Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Lesson in Collateral Damage (Metroid)

A/N: This commissioned story was originally written back in October of 2020 in two parts. Posting it up here as one piece.

Themes: Big Dick, Rough Sex, Breeding

Summary: Samus has fucked up. She's really gone and stepped in it now. And the only way to make things right is to do as she's told. But that doesn't mean she has to like it. Until she does...


Standing in the elevator as it takes her up and up and up, Samus Aran can't help but grit her teeth and cross her arms over her substantial chest defensively. Clad in nothing but her Zero Suit, the gorgeous blonde Bounty Hunter cut a truly impressive figure. Unfortunately, that was undercut by the air of nervous and agitated energy coming off of her.

This wasn't fair. But then, life wasn't very fair to begin with, now was it?

Based on her reputation, most people would say that the Galaxy-renowned Bounty Hunter didn't GET scared. They'd call her a total badass. Samus Aran was known far and wide as a big shot in the bounty hunting community, and for good reason to. But, as she'd been reminded quite recently, that didn't mean shit when one zoomed back out to the broader picture.

It didn't matter how good of a bounty hunter she was if she got on the wrong side of the wrong people. And that was exactly what had happened. That was why, for the first time in a long time, Samus was as nervous, as scared even, as she was annoyed and irritated about her current circumstances. She'd fucked up, and now she was paying the price.

It'd all started with a bounty, like most stories in her life did. But this bounty hadn't been like the rest. She should have known better. She should have just backed off while she could. It wasn't like Samus hadn't done her research, after all. She'd known going in that the biolab the bounty was hiding out in was an incredibly prominent, incredibly well-connected one. The mark himself hadn't been, he'd disguised himself as a nameless nobody.

Which was why Samus had thought things would be easy. How was she to know that he had managed to hack into the biolab's security, or that he would turn it's defenses against her the moment he found out she was on the premises? It should have been a simple and quick grab for a truly amazing amount of credits.

Instead, Samus had botched things up royally. The biolab had ended up completely destroyed. She was Samus Aran, after all, even state of the art security systems weren't enough to defeat her. She was a veritable badass, but in this case, her badassitude came at a price. She'd wrecked the biolab, and she hadn't even gotten the bounty. The man had killed himself rather than let her catch him in the end, and because the bounty was specifically for him alive, she wouldn't be seeing a single credit.

The consequences of her actions hadn't ended there, however. The Galactic Federation was effectively a meritocracy built on science. Which meant the scientists were usually the wealthiest people in the Federation, these days. As such, they held a great deal of financial power and political influence over the upper echelons of the Galactic Federation. Namely, the lead scientist of the biolab that Samus had inadvertently destroyed while failing to bring in her latest bounty happened to fund the reelection campaign of Samus' employers.

As a result, Samus was given a choice that wasn't a choice at all. She could either be blacklisted by the Galactic Federation, her hunting license revoked and all of the crimes and infractions she may or may not have committed during her tenure retroactively brought against her… or she could spend the next year of her life doing everything in her power to make sure the lead scientist was happy.

In all fairness, she'd apparently destroyed his life's work. The way it had been explained to her, not only was he very wealthy and thus very well-connected, there were those who were afraid the man would commit suicide in the face of his work being completely gone. Apparently, this lead scientist was the sort of man who had no life, outside of his lab. He was the sort of man who'd never settled down, who'd never had a family.

It was made incredibly obvious exactly what Samus would be expected to do for him for this next year. She was to live with him, both to make sure he didn't commit suicide… and to give him plenty of reasons to live. Gritting her teeth, a little harder as the elevator finally comes to the top floor of the building, Samus steps forward as the doors open, only to stop as she looks at the incredibly opulent hallway.

Well, if she hadn't already known about her… new boss' wealth, this would certainly make it clear that he lived on a whole other level from the rest of the galaxy. But then, that just went back to what she was thinking earlier. It didn't matter how big of a big shot Samus was. So long as she wanted to avoid being labeled a criminal like the pirate scum she regularly hunted down for their bounties, she had to work within the boundaries of society. And bounty hunters were on the lower rungs there, especially in comparison to a scientist of this man's intellect.

Didn't mean she had to like it though. Shuddering as she contemplates how dramatically her life has changed in one short week, the buxom blonde bombshell strides down the hall. The final door at the end of the hall slides open just as she's making her approach, revealing a surprisingly tall, large black man standing in the doorway, smiling slightly.

"Ms. Aran. I was told to expect your arrival. Please, come in."

He's well spoken, she notes. But then of course he would be, he's an intellectual. He's also surprisingly respectful as he steps aside and Samus steps past him. He's a bit big, that's for sure. Not necessarily obese, but also not incredibly fit. She wouldn't call him handsome, as first glance, but she also isn't disgusted by his appearance. He's… almost jovial, as he closes his door behind her, and a dozen different security systems engage.

In other parts of the galaxy, Samus knows that that would be a sign of rampant paranoia. In a place as wealthy and opulent as this, however, that much security is a feature that comes with the living space and was probably installed before he even arrived at this place.

Letting out a low sigh, Samus turns to her new… boss and looks him in the eye. Surprisingly, he's the same height as her. Samus has always enjoyed having height on almost everyone she interacts with. She's always been a tall woman. But now she's being matched, meaning her gaze is meeting his directly, rather than her having to look down at him.

"Listen, Dr. Muun. I… what happened in the lab was of course my responsibility. I made several mistakes and cost you and your fellow researchers dearly. As such, it is my… pleasure to inform you that I will be making up for my actions by spending this next year at your side, while the lab is being rebuilt and re-outfitted to your specifications. I will be at your beck and call, to make sure that you want for nothing until you're finally ready to return to work."

