Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Overcharged Deku (My Hero Academia)

A/N: Overcharged Deku was a commission originally written in three parts over the course of March-April of 2021. I've compiled it into an easy-to-read one-shot for posting here! Enjoy!

Summary: Deku gets hit by a beam of energy while foiling a bank robbery, but instead of it harming him, he ends up absorbing it. Still, all that energy needs to go somewhere. Will Ochako be up to the task of relieving Izuku all alone? Fat chance~

Themes: Rough Sex, Loving Sex, Moresome


"Give it to me straight doc. Am I going to make it?"

He says it mostly in jest, but it's not until his personal doctor lets out a laugh at the joke that isn't tinged with bitter resignation, as well as the easy going smile he sees on the physician's face, that Deku knows there's some sort of solution to this. A tension he hadn't even known existed within him begins to ease, even as his doctor looks down at his notes again and Deku crosses his arms over his chest to await the final verdict.

It'd all started with a bank robbery, as these things do. Deku had been out on patrol, as he usually was, and when he'd heard about who it was robbing the bank, he'd gone to help. As the Number One Hero in all of Japan, it was expected of him… but truth be told, even if it wasn't expected of him, he would have gladly lent his aid against such a dangerous foe.

The villain had been a high level criminal with a very strong emitter-type quirk. He could fire some kind of energy beams with varying kinetic force to them. Some could be as gentle as a feather, and some could knock over an entire building. Needless to say, when Deku had arrived on scene the Bank had already lost its windows and the hostages inside were being terrorized with threats of their organs being liquefied if they didn't comply.

Deku had stepped in before any innocents could be hurt, thankfully, proceeding to battle with the villain. It was easy enough for him to dodge the beams that the criminal had sent rocketing Deku's way, but that might not have been the best idea, because it wasn't long before the villain had grown frustrated enough to fire off one massive beam in his direction.

In the moment, Deku had almost dodged again… but then he'd realized if he dodged that one, other people would end up getting hurt. Innocent people. And so, he'd tanked it, crossing his arms in front of himself and preparing for pain. To be fair, pain and Deku were old friends. He was well-used to it by now, and if this was how he died, as the Number One Hero defending innocents… then he would have been satisfied with that.

Only, to everyone's utter shock, Deku hadn't even been buffeted by the massive energy beam. Instead, he'd absorbed it completely somehow. Not even he'd known how he did it at first, but he was a Professional Hero, and he'd known to take advantage of the villain's shocked stupor in the aftermath. Completely flummoxed by Deku's survival, the villain had been easy enough to take down and capture from there.

It was only as he'd been being loaded into the police van that he'd delivered a parting remark to Deku, sounding shellshocked. Apparently, only those that the criminal was directly related to by blood could absorb the energy that he'd shot at Deku. His last words were to ask how the hell Deku had done it… but of course, he didn't have an answer for him.

Being the genius he is however, Izuku Midoriya had it figured out in no time flat. Obviously, one of the previous One For All bearers must have been part of that family at one point in the distant or maybe not-so-distant past. There was just one problem, at the end of the day. Deku didn't have access to any sort of quirk like the villain had been using yet, which meant he didn't have any way of emitting all of the energy that he'd absorbed.

That was what ultimately led Deku to here and now, with his own personal doctor. As All Might had once told him, every Professional Hero worth his salt needed a doctor equally worth his salt to watch their health and keep their confidence. This man in front of Deku now was that for him, meaning that he knew about One For All, and they could talk freely about what was happening with Deku.

"The good news is all of my tests show that the answer to your problem is relatively simple. Intense physical activity SHOULD get rid of the energy overtime."

Deku hums as he slowly nods at that. And then, because he knows his doctor well at this point, he prods the other man along.


"… But the bad news is, I'm not sure how intense it'll have to get. Given how you already are with your workouts, the norm might not be good enough for you. And in this case, your norm is already insane as it is."

Deku chuckles at that, shrugging his shoulders as if to say, 'what can you do?'. In response, his doctor gives him a look that clearly says 'you can do a lot, but you choose not to' right back. Hopping down off of the examination table, still vibrating just a little with all of the energy in him, Deku tips his head towards his doctor.

"Thanks for the help, doc. I'll see what happens and get back to you asap, alright?"

