Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Dragon’s Lust (Game of Thrones)

A/N: The Dragon's Lust is a one-shot originally written back in May of 2017. Posting it up here for all of you to enjoy!

Summary: Jon Snow awakens on a very special nameday. His heritage rears its draconic head and breathes a fire of lust that grabs the oddest possible choice in its clutches and refuses to let go. What follows is Jon Snow managing to take three older women and twist them into his happy little sluts.

Themes: NTR, Breeding, Dom/Sub


Jon Snow woke up slowly, a smile spreading across his face as he remembered what day it was. His nameday had come, a rather important one at that, and Jon felt so very good. Unnaturally good in fact, as he opened his eyes and sat up in bed, brow beginning to furrow and smile slipping away from his features.

His hands came up in front of his face and he looked at them curiously. They looked no different to his eyes, but he still felt strange, as if something had changed. He was a man now of course, but Jon hadn't expected there to be an actual change involved with it. It was amazing, the physical and mental strength that he now felt coursing through him. What was happening?

Jon threw back the covers and stood up, feeling the energy in his step as he bounced up and down a little, chuckling. This was great! He needed to find Robb, needed to talk to the brother who had never treated him differently because of his status. That thought caused the smile that had been coming back to slip off his face once more. Ah, that was right. He couldn't speak to Robb. He was forbidden to do so on this day.

In fact, he was forbidden to celebrate his very birth on this day, despite the importance of it. Or perhaps, because of it. Catelyn Stark, the Matriarch of House Stark, had ordered him brought before her a week before. She'd told him in a frosty tone that there could not be a celebration for his nameday as there had been in years previous. She told him that there would be no recognition at all for his birth.

Her reasoning for the cruel words was not entirely unsound. Jon Snow was the bastard of the Lord of Winterfell, and while his status as a Snow made sure he would not inherit anything from his father, he was still older than Robb by a season. Catelyn wished there to be no confusion over who exactly what Ned Stark's heir. She was completely and utterly devoted to her firstborn son, and while Jon could respect that, it still hurt to be tossed under the cart like this.

Jon was suddenly distracted by the sound of his door creaking open. He whirled around, eyes wide and chest bear to the world as the woman he had just been thinking of stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. He was at least wearing pants, but Catelyn Stark still stopped dead when she saw his appearance, her eyes tracing over his muscular lean form involuntarily.

A faint blush lit up the older woman's face when she caught him looking, but she still managed to compose herself, turning her nose up imperiously as she looked him in the eyes.

"Snow. It is your nameday as you well know. As I told you previously, this will be the most recognition you receive today. You will not make a nuisance of yourself in public. Do you understand?"

Jon thought back to that day a week ago. He'd nodded his head and gone along with it then. But now, he felt so different. It was like he was a whole new man. Instead of simply agreeing to her demand, he found himself stepping towards the Stark Matriarch as something welled up inside of his chest. For her part, Catelyn seemed to freeze up, staring at him with wide eyes but not speaking a word or moving a muscle.

"I understand. I understand that you've treated me as less than dirt for something I've never had any control of. I understand you've felt threatened by me all my life when I've never even hinted at wanting to take my brother's birthright. I understand you're a vile woman whose beauty hides an inner cruelty. You've never seen me as family have you? I'm an outsider to you."

He was only a few inches from her now, the fair skinned auburn haired woman staring up at him with wide blue eyes as he looked down at her, his hands clenched into fists at his side. Jon had no idea where this all was coming from, but it felt right. Submitting here would have been wrong, he knew that somehow instinctively. It was not his place to submit, it was hers. The stray thought caught his attention. What did that even mean?

"I… I…"

The biting wit of Catelyn Stark was nowhere to be seen as she stuttered and stammered in his presence. Her eyes kept darting down to his half naked body, and a slow predatory smile spread across Jon's features.

"You're sorry, aren't you? You regret the way you treated me. You want to apologize. You need my forgiveness."

The words fell unbidden from his lips just like his rant had. Yet somehow, they worked. The older woman latched onto them like a lifeline, swallowing hard and nodded empathetically.

"I… yes! I'm sorry Jon. I do regret it. You're right, I was threatened by your very existence and I took that out on you. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

The proud Stark Matriarch was nowhere to be seen. As she panted for breath, her face flushed, Jon saw only a beautiful woman who was happily submitting to his every whim. And it felt so damn RIGHT. In that moment, Jon knew that somehow, this was what was meant to happen. His place was at the top and it was about time Catelyn Stark recognized that he was above her.

