Canon Fodder


I sat on the concrete wall looking out. I didn’t see any zombies below me. But I heard some a little ways away somewhere. We were in the Takagi fortress. Or household. However you wanted to think of it. I thought of it as a fortress. 10 feet tall walls surrounded the half a city block estate. 


Inside was a large 2 story mansion. Army tents set up on the grass. People ran around doing this or that job. Most in black uniforms, they worked for the Takagis before the outbreak. 


Saya Takagi was apparently from a rich family. Something I had forgotten. Her mom was some stockbroker and her dad led a group of like minded individuals. Either a political party or militia group. I didn’t know. 


When the outbreak happened they had quickly grabbed their people and what family members they could. Holing themselves up there was a wide 20 foot wide gate that let everyone in and out of the walled interior. Steel cable webs had been placed in the indirect routes to the facility to keep zombie traffic down. Concrete partitions lined the other roads that could be moved out of the way with forklifts to let large vehicles in. All in all it was a nice setup. 


I felt bad knowing it was going to fail. Or at least remembering that it was supposed to fail. The main group left the place for a reason. But I couldn’t remember what caused them to leave. I pulled up my quest screen again. 


High School of the Dead Quest 3

Save the Takagi Household from destruction.



Chakra Sense


The skill was too tempting. I planned to get it. Not only to help me with my fighting. But also to help me find out if people had chakra to begin with. 


“What are you doing up there?” Saya asked. The pink haired girl had been busy when we got there a few hours ago. She wore a fluffy pink dress that matched her hair perfectly. Staring up at me she tapped her foot. 


“Considering leaving for a bit,” I admitted. 


Her eyes widened. “Why?”


I shrugged. Turning around I dropped down and landed easily. “To kill some zombies,” I admitted. “Feel kind of restless while all these old folks run around doing it all.” We began to walk side by side around the interior of the wall. 


“You’re crazy,” she mumbled. “But I understand. It’s weird having made our own choices for the last day. Now we are back to being kids again.”


“Eh not so bad being a kid,” I admitted. “No job, responsibility, kids to take care of, just have to worry about yourself.”


“Then why go out there?” She asked. 


“Because there are people suffering that need help. And I like it out there. An adventure waiting to happen,” I said. 


“You’re weird,” she said. Biting her lip a blush came onto her face. “I wanted to tell you something.” Chewing her lip she struggled to get the words out but did. “I’m sorry for how I treated you in school.”


I nodded. “You were not nice to me.” The reason she had been so standoffish was because she had been bossy to the me that lived there before. Always yelling at and making fun of the otaku pervert I was. “But in all honesty you weren’t wrong. I was a little weird.”


“Still are,” she commented, with a slight smile. “But that's no reason to treat you that way,” she said with a sigh. 


“And Kohta? You treat him pretty badly,” I said. 


“He likes it though. Puts a fire under him to do better,” she said defensively. 


“You’re probably not wrong. Always thought he had a little bit of a masochist in him.” Saya giggled as we continued to walk. “What brought this on?” I asked eventually. 


“Don’t know. Been trying to do some growing,” she admitted. “And…I want your help,” she managed to get out. Twiddling her thumbs nervously as we walked. 


“Help with what?” I asked. 


“Help to talk the others into leaving,” she admitted. 




“Because we shouldn’t be here. We should be out there,” she said basically my lines back to me. 


I frowned. “Why really?”


She didn’t answer for a while. We made a full lap around the compound before she answered. “Because of my parents. They’re so controlling. I hate it. I liked it better on the road. Besides, if we stay too long they’ll give us jobs and we won’t be able to look for the families of the others.”


“You’re not wrong there,” I said. “But what about your family? Your mom seems nice.”


She blushed. Saya had ridden with us in the Humvee and the mom continued trying to push Saya into marrying me. Curious about my background, she knew the Watanabes but didn’t know I was so strong. Which was all she cared about for her daughter. Marrying someone that could protect her. 


I politely declined but teased Saya that I was open to dating. Saeko had walked to the compound so I felt safe teasing the pink haired girl. 


“You just like my mom cus she’s in love with you,” she said. 


“She sounds like a happily married woman,” I said. 


“She is. But don’t think you’re the first person she’s tried to convince me to marry either.”


“Nope, just the best,” I said. She didn’t respond. “Are you asking others to go back out there?”


“I plan to. But having you push for it would help convince the others,” she whispered. “Saeko listens to you. And I think Shizuoka feels better having you around.”


