Can a Scholar Be Called a Villain

Book 2: Chapter 16: Heavenly Demon’s Scrutiny Array

Book 2: Chapter 16: Heavenly Demon’s Scrutiny Array

As the array sprang into action, everyone except Murong Lin, who occupied the central position, found themselves enveloped in beams of light that were difficult to describe accurately.

If one were to attempt to characterize this light, one would have to resort to the term a colourful black.

The groups bodies were bathed in this unique light, their expressions reflecting a struggle. But at the same time, it seemed as though they were on the brink of breaking free.

As their expressions changed gradually, Murong Lin sensed their growing trust in him taking on a tangible form, connecting him to each member of the group.

One by one, the circle of individuals linked themselves to him.

He could feel their trust, and a subtle smile began to tug at the corners of his lips.

Just then, the hologram floated toward him, seemingly unaffected by the arrays effects.

His true appearance was entirely revealed to Murong Lin.

However, his face was a perfect mirror of Murong Lins own!

Murong Lin, who had concealed his identity by assuming the face of Nie Wu Sheng, a non-existent person, was now confronted with this hologram bearing his very likeness.

A mysterious smile graced the holograms features, while the dark shroud surrounding him quivered in uncontrollable anticipation, Junior, this old man has another option for you. Would you like to hear it?

Despite the holograms mesmerizing tone that reverberated in his ears, Murong Lin remained unfazed. He fixated his gaze upon the hologram, his own expression devoid of emotion, then shifted his attention back to the group seated within the array.

Nearly half of those present had placed their trust in Murong Lin, signifying their success in overcoming the arrays initial trial.

Yet, this was only the first step.

The hologram, assuming the appearance of Nie Wu Sheng, continued, Before you hastily dismiss my proposal, allow me to reveal the tremendous reward it carries! Should you possess the resolve, I can help you increase your strength successfully without any side effects!

The price, however, will be these very individuals gathered here. As long as mutual trust exists between you and them, you can eliminate them all and ascend to the Abhij realm!

How about it? Have you reached a decision?

The hologram circled Murong Lin with relentless determination, its beguiling tone transforming into formless attacks that attempted to breach the fortress of Murong Lins inner defences.

It persisted in its relentless chatter, trying to tempt Murong Lin.

But Murong Lin remained steadfast, impervious to the holograms distractions. His unwavering focus was reserved for the individuals seated within the array.

As time passed, a palpable frustration seemed to overtake the hologram. Abruptly, it shot toward Murong Lin, unleashing a furious roar while pointing an accusatory finger, I am you, and you are I. Do you truly believe Im attempting to deceive you?

I am nothing more than a manifestation of your innermost thoughts. What I speak now are your true feelings!

The holograms nonsensical words nearly provoked laughter from Murong Lin.

With an air of amusement, he allowed his appearance to undergo a profound transformation. The flesh and muscles on his face contorted and shifted, unveiling his authentic appearance.

The hologram, bewildered, regarded the young man before him. His elegant aura and appearance had undergone an instantaneous transformation, leaving the hologram at a loss for words. It opened its mouth as if to speak but ultimately remained silent as its own face underwent a dramatic shift.

Murong Lin gradually revealed a smile, Whats the matter? Arent you me? How could you forget my true appearance?

Murong Lin was well aware that the hologram before him was no more than a primordial spirit clone, severed from its original body long ago, and ensnared within the confines of the Heaven Martial hidden realm for an extensive period.

Over the years, countless individuals had been beguiled, tempted, or coerced into entering this array by this hologram every time they ventured into the hidden realm.

On one hand, the hologram claimed to require the person most trusted by the group to occupy the central position within the array in order to break this array.

Yet, on the other hand, it dangled the temptation of eliminating the others to gain a stroke of fortune before the one seated in the center.

In truth, any hint of distrust among the group toward the central individual or a desire to harm them would result in instant death for that unfortunate soul.

Once the central figure was lost, the array would swiftly consume the remaining participants, converting them into energy.