His hand came up and curled into her auburn hair for a moment. Cat began to lean into his palm only for him to tighten his grip and pull hard, causing her to cry out softly. She whimpered, looking at him with big blue teary eyes, but the older woman did not resist, nor did she scream for help. Instead, she just took it, staying absolutely still in his grasp, waiting for further orders.

"Take off your clothes. Everything."

She blinked in surprise and then tears began to fall. Yet ultimately, Catelyn Stark obeyed him, slowly shucking off layer after layer of clothing meant for the cold area Winterfell was built in. It was a heady feeling, seeing the woman who had always felt like a domineering vile witch he couldn't quite get out from under, stripping naked at his command.

Soon, Cat was laid bare before him and his eyes greedily drank in her nude form. She may have been older, and she'd given birth to four beautiful children, yet Catelyn Stark's body was still exquisite. Her breasts were bountiful and even relatively perky, her hips were wide but her midriff was thin from the hard life they all lived.

The MILF had her hourglass figure, and Jon stepped in to place his hands on her naked hips as he looked into her terrified eyes. He was in control and it felt so damn good. Jon knew what he wanted and at the same time he knew just how wrong this was. Yet he couldn't bring himself to care. Something told him this was right, and he wanted so badly to listen to it, so he did.

For her part, Catelyn looked like she wanted to say something, but the look in his eyes continued to cow her. She simply stayed where she was, shivering beneath his hands. Slowly, Jon moved those hands up her hips and along her body. He stopped at her chest and ran his palms over the sides of her breasts for a moment, cupping the delectable mammaries in his hands and squeezing them slightly. Cat gasped out, but his hands simply moved on, coming to rest on her shoulders.

Then he pushed down and slowly the Stark Matriarch was forced to her knees, her face turned up to look at him as she did so, her blue eyes filled with confusion and worry. The confusion disappeared shortly after when he undid the straw string on the thin pants he slept in and let them fall away from his waist to reveal his turgid cock.

"Now, if you truly mean it. Apologize."

Jon's meaning was clear and Catelyn swallowed hard before nodding. The older woman reached out and took hold of his shaft in one of her hands, slowly shifting her soft palm up and down along his length. It began to grow and harden almost immediately, and the Stark Matriarch's eyes only got wider as she saw just how big it was. Soon enough, she was using both her hands to jerk him off. Jon had woven his fingers through her auburn locks again and was watching her intensely as she worked on his member.

When Catelyn looked up into his eyes, Jon didn't need to say the word. She saw the irritation and unspoken command in them, somehow feeling it in the depths of her very soul. Quickly, she leaned forward and placed her mouth on his shaft to appease him. The young man grunted at that, but didn't try to stop her. His cock jumped a little and pushed between her lips. Cat had never done this before, but somehow it felt right to do it now, to be submitting and giving herself to her husband's bastard like this.

She eagerly bobbed her up and down on his cock, muffled wanton moans escaping from her lips as she did so, her tongue licking around his member eagerly as she stuffed as much of it in her mouth as she could. Where had all this come from? She'd come to Jon's room intending to make sure he was still going to obey her last command. Yet instead, Catelyn Stark had somehow ended up on her knees with Jon's cock in her mouth.

And it felt good, sucking him off. She felt fulfilled in that moment, until Jon suddenly pushed her away, pulling out of her mouth with a pop and causing her to whine in distress and confusion. What was wrong? What had she done wrong? She needed to suck his dick, didn't he understand! She had to apologize for her behavior!

Catelyn found out a moment later exactly why he'd pulled out of her mouth when he used his grip on her hair to throw her onto his bed. She landed and turned over onto her back, eyes wide once again as she stared up at him. Jon quickly kicked his pants the rest of the way off his legs and then walked over to the bed, crawling onto it and then on top of her.

She slid backwards, and squirmed beneath him.

"W-wait, Jon… we shouldn't do this. I know I have much to atone for, but think of your father. T-this is wrong."

The boy paused for a moment, simply staring down into her eyes as he leaned over her. His hands were on either side of her head, his massive throbbing hard cock between them, rested against her wet cunt. Wait, when had that happened? Catelyn realized that even as she spoke, she'd spread her legs for her husband's bastard. Now he lay between them, his member ready to penetrate her at a moment's notice, and her body happily waiting for him to do so.

