Capture Target

Chapter 25 — A New Family Dynamic

Huge thanks to all my subscribers, especially Teacher, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#5c472977, User#646966cb, and User#6c53ee46 !

...If any of those last three want me to put in a different name, please let me know and I shall do so post-haste!

Mmm… which rope do you think looks best on my skin tone?

Huh.  Didn’t think you’d like that one, but you’re right.  Yeah.  This is good.

Nice shade, good tension… bit rough, but I like it like that… okay, good!  Now where’s my notebook on proper knots --



You’d rather resume our talks than see me tie myself up in rope like a sexy present?

Ugh!  Fine.  We can do it later, I guess.

You are so weird sometimes…

So… right.  I was about… a week and a half?  Two weeks?  Into the last month of the year, the month we all get ‘off’ to spend with our family, and my mother now knew that I was more than willing to have my brothers use… something, I don’t know what… and blackmail, cheating in bets, manipulation, thefts, hypnosis and less potent drugs to get me into bed.

Again with the laughter!  What is with you?

Hrmph.  Whatever.  Moving on, my mother, naturally, told my brothers, and --

-- okay.  That’s a good question.  You’re right, I should have covered that.

Consent when you can manipulate the mind into forgetting said consent is… tricky.  Not only is there the question of if that consent counts when it’s been forgotten, but you also can’t be certain that you gave the consent your partner claims you did.

It boils down to trust and personal choices.

When you do something as intimate as sex, especially once you get into the kinkier stuff like BDSM, trust is paramount… because we’re baring some of our most sensitive selves to our partner, or partners, in the name of pleasure.

As an example, I adore being called a ‘ditzy bimbo slut’.  It’s great!

I do not like being called a ‘dumb whore’.  I have some bad memories associated with that.

When I’m in the right space to receive insults and get pleasure from them instead of frustration, using the wrong one hurts.  Maybe not enough to take me out of the scene we’re in, but it’s still not fun.  Because it sounds like the person I care deeply about is saying the absolute truth.  So it digs in deep, past my normal defenses that I have up when interacting with people normally.

In the same way, if you stuff somebody with a ballgag, they can’t use a safe word.

If you share an aphrodisiac with your partner, they are under the influence of a drug that will alter their decision making process.

It’s a complicated thing that I usually don’t get into, because hot fun sexy-time porn, but ultimately it’s up to the individual to determine what they are, and are not, okay with.

If you’ve ever been around a new submissive, either online or in person, and they say ‘I’m okay with whatever you want’... or anything that means the same thing… then you know they have not made intelligent, conscious decisions about what they are, or are not, okay with.

It’s a hot idea for a sub to always get what they want from their dom, without ever having to ask for it, but that’s not how reality works.  Not even in Alchemical Corruption, to my frustration.  You are baring yourself to another person, and they can give you great pleasure… but it can also hurt.  A lot.

So a mother sharing with your siblings, without your knowing consent, about what you’d be willing to let them get away with to dubcon you into sex?  To one person, that would be unforgivable, and that’s understandable.  Arguably that’s even the rational thought.

For myself… well, it might be because I’m a bit messed up after everything I’ve gone through.  We haven’t even started on the various parasites that attached themselves to my nervous systems, or the alterations to my past, or the lingering brainwashing from some of our enemies.  I do not think like a normal, well-adjusted human adult.  I’m aware of that, and I deal with that as best I can.

And part of that means that my mother sharing those secrets with my brothers?

I actually find that really hot.

It’s a bit of a sting, sure, and it showed that there should be limits to my trust with her… but frankly, those limits were already there.  I loved her, but she clearly had a different set of priorities than me.  Even in my foggy, yet-to-be-formed past memories, that much was clear.  But ultimately… well, ultimately?

She shared things that I was okay with happening to me, and ensured that only those things happened.  I might not remember what it was that I agreed to, besides blackmail, cheating in bets, manipulation, thefts, hypnosis and less potent drugs, but I do know that I was okay with whatever it was I said.  And despite this incident, I trusted, and still trust, her to have at least told me the truth about that.  That I told her things I would find hot and fun, and she let my brothers do those things, and only those things.

