Canon Fodder


“I see this as training for an actual mission like Anko said,” I told my teammates. “We need to keep our eye out for anyone. Everyone has transformation jutsus. So if we ever lose sight of one another we need to know that the other is who they say they are.”


“I won’t have a problem knowing who is who,” Kiba said, flicking his nose. “Akamaru and I will be fine.”


“Which is another reason you have the scroll,” I said. “What about you Hinata?”


“I can tell who is who by their chakra,” she said. I nodded. Like the Uchiha who had strength in their eyes. So did Hinata’s clan, the Hyuga. They had the Byakugan. Which allowed them so see chakra, pathways, and pores. 


“Just leaves me,” I groaned. “I’m not cool like you guys.” I had a magic dick but that wasn’t useful at this point….or was it?…no it wasn’t…or was it? Damn none of the ideas was working. The only thing I really had was the Chikyugi Necklace which put people staring at it in a Genjutsu if I was channeling chakra into it.


“Maybe…” I said pulling it from inside my shirt. Showing it to the 2 of them I channeled chakra into it. Creating a mental image of my Makuramoto the duo appeared inside the large pillow room. Instead of pillows though it was large mattresses and sofas. 


“What the hell!” Kiba said looking around. “Where is this?” 


“It’s my Genjutsu,” I said. “We are still just staring at one another. You 2 are inside an illusion with me.”


“Woah,” Kiba said. “How the hell did that happen?”


“Kurenai reviewed how to not be put in a genjutsu, and how to break out of one,” I said with a frown. “Focus your chakra on your mind before someone casts it. Or have someone push chakra into you.”


Kiba put his hand on Hinata. Channeling chakra he friend. “Why didn’t it work?”


“Because we are in my mind. Your consciousnesses are controlled by my chakra right now,” I said. 


“Where’s Akamaru?” Kiba asked, worried. 


“I left him out,” I said. “So during the minute we have been talking. It’s been only a couple of seconds to our real bodies. But let’s make this short anyway. If we meet up. I will take you here for a split second and ask a question only you will know, alright?”


“Works for me,” Kiba said. Hinata nodded. I released the chakra and we were back in our real bodies. 


“Woah, how would we know we were in an illusion? Maybe I’m still in one.”


“I’ve heard you just need to hurt yourself. You won’t feel anything if you do. The person trapping you in an illusion has to hurt you for you to feel pain,” I said. 


“Enough back story,” I said. “Let’s set up some traps.” We nodded and began. Finding a clearing Kiba began setting a net trap in the ground. Hinata scanned the area for chakra signatures. And I went through my control exercises. 


Since I awoke the 3rd stage of Chikyugi I was struggling with my libido. The pills I received to limit it were helping, but I was struggling not to become hard at every moment. 


A new chakra pathway formed between the chakra core and my dick, huge amounts of chakra were circulating into it. That was causing my increased sex drive. I had been taught some exercises for better chakra control. They were harder than expected. 


Like trying to stop the flow when you were peeing. Only you’d start peeing again as soon as you stopped thinking about not peeing. It was sad how accurate the analogy was. Because I really had to pee. 


“I uh gotta use the restroom,” I said. 


“Cus you’re working up such a sweat sitting there?” Kiba asked. 


“I told you, I’m still healing,” I said. “I’ll be quick.”


“Do it a little away dude,” Kiba said. “I can’t stand the smell when it’s close.” 


“Fine, but make sure to test me when I’m back,” I said. 


They nodded as I ran off. I decided to keep it close, no matter what Kiba said I wasn’t about to risk doing it too far away. The piss turned into something more. But a ninja was always prepared so I was sure to bring the toilet paper. As I took care of my business I reviewed the important stuff that happened during this part of the exam. 


Naruto and his team met Orochimaru. The weird snake guy got a boner for Sasuke like any basic bitch. Sakura cut her hair. Naruto…fought Orochimaru. That’s all I remembered. He was supposed to train with Jiraiya after this part. They met at the hot springs where Jiraiya fixed the seal on the Jinchuriki because Orochimaru messed it up. So Naruto and Orochimaru fought and Orochimaru resealed the fox for some reason. I couldn’t remember why. That was when I got the quest.  


