Can Someone Please Explain This Situation

Chapter 26

Ch.26 Event?

Authors Note:

Ah-well, last chapter’s ending is a bit agitating(--;)Firstly I will apologise. Sorry!

Looking back at the caller, there are four young ladies. I say young ladies, but I do not know which house’s. It is my first time meeting them.

The voice that called out to me, was a young lady wearing a cute fluttering pink dress. She stepped out in front so she is probably the leader type?

No. Is this the promised event?! Will it not probably be ill-speech, something like ‘It is strange for someone like you matched with the Duke!’?! Eh? Is it not exciting? No no, do not be absurd!

“Ye, yes. That is correct?”

I reply, my eyes slightly shaking with a hesitating flavour. And after that I wait excited for what kind of rule-of-right words fly out but.

“Wow! You are a more lovely person than the rumours!”

She says and her slightly slanted almonds eyes narrow and she smiles.

I want to give praise to me who did not fall senseless.



“The Duke, is dreamy to such a  degree so, are you not struggling in many ways?”

The one who seems concerned, by her manner of speaking, like she is somehow implying something in a roundabout way, is the pink fluttering young lady who came up to talk to me. She is called Iris daughter of Sanguinea marquis house. At first sight she has severe looking almond eyes, but there is charm when she makes them narrow. She is a level-headed beautiful person, but it makes we wonder how about her dress preferences. She told me she is older than me by two years.

“Yes, well……”

I answer with an ironic smile to this hard to answer question. How should I put it? I am not struggling, rather I am allowed to do as I please. However, if it was an ordinary lady it would be an unbearable state of affairs, but I do not struggle with that either, so I say nothing.

“The rumours, right. I have heard a lot……”

The one who said this difficult thing to talk about to me, looks at me with upturned eyes. She is the plump, charming daughter of the Crocus count house.

Certainly, if I was a fretful type wife it would be severe state of existing. But I have the servants, and instead, is the Duke not needed? Or so I have been thinking lately? That is why.

“It is okay. The Duke is a very kind person”

*Ufufufu*, this time let’s give a fleeting ironic smile.

Now I notice it, where are the malicious ladies prepared for war, rather I am surrounded by nice ladies. Huhー? There was supposed to be a fighting scene? Fighting scene, where are you?

I incline my head in doubt in my heart at the harmonious atmosphere; it is very far apart from my anticipations, rather my expectations.

“At usual parties, that, it seems he escorts a different person”

Ah~, they know about Her existence.

“Despite being married, I am a bit worried, wondering if that is okay”


It seems normal. Complaining that the Duke should do better.

“I think [she] is meddlesome”

“He has such a beautiful wife and he escorts another person, something is wrong with him!”

I see, the ladies are favourable to the sympathy vote! Beautiful or lovely are thoroughly social courtesies, so on this occasion I will splendidly ignore it.

Our speech and conduct does not particularly have an ulterior motive or such, so we are chattering as we are.

It appears that everyone knew that the Duke went out to evening parties with Her. Therefore, it seems they wanted to refrain from a marriage with the very rich, dreamy and elite because of how, with it, it would be very likely, they would be slighted. The plan was to give up with my whole energy, but it seems that is not necessary. And more and more concerned ‘I wonder if you are okay?’ voices are being raised for me who was placed in such a situation. In reality it is a contract marriage with every expectation involved, so there is no such bitter emotion, but I cannot say such a thing at this place even if my mouth bursts!

“Oh, ohohoho~”

Let’s give an acceptable laugh!

Well then, it is disappointing there was no fight scene but we finished without an unnecessary fight so shall we say it is good.



For a while the five of us talked about various things harmoniously but,

“Aah, Viー. Here you are. I was looking for you”

The Duke said, approaching, having finished his conversation with his subordinate. Aah, I forgot this person’s existence again. It is a bad habit!

“Sorry. I was having an enjoyable conversation with everyone here”

I introduce the ladies to the Duke who is approaching here. It seems the Duke did not know the ladies, and while standing next to me and embracing my back,

“Is that so. My wife has been in your care. From now on also please continue to get along well”

He says with his usual glittering smile floating. Speaking of the reaction of the nearby ladies who saw this! Has it not became ‘Blush~~~’ before my eyes?! Certainly the Duke’s smile has this much destructive power. ……popularity

““““Ye, yes~~~!!””””

Heart eyes are probably what these are. Although, to their own husbands they think ‘[mine’s] a little ne~” because even if I am purely ornamental he is the best. It is a quick change in their behaviour.


From the sympathy votes, the favourable interactions I have everywhere, I go in the hall, it results in me ending up looking around searching for ‘where is the fighting scene~?’. And yet I had long been prepared for this~


“Shall we dance?”

the Duke invited me. Come to think of it we have just been eating and drinking and chattering, and we have not danced at all. At the beginning of the lesson I thought ‘but I will not be going to a place to show this off!’ and yet, well, just as Lotus says, ‘there was no loss at being prepared’. Foresight, as expected of Lotus, he is a superior……, I’ve said that enough, right.

After dancing several pieces with the Duke, regardless of age, one by one, ‘Shall we dance?’ [T/N: originally in english] came. I didn’t refuse and continued dancing as is. How many dances, how many people I danced with, already I cannot definitely recall. I feel I have done a lifetime of dancing. But one thing I can say is, I have cultivated physical strength from doing habitual housework, and thanks to Lotus’s strict demon-teaching I finish without losing face. No rather I could be praised for being skillful. I am grateful to Lotus!

While I am dancing with other people, the Duke is having a friendly chat with his friends and workmates, however it seems he is exactly mindful of my person, and our eyes meet intermittently. Everytime he gives a smile, but it is okay, I do not make a mistake! Because I will perfectly play my part to the end!

When my back is gradually starting to ache, still the next invitation comes. As expected it might be relentless~ and I secretly hesitate then,

“Around now my wife will be getting tired, so please return her”

The Duke says, taking my back extremely naturally. Oooh, Duke! Nice Follow up!! Thanks to that I was able to successfully finish up the dance. Thanks thanks.

And then I take a drink and a pause.


Champagne after dancing is the best! I can’t stand this fizziness~!![T/N: because it is so good] it soaks in throughout my body~!  While thinking about the old man joke I am savoring the champagne when,

“ I expect you are probably tired? Thank you for accompanying me. Now shall we leave?”

Maybe because I was very amusing, the Duke is looking at me while softly making his dark eyes narrow, chuckling and smiling. Ah, I was seen. This is a bit embarrassing. But it is good to be a natural person in this way~

“Yes. I would be glad to”

After this reply, this time I slightly keep up appearances and drain the champagne with a graceful gesture.

With this, at last, the optional event is at an end!


When we arrive at the mansion, it has become quite late.

“““Welcome home”””

And yet Lotus, Dahlia and Mimosa have come to greet us at the entrance way. Aah, I feel like I have come home~!!

“Tadaima[1] we have returned”

“Tadaima, I am sorry it is late”

We enter a step into the entrance way and, Mimosa takes our coats.

With this there will be a goodnight farewell to the Duke and afterwards it is time for sleeping. Let’s persist for a bit longer!

Thinking this, I turn round to the Duke to give the farewell.

“Many thanks for today. Aah, Lotus. Today, it is already late, so I will be sleeping here. Please prepare the room.”

First,  the word of thanks he said are for me. After that are words released to Lotus who is in waiting.

Huhー? Am I too tired and am having an auditory hallucination again~???



[1] ‘tadaima’ is a Japanese greeting a person says when they return home. The rough English translation is ‘I’m home!’

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