"I suppose that's the best I can ask of you. Feels strange given normally I'm begging you to slow down, but in this case, you can consider extra exercise… doctor-mandated."

It looks like it physically pains the other man to tell Deku to go above and beyond his already insane training regimen. Knowing what he knows, the Number One Hero thinks it probably DOES. Grinning, Deku heads out, leaving the small clinic behind.

On his way home, he does what he can to test the workout theory. He goes hard… he even stops and does random pushups and crunches as he goes. It's a moving workout, halfway across the city at that, and yet… and yet, by the time he arrives back home, Izuku is still feeling overcharged. Even as he enters his humble abode and sheds his hero identity as Deku to become Izuku Midoriya once again, he knows that this isn't a problem he can leave sitting at the door.

Waiting for him just inside is Ochako Uraraka, of course. The two have been dating for a little while now, and Izuku has to admit, he loves coming home to the brunette's smiling face. Today though, Ochako looks at him worried, brow furrowed in concern. He'd made sure to tell her what was up already, so she knew about the overcharged issue. He'd even texted her the doctor's findings on his way out of the man's clinic.


When Izuku shakes his head, Ochako gets a curiously determined look on her face, like she's come to a decision and found the resolve to follow through on things.

"Use me, Izuku."

Blinking owlishly, the Number One Hero walks closer, a little confused.

"Use… you? Um, Ochako, I dunno if you understand the situation all that well."

"I do! You need an intense physical outlet, right?"


"Then use me! Or more accurately, use my body!"

Now Izuku gets it, and while he blushes a little, he can't deny it's a fine idea. However, Ochako has designs to take it even further than he realizes.

"I want you to fuck me whenever and wherever you want from now on, Izuku. I want you to plow me silly all night long until I pass out, and then wake me up in the morning and prone bone me! I'll be your free use sex doll until this situation is resolved… a-and a-after too, if you want!"

This was… sort of new. Izuku blinks as he stares at his girlfriend in open-mouthed surprise for a moment, not sure what to say in response to Ochako's confession… and offer. Flustered and embarrassed but not backing down, the brunette straightens her back and squares her shoulders.

"I'm going to go make dinner now…"

And then she turns and begins to walk towards the kitchen. However, as she does so, she strips out of her clothes. Izuku watches her go, and after a moment follows her. By the time he gets to the kitchen as well, Ochako is doing an amazing naked apron, her entire back and backside exposed to him as she pulls the ingredients out and begins to cook dinner for them.

Her arousal is evident from the slickness already traveling down her inner thighs, and Izuku… Izuku isn't about to say no to such an obvious invitation from his girlfriend. Striding over, freeing his cock from the confines of his pants as he goes, Izuku grabs Ochako's hips from behind and grins as she lets out a startled 'eep!' despite knowing he was approaching.

"I hope you know what you're offering, Ochako…"

"I-I do… I want to help you… more than that, I want YOU."

With a lust-filled growl, Izuku responds to that in the only way he can… he thrusts in. His brunette girlfriend moans as he buries his rock hard cock in her from behind, pulling her hips back so she's halfway bent over the counter as she continues to try and prepare dinner for them. Her cunt clenches around Izuku's dick, and her inner walls squeeze rhythmically as she bounces her hips back into his thrusts.

Unfortunately, he can't go all out here. Not with their food right in front of them. What would look like fairly rough, hardcore sex to anyone else is really just a light fucking between Izuku and Ochako, terminating in him finishing inside of her just as she finishes preparing two somewhat sloppily put together sandwiches.

They quickly eat dinner before getting right back to it, and the next thing Izuku knows, he's absolutely destroying the couch as he fucks Ochako bent over the back of it, pounding into his brunette of a girlfriend as she squeals and screams and creams herself time and time again around his pistoning cock.

"Yes, Izuku! Harder! Fuck me harder!"

And so he does, ramming into her with great, almost violent speed. He doesn't want to hurt her… but Ochako is a Professional Hero in her own right. She can take it. She can take him, and clearly she wants nothing more than to prove it. So Izuku fucks her and fucks her, and then for good measure fucks her some more.

