Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Taming the Princess (Avatar: The Last Airbender)

A/N: Taming the Princess is a commission I wrote in three parts from May-September of 2020.

Themes: Dom/Sub, Breeding, Rough Sex

Summary: In an AU where Sokka is captured during the failed coup attempt on the Day of the Black Sun, Mai and Ty Lee convince Azula that he'd make for a good pet. If they knew what that would result in, they might not have suggested such a thing...


"Father's deciding what to do with the Water Tribe Savage still."

The line is thrown out rather flippantly, and as Azula lounges back in the sanctity of her own quarters, Mai and Ty Lee exchange slightly confused glances. Mai is the one that eventually pipes up.

"Which Water Tribe Savage?"

Blinking at that for a moment, the Fire Nation Princess lets out a sharp bark of laughter at Mai's potentially unintended jest.

"Good point! Their little coup attempt did leave us with a surplus of the damn men didn't it? Hah, but no, I'm talking about the only one who even remotely matters. That boy who's been following the Avatar around all this time. Though, even he's rather worthless, isn't he? Not even a water bender, as inferior as they are to our bending…"

Mai and Ty Lee exchange another glance at that, though this one is a lot less confused and a lot more meaningful. The two young women are the closest thing that Princess Azula has to friends… but even there, the relationships are… dysfunctional to say the least. Completely one-sided or fully in Azula's favor would be two more ways to put it. Put simply, they were Azula's treasured childhood playmates… and also her toys, to be used and abused and perhaps one day discarded when she grew bored of them.

As such, Mai carefully does not comment that the 'boy' Azula is talking about is likely the same age as them. And Ty Lee likewise doesn't speak up about how the 'boy' is named Sokka, smartly recognizing in this moment that it doesn't truly matter. Certainly, neither of them make any fuss about Azula's comment regarding Sokka's non-bender status, recognizing that it's as much a subtle jab against the both of them as it is against him.

In the end, it takes a few moments, but eventually Ty Lee finds a safe way to continue the conversation by bringing in new information without directly contradicting Azula's words.

"Hm… isn't he the son of the Southern Water Tribe Chieftain, Azula? Wouldn't that make him almost a prince in his own right?"

Once again, Azula blinks, and it's obvious that the hyper-intelligent prodigy of a Fire Nation Princess actually wasn't aware of that bit of information, anymore than she was aware of his name. To be fair, Azula had barely bothered learning about the actual benders that were traveling with the Avatar… she couldn't be expected to spend any of her precious time worrying about some bungling idiot who relied on nothing but muscle to see him through.

Still, she assimilates this new information, mulls it over in her head for a brief moment, and then snorts derisively, offering a sardonic, somewhat sadistic grin.

"Don't be ridiculous Ty Lee. He's a snow savage, not a foreign prince. MAYBE if he was the son of the Northern Water Tribe, given how they actually have a damn city and even managed to fight off that ignorant overblown buffoon Zhao, but we all know the state of the Southern Water Tribe. Zu-Zu's reports detailed their current status quite concisely, back when he'd first run into the Avatar down there."

And while her brother had turned out to be quite the traitor NOW, Azula was relatively certain he'd still been loyal back then. Silence falls again, as all three of them spend a moment contemplating Zuko's defection. Of course, for Mai and Azula, his now ex-girlfriend and sister respectively, that contemplation takes a bit longer. Ty Lee on the other hand, while friendly with Zuko, isn't nearly as deeply involved with him emotionally. As such, the acrobat is the first to pipe up again, smiling brightly.

"Well, it'll be a shame if the Fire Lord decides to execute him. That guy is pretty cute, isn't he?"

Azula furrows her brow at that, the Fire Nation Princess not really… having much of an idea what constitutes cute. In her mind's eye, she pictures the Water Tribe Savage, frowning a little as she considers him and compares him to some of the boys they saw on Ember Island. In a lot of ways, he did measure up, at least physically.

Physically, the snow savage was leagues beyond most of those Ember Island boys, even the ones she'd tried to chat up… not that Azula's very brief foray into flirting had gone at all well. Still, physicality was only part of it. There was the blood to consider as well, and some snow savage's blood would never be as sought after as the pedigree of a Fire Nation nobleman… no matter how weak and soft her generation seemed to be, if their vacation on Ember Island was any indication.

Seeing Azula actually pondering the thought, Mai gives it her own consideration, before ultimately deciding that Ty Lee is right. And perhaps it's Zuko's recent flight, perhaps its her own selfish greed getting in the way… but a plan hatches in Mai's inner mind's eye. This Water Tribe boy… he'd make for a decent rebound toy for her to slake her lusts and grief upon in place of Zuko.

All she has to do… is convince Azula he has enough value to keep alive.

"Ty Lee is right. He is pretty cute. He'd make a good pet, wouldn't he?"

Azula blinks at that, glancing over at Mai to find the higher in status of her two friends giving Azula a thin smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes. Slavery is… technically illegal in the Fire Nation. Prisoners of war and criminals are put to work of course, used for manual labor and the such, but none of them were actually slaves, not truly.

That said, neither was this Water Tribe Savage. He was technically a prisoner… but Azula was the Fire Nation Princess. If her father agreed to it, if she asked it of him and he said yes… she could easily have the savage remanded into her custody. She would oversee his 'rehabilitation'. She would… own him, effectively.

Frowning, Azula cocks her head to the side once more contemplative, trying to figure out WHY she would want to own him. It doesn't take long for her to come up with reasons though, even as Mai and Ty Lee stay silent, both recognizing when to speak and when not to where Azula is concerned. This snow savage is connected to the Avatar and her brother, for all that he's a worthless non-bender. So, in the end… that alone gives him some value.

A bright, evil smile spreads across Azula's face, causing both of her friends to shiver a little.

"You know what… I think you're right, Ty Lee, he is pretty cute, isn't he? And Mai is right too… he'd make a great pet. I'll bring it up to father. It would be a waste, tossing away such a… resource."

Mai doesn't quite perk up, so to speak, mostly because 'perky' isn't in the dour, stoic girl's wheelhouse. But her back does straighten, and the slightest, barest hint of a self-satisfied smile appears in the small curl of one corner of her mouth. The young noblewoman can't imagine a world in which Azula uses the water tribe savage for anything sexual… which means that Mai herself should be free to step in and make some use of him, whenever Azula finally grows tired of him and forgets him, as she's done with the majority of her toys over the years.

If only Mai knew… if only she knew.


Convincing her father that she can get more out of the boy than he can is actually rather easy. As angry as Ozai is with Zuko's actions during the Eclipse, his betrayal of their family and all of that, the Fire Lord is also… satisfied. And Azula very much understands why. This right here, this Eclipse… it was their enemy's best shot. Their best chance at dethroning the Fire Lord and ending the war in the Fire Nation's defeat.

And to be fair, some had actually managed to take advantage of the Day of the Black Sun, to the Fire Nation's detriment. That wily old bastard King Bumi over in Omashu had suddenly stopped being so cooperative and subsequently kicked the Fire Nation soldiers out of his city singlehandedly, all within the span of the Eclipse.

Furthermore, her Uncle Iroh had taken the opportunity to break out of prison all on his lonesome, proving that he wasn't nearly as weak and senile as Azula had thought him all this time. Whatever Iroh's intentions were, it was likely nothing good. And with Zu-Zu having gotten away as well, and having professed his intentions to train the Avatar…

But in the end, none of that mattered, and both father and daughter knew it. Their day of weakness had passed, and the day of their ascendance, of their moment of greatest strength, was now fast approaching. Sozin's comet had helped catapult them into a favorable position in the war when they'd started this conquest a hundred years prior, and when it returned again, Azula knew her father intended to use it to end this, all of this.

So yes, with the Fire Nation's ascendancy all but assured, with the vast majority of the invasion force that had come for Ozai captured, including the water tribe boy that had been traveling with the Avatar, everything was… going just right. So in the end, it made sense that her father granted her request and let her have the snow savage.

Later that night though, Azula finds herself considering the future, as well as just what use she's going to get out of her new… pet. She is the Crown Princess of the Fire Nation… but eventually, she will likely have to marry. It seems slightly distasteful, and Azula is still sort of on the fence on whether she wants to even be a mother… but it IS the done thing, is it not?

So she needs to know how to seduce a man, even if she never actually makes use of such a skill. With her forays into flirting and seduction on Ember Island having ended in one of the few failures Azula has experienced in her life, she knows for a fact that she no longer wants to practice such things on actual Fire Nation nobility. It's embarrassing, but this is a weakness… and Azula doesn't tolerate weakness.

But then, she has the perfect answer to her current dilemma, doesn't she? She'll just practice on the water tribe boy instead. It's not like his opinion matters, its not like she can actually truly embarrass herself in front of such an idiot. He's worthless, ultimately… but he could be useful in this way. With a wicked smile on her face, the Fire Nation Princess sends for her new pet. And then spends the next ten minutes that it takes him to arrive trying to practice seductive poses on her bed to greet him with.


Sokka… has to admit that he's not entirely sure what's going on anymore. He'd been captured, of course, along with his father and the rest of their warriors. It'd been a humiliating defeat to be sure, and he was still beating himself up over it. But at least Aang had gotten away, along with Katara and Toph. Sokka hated to think what would have happened to Katara and Toph if they'd been captured, especially given what he now knew about what Princess Azula had likely done to Suki. And Aang, of course, was their hope, the only light in the overwhelming darkness.

Regardless, when Sokka had ultimately been separated from the rest of the water tribe men that had been captured in the fighting, he'd resigned himself to his fate. Execution seemed likely… torture for information about the Avatar and then execution seemed even more likely. It was obvious they'd recognized his importance, but Sokka promised himself he would not break.

Still, it was rather odd that an interrogation never came. Instead, he found himself brought to another cell after a while… and this one was much better furbished. Not that that made it any less a prison cell, but at the very least it had a bed and a wardrobe even, filled with simple Fire Nation clothing. Sokka had just been planning out how to best use these amenities to escape when he'd been told he was being summoned by the Princess herself, and to dress appropriately.

It seemed that the sadistic Princess would be overseeing his interrogation personally. Still, while Sokka was having a hard time wrapping his head around what all of this meant, even with his strategic mind, he knew an opportunity when he saw one. So long as they brought him back to THIS cell after Azula was done with him, he had a chance of escaping… which meant for now, he just had to play along a bit more.

Getting dressed in the simple Fire Nation garb, Sokka follows the guard that's come to fetch him to the waiting Princess. He's surprised that Azula isn't waiting in some sort of torture chamber down in the dungeons however… instead, he's led to her personal quarters, and when he's let inside, the sight that's waiting him confuses and shocks Sokka all the more.