There, she managed to get it all out. Samus would be lying if she said she hadn't practiced that speech in the mirror half a dozen times before coming over here to start her penance. And even with all of that practice, there were a couple of pauses. But regardless, she'd said what she needed to say.

"Oh, well… if we're going to be spending the next year together, you don't have to call me Dr. Muun. Just call me Adam, alright?"

Samus presses her lips tightly together at the familiarity, even as he gives her another smile that continues to scream jovial to her.

"I'm not sure that's entirely appropriate, Dr. Muun. I am to be working under you. I will follow your orders… so long as they do not go too far."

Because there were limits. Not many, Samus had already resigned herself to having to do some things she really would rather not do, in order to get through this year. But at the same time, she wasn't about to risk her life. If this man turned out to secretly be some sort of egregiously vile pervert, Samus might just try her luck as a criminal… after lopping off his dick and feeding it to him, more than likely.

Dr. Muun's eyes go a little wide at her statement, and he blinks owlishly.

"Too far?"

Samus sighs, her crossed arms tightening a little over her substantial chest, squeezing it down a bit.

"… I am willing to perform certain acts to satisfy any sexual needs you may have, Doctor. But there are limits. You will not cum inside of me. I will not engage in any blood play or cutting. You will not endanger my life or your own. And I will not allow anything too… unsanitary."

As she speaks, Dr. Muun's eyes widen further and further, making Samus truly think that perhaps she was going too far. By the time she's done, the dark-skinned man nods his head up and down energetically.

"O-Of course, Ms. Aran! I would never… some of the things you just mentioned… do people truly engage in that sort of activity?"

Samus grimaces, because it's totally believable that a man like Adam Muun wouldn't know. Especially if his work is his life. The scientist clearly doesn't get out of the lab very often. Wait… is she… is she dealing with a virgin? Honestly, the thought actually makes Samus feel a little bit better about all of this.

"Yes, Dr. Muun. People have been known to do terrible things to each other in the pursuit of sexual gratification. It is not my place to judge… but I will not be taking part in such activities. Are we clear?"


Samus' shoulders slump a fraction of an inch, some of her initial defensiveness bleeding out of her. This… might not be so bad after all. And in fact, she was feeling guiltier and guiltier about ruining this man's work the longer she spent in his presence. The scientist really did seem like he was a good man, all in all. Perhaps this year wouldn't be quite as much of a hardship as she'd originally thought.

Letting out a sigh, Samus graces her new boss with a smile.

"What do you require of me first, Dr. Muun?"

Resigning herself to cooking or cleaning, at least to start with, Samus is surprised by what he says next… but in the end, she supposes she shouldn't be.

"W-Well, I hate to say it… but, um, you mention sex and sexual gratification while dressed like that, Ms. Aran. I have to admit… I've never had such a beautiful woman dressed so provocatively talking about satisfying my sexual needs before. Perhaps… perhaps we could start there?"

Samus could smack herself. Instead, she settles for cursing inwardly, even as her smile becomes all the faker on her face. It was her own fault, wasn't it? She was the one who'd brought it up, trying to get ahead of things and nip it in the bud early. In the process, she'd ended up drawing Dr. Muun's attention to the idea.

She'd come here today expecting to be used as a sex toy for the next year, based off of her own experiences in the wider galaxy, as well as based off of the insinuations of the Federation contacts who gave her this ultimatum in the first place. She'd never thought to wonder if the man in question himself would care about that sort of thing.

But he was a man, so of course, now that she'd gone and brought it up like the idiot she was, he certainly did!

"… Very well. Did you have anything… specific in mind?"

It's a little embarrassing, watching a grown man blush. But that's exactly what he's doing, as his eyes trail up and down her beautiful body and he swallows thickly.

"Well… as much as I like seeing you in that suit, Ms. Aran… I'd also like to see how you might… go about taking it off. And then maybe afterwards you could… put your mouth on my cock?"

He sounds so uncertain, so unsure of himself. Honestly, it makes Samus feel relieved. She can easily do a striptease and a blowjob. That much is… child's play. Smiling just a bit more genuinely, Samus nods and gestures over to the black scientist's couch.

"That, I can do. Go ahead and sit down, Doctor. The show will begin once you have."

It may not be what she wants to be doing, this may not be where she wants to be… but Samus decides then and there that she's going to make the best of a bad situation. So long as she maintains control, so long as she keeps this naïve scientist wrapped around her little finger, then maybe this won't be quite as unbearable as she'd initially feared.

So, once Dr. Muun is seated in place, Samus begins to bump and grind to music only she can hear, making her smile more seductive and sultrier as she shakes her hips over to where he's sat. Stopping a few feet away from him, Samus reaches up and pulls down the hidden zipper on her Zero Suit, gasping dramatically, her breath hitching in a completely manufactured way as she stares Dr. Muun in the eyes.

The man is very nearly panting right back, as she slowly reveals more and more of her body to him, exposing her cleavage and her abdomen, all the way down to her navel. And then she whips around, showing him her back, her ass wiggling in the air as she slips the suit off of her shoulders, her breasts bouncing free of their confines out of his line of sight.

The striptease continues apace, as Samus pulls her suit off bit by bit. It's all one piece, of course, so in the end, she has to make it last. She has to make it work. When she finally pulls it off of herself entirely, she turns around and lets Dr. Muun stare at her fantastically fat chest, exposing her tits to him in order to distract from the way she has to effectively hop a couple times to finish pulling the skintight suit off of her feet.