“What about you?” She gave me a confused look. “Do you feel better having me around?”


The pink haired girl rolled her eyes. Turning around she said, “maybe.” She headed off to the main building trying to hide her burning ears as she did. I chuckled and began to walk again.  


“Hey,” Saeko said, coming up to me. She wore a long blue kimono with goldfish designs on the bottom. 


“Wow, you look beautiful,” I said. And she did. The kimono was tight on her. I was hoping for round 2 that night. But she only stopped limping a few hours ago so I wasn’t holding my breath. 


Saeko blushed and smiled. “Thank you,” she mumbled. Unsure how to take a compliment. “I was wondering if you had some time to discuss what we were talking about this morning.”


“For you, anything,” I said with a smile. “Any specific topic?” I asked. 


“I have been trying to meditate. But it eludes me still. I was hoping you could explain what you can do with this power so I can better understand chakra.”


“Sure. So its roots are oddly biblical. How it was explained to me. My ancestor ate fruit from the God Tree. When she did it awakened chakra in her. Much more pure and refined, she was insanely strong. She passed chakra down in her family…but so many generations back it’s impossible to know who has awakened it.” I was kind of spitballing because it was the story for Naruto’s world, not this one. 


“You with me so far? Good. So how I would explain chakra best is ambiguous. You can do most anything with it. It of course depends on the element you can use. But there are standard techniques that everyone can learn.”


We were walking around the courtyard. A man was walking toward us. At first I thought he was on the phone. But then I noticed he was actually on a walkie talkie. I stopped talking so he wouldn’t hear. I inadvertently heard his conversation. 


“And you brushed your teeth? Great buddy. No one’s bothered you, right? Yeah I know. I’ll be there as soon as possible. Yep. This is a great place. Just a few more days. I promise we will see each other. Then turn it off. I’ll talk to you in the morning.” A small boy's voice had been responding to him. But was too muffled to make out. The man had a sad look on his face as he put the small radio down. 


“Who was that?” I couldn’t help but ask. 


The man practically jumped. He hadn’t seen us. Nervously he said, “my son.”


“Where is he?” 


“Trapped in our apartment. He and I usually talk throughout the day with the walkie talkies while I work,” he admitted. A sad smile continuing on his face. “He’s um trapped. Can’t get a hold of my wife. But he was sick yesterday when it happened. Locked himself inside. Guess I’m one of the lucky ones, right?” He chuckled, but there was no joy in it. 


“Can the guards not get him?” 


“They tried. But the place is crawling with the zombies,” he said. 


“Point it out to me,” I said. Walking up to him Saeko followed. 



“Point out your apartment and which room your son is in,” I repeated. “We will go get him.” I felt Saeko stiffen beside me but she didn’t say anything. 


“What? That's crazy,” he said. But I caught a glimmer of hope in his eyes. Word had spread that I killed a lot of zombies on my own. 


“I’m serious. Point out where he is. We will get him. Right now,” I said. 


“I can’t ask you to do that,” he said. Forcing his beating heart away. 


“You didn’t. I offered. Now do you want to get him or not?” I asked. He bit his lip, holding back tears, but nodded. 


Walking to the front of the complex he pointed. “There, that’s our apartment. You can just see the top floor,” he said. 


“What floor do you live on? Which side?”


“North side. 10th floor,” he said. 


“Okay. Call him back. Tell him to open a window or something,” I said. 


“We have a balcony,” he said quickly. Excitement clear in his voice. 


“Tell him to pack a backpack. Only essentials. We will be there within the hour,” I said. I looked to Saeko, she had a calm look, but her eyes looked around nervously. 


“I don’t want you to get yourselves killed,” the man said. 


“We won’t. Now, make the call,” I ordered. He nodded and began talking frantically into the radio. “Let’s go,” I told Saeko. She followed me to the wall. “Jump on.” I made the move for her to get on me in a piggy back ride. 


“Seriously?” She asked. 


“You wanted to know what chakra can do, right?” She nodded. “Then get on or I’m leaving you behind.” She hesitated but followed orders. Getting on my back she wrapped her hands around my neck while my hands held her thighs. 


“The most basic thing chakra can do is give you power. Power beyond human limits,” I said. Without waiting I ran right at the wall. Pouring chakra into my legs I jumped and was on the 10 foot high wall. Then I jumped the 20 foot wide street onto another building. 