Eventually they retire to bed for the night, where Izuku, still vibrating with that foreign energy and rock hard with his balls churning with cum, takes Ochako up on her offer. He fucks her all night long… or more precisely, he fucks her until she finally passes out on his cock. Pinning her in a mating press as he does so, Izuku catches the exact moment where her eyes, already heavily lidded and struggling to stay open, finally roll back in her head permanently as her eyelids flutter shut.

Finishing inside of Ochako one more time, Izuku pulls out and comes to a stop, panting as he drops down beside her and cuddles his exhausted, limp girlfriend close. As he does so, Izuku assesses his circumstances. It worked, he's pretty sure, but only a little bit. Hours and hours of intense sex all over the house had relieved a small portion of the immense amount of foreign energy he'd absorbed, but not nearly all of it.

And so, the next morning, Izuku takes Ochako up on that offer as well. The brunette comes awake with a loud groan that's muffled by the pillow beneath her as he prone bones her, spreading her ass cheeks and thighs nice and wide to give himself plenty of room to thrust into her cunt from behind. Soon enough, the bedroom is filled with Ochako's muffled squeals and moans as Izuku spends the morning reacquainting her well-rested body with his cock.

The rest of the weekend ends being more of the same, in the end. Lots and lots of sex… not even oral can act as a substitute. Ochako's mouth on Izuku's cock DOES feel good, and he's alright with her dropping to her knees to clean him off every once in a while, but it doesn't do anything for his situation, ultimately. Not unless he wants to outright skull fuck her, and that… that's a dangerous prospect when you have the kind of physical might he does. No, better to keep it to just fucking.

Still, it's not 'just' fucking when he thrusts into her at every opportunity he gets. In the kitchen when she's making meals, in the bedroom when she's folding or hanging laundry. Even on the stairs at one point, just fucking her because he needs to get the edge off. And to her credit, Ochako takes it like a champ. She handles him all weekend long, while getting progressively more and more exhausted as time goes on.

In the end, as the weekend comes to a close, Izuku can see it coming even before it does. Ochako… taps out.

"I can't… I can't keep going. It's t-too much. I'm… losing my m-mind."

Panting heavily, Ochako acts legitimately remorseful, like she's truly apologetic for failing him. Izuku just gives her a smile and brushes a hand through her hair.

"Hey, you're fine. You've done plenty to help me already. I've got time now to find another solution thanks to you."

And it was true. While fucking Ochako silly for two days straight had only removed a portion of the foreign energy in Izuku's system, it was enough that he wasn't feeling like he might explode at any moment anymore. He was barely even vibrating at this point!

But then Ochako frowns and gets this determined look on her face as she shakes her head.

"N-No. We're not done yet."

Blinking, Izuku furrows his brow in confusion. On the one hand, Ochako had just told him she couldn't keep going. Now she was telling him that they weren't done? His girlfriend blushes under his confused stare, before smiling tentatively.

"W-What would you say… to me calling in some back up?"

It takes Izuku a moment to get what she means. He sputters, but his real reaction is downstairs, his cock throbbing and jumping at the idea. Ochako can't help but notice this, given she currently has her hand on his dick and has been stroking it up and down. Beaming at the way his body has responded, his brunette girlfriend gets to her feet and moves to the phone before Izuku can find the words to say no. A moment later, Ochako is talking to someone.

"Momo? It's me, Ochako. I need your help with Izuku. Yes, THAT way. Are you still interested? Great, see you soon!"

Izuku's eyes bulge out of his skull at the incredibly short exchange as Ochako hangs up the phone and gives him a satisfied smirk, like a cat who's caught a canary.

"Momo is on her way."


It's a little startling, just how quickly Momo reaches their door. But then, when Izuku opens it and sees how she's dressed, he supposes it makes sense. Momo Yaoyorozu, one of his and Ochako's friends from UA… and a Pro Hero in her own right. Rather than arriving at their doorstep in her civilian attire, the gorgeous raven-haired heroine is clad in her somewhat skimpy Pro Hero costume.

Momo's hero costume consists of a high-collared, sleeveless leotard that opens to expose her skin from her neck to juuuust below her navel. On top of that, she wears too calf-high red boots with heels. To complete the ensemble, she has two gold utility belts around her waist and another thinner gold utility belt around the top of her chest, just below her shoulders.