"Snow savage. You've finally showed up, good."

Sokka blinks at the Princess, who is currently sat on the edge of her bed in relaxed nightwear, her hair down and her legs crossed as she leans back on her palms. She's… fully covered up, but at the same time it's obvious she's not wearing anything under that closed robe. What the actual hell is happening here? Slowly, Sokka enters the room, frowning at the way Azula has addressed him. The door behind him closes, but Sokka doesn't even flinch. Instead, mustering every bit of his courage, determination, and conviction, he meets Azula's gaze.

"The name is Sokka, Princess. And whatever you think you might be able to get from me; you should know now that I won't talk. I'm not going to betray my friends to you."

Azula's smile falters for a moment, and Sokka sees the sadistic bitch underneath. Then it's gone, replaced once again by what is admittedly the most pitiful attempt at flirtation that Sokka has ever seen. Rising from her bed, Azula saunters over… or rather, tries to saunter over. She's clearly attempting to sashay her hips and sway them back and forth seductively as only a woman can, but while she has a gorgeous figure… it's a warrior's figure, at the end of the day. She's more fighter than woman, and it's obvious in the awkward way she 'saunters' up to him.

He's expecting her to attack him… but instead, she brings a hand up to his face and tries to caress it.

"You're so cute when you're trying to be defiant, snow savage. But I didn't bring you here to talk about the Avatar or his other little friends."

What the actual hell was going on here?! Wha-Sokka's eyes widen as Azula suddenly kisses him, right then and there. It's the clumsiest excuse for a kiss that he's ever been part of, not that he's been part of many… but all the same, she's trying to kiss him, and Sokka has no desire to just let the sadistic bitch have her way with his mouth. Grabbing her by the arms, he pushes her away, stumbling to the side and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand as he looks at her, bewildered.

"W-What the fuck?!"

Azula drops all pretenses at that point, scowling at him mightily.

"You should be flattered to be kissed by a Princess, savage! Ugh, it's not l-like I enjoyed it anymore then you did!"

Strangely enough, Sokka almost thinks she might have been lying at that last bit. Which is why he latches onto it, glaring at her as defiantly as ever.

"Then why the hell did you do it?!"

Going bright red, Azula snarls and clenches her hands into fists, and for a moment Sokka thinks this might just be the end. He'd been ready for torture, ready for interrogation, ready to take it all in stoic silence if it meant he might be able to escape afterwards… but Azula flirting with and then kissing him, he'd NOT been ready for, not even remotely.

Now here he was, in a room alone with a distinctly pissed off Princess… she might just kill him, and no one here would bat an eyelash, more than likely. Sokka straightens and prepares to take his death like a man… but then Azula's anger almost seems to wash away as she lets out a low breath.

"Fine. I suppose it doesn't matter if you know or not, does it? You're mine now, snow savage. The Fire Lord has seen fit to remand you into my custody. Which means you belong to me, and I can do whatever the fuck I want with you. And what I want FROM you right now isn't information on the Avatar or those he's traveling with… what I want from you right now is to be my practice dummy in the arts of seduction."

It's the most the Princess has ever said to him personally in one setting. Sokka blinks, having to process her words for a few moments afterwards. He opens his mouth… and then closes it, really not sure what to say to that. As it turns out, Azula doesn't bother waiting for a response. She finally attacks, a kick to his chest that takes the wind out of Sokka and sends him skidding back until he lands on his ass… on the bed where she'd originally been sat.

She doesn't follow up the attack, even as Sokka is catching his breath, rubbing at his chest, which will no doubt bruise. Instead, Azula tries sauntering over again, until she's standing right in front of him, dressed in nothing but that robe, which… is beginning to take on a whole new meaning for the young water tribe warrior.

"R-Right then… take it out."

Blinking, Sokka looks up into Azula's eyes… and can't help but think that perhaps they've never known the Princess of the Fire Nation at all. Still, he doesn't really have a choice, does he? Even if she's absolute shit at flirting any seduction, he's gotta obey if he wants a chance at getting out of here. So, without further ado, he pulls at the waistband of his pants with one hand and reaches in to scoop his cock out with the other.

Now, Sokka is by no means under-endowed. As a matter of fact, though he's not aware of it on account of being the only 'man' left behind in the Southern Water Tribe back when he was just a boy, Sokka is the most well-endowed Water Tribe Warrior the world over. And yes, that's counting the Northern Water Tribe as well.

Put simply, the Water Tribes have always produced men with larger cocks then any of the main land peoples. You won't find, on average, a more sizable man in either the Fire Nation or the Earth Kingdoms. And Sokka was the largest of that already rather large average. So yes, even though he's only half hard, Sokka's cock positively flops when he pulls it out of his pants, having to drag it free from down the leg he'd stuck it in order to gain some small measure of comfort.

How Azula hadn't noticed it beforehand, bulging out of one side of his thin servant clothes… well, that's obvious. She wasn't looking. Now she is though, and the Fire Nation Princess is gobsmacked, eyes wide and mouth agape as she just… stares at Sokka's appendage. Deep within her, long buried instincts are rearing their ugly head for the first time in her life. They'd initially stirred when Azula kissed Sokka, feeling the lips of a warrior, a true warrior, rather than that pussy of a boy she'd tried to kiss back on Ember Island.

Now though, now that she's staring right at the snow savage's cock, which is twitching and throbbing and even beginning to grow under her gaze, those instincts are rising to the surface faster than any would have thought possible. She wants… she wants to just drop to her knees and worship the savage's dick, right then and there, like a Princess of old, f-from the fairy tales.

But she can't. She won't. She's stronger than that, and ruthlessly the Fire Princess stamps down on her instincts, even as she licks her lips and asks the obvious.

"H-How in the hell is that thing ever supposed to fit inside of a woman? You really are a savage, aren't you?"

Unfortunately for Azula (or perhaps fortunately, all things considered) Sokka has seen all of this. Azula's twitching face was laid bare to him, and it gave everything away, even as she fought against her instincts. Now he knows something that he's fairly sure no one knows about Princess Azula… she's attracted to a big, fat cock.

In that moment, strategist that Sokka is… a plan hatches, in the back of his mind. And he decides then and there that he's going to carry it out, even if it costs him his life. Reaching down and grabbing his cock with one hand, Sokka idly strokes it, making sure Azula's focus is entirely on his member… so that she can't stop him in time when he lashes out with his other hand and grabs her by the wrist, dragging HER hand to his member as well.

A yelp leaves Azula's lips and fire gathers in her free hand… but it sputters out the instant her palm smacks into the side of his meaty cock and her fingers instinctively try to curl around his impressive girth. She strokes his length up and down almost mindlessly, and Sokka grins as he gives her a shrug and finally answers her question with… well, a total pile of bullshit.

"Pretty simple, Princess. It goes in easily, so long as you get it nice and wet first. Most water tribe women use their hands and some melted ice… but I hear you Fire Nation ladies use your mouths."

It was a total shot in the dark, a complete and utter lie that could have come back to bite him in the ass tenfold. If Azula knew anything at all about sex or any of the sorts of things Fire Nation noblewomen ACTUALLY did for their spouses and lovers, then Sokka might have just signed his own death warrant. But then, he was banking on the fact that she didn't know jackshit… and it seemed he was proven right.

Now that he'd told her what to do, Azula could no longer fight her instincts. Buckling at the knees, she finally descends to the ground, kneeling between his legs with one hand around his cock and her gorgeous lips just inches from the tip. Sokka doesn't say another word, doesn't even breathe as Azula has a stare down with his one-eyed behemoth… though he does groan quite loudly when she finally opens her mouth wide and spreads her lips over his cock, her tongue tentatively and hesitantly playing with his dick as she takes him in her mouth and begins to suck as best she can.

Without thinking about it, Sokka reaches down and grabs Azula by her currently loose hair. His dusky, masculine fingers curl through her black locks, and while her eyes flicker up to him… she doesn't look angry, instead merely blushing as she endeavors to take more of him in her mouth. Sokka, panting and groaning, looks down at Azula and doesn't see the sadistic Princess that chased him and his friends across the world any longer… he sees a bitch, longing to be put in her place. And with his huge schlong, he's the perfect man for the job.

"You're doing it wrong, Azula. You've gotta go harder than that… you've gotta show you mean it. Obviously, you don't care about pleasing me… but if you're going to learn to seduce a noble, you'll need to show you can give a proper blowjob."

Another lie, another line of bullshit… that thankfully works as Azula seems to take his words to heart and begins giving him the sloppiest blowjob he could ever have hoped for. Sokka groans and tilts his head back, his fingers curling on Azula's hair as he growls happily.

"F-Fuck, like that… fucking hell, Princess…"

Taking his breathless tone as confirmation that she's doing it RIGHT now, the fire-bending prodigy tackles this newest lesson with vigorous intent… and perhaps just a little bit of salacious need, her long-buried libido finally coming to the forefront as she's unknowingly dominated by this handsome, well-hung snow savage.

Unknowingly… right up until he abruptly and roughly drags her off of his cock, panting heavily.

"That… that's enough. Now you're ready for what comes next."

And without further ado, Sokka uses that gorgeous physicality that Ty Lee and Mai had pointed out to Azula in the first place to toss the Princess of the Fire Nation up onto her own bed. He's atop her a moment later, and Azula nearly defends herself, thinking it's an attack… only for him to kiss her full on the lips, his hands coming down on her hands. Their fingers lace together as their palms clap against one another, snuffing out Azula's firebending before it has a chance to really get going.

As Sokka holds Azula's hands above her head, she squirms beneath him… only to go still when she feels his cockhead, wet with her saliva, suddenly pressing up against her cunt. She truly isn't wearing anything beneath the short robe she has on, which cuts off at the knees. And Sokka greedily takes advantage of that, and thrusts in without so much as a by your leave. Maybe it means his death, maybe he's about to be killed for deflowering the Fire Princess… but he doesn't give a fuck, filling Azula with as much of his cock as he possibly can, even as her eyes go wide from the sudden penetration.

Now, in all fairness, Azula doesn't have a hymen to tear through. Yes, it's her first time, yes, this snow savage has just claimed her virginity… but the physical proof of said virginity was lost to training long ago. There was no helping it, with the amount of roughhousing Azula did, she wasn't really like the Princesses of old, the ones from the fairy tales.

Still, there was no denying that he hadn't even asked her permission, and in between kisses, Azula tries to point this out.

"S-Snow savage-mmph!"

"Mm, you o-overreach, y-you br-mmph!"

