Can One Displaced Hero Save a Galaxy?

Chapter 19: Is it Crazy if it Works?

Summary: A moment of Mei.

Chapter 19: Is it Crazy if it Works?

Mei breathed in, slowly, deeply. She held it in for a five count, visualizing all her rambling thoughts and worries collecting in that breath as a dark fog, then she let them all go with a slow-but-firm exhale. It was a simple mental exercise that Izuku had taught her once, to help her focus when she really needed to, and it worked almost as well now as it had when he'd first taught it to her. She didn't know why it worked, nor did she really care. All she cared about was that it had, and that it had steadied her hands as she fastened the large pack that was all she could take with her.

Her Dimensional Ring Baby was ready. It had been for a few days, in fact, but she'd had to wait until the signal from Izuku's equipment became as strong as she expected it to get. She did not fully understand what the fuck she was doing. Not really. But if her previous guess about the dimensions getting closer or farther away at any one time were accurate, she needed to make the jump when the other dimension was as close as possible. Izuku's gear had survived the jump, which meant that the skintight suit she'd made for herself hopefully would too. But there was no way she could risk trying to take more than she could carry. Who knew what the power requirements of this jaunt actually were? Or how long she would be traveling in-between.

She ran through her mental checklist one last time, even as the archway started to spark violently as it finished powering up, space seeming to twist like some sort of Escher painting within the Ring of metal. She resented the space she'd needed for food and water, having minimized both. But she had to take some, as she didn't know where she'd end up. As compact and powerful a computer as she could get her hands on, drives filled with every bit of useful information she could squeeze onto them. A nanite-fabricator and controller than she'd reluctantly traded other information with Melissa Shield for. It wasn't nearly as versatile as the fantastic equivalents in old sci-fi…but it would let her form the nanites into basically any tool of basic to medium complexity. Lastly, just a few small keepsakes to represent her life.

That had been all that she could fit in the pack. All the mass she dared to add to her trip. She'd calculated it all based on Izuku's weight, not sure if such a thing would affect her dimensional trajectory and unwilling to chance it. With one more deep breath, she rushed the portal, leaping through the now-fully-formed crack in reality without a single thought of turning back…

... ... ...

A/N: A very short chapter, I know. But it made sense to separate Mei's perspective into its own chapter.

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