Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Perils of Krogan Puberty Pt. 1 (Mass Effect)

A/N: The Perils of Krogan Puberty was a four-part story originally written in June of 2017 and March of 2019. Compiling it into a two-shot for people to read here.

Summary: Grunt hits Krogan Puberty and is losing control of himself as a result. After careful analysis, Doctor Mordin Solus believes that neither masturbation or tranquilizers will work. One of the Normandy's crew is going to have to satisfy the Krogan until they get to Tuchanka. A female Shepard draws the short straw.

Themes: Hyper-Unrealistic Sex, Humiliation, Degradation, Mind Break


Commander Jane Shepard stood at the end of the conference table, her hands planted on the metal surface and her cropped crimson hair framing her furrowed brow and frowning face. The room was filled with the best that Shepard had managed to assemble since coming back to life and being tasked with combatting the Collectors by the Illusive Man.

The woman only had eyes for one of those people though, the Salarian male at the other end of the room whose just got done giving them a thirty minute explanation complete with a holographic slideshow. The news is not good, not that Shepard really expected it to be. After all, this meeting was only happening in the first place because Grunt, the Krogan clone that she'd ended up procuring in place of Okeer, had gone mental and attacked an Ensign for no reason.

Still, he was a member of the Normandy's crew and a strong fighter. That carried a lot of weight with the virtuous Commander, and she'd be damned if she didn't find a way to help him. But what Mordin had just explained left her more than a little put off by the Salarian's words.

"Let me see if I understand you Doctor. Grunt is going through Krogan… puberty?"

Mordin blinked those big alien eyes of his.

"Indeed Shepard. Cloning Pod designed to accelerate growth. Inevitable that this would come to pass."

The red head nodded slowly, pursing her lips together and thinking for a long moment.

"What do you suggest doctor?"

Blinking again, Mordin gesticulated with his hands in a manner that actually made Shepard think the Salarian was uncomfortable, for one of the first times she'd ever seen.

"Temporary measures ineffective, possibly completely so. Increased self-gratification or tranquilizers would be acceptable normally. Not here."

The Salarian actually pauses to collect himself, and now Shepard knows he's embarrassed. A pit begins to form in her stomach.

"Eventually, Grunt will go insane. Volunteer needed to satisfy Krogan mating instincts before then. Needed until arrival on Tuchanka."

The meaning of Mordin's words wash over those assembled, and before Shepard can say anything, Jack is up out of her seat.

"Well, that makes the course of action pretty clear, don't it? Fucking kill the Krogan before he goes berserk and kills all of us. Can't keep him under can we? And I ain't fuckin' getting split in half by a Krogan cock."

"As much as I hate to agree with Jack, she's right. The Normandy's bulkheads and doors are not rated to stop a rampaging Krogan indefinitely. We cannot hold him, if he truly goes feral. Best to put the alien out of his misery now, lest he endanger the crew further than he already has."

It's surprising; to see Miranda stepping in to agree with Jack on anything, though if it was going to be something Jane supposed it would be this. The two women were constantly at each other's throats, and neither was very happy with her either after she came back from a mission and found them literally about to come to physical blows the last time.

Shepard had stopped the fighting with some harsh antagonistic words for the both of them. The red head didn't regret what she'd said, even if it had soured her relationship with both the Cerberus Agent and the Cerberus Experiment. Now, that was coming to this, when two people who hated each other with a burning inner passion, were conspiring to kill another of her team. No, Shepard wouldn't allow it.

"No. We're not killing Grunt. He is a valuable asset and a member of this crew just like anyone else at this table."

There was outrage from the two women she'd just overruled, and Shepard had to admit to being a little taken aback by what a poignant force the two made when they were in agreement. Not that she let that show on her face.

"Need I remind you Shepard, the Krogan broke three of the Ensign's ribs? Next time it could be a crew member's skull, or even one of our skulls."

"If that fuckface gets it in his head to ram a hole through the ship with one of his fucking charges, we're all in deep shit Shepard. I like breathing air and not deep space, thanks very much!"

The two stopped, realizing they had both shouted at Shepard at the same time, and turning their gazes to one another appraisingly as they realized, long after the Commander had, that they were in agreement for once. Gritting her teeth, the red head just wished it could have been about something a little more productive. But she supposed when it came to these two, this was about all she could expect.

"Miranda, Jack. Stand down, now. That's an order. Miranda, I don't need the speciest telling me what alien crew member to put down next, and Jack, I'm not interested in hearing from the ticking time bomb why we shouldn't let threats lounge about the ship. Grunt is one of us, and I'll be damned if I'm going to space him on either of your say so. Now shut the hell up!"

Both women settle back into their seats, though Jack makes a point of baring her teeth menacingly at Shepard as she does so, a low snarl in her throat even as she obeys. Jane ignores it with the practiced ease of a military officer and with her arms crossed over her chest and her lips pursed; she places her focus back on the Salarian at the other end of the table.

The rest of the team has been quiet, seeming content to let Shepard make the call. Of course it would only be Miranda and Jack that she'd have a problem with…

"Mordin. Is there no other way?"

The Salarian just shakes his head.

"Have exhausted all options. Remaining paths clear. Death… or relief."

Letting out an explosive breath, Shepard looks around the table at the faces of her team. Of course, there aren't going to be any volunteers. Nobody is looking to try and jump on a Krogan cock, nobody sane anyways. And of course, even Kasumi who is definitely a bit insane doesn't look interested at all. As well, Shepard already knows Jack's opinion on the matter and the crazy biotic is sneering at her now.

"Fine. We'll draw lots. Whoever gets the short end will be conscripted for this work, at double the pay. No disagreements."

There's plenty of disagreement, but in the end Shepard is in charge. The Commander eventually has everyone on the team who could possibly survive a Krogan's frenzied mating down, including herself. A minute later and the results are floating in the center of the table, a name for who exactly would be… servicing Grunt for the next week it would take them to get to Tuchanka.

Shepard's stomach was twisted into knots as she stared at her own name, floating there in bright orange letters.


"Oh dear…"

Jack and Miranda respectively, both with glee in their tones though the Cerberus agent hid it better than her experiment counterpart. Much better, as Jack practically leaped out of her chair with a whoop and a cackle, bounding around the room. The biotic only stopped once in a while to point and laugh at Shepard where the crimson haired woman stood frozen in place, still staring at her name, her fingers clawing into the metal conference table and leaving actual marks in the surface.

Her mind was racing a hundred miles a minute and she found herself trying to think of a way out of the fate she'd consigned herself to.


"Well Commander, I have to say, you're a bigger woman than I. Taking on a task like this… well I suppose it's like you said, Grunt really is a valued crew member. We can't possibly let him suffer like this any longer. I can at least admit when I'm wrong Commander. You were right."

Slowly, Jane's eyes track to Miranda's smirking smug face, the Cerberus Agent's own eyes glimmering with mischief and sadistic joy at the situation that Shepard now found herself in. As Miranda had just handily reminded her, there was no way out of this. After her words regarding Grunt's value, she couldn't back out now. She'd lose the respect of the entire crew at this point, as soon as it got out what choice she'd made.

Gritting her teeth, Shepard was silent as Jack finally came to a stop beside her, laying an arm across the red head's shoulders and speaking to the room at large, though the words were clearly meant for her.

"Gods people, let's have a round of applause for our amazing Commander! What she's doing, this is the kind of heroism and bravery they talk about in the history books!"

Jack proceeded to clap loudly and obnoxiously, but nobody else joined in. Though Miranda looked like she wanted to. Not to be deterred, Subject Zero kept it up with a wide grin across her face.

"You know, I've heard a lot about Krogan over the years. You can't live the kind of life I've lived and not find out just what kind of alien cocks are out there. You know anything about Krogan dick Shepard? I'll give you some pointers."

The room was silent as Jack nattered on. Nobody was willing to shut the crazy biotic down, not when Shepard was still frozen in place not doing anything. The Commander herself was barely listening to Jack, though she was still getting the information. Her mind was far more focused on nightmarish fantasies about what she was going to have to go through.

"First, you gotta know about the size. I know, I know, you probably think you already know that a Krogan is gonna be big. But big? That's an understatement! Krogans, according to this fancy smancy scientist type I knew once, apparently have the largest prick to body ratio in the entire known galaxy! Bet the Salarian knows what I'm talking about! Eh, Mordin? Back me up!"