Now, Izuku gets it, really he does. Momo's Quirk, Creation, is super duper strong. It allows her to create any non-living material or object by transforming the molecular structure of her fat cells. It's actually why she's in such incredible shape, beyond a usual Pro Hero's routine. Her power literally burns fat for her.

The only downside is… her power only really works from exposed skin. Or rather, it works if her skin is covered, but the creation of material or objects ends up destroying her costume, more often than not. That's why Momo's hero uniform shows off so much bare skin. She needs the maneuverability to be able to use her Quirk effectively.

That all said, knowing what Ochako called Momo here for, having been there when she placed the call, and seeing how quickly Momo had arrived… Izuku couldn't help blurting out the first thing that comes to his mind as he stares at their scantily clad friend.

"… Did you just blow off a patrol for this?"

His words have an immediate effect. Where before, Momo had been stood on his and Ochako's front step with her fists on her hips and a big wide grin on her face, puffing out her chest like she was about to say, 'Never fret, citizen, Creati is here!' or something, his question causes her to almost immediately deflate. Her shoulders slump for a moment, and her lips pull down into a pouty frown.

After a second, she rallies and points an accusatory finger at him.

"You're too much of a workaholic, Deku! It's okay to take breaks sometimes, you know? Especially when your friends are in trouble and need your help!"

Is that what this was? Okay, sure, Izuku needed to get rid of this energy by any means necessary, but like he'd told Ochako, he'd be okay if he didn't get to constantly fuck her day after day after day. But instead of taking the reprieve he'd offered; his girlfriend had proceeded to call in… reinforcements. Izuku had to admit, he'd been excited at first, downright raring to go. But in the short time it'd taken Momo to get here, he'd started having second thoughts.

Second thoughts that Momo doesn't seem keen on letting fester, as she plants her hand on his broad, muscular chest and gives him an indelicate shove backwards. Izuku doesn't fight her, and soon the Number One Pro Hero finds his home being invaded by his fellow hero, one of his classmates from UA… and admittedly, a good friend.

Ochako, who looks almost ready to pass out on the couch where she'd flopped after giving Momo a call, lets out a tired cheer and even gives a double fist pump.


Momo, for her part, looks around the place for a moment before her eyes settle on Ochako.

"Holy shit, he's been fucking the hell out of you, hasn't he?"

Grinning tiredly with heavily lidded eyes, Ochako lets out a perverted giggle that he didn't know his girlfriend had in her. Though, it seemed she was full of surprises lately…

"Oh yeah. It's been great, I won't lie. But I'm finally hitting the point where I understand what 'too much of a good thing' means. That's where you come in, Momo."

Straightening up, tossing her hair, Momo swings herself around to face Izuku again, fists once more planted on her hips.

"Right then! Take it out!"

… Yeah, he could already tell his reservations weren't going to carry any weight here. And truth be told, Izuku himself was finding more and more excuses to toss said reservations aside by the moment. Without further ado, the musclebound Pro Hero reaches down and frees his cock from its confines, pulling it out and letting it flop for Momo to see. Of course, it doesn't so much flop as it bounces. Half-hard already from the mere expectation of what was to come with Momo's arrival, and growing harder still by the second, Izuku's big fat cock is almost already pointing in Momo's direction.

For her part, the Everything Hero takes one look at his dick and her jaw drops, her eyes going wide as she whips her head around to Ochako.

"I-I always thought you were exaggerating about the size!"

Smirking sleepily, Ochako just gives a thumbs up. Izuku, meanwhile, is tired of being passive. He's always been better when he's got a mission, a goal. Such as… use one of his best friends to shave off some more of the foreign energy currently in his system. So, without further ado, he surges forward and grabs Momo by the hips, picking her up and sitting her on the nearest surface… that being the dining table just a few feet away.

Letting out an eep at the sudden grab, Momo's hands go to Izuku's thick biceps, but she doesn't resist, her legs even splay open instinctively as he stops between them, looking her right in the eye.

"… You sure about this, Momo? It's a big ask. We don't have to do this if you don't want to."

He's dead serious, and Momo clearly sees that in his eyes as she searches his face for a moment. Then, her own face splits into a big wide grin and she lets out a laugh as she reaches down and undoes her utility belts, tossing them aside before unzipping the crotch of her leotard. Izuku had always wondered just how she went to the restroom in costume. Now he knows, he supposes.

