Canon Fodder


I didn’t get much sleep. Reina had enough sense to cuddle up into me. Mika walked into my room. Loudly moving things around to wake me up. 

“Let me sleep,” I groaned. Unashamed of our nakedness and the large stains we had left from the night before. 

“Up and atem, Weston,” she said. “You have to meet your team for training.”

“I literally just fell asleep an hour ago,” I groaned. 

“And yet you’ll find yourself refreshed,” she said. I opened an eye to look at her. Slowly I did find myself not really that tired. No crust in my eyes or strain to keep them open. 

“A perk of the Chikyugi,” she said with a smile. “Sex will refresh most any ailment you suffer.”

I blushed. “So you really did… this…”

“With your father? Yes. Most every night,” she said with a smile. “Which is why I know you’re fine. But her. She’s only human. She needs sleep. So please get up. Don’t be late for your second day of training.”

Looking down to Reina she was still sound asleep despite our conversation. Snoring lightly the buxom girl was as beautiful as the night before. Her supple skin against mine caused an erection in me. 

“No,” Mika said. Noticing the rather large bulge under my blanket. 

I blushed and slid out from under Reina. Hiding my boner I jumped in the already drawn bath and was out the door. I was only a little bit late but I had to run laps around the training area because of it. I didn’t mind. Practicing my chakra control as I did. I also checked my quest then Status Screen. 

Naruto Quest 2 Complete

Awaken the Chikyugi by laying with a virgin.




Weston Watanabe

Current Quest:

World 1:

High School of the Dead

World 1 Quest:

Escape the School

World 2:


World 2 Quest:

Bring Kei to Life

World 3:


World 3 Quest:


Passive Skills:

Memory Meld

Usable Abilities:

Status Screen

World Escape







I did have a fun last night. My larger dick was worth it all for me. Potentially being able to have it outside the world too made it all worth it. Looking forward to actually learning some techniques I began my training arc. 

Meeting my team every morning we would train. Each day the training became more intense. Running further. Sparring longer. Even Kurenai sparred us. Showing how much we really didn’t know. Barely using any skills she could fight us 3 on 1 with ease. 

I wasn’t surprised by this of course. She was Jounin. But Kiba was. It took time but Kurenai eventually proved to him that she was the alpha. When she was serious he would bow down to her without a word edgewise. 

When she felt we were ready we took missions from the city. They were simple missions of course. Rush this crate of goods across town, post these flyers for a concert coming up, catch this cat. All standard grunt work. I didn’t complain much. I was too exhausted from my other training. 

Team 8 had my attention during the day. Reina had it at night. She had been too sore for too much the first day after our night together. But she had shown me the skill of Lust Element. 

Where shadow was a manifestation of shadow, lust was the manifestation of sex. Or more specifically, pleasure. Her Lust Chakra could be moved to her skin to make everything that touches her feel pleasure. It could be focused inside to increase your own sexual drive and ability. Which was the only reason she was able to keep up with me that first night. 

She started me on basics. Charging her hand with chakra she jerked me off causing me to spurt out after a few tugs. She of course sucked my semen down. Apparently the Chikyugi caused my balls to be charged with chakra at all times. Replenishing her own reserves and giving her pleasure since I still couldn’t control the Lust Element. 

Another change to me from awakening my Globes was 2 small tattoos on my scrotum. Right at the front of my scrotum sac was 2 light pink hearts, flanking the shaft of my dick. The hearts were just like the family crest, twisted to the side. 

My dad hadn’t been too forthcoming with the full Chikyugi awakening. But once I had a handle on the Lust Element that Reina taught he would begin the real training. 

So that was my life for a month. I received 1 system quest for my first mission as part of Team 8, but that was it. Earning the passive skill World Lasting Physique I guessed that whatever muscles I gained in one world would transfer to the other. 

I was having too much fun to think about going anywhere else though. We were in the middle of practicing water walking when I received a new quest. 

Naruto Quest 4

Compete in the Chunin Exam


Based on how well you do during the exam.

The notification almost made me lose focus but I recovered. Keeping a constant flow of chakra in my feet I continued to stand still on the pond. 

We stayed like that for another half hour when Kiba finally fell in. Sputtering and cursing the waves moving caused me to almost lose it but I kept up. Hinata only a few feet away she eyed me shyly. 

“Hey Hinata,” I said. “Is that a new hoodie? You look extra pretty today.”

Her face blushed. Her feet sunk into the water. I almost had her but she recovered. Refocusing, she raised back up to water level as Kiba swam to shore. 

“I wonder if we should make this a little more interesting,” I said. “We are already betting that the losers have to run 10 laps around the city. Maybe we should do another wager.”