At being called out, the Doctor gave a single nod confirming what Jack was saying, not that Shepard really noticed. Jack just grinned viciously and continued on with her spiel.

"And of course, big dicks like those, they gotta have the kind of biological whatever to handle them. Krogan stamina translates to the bed, is what I'm saying. Though they really don't bother with beds I'm pretty sure. Hey Shepard, while Grunt's fucking you, don't let him destroy the ship with the force of his thrusting alright? Only other thing you've got to worry about is the cum volume. Apparently, they fucking produce the most semen in the galaxy as well! Hah, makes sense, given how the Salarians had to genophage the overbreeding big fucks!"

It was too much. Finally Shepard was able to move. The first thing she did was let go of the table, which now had distinctive gouges in it from her fingers. The Commander stepped back right out from under Jack's arm and nearly caused the cackling biotic to fall off balance. As Jack got up, Jane swept her gaze over the room in what she hoped was still a domineering manner.

"No information on this or Grunt's predicament is to be given to the rest of the crew. That is an order."

Then she leaves, turning and departing from the conference room at as fast a pace as she can walk, her hands clenched into fists and her lips pursed together in impotent rage. She had to do it. She had to go through with it now. There was no turning back for her.


Needless to say, the Commander's next sleep cycle was not the best. As a result, when she made her way through the Normandy the next 'morning', she was more than a little groggy. But that didn't stop Jane from twigging onto the fact that something was up eventually. As she passed crew members in the halls, she got the usual salutes and straight backed discipline that she expected from them, even if most of them were Cerberus rather than actual Systems Alliance military.

But at the same time, there was something more than just their usual discipline, something she kept seeing in their eyes. In a few, there was a pity for her that had never been there before. More, mostly men, are looking at her with a cocky smug glint to their gaze that she thought she'd escaped back when she'd become N7. The kind of look that told her just what they wanted to do to her in their sick twisted little brains.

The majority however, held her in contempt. There was disgust in the largest portion of the Cerberus crew's eyes. It was the disgust that told Shepard what had happened. Someone had leaked the information discussed in that private meeting against her express orders, and now it seemed like the entire crew knew exactly what she had to do to save Grunt.

Knowing that fact made Shepard tense up visibly, her walking turning almost robotic and stilted as she made her way through the ship, her hands balled into fists. The final straw came when an older gentleman passed her by after saluting, and she caught the word he tried to pass under his breath.


Shepard's eyes widened and she stood stock still for a moment, knowing if she turned around she would rip the fucker's spleen out of his body and stuff it down his throat. After a moment, feeling the pinprick of actual tears at the corner of her eyes, the red head continued on her way, trying to put as much distance between herself and the crew member as she could before she did something she'd regret.

That was the state she was in when she came across Miranda and Jack, and the state they got to see her in as a result. Shepard was completely knocked out of her almost tearful rage by the complete and utter shock of finding the Cerberus Agent and the Cerberus Experiment engaging in cordial conversation. More than that, the two were laughing together as Shepard approached.

They stopped as she walked up, turning to face her. Shepard felt a sort of righteous anger in her now, and used that as fuel to keep from breaking down and crying. Instead, she got in their faces and barked out orders.

"You two! I thought I told you to stay a deck away from each other at all times! I don't need either of you starting a fight that will jeopardize our mission! Not now!"

Both women smirked at her, clearly seeing through the façade. Miranda shrugged her shoulders easily.

"Jack and I are just fine Commander, don't you worry about that. Rather, shouldn't you be concerned about that anonymous email that someone sent out a few hours ago?"

Jane tensed up at that, and Jack took the chance to jump in, the bald psycho biotic grinning like a loon.

"Yeah Shepard, Miranda here was just being kind enough to let me read the one she got, as I don't really use that account you all set me up with. Man, that's some rough stuff. Looks like someone disobeyed your orders!"

She was practically crowing, the bitch not even bothering to contain her glee. Knowing what she was going to hear but feeling compelled to ask anyways, Shepard spoke quietly.

"What are you talking about?"

Miranda stepped in again, the two vindictive slighted women bouncing Shepard's attention back and forth between them expertly and keeping her off balance as a result.

"Oh dear, I'm afraid that the entire crew has been informed of what's happening with Grunt right now Commander. More than that, whoever sent the email told everyone exactly what you're going to be doing with Grunt for the next few days until we can get to Tuchanka. It also contains instructions to not enter Grunt's room under any circumstances, for safety purposes of course."

Jane looks between the other two women in silence for a long moment, her eyes wide as they darted back and forth between the smug looks on Jack and Miranda's respective faces.

"You two. You did this. You disobeyed a direct order from your commanding officer and sent out this email."

Jack let out an exaggerated gasp and placed her hand over her heart, splaying out her long fingers across her slight chest.

"Why, I would NEVER Shepard! Hell, I'll have you know that I've never even logged into my account! You won't find any emails sent from me of that nature!"

Forced to admit that Jack was pretty much right in her defense, the crimson haired commander turned her accusing gaze on Miranda. The Cerberus operative just smiled in response.

"Commander, I would certainly never be so petty or vindictive as to do such a thing. I know the chain of command and where you and I both are on it. I follow your orders to the letter, even if I may not always agree with your decisions. I promise you that."

Even Jack looked at Miranda for a half-beat, the bald biotic's incredulous look washed away only a moment later as she tried to cover up her giggles. Jane opened her mouth to respond, an angry retort perhaps, or a demand for Miranda to hand her Omni-tool over. But the dark haired woman pre-empted Shepard before she could get a word in edgewise.

"Have you looked at the time Commander? According to Mordin's calculations, Grunt only has another couple of hours before he loses his mind to his lust and his desire. Shouldn't you be headed over there to… take care of things? After all, the Krogan clone is a valued component of the team and a necessary member of the crew, right? I would hate for anything to happen to him because we distracted you Commander."

Her nostrils flared in barely contained rage, but Miranda wasn't wrong. Shepard didn't have time to interrogate the two of them more closely, nor did she have time to investigate Miranda's Omni-Tool to find out if it sent out the email. As she pushed past the two snickering women and moved down the corridor to her final destination, Jane made a promise to herself that she would follow up, once she was finished doing what needed to be done.


Approaching Grunt's door was one of the hardest things the crimson haired woman had ever had to do, in her entire life. And Shepard had been through some pretty fucked up shit. It was that thought that allowed her to steel her own nerves and move in towards his door finally. Jane regretted it immediately, as the first thing she noticed was the musky heady scent wafting from inside the sealed room.

For the Krogan's musk to be so strong as to penetrate a bulkhead… Shepard grimaced as she felt herself getting a little weak in the knees, her pussy growing wet with involuntary arousal. Moving to open the door to Grunt's room so she can get this all over with, Jane is stopped when EDI's voice suddenly comes over the ship-wide intercom.

The Commander pauses to listen, hoping against all hope that it's something critical, something she had to take care of. Even, deep down inside, she hopes it might be something worth consigning Grunt to his death so she has an excuse for why she was forced to let him go insane and forced to put him down. It's nothing of the sort of course, and as EDI speaks, Shepard's heart sinks into the pit of her stomach.

"Attention all crew members. This is a message written by Commander Shepard, to all crew members. Please stop what you are currently doing in a safe manner and listen carefully. As many of you have no doubt read in the email sent out this morning, I, Commander Jane Shepard, will be assisting our resident Krogan as he goes through puberty, and making sure he gets all of the sexual satisfaction he needs as we make our way to Tuchanka so that he may be helped by his own people."

"Because of this, I ask that during the next few days you do not approach Grunt's quarters for any reason. Do not try to investigate any of the sounds you hear coming from it. The room will be monitored while I am helping Grunt, for my own personal safety. No permanent harm will come to me. Commander Shepard out."

The message ended and Shepard found herself nearly hyperventilating, breathing in and out of her open mouth as she had a minor panic attack. With that message, she knew she'd just lost the respect of every member of the Normandy's crew. There was nothing that she could do about that now though, and she was already in this, so it was time to see things through.

Gritting her teeth, Shepard finally activated the door panel and stepped inside Grunt's room, noting with some fatalistic finality, the door closing and locking behind her. Grunt was sitting on a reinforced bunk on the other side of the room when she entered, but he stood up as soon as he noticed her.