Jon seemed to notice this as well, glancing down between them and back up at her. His wide wicked grin said it all, and then he was pushing inside of her and it was all Catelyn could do not to moan his name out lewdly. She was able to suppress that, tossing her head to the side to hide her growing blush and her shame. However, she couldn't stop her legs from coming up and half-wrapping around his waist as he fed inch after inch of his massive cock into her.

"O-oh by the S-seven G-GODS! You're so b-big Jon!"

He grunted, coming to a stop when he hit the entrance of her womb and holding there for a second.

"Lord. You will address me as your lord or you will not speak at all."

Once again, the words just seemed to come out in an imperious tone. Catelyn was silent for a moment before she nodded carefully.

"Yes… my lord."

Jon grinned ferally in response and got down to truly fucking her, sliding back and then thrusting forward, only to turn that into a faster and faster rhythm. Catelyn gasped at the first thrust, but she was soon moaning happily from the subsequent ones. Her arms joined her legs as she encircled his neck with them. Her body wrapped around him as he plunged into it, gratefully accepting his massive length into it.

In and out, in and out. Catelyn lost track of time, all of her focus centering on the huge shaft pistoning in and out of her. Her husband's bastard was like a machine as he fucked her. Ah, but she shouldn't think of him in that way anymore, should she? Her LORD was the one who was fucking her, and he was no bastard. He was above her and she, the Stark Matriarch, was his plaything.

The thought brought her over the edge and she cried out in perverse satisfaction as her orgasm struck, wracking through her body and causing her well-fucked pussy to tighten down on his prick. Jon grunted, his thrusting becoming slightly erratic.

"Gonna… gonna cum…"

That finally got through the haze that had fallen over Catelyn Stark's mind as she happily submitted to her lord. Her eyes widened and she looked up at him. His own eyes were looking down into hers, and as their gaze locked together, Catelyn knew instantly. If he came inside of her, she would get pregnant. There was no question, no ifs, ands, or buts. But could she even comprehend saying no? Not in that moment, not beneath his powerful muscular body as he thrust away into her tight cunt.

All she could do was bite her lower lip as Jon grunted and finally came, his white fluid splashing across her insides, spilling into her womb and filling it up. Only once he was completely spent did he pull out of her. Catelyn stayed where she was though, simply lying there staring at the ceiling in a daze. It took Jon lightly smacking her cheek to get her to react, startling her out of her stupor and causing her to look up at him.

"Get out of my bed, get dressed, and leave. Don't tell anyone about this. Then, later tonight once father is asleep, you'll come back here for more."

Flushing scarlet in shameful arousal, Catelyn nodded, crawling off the bed and following the commands of her lord to the letter. As she left his rooms, her hands came together in front of her, fingers intertwined and palms resting over her midriff. Soon, it would swell with child. And for some reason, this thought made Catelyn proud. Proud to carry the offspring of Jon Snow.


Six Months Later


Lysa Arryn was concerned for her sister. When word had reached the Eyrie that Catelyn was pregnant with her fifth child, Lysa had been understandably jealous. At this point, she was fairly certain that Jon Arryn was sterile, as he had yet to put a baby in her even after many years of trying. The only good thing about this was that Lysa's beauty had not diminished. She was still as pretty and slender as she'd ever been, with perky tits that didn't droop even when she was not wearing her brassier.

Still, hearing her sister was pregnant once more had angered Lysa, at first. Eventually she'd calmed down enough to be happy for Cat, and ultimately, as penance for her horrible thoughts, had decided to travel to Winterfell personally in order to see her sister and congratulate her.

The ensuing trip had gone well and she and her procession had arrived in Winterfell without issue to a pleasant and warm welcome. Yet still, there was something off about Cat. It could perhaps be the pregnancy, but Lysa didn't think that was it. No, her sister was different in some other way besides the big bulge in her midriff. Lysa needed to know what it was, and so when Catelyn went off alone at one point, Lysa couldn't help but follow her.

Catelyn Stark's path ultimately took her to an unused and empty part of Winterfell, a secondary armory that was poorly stocked and run down. Lysa was able to sneak near a window and peek in to see what her sister was up to. What she found shocked her. Her pregnant sister was on her knees before Jon Snow, her husband's bastard, and was currently sucking his exposed cock for all she was worth.