She didn’t answer. “I’m thinking one between you and I. If I win you have to do something I ask. And if I win I have to do something you want.”

“Like what?” She asked. Not so much a whisper, she had gotten better about talking. 

“Anything you want,” I said. “I don’t care.”

“Okay,” she said with a timid smile. 

“Perfect. I have the perfect dress for you to wear on our date. I’ll pick you up tonight, okay?” 

She blushed finally losing it and fell in as she screamed, “waaaa.”

Laughing I walked over to her. Pulling her out of the water she blushed as she began walking on it again. We walked to shore to see Kurenai clapping for us. “Very good chakra control,” she said. “All of you.”

“Still lost,” Kiba grumbled. 

“Yes. But I have no doubt you’ll do better next time. Before you begin your laps I have something to ask you all.” That got the others' attention. I already had an idea of what she wanted. 

“What do you think of taking the Chunin exam?”

“Already?” I dutifully asked. “We’ve only been doing missions for a few weeks.”

“Yes, but I think you are ready. Your chakra control is top notch. You could do better at teamwork. But even if you don’t pass, this would be a great set of real world experience.”

I looked to Kiba and Hinata. “Fine with me,” I said. The other 2 nodded. 

“Great,” Kurenai said. “The exam is in 3 weeks. So we will be increasing the training load. Now go do your laps and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

The others groaned but as I joined them for the run they quieted down as we did our familiar lap around the city. Jumping between branches and paths as we ran. 

“Why are you joining us?” Kiba asked. 

“Because we need to be training harder,” I said. I was exhausted but kept at it. “The Chunin exam will be hard fought.”

“What is the exam going to be?” Hinata asked. 

“7 words, good for you,” I said. She rolled her gray eyes. “The Chuunin from other clans will come here. We will have to compete against each other.”

“How do you know that?” Kiba asked. 

“I just do,” I said. “Besides, it happens every year. How do you not?” 

“I heard they change it up every year.” 

“Perhaps, but I’m confident. We will have kids older than us to worry about. And of course Gaara of the Sand,” I said. 

“Who?” Hinata asked. 

“Gaara. He’s the son of the sands Kage. They say he doesn’t sleep because when he does he turns into a demon.”

“That’s bullshit,” Kiba barked.

“Maybe. But I believe it,” I said. “The sand is no joke. And of course we will have to watch out since it’s a great time for spies to sneak into the Leaf.”

“Where do you get this crap?” Kiba asked. 

“I can see the future,” I said. “Just like I can see Naruto kicking your ass in a fight during the exam.”

Kiba let out a growl. “That idiot? Never gonna happen.”

“I don’t know. He went on a real mission. Should be back any day now. Might be stronger than you think,” I teased. 

“If he beats me. Then I’ll eat Akamaru’s food,” he said. The small white dog barked from within his coat. 

“You do that already,” I said. 

We quieted down and finished the laps. All the while I tried to think on what to do. 3 weeks wasn’t a huge amount of time. Team 7 should be back any day from the mission to protect the bridge builder. 

They had a nice training arc between that and the Chunin Exam. Naruto met Jiraiya and learned to summon toads as well as call on his Jinchuriki chakra. While Sasuke learned lightning element and Chidori. 

I was getting close on Lust Element. Almost mastering everything Reina taught me. But I doubted Chikyugi would help me much in the Chuunin exam. Maybe I needed to pull my own training method. My chakra reserves had almost tripled since becoming a Genin. Training daily had increased it, and the Chikyugi itself increased it great. But I was nowhere near Naruto’s level so I couldn’t learn summoning. Guess I needed to find out if I had another battle worthy element. 

After our laps we split up. But again I walked Hinata home. She was quiet like usual. When we were closer to her home she asked, “so what do you want for winning the bet?”

“I told you. For you to wear a beautiful dress on our date,” I said. 

“What date?” She squeaked. 

“Well I haven’t won a bet to get you to go out with me yet. So none right now,” I said. “Unless you just happened to want to go on a date with me.”

She blushed but didn’t answer. “Why do you always walk me home?”

“Because I like spending time with you,” I said. I left it at that as we got to her house. “See you tomorrow.”

“B-bye,” she whispered as I walked away. A smile on my lips I limped home when she was out of sight. I had pushed myself too hard. 

When I got home Reina was nice enough to give me a rub down. The Lust Chakra poured out of her hands loosening my muscles. Her large breasts sandwiching my head as she loosened me up. 

Looking up at her we kissed hard as she started stroking my dick. It wasn’t long until she was crawling over top me to get to my cock. Her pussy in my face I ate her out as she deepthroated me. Her training at the brothel had taught her much. She sucked my seed down with a smile on her lips as we were quickly moving to a new position. 

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