Jane's eyes trailed up and down the Krogan's body; the Krogan's very naked body. It seemed at some point Grunt had decided to forego clothes or armor altogether, probably as a product of the uncomfortable sensations his body was no doubt going through. His cock hung between his legs, completely soft yet still almost larger than her entire arm.

She didn't linger on that though, focusing instead on Grunt's face as she took a step forward. Shepard intended to make this a quick affair. She wasn't the kind of woman who liked to be on the bottom. Her few lovers before now, all human, had learned that the only happy Shepard was a Shepard that was on top. It might take her some effort, but if she could just get Grunt down on the ground and mount him, she could maintain control of the situation. Riding him to completion was infinitely preferable to falling prey to that giant Krogan dick and letting him do whatever he wanted with her.

That attitude falters almost immediately as Shepard takes another step forward and the musk she'd been breathing in for minutes now finally began to truly hit her. The arousal was far more than the minor trickle she'd dealt with outside the room, her pussy nearly gushing as she tried to stay steady. The crimson haired commander's eyes trail back down to Grunt's groin, and she realizes that she can see his cock slowly growing right in front of her, her mere presence waking up his slumbering behemoth of a member.

"… Commander?"

Grunt's tone is hesitant and even respectful. It's clear the Krogan is trying to stay calm and clear headed with her, despite his obvious urges. For a Krogan in the middle of puberty, he's remarkably well mannered. Until of course, Jane drops all pretense of being in control. Finally losing her battle with gravity, the beautiful red head finds herself sinking to the floor, her face flushed red, her eyes locked on Grunt's huge alien prick, and her hands limp at her side.

Her knees touch the ground and Grunt's entire demeanor changes as a large toothy grin spreads across his shark like face and he begins to amble forward towards the submitting woman.

"Should have known Shepard. You may be a tough badass bitch in battle, but you're still just another female aren't you? Just another cunt to be fucked."

The Krogan's mating instincts were taking over, and if Shepard was going to give up, Grunt certainly wasn't going to fight his urge anymore. This was why she was here, wasn't it? With a satisfied grunt, the Krogan grabbed hold of Jane's short red hair and pulled her head up a little so that her lips were more in line with his still growing member. Pressing the tip against her mouth hole, Grunt let out a snort and began to push.

Shepard's lips opened immediately, parting around the gargantuan tip of his cock and allowing him to shove the first couple inches into her mouth. Grunt gripped her head with both hands now as he forcefully pushed his member past her lips. Jane's jaw stretched uncomfortably wide, and though Grunt didn't know it, she probably would have dislocated it then and there if she hadn't been rebuilt and enhanced by Cerberus.

But then, her enhancements were part of the reason she was even on the list of potential partners for Grunt in the first place. She'd known going in that this was something to be survived, not won. Even if she'd deluded herself into thinking she could stay on top, the red haired commander had always known deep down that it would turn out like this. As Grunt forced his huge girth down the back of her throat and into her esophagus, his prick bulging obscenely out of the front of her neck, All Shepard could do was endure… and choke of course.


The Krogan wasted no time in making use of Shepard's mouth as his own personal fuck hole. Once he had his length buried as far down inside of her neck as he could manage, which was still only half of the Krogan's impressive gargantuan member, he began to slide back and forth, driving his cock in and out of Shepard's poor abused throat and face fucking the hell out of the proud woman until she was a sobbing, drooling, slobbering wreck of a bitch.

After a little bit of this however, Grunt seemed to grow frustrated, snorting and snarling as he pulled his thick meat stick free of Shepard's throat, leaving the woman to hack and gasp for air even as she found herself dragged over to his nearby bunk and tossed onto it. Lying on her back, there was nothing Jane could do as the huge Krogan manhandled her into position, pulling her around until her head was hanging off the side of the bunk.

Grunt knelt down and just as he'd hoped, his cock, now at full enormous mast, was perfectly lined up with Shepard's upside down mouth. Without even an ounce of hesitation or ceremony, Grunt drove his bellend forward and once more stretched the crimson haired woman's jaw wide open as he forced the entirety of his girth past her lips and down her throat again. This time however, he wasn't as obstructed. The Krogan's entire mammoth-sized dick slid down Jane's esophagus, even past her bulging neck and into her chest as he began to truly face fuck her.

Jane's eyes widened for a moment, before Grunt's huge nuts smacked into them. Yet again, there was nothing she could do but endure as the massive Krogan male pistoned in and out of her with the entirety of his length. His balls hit her in the face again and again and her nose ended up stuck in the space between his nut sack and the base of his cock as he thrust away.

The commander's vision began to fade, until once again Cerberus' 'enhancements' kicked into play and a shot of adrenaline spiked through her body to keep her from falling unconscious in a potentially dangerous position. As a result, Jane was forced to live through every second of the brutal throat fucking that Grunt was visiting upon her, until finally he let out a victorious snarl and she felt him beginning to cum.

This was in no way a good thing, as Shepard was forcibly reminded of Jack's words on just how much semen a Krogan could produce. Much of the rutting alien's seed ended up going directly down her gullet, but just as much exploded out of the corners of her mouth as well as her nose. Jane couldn't breathe even a little bit, and the woman struggled weakly until Grunt finally pulled free of her abused throat and she was finally able to turn over on the bed and hack and cough.

Krogan cum came out of her mouth like a hose, splattering across the ground at a high impact and bouncing back up into her already messy face. Eventually, her breathing was no longer obstructed and Jane took in desperate full ragged breaths as she lay there prone on the bed, panting heavily and shuddering at what she'd just been through.

Ultimately, she managed to get herself up onto her hands and raise her head. What she saw horrified her to her core. Grunt had been kind enough to hold off, waiting for her to recover for a few brief minutes. It once again spoke to just how much self-control the Krogan really had; because he was still at full mast and completely rock hard despite just unloading the biggest load of seed Shepard had seen in her entire life down her gullet.

"Shepard. Assume the position bitch, so I can fuck you for real."

His voice was a rumble, as usual, but there was something more to it now. Something assertive, domineering, and dangerous. In that moment, the human woman knew that if she obeyed, there truly would be no going back. She wouldn't be able to regain the respect of the Krogan, if she submitted now. This went through Jane's mind, but she found she just didn't care. Slowly, the crimson haired woman turned around and did as she was told, pushing her ass up into the air and resting her face on the firm mattress beneath her.

Grunt took one look at the woman he'd followed into battle, presenting herself for him to fuck and mate and breed with, and let out a victorious roar as he moved forward and took hold of her top and bottoms in both hands. Shepard grimaced, knowing that they had probably heard Grunt's roar throughout the Engineering Deck, and then she let out a yelp of pain as the mighty Krogan straight up tore her clothing clean off her body.

She hadn't worn much to this little affair, just a shirt and some pants, along with bland underwear, but in a moment she had none of those things, every last ounce of clothing torn from her form until she was naked and shivering under the Krogan's gaze. In an instant, his large alien hands were on her form, feeling her up and groping her aggressively.

Jane let out a cry as Grunt groped and kneaded her breasts, small compared to the size of his hands, though buxom when put up against other human women. He seemed to grow tired of her tits quickly enough though, instead moving his grasp up and down her toned and muscular form, digging into her sides and ultimately ending up at her athletic fit buttocks.

The crimson haired woman could do nothing but moan in a mixture of discomfort and involuntary pleasure as Grunt straight up mauled her ass cheeks, his huge fingers gripping her ass until it was red from the force he was exerting on her flesh. He pushed at her posterior and Jane's body shifted, rising up a bit more to show off her gushing wet pussy lips to his eyes. Bringing one hand down from her butt, Grunt reached out and pushed a large finger against the entrance to Jane's cunt.

A gasp of pure pleasure and delight escaped the woman's mouth before she could stop it, and her lower lips spread open easily before the Krogan's large digit, swallowing up his finger as he twisted it this way and that. Jane came right then and there, her entire body shaking from the climax as she orgasmed around Grunt's cock, an honest to god moan leaving her throat this time as her eyes almost rolled back in her head and she clawed at the firm mattress beneath her.

"Heh knew it. You really are just a cunt, aren't you Shepard? Gonna fuck you now. Don't care if you're ready."

All Shepard could do was moan in response, a cross between denial and excitement as Grunt brought his massive shaft to bear once more on the poor woman's exposed pussy. Hefting the huge thing in one hand, Grunt grabbed hold of one of Shepard's firm ass cheeks with the other and held her steady as he fitted the tip of his humongous alien cock against her tiny slit and then began to push.

