Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

The Strongest Avenger (Marvel)

A/N: The Strongest Avenger is a commission written in two parts back in July of 2020 and February of 2021. I've compiled it into a one-shot to be read here!

Summary: A couple of months after tracking Thanos down and relieving him of his head, Thor has had just about enough of Carol Danvers and her attitude. The Midgardian woman is on his last nerve. If she's not careful, she might just find out why he's the Strongest Avenger.

Themes: Mind Break, Dom/Sub, Rough Sex


Thor hated being proven wrong. But, unfortunately, he'd grown far too much from his experiences over the past decade to be unable to admit it when he was. And as he watches the self-styled Captain Marvel pull herself out of the dirt yet again with an aching groan, he's got to admit… he was wrong about her.


"… The victory was mine, Lady Danvers. It would not do for you to push yourself too far in an impossible task. I am simply much stronger than you, and that is alright."

"N-No, fuck that! You got lucky; I demand a rematch!"

Even as she's speaking, her voice is leveling out. Thor will admit, the Midgardian woman's recovery time is admirable. But it's utterly meaningless when it comes to these duels of theirs. She can't win, and Thor is not the kind of man to let a woman's ego guide his movements. Not anymore, at least. He won't go easy on her, just because she is a lady.

Admittedly, his original test of Carol Danvers was clearly flawed, in hindsight. When they'd first met, it had been in a time of great inner turmoil for Thor. Not that said turmoil had really gone away in the few months since, but the point remained. They, those that remained of the Avengers and their allies, had been talking about going after Thanos.

Thor's first impression of Carol was that she was a strong woman, and very willful. He didn't mind that one bit, in fact, he'd always had a love for strong women. From his own mother Frigga, to Sif, to Lady Jane, to Valkyrie… strong women had been a part of Thor's life for as long as he could remember, and he held great respect in his heart for them.

However, there was strength and willfulness, and there was courage in the face of overwhelming power… and then there was over-confidence, arrogance, and pure unadulterated ego. Thor had been mistaken when he'd assumed Carol was demonstrating courage during their first encounter. Summoning Stormbreaker right beside her head had been intended to see just how strong her convictions were, and the unflinching response he'd received had certainly impressed him.

… He was not so impressed any longer. Carol Danvers, Captain Marvel, whatever you wanted to call her… she was not courageous when she refused to flinch at his action. It wasn't courage that kept her staring at him with such unwavering conviction. It was sheer, pig-headed stubbornness. It was the Midgardian woman thinking that she was stronger than him, more powerful than HIM.

Now, Thor had been proven wrong about plenty in life, but there were a few things that had held true, even throughout the last ten years of insanity. One was that he was a God, the God of Thunder, Lightning, and the Storm. The other was that he was the Strongest Avenger. Hulk didn't count, because half the time or more he was Bruce Banner, who was a puny mortal man. Thus, since you had to count Bruce and Hulk as the same person, you had to balance out the Hulk's strength with Bruce's weakness. Making Thor the strongest avenger.

However, ever since they'd gone and… dealt with Thanos (and delivering that final blow really hadn't been the absolution Thor was looking for, he had to be honest), Lady Danvers had been a bit of a thorn in his side. It started with her making comments about how easily she could have handled some of the fights that the Avengers had dealt with. Such as Loki and his Chitauri Army, or Ultron and his Robot Army.

She seemed convinced that if she'd been around for it, things would have been handled much faster. And then, she'd begun to poke Thor directly. One did not poke the King of Asgard like a bear, not even if that King was a King-In-Exile. When the self-styled Captain Marvel had begun to pick apart HIS great deeds in particular, talking about how she would have done things differently when faced with the Jotun or the Dark Elves or even his humiliating time as a gladiator fighter on Sakaar, Thor had done his best to laugh it off and gently tell her that she couldn't hope to have done better than him, given he was the strongest avenger.

That had been what sparked the first challenge from Carol and speaking of which… letting out a sigh as the blonde Midgardian woman in question stands across from him, glaring defiantly with her hands clenched into fists at her side, awaiting his response, Thor shakes his head.

"This has been our third bout in a row that I have proven the victor of, Lady Danvers. I would say at this point, it is clear that the difference in our strength has nothing to do with luck."

It really was getting a little ridiculous. Carol Danvers had quickly gone from a courageous, strong woman worthy of his respect, to an annoying gnat who refused to acknowledge his power, or even just leave him alone. Thor was getting a little fed up with it at this point, but he was also still trying to be at least passably diplomatic. He was supposed to be a King now, after all, even if he was effectively a King of Nowhere and No One…

"Don't call me that."

At his curious look, she expounds on what she means.

"Don't call me 'Lady Danvers'. For starters, I'm not nobility. Secondly, it makes me sound like some fragile flower that needs to be protected. Chivalry is inherently misogynistic and sexist. You can call me by my rank. Captain Danvers."

Thor will acknowledge she has at least some of a point. So, he inclines his head.

"Very well, Captain Danvers. All the same, I think at this point we have established that when it comes to facing off against me, you might as well be a fragile flower."

Carol bristles at that, the blonde glaring at him, before a sudden cocky grin is back on her face.

"Then you won't mind humoring me with a fourth. Unless you're afraid to lose, so-called God of Thunder."

Her taunting, mocking tone does not fail to get a reaction from him. Thor's jaw clenches, and he stares back at this impudent, arrogant Midgardian. He's… done playing nice. He's done playing altogether.


The instant he bites out his agreement, the Captain is upon him, bursting forward and swinging a closed fist directly towards his jaw in an attempt to end the duel in one single punch. Thor catches her fist in his hand of course, twisting her arm to the side and delivering a punch of his own directly into her abdomen, taking the breath from her lungs as she doubles over his fist. As she's trying to recover her breath, Thor leans in and whispers into her ear.

"Let me be clear, Captain Danvers. This will be our final bout. Let's call it 'all or nothing', as you Midgardians like to say."

He pulls back his fist and releases her wrist for good measure a moment later, letting the heroine stumble back, still on her feet, rather than delivering a series of blows that could and would have ended the fight right then and there. Carol is left coughing and hacking for a moment before she once again recovers, straightening up, only to find Thor standing there with his arms crossed over his chest, not even bothering to take this or her seriously any longer.

Gritting her teeth, the arrogant woman launches herself forward at him once more, ever the brawler. Despite his earlier thought about being 'done playing', Thor does spend the next several minutes doing exactly that. He's barely even fighting back, though he does deliver a few punishing blows here and there like the first one, to remind Carol of the difference in their strengths.

All or nothing indeed… this is ridiculous. And utterly pointless. Fighting this woman will not bring back his brother, or his father and mother, or his friends and people. Beating her again and again will not make Thor feel better about being so damn late to save everyone who ever mattered to him, again and again and again.

And yet, as Carol fights with increasing desperation, pulling out all of the stops to try and defeat him, even throwing around her photon blasts to little effect, Thor finds something else welling up deep inside of him. It's not satisfaction, nor contentment, nor happiness… but it could be. When Carol brings out her trump card, Thor isn't even surprised.

It had gone unspoken, but still been understood between the two of them that they wouldn't do anything truly lethal to the other. As the Captain enters what Thor has heard referred to as 'Binary Mode', it's clear that all bets are off. Probably his fault for declaring this 'all or nothing', but ah well… it's not like he has cause to be worried.

Calling Stormbreaker to his hand is the work of a moment. Suffusing himself with lightning, filling himself with the power of his element, Thor just smiles at Carol, cocking an eyebrow over a glowing, lightning-white eye, as if to ask her if she's going to make a move or not. When the powerful woman launches forward, Thor is there to meet her… with the flat of Stormbreaker.

It is the ultimate disrespect, the way he swings his axe so that it's the flat of the lightning-infused weapon that slams into the side of her head. The Midgardian Captain might be stronger and faster in Binary Mode… but she's not stronger and faster than Lightning itself, and that is Thor's Domain.

