Buffy gets to stay at Sunnydale. But not reluctantly. You want this. You want me. The thought of sacrificing yourself to help your daughter won't upset you, it'll actually arouse you immensely. And by the time we're done… you won't care about Buffy's future anymore. All you'll care about is serving me and my cock."

It's a bit of a mouthful, but he gets it all out nonetheless. Inhaling and then exhaling, Xander smiles at Joyce.

"Do you understand all that I've told you, Joyce?"

"Yes, Lord Xander."

"Then, let's have some fun, shall we?"

Turning off his hypno-gaze, Xander watches as Joyce comes out of her trance, blinking a couple times before blushing heavily and offering him a rather lewd smile. Leaning forward, Joyce pulls down at the top of her blouse for a moment, licking her lips and giving him quite the view.

"Lord Xander… you know how much I'm willing to sacrifice for my daughter. Please… there has to be something I can do to persuade you, sir."

Sitting back in the Principal's chair, Xander cocks his head to the side.

"Are you propositioning me, Mrs. Summers?"

He lifts a single brow as he speaks, but Joyce doesn't balk at the question. If anything, the look in her eye gets MORE amorous as she pants breathlessly.


Smirking, Xander shrugs.

"Well then, go ahead and stand up. Give me a show as you expose that lewd body of yours, you slutty MILF."

Joyce is out of her seat immediately, rising as she stretches and shows off her gorgeous form. Then, she begins to strip. As she does so, she sways and dances and shakes her hips to some music only she can hear. Xander just smiles and enjoys the show, watching as Buffy's mother removes garment after garment, exposing more and more skin.

It starts with her shirt, and then her bra. Joyce is both methodical and sensual in how she strips, making sure to go from top to bottom, but also making the whole thing rather sexy along the way. By the time she's kicking off her shoes and removing her pantyhose, Xander is quite erect in his pants, his cock straining against its confines needily.

So, as she stands there before him and poses this way and that, exposing her body and presenting it to him for inspection, Xander rises from his chair.

"Stand still."

Joyce immediately lowers her hands from where they were cupping and squeezing her breasts, standing absolutely still as he's ordered, even as Xander walks around the side of the desk over to where she is. He takes his time inspecting her, greedily soaking in every detail of her MILF-y body. Buffy's mom is just as gorgeous as the young man expected… and thanks to Xander's new power, she's all his.

Running his hands over Joyce's body, Xander's own breath hitches as he feels her up. While yes, he'd already had women that were just as pretty as Joyce, this was still something of a forbidden fruit in the end. Xander was well aware that he was essentially one of the Creatures that went Bump in the Night these days.

He was a monster, in a town that had its own resident monster hunter. The closer he got to Buffy, the closer he got to the people around her, the more chance she might realize what was going on and try to stop him. So of course, taking her mother had just been an opportunity too good to pass up. How was Xander supposed to resist? And now, as he ran his hands over the curve of Joyce's shapely ass and down between her legs, finding her mewling quim sopping wet, another idea was taking shape in Xander's mind.

"Joyce… I want to impregnate you. I want to fuck you so hard that the cum dribbles out of your ears. I want to stuff you full of my seed and breed you silly like you're nothing more than a sow for my enjoyment. What do you think of that?"

As he speaks, Joyce begins to tremble in his hands. He's behind her now, feeling her up and running his palms and fingers across her body, both front and back. As he finishes speaking and asks his question, Joyce lets out a shuddering breath and glances back at him, staring him right in the eye as she speaks with complete sincerity.

"There's nothing I would like more, Lord Xander. If that's what you need of me, sir… then I am at your service."

The age difference between the two of them is apparent, but Joyce's deferential speech and her submissive tone is just… Xander lets out a sigh and then proceeds to bend Buffy's mom over the Principal's desk right in front of her. Joyce yelps as she's pushed forward onto said desk, her hands going everywhere and knocking off quite a bit of Snyder's stuff. But she doesn't fight back or try to resist as Xander pins her to the desk with his bulging crotch. She merely moans and grins her naked ass and drooling cunt back into his pants and the cock confined within them.

