Canon Fodder


I laid in bed with the girls. While on their period they became extra horny. I didn’t mind that kind of thing much. After a few days in High School of the Dead I wasn’t averse to blood. They repaid my lack of hesitation two-fold. Going again and again. Content on my shoulder I couldn’t help but enjoy the Naruto world the most. 2 gorgeous women ready at any moment to have sex it was hard to think of leaving. 


I planned to stay for a little bit. And as I thought about it I realized I hadn’t looked at the store yet. I pulled up the Naruto world store. 


Naruto World Shop:





The Weapon tab had a quite a few. I barely knew any of them. One of the few I did were the Seven Swords of the Mist. Famous swords from the Land of Mist there were a lot of Naruto foes that wielded them. There was no description on them, only the names, but they were listed as the seven swords. I couldn’t remember what they did and I didn’t have the millions of ryo that they cost. It wasn’t worth risking. 


The scrolls tab was the true treasure. With techniques from all over the world I had access to techniques that some villages kept secret with their lives. These too cost millions of ryo, so I needed to focus and make some money. Especially since as long as I knew them I could use them in the other worlds. 


Miscellaneous was just that. A bunch of ninja tools like traps, wires, explosion tags, scent blockers were all in there. I had my own supply of most all of it but it was worth having access in case I ever needed them. 


“Morning,” Reina whispered. I put the screen away. The heavy chested woman rubbed her eyes cutely as I looked down her cleavage. My dick stiffened from the view. “Are you never satisfied?” She asked. 


“Not when you’re around,” I said. She blushed. I raised my eyebrows suggestively. “Should we…” 


She winced. “I hurt,” she grunted. But her hand moved down into our blanket. Stroking my shaft as she kissed me. “But I can take care of you, young master.” 


I groaned as she expertly stroked my dick. Using pleasure chakra on her hands it wasn’t long until I became too loud for Hina to sleep. She woke up, seeing our state she smiled and joined Reina. Playing with my balls as she used Pleasure chakra I was quickly nodding. The girls knew the signal. 


Speeding up, Reina moved down first. Taking my dickhead in her mouth she took the 2 big spurts to fill her mouth. Hina took the rest. Moaning as my thick seed filled their mouths. They dutifully turned to face me. Both girls showing their filled mouths then swallowing with a content sigh. 


“Damn that’s good,” I said with a sigh. “You 2 are so sexy.” 


“Thank you, young master,” Reina said. Hina moved down and began licking my dick head. Reina rolled her eyes but joined her. Both craved my chakra filled cum. An almost aphrodisiac to them they began to moan. Sucking on my balls they switched places to the tip now and then. Looking at up at me they never really touched one another in a sexual way. Simply wanting me, I found it hot that they were more than content just to have me. 


“I need it,” Hina said. Standing up Reina moved out of the way. Hina slammed down on my dick. Grunting as she took the whole length. The nude blonde began rocking back and forth. The smell of copper in the air, I ignored it. I simply watched her work. When I came in her she was on her 5th. Gasping and sputtering, completely spent. Reina groaned but needed a ride as well. Taking my full length Hina and I made out as Reina rode me for all she was worth. Cumming loudly they were a perfect distraction. 


When we finally finished it was almost mid-morning. They happily went back to sleep. Since my Chunin tournament was the next day no one really expected us to do much. Everyone wanted me to rest to do better on the exam. 


I found my father in his study. I was able to ask him a question I had been wondering. “What other skills will I be learning with the Chikyugi?” 

“What brought this on?” Father asked, closing the ledger he was working on. 


“I have focused on my water element. I simply want to learn about the Lust Element as well. What will I be able to do? When will I start training on the next step?” I asked. 


He chewed his lip. Studying me as I sat in a chair in front of him. “I only tell you this because you are moving through it so quickly. Your Pleasure Touch, Lust Aura, and Endurance are the 3 basic techniques. Something that anyone with our Lust Element can learn. They are the first-stage. Like your Chikyugi, our skills have 3 stages.” 


“The next stage for you would be the Mark, Love, and Epitome skills,” he said. “Only the upper levels in the brothel know these techniques. Then the 3rd stage is the Harem, Link, and Mindless applications.” 

“What are they?” I asked, growing excited…in a completely scholarly fashion. 