Again, and again, she attempts to verbally rebuke the water tribe warrior atop her… but truth be told, her heart isn't in it. Instead, Azula's arms and legs are wrapping around Sokka's truly fit body, his dusky muscles rippling and his entire body covering hers as he fucks her hard and fast with a reckless abandon that brings Azula no end of pleasure.

The pair's first sexual encounter is nothing short of extremely aggressive on Sokka's part, and mind-blowing for the dear, inexperienced Fire Princess. Azula is soon orgasming around Sokka's cock, not even truly knowing what said orgasms are… but she's enjoying it, and that's enough for her. Still, her ignorance is even more readily apparent when Sokka himself finally cums as well, and she doesn't even realize the consequences. He cums inside of her, depositing a nice thick load of his seed inside of her womb… but Azula, so much more focused on martial prowess then anything else, has no idea that this means anything other than more pleasure, as her eyes roll back in her head and her tongue lolls out of her mouth.

Sokka, meanwhile, finishes cumming in the Fire Princess with a bewildered sort of look on his face. He can't bring himself to smile… because he just fucked Azula sideways, and that's not actually anything to smile about. He pulls out of her and flops onto his back by her side, staring up at the ceiling in confusion, unsure of what he just did, and what it might mean… and all of that.

Not once had Azula fought him, once he took control. Did that mean what he thought it meant? He'd just cum inside of the Fire Princess… would THAT result in anything? Shuddering, Sokka glances over… only to realize Azula has passed out completely, looking quite welly fucked as she lays there in her half-open, disheveled robe, her hair scattered on the pillow beneath her.

She looks so peaceful in that moment. Sokka doesn't even consider the thought of trying to assassinate her. He's not that kind of man, to kill a defenseless woman in her sleep, no matter how terrifying said woman is. He also considers trying to escape in this moment, with her so out of it… but no. No, Sokka's plans to escape have fallen to the wayside. His new plan, the strategy he came up with while in the heat of the moment… that's the one Sokka is going to try sticking with going forward.

It seems crazy… but given what just happened between him and the Princess, it just might work. He just… he just has to keep it up.


"S-Snow savage, you f-forget yourself! A-Again!"

Azula blushes and squirms as Sokka traps one of her arms behind her back, his other hand gripping tightly at her wet locks. He pushes her up against the shower wall as he invades the relatively tight space, making his presence felt as his cock, already growing thick and hard once more, slides against Azula's slippery backside.

She was halfway done with her shower when he made his presence known, but Sokka doesn't care… he can't afford to care. With a growl, he angles his cock up and slides right into Azula from behind, cutting off her next protest and enjoying her involuntary moan as he begins to plow her up against the shower wall right then and there, even lifting her up onto her toes as he does so.

She pants and mewls and groans, trying her best to keep some measure of her dignity… but they both know that's all but impossible with him around these days. Still, as much as Azula loves it, as much as she loves getting taken by her 'snow savage', she's still supposed to be a proud member of the royal family. It's that pride that's been stymying Sokka's ultimate plan for a while now because he'd really thought she would have come to terms with their relationship by this point.

In all fairness, she both has and hasn't. It's been weeks since Azula decided he was her 'pet'. Weeks in which Sokka actually hasn't seen that refurbished prison cell again since that first time. Instead, he's been living in Azula's quarters and pretty much just… lounging about? Azula does still have her duties, after all, and her father would get suspicious if she stopped attending to them.

Sokka had no desire to attract the attention of the Fire Lord… especially not when he had such plans for the man's daughter. Grunting as he forces himself upon Azula for the umpteenth time, growling in her ear, playing up the part of the 'snow savage' a bit, Sokka thrusts in and out of Azula's gorgeous, heavenly tight quim, enjoying the way her sopping wet pussy clenches and clings to his cock.

He's fucked her countless times, these past few weeks. Taken her in any and every way he can think of… though never outside of her bedroom and bath, of course. He's the Princess' nasty little secret… the only man she lets herself truly be free around. And for Azula, being free involves getting pinned down and taken by a big, burly, water tribe brute such as himself.

Even still, even as Sokka fucks Azula from behind, even as she cums around his cock and moans throatily like the tasty little whore he's turned her into… she doesn't break.

"G-Get off of me, y-you savage… b-brute… r-rapist. I don't… I d-don't like it. F-Fucker…"

She's so cute when she's in denial. It's obvious she loves it… for once, Sokka still has his head. Both of them, actually. If Azula didn't like it, burning his cock to cinders would take but a moment for the Fire Princess. If she didn't want this, she's had ample opportunity to kill him a thousand times these past few weeks. Early on, Sokka had even expected it. When he'd pinned Azula down the morning after their first night together and taken her to pound town while prone boning her right there in her bed, he'd seen his life flash before his eyes as she's first reacted quite poorly, hissing, and yowling like a wild cat.

But then his cock had fully lodged itself inside of her, hitting a particular place at just the right angle… and the wild cat had melted into a puddle then and there, the Fire Princess' hissing and near-screaming turning into a lust-filled moan as she'd realized what was happening and just who it was that was fucking her. Of course, that'd also been the start of this prideful little act of hers, after she'd realized how she'd reacted to him fucking her in such a carefree manner, she'd tried to salvage what little pride she could by calling him all sorts of names and growling at him like she didn't want it.

That had continued right up till today… except, if Sokka didn't know any better, he'd say the Princess was getting close to breaking. Every time he fucked her; her protests got a little weaker. Every time he plowed her silly, her orgasms got a bit more frequent and a LOT stronger. She was close, he could feel it… he just had to give her the right… push.

Thrusting into Azula from behind, Sokka pauses, his entire cock buried in her twat, his cockhead pressing against her cervix. He's practically lifting her up off the ground right now, her big toes barely making contact as he wraps a hand around her throat from behind and just… stops. He holds her there, pinned against the wall, and waits for her moans to die away in confusion, waits for her to come back to herself. When she does, she tries to turn and look at him, but he holds her fast with his grip on her neck, speaking directly into her ear instead as he pants heavily.

"Azula… that first night, you called me your pet."

A shiver runs up Azula's spine, and perhaps she knows where he's going with this. Either way, her pride as a royal keeps her from saying anything but what she thinks she's supposed to say.

"Y-You are… m-my disobedient, i-insubordinate pet. I should… I should punish yo-ah!"


He cuts off her words by rearing back his free hand and delivering a stinging spanking to Azula's ass. The last few weeks haven't actually been particularly good for the Fire Princess' body… she's been training less and less, and spending more time in her quarters with him, doing a poor job of hiding her eager hope that he'll fuck her again. As a result, the firm, toned derriere that Azula had sported when they'd first started this… tryst was beginning to gain just a bit of softness to it. There was certainly more jiggle then expected as Sokka spanked her, ripples traveling across her pale flesh in every direction.

"You make for a poor pet owner, Azula. And let's be honest… I make for a poor pet. I think we should change up our dynamic."

Azula shivers again, shuddering as she bites her lower lip, worrying it between her teeth. Sokka would be amazed at seeing the bitch who chased them across the world being so vulnerable and truth be told, adorable… but this isn't the first time in these past few weeks when he's seen Azula unsure of herself and vulnerable.

"W-What… what do you mean?"

In for a penny, in for a pound. Sokka had long since dropped the bullshit lies about what Fire Nation ladies did for their men, just as Azula hadn't told him they were helping her practice seduction for weeks now. Theirs was a more savage and aggressive play then that, where Sokka would pin her down and take her, and Azula would complain about the 'snow savage' and his brutish ways while also cumming her brains out.

But that was then, this was now. And Sokka was ready to take things to the next level, his strategy calling for Azula to just fucking give in already. So, with a growl, and a shift of his throbbing erection inside of her cunt, Sokka makes his desires known.

"Isn't it obvious? You should be my pet, Azula. You should be calling me Master."

His command comes out in a low, deep voice, reverberating through Azula's naked, wet body. She shudders, and for a moment Sokka thinks he might have overstepped, that she wasn't ready… but then she gives a hurried nod, followed by a cute little wiggle of her hips.

"Y-yes… Yes! I-I… I submit… I-I'll be your pet, Master…"

In a moment, Sokka has Azula spun around, his cock leaving her twat for all of a second before he's back inside of her, lifting one leg up and holding her against the shower wall like before, but this time facing him. He kisses her, hard… and Azula submits, the Fire Princess mewling as she lets him explore her mouth with his tongue, offering up not even a token protest or bit of resistance any longer.

They come together, and in that moment, their new relationship begins. In the end, all Azula needed to finally give in to her instincts, to her newfound submissive desires… was Sokka ordering it. She was all too happy to submit, and as he cums inside of her again, Azula's heart sings with happiness. She's finally right where she belongs.


Team Avatar make their way through the Fire Nation Palace somewhat carefully. Technically, it's all over. The war is done. But… they're still missing one of their number. Sokka has yet to be recovered, not to be found in Boiling Rock, and upon their release, Mai and Ty Lee, Azula's former comrades, had admitted to convincing the Fire Princess to take Sokka on as her own personal pet. Mai had seemed particularly guilty about that, but in the end, neither could say what Azula had done with him. It'd only been a short time later that they'd gotten themselves arrested after all.

Still, with Ozai defeated, they needed to secure the Fire Nation's official surrender. The self-styled Phoenix Emperor wasn't willing to do it, so they were hoping Azula would… and that Sokka would be alright, after all this time. Upon his departure from the capital, Ozai had named Azula as the new Fire Lord, subordinate to him of course, but even still… it wasn't that surprising that they ultimately found their quarry in the royal bed chambers.

However, the scene that they find there shocks every member of Team Avatar, including their newest, Prince Zuko, into silence. What they find is… completely against all expectations, to say the least.

"Oh, oh, oh! Yes, Master! Fuck me harder! Ohhhh~"

Azula is… riding Sokka. She's currently reverse cowgirl, bouncing up and down on his truly massive cock with happy, giddy excitement. But even though she's on top, it's exceedingly obvious that Sokka is in control, that he's dominated the Fire Nation Princess and put her in her place most spectacularly. Her arms are behind her back, with her hands clasping purposefully at her elbows.

On top of that, the only thing adorning her otherwise naked body is what's clearly a water tribe necklace… though of course, only Katara is able to read it, blushing prettily at the fact that the word 'pet' is inscribed onto it. But perhaps most shocking of all to the assembled teenagers is that Princess Azula's once rock hard body is now soft as can be… and exceedingly pregnant. The Fire Princess has full tits and a swelling belly that show just how busy they've been while Sokka's been… away.

"Oh! Hey guys, nice of you to finally show up."