Only after fifteen years would someone finally possess the means to break the array and reap an extremely fortuitous encounter from it.

What exactly the individual had done remained shrouded in mystery, but their revelation of this event ultimately sent shockwaves across the entire continent.

With the knowledge gleaned from Sheng Yis memories, Murong Lin was swift to make a decision. He had come to this place with the sole intent of seizing the fortuitous encounter for himself.

The intricate array etched into the ground was, in fact, a higher Barren grade array known as the Heavenly Demons Scrutiny Array.

The mere mention of the words Heavenly Demon within the arrays name left little doubt that this intricate array had been crafted by the Ancient Dao Heavenly Demon.

The hologram before him was none other than a clone of the Ancient Dao Heavenly Demon, a formidable Cognizance realm cultivator!

The holograms shifting face eventually settled into the visage of a middle-aged man, reflecting the appearance of the clone forged from the Ancient Dao Heavenly Demons primordial spirit during his younger days.

It was precisely due to its weak strength that it had been able to survive within the Heaven Martial hidden realm.

An inaudible sigh passed through his lips, and before the middle-aged man could utter a word, Murong Lin broke the silence, Ancient Dao Heavenly Demon, you seem a bit weak How about you entrust me with your memories, and Ill assist you in eliminating a few individuals, allowing you to consume their primordial spirits?

The middle-aged man appeared taken aback for a moment, his expression a blend of surprise and trepidation.

He had no inkling as to how this young man, clearly not yet twenty years old, had deduced his true identity. Furthermore, he had no knowledge of the depths of knowledge and cunning that lay within the individual confronting him.

What do you mean?

I mean precisely what I said. Do you honestly believe Im a paragon of righteousness, dedicated to the eradication of all things demonic?

Murong Lin tilted his head, a faint smile playing on his lips as he fixed his gaze upon the hologram of the Ancient Dao Heavenly Demon.

The holograms expression seemed to waver, a subtle hint of bewilderment creeping in as it regarded Murong Lin, who had completely released his aura into their surroundings by now.

The young man, who had initially appeared gentle and carried himself like a refined young master with a fan, had transformed. His countenance now bore an icy demeanour, and he gazed upon the hologram with an air of mockery.

For a brief moment, the Ancient Dao Heavenly Demons hologram found itself at a loss for words.

He had come to realize that the person standing before him was privy to the secrets of this place and was aware of the array long before. More importantly, Murong Lins unwavering trust in himself was abundantly clear.

The Ancient Dao Heavenly Demons hologram shifted his gaze toward the other individuals seated within the array, keenly awaiting any sign of mistrust or doubt that could trigger the arrays deadly mechanisms against Murong Lin. In his current weakened state, the hologram dared not take direct action, especially when Murong Lin had unleashed his aura, signifying his formidable sixth layer Cognizance realm strength.

While the hologram once possessed the power of the peak of the Cognizance realm, it had significantly weakened over the years and its true strength now lingered below that realm.

Currently, even a Sky Reaching realm cultivator could kill him. Thus, he could only rely on his formidable aura, which still retained the strength of the peak of the Cognizance realm, to intimidate others.

However, what he anticipated did not happen.

The individuals within the array bore expressions that radiated unwavering faith in Murong Lin. It was as if they believed that with him in their midst, no harm could befall them.

Their trust in him was absolute, and in this moment, Murong Lin harnessed their collective faith to exert complete dominance over the array.

A glimmer of joyful surprise danced in Murong Lins eyes as he sat on the ground, his hands gracefully executing a ritual gesture. With each movement, he initiated a reversal of the arrays circulation.

Thats right, the reversal of the arrays circulation.

As the arrays mechanisms began to reverse, radiant beams of light emanated from the bodies of all those present, except for Murong Lin. These beams of light swiftly converged and soared toward him.

Murong Lin closed his eyes and savored the moment, a contented smile playing upon his lips.

Meanwhile, the Ancient Dao Heavenly Demon watched in abject horror as Murong Lin wrested control of the array, causing the instantaneous demise of all those trapped within.

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