Capture Target

Chapter 10 — Honeymoon period: Over

Hey everybody!  I have a poll at the bottom, and details are in the authors note below -- if you don't care about the poll, just ignore what's spoiled, and enjoy the chapter!

Okay!  Let’s talk about NTR!  So --

Oh, thank you!  Yes, this is my ‘slutty business secretary’ outfit.  See how the buttons strain just so?  I had to spend far too much money on the thread to ensure that it wouldn’t snap from containing my cleavage.  It’s a bit tight, but I’m used to iiiiit hey!

Hey, you’re trying to distract me!

Well, it’s not gonna work.  This is important!  If you really don’t want to hear about it, just plug your ears and go ‘lalala’ or something.  Hmph.

So. NTR, or Netorare, is japanese for ‘cheating’.  Now, a lot of this tends to involve either a cuckolding or corruption element -- either way, the husband or boyfriend of the girl is left… probably unaware, as their significant other is whisked away by jerks and perverts who turn her into an equally-corrupt accomplice of theirs.

Now, first off, no kink-shaming.  Second off, for me, at least, a lot of that is really hot.  A girl getting corrupted by jerks?  Becoming a willing sex-slave cum-dump?  Sign me up!  Make her literally addicted to your cum so she can never live without your cock again!

What I don’t like is the girl becoming a jerk and/or possibly ‘evil’, nor do I like the ‘cheating’ aspect.

Relationships are important!  If you’re going to fuck around, you need to make sure your significant other is aware of that and approves of or is accepting of your wantonly slutty ways!  Honestly, if I was going to get into a relationship with a nympho slut, I would need to know if I could rely on her to make sure I’m sated after working hours.  If she’s going to go and get exhausted on some jerks dick at the gym, I would need to know that so I could plan around it!  Call my backup slut or whatever.

…You know, assuming I was the kind of person who dated sluts instead of being one, but that’s besides the point.

Now I bring this all up because of my ‘relationship’ with Yuu.  See, communication was important, and we -- didn’t.  The relationship was never confirmed, boundaries were never set, and we both had vastly different expectations of how the relationship would work.  And that came to a head roughly two months into my roper-dom.

Now, the two weeks before that were absolutely heavenly.  Every morning, I went to Yuu’s dorm room, and sucked off, made out with, and was groped by an increasingly large number of his friends.  Friend A, friend B, friend C… it actually got to the point where I was having trouble remembering who was who.  And there is a very good reason for that.

These weren’t just Yuu’s friends.

The hilarious thing is that if Yuu had told me about this earlier, I might have been fine with it.  I needed to cum, repeatedly, and this was a great way of managing it!  But no.  I had to learn by one of them getting a bit too greedy that Yuu was being paid for my services.

He had set himself up as a pimp, with me as his whore.

Now frankly, that alone was fine.  I mean, at the time, I was actually horrified enough that I went an entire day without sex.  An entire day!  But if he had asked me, maybe offered to share the money, I would have caved eventually.  It was a great way to sate my needs.

But he hadn’t.  He just acted like I was his possession.

And while that can be incredibly hot in a scene, in reality it made me pissed off.

There I was, dressed in a skimpy maid outfit that Yuu prepared for me (thank you magic spats for hiding the tentacles that were fucking me), serving a series of boys food while alternating who I was sucking off, and one of them just commented on how I was ‘absolutely worth the money’.

…It took me a bit to put that together, I’ll admit.  I was still feeling a bit desperate for my orgasm at the time, but the phrasing stuck out to me, as it fit well with some odd things I’d been hearing recently.  Things like being asked if I was ‘currently working’ while out in the town.

I’d been keeping myself so busy with the land grab that I didn’t realize what was going on until hearing that comment, and I broke up with Yuu that same day.  I would later realize that I was shrieking and as I yelled at him and sounded like a jilted ex, but at the time I was just so furious!  He acted like I was not only being ridiculous, but that I would also come back to him.