Another orgasm wracked her, and this time Shepard's eyes did roll back in her head as her mouth fell open, though no sound left it. The crimson haired woman's body had been prepped for this by Grunt's musk, primed and readied to be used and abused by the Krogan's huge pulsing meat stick. Now that he was finally sliding into her, Shepard's body was betraying her, rejoicing at the coming of its new lord and master.

She couldn't stop climaxing, laying there with her face down and her ass up in the air; Shepard was barely able to stay cognizant as Grunt truly began to fuck her, his cock sliding inch by inch into her poor pussy with every thrust he made. He was slowly drilling into her center, stretching first her cunt lips around his cock, and then her cunt itself.

Soon enough, Shepard knew she would be ruined for any cock that came after this. Soon she would be addicted to this huge majestic beast of a member currently carving her insides into its shape. But the commander didn't fight it. She let it happen, submitting totally and utterly to the rutting Grunt was forcing upon her.

When he hit her cervix, she had a single moment, not even a full moment but maybe more of a half a moment, where she actually felt relieved. Surely, he would go no further. Surely he COULD go no further, even if his member was only halfway inside of her. This hope of hers, this bit of optimism, was in the end as foolish as all the rest.

A cry of anguish tore its way out of Shepard's throat as Grunt pulled back and then slammed forward right through her cervix and into her womb. His massive prick filled the inside of her womb with his alien meat in an instant, and then her abdomen was literally bulging outwards as he thrust into her again and again. His pistoning cock made her midriff look obscene as he used her womb like a condom, stretching the thing around the tip of his length and forcing the entirely of his massive member into her body until he was finally hilted inside of her.

His balls smacked up against her clit from the angle he was fucking her, as his crotch slammed into her ass. No amount of athleticism or fitness was going to help her poor behind against a Krogan's plated, and soon her already red buttocks was blistering from the incidental force of Grunt's thrusting as he thoroughly plowed her into the bunk beneath them both.

Until quite suddenly that broke beneath them, the bed shattering under the force of a rutting half-feral Krogan. Jane found herself in free fall for all of a moment, almost sliding all the way off Grunt's cock before he caught her by the arm and pulled her back up into the air. His hands transitioned to her waist and Jane found her back against the huge hulking alien's chest as he kept his member inside of her and began to bounce her up and down on it.

He was just standing there, holding them both up easily as he used her as a fucking cocksleeve to get the satisfaction he not only wanted but also needed. His huge length continued to bulge out of Shepard's stomach, but now if she looked down she could actually see it happening. The obscene manner in which his giant meat stick pressed out of her abdomen like some sort of two bit hentai she'd jerked off to as a teenager sent Shepard right over the edge again.

She came hard around Grunt's invading member, her legs kicking in the air ineffectually as she nearly passed out once again from the force of yet another explosive orgasm, only for another spike of adrenaline from her enhancements to rush through her body and keep her going once more. Jane Shepard barely had enough strength left to cry out at this point, her vocalizations reduced to whimpers and moans as she was forced up and down on Grunt's cock like a ragdoll.

Then he came again, and Shepard once more found her voice as her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. The crimson haired commander hollered at the top of her lungs as she felt his seed filling her womb, his cock releasing the white hot sticky cum like a firehose inside of her. She looked down and screamed when she saw her belly distending as if she was rapidly becoming pregnant. Then, the cum began to fall out of her at high pressures, the force of Grunt's cum blast literally lifting her off of his member like a geyser and sending her to the floor face first.

Shepard lay there, face down on the cold hard floor of Grunt's quarters, her legs spread wide and bow legged at the knees, and her gasping cunt gushing Krogan semen. She breathed in and out slowly, trying to catch her breath. Unfortunately, it was not to be as she felt the vibrations under her when Grunt dropped to his knees behind her. Then, his hands gripped her poor abused ass and the tip of his cock began to run along her crotch.

It was then, when Jane realized Grunt was STILL hard, that the tears began to fall from her face. Her screams, as he pushed into her again without a word and began to once more fuck her, were a mixture of horror and shameful pleasure.


Hours later, Shepard was half-unconscious as she was dragged from Grunt's quarters, the Krogan finally momentarily sated. Half-unconscious was a feat in and of itself for the crimson haired commander, as it meant her body had gone up to and possibly over the amount of adrenaline even her enhanced nature could handle. Shepard had been remade to be inexhaustible and tireless, but it seemed that a few hours as a Krogan's plaything had put that to bed.

A bare foot hooked under her body, the toes digging up painfully into one of her tits as she was forced to roll over onto her back. Through bleary unfocused eyes, Jane Shepard looked up and saw the faces of Jack and Miranda staring down at her. The bald insane biotic and the Cerberus agent are sporting the same look of absolute victory and smug viciousness as they look upon her ruined form. A sneer crosses Jack's features as she grinds her foot down into Shepard's tits, drawing a pitiful moan from the once proud woman.

"Have fun in there Shep? Man, Grunt really is the most valued member of the crew, ain't he? Makes me a little jealous if I'm being honest. Why does he get all your attention? Am I not worth a pity fuck at least?"

Miranda is a bit more reserved, seeming altogether too disgusted to even get close to Shepard's body, covered in red welts and bruises, as well as copious amounts of Krogan cum.

"Commander, putting yourself through this… well, I can't help but wonder if you have a fetish. So long as it does not get in the way of the mission, I suppose we can indulge you."

That gets a bit of fire back into Jane's heart. Gritting her teeth, Shepard manages to reach up and push Jack's leg off of her, though only because the biotic allows it, laughing and stepping back at the crimson haired woman's pitiful and weak attempts to physically move her. With the greatest of effort, Shepard forces herself up onto her incredibly sore ass, her eyes squeezing shut as a blinding white flash of pain strikes her upon balancing most of her weight on her posterior.

Trying to compose herself, the sitting woman glares up at her two subordinates as best she can, despite the fact that any intimidation she might want to convey is completely diminished by both her current appearance and the fact that she can't even get to her feet. Working her jaw for a brief moment, Shepard opens her mouth and finally speaks.

"You two… help me to my quarters, now. And don't you fucking dare let anyone see us."

That gets wide vicious smiles from both of them. After a moment Miranda schools her expression into something approaching concern, but she can't completely erase the grin from her lips.

"Shepard, how long do you think you were in there? It's only been five hours. You still have another five days before we reach Tuchanka."

Jane's face is already streaked with Grunt's white seed, but that doesn't stop both Miranda and Jack from taking pleasure in watching what can be seen of her features pale until the normally composed commander is as white as a ghost.


She can't stop her voice from cracking, nor can she even bring herself to be mad over it. Instead, all of Shepard is focused on Miranda's words. J-just five hours?! HOW?! Sensing her predicament, Jack lets out another cackle, reaching down and actually picking Jane up off the ground by her armpits. The crimson haired woman is exhausted and barely able to move, so fighting it is out of the question as the biotic drags her along the corridor the old fashioned way, seeming to take distinct pleasure in the act.

"Not to worry Shepard! We're going to take excellent care of you! Get you some chow; get you a shower, maybe even some medigel for the worst of it!"

"Indeed Commander. We have no intention of allowing you to fall ill or suffer long term debilitating injury. We'll make sure you can service Grunt's needs for the rest of the time we're traveling to Tuchanka. It's our duty after all."

That was when Jane truly broke. Both Miranda and Jack heard it, though neither commented verbally as Commander Jane Shepard began to sob brokenly. So lost in her misery, the crimson haired woman didn't even notice as she was dragged through crowded areas to be cleaned and watered and fed. All she knew was that she was doomed and there was nothing she could do to stop it. At the same time, a small part of her wanted more of it and that was the part that terrified Jane the most.


A few days later, Jane Shepard was in the infirmary. They were over Tuchanka and Grunt had been sent down pronto. No one on the Normandy really cared if he came back or not, though they would certainly stay in system until he either returned or Jane recovered enough to give orders. Not that the crew was in any way bored by the small bit of R&R.

While Jane recovered from her six day bent as a Krogan fuck toy cocksleeve, everyone else on the ship had been sent another 'anonymous' email. This time, it had several video attachments. Each and every day of the commander's ordeal had been recorded in exquisite excruciating detail for the crew of the Normandy's enjoyment.