What follows is a smack down. Even with Carol pulling out all the stops, Thor wins, because of course he does. HE is the strongest avenger; HE is the King of Asgard. HE is the God of Thunder… and it's far past time that this Midgardian BITCH recognizes that. As Captain Marvel's trump card flickers out, her Binary Mode coming to an end, leaving the woman exhausted before him as he pins her to the ground, Thor smiles. It's not a nice smile, but she's too busy gritting her teeth and grabbing at his thick wrist to notice.

"Get… g-get off me."

Rather than following her command, Thor leans into it a little more, even as he tosses Stormbreaker away.

"It is my win, Captain Danvers. And now, I think it is high time you received a lesson in humility."

Lightning dancing across his fingers even now, Thor reaches out, grabs Carol's costume by it's collar, and proceeds to rip it away, tearing down the front of her body. For the first time, the blonde sounds less than strong, less than confident, less than arrogant as she positively squeals at the sudden exposure. Her body… is nothing to write home about, but Thor imagines it to be on the positive side of the spectrum when it comes to Midgardian Beauty. She'd have nothing on Lady Sif or Valkyrie for instance, but not everyone can be Asgardian Perfection.

"What the fuck?! The fuck do you think you're doing?! Get off-!"


In the midst of her screeching, Thor backhands Carol across the face, silencing her, momentarily. He considers kissing her then to silence her even more, quite certain that she can't even hope to bite through his tongue, but in the end, Thor decides against that. Instead, he will move directly to teaching this bitch the lesson he has in mind.

Holding her by the throat with one hand, forcing her legs up into the air with his body and locking her in place with ease, Thor brings his other hand down between her thighs, clapping his palm over her cunt. She's only slightly moist, as she screams expletives at him and struggles ineffectually to break free of his grasp. So, Thor shoves three fingers up into her cunt and begins to go to work.

Sawing the digits in and out of Carol, he watches as her face contorts. Anger is predominant, at least at first, accompanied by fury and rage in equal measure. But no matter how mad she is at what he's doing, her efforts to break his hold on her are for not. He is stronger than her, there's absolutely no doubt about that now. After all, if she was anywhere close to his equal, then he wouldn't be able to have his way with her like this.

Ah, but as much as this is to be a demonstration of her inadequacy, it's also meant to be more. He's going to show her that there's absolutely nothing wrong with being a Lady when a King is involved. Driving his digits into her twat again and again, Thor's not-so-nice smile begins to grow as he quickly sees results.

Despite her struggling, despite her reluctance… it's not long before the long-haired blonde is squeaking and even moaning from what his fingers are doing to her cunt. Her cunt, which is proving to be incredibly responsive to the rough treatment he's delivering unto her. In no time at all, the so-called Captain Marvel goes from merely moist to sopping wet. His fingers begin to squelch as they go in and out of her increasingly sloppy cunt, to the point that even Thor raises an eyebrow as he looks down at her flustered, bright red face.

"Ah… so that's the kind of woman you are."

As Carol sputters and tries to deny it beneath him, Thor is ignoring her, removing his fingers from her cunt, and instead moving them to his pants instead. He's been around for a long, long time… and he's been all throughout the Nine Realms in that time. Despite it being his friend Fandral (may he rest in peace) who had been known as the philandering womanizer, Thor had bedded his fair share of women from all of the Nine Realms as well.

Which was why he knew not all women were the same. They came in all different shapes and sizes and colors, but beyond physically, they also came in all different shades of personality. For instance, Lady Jane was the kind of girl who liked to be pampered and treated well. She was a great thinker, and at the end of the day she just wanted to leave the thinking to the side and melt into Thor's massages and bubble baths, and the sweet, slow lovemaking he'd performed upon her.

Lady Sif, on the other hand, was at the opposite end of the spectrum, not that anyone knew about it. Certainly, they would never have heard about it from Thor. The warrior woman had fought for far too many years to be viewed as a capable fighter among the denizens of Asgard for him to ruin any of it for her. But it didn't change the fact that Sif had come to him once in a while for a certain sort of no-holds-barred, rough sex.

As much of a warrior as Sif was, she was also a woman, and when a woman spends all of that time fighting, they go one of two ways when it comes to sex. Either they take their conquering ways into the bedroom as well, like Thor imagined his sister Hela would have done if she ever even had a lover, or they wanted the exact opposite, to be dominated and conquered, which was what Lady Sif had wanted of him time and time again over the centuries they'd spent in each other's company.

Having finger blasted Danvers almost all the way to orgasm, Thor can say without a doubt in his mind now that she's in deep denial, and more akin to Lady Sif then his sister, almost certainly. So, with that in mind, he frees his cock from its confines, lifts himself up to his full height, pins Carol to the ground by forcing all of her weight onto her neck and shoulders, and then slams his cock home into her hungry, sopping wet twat without a single ounce more of fanfare.

"B-Bastard, get off me, get off- no, wai-AIIIIEEEEE!!!"

The blonde Midgardian woman has all of a moment to realize what he's about to do before it's happening, and then Thor is buried inside of her slick cunt and filling her to the brim with his Asgardian cock, and her feminine scream is music to his ears, only further confirming what he already suspected as her hips buck against his penetration and she immediately orgasms around his cock.

Chuckling darkly, Thor holds the would-be heroine by the ankles as he begins to fuck her, slowly at first, but picking up steam with every thrust.

"You are puny and tiny, Captain. It is far time that someone show you what happens when you get in over your head. I suppose as the latest and likely last King of Asgard, it is up to me to make sure those of lesser races such as yourself learn the price and folly of hubris."

"You-oh! Fucking-a-ah! GOD DAMNIIIIIT!!!"

Thor slams home into her cunt again and again, even as Carol tries and fails to recover even a semblance of her dignity and pride. The blonde attempts to speak up, likely to censure him, over and over, but Thor's piledriving thrusts down into her sopping wet twat break her concentration and drive her to distraction over and over again. Her voice is soon occupied with nothing more than squeals, moans, and shrieks as her eyes cross and her lips form into a pouty little o-shape.

He's not even leveraging his full strength against her right now, but the humiliating position he's put her in is keeping her pinned down, and it seems the pleasure that's now assaulting her senses is slowly driving the heroine to utter ecstasy, stripping away every ounce of resistance she had. So, he keeps fucking her, keeps slamming home into her cunt as she cums around his cock again and again.

Still, just because her body has learned to submit does not mean her mind is ready. With a grunt and some serious willpower, Thor slows down and ultimately comes to a stop entirely, reaching down and grabbing Carol by the hair, forcing her to look up into his sparking eyes, a God deigning to lay with a mortal woman in every sense of the word.

"W-Why… why d-did you stop?"

She sounds so lost, so vulnerable, so… confused. Smirking a little, Thor grips tightly at her blonde locks and makes sure she's definitely looking right at him as he speaks.

"Did you want me to continue?"

She hesitates briefly, and he prepares to keep on putting her in her place, before finally she jerkily nods. Thor's smirk grows wider still as he drops his grip on her hair, letting her head fall back to the ground and once more grabbing hold of her by the legs as he folds her body in over itself, keeping her pinned in the utterly humiliating and degrading pose beneath him.

"Then beg. Beg me to keep fucking you. Beg me to put you in your place, whore."

He was, admittedly, copying a fair bit from the playbook that he'd developed with Sif. Obviously, a proud warrior woman like the Lady Sif wasn't just going to walk up to the Prince of Asgard and ask him to dominate her and fuck her silly, especially not after she'd spent so many decades training and earning his respect as a fighter first and foremost.

But she's given the signs all the same, and in the end, it'd only taken one mead-heavy night for them to have an encounter where she initiated what Thor had found out the Midgardians termed 'hate sex'. Only with time had come the understanding that Sif wanted Thor to rise to her bait and truly put her in her place.

Now though, now he was much older, much wiser… and King of Asgard besides. There was no need to experiment or take the time to learn all the little quirks that made Carol Danvers tick. The self-styled Captain Marvel would bend, or she would break. For the moment, she was bending quite beautifully.

