Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Joys of Time Travel (Harry Potter)

A/N: The Joys of Time Travel was a commissioned one-shot originally written back May of 2018. Posting it here now for your viewing pleasure!

Summary: Harry has prepared a very special present for Hermione, on this very special day. Is she ready for it? Is she ready to face... their future?

Themes: Time Travel, Foursome, Fucked Silly


They'd gone back to retake their Seventh Year. Of course, they had. Hermione wouldn't hear of anything else, and in the end, Harry had been happy to follow her along. She didn't deserve him, or at least that's how it felt sometimes. Harry James Potter wasn't just the savior of the wizarding world, he was a thoughtful and kind boyfriend who always put her needs before his own.

To say that Hermione was simply happy to be with him in their final year at Hogwarts would be an understatement. After fleeing across the country from Voldemort and his underlings for an entire year, there was something relaxing and oh so satisfying about getting back to the educational grind. On top of that, McGonagall had gone a step further and made the two of them Head Boy and Head Girl. That had left them with their own private dorm together, complete with separate rooms of course… but they'd spent plenty of time in one another's beds.

They hadn't done much yet. Hermione had given Harry her virginity, but both of them were pretty swamped with their work, preparing for their NEWTs and policing the school in their new positions. Most of the time, they fell into bed together at night too exhausted to do much more than makeout and engage in some heavy petting before cuddling close to fall asleep.

All in all, the few times they'd had sex so far had been as awkward as they had been pleasurable. Slowly but surely, they were learning more and more about each other's bodies. Slowly but surely, Hermione was learning how to take Harry's sizable member, while Harry was learning how to use it without causing her discomfort of any sort.

It helped that Harry had outright sprouted in the last year. Hermione didn't know where it'd come from, at least at first. Ultimately, her boyfriend had confided in her over what had happened as a result of Voldemort's defeat. Somehow, the final battle had left Harry changed. Not only had he gotten a magical boost from his vanquished foe, but that magical boost had translated into enhanced mental and physical traits.

For the first time in their time together, Harry could keep up with Hermione's mind. Sometimes, he even surpassed her. At the same time, he was now tall, broad-shouldered, and far more muscular than Hermione had ever thought possible. He was basically the improved version of Viktor Krum. Not that Hermione would ever date someone solely based on their looks, but having her best friend turned boyfriend suddenly become a massive hunk over the span of a couple months was certainly an enjoyable experience.

All the same, their time at Hogwarts was finally coming to an end. A small part of Hermione would have preferred it lasted forever. But a much larger part was excited for what the future held. She couldn't allow Hogwarts to hold her back anymore. She'd graduated just next week with full honors, or the magical world's equivalent anyways. She'd passed every last one of her NEWTs with flying colors, and thanks to her popularity and celebrity, a world of options was open to her.

Harry had done the same, much to the surprise of those who thought they knew him best. He'd completely blown all expectations out of the water with his own scores, but it was likely that he'd be going into politics, given his status as Lord of both the Potter and Black Houses. Hermione didn't mind that too much. In fact, she was tempted to join him by going into the Ministry herself. She had plans and ideas for how to affect change in the wizarding world… and some of those plans could only truly take place if she obtained that seemingly unobtainable post of Minister of Magic.

She wouldn't be the first witch elected to the role, but she would be the first muggleborn. That alone made it a worthy goal in her opinion. Still, it would require plenty of hard work and every ounce of determination that she had to see it done. She would not be able to rest, she would not be able to so much as pause if she wanted to achieve half the things she sought in her lifetime.

Luckily, she would have Harry to help her in that. And speak of the devil, there he was now. Seated at the Gryffindor table, Hermione smiles as she sees Harry striding towards her with a wide grin on his face. The Great Hall is more than half-empty at this point. The Graduation Feast won't be held until next week, and this night's dinner is long over.

Hermione had stuck around to wait for Harry to show up, knowing he was busy with a certain project that had taken him away from her multiple times over the last month. She could tell that he'd either made a breakthrough or finished his work though, simply because of the satisfied, smug look on his face. As he finally arrives beside her, Hermione tilts her head back when he leans down, letting him steal a kiss before he then steals a bun from her half-eaten plate.


Chuckling as he bites into the bread and chews, the Man-Who-Won shrugs his shoulders, his messy dark hair shifting atop his head from the movement.

"Sorry Hermione, I'm famished."