Quickly extracting his member from his jeans, Xander stares with wide eyes and parted lips at the back of Joyce's head. He reaches out and grabs a fistful of the older woman's lush hair with one hand, and then uses the other hand to guide his cock to her waiting entrance. In one fell swoop, he drags Joyce's head back, while at the same time slamming home into her cunt.

Needless to say, the MILF's cry is legendary as it splits the air. Moans follow swiftly of course, and she eagerly begins to hump backwards into his thrusting prick. Her cunt walls are so damn ready for him, so damn enthusiastic to swallow up his dick. Xander fills Joyce from behind with his man meat again and again, and she takes it like a champ, moaning and mewling and begging for more all the while.

"J-Just like that, sir! You're fucking me so good! Use me, Lord Xander! Use me and fuck me and cum inside! Breed me, Lord Xander! Knock me uuuup!!!"

Her begging only spurs him onto greater heights. How can he do anything else but give her what she wants now? His cock pulsates and throbs inside of her, and Xander tosses his head back as he continues to pull on Joyce's hair like its reins. Her back arches all the while, her cries hitting the ceiling thanks to this. Her tits bounce and jiggle in front of her with each jarring thrust, and now that Xander's cock is buried in her cunt, he uses his free hand to reach around the MILF and grab hold of one of her breasts.

Squeezing and playing with it, Xander finally feels Joyce's first orgasm as her inner walls cling to his cock in a new way, and her begging cuts off into incoherent ramblings about how good he feels inside of her. It's certainly not her last orgasm though, as Xander continues to pound the MILF into the desk before them as hard as he can.

He doesn't care if this puts him on Buffy's radar somehow, honestly. In that moment, all Xander cares about is making good on his promise. He's going to breed Joyce Summers. He's going to impregnate her, right here and right now. With a roar, Xander begins to do just that. He cums deep inside of the older woman, filling Joyce with a thick, large load of his sticky white cum. He pumps his ejaculate into her, seeding her fertile womb and painting her inner walls with his hot substance.

And then it's over. Or at least, Round One is. Xander has no intention of letting Joyce leave this room any time soon. Pulling back for a moment, the young man considers his newest conquest as she lays across the desk she's bent over, panting heavily. Then, he reaches down and grabs her by her waist. It's the work of only a few moments to turn Joyce over onto her back, pushing her up so that she's now actually laying across the desk.

She looks at him with such lust and such happiness and such adoration in her eyes that Xander can't help but grin as he presses his palm into her abdomen, right over her womb.

"That was a good start… but not nearly enough."

Then, he thrusts into her again. Joyce cries out of course, this time climaxing from the very first thrust as he begins to fuck her already seeded pussy once more. Leaning in close, Xander captures the MILF's lips in a ferocious, domineering kiss. He gropes and squeezes and plays with her breasts to his heart's content at the same time, and his cock slams into her cunt harder and harder, all while Joyce's limbs encircle around him, her arms wrapping around his neck and her legs around his waist.

When he eventually pulls back from her mouth, Joyce has fully broken, just as he told her.

"I don't… don't care what you do with Buffy anymore, Lord Xander! I don't care! I just want to be yours, I want to serve you! Please, Master! Please fuck me and knock me up! Breed me silly, my beloved Master!!!"

To see a wise woman like Joyce Summers turned into this… it makes Xander so very happy. Grinning viciously, he proceeds to do exactly what she asked of him. He fucks her, and he fucks her, and he fucks her some more. By the time he's done with Joyce, Xander loses track of how many times he's cum inside of her. A lot of his seed ends up spilled on the floor of the office, simply because Joyce's all-to-human body can't handle that much.

It flows out of her, thick and viscous, but Xander knows, even as he has Joyce get dressed again, that even as much flows out of her, much remains within her as well. There's no doubt in the young man's mind that by the end of their time together, Joyce is primed to soon be pregnant with his child. And if she doesn't start to show in a month or two… well, Xander will just have to try again, now won't he?

"Go back to your daughter now, Joyce. Tell Buffy it's all taken care of and there's nothing to worry about."