Quite a lot of people spent quite a lot of time in their bunks outside of their assigned sleep cycles during those days Jane was recuperating, though none would ever admit it.

They all knew one thing though. Their opinion of the self-righteous sanctimonious Commander Shepard had never been lower.


Khalisah al-Jilani was not a happy woman. The Westerlund News reporter hadn't been able to move her career forward as quickly as she hoped, and it was the entire fault if a single woman. Years before, Khalisah had been kind enough to give Commander Jane Shepard, the first human to ever be expected into the Council's Spectre Program, a series of exclusive interviews.

The reporter had given Shepard every chance to make the right choices in both her actions and words. All Khalisah had wanted to do was influence the Commander to be a bit more loyal to her own species. That wasn't too much to ask, was it? Apparently it was, given that Jane Shepard's reaction each and every time they'd spoken had been to punch her in the face.

Khalisah had done her best to get the other woman punished for the unprovoked physical violence. Unfortunately and to her utter shock and dismay, she'd found surprisingly few people in her camp. Shepard was a war hero after all, and even with footage, there were millions who claimed the reporter deserved it, that she'd been asking for it. Even her own news organization hadn't done much to support her.

And then Shepard had saved everyone in the Battle of the Citadel and suddenly the Spectre was completely untouchable. It was even suggested to Khalisah, in very firm terms, that she drop the charges she'd been trying to push through against the Commander for the physical assault for months. Khalisah al-Jilani was no idiot. She'd seen the writing on the walls and come to the conclusion that the advice was solid. She'd dropped the charges and tried to move on.

Unfortunately, it seemed like everywhere she went the baggage of those disastrous interviews with Shepard followed her. She'd been stuck on shit assignments for two years now, and the beautiful woman was more than fed up with it. That's why Khalisah was here now, outside the Dark Star Lounge loitering in a corner with the recorder bot hovering beside her.

The female reporter still had some sources, and one had given her a tip that she'd immediately dropped her current story to follow up on. According to the tip, Commander Jane Shepard, resurrected from the dead, WOULD be coming by this way quite soon. When she did, Khalisah intended to be there, ready for her.

It didn't matter in the end, what Shepard had done to her. Her career was more important than some petty vendetta, and though she might have hated the other woman, Khalisah was intelligent enough to know that Shepard was still a rising star that one could hitch a ride on, if they had the chutzpah to do so. Khalisah al-Jilani had chutzpah in spades; there was no doubt about that. She'd get this interview, and she'd redeem herself in the eyes of the public. There was no other way that the reporter would allow this to go.

Glancing up, Khalisah's eyes widened as she saw Jane heading her way. Well, more accurately the red head seemed to be heading towards the Dark Star Lounge, but Khalisah moved forward to intercept her. The Commander blinked as she stepped in front of her, the cam bot hovering beside her.

"Khalisah bint Sinan al-Jilani, Westerlund News."

Shepard came to a stop and stared at her blankly for a long moment. Khalisah's stomach plummeted. The woman didn't remember her? Not even slightly? Honestly, she wasn't sure if that was supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing, but the reporter's pride refused to allow her to be so easily forgotten.

"I interviewed you two years ago, when you became a Spectre. You uh… do you have a minute?"

There was the spark of recognition in Shepard's eyes as the red head suddenly crossed her arms over her chest, her upper lip curling into a bit of a sneer.

"I remember you. You looking for material for another smear piece on me Jilani?"

Khalisah winced but kept plowing forward. A reporter did not allow themselves to be cowed or scared off, not if they wanted to get anywhere on the Citadel or in fact in journalism altogether.

"Now Shepard, we may have had… conflicting views, but we're all on the same side here. You're back from the dead Commander. You're news. I just want to get your story."

The Spectre just stood there, silent. Khalisah assumed that was permission to move forward and so she pulled out her digital note pad and turned on the cam bot as she found the first question she'd written down as she'd made her way over here as fast as possible.

"Sources claim that you were in the Presidium during the Battle of the Citadel. It's safe to say that the course of the battle ebbed and flowed based on your words. If true, that means you told Admiral Hackett to back up the Destiny Ascension, sacrificing hundreds of human lives. Can you comment on exactly why you made such a call?"

Shepard was better prepared than their last several interviews, Khalisah could tell that from the way the Commander immediately responded. Or perhaps she'd simply been kept up by her heartless anti-human decision and as a result, she'd had this answer pre-prepared. The reporter couldn't have said for sure.

"The Turians lost at least twenty cruisers. That's about three hundred per ship. The Destiny Ascension, the Asari dreadnaught we saved, had a crew of-!"

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have to ask, are you proud to have been made an honorary member of an alien species Commander?"

Jane Shepard stuttered to a stop at the non-sequitur, completely blindsided and left utterly confused by Khalisah's words. Just as the reporter had ultimately intended, though she hadn't originally meant to go for the jugular this early. Still, Khalisah couldn't help herself, the longer she stood there staring at Shepard's face, the longer the hate she'd pushed down and tried to bury welled back up in her chest.

And all the Spectre was doing was spouting numbers at this point, that didn't make for good extranet coverage anyways. This though, this rumor she'd heard, it promised to be incredibly juicy.

"What? I don't understand."

Khalisah smirks and hopes that there's some truth to the story. Admittedly, it was simple a tale she'd heard two Krogan laughing and boasting about in the Dark Star Lounge only an hour ago. It could be complete hogwash, but if it wasn't, this was going to be beautiful. And even if it was, the mere insinuation would hurt the Commander's reputation hopefully.

"There's a story going around Shepard, about your most recent visit to Tuchanka, the Krogan Home world. From what I understand, you're now an honorary member of a Krogan clan."

Much to Khalisah's joy and delight, Shepard goes pale and then flushes red as her face twisted into an ugly snarl. The red head takes a step forward and jabs a finger in the air towards the reporter.

"I am not in any way tied to Clan Urdnot! And I'm certainly not some honorary member of the Krogan species!"

Licking her lips, the reporter gives Shepard a knowing smile, even as the other woman's face pales all over again as she realizes she'd just mentioned a specific clan name rather than simply denying the general accusation that Khalisah had thrown out. It was time to play her trump card.

"That's not what I heard Shepard. According to the story, you've even got a new name among the Krogan of the Urdnot Clan. What was it again? Oh yes, it-Gaaah!"

Before she could finish what she was saying, Jane Shepard, in typical form, had reared back and punched Khalisah right across the cheek bone, sending the reporter reeling as she was spun around and dropped to the floor.

"Interview over."

Despite the pain and knowing that she's going to have a nasty bruise soon enough, Khalisah's face stretches into a wide grin as she watches Shepard stomp away from her position sprawled out on the floor. This is even better than the reporter had thought. There had to be far more truth to the Krogan's boasting than she'd given them credit for. Khalisah had to investigate further, both for the people who came to her for the news, and for her own potential career prospects.

Slowly picking herself up, the dark skinned reporter was lucky enough to catch a glimpse of a young unfamiliar Krogan gesturing directly at the Commander as the red head stalked away from her. Shepard stiffened up visibly, and then seemed to almost hunch in on herself as the Krogan entered the Dark Star Lounge and was followed shortly after by the human Spectre. The way Jane Shepard was walking was like nothing Khalisah had ever seen from the woman before.

The submission in Jane's stance had her more than curious. She HAD to know what was going on now. Licking her lips, Khalisah grabbed the cam bot out of the air and pulled a small device out of it, a hand held camera that would be far less conspicuous than the floating robot she'd taken it from. Leaving the cam bot where it was hovering, Khalisah crept over to the entrance of the Dark Star Lounge and slipped inside as well.

Her eyes immediately picked out Shepard's distinctive red hair. The woman was at the bar, facing away from her, and as a result the reporter was able to slip further inside, finding a nice private booth and ordering a small drink in order to keep from arousing suspicion to herself. From this spot she had a great view of Shepard as the Commander paid for two drinks and then turned, gesturing for the young Krogan to follow her to a back corner.

Unfortunately, there's no table close to that corner, and Khalisah definitely can't make out a single thing the two are saying from over here. Growling, the reporter nurses her drink once it arrives, watching for a couple more minutes. But there doesn't seem to be anything to see, and if there's something to hear, Khalisah unfortunately can't hear it.

