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Chapter 101 — Y5: Nudemaster Build

A special thanks to all of my subscribers!

Okay!  Ready for --

Oh come on, really?

Do I have to?

…Hrmph.  Fine, fine.  But you better make it up to me later!

So, I generally consider this ‘outfit’ as my ‘skin’ these days, but, yes.  I can, technically, remove it.  From any point on my body, with the right application of magic, I can create a seam and gently pull it off.

Let’s take my arm, for example.  I just need to… just, um… uh…

… … …

Hey, would you gimme a sec in private?  Thanks~


…Funny thing.

I haven't tried taking my coating off since the medical checkups immediately after I got it.

I mean, why would I?  Just look at me~  Isn't my natural purple latex-y luster just perfect?

Yeah I can't take the coating off.

That's because it literally replaced my skin!  

I, um.  It's.  Probably from my symbiote blessing?  If the coating counts as 'alive'.  Or my technology blessing if it doesn't and counts as an 'implant'.

Or, uh, it might be both at the same time.

So I'm just.  You know.  Like this.  Irreversibly.  Forever.

Okay we're having sex now, no we are not waiting until after storytime, storytime later sex right now, this is so fucking hot I need this!  

Fuuuuuck that was good

You’re getting really, really good at that, you know?  Your stamina is really getting impressive!  You can even go another round!

I can too if you want~

…Are you sure?

Fine, fine.  Storytime it is.

…Maybe when I’m done…?


Okay so!

My lovely skin~

There are quite a few nifty things about it.

The best thing?

The coating counts as nudity for my exhibition blessing~  You know the one?  The one that says that I’m harder to damage the less I wear?  Yeaaaah, that one~  

It’s fantastic.  My goo-coating is basically armor, you know?  Really hard to puncture, rubbery in a way that cushions impacts, it insulates against attack magic, all kinds of great things!  

Which cheats around the only downside of an Alchemical Corruption series staple, the Nudemaster Build!  

In every game where Claire is one of the goddesses, you can always get her blessing on at least one heroine, and you can always use it to level and build those heroines into terrifying combat monsters!

Terrifying combat monsters who are stark nude.  

It's not always the most optimal build -- there's only eight heroines across the series where Nudemaster is their strongest possible build, in fact -- but it's always an endgame viable build.  So series veterans doing blind runs of new Alchemical Corruption games know to always watch for chances to have heroines gain Claire's favor and steer them into the build.  

But beyond the amazingness that is tactical battle sluttiness, the next best thing about it is how it -- unifies my body.

I had -- sorry, have -- a lot of augments and attachments that really aren’t natural.  My horns and my tail are just the most obvious ones, but there are plenty more.  If you looked closely, you could see a few, faint white lines where I got my cybernetic augments, and some of my body was stretched slightly from the parasites.

It really wasn’t anything to worry about, to be clear.  My body was just showing the effects of what it had gone through.

…But I still kind of hated it.

I like being pretty, okay?  I don’t want to see scars or stretch marks!  And, to be frank, sometimes the additions to my body don’t -- fit -- perfectly.

Again, it’s nothing major.  Just that every few weeks I’d come down with something like, say, an attack of stomach acid, or my libido would spiral out of control or die for an hour.  Maybe an implant would glitch for a bit.

Just signs of my body being more and more patchwork.

My new skin took care of all of that.

I’m not quite sure how Sumiko managed it, but it -- unifies what it’s covering.  Turns it into a cohesive ‘whole’, so long as it is contained within it.  I can even get new implants and parasites, and they’ll just be let in under my skin, allowing for perfect adaptation!

The third best thing, and these are all close contests, is how my coating means I can always be clean!  


Do you know how dirty sex can get?

You get all sorts of fluids on strange parts of your body -- or, if you’re unlucky, your hair, ugh.

Cleaning hair can be a nightmare.

My lovely coating can take care of all of that and more by just mentally commanding it to clean itself up~

It’s amazing!

After that comes, obviously, how hot I look in it.  I mean, come on, I look like a real, proper succubus!  The color is coordinated, the shapes are perfected, the jiggles are artful…

Really, a-plus-plus, all around.

Then, of course.

Then there’s the sensations.

To illustrate just how amazing the sensations are, let me tell you the blessing I got just four hours after getting my brand new skin.  From Aalya, the Goddess of Sensation.