Bringing her booted long legs up and half-wrapping them around his waist, Momo moves her hands from his biceps to around his neck, lacing her fingers behind his head.

"I wouldn't miss this for anything. And I'm not going to let you scare me away, Izuku. I'm not running from this. Not on your life."

Chuckling, Izuku flashes a grin of his own, a grin he'd learned from All Might many moons ago. Then, he slides his own big muscular hands down around to Momo's bottom, gripping her buttocks tightly as he places his cockhead against her already wet slit… and thrusts in.

Momo's answering moan as he splits her upon his massive member is music to Izuku's ears. Admittedly, while he would never betray Ochako, not in a million years, he'd had fantasies about his other female friends before. How could he not? Practically every single female student in his class back at UA had been smoking hot, and guess what? The life of a Pro Hero wasn't a life where you got to let yourself go, most of the time. The girls he'd learned how to be a hero alongside had only grown up into gorgeous women as he in turn had grown up into a man.

Momo was definitely a woman that Izuku had had fantasies about. He was a growing young boy at the time he met her, so was it any wonder? But he had started dating Ochako, and he was completely faithful to Ochako. Needless to say, it never would have even crossed his mind to cheat on his girlfriend while he was still with her. To fuck another woman while Ochako was his significant other would be a massive breach of trust, one that Izuku just didn't have in him.

However, to fuck another woman under Ochako's direction because the brunette WANTED it to happen (and from her call to Momo, had even PLOTTED it at some point with the raven-haired woman) was another story entirely. As Izuku drives his cock deep into Momo's cunt and feels her clench down HARD around him, cumming for him within moments as she clings to him like a spider monkey, the young Pro Hero spares a glance over to the couch, where his girlfriend is watching.

Sleepy as she is, it's clear that Ochako is NOT going to bed just yet, not when she can watch her boyfriend fuck one of their best friends right in front of her. Heavily lidded as her eyes are, it's clear Ochako is still looking, and very much enjoying what she's seeing at that. The brunette has one hand on a tit and another between her legs, and she's biting her lower lip to contain her moans as she fingers and plays with herself to the sight and sound of Momo getting positively FUCKED.

Having made certain that his girlfriend is not remotely uncomfortable with what he's doing, Izuku turns his attention back to Momo… and proceeds to truly give it his all. He doesn't say it out loud, but he's definitely thinking it in his head… he's really going Plus Ultra, here.

Grinning at his own cheesy inner thoughts, Izuku watches as Momo's face goes from red but determined to barely hanging onto her sanity in just a little while. Her eyes begin to roll back in her head, and her tongue lolls out of her mouth as her moans get increasingly more lurid and louder. Unlike Ochako, she has no experience with Izuku outside of this. She has no… conditioning for handling his big fat cock.

Soon enough, Izuku is getting close to cumming. Given Momo is NOT his girlfriend, he makes sure to warn her, even as he begins to pull out.

"G-Getting close, Momo!"

Whether she feels him pulling out or just recognizes his words and already has her reaction lined up, the raven-haired heroine suddenly tightens her grip on him, locking her legs around his waist… and him inside of her cunt.

"I-Inside! I want it inside!"

Frowning at that, Izuku spares a glance over at Ochako, already preparing to overwhelm Momo with his physical strength and pull out anyways. But Ochako surprises him, the brunette calling out from her place on the couch.

"D-Do it, Izuku! Pump her full of your thick hot cum! Plow it deep into her slutty womb! Give it to her, Izuku!"

Well, shit… once again, Izuku bows to the will of his girlfriend. With a grunt and one final deep thrust, he cums inside of Momo, creampieing her for the first time in the same way he'd done to Ochako numerous, countless times over the last while. In response, Momo positively SHRIEKS in delight, shaking and shuddering as she experiences one last seemingly mind-blowing orgasm as well before slumping back onto the table, her grip on him loosening.

Slowly, Izuku pulls back, wondering if Momo is already tapped out. If she is, well… this whole plan of Ochako's, to 'share the burden', might not work out after all. However, just as he's pondering that, Momo suddenly moves, pushing herself up and slipping off of the dining table and onto her knees. She has his cock between her tits a moment later, and as she tongues the head of his member, Momo looks up at him, giving him a wide grin.