"P-Please… please, keep f-fucking me… p-put me in my place…"

Thor grunts, pulling his cock halfway out of Carol's cunt and causing the long-haired blonde to panic.

"W-Wait! Put t-this worthless whore in her place, I'm begging you!"

He pauses… and then laughs as he slams back home into her twat again. Her own self-degradation and humiliation, combined with the feeling of his cock stretching out her insides all the way to her cervix is enough to send Carol over the edge again, the so-called heroine squealing like a slut as she cums all over his cock for the umpteenth time, her eyes positively ROLLING in her head.

Sneering down at her, Thor fucks her harder and faster, while calling her all kinds of names along the way. Slut. Whore. Bitch. Trash. Carol responds to each with noises in the affirmative, when she's not outright agreeing with him and screaming 'Yes, yes, YES!' or 'More, fuck me MORE you bastard!' at the top of her lungs.

With a somewhat satisfied grunt, Thor slams home into the Midgardian woman one last time and delivers a load of his essence directly into her womb. Carol responds with the most ridiculous expression he's ever seen on a lover's face. Not even Lady Sif was so… reprehensible in the throes of orgasm, but to be fair, Sif was an Asgardian Warrior. Danvers is only human, as the Midgardians like to say.

Regardless, Thor is not done. Pulling out of Carol's creampied twat, he straightens up for a moment as he lets her legs and the rest of her body flop down to the ground finally, taking in the splayed form of the woman for all of a moment before reaching down and grabbing her by her blonde locks. Dragging Carol to her knees by way of her long hair is more than enough to bring the bitch back to the land of the cognizant and comprehending. Slapping his messy cock across her face is probably a fairly good way of doing so as well.

Going cross-eyed at first trying to take in his meaty member, Carol then looks up at him from around his cock, blinking slowly, almost lazily.

"We've established what you are by now, cunt. You are a whore, a slut, a bitch desperate for a real man's cock. Aren't you?"

He doesn't even have to ask twice or tug on her hair. Carol bites her lower lip, but in the end answers quietly in the affirmative.


Smiling down at her, though once again it's not a kind of affectionate smile that graces the King of Asgard's face, Thor tightens his grip on her hair anyways, drawing a gasp from her lips.

"Now we will establish what I am to you. Or rather, I will talk… you will be busy putting that mouth of yours to proper use, trash."

She opens her mouth to respond, only to think better of it, averting her gaze submissively as she shuts up. When Thor presses the head of his messy cock against her soft lips however, she opens up again, allowing him to slide forward, stretching her jaw wide as his massive Asgardian member fills her tiny Midgardian mouth to the brim and then some. Her teeth graze across his length, but it's as Thor thought before in regard to his tongue… she can't positively hurt him.

Dragging Carol down the length of his cock until he reaches the back of her throat and she chokes for the first time; Thor forces her head back so she's looking him in the eye again and speaks.

"I am the King of Asgard."

And then he forces his cock down the back of her throat, and her further down his member.


"I am the God of Thunder."



"Of Lightning."



"And the Storm."

Reaching out with his other hand, Thor takes hold of Carol's head with both, and begins to drive his way in and out of her throat, full on skull fucking her right then and there as she kneels before him, helpless and completely submissive.


"I am as to you, as you are to an ant. You should be content to have even caught my eye, you worthless slut. You are nothing, but I… I have deigned to give you my attention anyways, to show you that there are beings far more powerful than you, so that you may learn."


"From this day forth, I am your King and God! From this day forth, you worship Thor, God of Thunder, above all others!"

As his words echo throughout the empty grassy plain far from civilization that they'd come to in order to be able to duel without collateral damage, Carol continues to choke and gag and gurgle around his thrusting member. But he's also well aware of how she's touching herself down betwixt her thighs, and he can see the wide-eyed submission brimming in her eyes as she stares up at him in awe and reverence.

This is… something of a bastardized claiming of a champion. It's been a long time since Thor did something like this… as far back as his and his brother's last trips to Midgard when they were far younger. Of course, when Thor blessed the Vikings and such who worshipped him and Asgard as their Gods, it was usually males he blessed, and it didn't ever involve this sort of thing.

Which was what made this bastardized. But that didn't make it any less real, and as Thor lets go of his hold on Carol's hair and head, as he ceases skull-fucking her on his cock… he smiles as she continues the movements all on her own, almost fervent in her desire to show her devotion, her adoration, her… worship.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Bobbing up and down on his cock, forcing her head forward to take as much of his length down her bulging, flexing throat as she possibly can, Carol's eyes remain fixed on his face, reverence shining in them, even as she continues to play with her cunt down below, practically fisting herself in worship to him at this point, while using her tongue, mouth, and throat to worship his member directly.

Planting his hands on his hips, Thor allows himself a satisfied smile as he nods down at the whorish would-be heroine approvingly.

"Good. Very good."

His praise, as meager and faint as it truly is, spurs Carol on even further. The blonde has given up all pretenses now. No longer is she reluctant or fighting back. She is well and truly submitting to him with all her heart, kneeling there at his feet, naked as the day she was born, deep-throating his cock, and worshipping him like some of the priestesses of old.

Feeling the connection forming between them, Thor lets it happen. While it's true that making Carol his 'champion' will give her some small measure of his power to wield against her foes, the bond that he gets with her as a result is much more one-sided in his favor. She becomes his, effectively bound to him as his woman, his servant, his worshipper for the rest of her life.

Bringing his hands back down, crackling with lightning, he runs them almost gently through Carol's hair as she continues to slam herself down on his cock, as she continues to choke herself on his majestic Asgardian member. After a moment, he tightens his grip up once more, and pulls her down to the base of his cock, forcing the entirety of his length down her esophagus and into her gullet as he begins to cum.

No warning, no time given to prepare. A whorish little slut doesn't deserve such things, and Thor fully intends to start off their new relationship right… with a reminder to Carol that she is worth less than the dirt on the bottom of his boot. With a grunt, Thor cums, and with a choked gurgle, Carol mostly fails to handle his load.

She makes a belated try for swallowing his seed, but she's already choking by the time she even thinks to. His cum comes out of the nostrils of her nose, no doubt burning on its way, and it spills from the sides of her overflowing, stuffed mouth. The self-styled Captain Marvel is left looking like an utter mess by the time Thor is done with her and pulls back, letting her pop off of his cock.

Dazed and kneeling there before him, there's nevertheless nothing but worship and reverence in those glazed-over eyes of hers. And yet… even now, Thor is not finished.

"Prostrate yourself before me, cunt. Bow before your God."

Carol's body moves on its own, a side effect of the bond they now share. As he'd mentioned before, it truly was incredibly one-sided in his favor. For the power that he'd gifted her, part of him now resided within her… which made it incredibly difficult for her to ignore his edicts and dictates, and all but impossible for her to refuse a direct command, especially when she was willing in the first place.

So, the good Captain ends up with her face pressed down to the ground before him, her ass slightly in the air. Moving around to behind her, Thor reaches down and grabs her by her hips, yanking her ass much further into the air before spreading her cheeks to reveal her last unclaimed hole. It'd taken quite a long time for Lady Sif to prompt him to fuck her back door, but when he finally had, they'd quickly discovered that the Asgardian woman loved getting butt-fucked even more than she loved normal coitus.

Something told Thor that Carol would turn out the same way, though he can tell from her trembling body as he fits the head of his saliva-coated cock against her sphincter that she's nervous and fearful of the idea at the moment. But this isn't about what she wants… this is about serving her new God. And so, without another word to his newest disciple, Thor thrusts forward. He encounters some resistance, certainly more resistance than her sopping wet cunt provided on his first thrust.

Carol lets out a low, keening wail beneath him, even as Thor pulls back, only to thrust in again, deeper this time. He does this again and again, slamming home into Carol's back door with the same force and ferocity he delivered to her twat. Ah, but there's something missing… that's right, the self-abasement of his newest follower.