[Rare Blessing:  Aalya’s Gift]
[Requirements:  Embrace Sensation.]
[Effects:  Sensation is a gift granted to all physical beings.  Whether that be sight, scent, touch, sound, or something more ephemeral, it is the greatest gift we have been given.  And yet, with time, sensation grows numb to us.  The tastiest food becomes mundane, and delightful sounds become expected, and dull.

To you who embraced sensation to the point where the world has faded away, where nothing but what you feel matters to you, I grant you the ability to feel and think in twain.

Even in the greatest heights of sensation, you can still interact with the world.  Unless, of course, you do not wish to.]

…Aalya has a ‘thing’ about dramatics.

And yeah, that requirement is really vague.  It's pretty much just, 'impress me'.  Which, uh.  Really hard to do by goddess standards, you know?

To be honest, I'm sure the thing that put me over the edge on winning the blessing was how Aalya herself has a huge latex-coating kink.  Her coating is kind of like mine, actually, but hers is glossier, jet black color, and from the neck down only.  

But if you do manage to impress her enough to get it, her blessing is great!

By the time four hours had passed after getting coated by the goop, I was just writhing on the floor of the vat, desperately touching and playing with myself.  Feeling my new skin rub against itself, feeling the air on my body and my mouth and tongue, working my spade tail in my pussy… 

All that and more, as I desperately sunk into depravity and pleasure.

It wasn’t that my mind was broken -- it wasn’t.

It was that there were no pauses for me to catch myself.

Even with my other blessings reinforcing my mind, the sensations I was feeling never faded enough that I could scrabble myself back into sanity.

I just felt.

…Until I got that blessing, and then I could feel, and I could think, at the same time.

My skin -- it allows me to skip, just entirely skip, the need for ‘foreplay’.  Everything always feels at its best.  

And it almost seems to learn, too!  The more times I experience something, the better it starts to feel!

Not that surprising for something made from distilled liquid corruption, but still!  It’s awesome!

It’s also so intense that if I didn’t have that blessing, I’d be little more than cattle.  A creature obsessed with pleasure and nothing else, neurons firing constantly in reward as I mindlessly sought greater heights.

Which, you know.

Sounds amazing.

But I had things to do, so.

Maybe later.

Even now, I can confirm that I’m feeling pretty randy~  Why do you think I like sex so much?  I’m forever at, like, a six point five on a zero to ten scale of arousal, as my hard minimum floor.  

It’s awesome.  Whenever I get bored I can just play with my tits for a bit and cum my brains out!  Who wouldn’t want that?

…Do we have to?  I want to talk about how great it is some more!

Ugh, fine.

Moving on, I guess. 

Sumiko insisted that I go through a suite of tests to ensure that I was stable after I came back to myself.  The first thing we did was remove, and put back on, my coating.  

…Looking back, removing it felt almost like… pulling off some wet glue?  Something that was attaching itself to my skin, but not fully there yet?  …Hrmph.  That was probably an early sign that it would replace my skin…

Regardless, having it removed was like -- taking off a shirt during a warm day while also rubbing numbing cream on your chest.  You get a sudden chill, a sense of your body needing to adapt to the sudden lack of something it was expecting, while also having everything feel just… lesser.

My most recent blessing still worked without it, but it was harder to tell -- given that without the coating it was much more difficult to reach that level of sensation.

Thankfully, after doing that just long enough to satisfy everyone I was healthy, I put it back on and never ever had to take it off again~

Some were annoying, like ‘jogging’.  Ugh.

Some were boring, like ‘stack the cubes’.  Bleck.

Some were amazing, like ‘get wrecked by Shimizu’s fat futa cock’.

I liked that test.

…I might have sabotaged Sumiko's recorder-analyzer gizmo so we needed to repeat that test a few times.  

Regardless, I was, eventually, given a green bill of health.

I then proceeded to waste around two time slots just putting clothing back on because my skin felt so amazing!

Honestly!  Putting panties on, with a body like this?  I stained like three pairs before I managed to ask Sumiko to make me something more durable.

The bras left me moaning, the stockings tremblings, the blouse panting, and skirts --

…Well the skirts were fine, actually, but they made me look hot!

But wearing tight shorts… now those were something else…

…E-eh?  Right!  Right.

So, after getting some clothing on, I proceeded to head out of the school -- and promptly got fucked by like ten guys on the way out.

I mean.

Look at me.

You can hold yourself back, but you’re a freak of self control, I swear.  The average guy?  Nooo way~  Can’t last a moment.

I’ve learned how to tamp the whole ‘me’-ness down, but at the time I was still enjoying the sensations so much that I let them have their way with me~

…Though I did get chastised for being late after I reached our base of operations, just outside of the fifth landmass.