Sokka grins as he glances around Azula and acknowledges the grip, resting back on a pile of pillows at the head of the bed, with his hands laced behind his head. He's not even touching Azula, and yet its obvious just from his upwards thrusting that he's in complete control of the encounter as she moans and bounces up and down on his dick like a wanton whore.

Team Avatar look at each other, while Mai and Ty Lee look upon Azula and Sokka with wide eyes and blushing faces. Before anyone can say anything, Azula's glazed gaze focuses on them… and she smiles beatifically.

"O-Oh, you're finally here! I, Azula, Fire Lord of the Fire Nation, do h-hereby abdicate my, ooh, throne! And also, w-we surrender! Mm, I just wanna spend the rest of my, hah, life giving my lord husband a nice, big f-family! Oooh~"

No one is really sure what to do or say… but in the end, all's well that ends well, or so it seems. With the Fire Nation's official surrender and Azula's willing abdication, everything goes a lot more smoothly then it might have otherwise. Without a doubt, Sokka's actions towards the Fire Princess have saved lives. Still, none of the people who witnessed Sokka and Azula going at it that day will ever be able to scrub the image from their brains.

Some for quite different reasons than others.


"It's so good to see you, Ty Lee. I hope that the circus is going to be fine in your absence though?"

Fighting the urge to blush, Ty Lee forces a smile. A smile that had once came easily in the Fire Royal's presence now has a hard time reaching Ty Lee's face. It was… difficult to be around Azula, these days. And not for all of the reasons that an outside observer might expect. Sure, Azula had locked her and Mai up. But that had been a natural consequence of Ty Lee and Mai's betrayal of the Princess. They'd pretty much deserved it, truth be told.

However, the way they'd eventually come across Azula at the end of the war, storming the palace alongside Team Avatar in order to rescue their wayward member from the Princess' clutches, only to realize no rescue was needed… that made things awkward. Though once again, not in the way someone might suspect. Ty Lee wasn't disgusted by the sight of Azula bouncing up and down on Sokka's cock… she was aroused.

She was also a little deflated though, because while it wasn't something she ever acted on (much), Ty Lee had actually always had a crush on the Water Tribe warrior. He was the enemy, so she couldn't ever do anything about it, and once he was a prisoner, she WASN'T going to do anything with him like Mai seemed to intend, because that wouldn't be right. But, Ty Lee had always liked Sokka's muscles, his physicality. She'd liked what she'd felt when she was using her pressure point techniques to disable him and take him out of a fight.

All in all, Ty Lee had been crushing on Sokka for as long as she, Mai, and Azula had been chasing him and the rest of Team Avatar. So, finding out that… well, he and Azula were married had been a bit crushing. In response, Ty Lee had sort of fled the capitol and gone back to the circus, and it was only now after receiving Azula's express invitation to visit that Ty Lee had come back, still conditioned to answer the call when her former childhood playmate (and the Princess of the entire Fire Nation besides) asked for her time and attention.

This all runs through Ty Lee's head as she forces that smile and gives Azula a nod.

"The circus will be fine without me, Azula. Though I am their star act now, so they'll probably want me back eventually…"

That last bit is a test, to see how Azula will react. But there's not even a flash of anger or a scowl of possessive clinginess as Azula just smiles beatifically and nods, looking very much like motherhood agrees with her. Which was not something Ty Lee ever thought she'd be thinking, not one bit. And yet, it was true. Azula was a mother now, having given birth to her and Sokka's daughter at this point. Ty Lee had seen the little thing already, and she'd watched Azula gush and fuss over her child like a proper mother would.

Being one of the few people who knew much of what Azula's childhood was like, including her relationship with her mother, Ty Lee was more shocked then practically anyone that Azula herself was turning out to make a good mother. But it was a good kind of shock, a happy kind of surprise. Sokka had changed Azula for the better, and that was good… it really was. It just hurt that Ty Lee had missed her chance.

"I'm sure they will, you're an asset no matter where you go. Is there anyone special at the circus who you've got your eye on?"

The sudden turn into romantic relationships causes Ty Lee to blink and go ramrod straight. Azula's sudden interest in whether or not she had a boyfriend or lover was… well, it wasn't so out of nowhere, if she considered the Fire Princess' much changed mental state.

"N-No! No, there's no one…"

Beaming somewhat salaciously, Azula leans forward, which just so happens to give Ty Lee a view down the front of her childhood friend's robe, to her otherwise naked breasts which aren't even bound beneath the garment.

"Well, if you can, you should look for a Water Tribe male. You haven't lived until you've had one of their cocks buried up to here in your womb."

When Azula gestures to her belly, Ty Lee's blush intensifies, and she squirms. That… that gesture HAS to be an exaggeration, right? Unlike Azula, Ty Lee isn't a virgin. She'd fooled around with a boy here or there back in the circus, back before the Fire Princess had originally come to collect her in order to hunt down the Avatar in the first place. But, the place that Azula had nonchalantly gestured to… that was silly as fuck, right?


"Oh, I know I'm being a little crass, but we're friends, aren't we Ty? I can tell you anything! Like how good it feels when Sokka pounds me into the bed face down. Really, if you haven't had a Snow Savage put you in your place, you're missing out~"

Ty Lee sputters, though a part of her is still happy that Azula is happy, that she actually seems TRULY happy for the first time in their entire lives. This isn't vicious satisfaction at a mission accomplished, or contentment over a particular cruelty managed. This is happiness… Azula is happy, and that's good, truly it is.

Unbeknownst to Ty Lee, however, her friend is also far more observant than she was before. Azula hasn't failed to notice Ty Lee's… longing looks, whenever she makes her think of Sokka. Luckily for the acrobat, Azula isn't the jealous sort anymore.

"You know, I'm pregnant again."

THAT gets Ty Lee's attention, surprise on her face as she looks to Azula's belly with wide eyes. The Fire Princess parts her robe, not enough to reveal her breasts, but certainly enough to expose the slight bump in her belly, revealing the nascent pregnancy.

"O-Oh wow, Azula, c-congratulations!"

"My Lord Husband is so virile, isn't he? I'm expecting to give him at least half a dozen before I'm done… though I wouldn't mind one bit if he decided he wanted a dozen, to make up for all of the damage my people did to his, you know?"

Ty Lee isn't sure how to respond to that, so she stays quiet. Azula, however, goes for the kill, leaning forward again, invading Ty Lee's space.

"I wouldn't mind if you wanted a crack at him yourself, you know? Sokka is in charge of our relationship… but he's far too much of a Snow Savage for one princess to handle, if you catch my drift…"

NOW Ty Lee is responding, though the response takes the form of wide-eyed sputtering and her mouth opening and closing like a goldfish as she chokes on the words that refuse to come out. What does one even SAY to that though, right?!

Sensing weakness, Azula does what she's always done best, and pounces. However, the way she does so is so very sexual and so very lewd and so very NOT-Azula, that Ty Lee isn't ready for it or prepared to defend against it at all.

"You'll help me out, won't you Ty Lee? You'll be my gift to my husband, for being such an amazing Stud, right?"

In the midst of a whole lot of confusion, desire, and vulnerability… Ty Lee finds herself stuttering and stammering out a yes, to which Azula giggles happily and claps, before glomping Ty Lee in a way the Fire Princess never would have before.


It's a little weird, living in the Fire Nation Palace now, after he spent his whole life at war with them. But they've managed to make it work, at least. Back from his trip to his home of the Southern Water Tribe, Sokka steps into the palace with a grin on his face. There are guards, of course, as well as servants, but not a single one of them stop him. They recognize him, after all… hell, the whole world recognizes him these days.

Ambassador of the Water Tribes. And yes, that was plural. He wasn't just his home's Ambassador, but also the Northern Water Tribe and the Foggy Swamp Tribe. All three tribes have recognized his position as valid at this point, leaving him representing ALL of his people, no matter where they might have found themselves scattered. It feels good… it feels really good.

But on the flipside, it does mean Sokka is involved in a lot more politics then he ever wanted to be. And while the work is necessary, rewarding, and most of the time quite satisfying, it's also fucking exhausting. Now that he's finally home, he's absolutely craving some hot and heavy sex right fucking now. Luckily, he's got a woman who is more than willing to submit to his every desire.

If you'd told Sokka before the end of the war that that woman, the mother of his infant daughter, would be Princess Azula of the Fire Nation, he would have probably laughed in your face. But now, it felt as natural as breathing. Azula had been broken and twisted and corrupted by her father from an incredibly early age. He'd turned her into a weapon, one that barely functioned as a person at that.

Sokka had stepped in and fixed things… after a fashion. Maybe turning Azula into a nymphomaniac addicted to his big fat Water Tribe cock was going a bit too far, but frankly, looking back, Sokka can't imagine what else might have gotten through to the Fire Princess. On top of that, he liked to think he hadn't done much turning anyways. More like, this was the real Azula who'd always been lurking just below the surface, and now here she was, finally allowed to flourish because of him.

Or whatever. Point was, Sokka was home, as strange as that home was, and he was going to bone his wife, as odd as that wife was. Arriving to their chambers, he enters with a wide grin and a flourish, the words 'Honey, I'm HOME!' on his lips… only to stop short and fall silent as his jaw drops open at what he sees… and hears.

Now, the noises of frantic whimpering and fingers slicking in and out of one's sex as a woman masturbates on their bed in eager anticipation of his return aren't exactly abnormal. What's abnormal is that it's not Azula doing the deed… it's her friend, the acrobat and circus performer, Ty Lee. There, laid out on the bed, sprawling really, is Ty Lee in the buff. Wearing not even a single ounce of clothing, the naked young woman is touching herself… and as she lays eyes on him, she doesn't STOP touching herself, in fact she goes at it even harder.

Her feet prop up under her, causing her legs to bend at the knee as they spread apart. Her head stays on the bed, but the rest of her oh-so-deliciously dexterous body lifts up off of it, even as she continues to dig two digits into her squirting cunt, again and again. Her loud, wanton moaning gets even louder, filling the room.

For a brief moment, Sokka is a little baffled, left wondering if Azula is… cheating on him with Ty Lee. Is it really cheating if it's with a girl though rather than a guy? Sokka finds himself daydreaming about it in his mind's eye for a moment, Azula and Ty Lee together… and it's not a bad sight. Except, then his eyes catch a bit of movement over to the side, and he looks over to find Azula sitting there casually, smirking at him easily like the cat who caught the canary for her master. Azula is fully clothed though, and not a single ounce of Ty Lee's fluids can be found anywhere on her from a cursory examination.