She's just about ready to leave and give the whole thing up as a bust when she notices the two large Krogan from earlier. They're eyeing the young Krogan and Shepard with both lust and anger in their eyes, and Khalisah thinks she just might get the story she's hoping for after all. Sitting back with a small grin on her face, the reporter activates the security curtain on her booth, obfuscating her from view but allowing her a nice view of the lounge as the two Krogan seem to come to a decision and abruptly stand up, moving towards the corner where the younger Krogan sits… alone?

Khalisah blinks, wondering where exactly Shepard had gone. Her brow furrows as she looks around the Dark Star Lounge, but the red head is nowhere to be seen. Still, this is looking like it's going to erupt into Krogan on Krogan violence pretty soon and that alone will make a decent enough story that the reporter decides to stay for just a little while longer.


Shepard couldn't believe her ears.

"Y-you want me to w-what?!"

She hated the way her voice cracked a bit and got so damn high-pitched, but damn it, Grunt had surprised her. The young Krogan clone just grunted.

"You heard me slut. My balls itch. Get under the table and lick them for me."

His tone brooked no argument, but Shepard wasn't so far gone that she'd just obey like that. Lowering her voice, Shepard leaned in, whispering frantically to the big alien male.

"Grunt, we're in a public place! I can't jus-!"

A growl reverberated from the Krogan's throat and Shepard went from dry to wet in a moment, her legs shaking and instinctively spreading apart like the slut she'd become ever since that long week she'd spent as his toy. Slowly, the red head set down her drink and slid under the table, reflecting that she'd been wrong. Apparently she was so far gone that she'd just obey like that.

Biting back a whimper, Jane reached forward to undo the clasps on the codpiece of Grunt's armor to expose his giant alien cock and balls, but before she could close her fingers around them, a slight tremor through the floor had her whirling around. From beneath the table Shepard saw two sets of distinctly Krogan feet come to a stop in front of their corner table.

"Where is the one called Jane Shepard? Where is the human?"

Shepard tensed up, wondering if there was about to be a fight and wondering exactly how Grunt was going to lie. She should have known he wasn't going to even bother trying that.

"She's under the table, about to take my huge member in her small human mouth!"

The tank-bred's tone was boastful and jovial and Shepard could just imagine him leaning back in the booth as relaxed as can be, staring down the no doubt hulking Krogan currently towering over their table. There was a derisive Krogan snort from said aliens as one of them introduced themselves.

"I am Rarloc. He is Grontor. We are of Clan Gatatog. You know us and we know you."

Oh dear. Shepard knows exactly who Clan Gatatog is, the memory of Grunt taking down Gatatog Uvenk and five of his bodyguards almost entirely alone still fresh in the woman's head. It had been unbelievably hot, and she'd ended up letting Grunt bend her over in his quarters only an hour later after they'd returned to the ship, his blood riled up by the fighting and his lust riled up right alongside it.

Even now Shepard could hear Grunt's breathing change. The Krogan's carefree attitude bled away, and he was no longer quite as jovial as he had been.

"I know you yes. I know I killed your damnable clan leader and five of his best with my fucking bare hands because he dared to question my strength not once, not twice, but thrice! Your clan tried to stand in the way of my Rite of Passage. You failed."

Grunt's words are final and more than a little intimidating. The two Gatatog Krogan currently standing at their table are either arrogant or stupid, or possibly both, because neither of them back down. Instead, a slammed fist on the top of the table causes Shepard to flinch as the voice of the one who'd introduced them sounds out again.

"You are not worthy of being called Krogan. And your human pet is a disgrace to her own people as well. A worthless wretch falling for a tank-bred. Hah, she is as weak as you are!"

Her Krogan is getting angrier and angrier, and Jane bites her lower lip as she sees him tensing up, unsure if she wants to try and de-escalate things, or if she wants to see the fight happen, if only because of how hot and bothered she's sure it will make her. But then the other Krogan speaks for the first time and Jane immediately knows she's sealed his and his battle-brother's fate.

"Of course, we can forgive such insults to the Krogan race. For a price. Give us Shepard for a week and we'll run her through her paces. Make sure she's worthy of the silly honorary position she's been given by Clan Urdnot. Once we're finished with her, you can have what's left tank-bred."

Grunt's response was a roar as he came up from his seat, flipping the table into the two Krogan from Clan Gatatog and charging forward into the fray. Shepard had seen the writing on the wall early enough that she was plastered back against the bottom of the other side of the corner, Grunt's heavy feet stampeding past her only about an inch from bowling her over. Paling, the Spectre rose to her feet as she watched the three Krogan begin to brawl.

The red head squirmed a little, her thighs shifting together from the arousal of watching the big hulking aliens fight over her. Though it could barely be called a fight given the short length of the altercation. Grunt tore the two natural-born Krogan apart, his superior strength and his tank-taught tactics carrying him through with ease.

Still, the ensuing violence ended up destroying half the bar and driving away every single patron as well as the staff, before finally Grunt managed to slam both of the Krogan face first into the ground by gripping onto their crests. Releasing them, the victorious Krogan straightened up, watching for a moment as his opponents slowly crawled away from him, only getting to their feet when they were at the entrance of the Dark Star Lounge, and limping out of the place from there.

Grunt gave a satisfied snort, his clenched fists uncurling back into hands as he turned to Shepard. The moment he saw the flushed human woman, he caught the scent of her arousal in the air and then realized just how aroused he currently was as well. There was nothing like the feeling of battle to get the engine going, and Shepard definitely seemed to understand that. He liked that about her. Stomping towards the human woman he'd made into his slut, the Krogan snarls as he towers over her.

"On your knees slut, my balls still itch and now my cock needs sucking as well from that skilled little mouth of yours."

Jane goes wide eyed and a moment later pleads with the Krogan.

"W-wait, Grunt this still isn't the best place for this! Even more so now! There's going to be C-Sec swarming the area any moment!"

The domineering Krogan just snorts and begins reaching for the clasps on his cod piece all the same.

"I could care less Shepard; if they try to stop me I'll just beat them into submission too."

Hearing C-Sec approaching at a run, the Commander lashes out with her hand, grabbing Grunt's wrist.

"Wait… just… wait. Give me a second."

Grunt snorts at that, but pulls his hand back, standing still as the C-Sec officers fill the lounge, guns tracking and trying to find the culprit. They immediately lower their weapons as Shepard steps forward, the crimson haired woman holding up her hands and zeroing in on the highest ranking member of the group.

"Officer, I need you and your men to leave the area immediately, this is Spectre business! Furthermore, I need this entire floor and cleared and everyone prevented from entering the premises until I order otherwise! N-no matter what you hear, you must stay back!"

Shepard lets out a sigh of relief as C-Sec moves to obey. Thankfully she still has this much authority, even if she's the laughing stock of her ship and even here she's reduced to a Krogan's sex toy. Suddenly Grunt's hand is on her ass, squeezing her firm behind through her armor, and Jane tenses up, whimpering in order to keep the moan of need from escaping her tightly pressed together lips.

To distract herself from Grunt's casual molestation as they wait for C-Sec to come through, Shepard brings up her Omni-tool and connects to EDI.

"Greetings Commander, what can I do for you?"

Taking a slow breath, the woman tries to steady her voice, speaking as casually as possible.

"EDI, I just want you to let the crew know that I'll be out for a little longer than expected. We'll be leaving the Citadel tomorrow instead of tonight."

There's a pause and then the AI's voice sounds off again.

"And will the Krogan Grunt be with you Commander?"

Shepard's eyes drift shut as she grimaces. Her head drops in shame as she answers the question in a small voice.

"… Yes."

Then she shuts off the connection, just in time for the confirmation from C-Sec that her orders had been carried out came over her Omni-tool. Letting out a breath of relief, Shepard shuts off the entire device and abruptly turns around, facing Grunt and giving him a sultry smile as she slowly descends to her knees in front of him.

"Just you and me now big boy. Now, let's take a look at the big hard problem you're dealing with. See if I can't help trouble shoot it."

Grunt gave an approving snort and stood there as Shepard finally undid the clasps on his cod piece with shaking fingers, pulling the armor away and yelping as his huge Krogan member flopped out of what must have been painful confinement, smacking across her face in its entirety. Shepard instinctively breathed in and got a massive whiff of Krogan arousal from the sex organ that sent her into a mini-orgasm right then and there. A wanton moan left the red head's mouth as she nuzzled Grunt's length. One hand came up to stroke his shaft while the other moved under him to fondle the Krogan's four warm hanging testicles.