And, uh, then I got chastised for seducing some of the men while they were working.

…And one of the vice commanders.

What?  I was horny, and they were hot!


Regardless, it was agreed that I would go to the Pool of Reflection as soon as possible, to see if I could uncover anything now that I was immune to the corruption clones.

…Immune in theory, at least.

Very solid theory, but you never know something is going to work until you actually use it for its intended purpose.

This was actually why Jessica insisted on being just outside of the hex that held the pool, just in case.  She was supposed to be leading a different exploratory squad, but she refused to be away from something ‘so critical’.

We all knew she was just looking out for me, but calling her on that would have been… unwise.

Her being there will be important, later, so keep that in mind.

Not that that mattered in the immediate, of course.  I still had a job to do before we get to her.

So.  There I was.

Goo proof skin suit, which I was going to later accept as my lovely new skin.

A hex with a weird magic barrier, blocking an endless legion of roughly fifty clones.

And a mostly-empty pool that required emptying.

It was a dangerous and deadly assignment, one which I was willing to put my life on the line for!

I bravely walked through the invisible barrier into the problem hex, and was immediately dragged into an all-goo-girl orgy!


They’re corruption clones made of goo!

What did you think would happen, them killing me?  Through exhaustion maybe.

It was glorious.

Don’t tell Jessica I said this.

No, really, don’t.  I'm serious.  I'll be non-hot mad at you if you do.

You promise?


… … …

I -- f-fuck, Jessica is so fucking hot you don’t get it!  

Every time we’re so much as in the same room together I have to pretend I don’t want to fuck her brains out, I know she'd look so fucking cute in the moment her shame gives out and she accepts that she wants me, and it’s just -- argh!

It was such a relief that there were clones of her!

Sure, they were made of goo, but they were close enough, dammit!

She’s hot and they even copied her magical girl outfit, which is also hot!


Haaa… haaa… n-no.  No.  I’m fine.

It's just.




…But I have coping methods.  S-so.  So.  I’m fine.  Got it?

I’m fine.

… … …A-anyway.  

Once I was done with that?

My coating meant that, after I was tired of the orgy, it was easy to just blast all my goo clones.  Which cut down the mob's size pretty well.  

Jessica went in next to blast the entire crowd with a massive supercharged love beam that vaporized her goo clones.  Then Zaylee skirmished with lots and lots of shuriken, killing her goo clones.  And then she used her ninja skills and dual bodies to keep skirmishing with the remaining grab-bag of soldier goo clones, splitting and luring them off from the crowd in ones and twos for the original soldiers to carefully polearm-poke to death.  It was all more manual labor than a battle, to be honest.  

Really dangerous manual labor, but that’s what managers are for!  Thank you for being the responsible one, Jessica!

Anyway, the others stayed camped just outside the hex border just in case, while I went to the pool.  It was still… maybe a third full?  Or a fourth full?  It was hard to tell, but there was still plenty of goo left inside of it.

I carefully poked it with one of my toes.  I wanted to be sure it wouldn’t just suck me underneath it to never return, like it did with literally everything else, but my new skin held up!  It was just slightly thicker than water, to me.

Which meant I had no reason to not swan dive into the Reflection Pool to see if I could figure out the problem.

Which was just… great.

I actually went and asked the others if I really had to go swimming in it, and Jessica told me to suck it up!  Jessica!  My overprotective little sister told me to suck up my whining and go swimming in the pool of pure corruption!

I don’t care that Mini had scanned the pool and said I was perfectly safe with no chance of something bad happening to me, it was a pool of corruption goo!


Still.  My hot sister demanded, and so I acquiesced.

To the pool I went.  Into the pool I went.  It wasn’t that deep, but I did have to hold my breath as I dived down.

Good thing I had lots of practice with ‘not breathing’ thanks to all the blowjobs I’d been doing!

No, really, I had to hold my breath for longer than I thought I would.  If it wasn’t for all that practice I might have been in trouble.

At the bottom of the pool, I actually found what was causing it.

A hand mirror.

One that was -- not entirely there.  It wasn’t like it was glitching out -- that would imply pixelation.  It was more like its presence was fading in and out.  Even the realization that it was a thing was slippery to hold on to, to remember.

…Which meant that when I rose up from the pool and realized I had dropped it because I forgot it existed, I had to go get it again.


Stupid reality bugs.

It took me like six tries to get the damn thing out of the pool.

I’m glad I went through the effort, though.  That mirror ended up being far more useful than it had any right to be.

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