Can One Displaced Hero Save a Galaxy?

Chapter 11: Zeltros

Summary: Izuku and Aayla finally have a connection to help deal with Aayla restraints? Will the news be good, bad...or somewhere in between?

Lemon Warning! There is a lemon at the end of this chapter. As always, it is marked out with -Lemon Starts Here- and -Lemon Ends Here- for those that don't want to read such things. It can be skipped without missing anything plot-wise.

Chapter 11: Zeltros

... ...

Aayla had been both right and wrong about Athuma, the larger moon of Zeltros, being a less troublesome stop for a pair of empaths. Right, in that it was absolutely less troublesome than the planet itself would have been. Both of them had been able to feel the effect from the planet the moment they dropped out of hyperspace. Even caught by surprise at feeling it so far out of orbit, it had been diluted enough by distance that both of them had quickly managed to erect their own forms of mental shielding. Izuku's flat out walled out the foreign telepathic field, preventing it from affecting him at all. To his extreme amusement, the Jedi version that Aayla knew apparently involved 'letting emotions go into the Force.' Unfortunately for Aayla, while this worked to keep the second-hand emotions from building up, it didn't do anything about the low level of constant influx.

The result was humorous, from Izuku's point of view, as it resulted in Aayla looking a little manic. One moment she'd sway to an invisible beat, the next flood their link with images of sexual fantasies, then the next after that giggle for no reason. Each burst lasted only an instant, with Aayla bouncing from one to another like a ping-pong ball as the previous dominant emotion was 'released' to the force. Thankfully for Aayla's sanity, she got better at it over the next half hour or so, leveling out before they landed. Something aided and abetted by the moon putting out a more sedate vibe than the planet, overpowering the more distant emotional rollercoaster somewhat with its proximity.

Of course, even the population of the moon were producing a rather cheerful feeling, mixed with the contentment of a good day of honest work. When Izuku thinned his own shields a bit out of curiosity, he almost expected a bunch of colorful dwarves to march by singing about heading off to work. Shaking his head in utter bemusement, lips twitching at the thought, he finished the Wandering Fate's shutdown cycle and post-flight system checks. Standing and offering a hand to Aayla, who took it with a smile, they headed toward the lounge area of the ship.

"So, does this slicer know we are coming? And should I be worried about them shooting me since I'm technically registered as your slave owner?"

Aayla shook her head, even as the stopped near the lift down to the cargo hold, retrieving the high-collared jacket she'd purchased for her 'spacer' persona. It covered her slave collar, for the most part at least, making her a bit less conspicuous. He grabbed his own jacket, having gotten used to it while trying to blend in himself. Both of them left their weapons. Zeltros was an inner rim world with extremely low violent crime. Taking blasters with them might well have gotten them stopped outright, and certainly would have attracted suspicion, particularly with Athuma hosting a major system defense base.

"Yes to the first, no to the second. I sent a message ahead while we were enroute to the moon, complete with an explanation that you were registered as my 'owner' simply so the collar wouldn't go boom. That's not only the truth, but a logical enough explanation that no one is likely to question it. You are there to help get it removed, after all. I got a confirmation and an address just as we were landing."

Izuku mulled that over, then nodded. She was right. Short of someone trying to break the cover of this 'underground hyperlane' for freeing slaves, there was no reason for a slaver to go along with this. And trying to do that on a moon populated primarily by Zeltrons, meaning empaths literally around every corner, would be the height of abject stupidity. Come to think of it, that might be why they were located here. Shaking that thought off as irrelevant, he followed Aayla out of the ship, heading towards customs.

... ...

Surprisingly, the woman that met with them wasn't a Zeltron. She was, in fact, a Mirialan. Something Izuku was internally embarrassed to admit he only recognized because of a moment of idle, horny childishness back during their week over Yabol Opa. Though he also blamed Aayla's constant tendency to tease. He maintained, in the privacy of his own mind, that it was much less likely he'd have tried to find out if 'Green Alien Space Babes' were actually a thing, if it hadn't been for her inspiring the thought. Several species, including some Twi'lek's, actually did qualify, with Mirialan's having been on the resulting search list as well. Something which this woman justified. She was quite attractive, though enough older than both of them that Izuku mostly noted that fact in a distant sort of way. Her attractiveness, or even her species, didn't ultimately matter that much. Particularly as the woman was scowling at him. Him specifically.