Ironically, even then, I knew that he was probably right.  Sure, I could always find alternatives, but he was just so convenient.  He even offered to cut me in on his earnings, which was more tempting than it should have been.  And by now, the roper was well used to waking me up on the verge of desperation for any form of relief, knowing that it would make me more enthusiastic for whatever Yuu had set up for me.

On top of that, Yuu had ensured that my reputation would remain… well, as protected as it could be, given the circumstances.  He had a strict ‘no pictures’ rule, and forbade anybody from spreading rumors, because he knew that my reputation was important to me.  Certain things change in the world of Alchemical Corrption when you’re known as a slut or a whore… the enforcement of the laws of consent get a lot murkier.

So I had a few choices available to me.

I could go back to Yuu, obviously, and admit he was ‘right’.  In retrospect, that was probably what I should have done, given my goals at the time.  I just needed to last two more weeks with him, and then I could break up again, and be more ‘final’ about it.  Or at minimum be in a better position to defend my position in our relationship, because I wouldn’t constantly be edged by a horny tentacle-parasite-symbiote in my womb.

I could just try to last two weeks without sex.  That would… snrk… hahaha!  Okay, no, even then I didn’t think I could manage it without some annoyingly difficult potions!

I could find somebody to ‘replace’ Yuu as my go-to make-me-cum-o-matic, but I didn’t know anybody I’d trust with that at that time.

And finally, I could just… choose to be a slut for two weeks, and accept the consequences of my actions.

Ultimately, all four choices were roughly equal in my mind, and just had different costs.  Going back to Yuu would cost my pride.  Going without sex would cost progress in the Land Grab, as I shifted towards anti-libido potions.  Picking a replacement might not even work!  I would need to find somebody that I could trust with no clue of where to start.  And becoming a two-week-long slut would cost my reputation.

It all depended on which I valued least.

And I valued my reputation least of all.

So, here’s something I learned really quite quickly about my former gender:




It’s just -- argh!  Just thinking back on that time fills me with frustration!  How do you flirt with somebody while making sure they knew you were interested, without being as blatant as a two by four to the head?!  Oh, no, I know the rules.  Touch them, make sure to smile at what they say, laugh at their jokes… you know who else would do those things?

A touchy friend.

And then there were those like Yuu, who would assume that I was interested even when I wasn’t flirting with them!

In retrospect, this would probably have gone a lot better if my primary targets weren’t my fellow classmates, and people in the correct age demographic for Alchemical Corruption 12 -- namely, teenagers and young adults.  Those that are more mature would probably have been able to understand what I was doing without me needing to spell it out.

But as it was, that would only happen if I got stupidly lucky with whoever I was flirting with.

This would include when I was literally squirming, and sometimes blatantly panting, with need to get some relief from my arousal.

No, I did not need some water after jogging for hours, I needed somebody to fuck my throat until the tentacles torturing me let me cum!

…The first of those two weeks of slut-dom was not entirely productive.  Thankfully, after that, it became better -- as I gained the C-rank talent, [Seduction].  Finally, the elixir I made at the start of the school year had paid off!  And at the time I was too horny to even complain about it not being something I was planning on gaining, like a boost to my fire talent.  [Seduction] let me send much more targeted signals to those I wanted to seduce, which was practically a god send.

…Actually… come to think of it… it might have literally been god-sent, given the timing and the results… hrmph.  I’ll have to think about that later.

Regardless.  That was the start of one of the best weeks of my life… at the time, anyway.  I can’t even properly describe just how glorious it was for me; to suddenly be able to sate myself at any time I needed to.  So long as I was near the town, I could just drop by, find a likely target, and before long we’d be making out in an alleyway until my tentacles ‘rewarded’ me for my good work.

It even had the benefit of adjusting my sexuality!  By the end of the week, I was in the habit of scanning a room and looking for guys that were hot or would be good for a quick makeout session.  It was just a habit I got into that I still haven’t managed to get out of.  …Not that, you know, I want to get out of the habit, but still!

