Can One Displaced Hero Save a Galaxy?

Chapter 26: Private Time

Summary: Aayla and Izuku finally take their relationship farther...

Warning! Chapters 24-28 were all released back-to-back! Make sure you don't miss any!

Lemon Warning! This chapter VERY MUCH contains a lemon. It is, in fact, mostly lemon! It's clearly marked so it can be skipped if that's not your thing!

Chapter 26: Private Time

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"You notice that Master Fay neatly arranged for us to be on the ship alone."

Aayla's voice was amused as she noted that little detail, just minutes after they'd made the jump out of the Adega System. Izuku's lips twitched at her tone. Not that he hadn't noticed the same thing. Master Fay had been subtle about it, but every time either Mei or Celeste, especially Mei, had suggested going with them instead of her…Master Fay had airily explained why that just wouldn't work. Aayla grinned at him, feeling his own matching amusement at Fay apparently deciding to play wing woman of all things. Her amusement shifted to mischief and something more, as she set the Pilot droid to watch the systems. She stood, stretching with a deliberate, languid grace that emphasized certain portions of her anatomy in a way that got Izuku's brain quickly rapidly switching gears.

"Well, I for one am not wasting the opportunity. It only remains to see if you will…"

Aayla's hips swayed on her way out of the cockpit…even as she stripped off her top and tossed it behind her into Izuku's face. He caught it, grinned, and quickly followed after her. Given how busy they'd been the last few weeks, there had been certain things they hadn't followed up on. Things which Izuku was eager to pursue now that they had a few days to themselves. He was just glad that his girlfriend apparently had the same thoughts in mind…

-Very Much a Lemon Starts Here-

Already having a very good idea where this was going as he found Aayla's boots and pants in the ship's lounge, Izuku took a moment to kick off his own. By the time he caught up with Aayla, she'd reached their shared cabin and was standing there in nothing but a thong whose origin he could only wonder at. Underwear hadn't exactly been on their shopping list the last time they were in civilization. Not for her, at least. Had she actually used the Infinite Engine to-

A bare few moments into his stunned appreciation of the view, Aayla cut his meandering thoughts off by stepping into his personal space, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss. It didn't exactly start out chaste, and rapidly descended from there as Izuku's hands instinctively found her oh-so-desirable rear and began kneading with strong fingers. She moaned into the kiss, her assertiveness melting as he put practice to what he'd learned she liked, fingers digging into tight muscle in a steady massage that would have been painful to most. Aayla wasn't most. Under a thin layer of velvet padding, his girlfriend was all spring steel muscle and sinew, the delightful results of a lifetime of hard training. Those strong fingers were exactly what she wanted, drawing unconscious moans from her as she let him take control of the deepening kiss.

At first, Izuku had thought their dynamic might change after she'd regained her memories and been freed of her restraints. While he'd been right in little ways, with Aayla having ramped up her confident teasing whenever she felt she could get away with it, the nature of that teasing and their more intimate moments hadn't shifted much at all. She still enjoying rolling the occasional, teasing master off her tongue, and she still tended to come completely unglued the moment he took control of their make outs. Part of that, he thought, was the feedback loop of her empathic gift and their bond. But the rest…he was pretty sure was all her. She enjoyed it, and so did he, so why would it change just because she no longer had a physical collar around her neck?

Which wasn't to say she was exactly a passive participant, as evidenced when she started firmly tugging at his shirt…then dropped her hands to work on his belt buckle. Chuckling at her making her desires known without words, he nipped at her lower lip, dragging another moan from her, before withdrawing from the kiss to pull his shirt off. Somehow, her deft fingers were quicker than his own actions and she had his pants and boxers down around his ankles by the time he ditched his shirt. The sight of her having dropped to her knees before him, smiling up at him as she knelt level with his groin as he stepped out of his pants, had his erection stiffening from half-mast to full in an instant. Which Aayla's grin and flick of her eyes to his cock said she certainly hadn't missed. Still, she returned her gaze to his and pouted up at him.

"May I, Master~? You might want the edge off for later~…"

Izuku's breath caught at her tone…and even more at the firm image that came across their mental link of exactly what she had in mind. It was a step they hadn't taken yet, despite talking about it as they laid in bed days ago and deciding that they were both ready. Aayla just hadn't been comfortable going through with it, with the other Jedi around on Ossus, and Izuku didn't blame her. All Jedi were able to sense strong emotion, after all, even if not to the level Aayla could, and her fellow Jedi almost certainly would have known what they'd gotten up to. Now that they were alone, however, he relaxed into a smile and reached down to cup her chin.