"Is…there a problem?"

The woman's face was hard and clipped as she stared him down.

"You're hiding yourself from telepathy and empathy. Why."

Izuku blinked, then kicked himself. This woman wasn't a Zeltron, but the corner café they'd met her at was filled with several of them. Obviously, one or more of them were friends or allies of hers. And on a planet were practically everyone had limited telepathy and empathy, a void they couldn't read would stand out like a sore thumb. Hastily, he weakened his shields. Not bringing them all the way down, but enough for people to read his surface emotions.

"Ah. Sorry. I'm force-sensitive and the feedback from everyone was disconcerting."

She looked suspicious for a moment, before apparently getting a signal from someone behind him. Someone that could likely now feel his genuine chagrin. She still didn't look entirely happy, but she wasn't hostile any longer, at least.

"Fine. You need a collar removed, a model X7-369. That's easy enough. But you said there was something more?"

Izuku looked to Aayla, letting her answer. She shifted uncomfortably.

"Um, is there somewhere more private for that. The other restraint I need removed isn't exactly something I want to show in public."

That got an arched eyebrow from the woman. But she shrugged after a moment of consideration.

"That's fine. I can't remove the collar here anyway. This is just a meeting place to make sure you're not suspicious. We can go to my little bolt hole…so long as you understand I'm not exactly going to show you were it is. I've got a speeder with blacked out windows we'll take."

Aayla nodded, not sensing anything off about the woman, even if she was clearly still being paranoid.

"That's fine. Do we…need to discuss payment first?"

At that, the woman loosened up. Probably thinking Aayla was worried about it.

"No. I don't take payment. Not for this. If you're able, I'll take anything donated and feed it to the organization that supplies us. But no payment and don't feel obligated. We don't do this for money. Most of us are former slaves ourselves, including me."

The statement didn't invite questions, but it wasn't bitter either. This was a woman who'd come to terms with whatever happened to her long ago, and was simply trying to help other people out of the same situation. Or, at least, that's the feeling Izuku got. With only a few more words exchanged, they followed the older woman out to the aforementioned speeder. Izuku immediately noticed that their electronics stopped getting any sort of signal the moment the doors closed, appreciating the professionalism. He wouldn't bother telling her that he could easily track where they were going with his Quirk. He didn't exactly intend her any harm anyway…so long as she was on the up and up.

... ...

Verle Kann, the slicer who had finally introduced herself, whistled lowly as she examined the chastity belt, waving some sort of sensor over it from various angles. Aayla didn't exactly look comfortable, even if she'd only shucked her jacket and pants and was thus technically still covered. Izuku gave her hand a light squeeze, which seemed to relax her a little.

"Damn, that's a serious piece of work. I'll set my systems going through all the databases I have, but I wouldn't get your hopes up. Not considering what it's made out of. Almost has to be a custom piece."

Izuku blinked, but Aayla beat him to it.

"What it's made out of?"

Verle let out a rueful laugh.

"Kid, whoever locked you up had more money than sense and really didn't want you getting free. That's made out of some sort of phrik alloy, or I'll eat my main terminal. I've seen it a few times before, always on high-value slaves as a sort of status symbol. You must have been seriously important to someone. Give me a few minutes, yeah?"

The Mirialan took the scans she's made with the handheld sensor and returned to the nest of monitors on one side of the room. The rest of the small space was taken up by various bits of tech, in various states of disassembly, a lot of tools, and the small but well-cared-for medical bed where Aayla was sitting. On farther consideration, the space wasn't actually small. It was just so full of stuff everywhere that it didn't exactly have a lot of floor space. Izuku was so strongly reminded of Mei that his heart ached for a moment, before Aayla looked at him with concern and sent a half questioning wave of comfort through their bond. He almost waved her off, until he realized that it was probably a good way to distract her at the moment.

"It's nothing, really. Just a memory of someone left behind. Mei would have been in heaven in a place like this, studying everything here until she understood it all…and then tinkering until it was all either better or had exploded. Toss up which would happen with any given attempt."