"Get on with it cunt, stop wasting my time."

As soon as the words left his mouth they were followed with a flaring of Grunt's nostrils as Shepard immediately took the tip of his engorged prick in between her lips, sucking him into her mouth as her jaw stretched wider and wider to accommodate the giant shaft. Cerberus probably hadn't meant for their money and their hard work in reassembling and improving Jane's body to be used this way, but they didn't really have a say in it at this point.

As a matter of fact, neither did Jane by now. Breathing in Grunt's scent, drinking down his precum, the red head was completely and utterly intoxicated, reduced in mere moments to the Krogan bitch she was now, underneath that thin veneer that was left of the Commander and Spectre she'd once been. Shepard moaned happily around Grunt's cock as she bobbed her head back and forth along the first half of his shaft, but that was never going to be enough and they both knew it.

With an eager growl that sent another flood of arousal through the slut, Grunt reached down and grabbed hold of Shepard's crimson hair, using his grip on her head to drive his cock forward down her throat, forcing the entirety of his huge Krogan dick into her mouth, until he was buried in her esophagus to his hilt, and her nose was being tickled by his pubes. Meanwhile, his balls were slapping against her chin as she struggled to continue fondling them, her eyes slowly rolling back in her head from lack of air as she choked on the giant alien member.

"Hulgkh, hulgkh, hulgkh."

Grunt lets out a triumphant roar into the air above them as he continues holding her face against his crotch, her tight throat spasming desperately around his cock and clenching down rhythmically. It's clear that Grunt is feeling a bit pent up, because the Krogan cums shortly after, his first load of seed coming hard and fast and leaving Shepard something entirely new to choke on.

Jane really did pass out for a brief moment as alien cum expelled violently from her nostrils and the corners of her mouth, dripping down her chin and onto her chest plate as her eyes completely rolled back in her head. Not that Grunt cared, knowing perfectly well by now exactly how much Shepard could take. He only pulled free of her poor throat when he was fully done, and then he grabbed the limp armored woman up in one hand, dragging her over to a nearby table that had managed not to get overturned and throwing her face down across it.

The red head woke up to Grunt practically tearing her lower armor plates off of her body along with literally tearing her under suit open to expose her ass and her cunt to his gaze and more importantly to his huge cock. Shepard only had a moment to get her hands up and cover her mouth before he was plunging into her pussy from behind with the entirety of his lubed up length, shoving every inch of his huge slab of Krogan meat inside of her without hesitation or preparation.

The cry of pleasure that threatened to tear its way free of Shepard's throat was caught by her hands, but as Grunt hooked his fingers into the belt of her armor and began to rail against her, Jane couldn't quite keep her mouth covered, forced to brace herself against the table as she was thoroughly fucked, and not able to quiet her voice any longer.


Shepard came at the end of her heart felt explicative laced cry, her body shaking under Grunt's thrusting and her cunt coating his member in her pussy juices. Panting heavily, it's all Jane can do to endure the rough alien sex from the monster currently buried deep inside of her. Her once tight passage has been carved out to fit the Krogan's massive girth, and now she spends most of her time gaping, until of course he fills her up once more. Having Grunt's dick inside of her is the only time Shepard feels normal anymore.

Being stuffed with Krogan cock is… she's addicted to it, and the Commander knows it. This is her life now, being Grunt's cunt, his cocksleeve. And she loves every moment of it. Shepard lets out another shout as she cums again, not caring anymore who hears her very audible orgasms. C-Sec has cleared the level, but the officers are still undoubtedly nearby, watching the entrances to make sure no one came in at the very least.

Those sentients could undoubtedly hear Shepard's lewd voice as Grunt fucked climax after climax from her slutty body. In the end, her pussy clenched down around his pistoning cock one too many times and finally she milked another load of seed from him, luxuriating in the feel of his cum filling up her womb to the brim and then some. But Grunt was still not done, not that he would be any time soon.

Still, there was one last hole he had not yet taken care of, and as he pulled free of her pussy and his seed spilled out onto the floor after him; the Krogan spread Shepard's butt cheeks wide, staring at the puckered ring of her asshole for a brief moment. Then he fit the tip of his still hard member against her sphincter and began to push in.

As Shepard took Grunt's cock up her ass, she had a brief moment of clarity through the haze. Nothing like a giant alien dick up your behind to bring you to full alertness. In that moment, Shepard saw something that until now she'd been missing. She had thought the lounge was entirely deserted, but right in front of her, twenty feet away, there was a booth that still had its privacy screen up. And through that opaque privacy screen, Shepard could see a white light.

It took the Commander a moment to realize what it was. Someone was in there, and they were recording this entire exchange. They were videotaping her humiliation and degradation at the hands of the tank-bred Krogan currently fucking her ass. Jane opened her mouth immediately. She'd tell Grunt, and he would put an end to it hopefully.

"Grunt, I-ack! Grrggggh!"

As soon as Jane opened her mouth, Grunt's fingers were there. He hooked a large digit into either side of her mouth, snapping her head backwards and forcing her back to arch as he used this new position to relentlessly plow her asshole. The more critical thing though was that his action served to act as a sort of gag for the Commander, his fingers pulling on either side of her mouth and stopping her from articulating a single word.

"Shut up cunt, you speak when spoken to you or not at all."

His words sent Jane into another orgasm spiral as tears fell from her eyes. Grunt was fucking her ass while someone recorded it from behind that privacy screen, and the Spectre had no way of telling him or of stopping it herself. A sudden terrifying thought struck the red head as she was continually railed up the butt, Grunt's cock never stopping nor resting its anal plundering of her poor behind.

What if they weren't just recording this, but actually streaming it? Shepard shuddered in a painful mixture of horror and arousal. The Commander couldn't help imagining that the video of her being fucked and filled with cum in every hole by Krogan cock was currently being broadcast across the Extranet. Her reputation would be ruined in an instant, just like it had been with her crew. She would be less than dirt in the eyes of both her own species and most of the other alien races that made up the Council.

Her ranks would be stripped from her, and she would be made an example of by the Systems Alliance and the Council both. After all, neither a Commander nor a Spectre could possibly be so weak as to become a submissive addict to Krogan cock. Shepard would become a tale of warning told in dive bars across the cosmos. A story of how even the strongest woman could be brought low by the right dick.

She would have nothing left, nothing but Grunt and his cock. Shepard could see it then and there, her new life, truly reduced to nothing but a Krogan cocksleeve by the public knowledge that that was what she always had been. In that instant, Jane Shepard saw stars, followed by white as she hit her peak and experienced the most powerful, most explosive orgasm that she'd ever felt.

As Grunt's cock continued to thrust nonstop into her asshole, Shepard came so hard that she passed out, dropping forward as he let go of her mouth and laying limply across the table, her body only moving when Grunt moved it with a powerful thrust, her tits sliding back and forth across the cold surface as Shepard lay there insensate, completely and utterly helpless.

Eventually she woke back up, but it was just more of the same in the next several hours. Grunt took her every hole again and again, filling her with several liters of cum and leaving her stuffed to the brim. When he was done with that, he started just cumming on her, covering her armor in his jizz and then pulling that off piece by piece so he could maul her breasts and cover her naked body in seed as well.

Grunt was only satisfied when Jane was well and truly marked as his, laying in a pool of her own pussy juices mixed with a truly ridiculous amount of cum. The red head, though her crimson hair was streaked with so much white that its color almost couldn't be discerned at this point, looked up at the Krogan male through bleary eyes as his cock finally softened.

"I'll see you back at the ship Shepard."

The tank-bred Krogan looks none the worse for wear as he casually picks up his codpiece and puts it back in place, looking practically like he'd just walked in. But then of course, he had just finished toweling himself off of his and her juices. Still, Grunt wasn't even tired as he turned on his heel and departed the lounge. Meanwhile Shepard was utterly exhausted, barely even capable of moving.

She heard the click clack of heels across the hard floor and with monumental effort, turned her head to face whoever had been recording them from behind the privacy screen. Her eyes widen at the sight of Khalisah al-Jilani, who just grins down at her evilly, the handheld camera in her hand and her other hand resting against her cocked hip as she looks Shepard over.