“What the-“ Saeko said excitedly as I started running and jumping buildings. No zombies on the roof, it was easy to get around. All the while Saeko’s heartbeat quickened as I ran us faster. I gave her no warnings as we cleared huge distances. All the while the apartment building came more and more in view. 


I wasn’t out of breath as I spoke. “There are lots more you can do. Make illusions of yourself. Make yourself look like someone else.” 


“This is amazing,” she whispered. The wind roaring in our ears as we jumped and ran. “You really have been holding back.”


“My chakra isn’t bottomless,” I admitted. “I can’t do this work for hours on end yet. But someday.”


“And you think I can do this?” She asked. Her breath catching as a zombie lunged at us. I jumped and kicked it in the face. Denting its skull. 


“I believe so. If you don’t have it now. I think I can learn to awaken it in you. At least I will try,” I said. There had to be a way. 


“I cannot wait,” she whispered as I jumped us high in the air. I honestly felt like Aladdin giving Jasmine a magic carpet ride. 


“It will require a lot of training. But it makes the impossible, possible,” I said. Skidding to a stop we were in a wide gap between the last building and the apartment building. It was a 20 story tall building. Between us and them were thousands of zombies. 


“Time to get serious,” I said. “Don’t let go…or close your eyes.” I smirked at her. She nodded as she licked her lips. Excited for it all. 


I let out a breath and jumped as far as I could. Landing on a zombie's head he groaned as I jumped to another one’s head. I continued running on top of them. I could walk on water. Making them barely feel me was no real issue. 


“Here we go,” I said. Jumping to the ground we were out of the thick of them and running across concrete. I surprised her by running past the front entrance and instead ran to the North side where the balconies were. 


“The fun part,” I said and began running up the wall. Saeko screamed as she wrapped her legs around me to keep from hanging off my back. We kept running up and up. My chakra kept us affixed to the wall. 


We made it to the 10th floor with little incident. I found the only opened balcony and landed us on it. I released Saeko but she didn’t let go. I looked back at her. 


“I told you not to shut your eyes,” I teased. She opened them to see we were upright. 


“You asshole!” She spat, dropping off of me. “You could have warned me.”


“And miss your reaction?” I asked. “You wanted to know what chakra can do. It can make us stick to things. Or apply force upwards so you can walk on water.”


She looked down to the ground. Slowly catching her breath. “I had no idea.”


“Which is why I thought it was better to show you,” I said. “Anybody here?” I turned to look inside the small apartment. A small boy was just inside. I saw his silhouette as he stared at us slack jawed. 


“Did you climb up here?” He asked. He wore pajamas but had a backpack on. 


“No,” I lied. “We were sent by your dad. Are you ready to go?”


The kid nodded in a daze. “I can’t climb down,” he whispered. Shivering in fear. 


“Don’t worry, you won’t have to,” I promised. Looking around I went to his room and tore off a part of his bedsheet. The boy was about 10 years old. Still a kid, there were superheroes on his sheets. 


“Alright buddy. I am going to get us all down. But there is a lot of bad stuff out there. Can you wear this?” I asked. He nodded. I tied it around his eyes. 


“You first Saeko,” I said. She was soon on me. “Wrap your legs around me till we get down.” She did so. “Okay kid. On my front.”


“We aren’t going out that way, right?” His voice trembled. 


“Nope. We will be taking the stairs,” I lied again. 


He frowned but nodded. I picked him up. Setting him on Saeko’s legs that were wrapped around me. “This is my friend Saeko. I want you to put your hands on her and hold as tight as possible. And she will do the same to you.”


They began moving their hands until they began crushing me as they held on. “I want you to close your eyes. And only open them when I tell you.”


“I have the blindfold on,” the kid said. 


“Still. Close them tight.” He nodded. I walked backwards toward the balcony. 


“You-“ he tried to say but I jumped us out the balcony. Free falling for a moment, I stuck my hand out. Channeling chakra to slow us down. The kid whimpered but as we slowed down he stopped. We landed and I ran as fast as I could. 


“Almost there,” I said. “Keep them closed.” He began to pant and shiver as the zombies growled at us. “Listen to the wind. It’s all around us,” I whispered. Continuing to run. I jumped us up. Soaring over the bulk of the zombies. Another 2 jumps and we were back on the buildings. 


“Halfway there,” I said. “You’re doing great. Tell him, Saeko.”