"Go ahead, love. You take care of me, and I'll make sure to take care of you, too."

The affectionate name wasn't quite the same thing as saying those three words so highly valued, but it was the closest either of them had come so far and Aayla's eyes widened, even as she blushed. Those eyes softened a moment later, however, then twinkled with mischief as she pulled away from his hand and shuffled forward.

"I'll have to make sure I take extra good care of Master, then…"

Two blue hands came up to grasp Izuku's erection, one firmly wrapping around his base and the other gently circling his crown, a thumb swiping across the precum already weeping there and spreading it around his head. Despite all her training, somehow her skin was still blissfully smooth as she worked to spread that precum farther down his shaft, leaning in to place a gentle, teasing kiss where her thumb had just been. Her tongue darted out, swiping across his tip in little flicks and swirls, adding saliva to the mix for her fingers to gather as they continued to work just the first third of his shaft.

He groaned at the teasingly slow speed, but let her work her magic. She'd gotten much better at this since her first fumbling, sloppy attempt, able to read his reactions through their bond even as he could read hers in return. Something she proved just a few moments later, as he grew desperate for more contact. She stopped the flicking of her tongue to instead pop his entire head through the pleasurable seal of tightly pressed lips and into the warmth within. Her agile tongue began to swirl around his tip more aggressively now, even as she parted her lips just a bit to deliberately allow a bit more saliva to ooze down his cock. Her slowly pistoning hand took advantage to finally move lower, lubing up the rest of his shaft, even as the hand that had been holding his base shifted to cup his balls, very gently rolling and kneading the sensitive orbs within.

Silence was a thing of the past at this point, little groans and moans that might have embarrassed Izuku, if he couldn't feel how much his lover enjoyed extracting them, spilling from his half-parted lips. He, too, had grown better since their first fumbling encounters. More capable of holding out through the pleasure. He closed his eyes as he sunk into the sensations, enjoying the drawn-out blowjob to the fullest. His lover spent a good few minutes at her current, teasing pace, before finally committing to a slow descent down his shaft, swallowing without the slightest gag as he passed smoothly into her throat. Slow that descent might have been, put it didn't stop until her hand had dropped away and her lips sealed around the base of his cock to kiss his groin. The sight was glorious, but he could also sense what she wanted. She was done teasing…and wanted to be used for his pleasure.

Even as her hands went to her breasts, kneading to relieve her own rampant arousal in some fashion, his own hands got involved for the first time. He gently-but-firmly grasped her lekku, careful not to pain the sensitive appendages, but using them to take full control of her motions as he drew her head back up to his tip, only to pull it back down after a moment's pause. He repeated the action again and again, slowly and with still hips at first, but with growing speed and fervor as the pleasure built. Soon, he couldn't keep his hips still, thrusting forward with each downward pull, fucking her throat in a way she'd come to enjoy. He didn't understand why she did, save perhaps the feedback loop jolting her with pleasure of her own in echo of his, but he had absolutely no intention of questioning his good fortune. Now, or ever, thank you very much.

Of course, despite his vastly improved control since the early days, this wasn't something he could last long through. Doubly so when Aayla began to mischievously hum around his shaft…and dipped one hand under her panties to play with her dripping pussy. That feedback loop worked both ways, even if he didn't get it quite as strongly as her, and the extra burst of pleasure pushed him over the tipping point. With a single final thrust, he buried himself balls-deep in her throat and groaned, pumping five thick pulses of cum straight down to her stomachs. For long, long moments he simply froze there, not at all worried about her ability to hold her breath. Another benefit of Jedi training he was pretty sure her teachers would be appalled if he complimented them on…

But then, he regained his focus, and pulled away.

Despite sensing his intentions, Aayla gasped when he reached down to scoop her up, not hesitating to return to their passionate kissing with her held in his arms. A few moments later, his lover was rendered dizzy as he fell onto the bed with her, then rolled her over so he was atop her. Her wrists had been gathered in one of his hands as they shifted, and he held them above her head as he began to kiss and nip his way down her jawline, using his free hand to finally rid her of her last underthings. With Aayla's body completely exposed to his exploration, he stopped only briefly to suck on her pulse point, drawing a whimper-moan from his lover, before heading lower still. He visited each of her glorious blue peaks to lavish attention on one nipple after another, before shifting to hold her hands with a light touch of telekinesis instead of his hand. His hands, now freed fully for the fun, came down to knead and play with her breasts as he focused his attention lower, shuffling down the bed to kneel between her legs and kissing down her public bone.

