Canon Fodder


I woke up to Temari still snuggled up to me. We hadn’t found a bedroom, but there was an entertainment room that was free. A couch and TV inside we locked the door. Cuddled up to me she was quickly asleep. I had control of my dick pathway and took some more of my libido blocking medicine, so I wasn’t feeling the lust as much. 


When Temari awoke she didn’t panic or get up right away. I had the TV on and we watched some news as we enjoyed being close to one another. When it got to be breakfast time we got up together and left the room at different times. 


I met up with Kiba and Hinata at our usual dining table. I noticed Temari already with her brothers. She eyed me but quickly looked away. “Where were you last night?” Hinata asked. We shared a large communal room with 3 beds separated to different walls. 


“Did some sparring,” I said. “Wore myself out.” 


“What is your smell?” Kiba asked. “You smell like the sand people.” 


“Uh yeah, I was training near them,” I said. Hoping he would believe the lie. I knew he could tell who exactly I smelled like. Looking to the sand ninja trio he shook his head, not wanting to dig into it. 


After that we lazed around until the 5 days finally ended. We were gathered into the tournament area. I saw all familiar faces around me. 


Anko, the instructor for the second part of the exam, stood at the front of the room with many Jounin and the Hokage himself. She began to speak through a microphone. “Congratulations on passing the second test.” There were 21 people left in the tournament, so 7 teams had made it. 


The others around me began whispering as the teachers did the same. I heard Akamaru whine from Kiba’s coat. “What’s up?” I whispered. 


“No idea, someone here has him freaked out,” Kiba growled. 

“Can you believe all the other rookie teams passed?” Sakura asked Naruto in front of us. I looked around, and she was right, but I wasn’t surprised. 


“The Hokage will now explain the 3rd test,” Anko eventually said. “Listen carefully, or else.” 


The Hokage was an old man, perhaps in his 60s or 70s. He wore a black hat and robes. Some moles on his face his chin had a goatee, but he was deserving of title of the strongest in the village. His scratchy and tired voice echoed in the room as he spoke. “About the 3rd test…I will discuss that after explaining the true reason for this exam.” The group around me became quiet as he spoke. 


“Why do we have all the allied countries taking the exams together?” He asked. “This exam is conducted to help promote friendship among our countries. Also to help raise the level of shinobi. But mostly…this is a replacement for war between allied countries.” There was some murmuring around me as he continued. “If you go back far enough, our current allies were once enemies who fought tooth and nail to take control of as much land as possible. In order to prevent such wasteful fighting this exam has become the stage that the countries choose for battle.” 


“What? Isn’t this just to choose Chunin?” Naruto yelled out. 


“In a perfect world, yes, that is all it would be. But in truth this exam is used to prove the prestige of each country participating. A chance for our countries to show off to potential clients and increase our own reach. You all risked your lives here. Not for a simple test, but for the greater good of your homes.” He studied each face around the room. 


“In the next test, country leaders will travel to watch the fights. But also potential clients and enemies. If the prospective Chunin are seen as weak it could embolden some to attack your homes.” 


“Jeez, laying it on a little thick,” I said. I hadn’t remembered this speech. I probably glanced right over it, since I preferred the action. 


“The strength of the country is the strength of the village. The strength of the village is the strength of you shinobi. And that strength can only be achieved through risking your life,” Sarutobi said. “Don’t think that the next stage is a simple fight. It is to prove your own conviction toward your dreams as you fight life and death battles.” 


People murmured again. I couldn’t help but see the point of this speech. For everyone, even Konoha’s enemies they didn’t want people to waste their time. They wanted everyone to give their all. Sometimes I forgot how messed up the Naruto world was. People died every day. Families were destroyed. Ninjas went on life or death missions all everyday. It was easy to forget that reading the feel-good manga. 


My own sisters were out there risking their lives. Probably forced to sleep with anyone they could for tidbits of information. Reina was practically sold as a concubine. Trained before she hit puberty to do one thing, take care of my needs. This place wasn’t perfect, and I couldn’t forget that. 


“Hokage,” Anko said, stepping up. “I apologize for interrupting, but it seems we need to do a preliminary match before deciding on the final 3rd part of the exam.”


More exclamations went out. “What does she mean?” Hinata whispered. 


“Means we all have to fight each other,” I said. “Only half of us will make it to the real test.”


“What” “That’s not fair” “No way” Voices said around me. 