So maybe it's not that she's cheating on him… maybe… Azula rises, and in stark contrast to her efforts all those moons ago when she first tried to saunter over to him with a warrior's body, this time around, Azula saunters like a woman. Her feminine form, made all the more feminine by the life of a trophy wife and the pregnancy she'd just finished a couple months back, bounces and jiggles in all the right places as she makes her way over to him, still grinning that wide, wicked grin.

Her hands come up and begin to run over his body, working at the ties of his clothing and stripping him piece by piece as she speaks into his ear.

"Do you like the present I've prepared for you, Master? She's all yours if you want her. As a matter of fact, I think she'll be… disappointed if you reject her. I think she wants nothing more than to take your big, fat cock up her tight little gushing twat."

Well fuck, Azula certainly knows how to motivate a man. And over on the bed, even if Ty Lee likely can't hear Azula's whispered words over her wanton moaning, it's obvious that the acrobat wants it, wants him. As Azula yanks down Sokka's pants and lets his hardening member flop out of its confines, Ty Lee's eyes focus on it, go wide… and then she cums right there on the bed just from the sight of it. Well, that along with a generous helping of masturbatory fingerbanging of course, but even still…

When Azula takes him by the hand and leads him over to the bed, Sokka doesn't hesitate to follow. Nor does he hesitate to mount Ty Lee on the spot. Though, he's had fantasies about her flexibility before… and in the end, he just can't help himself. Grabbing her by the ankles, Sokka slowly pushes Ty Lee's legs back… and back… and back.

Azula is a fun lay, but she can't boast the same flexibility as Ty Lee. As such, the Fire Princess makes a noise of surprise in the back of her throat when Sokka slowly but practically effortlessly manages to get Ty Lee's legs back behind her shoulders, and her ankles locked behind her head, with just a little help from the flexible acrobat herself.

Once she's properly folded up like a pretzel, her breasts framed by her pushed together arms and her fingers spreading her pussy lips wide for him, well, Sokka grins and slaps his cock down on her body, his balls hitting the bottom of her dripping cunt while his fat Water Tribe dick smacks against her clit and her navel and even further up, reaching along her belly. He's practically at full mast now, his member only terminating a little way beneath Ty Lee's breasts as she looks down the length of her flexing, folded up form and stares at his shaft with wide eyes.

"A-Azula… Azula wasn't exaggerating… y-you're going to break me…"

Maybe. He certainly broke Azula with this cock. Sokka just chuckles and lifts an eyebrow though, willing to give Ty Lee the out if she needs it.

"You wanna back out then?"


Ty Lee's answer is immediate and vehement, her eyes widening and her pupils shrinking to pinpricks in fear at the idea of not getting fucked. And he can tell it's fear at that, and not at Azula, because he knows his pet-wife is no longer that kind of woman… and if she was, well, he'd have to punish her most stringently for it.

But no, Azula giggles beside them both on the bed, casually touching herself a lot less frantically then Ty Lee was as she watches them interact. Ty Lee, meanwhile, is blushing hard at her embarrassing reaction, but nevertheless licks her lips and looks up at him with begging eyes as she beseeches and pleads with him.

"P-Please… please fuck me."

Here, Azula does speak up, just a hint of her old authority back in her voice as she corrects Ty Lee.

"You mean, 'please fuck me SIR', Ty Lee."

"Y-yes! Please fuck me, sir!"

Azula beams, and Sokka chuckles as he slowly slides his massive cock back across Ty Lee's folded body. She looks distinctly helpless like this, with her ankles behind her head and shoulders, her body in a pretzel shape. But at the same time, he knows he flexible and deadly she is. She could probably get free still, and even disable him and escape, if she really wanted to.

She doesn't though, and soon enough Sokka is watching with barely contained glee as the sexy little acrobat's gorgeous, gushing quim begins to spread open around his bulbous cockhead. Ty Lee lets out the most adorable little yelps and squeaks as he begins to fill her and stretch her nice and wide. In between some 's-so big!' and 'I-it'll never fit!'. She whimpers as Azula shushes her and assures her it will fit, and she squirms a little, but doesn't ever break out of the folded up state he's forced her into, even as Sokka plants his hands on either side of her head and begins to fuck her, taking her in a textbook mating press.

This leaves their faces mere inches apart, as he fucks her. Looking down into her eyes, watching her features contort in earnest pleasure, Sokka smiles triumphantly. Another Fire Nation slut, learning to love his big fat Water Tribe cock. Of course, unlike Azula, Ty Lee has no prior misconceptions. She's not some repressed Fire Princess who wouldn't know what to do with a dick if it struck her in the face…

At the same time though, it's obvious that whatever experience Ty Lee DOES have is completely null and void when put up against a cock as big as Sokka's. He can tell that within a few inches of entering her cunt, he's hitting entirely new territory, both from the way her tight insides feel around his cock, and the way she's reacting to his deeper and deeper thrusts.

This isn't like with Azula, where Sokka is encroaching on lands where no man has gone before… but to continue the analogy to frankly embarrassing levels, it was obvious that the previous… explorers of Ty Lee's body hadn't done a particularly good job or gone very far at all. Sokka wasn't even having to work hard to best Ty Lee's previous sexual experiences, from the look of things… but that didn't mean he wasn't going to give it his all.

His all seems to be doing it for Ty Lee too, because her eyes are already crossed, adorably enough, and her cute little tongue is poking out of her mouth. Unable to help himself, Sokka leans forward the last couple of inches between them and nips at it. He bites her tongue and then kisses Ty Lee hard when she pulls it back inside her mouth instinctively. His own tongue follows a second later, and then her arms are wrapped around his neck as he dominates her mouth at the same time as he's fucking her silly.

Azula makes a noise of approval from off to the side, panting a bit heavier now, even as she continues to touch herself at a casual pace. The pregnant Fire Princess bites her lower lip and moans right alongside the muffled noises Ty Lee is making beneath Sokka. Animalistic and bestial as they exit her throat only to get swallowed up by his mouth, Ty Lee's eyes stop being crossed, but only because they're rolling all the way up in her skull as his tongue tries to make its way down her throat.

In and out, Sokka thrusts. In and out, in and out. Eventually though, after who knows how many orgasms on Ty Lee's part, he can feel himself getting close. Azula, with all of her experience regarding that, sharply sits up and before Sokka can even think of pulling out, his pregnant pet-wife is behind him, pulling him up away from his kiss with Ty Lee and, pressing her softened body into his back, her full tits compressing against his muscled shoulderblades as she whispers into his ear.

"This makes me so happy, Master. Watching you fuck Ty Lee like this… you'd better do what you do best though, husband. Knock her up. Breed Ty Lee like you've bred me not once, but twice… I want us both to grow heavy with child together."

… It's a hell of a way to find out that your wife is pregnant, Sokka finds. A hell of an arousing way at that. Azula's words, the confirmation of her second pregnancy and her desire to see Ty Lee knocked up right alongside her is more than enough to send Sokka right over the edge. With a loud groan, he thrusts forward, blasting right into Ty Lee's womb as he begins to cum.

Beneath him, Ty Lee squeals, their lips no longer locked together to silence her. Eyes rolled back in her head, tongue lolling out of her mouth, the flexible acrobat cums one final time around his cock, nice and explosively, as he fills her with his seed. Of course, even as Ty Lee almost passes out from the explosion of cum into her depths, even as she lays there insensate on the bed before them, both Sokka and Azula are sharing amused, loving looks.

After all, this is just the beginning…


It's well into the next day, and as Azula re-enters the room, she smirks a little at the sight of her beloved Master and Ty Lee still going at it. They've been going at it since she brought them together, and it's obvious they haven't taken a break since she left to get food either. Carrying a platter filled with breakfast, Azula has a submissive, beatific smile on her face, even as she approaches the bed.

Watching Sokka fuck Ty Lee had been… a pleasure, truth be told. And also, rather illuminating. Azula had already accepted the simple fact that Sokka was going to need concubines and mistresses to handle his needs when she was overly pregnant, but it wasn't until she'd watched him rail Ty Lee and plow her silly again and again in a variety of different positions, that she realized what another woman, such as Ty Lee, could bring to the table.

Put simply, Ty Lee's flexibility allowed for a number of positions that Azula never could have pulled off, nor had even imagined before that evening. At one point, Sokka was fucking Ty Lee in such a way that her own pussy juices were dropping down onto her outstretched tongue as the limber acrobat stuck it out, drinking her cunt fluids but also waiting for the cum that inevitable drizzled down onto her face after he creampied her again.

Afterwards, Sokka had sat down in a chair and Ty Lee had cartwheeled over, planting her feet down on his legs and clutching at them with her hands as well, even as she deep-throated his cock to the hilt. At the same time, her body was contorted in such a way that her creampied cunt was dripping down into her hair from above, making an utter mess of her, even as she gagged down Sokka's dick continuously in that position until he came AGAIN.

Ty Lee brought something new to the table, Azula had only belatedly come to realize. She wasn't just another warm body for Azula's Master to fuck while she was indisposed in the later stages of her pregnancies… she was Ty Lee, and Ty Lee held value to her now, just as she had when they were children and then teens.

It was a startling observation for the much-changed Fire Princess. Even now, Ty Lee is riding Sokka cowgirl, but she's doing the splits while doing so, and her legs are both completely off the bed, spread to the sides as she uses her hands on his legs to pull herself up into the air, before ultimately dropping herself back down to impale herself on his cock.

Each time, Ty Lee lets out a loud squeal, while Sokka just watches her work with a satisfied grin on his face, his muscular, toned body glistening with sweat and his hands laced behind his head as he takes a break for the time being and lets Ty Lee do all the work.

Sitting on the bed beside her beloved Master's head, Azula begins to feed him from the platter, something Sokka accepts without complaint, even sucking at her fingers before letting them leave her mouth. Blushing a little, and more than a little pleased at the attention he's showing her even while being ridden by another woman, Azula smiles happily. She loves this feeling, loves being actually, genuinely happy.

And Ty Lee is contributing to that. Which makes Azula wants to bring in the last member of their little trio, of what Sokka had confided they called 'Team Azula' back when she and her friends were chasing the Avatar and HIS friends all over the world. Able to tell that Ty Lee and her Lord Husband are both reaching yet another mutual climax, Azula leans in close as she continues to feed Sokka, speaking to him, though loud enough for Ty Lee to hear.

"This turned out so well, my lord husband. Mm, it's so sexy, watching you fuck Ty Lee. I'm glad I chose to get my friend in on the action."

Smiling at her, only to groan as Ty Lee slams down on his dick again, Sokka chuckles breathlessly.

"I'm glad as well, Azula."

And then he grabs her by her hair and pulls her into a savage, domineering kiss to remind her of her place, and Azula cums a little on the spot, moaning into his mouth and writhing helplessly and eagerly in his grip for a brief moment before he breaks it off and lets her go back to feeding him.