"All Glory to Lord Xander!"

"Heh, yep. All Glory to Me."


Xander groans as he tilts back his head, his hands curled in blonde hair and his cock buried in Harmony's throat, even as he fills her mouth with his seed. She swallows every last drop of course, slurping down his entire load like a champ, not letting a single bit of his cum escape her lips. Of course, if he wanted to paint her face with his ejaculate and then make her wear it as a badge of pride all day long, she'd gladly do as he told her.

That was the power of absolute control. Harmony was his sex slave, his pleasure toy, his pet… no ifs, ands, or buts about it. And Xander couldn't deny that that was fantastic.

"What the fuck?!"

Torn from his deep satisfaction, Xander's head whips around, his eyes wide as he takes in the sight of Cordelia Chase standing in the doorway of the abandoned classroom, her mouth agape as she stares at the sight before her eyes. Harmony is still on her knees after all, and though she's just popped his cock out of her mouth, she still has it in her hand as she too glances over, taking in the sight of Cordelia without a care in the world.

"Oh, hey Cordy~ What're you doing here?"

Xander finds himself at a loss for words as Cordelia takes an involuntary step into the classroom, disbelief still etched across her face. The door behind her swings closed without her holding it open any longer, but she doesn't pay that any mind.

"What am I doing here? What the hell are you doing Harmony?! You're sucking off this nerd like you LIKE it!"

Harmony pouts mightily at that and speaks up before Xander can think to stop her.

"Master Xander isn't a nerd, Cordy. He's the hottest, most handsome man in the whole world. He deserves my love… and yours too you know!"

And there goes that. Xander sees the emotions play across Cordelia's face as she processes what Harmony is saying. However, unlike Harmony, Cordelia knows a little something about the things that go bump in the night in Sunnydale. As she belatedly spins about and prepares to run, Xander has to hurriedly push Harmony away and leap across the room with his powerful legs, crashing into Cordelia and through the door, onto the ground right outside in the hallway.

She screams of course, but luckily the hallway is completely empty. Xander hadn't just chosen this place willy nilly, he'd wanted privacy for his morning blowjob from Harmony. But it seemed Cordelia had gotten suspicious of where the blonde girl was going off to each day, and now… well, Xander quickly covers Cordelia's mouth with his hand, even as she struggles violently beneath him. Pinning her down, feeling her gorgeous body writhing beneath his… Xander would be a liar if he said it didn't turn him on.

And to be perfectly honest, he'd always had Cordelia on his list. He just wished he could have planned it a little better, rather than it blowing up in his face like this. Still, an idea is already forming in his head, as he flips the brunette over and activates his hypno-eyes. Cordelia's own eyes are wide and angry for all of a moment, and then she freezes in the middle of trying to plant a knee in his groin. This results in her knee rubbing against his exposed dick instead, causing a slight groan to erupt from Xander's lips, even as Cordelia stares up at him, her face and jaw slack, her eyes glazed over.

The popular girl is definitely in a trance now, so Xander slowly gets off of her, standing up as she just sort of half-sits, half-lays there on the ground.

"Uh… Cordelia, get up and come back into the classroom with me."

"Yes, Lord Xander…"

She follows him in, even as Harmony looks on in some concern, now standing up.

"M-Master, did I do something wrong?"

Xander turns his eyes on Harmony, putting her back under the trance as well. Then, he places both swaying girls side by side and looks at them.

"Alright… here's how this is going to go. Harmony… Cordelia… right. Here's what all of this actually is. Harmony, you're only my sex slave in complete privacy. But when it comes to Cordelia, you're simply giving me sexual favors in turn for tutoring or whatever. You also secretly like it a lot though. And Cordelia… Harmony didn't call me Master or anything like that. She told you that she sucked my dick so that I'd help her get her grades up. Understood?"

"Yes, Lord Xander."

They both say it at the same time in the exact same monotone. Grinning, Xander focuses entirely on Cordelia.