“That’s right,” Anko said. “Because the first and second exams were apparently too easy this year, we have to…cull the group a little.” She didn’t appear to be happy about it as she explained further. “According to the rules we have to reduce the number of participants. The final stage will be conducted in front of many country leaders from around the world. The last stage would take too long if all of you were allowed to participate. We will be conducting this preliminary match immediately.” 


“What? But we just finished!” Naruto yelled. 

“Sorry, kid. Them’s the rules,” Anko said. “Is there anyone who would prefer to quit now?” 

“Um yes, I would like to quit,” Kabuto said. The gray haired man with glasses had been in the background. I slowly remembered he was Orochimaru’s lackey. 


“What? Kabuto?” Naruto said, acting like they were best friends. If only he knew. 

Some drama happened as Kabuto left. Then Sakura began trying to talk Sasuke into quitting. His curse seal from Orochimaru was hurting him. As more drama went on I considered what I should do. I knew what was going on. I could call out Orochimaru and his people. Give these people warning, but I doubted they would believe me. 


Let’s say they did. Orochimaru could easily summon his giant snake…no double meaning intended. And the snake would squash everyone. Not many could stand up to him, and I doubted I would survive if a fight did start. No, I had to time it correctly. Maybe I could save Sarutobi. But did I want to? Tsunade needed to take over. She was a lot more progressive than the old man. I had to think on it more. 


Anko continued. “Let’s begin the preliminary matches. There are 20 people left. We will do 10 fights. Cutting the participants in the next stage in half. The rules are, the fight continues until one of you dies, is knocked out, or admits defeat.” She took a breath. “However, if I decide that the winner has been decided I will jump in to prevent needless waste of life.” 


“Okay, no time like the present,” she said with a big smile. Waving to a screen above her head she announced, “Your names will be picked at random to fight someone. Pray to the gacha gods, kids.”


Sasuke Uchiha vs. Akado Yoroi


Was displayed on the screen. I rolled my eyes. It was time to zone out. I doubted anything would much change from what I knew. Sasuke’s opponent was another guy that looked to be in his 40s. Sasuke would win after some curse seal drama of course. The groups moved up to the balconies on either side of the fighting ring. 


I laid on the floor. “Hey, aren’t you going to watch?” Naruto asked excitedly. 


“No, the guy is super old. If he can’t pass the test after all this time, he isn’t going to now,” I said.

“You sure?” Naruto asked as the fight started. 

I nodded. “Want to bet?” I asked with a smile. Naruto  shook his head. I chuckled and the fight was a foregone conclusion. 


“Next fight,” Anko said. I looked up to the screen and was actually surprised by the result. 


Weston Watanabe vs. Tenten


I took the place of Shino the bug guy in the main groups. He allowed bugs to live in him. He went up against the male sound ninja with damaged arms. On the other side of the balcony I saw the hurt sound ninja. Temari should have fought Tenten. I began to get worried. 


“What’s wrong?” Hinata asked. 


“I might be wrong about who you guys fight,” I said. “Guess I can’t see the future.” 

“Of course you can’t,” Kiba growled. “Get down there though.” Tenten was already down there. She was Rock Lee and Neji Hyuga’s partner. A master of weapons she could summon any she wanted. With a frown I jumped up to the hand rail of the balcony then down to the tiled floor. 


Tenten eyed me as I walked up. Anko between us she raised her hand and yelled, “Fight!” 


Tenten pulled out a scroll, summoning weapons. I pulled the Chikyugi Necklace from within my shirt. She didn’t know what I could do. As the weapons were summoned she made the mistake of glancing at the heart necklace. Once she did I poured chakra through it into her. I made the Genjutsu illusion resemble the fighting area. 


She had no idea she was in an Illusion. I made a transformation hand form and smoke poured out of me as I changed form. But not into anything she had ever seen. I turned into a Xenomorph from Alien. Black bulbous head, carapace body, and scorpion-like tail I ran at her. Clawing at the ground her eyes bulged as she jumped back. 


I continued after her on all 4s. When I was close to her she threw a kunai. My skin popped where the blade hit causing green acid blood to splash her. She screamed in pain. Swinging a dagger at me as I came within striking distance she drew a line across my abdomen. More acid sprayed out. She let out a blood curdling scream as my blood ate her away. 


Growling and leaning over her I began to spread the acid. Increasing the pain she felt. Her eyes shut closed as she cried out in pain louder and louder until eventually it hurt too much. I released her from the Genjutsu then. She blinked and I was standing in front of her. 