The brunette witch can't help but smile at her beloved boyfriend, a little exasperated but more amused than anything else. Shaking her head, she just looks at him as he chows down on the bun, going through it in mere moments.

"Oh Harry… what am I going to do with you?"

His grin widens at that, and he slinks a hand down to take one of hers in his palm.

"Well, right now you can come with me. We'll talk about what you can do TO me later."

His eyes twinkle as Hermione's face heats up in a blush. She rises all the same, knowing that while there's a few eyes from around the Great Hall on them, no one is close enough to have heard Harry's proposition. They're a very public couple, and Hermione has long since given up being embarrassed about the invasion into their privacy. People will always snoop and always want to know what's going on between the two of them.

That doesn't mean she has to make it easier on any of them though. Leaning in, she smiles at Harry as she speaks in a low tone.

"Lead the way then, hunk."

And with that, the two of them depart the Great Hall, leaving any wandering eyes behind as they make their way through Hogwarts' corridors over to the private dorms for Head Boy and Girl. As they walk, as Harry leads her along, he glances back at her and smiles more shyly.

"Do you know what today is, Hermione?"

Blinking at that, Hermione considers for a moment. But when she thinks about it, she finds herself at a loss. It's not their one-year anniversary, that's not until the summer, in another two months. Nor is it the anniversary of Voldemort's defeat, that's also not for another month now. Brow furrowed, Hermione has to shake her head back and forth in confusion.

"I don't think I do, Harry."

Giving her a rather goofy grin, Harry shrugs his shoulders.

"That's okay. I suppose today has more meaning to me than it does to you. Today is the day you stayed, Hermione. Today is the day Ron left and you chose not to go with him."

Hermione's eyes go wide at that, even as she's taken back to that moment out in the wilderness, where they'd had such an epic row. Their relationship with the Weasley Family had been strained ever since they chose each other over Ron and Ginny. There was still a friendly enough bond between all of them, but they didn't spend nearly as much time in each other's company these days.

Still, she really hadn't kept track of the day that it had happened on. Was it really a year since then? Had it really been so quickly after Ron's departure that they'd managed to finish their quest and Harry had confronted Voldemort? As Harry continues to give her that same goofy grin, Hermione finds herself blushing and ducking her head in embarrassment. At the same time, she squeezes his hand, all while they continue on to their ultimate destination.

"I didn't know that meant so much to you, Harry…"

"I know. But it did, and I wanted to make something extra special to commemorate the day for you. But the more I thought about it, the more I realized that you're really not the kind of girl to care for material things that much. Things can be ruined or destroyed and can even be replaced. Memories on the other hand… memories last forever."

Hermione blinks, even as they come to a stop right in front of the dorm. Harry speaks the password, even as Hermione struggles to digest what he's said. They step inside, and she's half-expecting to see the entire dorm transformed into some sort of romantic tribute, with rose petals and candlelight and all that sappy bullshit. Hermione isn't sure how she'll feel about that.

In the end though, she doesn't have to decide. Because that's not what Harry's been working on for weeks now. As she steps inside of the dorm and the door closes behind them, Hermione finds two more men waiting for her and Harry in the dorm's common area. It takes her a moment to realize who they are. But then, it's not every day that one becomes confronted with two older doppelgangers of one's boyfriend.

"… H-Harry?"

Beside her, her Harry squeezes her hand comfortingly. In front of her, a slightly older Harry grins and waves a casual hand.

"Hey, Hermione."

And beside THAT Harry, an even older Harry stands there, dressed like an aristocrat or something, one hand in his pocket, even as he gives Hermione a soft smile and a nod.

"To see you young again is an experience in and of itself my love."

Even the other Harrys seem a little taken aback by the older one's 'sophistication'. Regardless, her Harry steps past her a moment later and then turns to face her, placing himself in the middle of the trio of dark-haired hunks as he spreads his arms a bit.

"This is what I've been preparing Hermione. Do you like it?"

Hermione's eyes dart between all three Harrys. She flushes crimson as the most perverse thoughts rush through her head. The slightly older Harry, who she would now be referring to as Harry Two for the sake of her sanity, grins wickedly.

"Oh, she likes it. She most definitely likes it."

How is she supposed to react to that? In truth, Hermione has always been kinky. Hogwarts didn't have a copy of the Kama Sutra or anything silly like that, but it had more than its fair share of scandalous content in the restricted section, and Hermione had had access to that since she was thirteen, thanks to just how accountable the teachers believed her to be.