"Let's keep going. I can do this… you'll see."

Well, if she was that determined, who was he to say no?


To Momo's credit, she does help out a lot. That first night, Ochako gets a good long rest while Momo and Izuku… well, never really stop. The next morning, Ochako is able to take over from Momo, though of course the raven-haired heroine has no desire to just give up Izuku's cock, no matter how tired she is. Still, after an hour of the two of them tag-teaming him, which was an experience Izuku had never thought he'd get and would cherish for the rest of his life, Momo had passed out, and they'd moved her to their bedroom before continuing things in the rest of the house, from the kitchen to the couch to the laundry room.

Together, Momo and Ochako were able to shore up one another's defenses… for a time. When one was tired, the other would pick up the slack. Except, the more this went on, as the days continued onward with Izuku's condition gradually getting better, albeit slowly… things began to overlap more and more.

More and more of the time, Momo and Ochako were BOTH exhausted TOGETHER. The threesomes which had started out as just a little bit of the fun taking place between Izuku and the two girls, became the norm as the two beautiful young women started leaning more and more on one another. Eventually, it became apparent to Izuku that they wouldn't be able to keep it up.

Still, it was another two days before Ochako, and Momo accepted that fact as well. He could tell the moment when it came, because he was standing over them both, as ready and raring to go as ever, while they were laid back on the bed, covered in sweat, filled with his cum, and panting heavily, both of them incredibly out of breath.

As their chests heave up and down with each laboring breath, Ochako and Momo share a look and Izuku can see that they've both come to accept that they can't handle him, not even the two of them together. He prepares for them to tell him as much, already ready to take it with the good grace of someone who has realized he was driving his friends to exhaustion days before.

However, instead of beginning the process of telling him that they couldn't do this anymore, Momo gives Ochako a nod and Ochako smiles as she lifts herself up off the bed.

"You're too much for us, Izuku. Which means we need more backup."

And with that, she begins walking towards the phone again, while Izuku blinks owlishly.

"You don't mean…"

As Ochako begins to dial, Momo is the one who answers him, nodding as she gives him a tired grin.

"That's right. It's time to call in the rest of the reinforcements."

… Oh dear.


Izuku thought he had a pretty good idea of what to expect. After all, 'the rest of the reinforcements' obviously implied more than one extra girl, so that was what Izuku prepared himself for. As Ochako and Momo texted away on their phones, calling upon their 'reinforcements', he got himself a drink of water and waited as patiently as he possibly could for the first arrivals. Vibrating with energy as he was, he thought he knew what was going to happen next.

… Needless to say, he really had no idea.

Mina Ashido is the first to walk through their front door, the pink-skinned alien-looking heroine grinning from ear to ear as she licks her lips at the sight of Izuku, naked and with his dick still out from the end of his, Ochako's, and Momo's marathon sex session. Planting a hand on one hip, grinning cheekily as she gives him a wink, Mina giggles perversely.

"Oh yeah, this is going to be good~"

Before anything can start up between them however, the door opens again, and in walks Kyoka Jiro. The alternative punk girl has grown up a lot since their time in UA together, and Izuku can't deny, she's just as sexy as the others. Her seemingly uninterested eyes trail down his chiseled physique before ultimately landing on his cock. She doesn't say anything, but then she doesn't really have to. The way her eyes widen, and her jaw drops open a little bit at his size is the largest reaction Izuku has ever gotten out of the woman.

After Kyoka comes Tsuyu Asui, the frog-like girl looking nervous, as if she doesn't expect Izuku to go for her because she's a little… different. But hey, he hasn't said no to Mina, has he? For all their physical oddities, both Mina and Tsuyu are beautiful and gorgeous in their own way. When she finally makes eye contact with him, something that takes a considerable amount of time, Izuku makes sure to give Tsuyu an encouraging smile and nod, causing her to blush and avert her gaze, but smile as well.

With Tsuyu's arrival, Izuku figures that'll be it. All five of the women he'd known as girls back in Class 1-A at UA are here now, after all. But then the door opens again, and Itsuka Kendo walks in. That… sort of makes sense though. The former class representative of Class 1-B was as close as you got after going through his friendships in Class 1-A.

