Can One Displaced Hero Save a Galaxy?

Chapter 47: Freedom and Fun

Summary: Making a deal and wrapping things up with a good time...

Warning! Chapters 44-47 were all posted back-to-back! Make sure you don't miss any of them!

Lemon Warning! This chapter contains a Lemon. It is clearly marked with -Lemon Starts Here- and -Lemon Ends Here-

Chapter 47: Freedom and Fun

There was a serious silence among the three of them, as they exited the Oasis. Shmi seemed to be in the best mood, but was clearly able to pick up on the heaviness of her two companions. Aayla was the next most centered, clutching a flawless durindfire gem in one hand, even as her thoughts continued to run over the long discussion she'd had with Bastila Shan. A discussion complete with visions from both Bastila and Revan's lives as a visual aid. Izuku was the most obviously troubled of the three, something which was slowly rousing Aayla out of her own worries as she felt the weight of his thoughts leaking over their bond. She had managed to process most of her own worries through meditation at the heart of the Nexus, even if she'd likely be doing a lot more meditation over the contents of her discussion in the near future.

Her lover, on the other hand, wasn't really programmed that way. Without the pseudo-indoctrination of the Jedi Order to reach for the Force for clarity of mind, Izuku was a bit more prone to being broody. Thankfully, she knew exactly how to get him unstuck from that sort of mental space. The fact that the amusement the method brought her would lift her own mood too only made it better. Carefully crafting a mental image of herself in a series of lewd poses, then even more carefully crafting versions of Mei in those same poses, she collected them…and pushed them through the bond. Izuku stumbled, blushed scarlet, and stared at nothing for a few moments. Aayla giggled at his vacant look, even as Shmi looked on in confusion.

"Come on, Master~. We're still on vacation you know! And we need to concoct shenanigans to free Shmi! A showdown at high-noon, a gambler's gambit, or a super boring plan where we just pay Watto a lot of money! Not to mention we need to help her figure out what she wants to do with her life, of course. Maybe she'll want to work at the Lucky Rabbit?"

Izuku spluttered for a moment at the mention of the strip club/casino he was technically the owner of, then narrowed his eyes and focused on his lover. Returning a mental image of her and Mei bound tightly together without a scrap of clothing between them caused her to hesitate…and lower her defenses so that the smack to her ass got through cleanly. She yelped.

"Master! Not in front of the hired help!"

Shmi, far from offended, outright laughed.

"Oh, don't worry. I got to hear all sorts of interesting stories about you from your former Master in the Nexus. Like about a little crush you had on someone? Shaak Ti, I think her name was."

Aayla whirled, her jaw dropping.

"Wait, you spoke to Master Vos?!"

Shmi's smile was gentle as she nodded.

"Yes. He had a few stories to share about Anakin…and a lot more about you. He made me promise to tell you how proud of you he is. Not to mention how utterly delighted he is about you 'building up to more chaos than I ever managed!' And something about giving a man named Mace a permanent eye twitch?"

Aayla, whose emotions had turned momentarily melancholy at the mention of her old master, shifted to a grinning amusement at that comment.

"Yeah, I bet he'd have loved to see some of the expressions on Master Windu's face these last few years…"

The trio fell into conversation as they returned to the landspeeder and headed back towards Mos Espa.

... ...

By the time they returned to Mos Espa, it had grown late enough that they had to return Shmi to Watto per their agreement with him. They had discussed how to go about freeing her on the return journey, and Aayla and Izuku had been only half surprised to discover that Shmi would prefer not to completely screw Watto over. Apparently, he'd been relatively generous as a Master even before Anakin had left them, providing far more for them than he needed to. Even to the point of letting Shmi run a small side business and actually keep the money she made.

Since Anakin's departure, he'd apparently softened further, to the point of treating Shmi far more like an employee than a slave. While she might not be paid, she did actively get time off…and he'd even taken her on a pair of tours of Tatooine on his own initiative. Shmi hadn't exactly been pampered, but she hadn't been mistreated either. And the efforts Watto had gone to, in little things like helping her try to contact the Jedi to find out about Anakin, said a lot about the Toydarian. Aayla and Izuku were unsurprised that she didn't want to screw the man over, even if it possibly complicated the situation a bit.

The result had been, despite the flirting that the two of them had done outside the Oasis, that they spent their night planning options and contingencies before getting some sleep. Some of those options were easy, others more convoluted, and the contingencies only really took a bit of time to arrange. The fact that they'd 'rented' Shmi's services for several days meant that they had plenty of opportunity to make everything work…

... ...