The reporter doesn't say a word, instead departing for a second. Then, she comes back and Jane can see the cam bot from before floating beside Khalisah as the dark skinned woman begins talking.

"As you can see behind me, the great Commander Jane Shepard, first human to ever become a Council Spectre, has been revealed to be a fraud. She is in fact, a complete and utter whore, addicted and desperate for what seems to be Krogan cock. The Commander has betrayed the Alliance and willingly submitted herself in a very intimate manner to an alien race."

The cam bot was still recording judging by the white light coming off of it, when Khalisah turned around and lifted a foot, bringing it down on one of Jane's naked tits and grinding the heel down into the sensitive flesh, drawing a groan of pain mixed with a moan of pleasure from the defenseless red head. The look of unadulterated glee on Khalisah's face makes Shepard feel nothing but humiliation. That humiliation is only compounded by the reporter's next words.

"You had all that time to make sure the bar was actually empty while you were waiting for C-Sec to clear the level for you. But you wasted it sending a message to your ship about how you were going to be held up, because you couldn't wait to be that Krogan's pathetic little whore."

Khalisah punctuated each of the last three words of her condemnation by grinding her foot down harder on Shepard's tit, taking great delight in the woman's helpless state.

"I guess I shouldn't have expected anything else from someone like you. Though I have to say, the way you took that Krogan's cock was impressive. I'm woman enough to admit that. He'd break me in half, but you're built so damn tough it seems. Too bad it's being used for this. If you'd asserted your dominance even a little, if you'd taken control of the situation, maybe I could have spinned things in your favor. But no, all you are is a slut. You make strong independent women everywhere look bad, you stupid cunt!"

Letting out a low breath, Khalisah composes herself, before smiling down at the weakened woman beneath her heel.

"This would make my career, this story. Unfortunately for me, but fortunately for you, I can't exactly send it out without your friends coming after me for revenge. And I know firsthand how many white knights you have ready to jump to your defense you fucking whore. I don't intend to die just to expose what an amazingly weak cunt you are. Lucky you."

It was clear Khalisah was building up to something, but Jane still couldn't help feeling relief that the camera hadn't been streaming directly to the Extranet like she'd feared. A small part of her felt dismay that her dream life of just being a Krogan cocksleeve was once more out of reach, but then Khalisah was speaking again and Jane was able to ignore that tiny voice in the back of her head.

"I still want something from you though. Three things actually, now that I think about it. First, no revenge. You come after me, or if anyone comes after me, this will be released on the Extranet. Hell, if I die in a freak accident this shit is getting released on the Extranet. You now have a vested interest in making sure I live Commander."

"Second, you're going to give me a full length interview. I'm thinking at least an hour, but if we go over then that's fine. You will NOT physically assault me EVER again, and you'll answer my questions until I'm happy with your answers. I'll let you schedule the time though, some point in the next month will be best I imagine. I know you're a busy woman Commander."

"The third and final thing I want from you… watching that Krogan beast fuck the ever-loving shit out of you was probably the hottest thing I've ever seen. I will no doubt end up masturbating to my private recording of the humiliating domination the alien visited upon you multiple times in the several few days. But for now, I'm horny. So you're going to lick me to completion, and then we'll be done here. Are we agreed?"

Shepard nods shakily.

"Y-yes… I a-agree…"

Khalisah's wide evil grin splits her face again and the reporter gets to work, taking the time to drag the buxom woman's heavy body over to the wall so she can prop Shepard up against it. Once she's done that, she practically prances over to the bar, grabbing a dirty cloth from behind it and moving back over to where Jane is slumped to roughly wipe down the red head's cum covered face.

Once the Commander's head is sufficiently cleaned to Khalisah's satisfaction the reporter tosses the rag away and undoes the ties holding her dress in place, letting it slip apart and spreading her legs wide as she leans forward, her glistening mound at perfect level with the red head's mouth. Grinding her pussy lips down on Shepard's face, Khalisah groans out as the other woman begins to lick at her, clearly inexperienced but at the same time desperate to please.

Resting a palm against the wall that Shepard is leaning again, Khalisah looks down between her body and said wall, undulating her sex across the Commander's face.

"You ruined me you know, two years ago. This is such sweet justice for me Shepard, you have no idea. I became a god damn laughing stock after you fucking punched me in the face on a live broadcast. When nothing happened, when you weren't brought up on charges or punished for physically assaulting a civilian in any way, people started thinking it was fine for them to end interviews with me by punching me, in the gut, in the face, in the chest."

Khalisah shuddered as the red head hit an especially lovely spot inside of her sopping wet cunt.

"Oh yeah, just like that slut. They called them Shepard Specials you know? And there was nothing I could do about it. My network even fucking liked it. Pretty soon, every single one of my interviews had to end in an assault of some sort. And it was your entire fault! Eat it slut, eat my pussy! Do a good job and maybe I'll let you do it again when we meet for that interview later on! Or maybe I'll buy a huge Krogan dildo and have you hold it in your ass while we're talking! God yes, fuck that's it!"

Khalisah's mouth dropped open in a silent scream of pleasure as Shepard's tongue brought her to completion. She reached the peak and went right over it, orgasming explosively all over Shepard's face. The dark skinned woman had always been a bit of a squirter. It had turned off more than a few of her bed partners, but here it didn't matter. Shepard was at her mercy, and she delighted in covering the red head's face with an all new mess as she slowly came down from her climax, panting heavily.

Slowly, the reporter steps back from Shepard's limp form, pulling her dress back across her body and tying it into place as she redressed herself and fixed her slightly disheveled hair.

"… Is it… Is it over?"

The words came from Jane Shepard and they were quiet… but Khalisah still heard them. Grinning sadistically, the beautiful dark skinned woman walked back over to where she'd propped the Commander up and looked down at her pathetic form, the other woman's legs spread wide and her arms lying limply on either side of her.

"Well, there is one last thing. Hold still for me, won't you?"

And then the reporter reared her leg back, kicking out with every ounce of power she could muster and slamming the toe of her high heel home into Jane's exposed cunt. The red head immediately doubled over in pain, crying out… but also shaking and orgasming right there on the spot as she fell over and her eyes rolled up in her head. Then, the woman outright passed out, falling entirely unconscious as Khalisah looked down at her.

The reporter just smirked, all too pleased with herself as she spit on the Commander's sleeping form.

"That was for all the fucking physical abuse I suffered at your hands and the hands of others because of you, you damn cunt."

Spinning around, Khalisah went to the cam bot and checked it over, playing back a little segment of the last several hours and smirking happily. The camera had caught every last instant of Jane Shepard's humiliation and degradation. The dark skinned reporter was inordinately pleased with herself as she guided the cam bot out of the Dark Star Lounge. Khalisah al-Jilani was in high spirits.

This was the happiest that the woman had been in years, but then she had very good reason for that. In the end, the reporter couldn't help but believe that this was simply karma made manifest. What goes around always comes around in the end. She had suffered because of Shepard's actions. But now the cunt was finally getting what was coming to her and her true colors were finally exposed, albeit not to the galaxy as Khalisah would prefer.

More importantly though, things were finally looking up for the dark skinned woman. Khalisah could already see the interview with Shepard now. She would make the red head woman apologize seemingly unprompted for assaulting her in those interviews years back, for a start. That would get her bosses off her back about incorporating assault into all of her interviews going forward. Then she could start pushing to bring Shepard back to the fold of humanity.

At least publicly anyways, Khalisah knew now that the pathetic woman would never truly believe in human superiority. Hell, even Khalisah was having a hard time believing in it after she saw how that Krogan had completely destroyed Shepard's holes for hours and then walked away barely out of breath. But Khalisah would settle for making the human Spectre admit on camera that her first loyalty belonged to the Systems Alliance and her species.

People needed their heroes, and regardless of Khalisah's personal opinion of the woman, Shepard was one of humanity's heroes. She needed to start acting like it, and now Khalisah was in a position to make sure the red head did just that. The reporter's back straightened up and she walked with a bit more spring in her step as a smile spread across her face.

It was a lot of responsibility, but Khalisah knew she was ready to handle it. Jane Shepard needed a firm human hand to go along with the huge Krogan dick that she'd become addicted to. Khalisah would be that hand, a gentle guiding force when possible and a firm backhand across the stupid cunt's face when necessary. It was only justice, at the end of the day.


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