Taking a moment to regain her breath, Azula pipes up again once she has, able to tell that Ty Lee is getting all the closer to sending their Master over the edge. Leaning in again, this time Azula whispers into Sokka's ear.

"I want… I want you to knock up Mai next. When she gets back from Ember Island, she'll be primed for it. I know now what she had planned, back when she initially convinced me to take custody of you, Master. She thought she could control you then… I bet you she'll think she can control you now. All of her experience comes from weak Fire Nation boys though. You'll be able to easily put her in her place…"

Sokka blinks at that, only frowning a little as he looks at her, assimilating all of this as quickly as Azula has come to expect him to.

"… If she comes to me, then fine. I won't force anyone though."

Beaming, Azula nods and then glances over at Ty Lee.

"Hear that, Ty Lee? My lord husband has agreed to knock up Mai as well!"

Ty Lee's eyes widen at that, and Azula can just see the fantasies playing out in the oversexed circus performer's head. As such, it's no surprise when Ty Lee ahegaos all over again, cumming all over Sokka's dick as she collapses atop him, climaxing uncontrollably. This in turn sends Sokka over the edge, and he lets out a loud groan as he cums deep inside of her, filling her to the brim one last time for the day with his seed.

And Azula makes sure it's one last time by pulling the over-exerted acrobat off of his cock before Ty Lee can try to keep going, knowing well enough what her friend's limits are… or more accurately, knowing what her own limits are. Really, Azula has let Ty Lee have her fun… but now it's HER turn! Eager to please her Master, and equally eager to thank him for going along with her perverse desire to bring Ty Lee and Mai into their bed, Azula kneels down between Sokka's legs and takes his messy cock in her mouth.

Sokka just smiles and lets her have at it, eating from the platter she's left beside him while Azula gives him an exceedingly sloppy blowjob. She may never have gotten to use this technique on an actual Fire Nation Noble like was her first idea, all that time ago, but Azula doesn't give a shit about any of that anymore. And she knows without a shadow of a doubt that no Fire Nation man would ever have been able to compare to Sokka's big, fat, Water Tribe cock.

Sucking and slurping and choking herself on his dick aggressively, Azula really lets herself go at it, fucking her face on Sokka's cock while Ty Lee recovers off to the side. Mai would be next, one way or another. Even with the restrictions Sokka has given her, Azula has every intention of dragging the dour Fire Nation Noble into their bed.

After all, Mai was never going to get her wish to be with dear Zuzu… so why not give her an upgrade over Azula's brother, in the form of this insatiable Snow Savage? Eyes fluttering from lack of oxygen AND anticipation of what's to come, Azula looks up at her Master and smiles as best she can around his gargantuan length. This was going to be FUN!


"It's good to have you back from Ember Island, Mai. I hope you had a pleasant trip."

"It's so good to see you again! I've missed you so much, Mai!"

As Ty Lee glomps her in a hug, Mai waits a beat, giving the acrobat a good five count before clearing her throat pointedly. To her mild consternation, Ty Lee has the audacity to hold the hug for another five seconds after that, a full TEN seconds before she finally pulls away with a wide grin on her face just bordering on cheeky and retakes her seat.

… Had her breasts felt just a little fuller, through their fabric? A slight frown develops on Mai's face at that, though given she was wearing her ever dour look anyways, it likely wasn't noticed by either of her childhood playmates. It still annoyed her that even Ty Lee was starting to get breasts, while Mai was stuck being just shy of washboard flat.

"It's good to see you as well, Ty Lee. And I'm happy to be back, Princess."

Giggling in a distinctly non-Azula way, the much changed Fire Princess places a hand on her cheek and shakes her head.

"How many times must I ask you to just call me Azula, Mai? We're friends, aren't we? Really, the only reason I'm still even Fire Princess is because Zuzu decided to keep me in the family for some reason, despite all I did to him."

Her frown wants to grow at the mention of Zuko, so Mai shutters her facial expression instead, going completely blank to hide the hurt feelings she still has where the new Fire Lord is concerned. She mostly understood WHY he couldn't marry her, why they were shopping around for a foreign bride in the aftermath of a hundred year war that the Fire Nation had started. It would likely be Toph or Katara, but that was neither here nor there.

It couldn't be Mai, and Mai would never settle for being a concubine or consort, not even for Zuko. That was why she'd gone on her little 'vacation' to Ember Island in the first place, as it were. She'd needed to get away from it all, away from the politics of the capital. And, to be fair… she'd had some fun on Ember Island, fun that had calmed her down and left her feeling a bit better about herself in the end.

Of course, she'd come back to Azula being noticeably pregnant with ANOTHER child from Sokka, and Ty Lee visiting for what was apparently coming up on over a month and a half. It was… interesting to say the least, though Mai hadn't quite discerned in what way yet.

"Did you know that Water Tribe men have much bigger cocks then Fire Nation men, Mai?"

Blinking dumbly at the sudden interjection from Ty Lee, Mai's mask slips for a moment as she just… stares at the beaming acrobat.


Her response is at least flat rather than utterly befuddled, but Ty Lee just grins wider and nods.

"Azula said it best… you haven't lived until you've had a Snow Savage buried in your womb up to here!"

The place that Ty Lee gestures to on her abdomen is frankly obscene, causing Mai to wrinkle her nose and glance Azula's way, even as the pregnant Fire Princess giggles and hides a wide smile behind the fan she'd picked up a liking for during their days disguised as Kyoshi Warriors.

"Well, that's a bit of a combination of two different things I said… but you're not wrong, Ty Lee."

Mai, always quick on the uptake, figures out what's NOT been said yet quite easily. And when she does, she can't help her outburst.

"Ty Lee, you and Sokka-?!"

Beaming still, the circus performer bobs her head up and down, and then yanks up her top, showing off a sight that has Mai's eyes bulging, every trace of her emotionless, dour façade shattered. Ty Lee is pregnant, though not very just yet. But she's undeniably pregnant, with both the beginnings of a baby bump and her tits having grown just a bit… something Mai had initially noticed back when they'd hugged.

Now though, that growth of her breasts holds a different connotation, and makes much more sense…

"Don't be too surprised, Mai. My lord husband really is too much man to handle… is it any wonder I brought in Ty Lee?"

… Fuck it, fuck this, fuck everything. Mai was going full evil and there was nothing any of them could do to stop her. Or rather, that was probably a bit more melodramatic then it needed to be, but when you spent your entire life acting the part of the emotionless, expressionless noblewoman, your thoughts tended to be your only output.

Even still, if Azula and Ty Lee were getting some from the reportedly hung Water Tribe Savage, then why not Mai? And why not put her original plan into place and make Sokka into her sexual play thing? That had been what she'd initially intended, back when she'd unknowingly set Azula up with Sokka in the first place.

Of course, unlike Azula and Ty Lee, Mai wasn't some repressed, naïve Princess, or some innocent country bumpkin, which was how she viewed her friends when it came to sex. If she set her sights on Sokka, he wouldn't know what hit him until well after she'd sunk her claws into him. And… why shouldn't it be Mai on top for once, right? She'd spent her entire life living in Azula's shadow, in fear of her childhood playmate.

If she could bring Sokka to heel, he'd come with Azula and Ty Lee as well, wouldn't he? And then it would be Mai on the proverbial throne, while all three knelt at her feet. The thought was enticing, though surprisingly not as enticing as it should have been? But Mai shakes such misgivings away, even as she begins to plan and scheme.

Of course, she has no way of knowing that Azula and Ty Lee are already secretly planning on bringing her into things, but as another pet for Sokka. They're plotting against her almost openly, but in all of her imagined sexual superiority, she's utterly blind to it. Azula can't wait to give Sokka another gift… while Ty Lee is all too happy to have Mai join her as a sister-slut to their Master!

Things are going to come to a head soon enough, one way or another…


It was almost time. Mai smirks, even as she makes sure to arrange herself just perfectly on the bed. It's not her bed, of course… no, it's that damnable Water Tribe male's bed. Sokka of the Southern Water Tribe had proven to be much more of an irritation for Mai then she'd ever care to admit. Not because of anything he'd directly done TO her, but more because of all of the things he HADN'T done to her.

Back before the war had ended with Ozai's bending taken away and Azula's shocking unconditional surrender while bouncing up and down on Sokka's cock, it had been MAI'S idea to have the Fire Princess keep him as a pet, a distraction, a slave. She'd been so sure that Azula would just ignore him within no time, but alas, that plan had never had a chance to come to fruition. Things had escalated dramatically on the war side of things, and before Mai even knew it, her body had moved on its own, betraying Azula and forcing Ty Lee to do the same.

They'd spent most of the rest of the war locked in a cell, and honestly, for a little while Mai had felt guilt over what horrible fate she must have cosigned Sokka too, especially after meeting Suki and finding out that the Kyoshi Warrior had feelings for the Water Tribe native. Of course, all of that guilt had evaporated quite quickly upon discovering that Sokka and Azula had been FUCKING the war away while Mai, Ty Lee, and Suki all sat in Boiling Rock, imprisoned, and waiting for rescue.

Frankly, it annoyed Mai to no end that after a lifetime of terrorizing them, Azula was just going to get away with everything because Sokka had apparently dicked the crazy right out of her. It pissed her off, especially because she was never going to get to marry Zuko at this point, and she detested the thought of being the new Fire Lord's concubine or mistress, no matter how much poetry he wrote her, no matter how many flowers he sent her.

But then, to come back from Ember Island to find out that Ty Lee had started getting some from Sokka too? Enough was enough. Mai might have held back when it looked like Sokka and his dick were the only thing standing between Azula and vying for World Domination, but if the Royal Bitch was tamed enough by the Water Tribe male's cock to let him bring Ty Lee into their bed as well, then Mai saw a simple way forward.

She was going to seduce Sokka away from Azula and Ty Lee, she was going to turn his attentions solely onto her, and when he recognized her as his Mistress and affirmed his loyalty to her, only then might she consider allowing Azula and Ty Lee to have a taste, once in a while. It was a fool proof plan, in Mai's mind. After all, Azula was a virgin princess and Ty Lee was a country bumpkin.

Mai was the only one with the experience necessary to properly handle Sokka. That much was obvious. Of course, it still had to be handled delicately. Which was why she'd pulled a few strings and made sure Azula and Ty Lee were both busy with other things today, while she awaited Sokka in his quarters, on his bed, dressed in nothing but a sheer set of Fire Nation negligee. The translucent garment leaves nothing to the imagination, but still gives a slightly air of mystery, a sort of fog of war that Sokka will no doubt enjoy thrusting forward into, only for her trap to close around him.