Lysa quickly brought a hand up to cover her mouth, stifling the gasp that threatened to escape her lips. But not fast enough it seemed, because Jon's eyes were suddenly on her. She found herself caught in his gaze. Something about the slight smirk that formed on his face and the way he didn't stop guiding her sister's head back and forth along his member with a hand in her auburn hair alit a flame in Lysa's core that would not die.

Yet the bastard did nothing about her presence. After a moment, he easily looked away from her. Pulling her sister off his cock, he dragged Cat to her feet and pushed her against a nearby empty weapon's rack. For her part, the Stark Matriarch grabbed hold of the rack and bent over, her legs spread and her ass jutting out in his direction as she looked over his shoulder at him.

"Please my lord. I need it. I need it in my ass again…"

Lysa could only watch, frozen in place and wide eyed, as Jon snorted derisively and flipped up the back of Cat's skirts to show she was wearing nothing beneath. The pregnant woman moaned wantonly as he brought a finger up and pushed it between her ass cheeks. A moment later he pulled it back and looked at it.

"Hm, you've cleaned yourself well slut."

Catelyn was quick to agree, clearly eager to have his dick in her ass, though Lysa couldn't even begin to fathom why.

"Oh yes my Lord! For you of course, only for you! P-please!"

Jon gave in to her begging with a faux put upon sigh, bringing his cock to bear on her ass. It glistened in the sunlight, covered in a layer of her sister's saliva as he slowly began to push it between Cat's ass cheeks and into her backdoor. The older pregnant woman groaned low as she shivered and shuddered from the intrusion, but soon he was all the way inside of her and as he took hold of her hips and began to thrust back and forth, Lysa could see the way her sister was pushing back against him with her body.

It was obscene, yet at the same time it was the most arousing thing Lysa had ever seen. Her hands ghosted down her body and she pressed a palm against her crotch, whimpering quietly as she felt how wet she'd grown. She wished to touch herself, but all she could do was grind down on her palm as she watched her sister be taken up the ass and enjoy every last second of it.

"Oh YES my Lord! Fuck me! Fuck your whore! Hnnngh, I love it when you plow my tight little asshole!"

Catelyn's words were crass and crude, but Lysa could tell they were heartfelt. This was the change she'd noticed in her sister that apparently nobody else could see. Perhaps they were all too close to the matter to be able to. Catelyn could not have become this overnight after all. It was probably the work of months for her to change into the happy fuck toy that Lysa saw before her. Yet despite all of that, Lysa found herself wanting what her sister had. As she rubbed herself frantically through her thick dress, she decided then and there that she wanted what Catelyn was getting.

With that thought in mind, Lysa realized she needed to prepare herself. Turning, she left her sister and the beautiful handsome man to rut as they were in the abandoned armory. She would go to her rooms, and she would be ready when he came for her.


As she expected, the boy did stop by that night. Eddard Stark's bastard, Jon Snow. He slipped into the guest quarters she'd been assigned, only to pause as he took in her appearance. Lysa Arryn had laid herself out on the bed without a stich of thread covering her form. She was completely and utterly naked, her pale skinny form glistening slightly from the thorough cleaning she'd given herself.

Normally, Lysa would have servants to bathe her before her husband the Lord Arryn took her. However, the Lord Arryn was not here and she had no excuse for why she wished to be as thoroughly clean as she now was. So she'd done it herself, all for the chance at having this handsome young man do to her what he'd done to her sister.

Jon seemed to read all of this as he closed the door behind him and locked it. Stepping in a bit more, he began to shuck off his heavy furs. His shirt and pants went next as he stared at her. Being so close to him now was almost too much for Lysa to bear. She wanted it so much, though she knew not why. Something about him was almost magnetic in its intensity. Lysa could see why her sister had fallen for the boy, in the same way Lysa herself now was.

As Jon approached the bed, his cock now bare and swiftly growing to full mast, Lysa got up off her back and crawled to the edge, reaching out with dainty fingers to take hold of his half-hard prick and place her lips over it. She was well practiced in this, given her husband's issues in bed. Where her sister had never had any issue getting HER husband hard, Lysa had spent far too long with her mouth around Jon Arryn's filthy cock.

By comparison, Jon Snow's length was awe inspiring and in fact a pleasure to have in her mouth. Lysa moaned happily around his shaft and slid her tongue up and down it, her lips stretched wide to accommodate his girth as she lathered him up with her saliva. Once she'd covered every inch of his cock, now at its full length, with her spit, Lysa pulled back from him and then turned around.