So I don’t have a problem with it.  If I learned about what she did at the time, I might have.  But by the time she told me, it was a ‘minor irritation’ at most.  If that bothers you -- well, that’s valid.  But it didn’t bother me.  She is my mother, I was the one wrong, and I forgave her.  But if you want, feel free to just ignore what I have to say until next time, mmkay?

I’m going to talk about wincest for now~

So.  Despite the fact that not a lot happened during the second half of my first year, I do feel a bit guilty about just skipping over four months.  So how about I go into a bit more detail here?  I’ll have to use some godly mojo to --

-- nope.  I’m not a god.  I don’t have any godly mojo.  Nope.  None.  Not a bit.

…Stop suggesting I do or I’ll cut off your access to porn.

Better~  As I was saying, I’ll have to -- ah -- focus a bit more to get some of the details right, but I think we can do this properly~  I can cover the last two weeks of the year day by day.  Sounds fun?


Let’s get this started~  Let me use my cool voice for this…

Day 1 of 14

This day was -- well, okay, it was pretty boring.  Shimizu was having fun with my mom, and I was trying to ignore the fact that I had recently been drugged with such a potent aphrodisiac I felt like an animal in the middle of heat.  It had worn off, but I was much more cautious during dinner that day.

…Not cautious enough, though~

Big and little bro decided to be smarter this time.  They put a much less potent, and longer-lasting, aphrodisiac in my meal.  Subtle enough that I didn’t notice as my libido slowly rose~

…Actually, come to think of it, the rational thing would have been to make my own food… hrm.  Why didn’t I…?

Huh?  Oh, uh, right.  Moving on!

Day 2 of 14

This was where things started to get more interesting~  See, little bro’ Ryan had managed to sneak into my room and grab my diary!

…Wait.  Diary?  I don’t keep one -- hrm.  Must have kept one when I was younger…

Regardless!  He threatened to spill all of the secrets within unless I obeyed his commands!

Naturally, I called him a moron and pretended to not be affected.  Also naturally, he called my bluff.  And then he made me get rid of all of my conservative clothing, forcing me to prance around the house in skimpy attire, and -- wait.


Sorry, uh, I should do this right --


What the fuck?!  I was dressing in skimpy clothing anyway to tease the two of them!  Yes, it does feel very different when being ‘forced’ to wear skimpy outfits instead of ‘choosing’ to wear them, but even so!  That doesn’t explain my reaction at all!  I acted like he was asking something completely unreasonable of me!

And that diary!  I can’t remember ever having written a thing in it --

Fucking -

My mom hypnotized me so I’d have more fun with sex with my brothers!


I don’t know whether to be pissed or grateful, which is annoying me more than the invasion of privacy and lack of permission!

Just -- fuck -- fuck fuck -- sorry, give me a bit, I need to go and cool off and think.

Okay.  Okay.  Haaaaa… better.  Sorry, normally I can fuck somebody to calm down, but I really needed some ‘me’ time, you know?  Jilling off on my own usually isn’t what I usually like to do, but some ‘private time’ to think on your own can really help.

Okay.  I’m frustrated because it’s so hot and I didn’t even realize how hot it was until just now!

Just -- argh!

To have my own family use my mind as their plaything, as they reduce my body to that of a shared sexual toy?  Do you know how wet that gets me?!

I thought they didn’t do that for a few years, and now I learn they’ve been doing that from the start?!  I could have had even more fuels for my lusts if I had known!

Still.  Still.  At least I know now.  Probably only noticing now because of how used I am to this kind of stuff… Aaaargh… whatever.  Okay.  Moving on.  Uh.  Where was I?  right.  Right.

Okay.  Cool voice…

Day 2 of 14, from the top

Right.  So.

I was already affected by the aphrodisiacs that my last dinner… had… that I fucking missed was in there due to hypnotism, ARGH!