Of course, two weeks of going full-on slut had some… ramifications that I didn’t expect.  Shortly after the roper seed had finished maturing, and ‘left’, in a shockingly orgasmic process that was similar and yet entirely different from giving birth, I was panting on my bed as I felt the telling warmth of obtaining a blessing.


See, of the nearly thirty gods, there are three pairs of them that actively dislike each other.  Thus, if you have a blessing from one of them, the other will never grant you theirs.  The only way out of this is if you obtain both of them from the same event.

This goes back to the ‘time slot’ system of time.  Not even the gods are immune to it; they all receive information in the same ‘time slot’, take their actions, and the results of which are only shown in the next time slot.

Thus, I achieved two blessings in one go.

[Blessing: Mental Fortitude]
[Requirements:  Complete a period of raw, hedonistic, sexual pleasure which:

  • Lasted at least 18 time slots, not accounting for sleep.
  • Had no significant benefit behind the rationale of indulging in said period.
  • Could have been stopped at any time due to your own self control.
  • Was not undertaken while having the blessing of: ‘Bodies Fortitude’

[Effects:  You can no longer be mentally broken by pleasure.  You will always have the ability to choose to say no if pleasure is the only boon.  Pleasure reduction due to repetition is limited to one half of the initial pleasure of the action.  Your indulgence shall always be by your own choice.]

[Blessing: Bodies Fortitude]
[Requirements:  Complete a period of raw, hedonistic, sexual pleasure which:

  • Lasted at least 18 time slots, not accounting for sleep.
  • Had no significant cost of forbearance that affected your rationale of indulging in said period.
  • You enjoyed fully by completely abandoning your own self control.
  • Was not undertaken while having the blessing of: 'Mental Fortitude'

[Effects:  Your body can no longer break due to pleasure.  You can always feel better, and pleasure from repeated acts can only get diluted to, at most, half as pleasurable, no matter how much abuse your body undertakes.  Your indulgence shall always feel wonderful.]

The blessings from Temperance and Delilah.  They are, respectively, the goddesses of Restraint and Hedonism.  Temperance believes that corruption is best felt while in control of one's faculties, and every slide down the slope of pleasure is one that they could have avoided.  Delilah believes the opposite -- to be overwhelmed with pleasure beyond the ability to choose is when things are at their hottest.

Combined, the two blessings are perfect for a slut like me~

The only problem is that, as mentioned, the two goddesses hate each other.  In this case, it's due to their differing views on corruption.  It’s nearly impossible to get both blessings, as having one removes the ability to get the other.  But if you can knowingly and willingly abandon all self-restraint and indulge in it, while still being able to stop if you so choose, then you can trick the system and get both blessings at once.  Which is what I did!  Lucky me~

Oh, and there was one other side effect -- um -- o-oops?  Sorry?  Does that hurt -- thaaaaat’s an indent of the button… s-sorry?

Look, next time, I’ll ensure that the buttons can handle the strain of holding back my tits as well as the string!  I didn’t expect the button itself to be what broke…

W-wait, wait!

Before you punish me -- and I do hope that that punishment is hot -- let me finish what I was saying!



Yes!  Thank you!

Anyway!  There was one other side effect, of spending two weeks as a slut.  Around five days later, when I returned to my bedroom, I saw Shimizu, naked on my bed.  Furiously pumping her hands up and down her new, massive, potent herm-cock.

…And there goes the rest of my buttons… S-sorry?  I hope that didn't hurt too much...

Gotta say:  One of my favorite things about having a super lazy chief god in charge is I get to play around with fun things like the 'time slot system'.  It's exactly how a lot of games actually work, with 'one event' per time slot, just, you know.  Because it's 'one event per time slot', there's all sorts of fun ways to abuse it~

Also, it's the end of the roper arc!  For now, at least.  Good bye, little roper seed.  Go forth and get ready for my later plans.

And now it's time for the herm arc!  Mwahahaha... Herms in this setting are... interesting...

As for the poll...


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