Canon Fodder


“This is not a TV Show,” I told them. “Again, the only thing watching us is Gantz.” 

“Shut up with that Gantz shit,” long hair said. 

“You really killed him,” Maasaru said in disbelief. “That was a living being.”

“It wasn’t human,” long hair said. I still couldn’t remember his name and hadn’t heard it when the others were introducing themselves. He was dead anyway, pretty sure he was. I just couldn’t remember how. “This gun showed what he looked like under his skin. Wasn’t human.” He showed the screen at the back of the pistol. There was a display, but everything looked normal on it. 

The Japanese business man bent down to the remains of the body. Picking up a handful he began to barf as it squished in his grip. The other’s began backing away as the man began to empty his dinner. Maasaru began to dry heave. 

“He died right before my eyes, poor…thing,” Maasaru mumbled as his eyes studied the remains. “Why couldn’t I save him?” 

“Shut the fuck up,” long hair said. “I told you, he wasn’t human.” 

“Who gives a shit,” one of them said. 

“Do we need to hide the body?” Another man said. 

“It’s just TV,” business man said as he got up from the ground. 

“Someone saw me,” long hair said. We all looked up to see a little girl sitting on a balcony staring in our direction. 

“Call the police!” Maasaru yelled. 

“Woah!” The little girl yelled as she stared. 

“Are you serious?” One of the guys said. “Call the police? Are you retarded?”

“Mom! Something knocked down the wall next to Mr. Saito’s house!” The girl yelled inside. 

“What?” Long hair asked, confused. 

“Oh is it?” The mom asked walking out. She looked at the wall the group of 4 had blown up. “How did that happen?” Her eyes glanced directly over our group, not seeing us. 

“What’s going on?” Kei asked. 

“Excuse me!” Maasaru yelled to the woman. 

“Looks like he isn’t home. I will talk to him tomorrow. Time for bed,” the mother said and the girl was soon dragged back inside. 

There was a long stunned silence between us as the oblivious mother and daughter left. Then long hair began laughing. Loudly an obnoxiously. 

“What’s so funny?” One of the men asked. 

“You ever seen the Sixth Sense? It’s like they didn’t see us. Maybe we really did die and are ghosts.” The others began exclaiming how crazy it was. Arguing back and forth. 

I looked around reminded that we were invisible when hunting aliens. That was when I noticed him. He was almost 7 feet tall. Wearing simple clothes the distinct part of him was the head. Ugly nose and tall forehead that ended in grass-like hair. I grabbed Kai and Maasaru’s arms while pulling them backwards, away from the alien. 

The big alien had blood red tears in his eyes as he stared at the 4 men around his son. Walking up to them he dropped a grocery sack as the group noticed him. Turning around, one of them asked, “This Onion head’s dad?” 

“What the fuck are you staring at?!” One of the men asked. Stupidly getting in the face of the giant alien. I thought the human might have been a tough yakuza or something, I knew one false move and he was dead though. 

Trying to act tough the human drew his head back and headbutted the alien’s chin. Unphased, the alien continued to cry blood tears down as the human shook his head, trying to recover. The 4 men then pulled their guns on the alien. But the alien grabbed the yakuza’s skull. Long fingernails gripped his head. 

“Don’t shoot,” the Yakuza gasped. His head held firmly. “I was wrong. Don’t shoot. My bad.” He tried soothing the alien. The alien began mumbling gibberish that I guessed was it’s own language. As he did the long fingernails began to dig into the yakuza man’s skull. 

Blood poured out of his skin as the nails cut in deep. “Fuck,” he grunted, taking it as he couldn’t fight the monster. 

“Die!” Long hair yelled. Pointing his gun at the alien again it moved the yakuza man in the path of the barrel. Long hair pulled the trigger just as the yakuza was maneuvered in the way.

Nothing happened. I counted in my head. “You just shot me, didn’t you?” Yakuza cried out. Held firmly he bang to pant. 

“You just fucking shot me.”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Long haired yelled. 

“It won’t work. I will survive,” the yakuza laughed as his middle exploded. It took 6 or 7 seconds between trigger pulling and the man to explode. His bottom half dropped to the ground and the top was still held up by the alien. 

Men yelled and screamed as blood coated them. Stepping back the others began firing at the alien. But it was too fast. Using it’s long nails like wolverine claws it sliced through one man’s arm then one guys neck. They screamed out in pain and anguish. 

I grabbed the main characters and ran. “Run you idiots!” I hissed. 

“But-” Maasaru said looking back. 

“They’re already dead,” I grunted. And they were. I snuck a look back and there was only one figure left standing. Blood everywhere he had grass for hair. I began to sweat. 

“It’s coming!” Kei yelled. I risked a look back again and saw he was telling the truth. 

“Fuck!” I panicked. Turning around I began to fire blindly at the alien as it closed in on us. It dodged and wove through the invisible shots. I turned and ran again as my shots exploded concrete and bushes I had hit instead of him. 

“What about the suits?” Kei asked. 

“Right. Just think about it, and you’ll become stronger,” I said. Stopping in my tracks I turned to regard the onion alien but it was nowhere to be seen. Maasaru and Kei stopped a few paces away. Guns in hand they looked around for the alien as well. 

Then it appeared in between us. I whirled around pointing my gun at it. Pulling the trigger it dodged out of the way again to reveal Kei. My eyes bulged as I realized I just shot him. “Fuck!” I said. Kei slowly understood as his eyes became saucers as well. I counted, and when it got to 6 seconds his entire right half exploded. 

The protagonist dropped to the ground with a scream. “You shot him!” Maasaru said.

“Fuck!” I said, losing my shit. Tears in my eyes as I felt the presence behind me. Turning I saw the alien. It reached for me. A white blur as it’s claws swiped. Adrenaline running through me the gun was knocked out of my hand. It swiped at me again. I instinctively covered my face. 

The black armored suit bulged with thick veins as the strength kicked in. Long claws stopped against the black synthetic armor. I breathed a sigh of relief as the alien sliced at me with it’s other claw. I ducked down and hit it in the stomach as hard as I could. The suit multiplying my strength 10 fold sent the alien flying. 

I breathed in and out heavily. Trying to catch my breath as I slowly realized I hadn’t died. The alien got up though. Unphased as it began to run at me. I ignored the gun at my feet ready to use the suit for once. 

Then a shot rang out. I noticed a futuristic pistol pointed at the alien from an alley. The onion alien kept running. I prepared. Then a few paces away it’s head exploded. Dropping to the ground it was no more. I noticed the experienced Nishi kid in the alley. The pale boy walked over with a smirk on his lips. 

“Nice decoy work,” he said walking up to me. “You really done this before?” 

I frowned at him. Hearing Maasaru crying behind me I turned to see him over Kei. I read  the notifications then. 

Gantz Quest 1: FAILED

Help keep Kuroino Kei Alive.


1 Random Gantz Gear Piece

Gantz Quest 1.5

Bring Kurono Kei back to life


1 Random Gantz Gear Piece

Running over it was hard to miss the lifeless look in Kurono’s eyes. His insides spilling out and right arm completely gone, I didn’t need to look for a pulse. 

“You killed him!” Maasaru yelled. 

“I know,” I mumbled. “I’m sorry.” 

“That’s not going to bring him back!” He screamed. Tears running down his cheeks. “He was my friend.” 

I let him stay angry. Cursing and groaning as he cried over his friend. Then the area became bright as I was slowly teleported to the Gantz room. 

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