Can One Displaced Hero Save a Galaxy?

Chapter 4: Traveling

Chapter 4: Traveling

Summary: Destination decided Aayla and Izuku have an awkward moment, followed by another intimate moment, while on their way.

Lemon Warning!: This chapter contains a Lemon. For those that want to skip it, the lemon is clearly marked with -Lemon Starts Here- and -Lemon Ends Here-

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Izuku had been surprised by the swiftness of the guidance he'd gotten back, once he 'reached out' with those planets in mind. Frankly, getting ever more concerned about just what he was tapping into, he'd finally tried to ask Aayla about it. Only to end up triggering the strongest reaction yet regarding her lost memories. Unfortunately, that reaction had been a seizure-like spasming and pain, not an answer. Clearly, she had known something about whatever the mystery power was. Equally clearly, it wasn't safe to go poking around those particular memories. In fact, the reaction had made it painfully clear that they should probably seek out some medical treatment for Aayla, to see if she was in any danger. Something both were embarrassed to admit they hadn't really considered thus far. Though, to be fair, it wouldn't have been a very good idea to seek out such somewhere like Gargon anyway.

Once they'd gotten back on track after Aayla's episode, they'd gotten on a course for the planet of Esseles easily enough, that being the planet from their short list that the unknown force had pointed him towards when he'd sought an answer. Aayla had readily admitted it as a good choice, given that it was the only one of the three worlds that actually had a starship manufacturing industry. Even if they didn't buy a new ship, all such worlds tended to have plenty of used vessels on hand. After all, people traded ships in all the time, or even simply sold off old ships they'd arrived in after picking up a new order. They might not get the absolute top dollar for their current ship in such a system, but it was also far more likely for the shuttle to disappear among the other such sales on a planet like that. A general win all the way around, really, which made Izuku feel better about accepting the guidance from the unknown…entity? At least the guidance had all, so far, made logical sense!

Unfortunately, there was also a downside to having picked Esseles. While it was 'close' in relative terms to Gargon, the two planets weren't on the same major hyperlane. Meaning they'd be stuck in transit for a few days, following secondary hyperlanes that weren't as fast. Not to mention that they would need to drop out of hyperspace several times to calculate new jumps. Still, it wasn't as if they didn't have things with which to fill the time. Going over their 'loot' more thoroughly in an attempt to identify its value for one such thing…and making use of a certain translation package they'd picked up on Gargon was another. It was late in their first day of travel, after Aayla had taken a bit of a nap to recover from her episode, that they loaded up the datachip onto a reader and looked at each other with clear embarrassment.

"This is going to be really awkward, isn't it?"

Aayla blushed more deeply purple for a moment, before sighing.

"For me, even more than you, thank you very much. Since I'm sure I'll have to…explain things. But we still need to know. It would be stupid to miss some sort of danger or simple solution."

Izuku nodded, steeled his nerves, and used the object scanner on the reader to capture the text on Aayla's remote control. He tipped the reader toward her as she nudged closer to him where they were sitting side-by-side on his bed. They waited several seconds as the primitive translator worked through the Iridonian script from the remote, first identifying the language, then producing a digital copy of the remote with translated annotations. Inevitably, without any prayer of resisting the temptation, Izuku's eyes zeroed in on the set of buttons he'd used to…make Aayla feel good. The translations weren't exactly eloquent, but they certainly got the point across.

Vaginal Insert Stimulator

Anal Insert Stimulator

Pleasure Node Stimulator

He also quickly noted the Punishment Shock button as the one he'd been avoiding since it first induced a pained cry from Aayla on the first day. His wince at the thought of what an electric shock would feel like on such sensitive bits of anatomy nearly distracted him from the implications of the other descriptions. Nearly. His mind flashed back to what Aayla had said during their after-shower session a few days ago. What she'd done right afterward had sort of blanked it from his mind. But now…

"Wait…inserts? I figured it was some sort of, like, neural stimulation or something…"

Aayla shifted next to him, blushing again as she shook her head.

"N-no. Um. How to…oh fuck it! They are basically dildos, okay?! Stuck exactly where you think they are! And they were, well…designed to…" Aayla mumbled something, then took a deep breath and repeated it louder. "They are designed to constantly move a bit, as I move around. I don't know how it works. But they are driving me crazy. I'm constantly a little aroused and can't do anything about it."

Despite having managed to get that all out, Aayla was now flushed deeply purple, an odd contrast to the confidence she showed in constantly teasing him. Not that Izuku was doing any better. He was pretty sure his head was about to catch fire from the amount of heat in his face. Sure, he'd felt something in their link. But it had been there constantly from…oh. She'd already been wearing the things when he'd first met her. And her previous 'owner' had been actively holding the controller. So he'd probably even been toying with her. What he had been thinking of as Aayla's 'baseline' was actually…

"Um…do you…u-um." Izuku stuttered to a halt, took a deep breath and tried again. "Doyouwantmetodosomethingaboutit?"

Aayla blinked, needing several seconds to decipher that. When she did, her blush amplified and she turned away for a moment, before looking back at him and taking a deep breath.

"Yes, please, master. I've wanted to ask since the first time, but I was too nervous. That first time, I was sort of too far gone to think about it…"

-Lemon Starts Here-

Izuku took a deep breath of his own and fumbled with the remote a bit. He hesitated, gulping. This felt different somehow, now that he was fully aware of what each button did. Well, more or less what they did, at least. He bit his lip, forced himself to stop hesitating, and pressed the 'Vaginal Insert Stimulator' button firmly. Aayla had been looking away and squeaked. She didn't protest though, instead shifting back around to lean into his side.

"More, please, master."