There's a smirk on Mai's face as she imagines it, a rare expression of emotion for the normally stoic noblewoman. When the door to the room suddenly begins to open, Mai doesn't bother hiding her smile… she just alters it into something sultry and altogether seductive.

Of course, she has no idea that the trap has not only already been sprung but been sprung on her. She has no clue that she's thoroughly stepped in it at this point, and there's no escape for her anymore. In truth, both Azula and Ty Lee are actually watching from a hidden spot in the room WITH her, watching her, enjoying the view as Mai prepares herself for Sokka's arrival.

Likewise, as Sokka steps in and sees her waiting for him, he lets his eyebrows climb in surprise, but it's feigned. He knew she was there, even if she didn't know he knew.

"Mai. This is a pleasant surprise."

Sokka is mild as he steps in, something that takes Mai back just a little. Perhaps if she were willing to pry into that reaction a bit more, she'd realize this was all a trap. But no, she was so sure of herself, so full of herself, that she didn't hesitate for more than a second. Uncrossing and then recrossing her legs, one over the other, Mai smiles as she leans back on the bed, her beautiful body laid out before Sokka, albeit clothed in that translucent, see-through negligee still.

"I'm glad to hear you say that, Sokka. I felt like it was about time that you laid with a real woman, instead of my childish, immature friends."

Sokka's eyebrows stay risen as he moves further into the room. Mai, having expected him to stand still for at least a little while longer, has to rush a little bit to meet him, rising from the bed before he can reach it and running her hands across his shoulders. She'd originally planned to do a slow, sensual, tiger-like walk over to him, intending to act as the predator before her frozen prey.

Sokka wasn't following her script though, and that was annoying… but Mai was nothing if not adaptable (Or so she thought. In truth, Mai was without a doubt the most rigid of the three Fire Nation women Sokka had attracted to his bed at this point). Keeping the easy smirk on her face, Mai proceeds to begin stripping Sokka down, starting from the top and working her way towards the bottom.

She's slow and sensual about it, taking the time to run her hands across his body as she goes. He really does have an admirable physique, a true warrior's bod. She can admire it, especially for the way it contrasts quite nicely with the weak, flimsy males that seem to populate much of the Fire Nation nobility, these days.

A hundred years of war had turned the Fire Nation into a nation of soldiers, but it had turned it's nobility into a group of pompous weaklings, who's parents usually used their connections to keep their children out of harm's way, more often then not. If Mai hadn't become Azula's playmate, and if being Azula's playmate hadn't come with the expectation of being martially skilled and useful, then she'd probably be just another useless, weak Fire Nation noble like the rest of them.

As is, she's the best of them, even if no one is willing to acknowledge it. Well, after today, so long as everything goes according to plan, someone WILL acknowledge it. By the time she's done with Sokka, she's going to have this Water Tribe warrior eating out of the palm of her hand.

The fact that he hasn't said a word to her in all this time, just letting her do what she likes… it's already a good sign, in Mai's opinion. It means that his early entrance and reaction was an act, just an act. He was frozen now, it seemed, unsure of how to respond to her obvious overtures. The seduction of the man was going well, as far as Mai was concerned.

With his muscular chest and chiseled abdomen now bear, with him wearing just his shorts, Mai smiles and turns him around, pressing him back until he sits on the edge of his bed. Then, right before his eyes, the pale beauty shucks off her see-through negligee, finally exposing her body in full, properly, to Sokka's eyes. A smile graces Mai's lips as she watches him drink her in. The way his gaze swipes hungrily over her makes it very obvious that Azula and Ty Lee are leaving him… unfulfilled.

Of course, in Mai's head this is because what Sokka is really looking for is a woman who will take control. It doesn't even cross her mind that he might be so damn good at what he does that two women alone aren't enough for him, and he's about to conquer his third. No, that didn't cross Mai's mind at all. Instead, her thoughts were solely focused on getting down to business.

Dropping to her knees, Mai grabs Sokka by HIS knees and forces his legs apart sharply. Smirking up at him almost lazily, the naked young noblewoman finally reaches forward and tugs at his shorts, pulling them down to release his cock from it's confines. Now, if Mai had actually spent even a little time looking at Sokka's crotch once she stripped him down to his shorts, she might have noticed the incredibly obvious, incredibly large bulge he was sporting.

As it was, Mai was far too used to Fire Nation men and their… middling cocks. Not all of them were small, of course, but even the biggest couldn't hold a candle to a certain 'Snow Savage'. And yet, Mai hadn't accounted for that, so full of herself that she really hadn't even looked, thinking she, unlike Azula and Ty Lee, would know what to expect.


Which is why she's more than a little surprised when Sokka's cock springs free of its confines and smacks her across the face. Sokka himself lets out a grunt at the impact, even as Mai jerks backwards, bewildered and gobsmacked. Her mouth open to exclaim in surprise and complaint, the words never leave her lips because instead she's left speechless by the sheer size of Sokka's massive Water Tribe cock.

Holy fuck, he's huge. He's… easily twice the size of any man she's ever been with. Albeit, most of those 'men' were just boys, but then, so was Sokka, sort of. In the same way Mai was supposed to still be just a girl. It was… he was just… the sight of him left her somewhat befuddled.

"Mai? You alright?"

Hearing his concerned voice tinged with amusement is what brings Mai back to the real world. Realizing she's making a fool of herself; the young noblewoman hurriedly slaps a hand around Sokka's cock at the base, only to discover she can't even close her grip on his shaft, that's how thick and girthy he is. Well aware of the heat rising to her pale features no doubt producing a blush, Mai scowls as she struggles to maintain control of both the situation and herself.

Her other hand comes up to grab Sokka's cock too, double-fisting his massive member for good measure as she directs a shaky little smirk up at the Water Tribe warrior.

"I can see why Azula calls you Snow Savage now. You're certainly a big boy, aren't you Sokka?"

Sokka grins in response and shrugs his shoulders.

"So they say."

He doesn't need to say who 'they' is, nor does Mai need to ask. Azula and Ty Lee might have been daunted and ultimately tamed by this big fat cock, but if Sokka thought she'd be the same way, he had another thing coming! She was going to be the one doing the taming here! She was going to be the one in charge by the time this was over!

Staring up at him as challengingly as she can, the stoic noblewoman plants her mouth on Sokka's cockhead, struggling to stretch her jaw wide enough to take him past her lips. She manages it eventually though, and as she strokes her smooth, creamy palms up and down his cock, she swirls her tongue around his bulbous dick tip, her lips sucking hard at the top of his schlong.

In turn, Sokka watches her, and frankly, Mai is beginning to get the impression that he's not in awe of her after all. It's like he's studying her, like she's a particularly interesting specimen that he's slowly working out. H-How dare he?! She was in charge here, n-not him! Him looking down on her from above… she definitely wasn't getting wet from having that gaze focused on her or anything!

Suddenly, his hand is atop her head and there's a small little smirk on his lips.

"Both Azula and Ty Lee did better than this, Mai. I think you can as well."

Tightening his grip on her hair, Sokka proceeds to SHOVE Mai further down his cock, far further then the young woman ever thought herself capable of going on her own.


And yet, as Mai chokes mightily on Sokka's dick, something inside of her breaks, like a chocolate ball filled with caramel cracking down the middle and spilling that caramel all over the place. Even as she's gagging and gurgling, there's just something about being forced down his dick that… feels good. Of course, she can't exactly fight him when he framed it like a challenge beforehand.

But even as Sokka begins to brutally face fuck her, taking control and thrusting his unfairly large Water Tribe dick down her esophagus and into her gullet, Mai's eyes are fluttering, her heart is rapidly beating, and her pussy… her pussy is gushing. She orgasms then and there from the loss of control, even if she's loath to admit it. It feels so good to be made into Sokka's plaything, if only for a moment.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

"That's more like it, Mai! I knew you could do it!"

His cheery tone as he grins down at her wickedly shouldn't arouse her as much as it does. Having him praise her shouldn't turn her on as much as it does. Mai's hands grab hold of Sokka's legs, gripping them tightly enough that her nails dig into his flesh a bit… but she doesn't try to stop him, or pull away, or anything. The naked noblewoman lets him have his way with her throat, her defiance and arrogance slowly draining out of her, until finally Sokka lets out loud groan and proceeds to cum down her gullet.

Of course, Mai is in no position to swallow his load. At least, not most of it. She gets a bit of it down, but ultimately she's rocked back onto her heels by the thick pasty seed pouring into her throat. His cock slips backwards out of her esophagus and then free of her lips altogether, and she's left an incredibly sticky mess as a result, kneeling there on the ground before him, her arms hanging limply on either side of her as she stares at his cock in a daze.

Cum coats the inside of her throat and mouth, as well as her face. And yet… and yet, unlike every man she's ever been with before now, Sokka is still hard. He's still hard, and his cock is throbbing, right in front of her. The job isn't done yet…

Perhaps that's why she doesn't fight it when he grabs her and tosses her face down on the bed. Getting taken from behind like a bitch in heat certainly wasn't in Mai's plans for dominating the Water Tribe warrior. She was going to be on top, she was going to be in control. Instead, she finds herself getting fucked doggystyle, and allows herself to give up control without really even thinking about it.

She's too busy thinking about how good Sokka's cock feels in her cunt. She's too busy enjoying the roughest sex of her young life. Not a single one of her previous paramours can hope to match Sokka. Even Zuko… he's just not as good as Sokka is. This is what sex with a Water Tribe man is like? This is what it's like to get fucked by a 'Snow Savage'?

Moaning throatily, Mai's eyes roll up in her head as she orgasms explosively around Sokka's cock again and again and again. The young noblewoman's stoicism is shattered, as is her control, her pride, her everything. All that matters is Sokka's big fat thick dick, buried in her clenching, squeezing, hungering twat. She can't get enough of it, and she pushes backwards with her hips again and again in an effort to meet his glorious schlong.

As her final and most explosive orgasm tips Sokka over the edge and he cums deep inside of her, creampieing Mai's womb on the spot, both Azula and Ty Lee are cheering to themselves from their hiding spot across the room. The two have been touching each other and their own bodies the entire time of course, covering one another's mouths so their moans don't give away the game that Sokka is playing with Mai.

Still, both of them know that it's only a matter of time now before Mai becomes another pet to their beloved Master.


Giving up control had been purely instinctive, but at this point, Mai was at the end of her rope. It's been several days, and yet, she hasn't been able to leave Sokka's room even once. Not… not that she's been trying very hard at all, but even still, one would expect him to have better things to do then… then HER all the time.