She'd never truly abused their trust in her. She hadn't dabbled in dark magic or anything like that. She'd simply read up on the magics and the histories that the Ministry didn't really want you to know. The sexual stuff went into that category right alongside the dark, and Hermione, being the horny young woman that she was, had consumed it all.

So yes, she did like this. She liked this a lot. It was something she'd fantasized about doing back when she'd first been given access to the Time Turner in her Third Year. She'd never actually tried to do it of course, but many a night had ended with her sweaty in her bed as she fingered herself to the idea of it, of multiples of one of her best friends plowing her silly. It was Harry more than Ron at that point, since she hadn't convinced herself she was in love with Ron Weasley of all people quite yet.

Still… still…

"H-How, Harry? How did you do this?!"

Her Harry grins sheepishly and shrugs his shoulders.

"It's a long story Hermione, but I knew you'd want to know, so I have all my notes for you. These guys are only here for a few hours though. You can pick my brain and look over my writings later, don't you think? For now, I'd say it's time for you to enjoy this to the fullest extent."

And there's the blush again, as the promise of knowledge appeases Hermione and leaves her with nothing left to distract from the inevitable. Not that she truly wants to escape this or run from it. She's filled with trepidation to be sure, but its equal to her anticipation as well. Licking her lips, Hermione nods in agreement with what her Harry has said. She steps forward, closer to all three of her beloved boyfriend, glancing between Harry Two and Harry Three for a moment.

Without prompting, Harry Two pipes up with a grin on his face.

"At the current point in my timeline, you're my fiancé, Hermione. We're getting married in a month. Big ceremony. You're driving yourself mad with worry, but I know it'll be brilliant."

Hermione gapes, only to for her attention to be dragged over to Harry Three.

"And of course, we're married at the point in the timeline where I reside. Happily so, with a third child soon on the way. You do so love to be pregnant my dear."

Hermione thought she was blushing before, but she goes a positively atomic scarlet color, even as the two younger Harry's lift a brow at that assertion. Clearly, she saves pregnancy for after her wedding day, as even Harry Two is surprised by the news that Hermione has a pregnancy kink. Of course, the other thing she has that Harry Three hasn't revealed yet? A daddy kink.

And if there's one thing Harry Three exemplifies, it's a DILF. Squirming a bit as she begins to leak between her legs, Hermione lets out a low breath and just allows everything to wash away.

"O-Okay… Alright… let's just. Let's do this. I n-need you to tell me what to do, Harry. At least one of you needs to take control because I'm seriously about to lose it."

"You should start by removing your clothes my dear."

Of course, its DILF Harry that speaks up, calmly and smoothly taking control of the situation just as she's asked. And he's so casual about it that neither of the younger Harrys raise any sort of protest. Seeing this, Hermione doesn't either, instead simply blushing crimson as she reaches up and begins to do as she's told. Her Hogwarts Uniform, complete with the Head Girl patch, comes off piece by piece. She's not wearing her robes of course, not this deep into Spring and this close to Summer, but she's got her vest, her blouse, and her skirt on.

Not for long though. Soon, Hermione is standing before the three Harrys in nothing but a crimson bra and panties, along with Gryffindor colored stockings. She fidgets for a moment, wondering just how much further she should go. Luckily, Harry Three speaks up again.

"Your undergarments as well my dear… though, leave the stockings. I know how much my younger self enjoys them."

It's her Harry's turn to blush right alongside her, even as Hermione does as she's told. Her tits bounce free of their confines, and her pussy is revealed to all three of the men before her. Her pubic hair is shaved into a lightning bolt of course, though none of them express any surprise at that. She imagines it's a habit that she continues well into the future, judging by the appreciative looks all three Harrys give her.

A moment of silent communication seems to pass between the men in the room, before they all reach down and work their members out of their pants. Hermione's lips part and her mouth goes dry, even as she finds herself instinctively sinking to her knees right there in the middle of the common area. As the trio of her beloved boyfriend approach her, a shiver runs down Hermione's spine. Who is she supposed to start with?

Luckily, that much is obvious. Her Harry stops in front of her, with Harry Two and Three on either side of him. Reaching out, Hermione grasps their cocks with a hand apiece, and begins to stroke them up and down. At the same time, she leans forward and places her mouth on Harry's growing member, sliding his dick tip in between her lips.