Reaching out, Thor grabs Carol by her blonde hair and positively yanks her head back on his next pass, giving her some serious whiplash as he thrusts into her while at the same time making her back arch beautifully in the process. The blonde Midgardian's low keening wail transforms into a full blown scream of agony as her poor innocent anus is forced to take even MORE of her new God's cock, while at the same time she herself is forced into quite the uncomfortable shape.


Delivering a stinging spanking to her backside quiets her down a bit, allowing Thor to finally speak to her as he continues to fuck her ass.

"Who am I, slut?"

"The S-Strongest! Y-you're the Strongest Avenger!


He delivers another punishing spanking to Carol's ass, and the blonde squeals as she experiences her first anal orgasm. Both of them know full well that spanking her isn't even really punishment at this point… she's quickly becoming too masochistic not to enjoy it now that their bond is influencing her towards his tastes a fair bit more.

"What are you, cunt?"

"W-Worthless! I'm a worthless whore! I'm yours, my King! However you want me!"


As Carol squeals and shrieks, Thor continues to pulverize her anally, his cock slamming home into her bowels even deeper than it did her cunt now that there's no cervix in the way to block him. Hm, perhaps he should have gone the extra mile and broken through her cervix altogether when he'd initially fucked her, but he'd not been entirely sure of her durability yet. Ah well, there would always be a next time now that she was effectively his property.

"And why should I want you?"

For a moment, Carol doesn't respond, and Thor readies himself to stop and force her to do so, only to receive an answer that's almost quiet, compared to her previous exclamations.

"T-There is no reason, my King… I'm worthless. I'm trash. A-All I can do is beg you for your forgiveness and mercy!"



Thor smiles, and finally there's a note of affection in it, of happiness. He's pleased with how quickly Carol has come to accept the truth about herself and her place at his feet. Fucking her in the ass even harder than before, he proceeds to take the blonde Midgardian to her limits and beyond, using her long locks fashioned into a makeshift ponytail as a set of reins to pull her head back even as he delivers punishing spankings to her rapidly reddening behind and forceful thrusts to her bowels.

Over and over again, Thor asks her who he is, who she is, and what worth she has to him. Over and over again, Carol answers in slightly different ways, from naming her as her God or King rather than just the Strongest Avenger, to declaring herself a cum dumpster or a fuck toy, phrases that Thor has briefly heard mentioned in modern times here on Midgard. No doubt, the blonde has been doing her own sort of research on the Midgardian 'Inter-net'.

Regardless, with a sense of finality and total victory, Thor pulls out and paints Carol's back and ass white with his seed. He covers her in his essence, marking her as his own quite effectively. The moment he so much as loosens his grip on her hair, the Midgardian woman whips around on her knees and proceeds to inhale his cock down her throat again, worshipping it quite lovingly and reverently as she wraps her arms around his torso, giving him quite the lewd hug in the process. With her cheeks sucked in most perversely and her eyes sparking with his lightning as she looks up at him… Thor can't help but smile down at her and pat her on the head as she continues her worship of her new deity.

Perhaps it doesn't fix anything, perhaps it doesn't bring back his brother or his parents or his people. Perhaps nothing can ever go back to the way it was, and his defeat of Thanos was too damn late to make any sort of difference. But Thor has to admit to a certain sense of satisfaction in showing Carol the truth about herself. Putting the obstinate woman in her place… it'd been fun.

Perhaps that was his purpose now, his need for being. Perhaps this was why he was still alive when everyone else had died. To help people find their way, one way or another.


Of course, a month later Valkyrie and the other half of the Asgardian refugees that Thanos originally let live back on the Statesman show up on Earth and suddenly Thor is actually King of something again. New Asgard is a generous gift by the Midgardians by any measure, and for now it is enough for the small amount of his people that remain.

Thanks to his new 'relationship' with his 'champion' (though she preferred cum dump to Champion) Thor does not fall into despair nor pick up certain bad eating habits. Instead, he leads as a King should, with Carol always there to be whatever he needs her to be. Meanwhile, the more time Thor spends around Valkyrie, the more he wonders just what sort of warrior woman SHE is.

Perhaps… perhaps he should find out.


Standing off to the side, Brunnhilde, the last of King Odin's Valkyries… and perhaps the first of King Thor's, can't help but be impressed. Currently, the young King of Asgard sits upon his throne, presiding over yet another domestic dispute between two of their people. Frankly, sometimes the dark-skinned woman feels almost apologetic for bringing the last remnants of Asgard to Thor's doorstep.

But no, she knows better than that. Even if the Asgardians have their disagreements, Brunnhilde knows that Thor wouldn't trade this for anything in the world. The way he'd lit up when he'd seen her and the remains of their much diminished race, the way he'd taken to his Kingship like a fish to water… it'd only been a couple months since she and their people had arrived on the Statesman, and yet in that time, Thor had been very, very busy.

In these modern times, not many Scandinavians still worshipped Asgard as their gods. Except, then Thor had shown up in a very public way over in this world's 'Big Apple' (Brunnhilde still didn't quite understand what that meant, and Thor just laughed whenever she tried to get him to explain it. She'd figure it out eventually.) and suddenly, the Norse Pantheon had been gaining a resurgence in the lands where Thor and Loki had once spent their childhoods messing around and playing games with primitive mortals.

In the end, it was actually relatively easy for Thor to convince Norway to quite literally secede part of their lands to him and the last remnants of Asgard. A combination of pure hero worship as well as sympathy for the plight of a wandering King and his equally wandering people, as Thor had explained it to Brunnhilde. And just like that, they had a home again, and not just something on loan or rented, but actual land to build and thrive upon.

The small little village that they'd built in these past two months didn't look much like the gleaming, glowing city of gold that was once Asgard, but it had the beginnings of something great to it, with Asgardian ingenuity weaving seamlessly through Norse architecture, leaving everything in the form of grandiose longhouses and the like.

If you'd asked Brunnhilde if her King had it in him, she would have expressed considerable doubt. Even when they'd been initially left the destruction of Asgard behind them and everyone had been in high spirits, Brunnhilde had concerns on whether or not the loss and tragedy would weight too heavily on Thor for him to be a good, strong King.

Then Thanos attacked and Loki and Heimdall died along with a full half of their people who still lived. Brunnhilde still wished that she could have stayed behind and fought as well, but then she would just be one more person dead at Thor's feet rather than living and standing at her young King's side now. In the end, whatever misgivings she had, it was best that she and what little remained of their people had taken the Statesman and made their way to Earth.

Still, in the wake of all of that, combined with Thanos' victory (even if they'd gone and found the bastard and killed him after the fact) Brunnhilde had expected Thor to be in no state of mind to rule. She was pleased to have been proven pleasantly wrong. That wasn't to say the terrible events that had befallen them, and their people hadn't phased Thor at all. If that were the case, she would likely have lost respect for him in a whole other way entirely.

Instead, it was like these events, events that should and would have broken any lesser man… had somehow tempered Thor into the King that New Asgard needed today. Where once he was quite easy-going and loose with rules and propriety, now he was stoic and adamant about proper address and traditions, he was… kingly, in a way that he simply wasn't before.

It was clear that the experiences and losses he'd suffered had shaped him into the man Brunnhilde stood beside now, who she was PROUD to stand beside. He would no longer accept blatant disrespect of his authority. That's not to say he wasn't open to advice and criticism, but he no longer tolerated public challenges. And frankly, she understood why that was quite well. He wanted, no, he NEEDED to show both their people and the world a united front. Neither Thor nor New Asgard could be shown to be weak or indecisive at this point in time, and her young King seemed to understand this quite well.

Even now, as Thor listens to yet another domestic dispute, Brunnhilde can't help but be impressed by Thor's composure and patience. As the Head of his Royal Guard, she watches him do this day after day, and today is no different. Even after hours of tending to his kingly duties, he hasn't once let slip the mask of royalty he wears for the public.

