Capture Target

Chapter 2 — Blessings Ceremony

So.  I knew that I was in an eroge -- specifically, in one of the first ‘capture targets’, ‘Elizabeth Elise Liva Ambrosia’.  With a name like that, blonde hair, and a nice large room all to myself, obviously I was a noble of some sort.  So the natural conclusion is:  ‘Why didn’t you just fuck off from the plot’?

Well, there’s a reason for that.  I checked the walls for a calendar, and sure enough, like I suspected, it was the day of Blessings for the latest land grab.  Which meant that in five years, the evil god of Chastity and Purity would awaken from its slumber, and curse the entire Kingdom to never have sex again.  Thus ending the human population on this continent within the span of a single generation.

No, I am not joking.  That is literally the plot of the game.

Furthermore, from what I recalled of the games endings, the evil gods curse made everybody absolutely miserable.  And clearly, I was an isekai protagonist.  Obviously I was meant to stop this evil.

…And, frankly, the games didn’t explore this continent much beyond the five years of the Land Grab, so if I left I’d have no real advantage.

…Okay fine!  And I was a bit cocky too, alright?  I felt confident that I could get the better of this reality.

Regardless.  I was going to stay.  I was going to participate in the Land Grab; making potions from new materials I forage by hand and claiming territories to become a noble -- or, well, in my case, extend my family's holdings -- and so, I needed to get dressed for the Blessing Ceremony.  It took a bit of scrambling, but I gathered what I thought was Elizabeth’s standard in-game outfit, and laid it out on the bed.  Then, standing in front of the full-body mirror, I carefully removed my negligee.

And I had to bite my lip to distract myself from my body.

Now, in most realities, like yours and the one I originally came from, calling a body ‘made for sex’ or a ‘natural sluts body’ is not only inaccurate and insulting, but also probably a sign you have misogynistic tendencies.

In that reality, however, saying that my body was ‘slutty’ was absolutely accurate.  It was due to the main god of that world, the absolute pervert; there was a good chance for certain women to be born with a ‘slutty body’.  Like the one I was occupying.

I stared, somewhat entranced, and curious as to… well, the physics of the body.  Breasts don’t just stay out like that, perfectly perky, without support!  Not ones that size!  Not natural ones!  Which mine very much were, thank you.  Not to mention the curves, the jiggly ass, and, of course, the aforementioned thigh gap.

…I realized that I was breathing heavily, and tore my eyes from the mirror to start getting dressed.  First up:  Panties.  A simple black pair.  And of course, things didn’t go according to plan.

I slipped my legs in easily enough, but as I was tugging the pair up, it suddenly, and without warning, slammed into the bottom of my plump rear.  Sending it, and me, jiggling as a feminine squeak escaped my mouth from surprise.  I twisted to try to get a clear view, but the angles didn’t quite work out, so I had to use the mirror again… and it looked like I was trying to get some kids' panties on.  A pair that was much too small for me.

My face was red, because I knew that the other panties were no better.  They were all the same size.  So I started tugging, and tugging, and jumping a bit… and then, with a nearly audible sensation of things snapping into place, my ass fell into place.  I let loose a small groan of relief, because it actually felt shockingly comfortable.  Tight, yes, very tight, actually, but still… comfortable.  I’m pretty sure it has to do with the laws of reality in that world.

Though I didn’t know it at the time, my panties had a lovely cameltoe for anyone lucky enough to see~

Then came my bra, where I encountered a similar situation:  My huge honking hooters were massive blobs of fat that I couldn’t easily work around.  It took me several minutes to figure out how to get the bra on, hooking it in front of me, spinning around, and then carefully fitting my oh-so sensitive tits into my lingerie.

I… might have lingered a bit, on the process, to savor the sensation.



Then came the thigh-highs.  And let me tell you, if I didn’t think my body was slutty before, I certainly did after.  Just the sensation of dragging the nylon up my hairless legs sent shivers down my spine to join the puddle of warmth in my slit.

Still.  Worst was done, after that, even though I needed a few moments to calm down.  My legs might have been quivering a bit, at the moment, due to my libido.

What can I say?  I told you the body was slutty.

The ruffled miniskirt came next.  It was plaid, for some reason, like they all are, and a bright red to contrast the black stockings.  A white blouse, with a tie, which took some time to button up over my tits, and a dark bluish-green jacket over the blouse.  Ending up with something similar to a sailor fuku, naturally.

And, for some reason, once it was all on?

It became a boob sock.

Like… I honestly still don’t quite get it.  I put it all on, and then things just kind of ruffled for a bit, and it looked like it was fitted with massive tits in mind.  It went above and under them, displaying my breasts as if they were a vital appendage.

Now, let me tell you, animated girls can be hot.  I firmly understand.

But clothing doesn’t work like that.  My arousal, sadly, died the death of a distracted scholar, as I tried to figure out the mechanisms behind this boob-sock-ification of my attire.  Going to remove the outfit, removed the boob sock, and made it kinda frumpy.  Like wearing a bag.  Removing it while thinking of showing off, it remained a boob-sock, and the breasts got in the way massively when trying to remove some of it.  It was bizarre.  I would eventually get used to it, sure, but I still don’t understand it.

Now that said… all I had to do was sip on some lovely flats (heels come later, after I’m forced to wear them~), take one last look in the mirror, and head to the blessings ceremony.