“Mark allows you to brand those you choose with your chakra. Only those you can see yourself with for good would receive this. This allows a link to you and the recipient, sharing chakra. Love is a more intense version of Pleasure. Actually making those you are with in love with you. Epitome changes your body.” 


“Woah,” I said. “And the 3rd stage?” 


“I will tell you their applications when we are closer to that point,” he said. 


“Okay, when?” I asked. 

“Honestly, I am not sure,” he admitted. “Awakening the 3 stages takes years. I would like to go slow, but I believe you could go beyond. So, let me ask you, when do you want to learn?”

I almost said now, but held off. There was a lot going on. The Chunin exam, then Naruto would have to get the new Hokage, then Sasuke would run away. After that there would be 2 years where nothing big happened. I could learn it all during that training arc. 


“A couple months,” I said with a sigh. “I would like to focus on water a little more.” 


“Good choice,” he said. 


“But I want to know one thing. Does any of the skills allow the gifting of chakra?” 


“How do you mean?” 


“I mean, let’s say that someone was hurt, or someone didn’t have chakra. Would I be able to gift people chakra?” I asked. I wanted to know how to help Saeko in High School of the Dead. 

“There is. The Mark skill would be able to gift a little. But the advanced version of this would be the Harem skill at stage 3. The skill allows the gift of greater strength through your intense connection with those you have Marked.” 

“Good,” I said. “Let me finish the exam, and I would like to start. But I don’t expect to focus on it for a few months.” 


“Very well,” he said. “Have you thought anymore on your engagement to Hinata Hyuga?” 

“I haven’t thought much about it. We haven’t discussed it. You said Hinata knows?” My father nodded. “How should I approach it? Why did you choose her family?” 

“We have been trying to join the Hyuga for some time. It wasn’t until Hinata was passed over for the head of the household that they were receptive to the union. Our family has done much research. Though our Lust element is mostly hidden, the higher ups in the houses know about it. I don’t believe they know the full extent, but they’ve heard rumors. They have fought allowing our houses to join. But we have grown in power enough to make it more than tempting.” 


“When does something like this happen?” I asked, hesitant to find out the answer. 


“Not for years, yet,” he said. “So never touch her. If you did, it could be seen as an affront to the Hyuga. They could call it off at anytime between now and when you decide to marry.” 


“Is this how it worked with you and mom?” I asked. 

He nodded. “I was a Genin like you when I met her. Over the years we would meet, getting to know one another. By the time our marriage came, there was no one else I considered wanting to marry.” 

“This is awkward as shit to ask you, but how did you approach the whole…maid thing?” I asked. 


He gave me a knowing smile. “That, you will have to figure out on your own. I can’t teach you all of our techniques.”

“Ugh,” I said. Rolling my eyes I nodded. I wasn’t sure what to do, but either way that answered that I really should keep things nice and slow between the 2 of us. My father and I said some more pleasantries and I moved about my day. 


Leaving the house, Reina and Hina were busy. In all truth they were cramping too much to do much else than stay at home. I promised them some treats when I came back. Out in the city it was lively as people were streaming in for the Chunin tournament. Almost a festival going on there were people dressed up, booths with food out, games to be played to try to win something. 


I acted normal as I noticed her. Simply walking from booth to booth I took my time. When a large group walked between us I dashed down an alley between booths. Jumping to the top of the building next to me I waited for her to show up. 


“Hello Temari, my dear,” I said as she ran down the alley. The blonde sand ninja cursed as she looked up at me. Wearing her tight clothes and her fan at her back I wasn’t sure if this would be pain or pleasure. “To what am I due the honor?” Her fingers twitched. I could tell she wanted to use her fan on me. 


“Come on up, let’s talk,” I said. Pulling back from the edge of the building I sat on the flat roof. She soon jumped up, landing a dozen feet in front of me. She wore a frown on her face. “Sit.” She didn’t so I simply waited for her to do whatever she wanted. 


“What the hell did you say to Gaara?” She finally asked. 


“The truth?” I asked. “At least how I understand it.” 


“Well whatever you said, he’s all messed up now. I’ve never seen him so sad before,” she said. Tears in her eyes she actually did appear worried. 


I frowned. “Do you want me to talk to him more?” She gave me an angry glare. “What? Because he is supposed to call the Jinchuuriki tomorrow and attack our village?” She still had a shocked look on her face. “Temari, we talked about this. I know the plans of the Sand ninja and Orochimaru.” 