It's made even more impressive by the simple fact that the last Valkyrie KNOWS Thor. She knows he despises ruling, that he never wanted to be the King in the first place, and that he'd ultimately only accepted the mantle out of a heartfelt duty and responsibility to his people. They required his care, and in the end Thor would always self-sacrifice for Asgard. In this case, the people, not the place.

That already made him a better ruler than Odin in Brunnhilde's eyes. The dark-skinned Valkyrie had experienced first hand how the so-called 'benevolent' Allfather had killed and conquered his way into power. Oh sure, Thor constantly liked to claim that his father had changed in his twilight years, and out of respect for HER King, she tried to keep her lack of respect towards his father from leaving her lips… but the point still stood.

Odin might have proven himself to be a wise leader in his twilight years, Brunnhilde honestly didn't know. But Thor had proven himself to be a wise, strong leader NOW, in the beginning of his reign, proving himself harsh but fair in every judgment, in every decision he made. Not even Brunnhilde dared to make smartass comments in public anymore. Not out of fear, but out of respect… and perhaps something a little more.

Thor practically oozed authority these days, in a way he hadn't back on Sakaar or even on the Statesman. Combined with her nascent attraction towards the admittedly handsome God of Thunder, her lust for him had only multiplied in these last two months. It'd actually… it'd actually gotten to the point of impeding her in her duties, at least a little bit. She found herself almost constantly distracted, daydreaming about Thor turning some of that commanding, domineering power onto her.

It had become something of a taboo desire for her though, the idea that because she's once again pledged to the throne of Asgard, that she's technically sworn to obey him in ALL things. Of course, Thor would never take advantage of her in the way Odin had done with his Valkyries, sending them to their deaths against Hela. And he certainly would never take advantage of her in the way she fantasized about, not without her consent.

But sometimes, in her darkest moments, she wished he would.

"Very well. I have heard your words and considered your claims. The judgement is as follows…"

Pulled from her thoughts, the dark-skinned Valkyrie smiles just a little as Thor explains his judgment. From what little she'd been listening to during this particular dispute, it's a just and fair and quite even-handed judgement. When he's done speaking, the two Asgardians who have brought their claim before him are both nodding along, looking somewhat grim. They aren't happy, but they are satisfied, and that was why they'd brought their claim to Thor in the first place, because they'd known that their King would find a way to leave them both equally unhappy, and that would be enough to in turn leave them each content.


As they're dismissed from the King's Longhouse, the most grandiose building in all of New Asgard, Thor turns to look in her direction, twisting in his throne.

"Is that all of them, or are there still more, Valkyrie?"

Straightening up under his gaze, thrusting out her chest perhaps a bit more than was necessary, Brunnhilde nevertheless smiles as she gives her King the answer she knows he wants to hear.

"That's all of them, my King."

A small smile breaks across Thor's face at that as well, his kingly façade cracking just a bit since it's just the two of them left. Except, as her heart races a bit more at the sight of his smile directed unto her, Brunnhilde can't help but feel he looks even more kingly like this.

"Very good. You're relieved for the day then. Go on and join our people down in the village square for the Yuletide Festival, Brunnhilde."

Furrowing her brow ever so slightly, she cocks her head to the side at the way he speaks. It sounds as if…

"Will you not be joining me, your Majesty?"

Shaking his head, Thor waves a hand dismissively.

"No, no. I think I'm rather tired today, and I'll be retiring to my chambers for the evening. I'm sure our people will have just as much fun without me. I'm sure you will as well."

Brunnhilde stiffens as she thinks, just for a moment, that she sees a bit of what must be the soul-deep weariness that Thor is carrying around with him. Her King doesn't show weakness very often, but it seems he's showing it to her now. And as the head of his Royal Guard, it's her place to shore up that weakness wherever possible.

"I don't think I will, my King. My place is at your side. Retire to your chambers and I will take up post outside the door."

She very nearly says 'Let us retire to your chambers together', but that would be most untoward, and Thor was no fool, especially not after the number of times he'd BEEN fooled these past few years. He would understand her desire plain as day then and there if she spoke those words, and… Brunnhilde wasn't sure she was quite ready for that yet, no matter how much she wanted him to just pin her down and take her.

At the very least, placing herself right outside his door would leave her King capable of… calling upon her, if he got the inkling to do so…

Except, Thor is now frowning and shaking his head, looking her directly in the eye. His frown morphs into a lighthearted smile as he chuckles.

"I will not have you wasting your night away guarding me when there is no need. I'm perfectly safe here, we're all perfectly safe. Go to the Yuletide Celebration, Valkyrie. Consider that an order from your King."

He frames it kindly, but his use of her title as well as turning the suggestion into a direct order makes it impossible for Brunnhilde to do anything but begrudgingly obey. Bowing her head and offering him a quiet 'my King' in response, she watches as Thor stands from his throne and leaves the throne room behind, disappearing further back into the King's Longhouse.

She watches him go, assuming he's going to brood and sulk. Even for all that he's taken to kingship like a fish to water, there's no denying that the past much still weigh heavily on him. Alas, she's forced to follow his orders. Letting out a sigh, Brunnhilde doffs her armor and makes her way down to the town square, where the Yuletide Celebration is in full swing.

She gets a few questions about where their King might be, but once a handful of Asgardians hear that he was tired and retired for the night, they let the matter drop, the information traveling through the party like wildfire. In the end, knowing that their King would not want them to worry about him too much, the Asgardians celebrate long and hard.

Unfortunately, after spending an hour at the party, Brunnhilde is forced to acknowledge the truth. It turns out she's the one sulking, finding the party weirdly boring. This is surprising to say the least, especially given she usually loves a good party… but this time, it feels rather empty without Thor there. And she hasn't really felt the need to get blackout drunk since Sakaar, so that's out of the question as well.

… Well, technically she'd already followed his order, had she not? Slipping away from the party after a moment more, Brunnhilde returns to the King's Longhouse, deciding to seek out Thor. Either they'd be miserable together, or she'd take up her post outside of his chambers for the rest of her night.

However, as she reaches Thor's chamber and goes to knock on the door and announce herself, a strange noise comes from within, stopping her in her tracks. The noise… it sounded like a moan. But not a man's moan of pain or sorrow… a woman's moan, of pleasure and ecstasy. Freezing in place, another such moan soon catches Brunnhilde's ear, and before she knows it, the dark-skinned Valkyrie is deciding to eavesdrop instead.

As she presses her ear up against the sturdy wood door leading into Thor's chambers, she hears the unmistakable sounds of sex, of flesh slapping against flesh and of a cock going deep into a woman's cunt, squelching in and out as it rapidly thrusts away. And with those noises comes a woman's voice, a familiar voice that Brunnhilde nevertheless can't quite place.

"Yes! Oh yes, my King! Wreck me! Ruin me! Put your worthless cum dump in her place!"

It's not one of the Asgardian's, the terminology is too… human. Her curiosity piqued and utterly insatiable, Brunnhilde doesn't remain content with simply listening for long. When her interest finally gets the best of her, she opens the door just a crack and peeks through, finally getting a good look at just who it is who's with her King inside.

Immediately, she recognizes the face, as well as realizes why she couldn't quite place them before. After all, Brunnhilde's only been on Earth for a couple of months. The heroine they call Captain Marvel, but who goes by Carol Danvers most of the time, has been around New Asgard more than most of Earth's heroes. She's helped out a few times, and she and Brunnhilde have even talked once or twice.

She certainly seemed strong for a human, though Brunnhilde had yet to get the chance to spar with her. It seemed her King had beat her to it, though this couldn't really be called a 'spar' so much as a slaughter. On her hands and knees, Carol is currently being railed mercilessly from behind by Thor, the young King bringing a hand down on her shapely ass while yanking her head back by her hair with the other.


"Useless whore. Masochistic sow!"

"Yes! Yes, my King!"

It's then and there, as she watches Thor vent his frustrations on this submissive slut of a hero, that the last living Valkyrie realizes just how he's been managing his stress so well as of late. Unable to help herself, Brunnhilde's hands slide down her body and into her pants in no time flat. As she watches the two go at it, the bed rocking beneath them with their lust-filled antics, Brunnhilde covers her mouth with her free hand to hold back the moans, pleasuring herself to the sight of Carol being put in her place.