In Alchemical Corruption 12, the blessings ceremony is the first event in the game -- primarily because it can absolutely kill a run if you’re going for a particular goal.  See, every character has some traits, which grant, bluntly, bullshit anime powers.  These initial traits are fixed for every character.  Mine, for example, are [Archery], [Fire Magic], [Endurance], and [Mercantilism], all at rank C.  Elizabeth would have those traits in every playthrough.

However, each character also gets a semi-randomly chosen ‘Ceremonial Blessing’.  These traits are all blatantly sexual in nature, and what the girls get can vary wildly.  For example, the [Extreme Masochist] trait is absolutely hilarious to get on some of the more haughty characters.  The [Yuri Yuri] trait makes them very very gay… well, except for when it comes to the protagonist, who always gets the [True Gods Aura] trait.  Which basically makes him able to seduce any woman in the game regardless of the, sometimes multiple, reasons he should not be able to.

This would naturally include me, as knowledge of this trait does not protect you from it.

These traits aren’t even ranked because of how bullshit they are.

That said, I knew a little cheat.  You can manipulate the probability if you’re quick enough on the uptake.  You can’t pick a specific trait, but you can all but eliminate the chances of getting some of them.  Like, say, [Extreme Masochist].

I was going over this as I was waiting, because the introductory speech was long.  It’s all about the ‘true god’ and his ‘blessed goddesses’, which we then emulate to gain their ‘blessings’... blah blah blah.  This was why only one guy, and any number of girls, can participate in the Land Grab.

The worst part?

If there was more or less than one male, or if any of the girls were too young or too old, then the blessings became curses a day after obtaining them.

I’m not joking!  This entire world was set up to make some lucky bastards gain harems of stupidly hot girls.  Hot girls like me!

So, I had three goals for this ceremony.

Goal 1:  Avoid the worst traits.  So traits like [Extreme Masochism], [Lewd Luck] and [Easy Target].  If I was lucky I’d gain something that didn’t mess with my mind or chances, but those were very rare.

Goal 2:  Figure out who the ‘protagonist’ is, memorize his face, and avoid the fuck out of him.  I was convinced that no good could come of dealing with him and his bullshit seduction aura!

Goal 3:  Figure out what trait Shimizu Manako obtains.  …To be clear, her ‘family name’ is Shimizu.  Thank you, Japanese games, for being confusing.  She is vital for my early-game plans, given she’s the only one that starts with a decent combat trait.  I had backups, but so long as she didn’t become a sadist -- or, worse, a hermaphrodite -- then I could easily use her.

…Ah, I should clarify.  Hermaphrodites are ‘worse’ because they’re a hotbed of lewd corruption in this game.  Their cocks are amazing, but we’ll get to that later!

So.  The ceremony was going on, and the girls started to obtain their blessings.  Shimizu went before me… aaand right after touching the ‘big orb of blessings’, one of the buttons on her blouse went ‘ping’ and flew off into the distance, revealing some lovely cleavage.

[Lewd Luck].  I knew that that could be troublesome… but my primary backup, Koiki Yuki, gained the lewd eyes of one with [Sadistic Mistress], and my secondary backup, Takagi Sumiko, gained… naturally… [Extreme Masochist].  Neither of which I wanted on my team.

Which was a real shame; I could have used a seer or somebody as brilliant as Takagi on my side.

So I decided I’d take my risk with the [Lewd Luck] of Shimizu.  Her B-rank [Swordmistress] trait should more than make up for it.

Before long, it was my turn.  I tilted my head up and found myself swaying towards the glass orb on the stage.  I’m still not sure how I managed to avoid blushing during that walk, as I felt my frilly miniskirt swish with every step.  I walked up, ignoring the teacher giving me instructions, and watched the head-sized orb flash through a dozen different colors.

It took maybe a minute; I ignored the crowd starting to murmur, because I knew I had to time this perfectly.  I needed to figure out the pattern, and then… then…!  There!

I slapped the orb with my transparent Alchemist’s Identifier -- the glass-like thing the size of a driver's license -- and glanced at what blessing I got.

[Favored by the Gods]

I was fairly satisfied with that; an increased chance and potency of Divine Blessings shouldn’t be something that would affect me much.  I was convinced that if I could avoid the lewd corruption innate in this setting, I would avoid getting anything that could get in my way!

I was wrong, of course, but I was feeling pretty confident as I headed back to my spot.

And that’s about when I realized that things weren’t going according to script.

See, the main character -- Otsuka Takeo, apparently -- would end up tripping and ‘accidentally’ taking the spot of the one man for the Land Grab.  It doesn’t matter what NG+ iteration you’re on, or even if you’re in free play, he would always trip and always suffer the consequences of ‘stealing’ the spot instead of winning it via the lottery.

That’s not what happened.

Otsuka just.  Won the lottery.  He picked the right stick out of the cup that the five top male students were standing around, and he calmly got his blessing.  No trip.  No panicking.  No fuss.

I almost panicked then, because it meant that my knowledge wasn’t perfect.  I nearly decided to abort, but I already had my ceremonial blessing… if I left the Land Grab now, it really wouldn’t have gone well for me.  So I stood in something of a daze as the ceremony wrapped up, only barely remembering the last thing I had to do before I prepared for my first journey for materials.

I convinced a somewhat reluctant Shimizu to spare me a moment out of the way, and I turned to her with a slight smile.  And then I told her, “I know you’re from another world.”

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