Aayla was the one that gave his hand a comforting squeeze, this time. That unexpectedly gesture of comfort nearly shattered his reserve and he had to close his eyes for a few moments to fight back the emotions. Shit. He'd been repressing everything since he arrived, hadn't he? Well…he was going to have to deal with that sooner or later. But now was not the moment to do so. He focused on a simple meditation technique to clear his mind and center himself, only opening his eyes again when Aayla tapped his wrist for attention. He must have been out of it for longer than he thought, as Verle was returning to them with a very mixed expression. She spoke as soon as she saw she had both of their attentions.

"Well, I have good news, bad news, and more bad news. The good news is that the collar really isn't anything special. I can have it off in twenty minutes, tops. Zero risk of it going boom. We already know of a flaw in that specific series and yours hasn't been patched for it yet. So that part will be easy."

Aayla looked relieved and irritated in equal measure.

"That's awesome…but I'm guessing the bad news is about the belt?"

"Got it in one, kid. I was right about that thing being made out of phrik alloy. Considering it's one of the few metals in existence that can resist even lightsabers, there's precious little chance of cutting it off. There's no sign of explosives, which makes sense given the phrik itself would contain any explosion, but there's also no way to change the programming of that thing. It doesn't accept any input expect the key string and a simple status request. Even the...uh...extra stuff you mentioned, isn't actually part of the belt. Add-ons, after the fact, I'd bet. There's no sign the key string was ever in the remote you had, either."

Aayla slumped, Izuku quickly giving her shoulder a squeeze and voicing the necessary question.

"What are our options for removal then? Surely there's something."

Verle winced.

"That's the rest of the bad news. You only really have three options. Either you get your hands on one of the few substances that can cut phrik without killing you in the process, you get access to the original blueprints for the belt, or you get access to a skyscraper-sized supercomputer for a week to brute force the key."

Those were…not great options. When he said that much out loud, Verle gave him a dry look for stating the obvious. She proceeded to ignore it as she frowned in obvious thought.

"The thing is, I just don't get this. Not unless you sold me a complete fabrication about your story?" The Mirialan speared when with a piercing look at that, looking almost accusing. "Like I said earlier, this is the sort of thing made for a treasured personal slave owned by someone with more money than sense. Or, well, possibly by someone very kinky and into this sort of thing that wasn't a slave and also had more money than sense. There is no way, absolutely no way, that a random slave auction house on Nar Shadda just sold someone equipped with this to the highest bidder in a public auction. The chastity belt itself is worth far more than even a rare Rutian Twi'lek could possibly go for at public auction."

The woman paused, studying them both carefully. Looking for something in their expressions or body language, Izuku suddenly realized. Whatever it was, she apparently didn't find it, sighing a moment later.

"And you're both even more visibly confused by this than I am. Meaning you really don't have a clue and the story you fed me is true so far as you know it. That, I'm afraid, means you have only very limited options. There are a very few things, like coursca gems, that might be able to cut phrik safely. But those are hilariously expensive. You could get access to a supercomputer for a week cheaper, probably. But that would still be expensive as hell. Lastly, and honestly probably your best bet, would be to work backwards. Find whoever sold her, break into their files, and see if they have a copy of the encryption key. If they don't, at least figure out where the belt came from and work backward farther. Keep going until you find either someone with the key, or someone with the blueprints to the belt. Exact blueprints would probably let you find a weakness, after all."

Izuku sighed. Nothing could ever be easy, it seemed. Well, at least they could get rid of the collar. That was a start…

... ...

Aayla was a wild mix of emotions by the time they'd returned to the ship. She was happy the collar around her neck was gone. Worried and frustrated about the difficulty they faced with her chastity belt. Not to mentioned confused over what had happened to her that she was wearing such an apparently priceless item. The fact that, at some point along the way, her own swinging emotions had sabotaged her ability to 'let go' of the emotional influx being broadcast from the Zeltrons didn't help. From them, she was getting a mix of happy hard work, military fervor, delight and positivity as they left their jobs to party for the night. Mixing that into her own sea of swirling emotions left Aayla's head and heart such a mess that Izuku was getting a migraine by proxy, over their bond.