All three delicious lengths rise under her ministrations. It fills Hermione certain sort of perverse satisfaction that she can have such an effect on her boyfriend… even the older versions of him. As she looks up into Harry's face at three differing ages, she's immensely turned on by the love and the lust and the desire for her she finds in all three gazes. If she had an extra hand, she'd be touching herself right now… but in this moment, she's quite busy with the three extremely similar members before her.

Harry was right. All three of them were. She did like this. She liked this a lot. And as she bobbed up and down on her Harry's cock, she grew more and more enthusiastic as she considered all the fun they were likely to have together. The day was at an end and as Harry had said, they'd have hours before his future counterparts would have to leave. Needless to say, Hermione intended to use every last one of those hours to its fullest potential.

"F-Fuck Hermione, that's good…"

"She's eager to please you. Such a good little girl."

"Mm, she has some growing to do still, but she's certainly enthusiastic."

Hearing Harry's voice in triplicate only served to turn Hermione on more. Burying her nose in Harry's crotch, she swirls her tongue along the underside of his cock. A moment later, the young man begins to cum, his seed filling her throat as she desperately swallowed every last drop. By the time she was done with her Harry, she barely had a chance to breathe before she found herself taking care of Harry Two as well.

The others happily rearrange themselves, and as her Harry and the oldest Harry step back for a moment, the middle Harry laces his fingers through her hair, looking down into her eyes with a raunchy grin.

"I'm going to fuck your face now, Hermione. Don't think I didn't see you playing with our poor younger self there, teasing him. You're going to give him a new fetish at this point… I can guarantee that, because it's one I have as well."

Hermione flushes in both arousal and embarrassment at that admission, even as her chocolate brown eyes gaze up into his bright green pupils. Then, he begins to do as he said he would. His cock saws in and out of her mouth and right down her throat, all while his hands guide her head back and forth across his length via their hold on her hair.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

It's impossible not to choke, but there's something to be said about the experience all the same. Even as Hermione's eyes water and the involuntary tears begin to fall, even as drool and slobber and saliva begin to collect on her lower lip, she can see why a future version of her might come to enjoy this. It's degrading and humiliating and brutal… but there's something about being so utterly dominated by the man she loves that turns Hermione on immensely.

And Harry Two is right, she had teased her Harry a bit with the way she'd ended her blowjob. It was only right that she handle his face-fucking fetish, if she was the one who'd in fact given it to him. Thus does the naughty little bookworm kneel before a Harry with just a few years of age on her, her hands in her lap, palms face down on top of her legs as she's rocked back and forth by his repeated thrusting into her throat.

He grins down at her quite wickedly, but she can also see the love in his eyes, even as her slobber begins to drip off of her lips, down her chin, and then all the way onto her shapely, bouncing, jiggling tits. As he forces her to deep throat his member, Hermione does her best to play at his pistoning prick with her tongue. At the same time, Harry Two lets out a hiss and tosses his head back.

"Damn Hermione… a bit more practice, and your hot little throat will be just as good as my fiancée's. You're a natural born cocksucker, aren't you? You little slut… here it comes. Take it all Hermione! Take it all!"

Hermione's eyes go wide, but with the warning, she's able to prepare. On top of that, the Harry currently fucking her face doesn't seem inclined to make her choke too much. His cock comes back and just the tip rests in her mouth as he begins to cum. For the second time in just a little while, Hermione takes a load from her beloved, drinking down another Harry's seed with as much enthusiasm as the first.

When she finishes up, Harry Two pulls back and gives her a satisfied smile.

"Thatta girl Hermione. You're well on your way to being the hot little slut I know."

His eyes suddenly light up.

"Would you like to see her? Well, you?"

That causes Hermione to blink, but before she can fret about whether or not she SHOULD see her future self, Harry Two pulls out his wallet and draws a magical picture from within it, flipping it over to show her. Hermione stares at herself in all of her glory. Exceptionally slutty glory at that. She's wearing a cocktail dress… a ruined cocktail dress from the look of things, half-pulled down to expose her massive tits, covered in bite marks as they are.

She looks spectacular, given the way her face is ruined, her makeup running and her mascara streaking down from her eyes. It's a magical photo as well, and it shows Hermione hooking her fingers into her mouth to show her latest load of cum up to the camera as she gargles it right then and there.

The whole moment, captured in wizarding film, is extremely erotic. An unconscious moan leaves Hermione's throat as she shudders on her knees there, staring at her future. She wants it. She wants it so badly. Chuckling darkly, Harry Two pulls the photo back and gives her a wink.