She presented her asshole to him, face down on the bed and hips high in the air. This was what she'd wanted, what she'd prepared for. She heard a slight intake of breath behind her, and then felt him climb onto the bed and kneel before her ass. She'd cleaned herself all over, but more than that, she'd cleaned her asshole for him.

Pushing a finger into it had been a new experience, but just thinking of how happy her sister had been and how happy he would be once he was inside of her tight backdoor had been enough for Lysa to persevere. Now, he was behind her and his hands came down, gripping her firm posterior and spreading her cheeks wide to look at the butthole between them. All Lysa could do at that point was whimper as Jon pushed a finger into her experimentally.

"Tight… but clean. You really want this, don't you slut?"

Her thoughts flashed back to what Catelyn had said in the armory.

"Yes… my Lord. Please, fuck my asshole like you fucked my sister's."

His laughter sent a tendril of humiliation through her, yet at the same time Lysa was aroused by that shame and humiliation as it pulsed through her. She wanted this, though she didn't truly understand why. She needed this though, she understood that much. And when Jon finally brought the tip of his cock up to her lubed asshole and began to push past the incredibly tight sphincter, Lysa learned firsthand just how big of a difference there was between a finger and a dick.

"Hnnnnngh, oh seven save me, oh please…"

Lysa whimpered into the bedding beneath her, burying her face in the pillow at the head of her bed in order to stifle her groans and her cries as the hung young man pushed more and more of his thick length into her poor asshole. It was both excruciating and amazing at the same time, and she didn't truly understand how that could be, even as he came to a stop and finally began to pull back out, only to thrust back in again.

He was fucking her ass now, much as she'd watched him fuck her sister's. Lysa Arryn, Lady of the Eyrie, was taking it in the bum from a damn bastard and she loved every moment of it. Until of course, she found out just how much stamina Jon truly had. She ended up reaching a climax fifteen minutes in, and then three more as he plowed her poor asshole for a good solid hour with no signs of tiring or slowing down. Eventually, Lysa was clawing at the bed and moaning not in pleasure but in exhaustion.

"Please my lord… please give my ass a break. Y-you're so big…"

He paused at that, stopping with his thick prick lodged halfway into her bowels and his hands on her firm ass.

"I'm not done yet. If I'm not fucking your ass, I'll be fucking your other hole instead. Is that what you want?"

The slender older woman looked back over her shoulder at the young man currently deep inside of her ass and slowly nodded, face flushed.

"Y-yes… please use my pussy instead."

He smirked and shrugged, pulling out of her poor abused anus with a pop and sliding down a bit to push into her sopping wet cunt. Lysa gasped at that, feeling him enter her tight pussy, she now could say without a doubt that he was much bigger than her husband. He reached places inside of her that Jon Arryn never could, carving the shape of his cock into her cunt as he quickly began to thrust into this new hole, seemingly content so long as he was fucking her in some way.

Lysa moaned happily, eyes lulling shut. Without the constant intrusion in her ass, she could relax more and simply enjoy the way he was plowing her needy tight cunt. Perhaps this was what she really needed. As amazing as having her ass fucked had felt, having her pussy filled by the bastard of her sister's husband fulfilled her in a whole new way. Lysa didn't realize what that was until he suddenly spoke up.

"Gonna… cum…"

In that moment, Lysa realized she wanted him to cum inside of her. She pushed her hips back against his crotch and moaned wantonly as his white hot seed painted her insides. Now she understood why she'd needed him in her pussy so badly. For whatever reason, Lysa's subconscious had decided that she had to get pregnant by Jon Snow's cock and had pushed her to make any excuse necessary to get him pressed up against her womb. Now it was filled with his life giving seed and Lysa was truly content as he pulled out of her and smacked her ass one last time.

"Here I was worried you might decide to tell someone. But I see now, you're just like Cat. The two of you, nothing but submissive whores despite your noble upbringings."

Lysa whined at that and hastened to correct his words. Though her own words were rather diminished from the way she was still face down and ass up on the bed before him as he got dressed.

"O-only for you my Lord! I'm sure my sister would agree!"

He paused at that and after a moment snorted.

"Heh, I suppose so. Goodbye Lady Arryn. Sleep well."

Before she could beg him to stay, he was gone and she was alone. Slowly, Lysa Arryn shifted onto her back, looking at the door he'd vanished through. His cum was leaking out from between her legs, yet somehow Lysa knew that it mattered not. She would need to leave for the Eyrie tomorrow, so that she could get home in time to fuck her worthless husband and create a façade that he'd finally managed to get her pregnant. Because she was, pregnant that is.