Thankfully, he had a plan to deal with it. Even if it was probably a little cheaty. He'd left Aayla sitting in the lounge as he'd gotten them off the moon. But, unlike what she'd probably have assumed if she could even think straight, he hadn't taken them out of the system. Instead, he'd pinged the various resort directories…and put the Wandering Fate in orbit right next to a floating spa and brothel. He grinned in satisfaction as thinning his shields revealed exactly what he'd hoped for. The nearby presence of such a powerful center of emotions was swamping everything else out. Since he'd specifically chosen a station-side resort off the directory that emphasized 'loosing yourself in a good time,' with promises of hot oil massages and 'happy endings,' the broasted spectrum was a heady high of relaxation and raw sensuality. There was a heavy dose of lust in there too, of course. But that was fine. More than fine, really, given one of the points he wanted to make.

-Lemon Starts Here-

By the time he'd set orders for the pilot droid to keep them near the station and made his way back to the lounge, Aayla was considerably more focused. She attempted to level a glare at him…but couldn't get a lot of heat in it with her jacket off and both hands already up under her shirt, playing with her sensitive nipples. He grinned and closed with her, lowering his own barriers and rebroadcasting a second stream of the resort's emotions via their bond, along with his own feelings of care and lust. The glare vanished as Aayla's eyes closed and her mouth parted to let out an adorable little whimper-moan. She unconsciously pinched her nipples hard, attempting to get more pleasure out of the only major erogenous zone she had free access to.

Crossing the last bit of distance between them, he captured her face, her eyes cracking open just in time for him to kiss her. The kiss grew passionate instantly, love and lust flowing between them in a feedback loop as Aayla moaned in the kiss. Resisting the temptation to push for just a moment, he pulled back and focused his thoughts on comfort, pressing his forehead against hers as her eyes cracked open and sharpened into something at least half-adjacent to coherence.

"It's a step forward, pet~."

He paused to enjoy her flush as he deliberately picked the term of endearment out of the strongest fantasy currently running through her mind. Kinky, and he was going to remember it. But that was for later, this was for now.

"A step forward, just like each one before it, and we'll solve everything else with the ones after it. But for now…there's more ways to have fun than you've even considered yet, despite your circumstances."

Not letting her get stuck on those circumstances again, Izuku focused on his Quirk. Manipulating something he couldn't see was far harder than things he could, but it was a skill that he'd spent three years having pounded in his skull at UA. Now, he used it for something that he doubted this teachers had ever imagined. Well, maybe Midnight. But that was Midnight and who knows what that woman had running through her sex-obsessed mind. Izuku had avoided looking as often as possible, once he realized she really was as kinky as her persona presented to the world.

For the moment, thoughts of his former teacher were far from his mind as his telekinetic touch slid under Aayla's chastity belt. She twitched, moaning into a renewed kiss, as invisible fingers felt out the differences between her anatomy and a human woman's. He had, of course, looked it up previously. His horny curiosity when he'd done so paid off now as he was able to make sense of what he was 'feeling' with his ethereal fingers. Twi'lek's shared much of their anatomy with humans…but there were a few key differences below the waist, just as there were above them. Two of those differences contributed significantly to their popularity as sex slaves. First, was a greater general sensitivity. The considerable extra space in their central nervous systems, provided by their lekku, created several useful advantages for the entire species. Mildly enhanced senses of smell and hearing compared to baseline humans was one. But significantly increased skin sensitivity was another. One loved by both those that desired to inflict pain and those that wanted to watch as someone squirmed in pleasure.

Izuku, of course, was interested in the latter. He sent his mental caress feathering lightly along flesh untouched for months, Aayla's who body twitching and squirming as the extra-sensitive flesh of her lower lips was teased. Abruptly, her moans escalated, her mouth breaking contact with his as she threw her head back. Izuku grinned and let her go, his physical hands taking advantage of her distraction to eliminate her shirt. Bless her lekku twice over in this case, since it meant Twi'lek fashion favored shirts that could be unbuttoned and removed without needing to be pulled over their heads. Shirt vanquished, he dipped his head down to capture a rock-hard nipple, even as he continued to split his attention to his telekinetic explorations. He knew what he'd found, after all. It was the second difference in the structure of female Twi'lek bits that had made her react so strongly. Twi'leks had two clits.