A sad frown on my face I watched as her shaking hand raised. “I give,” she whispered. Tears in her eyes there were some cheers, but I felt it was a cheap way to win. I felt a little bad about it, but it was one of the few scenarios I could expect no one to want to experience. I just hoped I didn’t give her nightmares. 


Guilt catching me I walked up to her. She was still shaking. Tears streaming down her face. “I’m sorry,” I said. She shook at the sound of my voice.

“How?” She asked. “What was that?” 


“A nightmare,” I said. “Let me show you a good dream.” She flinched as I raised the Tsumugi Necklace. “I promise, you will feel better.” Her eyes shook as she stared at me. I looked down and she did as well. Pouring chakra out I brought her into my Makuramoto. She appeared on one of the couches next to me. 


“Where are we?” She asked. 


“An illusion,” I said. “I think I can make this last only a few seconds on the outside, but a couple hours here.” I pointed to a TV. “What movie do you want to watch?” 

“Movie?” She asked. Still strung out from what she experienced. 

“Yeah, I’m thinking Disney,” I said. “Princess movie? You seem the type. Would you want one where a girl learns to love a beast, or one where a girl fights for her country to prove that women are just as strong as men?”


“What?” She asked.

“Mulan it is,” I said. I had watched the movie a few hundred times with my daughter as she grew up. I knew it backwards to forwards. The movie began to play on the TV, the animated version of course.

I was able to replicate the animation pretty well. It wasn’t until about 20 minutes in that she recovered a little. “What is this?” 


“Animation,” I said. 

“I’ve never heard this story,” she said. I thought hard and imagined popcorn. The buttery kind. It appeared in my hand. 

“Just sit back and enjoy,” I said. As the movie ended she had finished the popcorn and wore a smile as Mulan and the guy ended up together. 


“Better?” I asked. 


“Yes,” she said with a sigh. “This was interesting. Do you have more like it?” 


“I do,” I said. “Lot’s of princess stories.” I looked at her. She wasn’t bad looking at all. Brown hair, buns on her head, she was all muscle. “Let me know when you want to watch another,” I said. She blushed but nodded. Ending the Genjutsu my chakra was about gone, but only a few seconds had passed. Tenten wiped her tears and walked back to her side of the room. I did the same to mine. 


Kankuro, Temari’s brother fought another guy in worthy of a name. After that Sakura and Ino did as well. Of course Ino did the dumb hair cutting thing again and it ended in a tie. Temari then fought the girl sound ninja, which was yet another change from what I remembered. Temari won of course. 


Shikamaru was matched up against the male sound ninja guy with the broken arms, I remembered he was supposed to fight the girl Temari did, and win. I watched the fight in rapt attention. Shikamaru was a supposed master tactician. I wondered how he would win this one. 


He did not disappoint. The sound ninja guy began blasting sound chakra at Shikamaru. The dust from the attack caused enough cover for Shikamaru to cast a shadow on him. Shikamaru acted like he struggled to hold the sound ninja. Then when he moved to attack Shikamaru he forced the man’s arm to point up at the balcony. Blasting a chunk off of it a bunch of debris rained down on him. Shikamaru released the shadow and ran at him while the rubble fell. Pointing his knife at the man’s throat he held him in place with a shadow. Anko called the fight in Shikamaru’s favor since he could kill the guy. 


The next fight was yet another surprise. 


Naruto Uzumaki vs. Hinata Hyuga


I cringed as I wished her luck. Kiba was supposed to fight him. It was another forgone conclusion. It was especially hard to watch since she wasn’t as passionate as when she fought Neji. Naruto pummeled her into the ground like any guy he would have fought. Using the same combo attack Sasuke did. She barely used her Byakugan and ended up getting knocked out. I jumped down and grabbed her. Bringing her back up to sit with us until she recovered. 


Neji and Kiba fought next. Neji won. It wasn’t super easy, but Kiba didn’t really have a chance. Finally the most important match happened. Gaara versus Rock Lee. It was as good as I remembered. The shock in the room when he dropped the weights could be felt as he whipped through the air like a rocket. He opened the gates and I watched it all. I thought for sure he was going to win this time, but Gaara crushed his leg again and the instructors had to step in. 


After the drama died down we were all brought down to the broken apart floor and addressed by the Hokage. He explained that we had a month to train before the final stage of the exam. I had hoped to get an advance on my quest reward, but no such luck. Looks like I had to wait for the final tally. 


I walked Hinata home. Beat up, but not as bad as when she fought Neji, she was quiet. I tried to cheer her up, but nothing I said reached her. After she left to go inside I headed home. My mood ruined, I was exhausted and ready to sleep. 

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