Given his dopy grin and the bulge in the crotch of his pants, he certainly enjoys the way her tits bounce up and down as she hops. And then she's naked, and there's nothing left to do but get down on her knees and suck his cock.

It's not Samus' favorite sexual act. But she's not a total strange to fellatio. Usually, she prefers it to happen in a sixty-nine, where the man in question can reciprocate right on the spot, then and there. Getting down on her knees puts her in a position that lacks power, that lacks control. But perhaps, given his seeming innocence, she can maintain control, even now.

Looking up at him, smiling seductively, Samus Aran, Galaxy-renowned Bounty Hunter, deftly works her fingers to unbutton and unzip his pants, slipping one hand in to wrap around his cock. She pulls it free, only for her breath to catch for real as she finally lays eyes upon his dick.

"Oh my…"

She can't quite help the quiet exclamation, much to her embarrassment. And he hears her too, his response coming a moment later, sounding somewhat concerned.

"Is there… is there something wrong with it, Ms. Aran?"

Quite the opposite. His cock is impeccably clean, which is honestly a little bit of a surprise. A man on the larger side like him usually wasn't very hygienic, in Samus' experience. But no, his cock is clean… and large… and thick… and girthy. It's also black, but then given the rest of the man, that was always going to be a given. Still, Samus stares down at the big black cock in her hand, admiring the stark contrast between her pale digits and his thick black shaft, and can't help but be… surprised at how pleasant she finds his member.

"Q-Quite the contrary… you have a very impressive cock, Dr. Muun."

Her words sound just a little… dazed, even to her ears, but it's the truth. His cock is impressive. And suddenly, Samus is wondering if she might even ENJOY the next year with this man.

"Oh, well that's good…"

He sounds so relieved, Samus can't help but huff a laugh. She's liking him more and more by the second, despite herself. Leaning forward, she does as she was bade and finally takes him into her mouth. Her lips spread open wide around his cockhead, and though it strains her jaw a bit to do so, she manages to fit him past them, even as her tongue swirls around his dick tip.

All the while, Samus strokes the rest of his shaft up and down with her hand, her eyes staring up at him, measuring his enjoyment by the reactions she's getting from his face. Adam Muun is like an open book… and one that Samus intends to read from cover to cover, so that she can get a proper measure of what makes this man tick and make this next year in his service as easy on herself as possible.

Letting out a soft muffled moan, Samus can feel her own face heating up as she gets more and more into things. His cock… it tastes amazing. Which is a little strange, because he'd obviously just washed up, right? So, it should taste like soap. But instead, the more she bobs up and down his length, the better it tastes. Her nostrils flare as she breathes in his clean, yet musky scent.

Tongue writhing along the underside of his cock, wagging back and forth as her lips pout and purse and fluff up as she sucks, Samus begins to go further, to take him deeper. She starts to choke and gag of course as she does so, but she really doesn't mind. Her hand comes off of his cock in the process, and she grabs him by his thighs instead, gripping almost hard enough to draw blood as she dives further and further down his cock of her own accord.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

"Ohhh… Ms. Aran, you're so enthusiastic~"

Is that a teasing note she hears in his voice? Perhaps the naïve scientist has some bite to him after all. Rather than piss her off, it just amuses her, truth be told, and Samus just keeps on going, delighting in playing with this man and his deliciously large cock, gulping it down and ruining her own throat in order to please him properly as she slobbers all over his dick.

"Ms. Aran! I'm getting close! Will you… c-could you swallow, or would that be unsanitary?"

No, swallowing his cum wasn't what Samus had meant when she'd talked about 'unsanitary things' earlier. It still wasn't something she would do under normal circumstances, of course… but for what she imagined to be his first blowjob, maybe… a moment later, the decision is taken out of the beautiful buxom bounty hunter's hands as he begins to cum before she can decide. His seed floods her mouth and her throat, and Samus HAS to swallow, lest she drown on his cum.

Gulp after gulp after gulp results in Samus going cross-eyed as some of his seed spills out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth, her cheeks chipmunked outwards in a highly embarrassing fashion as they become stuffed with his cum. She looks ridiculous, and she knows she looks ridiculous… but she still swallows every last drop, both out of a sense of professional pride, and because it tastes just as delicious as his cock did.

She really might be able to enjoy this year after all. Perhaps it would end up being like a vacation, a lot more relaxing and pleasurable than she'd initially thought. Pulling back off of his dick and swallowing the last of her seed, Samus smiles up at her new boss as seductively as she can manage, aiming to continue asserting her control over the situation.

"I hope that that was satisfactory, Dr. Muun."

She's expecting a jovial grin and a nod from the big black man. What she gets is a bit of a wince as he glances down at himself.


Blinking, Samus follows his eyes, only to find to her surprise that he's still rock hard, his cock dripping a last bit of cum, but still throbbing with need.

"I was uh… hoping we could have sex next? You see, I'm still hard, Ms. Aran. You've done this to me. You and your beautiful body…"

His earnestness causes Samus' breath to hitch, and before she knows what she's doing, she's taking him by the hand and leading him to the bedroom. It's not hard to figure out where that is, despite this being her first time here. And once there, well…

"I… you do have condoms, right Dr. Muun?"

"O-Oh! Yes, yes, right here!"

Samus smiles as he quickly pulls a pack of condoms out from a nearby drawer. In truth, she'd brought her own just in case, since getting knocked up and with child was one of her major deal breakers. The problem was, Samus' condoms were for a man of average size, which Dr. Muun most certainly was not. She didn't want to test whether or not her condoms would fit his cock, or whether they would snap and break under the sheer size that the black man was sporting.