The way that Thor is treating her is extremely hot. He's degrading her, he's fucking her roughly, and… honestly, it's so fucking sexy. Brunnhilde had privately thought that the blonde heroine needed to be brought down a peg, given how their handful of conversations had gone. She'd certainly seemed supremely confident in herself and her abilities.

But was that all an act? Carol certainly seemed to know who and what she was now, in this bedroom. She certainly seemed to speak with her true voice now that Thor had his thick… fat… cock rammed up inside of her, going to town on her cunt…

It's not long before Brunnhilde can no longer be content with just watching, just as she did not remain content with simply hearing. Not willing to wait to be discovered, even if she's been unconsciously opening the door half an inch at a time for a while now, Brunnhilde straightens up, removing her hand from her pants and walking right into the room.

While the so-called 'Captain Marvel' is too busy being fucked silly to notice her, Thor's head snaps to her the moment she begins to move. Weirdly enough, he doesn't look surprised or embarrassed… or all that displeased as he raises a single eyebrow at her, continuing to fuck and spank Carol right in front of her as he speaks.

"I thought I told you to go to the Festival, Valkyrie."

The mild disapproval in his tone, the way he reverts to her title instead of using her name… Brunnhilde shivers, even as she juts out her chin.

"I did go, your Majesty. But your Majesty never said how long I had to stay…"

Snorting derisively, Thor shakes his head.

"And have I given you permission to walk into my chambers unannounced?"

Flushing at that, Brunnhilde thinks fast, the dark-skinned woman coming up with a response swiftly enough.

"You did, my King. If I fear for your safety, I have leave to enter your room. On my approach, before I could knock, I heard strange noises coming from within. I am merely… investigating."

The beginnings of amusement start to show in Thor's eyes, though right alongside it is also exasperation. He still doesn't stop fucking Carol, something that turns Brunnhilde on to no end, seeing him splitting his focus between her and his pleasure. It's arousing, there's simply no denying it.

"Well then, I suppose you've ascertained that there is no danger now, haven't you, Valkyrie?"

She's not sure what to say to that. Except… he's not ordering her to leave outright. He's not telling her to go and making it a command that she'd have to follow. Which means he wants to hear what she comes up with, wants to hear her find a reason for her presence in his chambers while he's fucking his woman. Because there's no denying what's right in front of her face… Carol Danvers IS her King's woman.


"Perhaps, my King. Only… that is one of the strongest humans on this planet, is it not? She may present a danger to you, if you let your guard down in the throes of passion…"

It's flimsy and they both know it, but to Brunnhilde's surprise and pleasure, Thor doesn't immediately order her out of his sight. Instead, he tosses his head back and lets out a bark of laughter, yanking especially hard on Carol's hair to force her head further back and around so that she finally sees Brunnhilde watching them.

"What do you say to that, bitch? Are you and your powers a threat to New Asgard's King?"

Blushing profusely at being caught in such a compromising position, Carol nevertheless answers promptly to Thor's words.

"N-No sir. I'm n-no match for the Strongest Avenger. I'm just a worthless fuck toy cum doll for him to s-slake his lusts on."

There's clearly additional context there, and Brunnhilde thinks she might have an idea of just how this relationship between her King and Captain Marvel came to be. Even still, Thor is now looking to her again expectantly, amusement coloring his features as he waits to see what she'll come up with next. He has to know about her arousal by now, the fact that she's been watching him fuck Carol all this time and hasn't complained once about it should make her desire clear.

Still, why not be blunt? Straightening up to her full height, the beautiful dark-skinned Valkyrie plants her hands on her hips.

"If you needed an outlet for your frustration and stress, my King… you could have just come to me. After all, I'm sworn to obey you in all things."

It's a leading statement to be sure, but much to Brunnhilde's displeasure, Thor looks both taken aback and downright repulsed by the idea. Frowning, the young King of New Asgard shakes his head.

"I would never disrespect you like this. I would never push you down as far as I have her. This bitch… this bitch deserves this, and she and I both know that. You've been nothing but respectful and helpful to me, Brunnhilde. You know your place. I have no desire to put you in hers."

Expecting something like that, Brunnhilde just offers a questionable smile and runs her hands up and down her body suggestively.

"Not even if I asked nicely?"

She has Thor's almost undivided attention now as she shucks her top off over her head and begins to strip naked right then and there. He's still buried ball's deep inside of Carol Danvers, but he's all but stopped fucking the blonde now, and is simply kneeling there behind her, having eyes only for Brunnhilde.

Exposing more and more of her chocolate-colored skin, the last Valkyrie's smile turns raunchier and raunchier as she shows her body to her King, as she offers herself up on a silver platter for him to take and use. Letting out a shuddering breath, Thor seems… taken aback.

"Are you sure about this, Brunnhilde?"

Hmph, back to her actual name again. She liked it better when he called her by her title, when he made his authority over her apparent in his every sentence. Giving him a smile and a nod, Brunnhilde drops into a crouch right then and there, spreading her legs apart even as they bend at the knee, showing off her dripping wet pussy. She takes her hands and makes a pose that she'd seen a particularly slutty whore do back on Sakaar. With the index and middle fingers of one hand, she frames her mouth and lets her tongue trace out along her lips in offering. With the other hand, she uses her digits to spread her pussy lips, splaying them for him in clear offering.

"I'm quite sure, my King. There's nothing more I want then to satisfy your big, thick cock with all of my holes."

There, it's all on the table now. Her slutty posing and demeaning self-degradation seems to do the trick, thankfully. Muttering something under his breath, Thor tosses Carol aside, the human heroine seemingly fuck addled and not even able to put up a protest beyond a whimper and whine as he climbs off of the bed and struts over to her, his still-hard cock bobbing up and down at eye level with her with every step he takes.

The moment he gets close enough, she tries to lean forward and take him in her mouth, but her King stops her, grabbing her by her braid and holding her back as he looks down at her warningly.

"If we do this, Brunnhilde, there will be no going back to the way things were between us. Lady Sif and I had a certain arrangement where I treated her one way on the battlefield and another in the bedroom. I'm not sure I'll be able to do the same now. I am not the young man I once was. I am not capable of… differentiating. You will be mine and more than likely, people will eventually learn that."

Perhaps he means for his little speech to dissuade her, but it only motivates her further. Letting her tongue loll out of her open mouth in further invitation, Brunnhilde allows her actions to speak for her, groping her own tits and pinching her nipples as she wags said tongue invitingly in his direction.

Letting out an amused snort, Thor grabs hold of her head with both hands and guides his cock forward past her waiting lips. Even with her mouth open as wide as she can make it, Brunnhilde rapidly finds her jaw being stretched even further, strained to it's absolute limits as Thor's gargantuan, kingly member pushes and pushes.

"Very well then… let us begin negotiating the terms of our new… relationship."

There's no doubt that the negotiations are going to be incredibly one sided as Thor begins to face fuck her right on the spot, thrusting his cock down her throat and causing her to gag and choke and gurgle on his dick.

"Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!"

Not that the last Valkyrie minds one bit. One hand dips back betwixt her spread thighs and she happily chokes on her King's cock as she fingers herself and plays with a breast at the same time, crouching there in front of him like the obedient cock-sleeve she wants to be. This is exactly what Brunnhilde desired, the domineering, commanding King making use of his own personal Royal Guard Captain. She already can't get enough, but then Thor makes it even better as he speaks while forcing her to deep-throat his cock.

"It seems I still have much to learn about women. I had thought warriors such as yourself could only come in two varieties. My sister Hela would obviously have never submitted like this to any man. Even in the bedroom, she would have been in control, of that I have no doubt. But both Sif and Carol proved to be of the other variety of warrior woman, bratty in the extreme and desperately seeking a man stronger then them to put them in their place."