Their first stop once picking up Shmi in the morning, after spending a bit of time making it look like they were heading out into the Dunes again, was to smuggle her back to the Wandering Fate. To what would have been the surprise of absolutely no one who knew anything about them, the Fate's small medical bay had long since been upgraded to handle slave implants. Even ones that were active and far nastier than anything likely to be found on a backwater like Tatooine. As the most important contingency for getting Shmi's freedom was simply removing said implant, their first stop had been hilariously easy to settle on.

The results, however, had been a genuine surprise.

Shmi's explosive implant had been deactivated literally years ago. Within only a few days of Anakin's departure, if Shmi's memory of the date was correct. Izuku, reaching out to the Force and with both Shmi and the implant to serve as focuses, was easily able to pull the answer from the past. Apparently, Watto had been worried that she would become depressed over Anakin's departure and deliberately wander out of the safe range she could roam without going boom. Well some would simply call it pragmatic, in light of Watto's other actions it spoke more of a certain amount of genuine care and concern. Which only made Shmi more firm in not screwing the man over completely.

Not that she found any real resistance in Aayla and Izuku. While both of them hated the institution of slavery as a whole, neither of them were delusional enough to believe all slave owners were created equal. While many, perhaps even most if you averaged it all out, were barely worth the blaster bolt to kill them, others were decent enough people who were simply products of their environment.

Toydaria was a Hutt world, with the whole planet essentially in service to the Hutts via their feudal rulers. Watto had been born into and raised with the idea of slavery being normal. The fact that his personal empathy was strong enough to overcome that to care about his slaves honestly spoke well of him. It didn't mean they would have protested simply leaving him high and dry. But it did mean that they were willing to go along with Shmi's insistence on not doing so, if possible.

"So, you're saying that he's unlikely to accept an outright buyout, even for high value."

Shmi nodded from where she was sitting across from them at the table, all of them having moved on to an early lunch after the removal of the implant and discovering the surprise involved.

"Prior to Anakin leaving, I would have expected him to let me go for enough money, though not Anakin. But his change in behavior after Anakin left made it clear that he actually valued us more than our strict worth. Anakin's talents were obvious. My own are more modest, which makes the time off and other changes more telling. You'd have to offer him some sort of deal, one that will be attractive to him, as well as prove obviously beneficial to me."

Izuku and Aayla both nodded, mentally shuffling through their possible plans.

"What about a business expansion? Would he take offworld investment, transitioning from just a parts reseller to a local factor for a trading group? Being in charge of reselling goods to Tatooine?"

Shmi looked surprised but nodded at Izuku's suggestion.

"That sort of thing would appeal to him, so long as he wasn't subsumed by the trading group, just used as an end point. He values his independence."

Izuku nodded, though it was Aayla who thoughtfully continued to outline the idea.

"That should work. We want more operations, eyes and ears, in Hutt space for our own reasons. And we can pitch freeing you as making you the point of contact between the trade group and himself. Sign a proper contract. Use you as the point of contact for at least the first year so he gets to stay in touch. If, that is, it would be agreeable to you?"

Shmi shrugged.

"It sounds like you're effectively offering me a job? I don't know if I have the skills for it, but I'd be stupid to turn it down. I have to do something after getting off this planet, after all. Aside from hopefully managing to contact my son, that is."

Aayla grimaced.

"That part will be a bit harder than you think. Normally, Jedi are strongly discouraged against maintaining contact with their family. In your case, however, I think that's a bit stupid. It will take a while to arrange, but I should be able to sneak Anakin a secure comm. That way you can at least talk, even if it will be much more difficult to arrange a physical meeting until he's older and given a longer leash to work with."

Shmi didn't seem too put off by that, thankfully.

"Even just being able to talk to him occasionally would be much better than now!"

Which…fair enough. Though Izuku wanted to make something else clear.

"Just so you are aware, you don't have to take this particular job. I operate a couple of dozen different charities, all of which are designed to help former slaves gain new skills and opportunities to use their freedom. If you don't want to go with this idea, you can make use of any of those charities. Or, for that matter, we can simply give you a stipend for a few years and let you chart your own path."

Shmi shook her head.