More accurately, the species had two clitoris analogues. Much like the rest of their bodies, a Twi'lek pussy was smooth, universally resembling the subsection of human woman that have outer lips that completely concealed the inner. This fact concealed the larger change from casual observation…but the moment those lips were spread even slightly, an observant eye would spot the difference. Where the protective clitoral hood and single clitoris under it would have been on a human woman was simply a smooth, if still sensitive, joining. Instead, to either side of the vaginal opening, were a pair of clitoris analogues. Like human woman, these extremely sensitive bundles of nerve endings engorged with arousal, pressing them toward that opening. Considering that each individual one of them had nearly the same number of nerve endings as a human woman's singular equivalent would have, and they were arranged such that virtually any penetration would rub both of them firmly with every thrust…it was completely fair to say that Twi'lek women tended to come a bit unglued during sex.

It appealed to virtually every male ego, and most female ones for that matter, to make your partner lose their mind during the fun. Only a truly terrified and unaroused Twi'lek would fail to cum their brains out from penetrative sex, increasing their appeal to those that were aware of how easily they came. Particularly, likely as not as a self-defense mechanism, every member of the species was naturally multi-orgasmic to some extent. Though the degree to which that was true varied wildly. Some merely had incredibly short recovery periods that made it seem like there was no pause, while others had genuinely no gap at all, being able to charge right through one orgasm and straight into another.

It was, of course, also part of the reason that Aayla had been going crazy before asking Izuku to help her get some relief. With her lower lips constantly parted by the flexible insert anchored to her chastity belt, there was no protection for those clitoris analogues. Every single step she took, or even every shift of her body in her seat, rubbed the impaling toy against at least one of them, if not both. Since the alternative would have been painful, this encouraged Aayla to exist in a constant state of mild arousal, with periodic jolts of pleasure occurring anytime she was physically active. The more physically active, the stronger the stimulation. When Izuku had worked through the realization, he'd realized that whoever had put her in that belt had been either very lucky, some sort of demented genius, or trying to torture her with inescapable pleasure. Possibly some combination of all three.

None of which mattered at the moment, aside from his research meaning Izuku knew precisely what his telekinetic probing had discovered when Aayla had pulled her head away and moaned. Even now, her body was unconsciously trying to arch into the invisible sensations…even if it did her absolutely no good. Grinning around her diamond-hard nipple, Izuku began to nibble and lightly nip in just the way he'd discovered she loved, even as he experimented with his telekinetic touch. His control wasn't quite as flawless as if he'd been able to see what he was doing, and that ethereal touch lacked the warmth of a flesh and blood appendage, but he could also manage things with it that would have been impossible for a normal person's fingers.

Exploring the exact length and width of those engorged nubs, he enfolded them completely and gently squeezed, tugged, and rolled them with his mental fingers. Every new attempt drew different squeaks, shrieks, moans and mewls from his helpless 'victim,' and Izuku memorized every single one. Even as he switched form one breast to the other, he began weaving patterns of experimental sensation, with Aayla twitching through a howling climax after just the first pattern. Not letting up at all, knowing his Twi'lek was one of the genuinely multi-orgasmic ones, Izuku lavished attention on her second nipple even as he began attentively exploring all the possible patterns of sensation.

Eventually, he would discover her favorite combination. Probably not today, since she was sure to pass out from mental overload long before he ran out of new combinations to try. But he didn't think she'd exactly be saying no to him trying this again, frequently. And he had several other ideas they hadn't tried yet besides. Just because he'd tried to stay out of Midnight's mind didn't necessarily mean he'd always succeeded, after all…

-Lemon Ends Here-

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Author's Note: There is more of this story on my P-atreon Page. As with all of my stories, there is always at least one chapter of early-release content on said page. In this case, there are actually another 3 chapters (freshly released as a single batch). Between them, they amount to another 10k words of this story that is currently available to All Patrons there. As this is not one of my current Main Stories, updates are subject to a poll run monthly over on said P-atreon Page, rather than a regular update schedule. Though, so far, this story has won all of the monthly polls ;-).

You can find said page via my profile, or simply by adding /user?u=93048562 after the dot com in the address of you-know-where.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.