Lysa Arryn was finally pregnant, and she knew already that it would be a good strong boy or a beautiful intelligent girl. The child would take after its father that much she was sure of.


Years Later, Start of Canon


Jon Snow furrowed his brow and quickened his pace when he caught sight of his brother Bran starting to make an attempt at climbing the decaying abandoned tower on Winterfell's outskirts.

"Brother! Down from there, now!"

Bran spun around to look at him, a sheepish look crossing his face as he hopped down right as Jon walked up. Jon couldn't stay mad at his little brother's downcast features though, so he chuckles and pressed a finger under the boy's chin.

"You know how your mother feels about you climbing Bran. But no harm, no foul. Get out of here and I won't tell her or father."

The younger boy smiled wide at that and nodded.

"Thank you Jon!"

And then he was running off, without a care in the world. Jon chuckled as he watched him go, before his hearing picked up something odd. He frowned and turned towards the tower, which should have been empty, looking up at the highest point. There was an opening there that archers would have fired from in times past. Jon could hear grunting and groaning and moaning. A man and a woman, having sex in an old decaying tower? Why ever would they need to do such a thing here instead of a bedchamber?

Suspicious to say the least and so Jon stepped into the tower proper and ascended its steps. As he neared the top, the sounds of rough fucking were louder and easily covered his approach. He entered the top of the tower to find a sight that startled even him. Before him was the Queen and her brother, rutting like beasts, the queen on her hands and knees with her expensive dress hiked up around her waist, while her brother plowed into her behind, his armor and sword seated a few feet away.

"Oh gods, yes Jaime! More!"

Cersei was not quiet in her pleasure as her brother nestled his face in her neck, his hands wrapping around to play with her covered breasts, squeezing and kneading them. Jon placed his hand on the pommel of his sword and then loudly cleared his throat. The two incestuous fuckers reacted immediately, their heads swinging around in unison to look at him. A moment later Jaime pulled out of Cersei, giving Jon a rather nice view of her ass and her freshly fucked cunt as the Kingsguard lunged for his armor and sword.

He found Jon's sword at his neck before then, his fingers only inches away from the pommel of his sword when Jon cut him off almost quite literally. Slowly, Jaime stood up, staring into the younger man's unwavering gaze as Jon guided him back away from the weapon and towards his sister, who was now covering herself up.

"You're the bastard, aren't you? Eddard Stark's bastard. Jon Snow, isn't it?"

Jaime may have been trying to distract him or something else, but Jon simply nodded his head slightly, sword unwavering from its place at the Lannister's neck.

"I am. And you're the Kingslayer. I suppose they might call you Sisterfucker instead now though. More insulting."

The Lannister's jaw tightened and for a moment Jon thought the man was going to throw himself forward. Jon was prepared to skewer him on his blade if he did. Instead, a feminine voice spoke up.

"Please. Jaime, stand down. Snow, please do not harm my brother. I would also ask you not to tell anyone what has transpired here."

Jon kept his eyes on Jaime for a moment longer, until the fair haired man pulled back at his sister's orders. Only once Jaime was at her side did he turn his eyes to Cersei, still keeping some of his attention on the dangerous Kingsguard even as he did so.

"What's in it for me?"

"I can pay you, of course. Give you more wealth than a bastard such as yourself might see in five li-"

"I don't want your gold. I may be a bastard, but I am the bastard of an honorable lord. I have never wanted for anything."

Jon cut her words off before she could finish insulting him. Then, he trailed his eyes meaningfully down her half naked body, her disheveled unladylike appearance.

"I want you. Give yourself to me completely and totally, without reservation, and I will stay quiet."

That got Jaime angry, but then Jon had been expecting that. His sword point came up again as the Lannister made to step forward, but Cersei's hand on Jaime's arm stopped him.

"Jaime, leave us."

A smile grew on Jon's face as Jaime whirled on his sister in wide eyed disbelief.

"What?! You wou-"

"Jaime, please. Even if you were able to kill him, do you not think there would be an investigation into what was going on here? We cannot possibly clean a filthy tower of all clues. If Jon is willing to stay quiet, this is the best way to make sure he does. Go, take your armor and sword and leave us be. I will speak with you later."