Reluctantly, knowing from previous attempts that this was too awkward to hold as he went for more, he released her breasts and shifted his hands under her, making her shiver as he traced patterns down her spine. Then they were resting firmly on her ass, lightly kneading as he brought his attentions to her glistening pussy. Even this had been something they'd only tried a couple of times since her belt came off, afraid of too much leaking to the others on the planet. Yet, those late-night encounters and his previous telekinetic adventures below her chastity belt had given him a good grasp of her alien anatomy. His tongue parted her folds, followed slowly by one hand, freed from kneading her ass, with fingers split in a V. Light pressure kept those lips apart where he'd passed, until he'd lightly divided her pussy to get at the treasures within.

Paying her back for her earlier slow start, he ignored her wild desire and avoided her clitoris analogues as completely as he could, instead diving his tongue into her tight tunnel and tongue fucking her slowly. The positioning of those clitoris analogues meant it wasn't possible to entirely avoid them as he did so, his cheeks and chin rubbing gently against them as his tongue did its work. Yet, that light pressure was almost more a torment than a relief, which he could feel as she whimpered and twisted, trying to get more friction. He grinned, denying it to her for just a few moments longer…before pulling back to latch onto one of her clits with his lips. She howled as he sucked, cumming for the first time. But one of the best features of her Twi'lek anatomy and enhanced nervous system, as far as Izuku was concerned, was the fact that she was well and truly multi-orgasmic. So he didn't let up as he switched from one clit to the other, replacing his tongue with fingers rolling the first. She came again less than a minute later, then a third time as he freed his other hand and plunged two fingers into her sex, thrusting roughly. He drew out that third climax almost to a fourth…before abruptly stopping everything.

The abrupt shift caught her off guard, having gotten used to Izuku enjoying pushing her buttons until she lost consciousness. For several moments of overloaded mind-blank, she couldn't understand why he had stopped. But then, she realized he'd crawled up her body and was looking her in the eyes, her hands no longer trapped in place as her arms had instinctively wrapped around him. More importantly…something much thicker than a finger was pressed gently against her entrance. Her mind recovered just enough to know what he was waiting for, and she sent her demand that he fuck her brains out right now, across their bond. He chuckled at that…but obeyed gently as his hips inched forward.

The parting of her lower lips was smooth, the stretching of her tunnel nothing new, given the toy that had been so-long inserted. But Izuku was bigger than the slim toy had been, and the warmth of his flesh was entirely new. Her eyes fluttered closed, her gasps of mixed pleasure and a tiny bit of pain being captured by a kiss. He paused as he bottomed out, stilling completely for a few long heartbeats that seemed to last forever…then began to thrust even as Aayla's own body instinctively joined the rhythm. It was a new rhythm, with a stuttering start as new sensations were explored. Yet it was also a rhythm as old as time and farther enhanced by their bond and the nearly-perfect knowledge it gave them of what the other felt.

The unsteady start became a building fervor as their hips met each other, and Aayla again began to come apart at the mental seams. Her own actions became nothing more than instinct, even as Izuku managed to hold on just enough to keep shifting and changing the angle and speed, discovering what felt best for him and set her on fire the most. She came again, hard, barely two dozen thrusts in, but neither of them even slowed. Their kiss was abandoned as both began to pant, moan and groan. Aayla came again just as Izuku inevitably reached the end of his own endurance, the new sensations and feedback loop too much for him to power through. Then, as he roughly hilted himself and ground into her clits on instinct, hot spurts of cum pulsing into Aayla's depths, his lover came a final time, by far her strongest release yet…then slumped under him as she completely blanked out.

Izuku himself was out of it for a good minute, his brain slow and gooey as his slowly softening cock rested inside her. Eventually, he stirred, then chuckled as he found Aayla passed out again. It was certainly good for his ego to know he could do that to her every time, if he wanted to. Gently kissing her forehead, he pulled free and rolled away. He would rest for a minute or two, then clean them both up…or maybe he'd wake her and they could go another round in the shower? It was never physical exhaustion that left her in this state, after all…

Hmmm, so many new possibilities.

Well, they had an entire week to explore as many of those possibilities as possible...

-Lemon Ends Here-

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A/N: Wohoo! Izuku and Aayla finally went all the way! Don't worry if lemons aren't your thing, though! They aren't the focus of the story, even if they will occasionally be present...

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