Naruto Quest 4.2

Assist Naruto in escaping Orochimaru's Snake.



Permanent Chakra Buff (1.5x)


“Fuck,” I said finishing up my business. I had forgotten Sasuke got bitch slapped by Orochimaru and Naruto had to save his boyfriend. 


Jumping down the impossibly large tree I arrived at our small camp to find one of each of all of us. There were 2 Kiba’s, 2 Hinata’s, and another me. “Shit,” I said. “Kiba, you were supposed to prevent this.” 


“I am-that’s the fake” “I am-that’s the fake” They both said angrily pointing at the other. 


“Great,” me and my clone said as one. Rolling our eyes I lifted the Chikyugi Necklace out of my shirt. The other copied, but mine was the only real one. Channeling chakra through it I put them all in an illusion. I jumped between their minds quickly. Keeping time slowed on all 5 was taxing, but I was much stronger than before the Chikyugi.


“Hey Hinata,” I said in my Makuramoto. 


She looked around confused. That was clue enough, but I checked anyway. “Which dress do you want to wear on our date?” I asked. Pulling up an illusion of the slutiest looking dresses I could think of there were more than a few that were simply strings. Instead of blushing, the person in front of me simply stammered. 


“Yeah, drop the guise,” I said. 

“No, it’s me-” 


“Yeah, no, I know Hinata better than that. You and your buddies are stuck in my Genjutsu. Drop the guise, or I’ll drop it for you.” I said. 

Hinata frowned but dropped the illusion. Turning into a simpler looking woman she was actually a woman from the village of Sound. Her headband had the music note emblem on it. I didn’t recognize her from the show. Short cut brown hair she wore a red vest and white shirt underneath. 


“Okay,” I said. “I don’t have the chakra to deal with all 3 of you. But I do have more than enough for you. So, tell me what I want to know, or you will wish you had.” 


“Good luck,” she said with a smile. 

“My favorite answer,” I said with a smile. Pouring chakra out of my body the Lust Aura surrounded me. Imagining her shackled to the wall she appeared there. Panting as my Lust aura caused her to feel things she probably never had felt before I made her clothes disappear. 


“What-” She tried to say. I imaged tape over her mouth. 


“Shhhh,” I said walking up to her. “Blink 3 times when you’re ready to say what I want to hear.” 


Her eyes bulged as my hand moved down to her pussy. Simply moving over it the Pleasure chakra I was channeling made her cum immediately. Her body held to the wall, the only part of her that could move was her chest. Writhing as she came uncontrollably I kept my hand there for 30 full seconds. 

Pulling my hand away I asked, “Ready to talk?” Her eyes lidded, but didn’t blink 3 times. I twisted her erect nipple while moving my hand back to her pussy. Channeling more and more chakra she began to squirt as her body tried to move out of my touch. “Shhh, this isn’t real. You’re fine. Let’s see how long you can go. I think I could keep it up for at least a week.”

Her body continued to shudder. Voice trying to scream under the tape, I was getting better at controlling the mana in the Makuramoto. I thought of using my dick, but I wouldn’t have really gotten a release. I wanted information, not to scar her for life. 


It took 2 full minutes for her to blink 3 times. When I imagined the tape off of her she asked, “What are you doing to me?” 


“Wrong answer,” I said putting the tape back on. She went under another minute of cumming then blinked again. 


“What do you want to know?” She asked. 


“Which scroll you have, and which of you has it?” 


“Me,” she said. “In my shirt. Heaven.” 


“Perfect,” I said. I pulled out of the Genjutsu. Releasing the real Hinata I told her where to get the scroll. She nodded, running over she blushed while searching for the scroll. While she did that I found the fake Kiba by asking about what he said he would eat if Naruto beat him in a fight. 


Releasing the real Kiba I jumped behind my double. I knocked him and that others did the same to their doubles. Only using about a quarter of my chakra I was getting better at illusions. Creating my own little room was much more fun than creating some weird acid trip illusion that most ninja’s did. 