Luckily, he's prepared for the occasion. Perhaps that should be sending warning bells ringing in Samus' head, but ultimately it just fills her with relief as she moves to lay back on the bed, getting into position and lounging there with her legs splayed open as her new boss fits the extra large condom over his extra large cock and then crawls onto the bed to join her.

As he puts the head of his member against her admittedly sopping wet pussy lips, the big man looks down at her with a smile, making eye contact. He thrusts forward then, causing a heartfelt moan to fall from Samus' lips. As he begins to fuck her, slowly at first, but picking up pace, he speaks.

"I think with this… we can call each other by our first names. Don't you? So, from now on, I'll be Adam… and you'll be Samus. Okay?"

Groaning and moaning beneath him, her tits bouncing and jiggling as his thrusting increases in speed, Samus nods her head up and down.

"A-Alright… A-Adam…"

The wide, happy grin he gives her in return to that makes her feel surprisingly good. Of course, the sex itself is making her feel surprisingly good as well. It's one thing for him to have a big fat cock. But if her assumption about him being a virgin was true… then Adam Muun was a fucking sexual savant. Because the way he was using his size on her felt amazing. It wasn't just bludgeoning force, there was a sort of natural talent, an unskilled technique that Samus couldn't pin down.

But whatever it was about him that was so special, one thing was for certain… the Galaxy-renowned Bounty Hunter couldn't get enough of it. She tries to keep it to just moans and groans, not wanting to make too much of a fool of herself, but the more Adam fucks her, the harder it is to contain her voice. Soon enough, the beautiful blonde is squealing and creaming herself on his cock.

Despite this all being a result of her own idiocy, she finds herself enjoying the situation more and more by the second. Not only was Adam the first man she'd enjoyed blowing in all her years alive, sex with him was fucking MIND-BLOWING. She loses track of just how many times she cums on his cock, eyes rolling around in her head and tongue wagging out of her mouth. It feels too damn good to be real, but it is, and she can't get enough.

When he finally cums, one last powerful thrust that rams up against the entrance to her womb itself, Samus can FEEL the size of his load inflating the end of the extra large condom he's wearing. For a moment, she fears that even that condom won't be able to hold back the TIDAL WAVE of jizz that it feels like the big black man is unleashing inside of her… but no, in the end it holds.

The very thought of the flooding that would have happened to her ovaries if it had not, is enough to send Samus over the edge one last time though, an explosive orgasm taking her. But she doesn't really have much time to think on that, or even on the experience in general, because before she can even recover, Adam has pulled out, taken off the first condom, slapped on another… and is back inside of her gushing wet, freshly fucked pussy all over again.

There's no slow-to-fast build up this time around, he's fucking her with the same intensity he had at the end there, right off the bat. In the end, Samus just lays back and enjoys herself, fully believing that Adam Muun was a good man with an amazing cock that she didn't have to worry about. The next year was going to be a BREEZE.


… It's been several days since their first night together, and Samus is beginning to near the end of her rope. Even the Galaxy-renowned Bounty Hunter has limits… but, it would seem, her new boss and 'roommate' did NOT. She never could have guessed just how much ENERGY Adam Muun would turn out to have, and frankly, they've been fucking like rabbits ever since that first time. Meals and showers and other absolutely necessary functions have slowed them down from time to time, but nothing has ever really STOPPED the constant string of sexual encounters between the two of them.

It's in the middle of the morning right now, and Samus has to bite down on the sheets in front of her that she's clawing at with both hands as her and her new lover experience another soul-searing mutual orgasm together, this time with Adam fucking her from behind. As she lays there, her upper half pressed into the bed and her ass high in the air, twitching and trembling from exhaustion, Samus listens to the by-now-familiar sound of Adam removing this latest used up condom and tossing it into the nearby trashcan, which at this point is filled to the brim with the damn things.

As Samus is still trying to recover from their latest tryst, the mind-numbing pleasure still washing over her from that big black cock stirring up her insides so beautifully, Adam's voice drifts over her ears, sounding so very casual as he speaks.

"Huh… guess we're out of condoms now."

The way he says it, so nonchalantly, doesn't really register with Samus at first. It's not until his belly rests on her fat ass again and his bare cock begins to prod into her from behind that she finally gets it. And then he's inside of her, completely bareback, and Samus' eyes are going crossed as a groan leaves her lips at how GOOD it feels to have him filling up her insides properly, without a condom in the way to rob them both of that oh-so-fulfilling sensation.

Then it hits her beleaguered mind that he's breaking one of her ground rules, and Samus reaches back to try and push him off.

"W-Wait. A-Adam, we can't…"

Her hand presses into his belly, but she's too weak, too exhausted at this point to actually do anything, especially with no leverage. In response, he just grabs her by her wrist with one hand, and by her ponytail with the other. Then, he yanks both back as he begins to REALLY fuck her, pounding the absolute SHIT out of her as he takes her from behind, bareback.

"Can't we, though? Doesn't it feel so much better without a condom? Don't worry, Samus, I'll pull out before I cum. Don't you trust me?"

Through the haze that's fallen over Samus' mind, some small part of her tries to warn her, tries to shout out that no, no she can't trust the scientist. Something is wrong here. Something is off about this entire situation. But that's a vanishingly small part, and in the end, Samus lets out a grunt of agreement amidst her moans and squeals of ecstasy. Even as Adam fucks her harder and faster from behind, plowing into her nonstop and railing her with all of his might, Samus believes him. He'll pull out… it'll be fine.