The thought brings a flush to Mai's face, even as she grips and bites down on the blanket she's currently being railed upon. Face down, ass up, Mai's eyes go crossed as Sokka's big fat Snow Savage cock buries itself in her conquered Fire Nation cunt for the umpteenth time. He's fucking her so fast and hard, like it's no trouble at all.

It's not like they've been fucking continuously for these past few days, but they might as well have been, really. Sokka fucked her until she passed out on his dick that first night, and then woke her up with some more fucking the morning after. They'd fucked in the baths together, they'd fucked while eating, they'd fucked on every surface in the room, at this point.

Mai had been a willing, if not entirely dominant partner for all of it. She wanted to take back control, she really did… but all of her meager attempts to do so had only led to failure. Like when she'd managed to wake up first on the third day and decided she might be able to gain some measure of control back by waking HIM up with her mouth on his cock.

… That had been a foolish thought, really. He'd just grabbed her by her head and skull-fucked her again, with Mai hurriedly fingering herself to completion the entire time and cumming throughout as she loved every last second of it. There's no denying it, in the end. There's no coming back from this.

The tables have been turned on her most assuredly, and she's not sure if she can salvage anything other than prostrating herself before Sokka and begging him to be the very thing she told herself she wouldn't be for Zuko. His concubine, his consort… his pet, just like Ty Lee. She wasn't willing to be Zuko's concubine while he married that Water Tribe girl and they made lots of exotic babies together. She wasn't.

And yet, now after several days of ecstasy at the end of Sokka's massive, delicious, unbelievably amazing womb-fucker of a cock, she wasn't sure she could imagine a life without him anymore. The Snow Savage that had tamed a Princess had no issue breaking in a noblewoman, it seemed. And even now, he's railing into her again, fucking her once more, and Mai can't bring herself to complain or try and push him off or even leave. All of those options come with the tacit possibility of her never getting to feel his cock buried in her hungry twat ever again… and that's just unconscionable.

Of course, even through all of this, even knowing that her ploy to have Azula and Ty Lee distracted was only meant to last half a day at most… Mai is still shocked when her eyes roll forward in her head again and she realizes the two pregnant girls are standing right in front of her, beaming quite happily. Both of them, now near their respect due dates, had entered while she was busy cumming her brains out on Sokka's cock. Now, they're opening admiring the scene in front of them.

… Mai isn't stupid, for all that she managed to put herself in such deep self-denial that she thought she had a chance of taming Sokka with her body. The young noblewoman's eyes narrow in Azula's direction, even as mewls and moans leave her lips, her face bright red from embarrassment and pleasure. Azula grins widely in response and gives Mai an answering nod to her unspoken question.

"Yep! You were played from the very beginning, Mai~ Hehe, you thought you could steal away the husband of the Fire Princess? Maybe you could have, at that… but Sokka is much more than my husband. He's my Master! And now, he's going to be yours as well… as you become his newest bitch and baba mama~"

Mai's eyes widen at that, her blush intensifying, and her body spasming its way through an orgasm just at the very thought. The mental image Azula puts in her head, of her growing heavy with Sokka's child… yeah, it's an appealing one.

"I… I…"

She doesn't know what to say, but luckily Ty Lee cuts in to interrupt her, bouncing with joy even in her pregnant state.

"Just say yes, Mai! Just give in already, silly! It'll be so much more fun if you join us~"

It's incredibly obvious to Mai at this point that Sokka didn't fuck the crazy out of Azula like she'd previously thought. Instead, the Water Tribe Warrior had simply turned that crazy in on itself and repurposed it to a different task. Azula was still as insane as ever, she was just obsessed with Sokka and his dick now… and frankly, Mai could emphasize with her new obsession a lot more than her old ones, after several days of cumming on said dick.

Ty Lee though… Ty Lee was just plain earnest and honest in a way not even this new Azula could manage. And with both of them cooing at her for her to just accept her fate, Mai finally breaks. The young noblewoman snaps and orgasms the hardest she ever has as the full weight of it all hits her. The thought that she never stood a chance, that her plan was doomed to failure from the very beginning… it sends Mai straight over the edge into the abyss.

As she falls, her eyes rolled back in her skull and her tongue lolling out of her mouth in a distinctly fucked silly expression, Sokka groans and cums inside of her yet again from the amazing tightening of her gushing wet pussy around his dick. By this point, if he hadn't bred her, Sokka would eat his fucking boomerang.

So, without further ado, he dismounts Mai's shaking, trembling, sweat-glistening body, and stumbles off the bed, letting out a sigh of contentment as Azula and Ty Lee was no time in occupying their beleaguered friend's focus. Mai is soon on her back, with Ty Lee eating her out and Azula dropping her own gushing wet pussy down onto her former childhood playmate's face.

As the three girls begin to pleasure one another, Sokka looks on with satisfaction. He never thought things would blossom into this, but it honestly feels pretty good, bringing three somewhat estranged friends back together like he has. The fact that they've come back together solely to worship his cock and bear his children… well, he'll take the good fortune as it comes.

Honestly, he's beginning to wonder if maybe it's all Yue, watching over him from above. His first ever girlfriend had literally become the Moon Goddess… what were the chances she was making sure he had a good life, filled with excitement?

Either way, Sokka couldn't be happier.


Several months later, Sokka relaxes with his girls in bed. Well, he's relaxing. His three pet Fire Nation bitches are as needy and horny as ever, so they're all being sexy little things while Sokka watches on. Technically, the foursome is supposed to be celebrating… after all, it's the first time Ty Lee has gotten back into bed with them since her successful birth of a healthy baby girl.

The recovery had taken a couple of weeks, plus there'd been about a month near the end where she'd just not been in a position to have sex, ready to pop as she was. Some of that month had shared overlap with Azula, but the Fire Princess had given birth to her second child first, her pregnancy having started a little bit before Ty Lee's. The acrobat's had been right behind her however, so in the end, this was the first time in a while that all four of them were in bed together.

Mai was visibly pregnant at this point, but still only a few months along. Ty Lee and Azula, meanwhile, were already jonesing for another breeding, and Sokka was beginning to wonder just how many kids he was going to give birth to, before all was said and done. Needless to say, not all of their friends had really understood the four-way relationship that Sokka had with Azula and the others, but even if they weren't very understanding, they could at least accept it and be happy for them.

If anything, Zuko at least was relieved, for all that his new bride Katara had been giving her brother weird looks whenever she saw him with any of his girls out in public. Clearly, Katara had never thought of Sokka in that way, so the idea that he'd somehow ended up with a harem was… pretty fucking wonky to the poor water bender. Luckily for Sokka, Katara was busy learning how to be the Fire Lady while also still representing the Southern Water Tribe as it's sort of defacto Queen or what have you, so she didn't really have the time to take her brother to task.

Their father, meanwhile, had been slightly surprised but in the end just gave Sokka a hearty slap on the back and a boisterous laugh, when he'd told him the news. Lots of grandchildren apparently off-set the fact that Sokka was engaging in sexual relations with three different women, all at the same time.

Regardless, all four are on their shared bed, a massive thing at this point brought in shortly after Mai officially joined the fold. Currently, Mai and Ty Lee are pleasuring each other with their mouths, moaning and licking and lapping away. Sokka watches on from the head of the bed, even as Azula kneels down between his sprawling legs, swaying her wide hips and fat, jiggly ass back and forth in the air as she gives him the best blowjob he's ever had.

Really, she continually out does herself. But then, that's what happens when you introduce an over-achieving prodigy of a Fire Princess to a big fat 'Snow Savage' cock he supposes. No matter how flexible Ty Lee was, or how voracious and insatiable Mai had proven to be now that her barriers had been fully broken down… Azula remains his favorite bitch, and for good reasons as well.

After all, she was the one who'd brought Ty Lee and Mai into their bed in the first place. She'd devoted her life to his happiness with that single-minded obsession and focus of hers, and that included giving birth to two of his children at this point. With a low groan, Sokka unleashes his load down Azula's flexing, gulping throat, and she proves just how skilled she's become as she swallows every last drop of it.

Not a single bit of his cum spills out of her mouth by the time she's done. Pulling back off of his cock with a pop, Azula looks to him for permission. The moment he gives it, a small nod signaling that she can do what she desires, Azula beams and mounts him, hopping up onto his cock and slowly beginning to undulate and gyrate across his cock.

Sokka brings his hands back and around, sliding them down Azula's perfectly smooth, blemish-free back until he reaches her ass and gropes and squeezes her cheeks with both hands. Moaning throatily, Azula leans in close, pressing her forehead against her Master's for a moment. Then, after that moment passes, his pet bitch leans past his head, bringing her lips to his ear and whispering to him softly.

"I have good news, Master~"

Sokka lifts an eyebrow at that, his cock jumping at her words. After all, he's pretty sure he knows what the good news is going to be. Smirking at him, Azula goes back in for another whisper.

"I'm pregnant again, my beloved husband… this time, the Fire Sages say it will be twins."

The first part, Sokka is expecting. The second part, he is not. As Sokka's eyes bulge at the news of twins, Azula continues on, panting and mewling and moaning as she rides him throughout her declaration.

"I'm so happy that I met you, Master. I'm so happy that you taught me my place as your bitch. I'm grateful, you know? Without you, I never would have known this new life as a doting mother and a loving wife. Without you, I don't know who I'd be."

Pressing her forehead into his again, Azula stares Sokka right in the eyes.

"That's why, I'm planning on having many more children with you. I want you to be the father that mine never was. I want to be the mother mine never was. I want Mai, Ty Lee, and myself to raise all of your children together. Together, the four of us will create a family to rival all other families, a family built on love and devotion and happiness. That's what I want for us, Master. That's what I desire."

As she lays it out with such fervor in her voice, even Sokka can tell that Azula is a bit… unstable. And yet, all of her desires are so clean and pure, now that she's been broken down and rebuilt upon Sokka's massive cock. In the end, Azula was never going to be normal, by any stretch of the imagination. But maybe they could settle for eccentric instead of insane. And if Azula's desires had gone from conquering the world alongside her worthless father, to being the best mother she could be and having the best family she could have… well, Sokka could get behind that, certainly.

With a grunt, he cums inside of Azula, her declaration combined with her tightening squeezing pussy walls sending him over the edge. He fills her and in turn Azula orgasms explosively as well. As they come down from their respective highs, Azula wraps her arms loosely around his neck and leans in to kiss him.

Sokka kisses her right back, rapidly taking control of the makeout session as he revels in the audacity and wonder that his life has become. As he kisses Azula, he finds himself metaphorically looking ahead to the future… and truth be told, all he can see is more and more happiness for all of them.


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