"Great, because while outwardly, you're disgusted by the idea, inwardly, you think it has merit. And after mulling it over for a day, you're going to ask me for the same deal. You give me your body, and I'll help you with your grades. Not that I ever have to actually hold up my end of the bargain, you'll just… I dunno, think I did, and you'll be more studious or whatever. Understood?"

Cordelia slowly nods her head.

"Yes, Lord Xander."

Xander lets out a sigh of relief.

"Good. Great, even. Go ahead and get back into position, both of you. Time to let this play out."

"All Glory to Lord Xander!"

Xander just smiles ruefully, even as the mind-whammied girls head back to their positions, Cordelia at the door, and Harmony on her knees, holding his cock. Only then does he turn off his hypno-eyes and let them both come out of the trance. Harmony just smirks while Cordelia gasps in affronted outrage before fleeing the room. Once she's gone, Harmony turns her gaze back to Xander, batting her eyelashes.

"Did I do good, Master?"

Chuckling darkly as he imagines the fun he'll have tomorrow, Xander runs his fingers through Harmony's hair and grips tightly, even as he slides his cock, once again hard after all that with Cordelia, back into Harmony's waiting, warm mouth.

"Yeah slut… you did good. We're gonna be late to class though."

Harmony can't exactly respond verbally with her mouth full of his dick, but she grabs hold of his pants quite happily, even as her tongue writhes against the underside of his cock as he begins to thrust. Xander just grins. Alls well that ends well.


When Cordelia drags him away from his locker the next day with a stony expression on her face, Xander can't help but grin wickedly, even as she takes him to a different empty classroom. She pushes him inside and enters after him, locking the door behind her and crossing her arms over her chest.

"Good morning to you too, Cordelia… is this about yesterday?"

Xander just lifts a brow questioning, curious to hear how she does this. Cordelia scowls, glancing away for a moment before nodding.

"Yeah… yeah it is. I want in, Harris. The deal you have with Harmony… you're going to give me the same one. Got it?"

Xander rakes his eyes up and down Cordelia's body, lifting a brow as he purposefully checks her out like a piece of meat, especially enjoying the way she squirms when he does so.

"Do you even really understand my deal with Harmony?"

"Of course, I do! She gives you head, you tutor her. I'll… I'll do that too."

Xander just grins and shakes his head as he moves closer to Cordelia, causing the gorgeous, leggy brunette to stiffen up at his proximity.

"Nah. That's not the deal. The deal is, she lets me do whatever I want with her, I help her with her grades. Is that something you think you can handle, Ms. Chase?"

Flustered and flushed with obvious embarrassment, Cordelia nonetheless doubles down, clearly not knowing when to back down instead.

"O-Of course! If that's the deal, then that's the deal I wan-eep!"

His hands flash out, and Xander spins Cordelia around as he grips her hips, pushing her up against the front of the teacher's desk and causing her to plant her hands palm down for support. She gasps when his own palm comes down on her ass, covered as it still is by her dress.

"Shut up. You've got yourself a deal, but if we're going to do this, I'm in charge. Which means you do what I say. Got it?"

"F-Fine, Harris… just get it-eep!"

Cordelia squeals again when Xander spanks her a second time, growling into her ear.

"I'm in charge, Cordelia. You should call me sir whenever we're having a… tutoring session together."

There's silence for a moment as Cordelia processes this, but in the end, she just hangs her head and says it.

"Y-Yes sir…"

Xander grins and grabs the back of the leggy brunette's skirt, bunching it up in his grip and then hiking it up over her shapely behind. Her panties today are a green lace, rather exotic if Xander does say so himself. And ever since he's gotten his powers, he's seen an awful lot of panties. Cordelia shivers and trembles as he runs his fingers along where her skin meets her underwear. Then, he slips his digits into the waistband of her panties and drags them down off her ass, making note of the way the crotch of her undergarments clings to her cunt.

Reaching down there, between her legs, Xander rubs his fingers against Cordelia's slit and finds her incredibly wet. Whether that's because of the "inwardly, you want it too" part of his hypnosis of her or not, Xander doesn't know… nor does he care. It wouldn't keep him from teasing her about it anyways.

"You're so wet, Cordelia."