The male Lannister was flabbergasted, but he was also rather whipped by his queen sister. Jon could see that, in the way Jaime's shoulders ultimately slumped and the man moved to do as he sister commanded. Jon continued watching Jaime as he grabbed up his armor and his sword and left, but the young man knew the danger was past and once the brother was gone, he turned back to the sister and grinned a wide toothy smile.


Cersei found herself blushing like she was a young maiden again, just from the boy's predatory smirk. In reality, there was a number of different ways she and Jaime could have handled the discovery of their indiscretions. The truth was, the moment Cersei saw the young bastard's eyes on her half naked form, and she'd been struck by his good looks and his raw charisma.

The boy had a presence no bastard had any right to, and in a moment she saw a king that surpassed her husband and a knight that surpassed her brother in the boy's lean muscular form. As Jon Snow stepped forward, Cersei slowly sank down to her knees, letting her dress pool under her to keep from getting splinters from the old wooden floor of the tower.

Jon undid his trousers and a moment later had his cock out right before her face. His hand came up and curled into her lush blond hair and as he guided her head forward, Cersei looked up into his eyes, the corners of her lips quirking up and a faux put upon sigh escaping her lips.

"The things I do for lo-Mph!"

He'd put it in her mouth right as she was speaking, but now that she was sucking on the bastard's cock, Cersei couldn't find it in herself to be angry. Why was she feeling so docile with this young man? He guided her head back and forth along his cock at a rather languid pace, giving her time to swirl her tongue expertly around his girth and press her lips down along his shaft as it pushed in and out of her mouth.

She'd never been treated like this before, this strange mixture of firm gentleness. With Robert, he would show up in her chambers drunk whenever he decided he wanted to perform his husbandly duties. He would roll over onto her and pin her down as he fucked her until he was done and then either pass out on top of her or leave. Jaime was the opposite, willing to obey her to a fault and always happy to do as she said, like a loyal dog instead of the dominant lion he should have been.

As Jon thrust in between her lips again and again, Cersei had to acknowledge that the bastard, who should have been far more dog like than Jaime, was more of an Alpha Wolf. No, it was more than that. She wondered briefly, who his mother had been. There was a controlled violence to the black haired boy's movements. He wasn't a wolf, he was something more dangerous, and she just didn't know what.

Of course not, after all, nobody but Eddard Stark new the truth that Cersei had caught on to but didn't have the knowledge to quite piece all the way together. Jon Snow, son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen, was a dragon through and through. It was the reason he had had such an easy time dominating the Tully sisters. It was why even the Queen was beginning to fall into his pace, beginning to enjoy serving HIM.

They were bred over hundreds of years to obey the Targaryen Dynasty. And now one of its last remaining heirs was fully grown and ready for some actions. Was it any wonder that he was now working his way through the third MILF in several years? He'd already cuckolded the man he thought was his father, as well as the man who was like a second father to Eddard. Taking Robert Baratheon's wife and making her his as well, that was just completing the set, wasn't it?

Not that Cersei knew any of that. All she knew, was that she was growing wetter and wetter as Jon thrust into her willing and accepting throat. Until suddenly, he pulled free and used his grip on her hair to force her to turn around and bend forward. Cersei obeyed immediately, getting onto her hands and knees in the same way that she had been with her brother.

However, Jon would not allow even this slightly better pose. He forced her head down until it was touching the floor. Cersei's hips rose into the air as a result, and a moment later he'd flipped her dress and her underskirts up over her hips again to reveal the naked cunt that her brother had just been fucking. Cersei was left gasping and breathing shallowly, her palms on either side of her head as she tried but failed to look behind her.

As a result, when his cockhead pressed against her waiting pussy lips and pushed into her needy cunt, Cersei was prepared but not quite ready. She gasped, a low involuntary moan escaping her lips as the bastard boy's length slid into her easily. She wasn't loose of course, but she had just been fucked by her brother. Of course, Jaime's cock did not compare to this one, did it?

No, despite loving her brother with all her heart, as Jon began to truly fuck her, Cersei was forced to admit that he was bigger and even better than Jaime. The way he was taking her, dominating her, thrusting deep into her cunt while she raised her hips to meet his every thrust was everything Cersei had never known she needed. She cried out not in dismay or despair, but in pleasure as she was fucked by someone who should have been so much less than her, yet had proved himself so much more.

"Yes! Fuck me harder! By the seven YES!"