"I've been a slave since I was a little girl. I have some technical skills, and I'm decent at keeping books. But I wouldn't even know where to start if I was just set loose. Could I work the contact job for the year, while trying to figure out what else to do?"

Aayla replied immediately and firmly.

"Absolutely. You can even take trainings unrelated to the job on our credits, in a dozen different fields if you want. That way you can see what appeals to you. Then either stick out the contact job, or train for something else. Even the official charities allow the people using them to switch around a bit, if they don't know quite what they want right at the start. Since you'd be doing us a favor with Watto, in a way, that would be a provision in your contract. That at the end of the first year, you can switch to training for something else if you want to."

Shmi smiled, looking a bit relieved.

"Then it sounds perfect to me. Assuming you think I can do the job…"

Izuku nodded.

"Mostly, it will involve handling Watto, which you obviously know how to do better than anyone. Otherwise, it's not too dissimilar to the book keeping for his shop, most likely. We'll have you assigned with someone else more experienced, and provided a solid training through them until you've got the job down fully. We like giving people the best chance possible, not just throwing them into the deep end…"

Smiling even wider, Shmi radiated happy relief.

"Then I accept! Even if it's a bit perhaps a bit premature to say so…"

... ...

The actual conversation and deal with Watto hadn't been that hard, surprisingly. Oh, he'd wanted a lot of proof, and the whole deal in writing. But he hadn't been nearly as hard to convince as they'd expected, something which proved to be accounted for when he admitted he'd made inquires and found out that Izuku really was Marstrap's offworld partner. That gave Izuku local credibility, along with someone that would be at hand for Watto to go after if Izuku reneged on the deal.

The Toydarian had almost balked at letting Shmi go. But the fact that she'd still be 'working with him' as his point of contact with the new trade group, one of the more clandestine ones set up under Izuku's various businesses, made the difference. This was a huge opportunity for Watto, and Shmi would be both in a better place and still in contact with him. The best of all worlds, as far as the Toydarian was concerned. It had taken several days to hash out all the details, but Shmi would be leaving with them. And the time it had taken had given Aayla and Izuku breathing room to deal with the visions they'd experienced.

Aayla built her new lightsaber as well, and on their last day on planet, with Shmi due to join them the next morning, she stood in the cargo hold and activated it. The blade sprang to life with the usual snap-hiss of any activating lightsaber, but the color was certainly unusual. It was a brilliant silver color, edging toward white, but not quite there. Wordlessly, Aayla activated her other blade, its golden glow joining its new companion. Gold and Silver. Matched in a way, yet not identical. Something which they both could feel had a deeper meaning, even if it escaped them what exactly that was.

After lighting them, Aayla flowed through a few simple to intermediate Jar'Kai saber forms. The dance of silver and gold was as hypnotic to watch as it was deadly…even if Izuku was a little distracted by the fact that Aayla had decided to put her 'harem girl' costume back on. The swirling of its loose material and the view through its semi-transparent cloth was just as entrancing as the weapons, and Izuku wasn't blind to why she'd done it. After all, she was still stuck in her chastity belt until the weeklong timer they'd set ended in another day and a half, and he'd had quite a bit of fun teasing her the last few days as they negotiated with Watto.

-Lemon Starts Here-

Grinning, he waited for her to power down her sabers…and struck. Aayla's eyes blew open and she moaned, almost dropping her saber handles as the remote control toy inside her flared to life at full power. Izuku gently pried them from her hands with telekinesis, Aayla unresisting as she whimpered, her knees nearly buckling from the teasing pleasure as the toy began to edge her…again. She hadn't been allowed to cum since their first day on planet, and even that had been an accident. Only her Force-given serenity had kept her sane over the last several as Izuku had slowly ramped up the teasing.

He'd done little on their first day after the Oasis, as both of them were distracted with heavy thoughts and Shmi's situation. But on the first day of negotiations, he'd started with small bits of teasing in both public and private. With each subsequent day, he'd ramped up the pressure, giving her breaks to calm down, but refusing to grant her the relief she was getting desperate for. Even now, unless he overrode the timer they'd put in place, her pussy wouldn't be getting the attention is throbbed for.

He did have something else in mind, though.