Though, the more he fucks her, the less sure she is that she wants him to pull out. Has she not fantasized about those condoms of his snapping under the load multiple times over the last several days? Has she not, in her darkest more depraved moments, imagined herself growing heavy with his child?

Getting pregnant and being bred like some… some broodmare has NEVER been in the cards for Galaxy-renowned Bounty Hunter, Samus Aran. It's not something she's ever been turned on before, not something that's ever even remotely aroused her before. And yet… and yet…

Another cry spills forth from Samus' lips as she orgasms explosively yet again around his cock. His cock, which is starting to finally make serious headway on her cervix. It's like… it's like he was holding BACK. That seems like it should be impossible, and yet, all of this time, with the condom… he was clearly holding some part of himself back.

Now that he's fucking her bare, Adam is so much more aggressive than before, and that's saying something considering how intensely he'd been fucking her these past several days. Regardless, now it's like he's taking it to a whole other level. Part of her worries he's going to have a heart attack, what with all the panting and grunting and groaning the big man is doing.

But no, he just keeps on fucking her, and that big fat black dick of his finally pierces through her cervix, spearing forward into her womb itself. With her hair being pulled back and her head tilted up, Samus can't even remotely try to contain the piercing shriek that leaves her throat as he does so. Eyes rolling fully back in her head for the first time since they'd begun, her tongue lolling out of her mouth in a proper fucked silly expression, the blonde bucks and spasms and seizes up as she cums again and again around Adam's cock.

For the first time, every last inch of his dick is inside of her. For the first time, she can feel his hefty, swinging ball sack bouncing up into her clit with every last thrust. This is what it feels like to TRULY get fucked by this man among men. This is what it feels like to get plowed mercilessly by Adam Muun. Everything else… that was just a warm up.

"Oh fuck, you're so fucking tight, Samus! I can't pull out! I'm sorry, I just can't!"

His words spark alarm, somewhere deep in Samus' fracturing psyche. But in the end, she does nothing to stop him as he cums deep inside of her, filling her womb with his seed. Instead, the horny, nearly-insensate blonde ends up experiencing the strongest orgasm of her entire life, solely from the sensation of his cum splattering across her insides, flooding her ovaries. He's going to knock her up, she's almost sure of it… but would that really be such a bad thing?

A moment later, Samus feels… empty. As she slumps forward, familiar hands no longer holding her by her hair or wrist, she ends up sprawled face down on the bed, barely even conscious, her eyes already starting to flutter closed.

"You just… you just c-came inside of me… I told you not to cum inside…"

Her weak protest seems to fall on deaf ears, as she feels the bed shifting, Adam's weight leaving it. Only now, after finally creampieing her, is he actually leaving her be to rest. With a chuckle, the scientist's words float to reach her ears.

"Well, that was fun. I guess we won't be needing condoms anymore, will we Samus?"

And then he leaves her lying there to recover, going off to do whatever it is he intends to do while she sleeps. As Samus falls asleep, the blonde recognizes the truth. Somewhere along the way these last several days, she's lost complete control of this situation. In the end, she's left wondering what's going to happen next… and how the hell she's going to survive the next fifty-one weeks in Dr. Adam Muun's clutches.

One thing's for certain, despite the intensity of this last week, Samus knows for a FACT that… that he's just getting started.


As she puts on the finishing touches to her makeup and checks herself over in the mirror… Samus Aran doesn't even really recognize the woman who looks back anymore. She winces a little, as she takes herself in. Several weeks have gone by, since she found herself in the service of one Doctor Adam Muun. Several weeks in which she had effectively become his fuck toy.

She'd always known it would come to that, to be fair. She'd known that by going along with the Galactic Federations demands, she was effectively agreeing to spend an entire year as a scientist's sex slave. But she'd thought she could maintain control over the situation. Only a week with Dr. Muun had disabused her of that silly notion.

Now here she was, wearing makeup and… and one of the sluttiest sets of lingerie she's ever seen. All at the request of the scientist she's been letting fuck her these last several weeks. And they WERE requests, too. Adam had never actually demanded anything of her. The only area in which he refused to respect her wishes was cumming inside of her. Despite it having been weeks since the first time he'd creampied her after they'd run out of condoms, no further condoms had been ordered, as far as she was aware.

And yet, he kept doing it. He kept cumming inside. Of course, it couldn't really be said that he wasn't respecting her wishes when she wasn't even putting up a fight anymore, now could it? Samus blushes as she looks herself over in the mirror, making sure that there are no blemishes, that her makeup is perfect. It's strange, before this… assignment, she'd never even bothered with makeup. Oh sure, she knew how to apply it, but she'd not once wore it during her years as a Galaxy-renowned Bounty Hunter.

Usually, there wasn't a point. She was almost always in her power armor, after all. And when she wasn't, well, it wasn't like she was trying to doll herself up like some two-bit whore. She was a bounty hunter, not some harlot looking for cock. Not like now… now, Samus wasn't sure what she was anymore.

Squirming and wiggling a bit in shame and embarrassment, but also in arousal and fond reminiscence, Samus licks her lips as her sudden movement causes certain parts of her body to jiggle and shake in an incredibly lewd, humiliating manner. It's not like this set of crass lingerie does even half a good a job of keeping her… assets in check like her Zero Suit did.

From top to bottom, she looks every bit the whore. The Galaxy-renowned Bounty Hunter she truly was, was nowhere to be seen. Her fat tits were currently contained within a lacy, frilly black bra with heart-shaped holes were her nipples were. Both her teats and her areolas were unveiled because of this, free in the wind as it were, her nipples constantly rock hard from the air flow caressing them wherever she went.