“You’re being really brave,” she whispered. “I’ve never seen a kid as brave as you. I can see it. We are almost there. Your dad was so worried about you. But he didn’t have to be, did he? You had it all figured out. This is nothing.”


I poured chakra everywhere. Trying to keep us all in the air. I’d never done this with 1 person on me, let alone 2. It was taxing to cover the wide gaps. But I kept running. Then we were there. In the safe zone. No one noticed us as we jumped over the few streets they controlled. I jumped us to the wall. Then we were silently landing in the courtyard. 


“Great job. We are here,” I said. Grabbing his sides I pried him off. I noticed his dad near the gate. Pacing back and forth. “Proud of you kid. Now look,” I said, taking off his blindfold and pointing him to his dad. 


Tears in his eyes the kid wiped them as his dad came into view. “D-dad?!” He yelled. The man was brought out of his anxious worry to turn to see his son running toward him. 


The dad’s shocked expression quickly faded as he ran towards us. Both of their arms opened as they hugged. Crying loudly we were drawing a crowd as the father and son reunited. 


“So, should we work on your meditation?” I asked. “I assume you want to be able to do all that?”


Saeko blushed but nodded. “Yes…meditation.” She followed me inside. We had a block of rooms in the main house. The boys were on one side of the hall while the girls shared another. They had allotted us 4 rooms but we only took up 3. 


“Let’s um meditate after,” Saeko said. Locking the door as we stepped into the unused bedroom. 


“After-“ I was cut off as she attacked me. Her lips on mine, she pushed her chest into me. Our practice the day before had done her wonders as she became more bold with her hands and tongue. 


We made out for a long time. My hands kneading her firm ass cheeks. Her hands scratching my back. Almost desperate to try to pull herself into me. 


“Are you well enough?” I asked as I pulled back. My eyes pointed down.


She blushed looking down to my crotch. “I find myself getting a second wind.”


I smiled wolfishly. Picking her up she wrapped her legs around me again. A grimace went across her face as she did. 


“You’re still hurting,” I said. “Let me kiss it to make it better.” Tossing her to the bed she shivered as I opened her kimono. “You were showing a lot of leg earlier. I can’t get enough of yours.” I kissed her inner legs as she smiled up at me. 


I moved my way toward her. Kissing every few inches. She let out a loud moan when I got to her inner thighs. I didn’t bother with Lust Aura as I began to lick along her lower lips. 


“I see you shaved,” I said. She nodded, biting her lip as she watched me. “I’ll be gentle.” Kissing one lip then the other I tasted her sour juices as they poured out of her. My tongue moved to her insides. Channeling my Pleasure chakra to my mouth she opened her legs wider. Too afraid to do much else she breathed in and out quickly. 


“Pull your nipples,” I ordered, then was back on her pussy. Licking it up and down. Just barely touching her clit. She moved her hands to her nipples. Pulling them hard she let out a gasp as her legs lifted. Holding her thighs I pulled her to me. 


Caught in the lust she began to cum loudly as she pinched and pulled her nipples. Doing what she needed to feel the most pleasure. Probably exploring herself for the first time. 


Liquid poured out of her as she came. Gasping, she tried to move away but I kept her firmly in place. My mouth eating her out more vigorously she sputtered as the pleasure increased. Squeaking out a very un-Saeko gasp she let it all happen. 


I slowed down. Then moved my face away. She shook as I did. An aftershock moving through her as she sighed contently. 


“Better?” I asked. 


“Much,” she whispered. Her eyes drifting down to my crotch she smiled widely as she sat up. Her hands reached for my belt. Undoing the buckle she pulled the jeans down to reveal my large dick. 


Her enthusiasm was more than her experience though. “Um, what do I do?” She blushed as she looked up at me. My dick jumped by the innocent reaction. Hitting her chin.  


I moved to the bed. Sitting at the foot I guided her to between my legs. “I assume you want to do what I did?” She nodded. “Ever watched pornography?” She shook her head. Her blue hair swishing with the motion. 


“Okay. I’ll show you. Using your hand works.” I began to stroke it. Giving her a quick tutorial on where it was sensitive. “Using your tongue on the tip and balls feels good as well.”


“What are these?” She asked. Pointing to the Watanabe hearts. 


“Part of my chakra,” I said. “Why it feels really good when we do it.” She nodded. On her knees she leaned down. Licking the hearts as her hand stroked my shaft. 