“Then why haven’t you done anything about it?” She asked. 


“Honestly? I don’t know,” I said. “I don’t know what purpose it would serve. Your people will lose tomorrow. Orochimaru has already double crossed you. I don’t think I could stop the Hokage from being killed, no matter what I do. There are a lot of moving parts, Temari, and I don’t know if I want to stop it.” 


“Why?” She asked, calming down slightly. “How? How do you know all this?” 


“I know, because I need to,” I said. “Just like I know…your dad is dead.” Her eyes widened. 


“You’re joking,” she said. “I just saw him.” 


I shook my head. “Did you see his face? Did he say something only your father would know…wait Orochimaru is one of the greatest ninjas. He might be able to read enemies' minds. Hell he can bring people back to life. Memories wouldn’t be an issue for him.” I frowned, studying her. “I hate to break it to you, but Orochimaru has taken the place of your father.”


“Why? We have done everything he wanted,” she said. 


“Because he doesn’t just want this place destroyed. He wants revenge with his own hands. Do you know why he wants to destroy this village?” I asked. She shook her head slowly. “Because he was passed over for Hokage. That’s it. And somehow in his twisted mind he thinks that is reason enough to have it destroyed. He wants it gone. And he wants to kill his old sensei with his own hands.” 


“Who?” She asked. 


“Sarutobi, the Hokage,” I said. “The current Hokage trained Orochimaru.” That was news to her. Back in the Naruto manga I was always surprised how little people knew. Like the 3 Sannins, how were they supposed to be famous when Naruto and his friends had no idea about them. 

“What am I supposed to do with this information?” She asked. Sitting down there were tears in her eyes. “I can’t do anything. I’m just a Genin. They won’t believe me.” 


“You see my predicament,” I said. “I plan to help a little. Try to limit damage. Maybe tell your superiors what you know, but if I were you, I wouldn’t. Orochimaru knows pretty much all the jutsus. He is far too dangerous to take on. Let the Hokage do what he needs to end the guy. Sacrificing his life to stall Orochimaru from hurting anyone else.” 

“I have to do something,” she said. “My brother is supposed to do something bad.” 


“I know, but don’t worry about it, Temari. He will be beaten,” I said. “Do you know that blonde kid I was with yesterday? He is a Jinchuriki just like your brother. Only his dream is to become the Hokage. I think they have a lot in common. They have been ostracized and isolated because of the demons they hold inside. And if everything goes right, your brother will be better for it. Learning a new dream besides killing people.” 


She scoffed. “What kind of dream?” 


“Becoming the Kazekage,” I said. “Surpassing your father.” 


“That would never happen,” she said. 


“Wanna bet?” I asked. “Push him a little bit. I bet you’ll find him agreeable.” 


She locked eyes with me. Standing up slowly she dusted her legs off. “Why did I have to talk to you that day during the exam?” She asked. “You’ve been a confusing bastard ever since.” 


“If I recall correctly, you said I smelled good,” I said with a smile. “You smell good too.” 

She cracked a smile. “I’m still going to kick your ass in the tournament tomorrow.” 

“I look forward to it.” I looked her up and down. “You seem stressed, care for a duel?” 

“Why do I feel like it isn’t a normal fight?” She asked. Smiling wide she responded by rolling her eyes. “Is my dad really dead?” 


I frowned, but slowly nodded. “Good,” she said. “He was a shitty dad…but a good Kage. This is going to cause a lot of issues.” 


“That it will, but don’t worry. At the end of the day our villages will become friends again,” I said. 

“How do you know all this?” She asked. “How are you so calm?”


“I know the future. It all works out in the end,” I said. “These squabbles are nothing compared to the true danger out there, Temari. The next Great Ninja War is coming. We will all have to work together when it does. So, don’t worry about this stuff too much. Let it happen. Do what you need to. Keep your people safe. And forgive me when I kick and your brother’s asses tomorrow.” 

She laughed loudly. A genuine smile on her lips. “I’d like to see you try,” she said then disappeared. 


I watched her go with a frown. I acted much more confident than I actually was. There would be a lot of fighting tomorrow, and I needed to be ready. I had changed the preliminary fights. I hoped I didn’t do the same to the actual tournament. 

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