“Do we kill them?” Kiba asked. 


“Na,” I said. “If we were in their situation I would want to be spared.” 


“Fine, should we head to the tower already?” Kiba asked. 


“I actually heard Naruto screaming for help a minute ago, mind if we help him?” I asked. 


“Why do you like that kid?” Kiba asked. 

“I think he gets a bad wrap,” I said. “Come on, please, sniff him out.” 


“Fine,” Kiba said. Akamaru jumped out of his shirt and began sniffing around. The small white dog jumping great distances as it searched in different directions. After the 3rd jump it barked. “Let’s go,” Kiba said as we ran after the dog. 

“How the hell did those guys get the jump on you anyway?” 


“No idea,” Kiba growled as we jumped from branch to branch. “One second they weren’t there, the next they were.” 


“Hinata, you alive back there?” 

“Yes,” she whispered. 


“Good. Let’s do this and get the hell out of this forest.” 


“Think we will be the first one’s-” Kiba stopped. Raising his hand Akamaru jumped back to him. “What is it?” The dog growled at him, speaking a language only Kiba knew. “Something ugly ahead.” Looking at the large branch ahead I noticed it right away. The branch was alive. 


It was actually a giant snake. “Fuck,” I said. “That’s Naruto.” 


“What?” Kiba asked.


“You see that bulge?” I asked, pointing near the center of the snake. “That’s Naruto. Hinata, use your Byakugan to verify.” Her temples suddenly had bulging veins. Staring at the snake she kept the Byakugan skill up. 


“It appears a human is inside. Being crushed,” she said. 


“Let’s save him,” I said moving to jump. 


“What? Why?” Kiba asked. “You said he beats me in the Chunin.” 


“Cus what’s the fun in not having a challenge? Besides, you owe me for telling you about the last test.” 

Kiba growled, grinding his teeth. “Fine, but how. That snake is huge. Gotta be 30 feet long.” I chewed my lip but kind of remembered how Naruto did it. 

“Just yell at Naruto to make a bunch of himself,” I said. “I’ll keep the snake busy.” 


“Wha-” Kiba tried to say, but I was jumping away. Chakra covering my body I was soon cutting the snake off as it moved from branch to branch. At least 3 foot in diameter it was the biggest snake I had ever seen. The bulge of Naruto was obvious as I watched it writhe as the blonde hero tried to kick from inside the snake. 

The monster noticed me. Stopping it’s movement as I locked eyes with it. The beast was already in my trap. Pouring mana into my necklace I began controlling it’s senses. Not sending it to my Makuramoto I simply made it lose all 5 senses. Unable to see, hear, touch, taste, or smell, it became motionless as I continued to pour chakra into my necklace. 


I began to sweat as it continued. All of my concentration upon it I couldn’t see or feel anything else as I halted it’s advance. Chakra kept going out of me into the snake. Never stopping. My hands began to shake as I felt my chakra reserves empty.


Then the snake broke eye contact. Taking in my own breath of air I noticed that it had fallen. Naruto had made dozens of shadow clones from inside the snake until it burst in half. Both halves dropped to the floorbed of the jungle. 


I let out a sigh as I got the notification.   


Naruto Quest 4.2 Complete

Assist Naruto in escaping Orochimaru's Snake.



Permanent Chakra Buff (1.5x)


I received some replenishment of chakra, but it wasn’t instantaneous. This buff didn’t show up on my Status Screen, so I guessed it was simply part of me. Dropping to sit on the branch I wiped sweat off my brow as the other 3 ran up to me.


“Thanks again, guys,” Naruto said. “Not sure why I didn’t think of it sooner.” 


“No problem,” Kiba said. “You owe me one now.” 


“I’ll be sure to pay you back,” Naruto said. 


“You better hurry back to your team,” I told him. “Glad you’re okay.” 


“Oh crap, I forgot,” Naruto said. “Gotta go.” He leapt off the tree back to his team. I let out a sigh. My legs shaking I got up slowly. 


“Sorry, too much effort,” I said. “Let’s uh find somewhere to hole up tonight.” 

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