Down further, her panties were no better. Just as lacy and frilly and black, and just as revealing, with a large cut out in the crotch that showed off her glistening wet puffy pussy lips as well as her asshole, tucked between her fat ass cheeks as it were. The lingerie did nothing to hide her most private, intimate body parts from Adam's view, but that didn't mean it was doing it's job. It was actually doing it's job perfectly, by showcasing and accentuating the parts of her that Dr. Muun enjoyed playing with the most.

To complete the ensemble, she wore thigh-high black stockings instead of socks or shoes these days, providing a small thin bit of protection between her feet and the cool floors of Adam's extravagant apartment. He liked her in stockings, or so he said. He liked how they contracted with her thighs even as they hugged them so securely.

He liked a lot of things about her that Samus had truthfully never thought about or cared for before. Lewd things that left Samus a blushing mess. As she stares at herself in the mirror, the would-be bounty hunter finds herself reminiscing about the past several weeks. He's completely dominated her, fucked her across every surface of his apartment, and done so each and every time with a totally bare cock, unloading deep inside of her wholly unprotected pussy.

He was a virgin before they first fucked. He had to be. Samus refuses to believe her earlier read could possibly be wrong. But even if he was a virgin, even if she was his first… clearly, having THE Samus Aran as his first had awakened something within him. His confidence had only grown. He was downright cocky these days. Samus might call it arrogance, but arrogance usually meant that you couldn't back it up.

Despite all expectations to the contrary, Dr. Muun could most certainly back it up. And he had been backing it up, for weeks now. Samus was… she wasn't sure-

"Samus! You coming?"

As he calls for her, the blonde's thought process immediately derails, and she finds herself immediately moving in the direction of the door. Her hips sway and sashay back and forth of their own accord as she makes her way out of the room where she was getting ready, and over to where Adam is waiting for her. The big black man smiles up at her as she approaches, setting down the tablet he was using.

Without prompting, Samus drops to her knees between his already spread legs and hurries to extract his cock from it's confines. Adam doesn't say a word… he doesn't have to. He's smiling down at her tenderly as she takes his massive dark member into her mouth. Her hands caress and grip at the lower half of his shaft, even as she sucks and slobbers all over his dick.

"Fuck, Samus… you're really good at this…"

A warm feeling suffuses her chest at that, and she finds herself picking up the pace even more. He doesn't have to do anything besides that… she just can't seem to help herself around the man. In mere moments, she's giving him the most enthusiastic, eager blowjob she possibly can. Slurping and sucking on his cock, swallowing it quite perversely down the back of her throat, Samus swirls her tongue around his dick head, her pillowy lips suctioning down along his length.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

As she begins to choke and gurgle on his dick, gagging herself on the good doctor's member like the nasty little harlot she is, Adam groans and finally reaches down to take hold of her ponytail with his hand.


It's the only warning she gets, before he begins to face fuck her. Not that Samus minds it. She knows what she does to him, once his cock is in her mouth. Her over-eagerness is such a turn on for Adam that he just can't help himself. As he goes to town on her throat, she chokes and gags and slobbers all the harder on his dick, until her spittle is all over his erect cock and her drool is slowly dripping down onto both her fat bouncing tits and his hefty ball sack.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

He fucks her face like that for a while, before suddenly pushing her off almost violently. By that time, Samus' makeup is already a little ruined. At the very least, her lipstick is all over the place, both on his cock and smeared around her mouth. She probably looks like such a clown right now, a whorish clown at that, but the bright beaming smile Adam gives her makes Samus feel like a million dollar escort instead. Still a prostitute, there was no escaping that feeling, but a well-paid and well-liked prostitute at the very least.

With his cock spit-polished and rock hard, it's time to get on with the show. Climbing onto Adam's lap, Samus wastes no time whatsoever in sinking down onto his cock. The lingerie he's given her makes it, so she doesn't even have to bother with stripping down. Her pussy lips are already fully exposed and spread wide open to welcome in his big black dick.

After several weeks of being taken to pound town on every single fucking surface in the apartment, Samus' cunt is well used to taking Adam's cock. But even as used to it as it is, Samus is still left moaning up a storm in quite the lewd manner as she impales herself, inch after inch. He's just so big! It's not fair! How is she supposed to maintain control over such a big fucking dick?!

Drilling his cock up into herself as she slides down it into his lap, Samus moans and mewls in equal measure. She gasps when his hands come up to grab her hips, but he doesn't actually hold onto her that tightly. He's clutching at her, rubbing soothing circles into her flesh… but it's obvious he expects her to do all that work. And Samus is all too happy to do so.

Bouncing up and down on Adam's cock, riding him cowgirl, Samus moans wantonly like the slut she's becoming. Her whorish noises fill the apartment, easily overwhelming both the lewd squelching coming from their joining, as well as Adam's own grunts and groans. She's very loud… but then, she knows Adam likes that.

It's not at all faked though, as evidenced by the fact that she's soon orgasming on his cock. As she cums HARD around his dick, Adam pipes up, sounding teasing, but in that cheesy innocent way of his. It's so very obvious she's his first sexual partner, but Samus honestly finds his inexperience more endearing than anything else.

"Man, Samus, your pussy really likes my cock, doesn't it?! It's like you don't want me to let go!"

Samus can't bring herself to respond, too lost in ecstasy as she is. Instead she just continues to moan… moaning that grows louder when Adam suddenly switches his hands from her hips, up to her tits. As he fondles her breasts through the lacy lingerie, before ultimately focusing all of his attention on her nipples, Samus finds herself pondering just how the hell this portly black man had become the best sexual partner she's ever had.