"All in good time my dear, all in good time. Besides, I don't think it's my turn anymore, now is it?"

"No, I should say not."

The middle Harry steps back, and Hermione blushes crimson as the older, more distinguished Harry steps forward. The DILF is everything she's ever fantasized about in an older man. He holds out a hand to her, and her blush grows deeper as she demurely takes it and rises at his insistence. Leading her over to the nearby couch that dominates part of the common area, the oldest Harry settles down into the middle cushion.

His cock is still standing at attention from her earlier ministrations, but somehow, he manages to make it feel like part of his look. Like he's still respectable, and she's the naughty little tramp about to be punished for her slutty ways. Though, he makes no move to 'punish' her. Instead, Harry carefully draws the young witch who will become his wife into his lap, letting her kneel on either side of him as her glistening wet pussy comes into contact with the length of his hard cock.

Smiling, Harry Three runs his hands up and down her body, even as Hermione gasps and moans and mewls. He knows all the right ways to touch her, that much is obvious from the very beginning. And the feeling of his cock, hot-dogging her pussy as it slides back and forth between her lower lips is just… Hermione shudders under his touch, staring into his amused green eyes with every bit of NEED she can muster.

He simply chuckles in response to her unspoken desire.

"Such a good girl. Waiting for permission. You'll make our boy over there a great wife one day. Go on then. Hop aboard."

She doesn't need to be told twice. Rising up, Hermione lines her cunt lips with the handsome distinguished gentleman's cockhead, and slowly sinks down his length, her face contorting into an expression of pleasured surprise as she stares at the wizard that her beloved is going to become. His cock fills every inch of her. Not that the oldest Harry is somehow larger in size than either of the other two Harrys.

But there's something to be said about the way he treats her, even as she sinks all the way to the base of his cock, panting and writhing on his lap. Harry's fingers, clearly well-practiced, dance across her flesh in such artful ways, even as he seems to consider her, and how she feels wrapped around his cock.

"You're certainly tight my dear… but as you'll eventually learn, tight isn't everything. MY Hermione is a mother of two and five months pregnant besides. And yet, she knows how to use her cunt to pleasure a man. Not that one can expect you to simply KNOW such things. A woman has to be taught."

And that's exactly what he does. It drives Hermione wild, being so casually controlled, so casually dominated by a man who she both loves and who could easily be her father. She loves it, every last moment of it… and she's happy to submit to this older Harry's tutelage, even as he not only explores her body, but allows her to explore his.

She learns how to use her inner walls in ways she never thought possible, and she gains immense satisfaction the more that she pleases the fine gentleman before her, bouncing up and down on his cock faster and faster as she goes. Gyrating this way and that, Hermione undulates across Harry's shaft, panting heavily, her chest heaving from the exertion.

It's pleasure, plain and simple. It's ecstasy, euphoria, bliss all combined into one. Hermione loses herself in that moment once the instructions stop coming. Eventually, the DILF she's currently riding simply begins to fuck her, his fingers digging into her waist and his cock thrusting up into her cunt to meet her as she comes down from each bounce.

Hermione's head goes backwards, and her eyes roll around in her skull as she climaxes on the oldest Harry's cock. Her cunt spasms and clenches and it doesn't stop there either, orgasm after orgasm wracking her body. Hermione, as it turns out, is a bit of a squirter. Each time she cums, her pussy gets slicker for the cock buried inside of it.

Time and time and time again, Harry Three brings the young witch in his control to the heights of pleasure. Her pussy squeezes down on his cock and massages his length repeatedly, until finally she manages to milk his load from him. It's not easy, and ultimately it takes everything Hermione's learned so far from the older wizard to pull off, but when she does, it's an immense feeling of pure satisfaction as she feels his seed fill her womb.

She's on a contraceptive right now of course, but even with that, Hermione finds herself imagining him impregnating her right then and there. Not the DILF Harry, but her Harry specifically, filling her with his cum. It's an amazing picture in her mind. She loves it oh so much. But for now, its simply fantasy. The future though… the future looks bright indeed.

Hermione is brought back to the present though by Harry Three lifting her off his cock. In a bit of a daze, Hermione stands up and looks between the three versions of her beloved, licking her lips.

"We're not… we're not done yet right? I… we still have some time?"

The trio of Harrys look between each other, before ultimately her Harry nods as he checks the wall clock.