Cordelia just whimpers in response, already knowing better than to talk back. Xander grins as he slips his middle finger up into the gorgeous brunette girl, pushing her up against the teacher's desk with the move, watching as she goes up on her tip toes, gasping from the sensation.

"And so tight… I'm going to enjoy this."

She shivers but doesn't say a word as Xander moves into position behind her. Maybe he's moving a little faster than usual, but this IS Cordelia Chase he's got in front of him in such a compromising, helpless position. Is it any wonder that he wants to slip it to her as quickly as he can possibly justify? His cock comes out of his pants with ease, nice and hard and ready as he fits his tip up against Cordelia's waiting virgin cunt.

Then, he's inside of her. His length tears right through her hymen, and Cordelia's answering shriek is cut off by his hand over her mouth as he silences her while also impaling her on his dick. Xander groans into Cordelia's ear, while also feeling tears slipping down from her eyes, onto her fingers.

"It always hurts the first time, Cordelia. But now you're a woman… now you're MY woman."

He only gives her about a moment to recover, before he begins to fuck her. His body molds to hers, and her back presses against his chest as it arches from the way he's plowing her up against the teacher's desk. She mewls and whines and moans into his hand in equal measure, even as Xander uses his other hand to pull down the day's lowcut top and grab at her tits.

That garners a whole new reaction from the leggy brunette, and she's already trembling as he takes her from behind, his cock slamming home into her sopping wet cunt again and again. Cordelia clearly doesn't know what to do with herself, but then, what virgin would? Xander doesn't care though. He doesn't care that she's inexperienced and unskilled when compared to the majority of his other female 'friends'.

This is Cordelia Chase. That alone is a fucking triumph that Xander can't help but be immensely satisfied by, even as he feels her cumming around his cock, her squealing sounding shocked from beneath his hand when she does so. It's clear that she wasn't expecting to enjoy this nearly as much as she's ended up doing. Clear that she wasn't aiming for pleasure when she confronted him, or so she thought.

But she does want it, deep down inside. He's MADE her want it. So, as Xander fucks Cordelia up against the teacher's desk, the brunette cums again and again around his dick. He fucks her until she can barely stand, until she's using his impaling prick and the big oak desk in front of her more for support than her own feet. And then, he cums. And he makes sure to cum inside of her.

Cordelia doesn't like that. She squeals anew and kicks at him, even as Xander pumps his load deep, DEEP into her womb. She only stops struggling when Xander growls into her ear.

"Mine, Cordelia. All MINE!"

She whines in protest, but ultimately gives up. The deed is already done after all, his seed is already buried within her, just like his cock. Though, that doesn't mean he's finished with her. Pulling out of the leggy brunette, Xander drags Cordelia off of the teacher's desk, which in turn causes her to fall to her knees as she loses every source of support available to her.

Spinning her around, Xander slaps his messy prick down on Cordelia's upturned face, causing her to flinch away, even as she looks up at him with an accusatory gaze.

"Clean it, slut. This is one of your duties now. Suck my cock like the naughty little whore you are."

Cordelia glares… or she tries to. Because she also obeys. She opens wide and she takes Xander's cock and the combination of their fluids into her mouth as she begins to clean him off. Her nostrils flare, and she breathes in his musk and her pussy juices, and slowly but surely, the glare softens as her attention refocuses on what shouldn't have been nearly as delicious a task as it was.

Xander just smiles as Cordelia begins to become a lot more enthusiastic. His grip on her hair loosens, and he watches as she bobs her head up and down his cock, her tongue slurping away and cleaning up the mess they'd made together. All the while, her panties are still down around her thighs and he can see his cum slipping out from betwixt her legs. He's fucked her good, humiliated and shamed her… and he's made her his.

Eventually, he pushes her away. He pushes her away before she's done with him, to make it clear who's in charge here. He pushes her away and slips his cock back into his boxers, zipping up his pants, even as she stares at his crotch, open-mouthed but unwilling to beg for more. She just… kneels there, dazed and confused. Heh, and he didn't even have her under his hypnotic gaze right now.

"We'll see each other again soon, Cordelia. You can consider our little deal nice and sealed.