It boggled the mind, it really did. It was hard for her to wrap her head around at the best of times, let alone when she was bouncing up and down on his dick, getting her tits played with and fondled. Really, he was just too much… but at the same time, Samus loved every last bit of it. This wasn't nearly the hardship she had thought it might be.

Even if she was a little worried about how hard she was falling for Adam, the thought of abandoning her 'post' and going on the run, of being blacklisted from the Galactic Federation and ultimately becoming a criminal… it couldn't be further from her mind at this point. She was having too much fun being Dr. Muun's fuck toy, if she was being honest. Yes, she was worried about just how much fun she was having… but not worried enough to give up her life as a bounty hunter and become little better than a pirate or thug.

In the end though, that meant she was trapped. Trapped in a gilded cage of her own choosing, but still trapped, nonetheless. And the longer she remained here, the better being trapped felt. The better being fucked and pounded nonstop day by day by this large black man felt. Eyes rolling around in her head, tongue lolling out of her mouth, Samus knows she looks like an absolute mess, but she doesn't care.

She doesn't care about anything but the pleasure… until Adam pipes up again.

"You know… your breasts have gotten bigger, Samus."

Samus freezes, as even the naïve, innocent scientist beneath her notices something she's been doing her best to ignore for weeks now. Grinning a little bit, Adam lets go of one of her breasts and lightly slaps at her belly next.

"And your rock-hard abs have a little bit of flab to them now, don't they?"

He doesn't come right out and say it, but then, he doesn't really have to now does he? It's been on Samus' mind, in the back of her head, for a while now.

"I-I'm not pregnant, if that's what you're getting at! It's just… it's j-just because I haven't been working out since I became y-your sex slave, Adam!"

That gets a blink of surprise from Adam, and Samus blushes as she realizes she said the quiet part out loud. They'd never actually put a label on it, this thing between them. In the beginning, she'd made an ass of herself by assuming that he wanted sexual intimacy. By the time she'd realized he hadn't even seemed to have it on the mind, it was too late, and she'd PUT it on his mind.

There was no denying though that their last several weeks together could only be described in one way… a Master and his Slave, going about their days. Samus cooked and cleaned and was effectively at his beck and call, as his sex slave. Sure, one could argue that a live-in girlfriend would be doing the exact same things, but that wasn't the nature of their relationship, now was it? Their relationship was a transactional one. And sexual indentured servant didn't quite roll off the tongue in the same way.

"You… see yourself as my sex slave?"

For a moment, Samus is afraid that she's upset him. Adam isn't a delicate man, but he IS a kind man, as far as she's seen. She's worried that he's going to be distraught at the idea of her thinking of herself in that way. But much to her relief, that doesn't turn out to be the case. Instead, Adam develops this goofy smile on his face, a smile that Samus has become quite familiar with. It's his 'child in a candy shop' smile, the smile of a man who likes the incredibly lewd and perverted idea that Samus has just inadvertently presented to him.

The hand that had smacked her softening tummy slides around to her ass and grips and squeezes it hard, even as he continues to play with her nipple with his other.

"I guess… that makes me your Master then, yeah?"

Samus blushes, because while she had been thinking of herself as his sex slave for weeks now, she had yet to think of him as her Master. But… she supposes he's right.

"Y-Yeah, I guess…"

His hand on her ass suddenly rears back and comes down in a harsh SMACK!

"Say it!"

"M-Master! You're my Master!"

Samus practically squeaks out her response, only for Adam to growl lustfully and rise up a bit from his seat. He's still seated and she's still riding him cowgirl, but now his mouth is on one of her nipples, biting and suckling at it as he begins to thrust up much harder into her from below, using his grip on her ass to bounce her up and down on his cock faster than before.

Samus squeaks and squeals and moans like a wanton whore as she wraps her arms around Adam, around her Master's head. After a moment's thought, she's actually relieved that she managed to inadvertently distract him from all that talk about pregnancy. Because she's ashamed to admit that secretly, she was happy at the thought of this big black man impregnating her. And she doesn't know what to do about that realization.

Several orgasms later, Samus finally milks him of his release. She makes no comments as her Master proceeds to fill her with his seed. The act of being creampied is one that Samus has come to enjoy more and more as the weeks have gone on, if she's being honest. She likes it, she likes being filled with cum. She likes how dangerous it feels as well, much to her deep embarrassment.

As she moans from the sensation of his white, hot jizz filling up her womb, her Master grins impishly, mischievously, his eyes twinkling.

"You know, you don't even complain about me cumming inside of you anymore, Samus. Or should I call you slave now? No, I don't like that… How about Pet! I'll call you Pet, and you call me Master, okay?"

Whimpering, not trusting herself to speak, Samus gasps and pants and moans as she buries her face into his neck and gives him a nod of agreement. Master and Pet… that was… t-that was fine.

With a show of physical strength that's no longer quite surprising anymore, her Master lifts them both up, only to lay Samus on her back on the couch. His cock slips out of her for a bit, but he's soon back inside of her, his impressive stamina just too much for her to handle. As he starts this newest round of sex, fucking her hard and fast and sucking and slobbering all over her bouncing jiggling tits all the while, Samus' eyes threaten to roll back in her head all over again.

As the pleasure threatens to overwhelm her, she finds herself wondering what she'll do when the year finally comes to a close. They're only about two months in at this point, and she's already conflicted about leaving Adam… her Master behind. Maybe… maybe by the year's end, Samus c-could become his live-in girlfriend? Graduate from sex slave to actual romantic partner?