He pauses in his speech but not his movements for a moment, cocking his head to the side as he looks down at Brunnhilde with a considering gaze, still fucking her face quite resolutely, still making her choke and gag and gurgle, drool and saliva already dripping down onto her perfect chocolate breasts and involuntary tears streaking down her cheeks from the rough treatment.

"But now there's you, Brunnhilde. You have shown me nothing but respect since arriving on Earth. And yet, at the same time you have longed for me to dominate you, to put you in your place. Rather than forcing my hand, rather than pushing for me to punish you, you come to me and beg instead. It is… an interesting change of pace."

His musings were degrading in their own way and arousing to the extreme. To hear about his past exploits with Lady Sif, and how he and Carol had ultimately become the pair they were now while he was fucking her face with precise, deep thrusts? It was incredibly pleasurable, even if another woman might have been displeased by him discussing his other conquests while engaging in sexual acts with her.

Brunnhilde was not displeased. After all, Thor was the King. It was his right to have them all, and more than that, it was his reward for being a much better King then Odin ever was to her. Swirling her tongue along the underside of his cock, Brunnhilde continues to express nothing but adoration and devotion in her watery eyes for her King.

"You like this, don't you? You like being treated like nothing more than a receptacle for my seed. You want me to cum down your throat, don't you? Do you think you'll be able to swallow my load, hm?"

He relaxes his grip on her head ever so slightly, and just as he expects of her, the last Valkyrie begins to swallow and bob up and down his cock violently all of her own accord. She wants it, she wants his seed. She WILL swallow it, she will-

And then it's happening, no further warning from her King before he starts to cum right down her esophagus. But then, he is her King, she's not entitled to a warning. Brunnhilde does her best to swallow Thor's seed, but his load is not just impressively massive, it comes too fast for her to truly react to, arriving in a torrent that goes right down her throat, only for her to choke on it quite impressively.

In the end, her King's cum ends up exploding out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth, and Brunnhilde's eyes roll back in her head for a moment, just entirely overwhelmed, before she comes back to herself a second later, hacking and coughing up his Majesty's cum.

If Thor is disappointed by her failure, he doesn't say it. But then, perhaps that in and of itself is censure enough. His only words to her as he grabs her by her hair and drags her over to the bed, are 'Good first attempt'.

Before she can even try and muster a response, he has her bent over the bed, her long legs now straightened back up and spread out as she rests her palms on the edge of the bed. His hands grab her hips and force them higher up, leaving Brunnhilde standing on her tip toes. For as tall as she is, her King is even taller, and to get her lined up with his cock, she has to raise her cunt up very high indeed.

At the feel of his bulbous cockhead pressing against her lower lips, the dark-skinned warrior lets out a wanton moan, shaking her hips and wiggling her body enticingly.

"Yessss. Please, my King… i-if it pleases you, fuck me. Fuck your needy, horny Valkyrie. Use me to your heart's content!"

It was no secret that, back in the days of old, Odin had made frequent use of his Valkyries in this way. Brunnhilde had thankfully never been called to the old King's quarters, perhaps because he could tell she wasn't interested or perhaps because her particular skin color didn't appeal to him sexually. It mattered not. What did matter was, Odin's Valkyries were as much his harem as his fighting force before he met Frigga and found some sort of conscience.

In the end, Frigga was Odin's wife, Hela was imprisoned, and the Valkyries were sent to die to try to end the evil bitch once and for all. Brunnhilde… she always wondered whether or not Frigga had a hand in her sisters' demise. But no, thinking ill of her King's beloved dead mother while finally getting what she wanted from him was not right.

The point was, Brunnhilde had never liked the idea of sharing Odin's bed with him. But Thor… Thor was a King she could not only respect and love with all her heart, but also submit to in this way as well. Her submissive and demeaning words have the intended effect of driving him wild, and with a lust-filled roar, Thor slams his cock into her from behind.

He indeed does fuck his 'horny, needy Valkyrie', using her to his heart's content as he rapidly sets a harsh, fast pace that drives her wild and causes her to squeal ceaselessly. Her legs spasm and shake, turning to jelly in no time at all, and she slumps forward a little on the bed, Thor's hands on her hips and his cock impaled in her hungering twat keeping her aloft. If not for him, she would slump over and just… lay there, already too weak to do anything.

Squealing and creaming herself over and over again, Brunnhilde starts out begging for more and beseeching her King to fuck her harder and harder, before eventually losing the ability to even speak as the pleasure continues to overwhelm and drown her in ecstasy. But Thor is more than capable of speaking still, and he does so between grunts and snarls as he fucks her like a savage.

"Take it! Take my cock, you filthy Valkyrie slut! This is what you were made for! Take my cock!"


If she could have, she would have happily agreed with him. This did feel like what she was made for, and he's driving her absolutely wild. Eyes rolled up in her skull, tongue lolling out of her mouth, Brunnhilde can do nothing but go along for the ride, cumming again and again around her King's big fat cock, until finally, he lets out a hoarse groan and begins to cum again.

He doesn't warn her, nor does he give her the option of him cumming somewhere else. Brunnhilde doesn't mind one bit. It's his right to take her and use her, even if he wants to use her as a concubine as well, breeding her with a child. The thought of him knocking her up drives the dark-skinned Valkyrie even more wild, and she moans throatily as his seed splashes into her womb, filling her to the brim.

Then, he lets go of her and pulls out, and just as Brunnhilde thought, her legs can't support her length. She slumps down to her knees, her upper body laid out on the edge of the bed as she rests and regains her breath.

But of course, her King isn't done with her yet. Crouching behind her, he grabs her by the hips again and lifts her ass just a bit higher into the air, forcing her back to arch beautifully in the process. And then he spreads her ass cheeks wide and proceeds to begin applying his well-lubricated cock to her backdoor. Brunnhilde's eyes go wide at that, and she lets out a guttural groan followed by a throaty moan as he begins to make quick work of her asshole, plowing forward until he's deep, deep inside of her.

"Heh, not your first time having anal, is it slut? I can tell, you're no stranger to this sort of pleasure."

It was true. Though, Brunnhilde had to admit that this was the first time she'd experienced anal while sober. Sakaar… Sakaar was a dark time in her life, filled with new and terrible experiences, as well as moments of blackout drunk that she couldn't remember, plus all of the fuzzy moments in between. More than once, Brunnhilde had been taken advantage of while too drunk to put up much of a fight. Usually, she was a-okay with it. More than once, whatever man had gotten lucky enough to play with an inebriated Scrapper 142, had gone further, using her ass without her permission.

She'd always made sure to punish those men when she woke up the next morning sober and hungover and with a sore fucking ass. Something told her, however, that she wouldn't be punishing her King for deciding to take what was his. In this case, getting butt fucked is an honor, a pleasure even… and in fact, rapidly enough it becomes actual pleasure as Thor fucks her harder and faster by the moment, plowing into her bowels with every last inch of his well-lubricated cock.


That single word is enough for the dam to break and Brunnhilde to find her voice again.

"Y-You're right, my King! I'm… I've been used anally before! But never by any man who could lay claim to your g-greatness! Please, fuck my ass harder! Use even this hole of mine to your heart's content!"

Thor grunts and does exactly that, and in a way, Brunnhilde likes to think he's erasing all of the men who'd come before him. So what if she wasn't a virgin in any way that counted? She might as well have been for her King, because he was utterly annihilating any fond memories of sex she'd had before him with his technique. This would be the new benchmark for any man to surpass, and Brunnhilde already knew that none would be able to do so. Which was just fine, because she belonged to her King now. No other man would ever have the right to touch her after this. Only Thor.

Eventually, he cums inside of her ass as well, creampieing the last of her three holes for good measure. But that's not the end of their night together… if anything, those first three fucks could be considered the christening. Afterwards, the fun really began. Unfortunately, try as she much, Brunnhilde was not capable of keeping up with her King's immense stamina and power.