"Y-Yes sir…"

She murmurs the words as if they're a lifeline to latch onto. Xander just grins, sparing the most popular girl in school one last look, taking in the sight of her disheveled, fucked silly appearance one more time before he slips out of the classroom and gets on with his day.


If there was one thing that his unplanned taking of Cordelia had taught him, it was that Xander didn't need to be so… cautious any longer. His power seemed pretty damn strong, and no one had noticed anything different about Cordelia since he'd hypnotized her. Not her friend circle, nor his either. And since he'd already used his eyes on one witch, Amy Madison, Xander knew they should work on other witches.

The only problem was, Xander didn't know if there was a difference between a witch like Amy… and a witch like Willow. It might have been bias, but he assumed that Willow was the better witch, by far. And that meant he had to be careful. Or maybe he just wanted to be careful? If his eyes worked as they had before, great. But if they chose now to fail him, he really didn't want to ruin his friendship with Willow and expose his activities to her in the process.

So, here he was, all alone, waiting behind the bleachers out near Sunnydale's football field for Willow Rosenberg to show up for the clandestine meeting he'd set up for them. And by set up, he'd slipped a note into her locker. It was like old times, really. He, her and Jessie had actually come out here all the time back in the day, before… before Jessie got turned into a vampire, Willow turned out to be a witch, and Xander's whole world got turned on its head.

Honestly, he'd been coping pretty well, hadn't he? For just being a normal-ass human with no special skills or powers, he'd done the best he could. Now though… now he had all the power he could ever want. Who could begrudge him for using it, really? Heh, plenty of people WOULD if they knew he had it, Xander knew that for a fact. But that was okay, because he wasn't intending to let any of them find out.

He would-


The sound of his name pulls him from his thoughts and Xander looks up just as Willow walks into view. Her eyes alight on him and she smiles as she hurries over. All alone… perfect.

"Hey Wills, thanks for coming, I really needed to talk to you."

Willow's smile fades a little, even as she nods, concern evident in her eyes.

"Your note said as much… is everything okay Xander? What's going on?"

Licking his lips, Xander makes sure to effect as anxious a persona as possible, antsy and nervous. That was what Willow needed to think he was if this didn't work. Which to be fair, the nervousness was at least partially real, just because Xander did find himself afraid it wouldn't work. For the first time, he was up against someone who would know that his hypnosis eyes were… well, probably demonic, or at least monster-related.

"R-Right… um… its this weird thing Wills. Ever since that night… look, its better if I just show you, okay? I don't know who to turn to about this. Look at my eyes."

The young witch does so willingly, earnest and eager to help, even as Xander looks right at her and activates his hypnotic gaze. A hum fills the air as his pupils expand and go black, going all wobbly and wibbly as they always did when he turned on these eyes. For a moment, there's silence as they both look at each other and Willow gets the full brunt of his hypno-gaze.

Then, her face goes slack, all the worry and concern fading away. Not to be replaced by surprise or fear or anger, thankfully, but by that same blank expression that he'd seen on all the other girls before her. For a moment, Xander licks his lips and leans back.

"Willow? Can you hear me?"

"Yes, Lord Xander…"

It had worked. It had completely, one hundred percent worked! Letting out a laugh, Xander leaps forward and picks the dazed Willow up in a hug, holding her tight as he spins her around. She puts up no resistance, nor does she try to fight back. Instead, she simply lets it happen as Xander whoops with glee, before finally putting her down and placing his hands on her shoulders.

"Okay… okay, this is fine. I just… you're going to be mine from now on, Willow. But I won't forget our friendship, okay? S-Still… this is every teenage boy's greatest fantasy, right? So… so you'll be my pet witch from now until the end of time, won't you Willow?"

"Yes, Lord Xander. I am your pet witch, from now until the end of time."

Licking his lips, Xander expands on that.

"You LOVE being my pet witch… i-in fact, you love being mind controlled and hypnotized, even outside of the trance. Okay?"

"Yes, Lord Xander."

"You won't betray me, you won't tell Buffy or Giles what I can do unless I say you can."