It was an open playing field, after all. No one else knew what a catch Dr. Adam Muun was. They had no idea what they were missing out on. She had no competition. But that didn't mean it would be easy. If she wanted to actually have a shot, she would need to keep at least some level of her wits about her. Just two months with this man, and she already called herself his sex slave. She was losing her edge and she was losing it fast.

If she didn't want to succumb, she had to… she had to keep fighting. But exactly who or what was she fighting? Herself? Him? The pleasure? In the end, Samus was already lost. She just didn't want to admit it yet…


A month later, Samus was finally ready to admit it. At the very least, she could deny the truth no longer. Looking at herself in the mirror, the former bounty hunter bites her lower lip and blushes as she examines her own side profile and is forced to confront the facts. Her baby bump has grown in leaps and bounds over this last month, making it increasingly obvious that she wasn't just going soft because she was busy being her Master's sex slave and no longer staying fit.

No, she was actually pregnant. Her enlarged, sensitive tits and her burgeoning baby bump were testaments to that. And yet… she wasn't all that upset about it. Even though pregnancy had started out as one of the few things she would not abide… even if it had started out on the same level as scat and watersports and bloodletting for Samus… here she was, knocked up by her Master. And she couldn't be happier about it, really.

Nine months left as her Master's slave, and she's already pregnant with his child. With this… with this, he won't be able to get rid of her anymore, will he? With this, she'll have given birth a month or two before the time is up, and he'll take care of both her and the baby… right? Samus licks her lips, thinking about the future even as she allows her secret, shameful joy at having her Master knock her up wash over her.

Of course, just as she's pondering how best to reveal this to him, a pair of familiar black arms wrap around her and hug her from behind, and a pair of familiar eyes stare back at her in the mirror as Samus startles, realizing her introspection has left her completely unaware of her Master's approach. If anything points to the complete and utter degradation of her skills as a bounty hunter, the fact that a portly dark-skinned civilian was able to sneak up on her certainly does. She'd be completely useless out in the field at this point, and it'll only be worse in nine more months, when she's technically 'free'.

And yet, this realization does nothing but please Samus, even as she wiggles and moans in her Master's hug.

"Looks like you've finally realized the truth, Pet. You're pregnant."

It's a statement of fact, not a question. He already knew. Of course. Samus truly was foolish to think she could hide anything from him, or that she would ever realize anything of importance before he realized it. Giggling somewhat happily, Samus nuzzles back into her Master, half-nodding. Letting out a chuckle in response, he pulls her back away from the mirror and to the bedroom.

She doesn't resist, as he bends her over onto all fours on the bed and proceeds to penetrate her from behind. As he fucks her doggystyle in celebration, she's left gasping and moaning and mewling, squealing in ecstasy, her eyes threatening to roll back in her head. Her tits and her distended belly bounce and bump beneath her as she's fucked hard from behind… but before Samus can truly and properly drown in the overwhelming ecstasy, her Master isn't quite done with her yet.

Grabbing her by her ever-present ponytail, he yanks her head back, forcing her to arch her spine as she mewls pathetically.

"You look good, pregnant with my child Pet. You like it when I fuck you like this too, don't you? It's because… it's because you're my bitch. Isn't it?"

Samus doesn't even have to think about it. Master knows what's best for her. Master knows everything. Which meant he couldn't be WRONG, now could he?

"Y-Yes! I'm y-you're bitch!"

"You were so worried about condoms at first… but now… now you love that I knocked you up, don't you?"

"Yes, Master! I love it! I love that you impregnated me, Master!"

Grunting, her Master really leans into it after that. He has no more questions for her, demands no more admissions of perverseness and lewdness fall from her lips. Instead, he fucks her roughly right there on the bed, mounting her and half-pinning her down as he gropes at both her tits and her baby bump. In the process, he extracts several more orgasms from her, forcing Samus to cum on his cock again and again… not that she minds one bit.

And then…

"Of course… it'll be too bad when you leave in nine months. But… I won't try to keep you. I'll take care of our child. I figure the life of a bounty hunter is no place for a baby…"

He sounds so despondent about it, so genuine. Samus realizes in that moment that this is her chance.

"W-What if… w-what if I stayed! I could… I could be your sex slave f-forever! I could be your baby mama for the rest of my life, Master! I-If that's what you want!"

She doesn't even try to go for the live-in girlfriend angle. Why bother? She knows her place. She's her Master's Pet, his bitch. Beneath him is EXACTLY where she belongs. And any children, be they boys or girls, would need to recognize that fact too. That their mother was a worthless slave, and their father was the real man, the real brains in the relationship. He was in charge, always and forever.

At hearing her words, her Master begins to pick up his pace again, sounding excited as he answers her.

"Yeah… yeah, that sounds great! You'll be my sex slave forever and ever… I like that. I like it a lot!"

With a loud orgasmic cry at the thought of being his property for the rest of her life, the Galaxy-renowned Samus Aran cums around Adam's cock, causing him in turn to cum as well. As they reach mutual sexual gratification, the blonde bounty hunter collapses, only for him to collapse right beside her, sealing the moment with a sloppy, affectionate kiss.

As Samus lays there, smiling placidly, eyes drooping in satisfaction, she reflects on the past three months. One of them has thoroughly corrupted the other. She thought initially that it was her doing the corrupting, that Adam Muun was an innocent soul who could do no wrong and she'd made him this confident, domineering man by awakening something in him.

Now, Pet wasn't so sure her Master was ever the innocent virgin he made himself out to be. But ultimately, it didn't matter. Who cared who had corrupted who? What mattered was they were together, right where they belonged.


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