Aayla whined as he grabbed her from behind, pulling her into his chest and grabbing her barely-covered breasts with his hands. He kept away from her nipples, not wanting to accidentally send her over the edge as the toy teased her. Instead, he kneaded the less sensitive tissue in his hands, once again appreciating how perky they were as she whimpered and whined. Aayla squirmed in his grasp, trying to get him to make contact with her nipples, then mindlessly and pointlessly humped his thigh when he brought it up between her legs, partially lifting her weight. The cold metal of the chastity belt, combined with Twi'lek anatomy, made the effort almost useless. Aside from tugging very slightly on the toy inside her, there just wasn't any way for her to get any friction through the belt.


Grinning, he kissed behind the cone of her ear, enjoying her shudder as he brushed another minor erogenous zone there.

"Now, now, use your words properly, pet. Please what?"

Aayla whimpered, but seemed to sense a kernel of hope that he might not leave her hanging this time.

"Please fuck your horny slut!"

He laughed, surprised at how eagerly and shamelessly she'd spit that out. Dirty talk wasn't their usual thing, but apparently she was really far gone and ready to use anything and everything to get what she wanted. A moment later, he forced himself to stop chuckling and whispered in her ear.

"Welllll…you have been good. But you know the timer isn't up yet, pet. Still…there's one way I can still fuck you."

Aayla whined. What he suggested wasn't quite what she wanted. But she was also desperate to cum…and she didn't exactly hate it. Even if it was usually more spice during a marathon session than the main event for her. Besides, with how hard she'd cum when Mei outed them, Izuku had been made aware of something else he hadn't quite realized about his lover before. Namely, that she was at least a little bit of an exhibitionist. Izuku knew Mei was currently sleeping off a tinkering spree with too little sleep, not having been monitored carefully enough for the last few days. But his love hadn't seen or sensed the pinkette stumbling into her cabin in her zombie state, too wrapped up in the focus-intensive effort of assembling and attuning her new saber.

Which meant that, to Aayla, what he was about to do had an exciting element of risk.

Her breathing hitched as his hands stopped kneading her breasts, traveling down her body to tug at the hem of the seemingly-flimsy top. He tugged and she tensed…but obeyed as he lifted it, lifting her arms so he could strip it off her body. A single tug at each breast got a pair of gasps a moment later, as he ripped off the two Xs of tape that had been the only thing 'protecting her modesty' under the transparent cloth. The adhesive wasn't overly strong, but her nipples were painfully erect and sensitive at the moment, the extra sensations nearly enough to take her over the edge…if he hadn't deliberately timed them for when the vibrations of the toy were at a low ebb.

As it was, her legs finally gave out, resulting in most of her weight coming down on where he was holding her against him and on the thigh between her legs. He chuckled, but shifted his grip, picking her up…but not taking her very far. Instead of absconding to their cabin, he only moved her to a nearby crate that was a convenient height. He pushed her down forward onto the cold metal, leaving her scantily clad ass on display. A quick tug stripped her of her harem-dancer pants, and she'd already kicked off the sandals she'd been wearing of her own accord.

The result left her in nothing but her chastity belt and jeweled accessories, and this belt did nothing at all to conceal her ass. It came down from her waist as a thong…only to spread out into an oval around her rear entrance. Invisible but exposed, unless she was bent over, there was no way for anyone to know that there was only one thing covering her blue bud. Specifically, the sapphire jewel of the butt plug Izuku had insisted was 'part of the outfit, we have to think of your modesty!' with a wicked grin. Not that Aayla had exactly put up a protest. The plug was far slimmer and more comfortable than the toy she'd been stuck with when they'd first met, after all. It was also self-lubing, which made Izuku glad she'd 'put it on' with everything else when she'd pointedly redressed into the harem girl outfit. It would make what he was about to do much simpler, after all.

Aayla whimpered and moaned as he gently tugged at the toy, not providing enough pressure to pull it out just yet. She squirmed, and he spanked her in response, getting a half yell and half moan, but causing her to obediently still. Rewarding her for that obedience, he tugged harder, causing the toy to pop out. Aayla moaned, then whimpered, loving the sensation but now all the more empty feeling…for the moment. As he quickly stripped his own pants and boxers, that wasn't going to last. His rock-hard erection more than eager to make use of the slightly-gaping opening that was nicely presented and positioned just for this moment. Checking with a finger to make sure there was plenty of lube from the toy caused Aayla to whimper-moan again, and when he replaced the finger with the tip of his cock her breath caught.