"Yes Hermione. A few hours still at this point."

A wide, bright smile spreads across Hermione's face. It then turns just a bit coy, as she dances away from any of the three men standing in the common area, heading instead for the doorway to her private quarters. Stopping there, she glances back coquettishly.

"Well boys? Are you coming?"

Then she giggles as she hurries forward to her bedroom before they can quite catch up with their little minx. In the end, of course they go to her. In the end, Hermione ends up on her bed on all fours, happily resting on her hands and knees with three large lengths positioned to enter each of her holes. She's most trepidatious about the cock poised to enter her ass, but Harry Two was insistent that he start her anal training now so she'd be more prepared for their fun, debauchery-filled wedding night.

Out had come the magical lube, and she had to admit that she was nearly as wet back there as she was in the front. Beneath her, her Harry resided, his own cock poised to enter her once-creampied cunt as he smiles up at her. And then of course, there's the oldest Harry, the one who's truly positioned them all with his calm and casual orders. His member sits only inches from Hermione's lips, and she's excited to finally get her mouth around it.

Without any sort of warning, the trio of men begin. Their cocks move forward, and Hermione lets out a loud, open-mouthed groan as Harry Two penetrates her back door from behind. That groan is cut off fairly quickly by Harry Three sliding his cock effortlessly down her throat. And at the same time, her Harry, the present Harry… his cock slides up into her freshly fucked cunt, and it just feels right. It fits perfectly inside of her, her mewling, dripping wet quim acting as the perfect sheathe to his member.

As she gets fucked in every orifice, the Harry in her ass leans forward, digging a bit deeper with his cock even as he speaks into her ear in an amused tone.

"You're doing quite well, Hermione. I'm surprised, usually you only show off like this for me on my birthday, when you bring those darling cousins around."

Hermione's eyes go wide at that, even as she processes what the slightly older Harry has said. She only has two cousins she can think of that she'd bring to him for his birthday. But she hasn't spoken to Belle or Jane in years. Hermione can't help but wonder what could bring them back together in such a way. Perhaps the wedding? And of course her cousins would get a nice eyeful of what a hunk Harry was. She was already imagining him in a tuxedo herself and it was a fantastic mental image.

And another fantastic mental image was Belle and Jane, naked as the day they were born, face down and ass up as Harry punishes their hot little asses with his big, strong, masculine palms. A moan leaves Hermione's stuffed mouth, and her eyes threaten to roll back in her head as she really starts to get into the foursome that she's the center of. The thought of Harry teaching her bookish, but overly bitchy and arrogant cousins what for is… immensely arousing.

Ultimately, rather than roll up in her head, Hermione's eyes eventually center on the DILF Harry's face. The distinguished older gentleman grins down at her, even as he runs his fingers through her hair. He's not quite face fucking her like Harry Two originally did, but then he doesn't have to. At this point, Hermione is doing it for him, along with a little help from the Harrys fucking her cunt and ass, which in turn causes her body to jar forward into his cock.

"He's not wrong. Belle and Jane… mm, we move on from playing with them eventually though. You find bigger fish to fry."

Hermione can't help but be curious at that. It's in her nature. A questioning noise drifts out from around his massive length, even as she writhes her tongue along the underside. He just chuckles in response.

"You like to call it "Making the Sacred Twenty-Eight" for some reason. And let me tell you, Hermione. You make them quite well."

That brings her up short. The… the Sacred Twenty-Eight were supposedly the twenty-eight British families that were still 'truly pure-blood' by the Nineteen Thirties. Considering some of the families that constituted as members of the Sacred Twenty-Eight, Hermione found herself both disturbed… and immensely turned on by the implications of what Harry was saying.

His grin widening, the oldest Harry runs his fingers once more through her curly locks.

"You quite enjoy rubbing it in, my dear. The knowledge that you're a better lover than any of those snooty pureblood princesses leaves most of them in such a tizzy. Though of course, there is one who often ends up giving you a run for your money…"

Hermione lets out another curious whine from around his cock, but Harry just grins and shakes his head in the negative.

"Oh no. I won't be telling you her name. Where would be the sport in that? You'll have all the time in the world to figure it out. I'm sure my younger self looks forward to it quite a bit."