And then Nejire Hado walks in, and Izuku stiffens a bit. Not because there's anything inherently wrong with the woman, Nejire is a beautiful lady with a beautiful personality. But her arrival certainly gives him a sense of… foreboding.

Especially when she's followed by Rumi Usagiyama and Yu Takeyama respectively. Otherwise known as the Pro Heroes Mirko and Mt. Lady, the two older women still look absolutely gorgeous. That doesn't necessarily explain why they're here, but the hungry looks they both grace him with certainly do. Izuku is beginning to feel a little bit like a piece of meat.

Mandaly and Pixie-Bob of the Wild, Wild Pussycats come in next, and over the course of a good fifteen minutes, what feels like half of the female population of Japan saunters into his living room. It's not of course, his living room isn't THAT big… but it's certainly feeling incredibly crowded by the end of things, with most girls not even able to make eye contact with him over the heads of everyone else. Chitter-chatter fills the room, and all Izuku can do is stand there with his cock out, blushing a little… but also fairly excited.

"Alright everyone, listen up!"

Ochako's hands clap together rapidly, and though it takes a bit of time, she soon has everyone quieted down and paying close attention to her… or at least, to Izuku. He definitely feels like a piece of meat now, surrounded by dozens of hungry, albeit beautiful, sharks.

"You're all here today out of necessity! Deku got hit by some kinetic energy attack and thankfully managed to absorb it, but it's left him with a LOT of foreign energy that he NEEDS to bleed off. Sexual activity has proven to be the most effective way of doing so, but unfortunately I'm not woman enough to handle him by myself. Which is where all of you come in."

Lots of nods at that, clearly most of them had already heard about the incident at the bank or had been informed of the details via text. Mirko licks her lips and leans forward, her rabbit ears twitching atop her head.

"So what you're saying is, we need to let the Number One Pro Hero here boink the fuck out of all of us to save his life? I'm in."

The Rabbit Hero's words are met with calls of agreement and excitement from all over the living room, and Izuku blushes a little bit, even as he smiles sheepishly, running a hand through the back of his head. Ochako though, seemingly suffers from no similar embarrassment, or if she does, she does a better job of hiding it.

"Yep! Rules are as follows… there are no rules! Although, be nice to one another, or else Deku will deck you!"

THAT last sentence gets a LOT of laughs, and this time Deku goes bright red. It was one of his catchphrases, and while he'd been pleased with it when he first thought it up, everyone he knew seemed to love taking the piss out of it. 'Be nice to one another, or Deku will deck you!'. It SOUNDED good in his head at the time, alright?

"Anyways, without further ado… let the first ever Save Deku Orgy commence! No promises that there will be a repeat, so everyone… make it count~"

There's a gleam in Ochako's eye at that last part, but Izuku doesn't get long to contemplate it before he's effectively being swarmed. By silent agreement, all of the girls apparently decide to go with a reverse blowbang first. And so, Deku finds himself surrounded by women, most of them on their knees as they jockey for position to get their tongue and lips on his massive, big fat cock.

Luckily, Deku is big enough for several women to suck on his dick at the same time, though even as he groans at the sensation of all those mouths lined up along his dick, he does worry about the potential of hickies showing up on his shaft later. Still, there's no denying how good it feels.

Meanwhile, Ochako and Momo are the only two who remain standing. They end up on either side of him, and that's where his arms go, curling around their bodies and groping their asses as he takes turns making out with them both.

Things… only go more haywire from there. How can they not, really? All of these lovely, lovely ladies want to fuck Deku. More importantly, they want Deku to fuck THEM. He has to admit, he's looking forward to it, but he's still more than a little daunted by the challenge he finds himself facing.

Luckily, he has more than enough foreign energy to rise up to it. As Tsuyu uses her long frog tongue to great effect to swirl around the base of his cock AND his balls at the same time, as Mirko swallows the tip of his cock, having commandeered his dickhead from all comers, as everyone else just takes what they can get or leans back and pleasures themselves while waiting their turns… Deku finally moves.

He ends up inside of Mirko first. Going off of instincts, perhaps it's simply because she's the strongest woman in the room, at least physically. Even after his class of total badasses had grown up and joined the Pro Heroes of Japan, Mirko had managed to maintain her spot as the Number Five Pro Hero. Given that everyone else from her generation had been bumped down by members of Class 1-A, it was undeniably impressive.