She liked to think she lasted longer than the human woman could, that she was better than Carol Danvers, but she didn't know yet. What she did know was that at first, she was able to keep up with Thor for a good long while, shouting self-degradation at the top of her lungs, demeaning herself for him and begging him to treat her rougher, to fuck her harder.

Eventually though, she simply can't hold out against his ridiculous stamina, and there comes a point where her eyes roll back in her head and she becomes nothing more than a limp ragdoll for him to fuck rather than an active participant. It's shortly after that, that Brunnhilde passes out. But she doesn't mind, not even if Thor uses her unconscious body. She's his, after all. She belongs to her King, and that's what matters…


The next morning, Brunnhilde wakes up to the noisy sounds of Carol enthusiastically taking care of Thor's morning wood, likely putting some extra elbow grease into the blowjob in order to try to handle it before Brunnhilde could come out of her slumber. Needless to say, this backfires given that in the end, it was Carol's own slutty sounds that woke her.

Regardless, sliding down from her place curled into Thor's side, Brunnhilde joins the human woman beneath the covers and betwixt their King's thighs, forcing Carol to make room for her and applying her own mouth and lips to the slumbering Asgardian King's cock. Needless to say, with TWO beautiful women using their mouths to pleasure him, it wasn't long after that that Thor himself woke up as well.

Pulling back the blankets, he looks down at the two of them in amusement, shaking his head.

"You're both insatiable, aren't you?"

Carol answers first, already desperately frigging herself down between her legs as she licks and laps at his cock.

"O-Only for you my King… my Master. I'm your slave, to do with as you please. It's only right that I wake you up properly."

She sends an irritated glare Brunnhilde's way at that last part, as if she's taking umbrage with the fact that the last Valkyrie has pushed in on what she considers her place… no matter how demeaning and dehumanizing said place is. Snorting indelicately, Brunnhilde takes what Carol has said and runs with it, licking her lips salaciously as she gives Thor a smirk.

"As the Head of your Royal Guard, I'm just making sure that this human slave knows what she's doing. Unfortunately, due to her deficiencies, I was forced to join in and shore up her mistakes."

Carol sputters at that, while Thor throws his head back and laughs as two of the strongest women on Earth degrade and demean themselves and each other for HIS pleasure.

"D-Deficiencies?! Mistakes?!"

Before a full-blown cat fight can break out, Thor reaches down and slides his fingers through each of their hair, gathering it up in his hands and gripping tightly, causing both women to go silent as he reminds them just who the King of Asgard is here.

"I can see I'll have my hands full with the two of you. But to be frank, I wouldn't have it any other way."

He follows that up by rising from the bed, dragging them both after him by their hair. Pushing them to the ground, forcing them face first there, he nods in approval when they raise their asses into the air in turn, waving them back and forth instinctively. He lets go of their hair for all of a moment and then…


Brunnhilde and Carol let out matching squeals as their ebony and ivory behinds are spanked by the God of Thunder's powerful, masculine hands. They then moan as he gropes and squeezes their ass flesh, massaging the sting of his blows from their cheeks.

"Kiss and make up, you two. I won't fuck either of you until you do."

In their haste to get more long, hard dickings from their King, Brunnhilde and Carol can't kiss fast enough. But that doesn't mean the last Valkyrie is about to let this pathetic human bitch be on equal footing with her. As they 'kiss and make up', Brunnhilde slaps a hand down across Carol's cunt, not at all surprised by how wet she is. Then, as the blonde human is squealing, she pushes Carol onto her back and climbs atop her, pinning her down.

Starting with three fingers in Carol's twat, and then almost immediately upgrading it to a full fist when she realizes Thor's cock has left this woman loose for everything BUT his phallus, Brunnhilde uses a combination of her own strength as well as the distraction of pleasure to put Carol in her place, holding her down and grinding her cunt against the other woman as she fists her to kingdom cum.

Needless to say, Carol squeaks and squirms, she tries her best to get away… but it's just not happening, not while Brunnhilde has anything to say about it. The only warning of her success that she gets is a chuckle from her King, before Thor is suddenly behind her and his hands are on her chocolate ass, his cock spearing forward into her own dripping wet cunt.

That was what Brunnhilde had been aiming for, to overwhelm and distract Carol so much while plugging up her cunt that Thor would choose to fuck Brunnhilde first over the human woman. And it's worked, so she can't really complain as she's left moaning in ecstasy, her eyes rolling back in her head as her body immediately orgasms around Thor's cock. Mewling, Brunnhilde pulls her mouth off of Carol's and looks back over her shoulder to look her King in the eye.

"You've already made my body so slutty for you, my King. It can't get enough of your big… fat… COCK!"

Chuckling, Thor delivers a stinging smack to her backside, spanking her as he fucks her, his own eyes twinkling with knowing.

"You were always this slutty, weren't you my Valkyrie? You just needed the right man to show you as much."

"Yessss. And it's you, my King. It's always been you! Teach me how to be your whore! Teach me to be your fuck toy!"

And 'teach' he does. He fucks Carol too of course, as the morning slowly continues onward. Much to Brunnhilde's chagrin, she can't monopolize ALL of his time, as much as she might want to. Her hand slips free of Carol's snatch eventually, and the blonde heroine seems to realize what Brunnhilde has done, because she gets particularly vicious, attacking the dark-skinned Asgardian from below with things like pinching and pulling on her nipples, or biting at her neck and shoulder.

Switching between the two women, sandwiched together as they are, Thor fucks their cunts practically at the same time, in and out of their sopping wet pussies as they moan and writhe atop one another. When he finally cums, he cums inside neither of them, instead proceeding to cake their asses and crotches in his seed. Then, he has Brunnhilde flip Carol over beneath her, and proceeds to lubricate their respective assholes with the mixture of bodily fluids fucking them has created.

Afterwards, he fucks their asses to kingdom cum, driving them both wild and to new heights of ecstasy and euphoria, all while debasing them, degrading them, and spanking them silly. Their asses bright red by the time he's done, as well as packed with cream filling, it's safe to say that neither of them have much competitiveness left in them when he spins them around and has them work together to clean his cock with their mouths.

As she kneels next to Carol, Brunnhilde finds herself on dick cleaning duty, while the other woman is guided down to their King's balls. It's clear from that move right there that she's in higher standing then the human, and frankly, that's all Brunnhilde wants and needs. She couldn't ask for anything more and she dotingly sucks and slurps at her King's gorgeous member, all while looking up at him with nothing but devotion and adoration in her eyes.

She's right where she belongs.


A few days after finally making her feelings known to him, Brunnhilde and Thor have developed a new tradition between New Asgard's last Valkyrie and it's King. Namely, a ritual in which after Thor finishes his kingly duties for the day, he has sex with her or with her and Carol combined. The blonde human isn't always in town, but when she is, she's all too eager to submit to the King's will.

Today is no different, and as the final petitioner leaves the King's Longhouse, Brunnhilde catches sight of Carol already stripping naked over on the left side of Thor's throne. Without hesitating, the dark-skinned Valkyrie quickly does the same, and the two end up meeting in the middle, their competitive spirits bringing them side by side with one another as they pull Thor's cock from his pants and each tackle half of his magnificent, majestic member together.

After all that had happened between them that night, Thor actually had offered Brunnhilde the role of Queen a couple days later. He'd seemed more concerned about her reputation then actually being so in love with her that he wanted her as his bride however, so Brunnhilde had turned him down, explaining that she wanted nothing to do with ruling and was far more content serving as the head of his Royal Guard, as well as his concubine and breeder if that was what he demanded of her.

One day, Brunnhilde liked to think Thor would find a woman worthy of sharing his throne. Hopefully, it would prove to be a woman more worthy of the title Queen then Brunnhilde secretly thought Frigga had been, just as Thor had proven more worthy then Odin. But that day was not this day, because neither she nor Carol were that woman.

Instead, they were simply a pair of horny, submissive sluts, eager to suck their King's cock and submit themselves to his rule. They belonged to him, Carol as his eager slave and Brunnhilde as his just as eager concubine. And in the end, all was precisely as it should be.


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