Anal wasn't something Aayla minded. She'd been broken of any thought of it being overly naughty by the months she'd been trapped with a far higher-tech toy buried in her ass. But it was normally a sideshow for her. A fun extra that wasn't, in and of itself, enough for her to get off. Izuku was admittedly very tempted to turn the toy buzzing away in her pussy off entirely, to see if being painfully horny was enough to change that limitation. But…perhaps another time. He did sort of want a repeat of the last week's fun at some point, which meant keeping it fun. That, in turn, meant he needed to make the reward for the teasing buildup intense. Which is why, as he increased the pressure just enough to slip the head of his cock into her ass, he instead triggered a program of the toy meant to make Aayla cum her brains out.



Until she passed out or he decided to stop.

She instantly howled, any concern about being quiet erased as he thrust hard, burying his cock deep even as her orgasm caused her to clamp down. He didn't manage to make it all the way in, her passage tightening too much as she came, but the plug and its lube had done a good enough job loosening her up for him that he managed to hilt fully when he timed his second thrust between her internal contractions. The sensation set off her second climax, forcing Izuku to grab her arms and pull them behind her back to stop her mad, instinctive thrashing. He suspected even she didn't know if she was thrashing to escape the pleasure…or to intensify it.

Whichever she wanted, he knew what she was getting. She couldn't escape, and he blithely used the precognition ability of the Force in a way that likely would have caused a few rage-induced spontaneous combustions among the Jedi if they'd seen it. Leaning on the ability, he timed his thrusts into his lover's ass with her body's muscle spasms as she rode waves of pleasure that made her cum over and over again. A human woman likely would have passed out quickly, overwhelmed utterly. But Twi'leks were, to a certain extent at least, built to cum like that. Perhaps not quite so quickly or intensely, but certainly repeatedly. Izuku rode that and the fact that Aayla had Force and training backed stamina for all it was worth, fucking her roughly, yet in just the right irregular pattern to enhance every wave of pleasure with a counterpoint.

Even Aayla couldn't take it for long…but neither could Izuku. The tight, hot vice of spasming muscle was among the most intense things he'd ever experienced, and he rapidly hit the point of no return himself. Aayla peaked yet again as he buried himself to the balls in her ass and spurted hot seed deep inside her. He could feel the eyes rolling into the back of her head and sensed it as she lost the war with consciousness. For a few instants that seemed to drag on forever, he was too frozen by his own pleasure to do anything about it. But then, he managed to fumble with the remote via the Force and turn off the toy. Panting himself, he leaned into the crate that was now supporting them both, checking quickly on Aayla to make sure she was okay.

She was, of course. This was hardly the first time he'd managed to make her pass out from cumming so hard. Though it was the fastest. The teasing of the last several days had left her on a hair trigger, her body desperate to cum even if she cleared her mind with the Force to get through negotiation meetings. As he slowly softened inside her, he smirked at the blissed out look on her face as she rested on the crate.

That had been fun. But she'd certainly gotten more orgasms out of it than he did. Maybe he should tell her he wasn't going to unlock the belt until she equaled them out? Of course, he'd have to spout some arbitrary number, since he had no idea how many times she'd actually cum. Still, it could be fun. Or perhaps he'd come up with something else. She might suck him dry before they reached Tython if he went with that plan, after all. And he wasn't at all sure if it would be safe to venture onto that part of their quest with their fun little experiment still in place.

Eh. He'd figure it out tomorrow. For now, he needed to convince his legs to stop being rubber so he could get them both back to their cabin…

-Lemon Ends Here-

... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

A/N 1: Yay! Shmi is going to be free...marking a major step in knocking the Galaxy off its original course.

A/N 2: So, durindfire crystals are a thing. At least in the EU. Very few people knew about them, but the Jedi of the Halcyon Family (Corellian Jedi Order) were known to use them. The crystals gave their blades a silver/white tint. Which I thought would be a nice counterpoint to the golden blade the Heart of the Guardian gives Aayla's main saber. The bits about the Jawa using them are also EU canon. For that matter, the details about what happened to Tatooine shown in Izuku's Chapter 46 vision are also EU canon. Including where the Jawas/Sand People came from.

A/N 3: I only mention this once per release, but my stories have a Patreon page where some early access content is available. In example, I just released chapters 48-51 of Displaced Hero there, giving it roughly another 16,000 more words which will remain in early access until next month. Similarly, there are at least a few Early Access chapters there for ALL of my stories, though NONE of them are ever permanently paywalled. All fanfiction content I make ends up here (or on and Questionable Questing) eventually, as new content for each story is released.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.