"Yes, Lord Xander."

He can't think of anything else to say, he really can't. So… might as well see the effects of this change, right? Stepping back and turning off his hypnotic eyes, Xander blinks a couple times and then watches as Willow slowly comes out of the trance. For a moment, she just stares at him… then, she smiles that cute, adorable Willow smile, stepping up to him in a distinctly non-Willow-like way as she runs her hands down his chest and presses herself up against his front.

"Hello master~ Your pet witch is here to serve you, faithfully and loyally… what should we do first?"

Xander's mouth is dry as he glances around. They're still behind the bleachers after all… its all dirt back here, not even grass thanks to the absence of sunlight and care. Not really the place where Xander wants to take Willow's virginity.

"Nothing right now, Wills. I want… I want it to at least be a little special. Um, how about you come over to my place tonight, alright? We'll have some fun there."

Willow's face falls at first, but steadily grows sunny and happy again by the time Xander is finished outlining his plans. The red head eagerly nods in agreement, before impulsively leaning up and kissing Xander right on the lips. She doesn't add any tongue, but then, Xander wouldn't expect to get tongue from an inexperienced girl like Willow.

Rather, after the quick smooch, Willow pulls back, blushing and looking up at him as she nibbles at her lower lip.

"S-Sorry master… I just couldn't help myself."

After a moment, Xander realizes Willow's sudden uncertainty comes from her taking the initiative rather than letting him do so. Letting out a laugh, Xander pulls his childhood friend close, his hands circling her hips and his fingers sliding down over her rump in a way that pleases him greatly as he holds her close.

"Don't you worry about that, Willow. You're my hypnotized pet, but that doesn't mean you can't have a mind of your own, you know?"

Willow moans at that.

"Ooh, I love it when you talk about mind controlling me, Xander. I love being your pet witch."

Heh, of course she did. He'd made sure of it. Grinning wickedly for a moment longer, Xander finally pulls away, letting Willow go.

"Tonight, alright? After dark, come on over. Don't worry about my dad… he won't be a problem."

Willow nods and Xander turns and walks away. She watches him go, which doesn't surprise the young man one bit. He IS the center of her universe now… and honestly? That feels like it's exactly as it should be. With his head held high and a cocky, confident grin on his face, Xander makes his way to his next class. Tonight was going to be fan-fucking-tastic.


It's a half-hour after dark that Xander hears a knock on his front door. His dad is still at work, but then, the man was under general orders to ignore Xander's activities, so it wasn't a problem. Opening the door reveals Willow standing there in a woman's coat, biting her lower lip and shifting from foot to foot, clearly nervous. That excites Xander to no end, because it speaks to exactly what might be under the coat, as he steps aside and lets his pet witch in.

As soon as he's closed and locked his front door, Willow is taking the initiative again, wrapping her arms around his neck and standing on her tiptoes as she kisses him right there on the spot. This time, the kiss lasts a lot longer, mostly because Xander wraps his arms around Willow's wait and introduces the inexperienced young woman to tongue, his own pressing into her mouth and intertwining with hers as they continue to lock lips for a good couple minutes.

Eventually, they both pull back for air, and the collar of Willow's coat is down enough that Xander can see some of what's hidden underneath. Specifically, the tight, leather choker that Willow is currently wearing around her neck. Catching him looking, Willow bites her lower lip as they pull apart and she bares her neck more, letting him see the black accessory in full.

"Do… do you like it? I wanted to wear it for you. Even if no one can know its true meaning… a pet should always be collared, right?"

Holy shit he's rock hard right now. Willow is the perfect mix of perverted and innocent like this, lewd but also unsure of herself. Grinning, Xander nods in agreement with his pet witch's reasoning.

"Oh yeah… I love it, Willow. Now… show me the rest."

Swallowing, Willow reaches down and unties the coat's belt, pulling it apart slowly to show off what's underneath. She's not completely nude, of course. Willow isn't nearly adventurous enough for that. At least, she's not adventurous enough YET. Regardless, she also probably didn't own serious lingerie, so it's not like she's completely lewd either. Instead, Willow is wearing a matching black bra and panty set that goes well with her collar.