My head leaned back as she gave me her full attention. Her grip was strong. “Use spit to make it glide easier.” She nodded. Moving up as she spit on the tip. Then took it in her mouth slowly. Her strong tongue began to search around it. No disgusted look on her face, she continued to lick the head as her hand stroked me. 


My legs bucked up, letting her know what I liked. She became more bold. Opening the top of her kimono she revealed her modest breasts. I reached down, pinching them. Channeling pleasure chakra into my touch she began to moan as I filled her mouth. 


“There is chakra in your semen?” She asked again. 


I nodded. My breath speeding up as she began to move faster. Moaning again she sped up more. Never moving her mouth from the top of my dick. Sucking, licking, kissing, using the make out skills she had learned. She gave everything she had. 


“I’m gonna cum,” I warned. She sped up. Opening my eyes she stared up at me, not drawing back. I groaned as I released in her mouth. Her cheeks ballooned out after a couple spurts. Unused to the amount she pulled back as I continued to cum onto her face and chest. 


Saeko swallowed, taking in deep breaths but never stopping her attention on my dick. When she finished she moved back to the tip. Sucking the rest out she then began scooping it up with her fingers and sucking it off them. 


“It’s very…electrifying?” She asked. “I can almost feel the power in it.”


“Taste bad?” I asked, a little worried. 


She shook her head. “I don’t think so? Just different.”


“Well you taste great,” I said. “How about you let me play with you a little more. We can do the full stuff some other time while you heal.” She blushed but nodded. I moved her to sit on my knee. My hand moved down her front as my chakra made her shiver. 


“You make me feel so good,” she whispered. Holding onto me tightly as my hand moved to her pussy. “I just want to do this all day.”


“Same here. Let’s find a safe place and do just this,” I said. Kissing her neck as my fingers ran along her lower lips. 


“Are we not safe here?” She gasped. 


“No. They will get in. Or people will ruin it. Or a million other things,” I said. My fingers sped up moving inside of her. “So let’s enjoy this while we can.”


She nodded. Her eyes shut as my fingers pinched her nipples and hit her G-Spot. She moved her mouth to my chest. Yelling into it as she came. Her legs opened and closed as her body did what it wanted to increase the pleasure. I slowed down and she sighed again. Content. 


She hummed happily as she relaxed into me. “I did not think I would like this,” she admitted. 


“Sex?” She nodded. “Why?”


“I had no interest. Other goals. I channeled all my focus into my sword.”


“Well it paid off,” I said. “You are better prepared than anyone else I’ve met. And I’m glad you waited for me.”


“I did,” she whispered. “I never knew it was you I was waiting for. I wish I had.”


“Let’s not think of the past,” I said. She wouldn’t have liked who I was a week ago. “Want to-“ I stopped as the door was knocked upon. 


Standing up I pulled my pants back up. Saeko was quickly closing her blue kimono. I pulled my Jitte out of my status screen. Walking to the door I threw her the bokken. 


“Yes?” I asked, opening the door wide to show we were holding our weapons. The man whose son I had rescued was there. 


“I wanted to thank you. Sorry for interrupting. I just…I don’t know what to say. Just thank you.” He bowed deeply. Getting the words out as quickly as possible. 


“No problem,” I said. “I’m glad he was safe.”


He stayed in that position. When he stood back up he wiped his tears away. “Again. I don’t know what would have happened. You saved his life. I will pay you back. No matter what it takes.”


I frowned. “You will pay me back by not risking your life unnecessarily. You might be all he has. Get through this. And give it your all. That’s all I want,” I said. Grabbing his shoulder we locked eyes. He felt the full weight of my words. As a father myself I wasn’t comfortable letting another risk his life for me. 


“Yes, but a favor at least,” he said. I nodded. 


“Sorry to interrupt,” Yuriko Takagi said. Saya’s mom had been standing beside us. I noticed her, but let the dad take my focus. 


“Of course. Sorry,” the man said and walked away after another bow. 


“How can I help you, Yuriko?” I asked. 


“Rumors have been going around,” she admitted. “Many other people were going to come to you for help finding loved ones. Instead of bombarding you, only for them to be disappointed. I thought it best to ask,” she frowned, nervous as she stared at me. “Would you help find others?”


I thought about it for a moment. My chakra was slowly replenishing. But I would use less if I wasn’t carrying Saeko. And I was supposed to save this place for my quest. I didn’t see any reason not to.


“Yes,” I said. “But I will need some things…” I began explaining how I wanted to go about it. Saeko followed behind. 


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