He obliged her wanton whorish words with deeper and harder thrusts, slamming her into the ground with the force of his cock pistoning into her. If she and her brother had been rutting like beasts, the way Jon was fucking her could be considered being raped by a dragon and loving every last second of it. The stray thought flitted through her mind, in one ear and out the other as all rational thought was fucked from her. Cersei would never know how close she came to the truth with that analogy.

All she knew in that moment, as her orgasm hit her and she came hard around his thick length, was that she had to have him. As Jon kept right on stabbing his thick meat stick deep into her depths, sheathing himself over and over again inside of her, Cersei decided she had to find a way to bring this boy back to the capitol with them. She knew that Robert was here to convince Eddard Stark to be his new Hand.

Before, Cersei had hoped the honorable Lord of Winterfell would say no. Having one of Robert's oldest allies in King's Landing would be aggravating beyond the extreme. But now, with Jon's amazing prick deep inside of her, the Queen decided it would be worth the irritation to have this boy stay at her side. To be able to continue worshipping him with her body, perhaps right under Robert's nose until the fat ass fell over dead.

The thought sent Cersei through another climax, but this time her tight pussy clenched down on Jon's girth in just the right way and he reached his own release, his seed filling her womb without warning. Cersei's eyes went wide at that and she shuddered under him. In that instant, the blond Queen knew she was pregnant again. A fourth child, perhaps one with black hair to match his father's, would soon be on the way.

She would have to find a way to get Robert to fuck her soon in order to maintain the charade. In the meantime though…

"Snow. You will come to the capitol with your father. With me. Your Queen demands it."

Jon had pulled out of her and straightened up. He was in the process of tucking his cock back into his pants as she leaned up and turned to speak to him, still on her knees before him. He could see it in his eyes as he looked at her with a raised brow. She didn't look very queenly at the moment, and a flush spread across her chest in embarrassment as she considered how she could best convince him more than she already had. Then he spoke.

"Very well. On one condition. You will call me your lord in private or you will not speak in my presence at all. Is that understood?"

Cersei's eyes widened at that and she let out a low shuddering breath. Was she really willing to…? Yes, yes she was.

"Of course… my Lord."

Jon nodded confidently, as if it was exactly what he expected her to say. Then he whirled around and left her there, kneeling in a decaying tower with her clothes disheveled and half off her body. His seed kept leaking out of her between her legs but all Cersei could do was stare at the doorway he'd just left through. Her Lord… yes, she would enjoy what was to come.


Cersei panted heavily. Her midriff was just beginning to show the bulge, her newest baby a couple months along now. But that didn't stop her from being utterly careful with her Lord's child. That meant no vaginal intercourse for the duration of the pregnancy. As a result, she was currently sitting in Jon Snow's lap, his cock lodged deep in her ass as she rode him. She was facing away from her lover, from her lord and smacking her full fat ass down on his crotch as she bounced up and down on his massive length.

And for once, Cersei Lannister was truly happy, even as his masculine fingers curled on her waist, helping her body slide up and down while he thrust up into her from his position lying back on her bed. This was where she belonged, in the hands of her Lord, being used and abused by him.

Soon, Robert would be dead so long as everything went to plan. Her darling Joffrey would become King. But was Joffrey truly meant to sit on the throne? Cersei was beginning to wonder. Instead of Joffrey, her mind kept drifting back to a certain black haired bastard sitting on the Iron Throne. It felt right, but how would she make it happen? There would be so very much backlash, no matter how she went about it.

Yet still, Cersei knew then and there that she had to succeed. Jon had to sit on the Iron Throne, with her kneeling at his side as his Queen Consort. She could see it now, her belly heavily distended from the baby he'd fucked into her, as he ruled with a fair hand, and more importantly a strong force of will.

She would get him there, but until then she would be his toy to sate himself on. With that thought in mind, the pregnant woman redoubled her efforts to properly impale her ass on her Lord's massive length.

For his part, Jon was enjoying himself, for the first time in his life. He didn't truly understand how much he'd changed, but then he didn't need to. All he knew was where his place in the world order was. At the very top, with fine bitches like the Queen and the Tully sisters riding his cock until they were pregnant with his child… and some more after that came to pass as well.

The Targaryen Dynasty lived on in Jon Snow. The Dragon's Legacy would rise and swallow the world. Cersei threw her head back and cried out joyously, an orgasm from being fucked in her ass rippling through her body. A moment later, her Lord began to cum as well and the queen was completely and utterly satisfied.


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