The underwear isn't particularly lewd or frilly or lacy, but it IS probably the raciest set of underwear Willow owns, solely because of the color. For a moment, the red head fidgets in front of Xander, waiting for his verdict. Rather than give her a verbal response, Xander steps forward and shows Willow what he thinks with his actions. His hands encircle her waist and he slides his palms down onto her panty-clad behind, even as he leans in and kisses her again.

Groping and making out with the half-naked red head, Xander slowly guides Willow backwards, bringing her towards his room as they continue to writhe against one another. Eventually, they make it to his bed, where he brings his hands up and undoes the clasps on Willow's bra. Only once its undone and he has a firm grip on it does Xander finally pull away and push Willow back. She lands with a soft thump atop his mattress, looking absolutely spectacular sprawled out before him in nothing but her panties.

Her breasts are still small and supple, but she's a growing young woman and they might grow bigger still before she's done. Not that Xander needs them to. With his powers, he can have any woman in the world, and that kind of means his 'type' has become every woman in the world. Willow Rosenberg is perfect just the way she is, and she'll always be beautiful to him. His best friend, his first friend… she is his in every way that matters.

Needing to be inside of her, Xander rushes to kick off his pants and boxers, tearing his shirt off his body. Willow doesn't move, save to spread her legs apart and slide her panties to the side, blushing crimson but smiling all the while. Xander practically dives into her as he jumps onto the bed, and it takes a little effort to get his cockhead properly fitted against her tight, virgin entrance. Still, despite being virginal, Willow is absurdly wet, obviously having been anticipating this all day long.

Xander takes his time enjoying the first thrust, penetrating Willow inch by inch and tearing through her hymen as he takes her virginity. The red head cries out softly in pain, but when he pauses she urges him to keep going, her eyes filled with lust and happiness and arousal instead. Serving him, being his pet witch, being whatever he wants her to be…

Leaning in, Xander kisses Willow heatedly once more, their tongues immediately intertwining this time, the two of them swapping saliva as he thrusts into her again and again, while Willow in turn wraps her legs around his waist, helping him along. She clings to him as he fucks her into his bed, her body his for the taking, her everything his for the conquering. Willow Rosenberg was HIS pet witch, and Xander was never going to let her go.

A squeal suddenly emits from Willow's mouth, mostly swallowed up by Xander's lips, and abruptly, he feels her inner walls squeezing down HARD around his cock as she cums along his length. The orgasm catches the red head by surprise, her eyes widening and then going crossed as her face contorts in pleasure. She shakes and spasms beneath him… but all it does is make Xander want more. He wants more of that, to see Willow orgasming around his dick, climaxing along his shaft.

So, he fucks her, and he fucks her hard. He plows into her again and again, eventually leaning back and just watching as his pet witch loses more and more of her mind to temporary insanity via pleasure overload. Eventually, Willow's eyes roll back in her head and her tongue wags out of her mouth as her fingers curl around his, the two of them holding hands while he thrusts into her with all his might.

This final orgasm is the one that brings Xander over the edge as well, the explosive nature of the climax finally milking him of his own release. With a loud groan, the young man fills Willow with his seed, pumping his cum right into her womb where it paints her inner walls white. Then, he's done, and they're both left panting as Xander pulls out of Willow and falls to her side.

His pet witch immediately turns into him, curling against his chest as Xander wraps his arms around her and holds her close. Her panties remain where they are, doing a poor job of holding in his cum as it leaks out between her thighs. But neither of them much care about that, as they look into one another's eyes.

"I'm so happy that you hypnotized me, Master. I'm so happy to be your pet witch… I want you to teach me all about how to please you and make you as happy as I am. P-Please?"

Xander chuckles at Willow's earnest adorable nature, which shined through even now, even with the hypnosis.

"Yeah, Wills… we'll start your training tomorrow."

Smiling brightly, the red head lays her head on his chest and within moments falls asleep. Xander, feeling drained, follows shortly after.


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Looking for something Original from me to read? Check out The Soul Engine!

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