Judging by the way Harry is thrusting up into her cunt with wild abandon at this point, Hermione suspects he is as well. But then, so is Hermione. Even if she can't imagine where some of the females of this "Making the Sacred Twenty-Eight" come from off the top of her head, she can admit that she doesn't know every single witch and wizard in Britain. And she's rather excited to show all of those pureblood princesses their place… just as the older Harry has insinuated.

At that point, the future Harrys run out of things to say, or so it seems. The sounds of sex fill the room as everyone simply enjoys the four way. Hermione most of all, as the trio of cocks digging into her orifices bring her to climax again and again and again. If she thought it was fun being fucked solely by the older version of her beloved, getting plowed by three of Harry is complete and utter bliss. There's nothing more orgasmic than having her boyfriend fuck her cunt, while her future fiancé ruins her poor little asshole, and her future husband forces his cock down her throat.

She's not even gagging anymore at this point, though she's not quite sure why. Judging by the sparkle in DILF Harry's eyes, he might have cast a bit of magic to make things easier on her. In the end, it has the intended effect of allowing her to enjoy every last cock in every single one of her holes, rather than being forced to focus on the one in her mouth and throat, pistoning in and out of her esophagus.

Hermione's eyes roll up in her head eventually, and her tongue lays out of her mouth, writhing against the underside of Harry the eldest's big fat cock as it pistons in and out of her lips. There comes a point where Hermione is barely coherent, completely incognizant of her surroundings. She's nothing but a toy then, a cock sleeve for the three Harrys to use to their heart's content.

And she'd be lying if she tried to claim that didn't turn her on. Luckily, she'd never try to claim that. And in the end, when all three versions of her beloved cum inside of her, Hermione happily takes their loads, coming back to life as if revitalized by their cum as she moans wantonly around the cock in her mouth, swallowing happily and shaking and spasming in pleasure as seed fills her back door and her cunt once more.

However, when the Harrys pull out and Hermione looks to the clock, she finds that not much time has passed at all. Her Harry had told her that she had several hours… and it's really only been about an hour and a half now… there's only one thing to do in the end, right?

"M-More… I want more…"

She sounds like a starving woman, or perhaps a drowning one. Both Harry Two and Three exchange a knowing glance, while her Harry looks up at her with some concern.

"You sure Hermione?"

It's not her who answers, even as she moans wantonly and leans down to capture his mouth with hers, all of his older self's seed already swallowed. As she snogs the hell out of her beloved boyfriend, the other two Harrys just chuckle, Harry Two speaking for both of them.

"Don't you worry, chap. This is just Hermione. Insatiable, needy, and ever so slutty. If she wants more… then you're best off giving it to her until she can't move a muscle. Else she'll find a way to get what she wants from you in the most mischievous of ways."

Harry Three shrugs at that.

"Not that it can't be fun to watch her be an impish little minx once in a while. Still, we're on a time crunch… so let's get to work, shall we?"

And get to work they do. By the time the trio is done with her hours later, Hermione literally can't move a muscle. She's still in her right mind at least, but she feels absolutely exhausted, laid out on her bed covered in sweat and cum, stuffed in every hole as she catches her breath and moans quietly. The trio of Harrys have left the bed to get dressed, but as their time together slowly comes to an end, it's the oldest Harry that approaches her side, a genuine smile on his face as he shows her a picture much like the middle Harry did.

It's her again, of course. This Hermione though is a bit older, and a lot more beautiful. She can tell that this Hermione has gone through childbirth but managed to keep her figure all the same, with pregnancy doing wonders to her tits and ass in a way that left Hermione extremely jealous, all things considered. Blushing up a storm, Hermione considers herself for a moment. Much like the photo that Harry Two showed her, she wants this. But it's a deeper sort of want.

While the thought of kneeling before her fiancé after a night on the town, showing off the load of his cum she's taken in her mouth excites Hermione to no end, the thought of motherhood, of being her beloved's breeder… it gives her a deep sense of impending satisfaction. She WILL make this photo a reality one day. She WILL prove to Harry that she's worth of being his everything.

"T-Thank you…"

Harry the eldest doesn't have to ask why. He simply nods and tucks the photo away, before giving her a wink and a smile.

"Of course, my dear, of course. Now, you rest up, hear? It won't be long before you'll need every ounce of your strength again."

And then he pulls back as he begins to disappear. Across the room, Harry Two finishes shaking her Harry's hand before HE begins to vanish as well. In moments, the two Harrys are gone, sent back to their respective places in the timeline. It's just her and Harry at that point. Walking over to her bedside, the young wizard smiles at her, before leaning down and giving her a chaste kiss on her forehead.