He buries himself inside of Mirko's cunt and rams up against the entrance of her womb in one blow, slamming into her cervix. The Rabbit Hero's eyes go wide, and her tongue sticks straight out of her open mouth as she chokes on her own spit. But Izuku doesn't let up… he can't afford to. Once he gets going, he has to continue. He just can't stop.

Mirko is fucked silly in short order, and then he's moving onto the next… and the next… and the next. At one point, he definitely remembers having Mina's pink body under him. Kyoka asks him to tug on her earphone jacks as he fucks her, revealing a masochistic fetish that he hadn't known the punk girl had.

Tsuyu, Itsuka, Nejire, Yu… they all sort of blend together at a certain point. One moment he's fucking Mt. Lady, the next he's plowing the female Wild, Wild Pussycats together, Shino and Ryuko on top of one another and grinding their pussies together to create a passageway for him to thrust in and out of.

Ochako and Momo even get in on the action again eventually, hours after the massive orgy has started and the others are just starting to waver. They arrive as fresh reinforcements, having in turn been reinforced long enough by the other women to have refreshed themselves and come back stronger than ever.

Fucking his sexy as fuck girlfriend in a mating press while Tsuyu's tongue wraps around his balls, while Mt. Lady rubs her massive tits in his face, while any number of women press their naked bodies into his from all angles? It's a singularly impressive experience that Izuku can't deny he enjoys immensely.

He cums more times than he can count, and the air soon fills with the smell. At the start, he tries not to cum inside of too many of them, but they take issue with that, and in the heat of the moment, Izuku doesn't consider the consequences. He starts delivering creampie after creampie, and with Ochako egging him on as he seeds their former classmates as well as their current older colleagues, Izuku can't help himself as he pumps his loads into womb after womb.

Of course, more than a little of his cum ends up getting on the outside of their bodies as well. Clean up takes place in the background, and Izuku is tangentially aware of it, even as he fucks into the next willing female body within reach of his grasping hands. A haze falls over him, and he finds himself descending into something of a stupor. It was unlike anything he'd ever achieved even when having threesomes with Ochako and Momo, and he finds himself TRULY going Plus Ultra in his pursuit of satisfaction for not only himself, but all of the women who had come to help him.

The heroines of Musutafu, Japan have come out in full force to save him from whatever ignoble fate all that foreign energy might have given him. As Izuku can feel it finally bleeding out of him at a not-inconsiderable pace, he can't help but feel gratitude… and want to repay that gratitude in the only way he knows how.

Each and every woman who ends up being jackhammered upon his cock gets multiple orgasms, like some perverted, erotic gameshow where prizes are handed out to all participants. He even holds himself back from cumming at times, just to make sure a heroine will get at least half a dozen climaxes, before finally filling her with his spunk.

There's time for breaks, of course. But not for Izuku. For the women he's fucking, all of them need rest at certain points. All of them break off from the orgy for food, for showers, even for sleep. Not Izuku though. He's fed by hand from a dozen different heroines, and when he takes a shower, it's almost always with a woman impaled on his cock for the vast majority of it.

Sleep is no longer necessary, now that he's got enough beautiful babes to keep him going all night long. And slowly but surely, as hours turn into days, and days turn into a week… Izuku feels it begin to ebb away. The foreign energy that had been threatening to overwhelm him, that Ochako and Momo had both done their part to try and get gone, only to barely shave off a sliver between each of them… it's finally vanishing.

The unending fuck-fest between Izuku and over half of the heroines in the city continues for a week and a half, before it's finally over and he finally begins to feel tired. Even then, even after he manages to get rid of the last of the foreign energy, he keeps going. He can't help himself. He doesn't want to disappoint anyone, so he finishes out the day.

It's only when he collapses at a certain point that they realize he's actually finally reaching the point of exhaustion, that the energy he'd been vibrating with for so long is finally dissipated. And so Izuku ends up buried under a mountain of feminine flesh as all of the women who helped him cuddle up.

The last coherent thought that the Pro Hero has before he finally falls unconscious isn't some noble or profound thing. In the end, all Izuku can think is…

They were going to need a bigger bed.


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