Izuku's already half-hard member twitched at the way she used that title, his hesitation fading as she hugged his arm between her breasts. Deciding to go for variety over brute power, her tapped the 'Anal Insert' button, a certain part of him absolutely enjoying her startled moan that resulted. Humming to himself, he couldn't keep his mind from wondering about the crudity of the controls. Surely there was more nuance to something like…wait what if? This time, when he tapped the 'Vaginal Insert' button, he held it down…and got a protest from Aayla several seconds later.

"Noooo, bring it back!"

Okay, so that was off. It did confirm his thought though. Instead of a single tap or a tap and hold, this time he double tapped the button in rapid succession. Aayla jerked in place, eyes popping open wide as something different obviously happened. Grinning, he started trying different combinations of taps on all three of the buttons, quickly sending his companion on a roller coaster ride of pleasure. One moment, she was clearly almost overwhelmed, the next whimpering in disappointment, the next still shrieking in laughter and squirming as some new sort of stimulation hit her much differently.

He had no idea what each combination was doing, even if he knew what parts of her body it was happening too. His link to her did allow him to slowly sort out which sets of button presses she seemed to enjoy the most, however, and he eventually settled down to give her that relief she'd wanted. Working through a sequence of her favorites so far, wondering just what they were each actually doing to her, he watched in fascination as Aayla fell back onto the bed, eyes screwed shut and hands up under her shirt, mauling her breasts. The last step in the sequence had her back arching off the bed, a keening noise spilling from her lips…and then her whole body shuddered, convulsing in what was unmistakably a powerful orgasm. He let the stimulation continue for just a few more seconds, then turned each stimulator off in slow, deliberate sequence. She collapsed, panting on the bed.

For a long couple of minutes, Aayla simply lay there, trying to catch her breath after the intense ride. Then she looked up, her half-dazed eyes catching his.

"That was amazing, master. But I think I'm going to pass out now…"

Izuku blinked as her consciousness seemed to give out. Well…that was a thing. He actually felt a little bit of male pride? Though with his erection still painfully pressing at his pants, he was a little disappointed it didn't end like last time…

... ...

Izuku awoke to the single most amazing feeling in his short life. So pleasant was it that, combined with his emotional and mental exhaustion from recent events, it actually overrode his training to snap awake quickly. Instead, he came awake in slow stages, coaxed into full consciousness as the pleasant sensations increasingly shifted to outright pleasure. Pleasure, his brain abruptly computed, that was focused on the painfully-hard erection he'd drifted off to sleep with. Some combination of adrenaline and endorphins finally cleared the haze of sleep from his mind, his eyes popping open and looking downward immediately, in an immediate attempt to figure out just what felt so wonderful.

Had he been even slightly less dazed by the mix of fading sleep and pleasure, he might not have been as surprised by what he laid those eyes on. As it was, his jaw went slack and his mind blanked again as he found Aayla looking up at him from between his legs, her naked breasts wrapped around his cock as she pressed them together with her hands, sliding the valley of slick blue flesh up and down his twitching erection. Some discordant part of his mind responsible for his constant analysis of everything, noted that his companion wasn't quite big enough up top to completely wrap around his dick. The rest of his mind was far to busy enjoying the combination of amazing sensations and glorious view, and promptly told that single coherent part of his brain to shut the fuck up. Surprisingly, for possibly the first time in his life, it actually obeyed. Though that probably had everything to do with Aayla giving him a mischievous wink…and breaking eye contact to lean down and capture the tip of his cock between her lips, gently sucking on his glands even as a tongue flocked across his very tip.

That was too much. Much too much. Between the sight and the new sensation, Izuku's brain completely fried, leaving him unable even to warn his companion. She jerked back in surprise as the first thick jet of cum slipped through her parted lips and coated her tongue. The jerk hadn't stopped events, actually possibly pushing Izuku's pleasure higher as she drug her breasts up his cock as she moved. A second rope of cum hit her cheek…but then the third, fourth, and fifth ended up all over her bare tits as her jerking upward caused them to accidently capture his tip in their valley.

For long moments, Izuku was unable to think, and Aayla appeared too surprised to do or say anything. Then she giggled, titled her head, and let go of her breasts with her hands. As she leaned back, some of his cum flowed out of their valley onto him, the rest coating her tits even more thoroughly. She appeared far more fascinated than disgusted, and Izuku's eyes widened as she scooped a bit of it off her breasts with one finger and held it up to her face, examining it with curiosity. He gulped as her tongue flicked out a second later to taste it, far more intentionally this time, her head tilting adorably as she took in the flavor. His barely deflated cock twitched, quite ready to spring back to full mast at that sight.

"Hmmm, actually not that bad. I'm not sure why the holonet had mixed information about it? Maybe it's a species tastebuds thing? Well, I'm certainly not against it, at least! And it was another new thing! No pain, no memories, no hint I've done it before! I think I like just discovering new things, master! Instead of rediscovering them. Not to mention paying you back for helping me~! I'm going to get cleaned up, though…and you should join me~! You made a mess, after all…"

Izuku only realized Aayla was wearing absolutely nothing save her…accessories…as she sauntered away. Then he processed what she'd just said and blushed wine dark. She was going to kill him. He was sure of it. But, he was also pretty sure he was going to enjoy it. Despite himself, he somehow found himself following her toward the refresher…

-Lemon Ends Here-

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A/N: Just going to reiterate for clarity...lemons aren't the main focus of this story, despite two of them coming pretty close together. The reason for that has more to do with their situation and the fact no one else is around to interrupt the moments of intimacy. That said, lemons WILL continue to feature, likely a bit more frequently than in My Hero Automata. Just don't expect to see them every update like in Mass Effect: Final Error. The most recent P-atreon Update (just released today) doesn't feature one, for example. And the next might not either, based on planned events.

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