"I hope you enjoyed your present, Hermione."

Flushed with arousal even then, but not quite strong enough to act on it, Hermione simply nods.

"I did Harry… thank you."

And she already had ideas for just how she was going to reciprocate as well. It was Harry Three, the DILF, that had set her brain circuits firing in the best way. She'd had a bit of an epiphany… and now she knew what she wanted to give Harry. It might take a little time and effort to set up… but it would be worth it, in the end.

As she drifts off to sleep, Hermione smiles, satisfied down to her very soul. To know the future was so bright… how lucky could a witch get? Now she just had to reach out and seize the day.


It takes her a week, but to be fair, she has Harry's notes to do it. The day after the Graduation Feast and the day before they're scheduled to leave Hogwarts, Hermione sets her plan into motion. Harry is out of the dorm, in a meeting with the Headmistress. It's the perfect time for Hermione to set up the ritual circle and perform the necessary magic that Harry himself had cast a week earlier.

Everything goes off without a hitch. Hermione is thrilled, and immensely pleased when the very same white light fills the room that Harry himself has written about experiencing upon successful completion of the ritual. So thrilled is she, that her guard is completely down when a stunner flies out of the white light and hits her right across the chest.

Hermione ends up slumped on the ground unconscious, even as two pairs of feet pad their way over to her, two pairs of identical brown eyes looking down at her knocked-out form.

"Well, this should be fun…"


Harry hums as he makes his way back to the private quarters of the Head Boy and Girl. He's feeling pretty damn good about himself… but then he's felt pretty damn good about himself for a long time now. McGonagall had offered him the Defense Against the Dark Arts position, and while Harry hadn't accepted yet, he was certainly considering it.

He wouldn't make a decision without consulting Hermione about it first. He knew she had plans for them after Hogwarts, and now that he'd met his future selves, he knew some of what those plans entailed. But amusingly enough, their careers and their futures outside of sex and kids and getting married hadn't actually come up.

Whether or not he spent a year or two as a Hogwarts Professor… Harry didn't really know. His older selves had said something about preserving the timeline, or at the very least not unduly influencing it. Hermione would always be a slut, and Harry would always be a sex-hungry stud. That was immutable. So, having sex with their future selves was perfectly fine, supposedly.

Stepping up to the entrance of the dorm, Harry says the password and walks inside, still humming. He ducks however, when a stunner flies in his direction. Then, he spins out of the way of an Incarcerous. His wand is out a moment later, and the two opponents he finds himself facing off against are disarmed in moments.

Only then does he stop and actually LOOK at who he's fighting against. Luckily, even his instincts held him back, because the two disarmed witches looking at him with amusement in their eyes and coy smiles on their faces can only be Hermione Grangers from two points in the future. Given that HIS Hermione Granger is suspended in midair between them, completely naked and hogtied, it's only easier to find the resemblance. Eyebrow raised, Harry looks between the two older Hermiones, more than a little confused… and a whole lot concerned.

"Girls… what is this?"

The Hermione he assumes corresponded to the fiancé time period shrugs her shoulders and grins impishly.

"Just a little demonstration, Harry."

The other Hermione, the one he keeps finding his eyes drawn to, lets out a throaty chuckle before delivering a sound smack to his Hermione's exposed, naked buttocks, sending her forward a bit as she lets out a squeal through her gag.

"This one needed a lesson. She seemed to be of the mistaken notion that you liked surprises. We know better. We know that you prefer to be in control. And that's why we're here. To teach your Hermione all about handling a big, strong, bull such as yourself."

He's listening. He really is. It's just very hard to pay attention to anything but the oldest Hermione's very pregnant belly. Not that it's obscene or ugly or anything. In fact, the way that the MILF-y Hermione carries herself is immensely arousing. But still, knowing that that child is probably his, or at least his future self's… it fills him with a sense of pride and awe that are hard to surpass.

Still, as Hermione Two and Three begin to approach him, Harry can't help but lick his lips and move to meet them. Their hands run down his body, and they slowly strip him of his clothing. That's just fine by him, his cock was getting a bit too hard in his pants anyways. Regardless, Harry soon finds himself beside his Hermione, who looks at him with lust-filled eyes that nonetheless plead for him to free her. But Harry's not about to do that.

He's more interested in what her future selves have to teach them about his darling girlfriend. There's just so much to learn and so little time…


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