Better now!  Really!

If I need to stop again, you’re free to spank me until I obey~

Once more!

Day 2 of 14, from the top, again, for real this time

So.  I was still a bit distracted from the aphrodisiacs I had last dinner, which I was most likely hypnotized into not noticing.  It wasn’t much, just a bit.  And my brother used a fake diary that I didn’t actually have to blackmail me with information that wasn’t in there, but that sure felt real at the time.

He threatened me and forced me to wear only skimpy clothing around the house, which I was… uh… doing anyway… but it sure felt like a huge concession… and wow, saying it all out like this actually sounds really dumb.

It gets better though!  Ryan’s not the only brother I had.  Anthony was another~!  See, we made a simple bet: He would flip a coin, and I would call heads or tails.  If I called it right, then he would be my servant for the day.  If he called it right, then I would be his servant for the day.

…Well I say ‘servant for the day’, but what I really mean is ‘fetch stuff for the other person and do their chores’.  So.  You know.

Naturally, I called tails, as one should always do when betting against Anthony, but he, somehow, managed to get heads!


Fuck, I think you’re right.

Why am I utterly convinced that Anthony always gets tails when flipping a coin, and yet every actual memory I have shows it always being heads…?

It was a coin with two heads.

Fuck.  How’d I -- oh don’t start, I know how I missed that, just, argh!  Whatever.  Whatever.  Okay.  He won the ‘completely fair and not at all cheated on’ bet, which meant I had to clean up his room that day.  Combined with the enforced skimpy clothing edict from Ryan, Anthony just enjoyed leering at me throughout the entire process.

…The enforced skimpy clothing edict that I would have been doing anyway.  Right.

I’m good, I’m good, I’m calm…

Day 3 of 14, because I’m calm enough to continue

-- fuck.  I forgot.  One moment…

Day 2 of 14, just the meals

I forgot to mention that they kept dosing me with ‘make Elizabeth horny’ drugs during meal times~

Day 3 of 14, moving forward

Hehehe, love the cool voice.  Anyway!

For the most part, this was similar to the prior day, except Ryan demanded that he watch me get changed.  Which was… more embarrassing than it should have been?  It felt like I was caving to his desires, falling down a slippery slope, and finding it hot to do so.

Which… okay, yes, that absolutely sounds like me, but frankly Ryan was being tame by my standards.  Which probably means more hypnosis.

I also asked Shimizu to help again, and she just, uh.

…Well she laughed again and asked if I really wanted her to help me get out of this.

Which I.  Didn’t.  Answer.

I know what you’re thinking.  That it was hypnosis.  But I can actually state with confidence that it wasn’t.

I remember my thought process very clearly at the time, and I actually had this moment checked out for mental alterations before -- because it was an obvious one to check, and if I was mentally compromised there, I would have been pissed.

But no.  I just.  Couldn’t bring myself to answer.

I couldn’t bring myself to say ‘yes’, because I didn’t want her to.

It had been months since I felt like I was truly degenerating into sexual hedonism, and I, frankly, didn’t want to give that up.  Not that I realized it that clearly at the time.

At the same token, I couldn’t bring myself to say no, because the thought of admitting that was something my brain just skipped over.

So I just, uh.  Gabbed my mouth a bit.  Up and down.  Not saying anything, and making sounds in an attempt to prevaricate.

Shimizu just waited for a while, her smile growing wider the longer I didn’t answer, and told me that if I didn’t have anything to say?  I might as well use my mouth for something more worthwhile.

…I agreed, and got to give her a taaasty tasty blowjob that evening~

Day 4 of 14, things get more fun

So.  Day four of fourteen.  This is when my brothers started to get a bit more brave in their demands, finally.

Honestly, taking four days to get here… I must have driven them to insanity to make Ryan use that earlier aphrodisiac if this is how shy they were.  They had a hypnotized, super-hot sister that had spent over a week dedicated to making them sexually frustrated, and it took four days for them to reach the point where things started to get sexual!

Honestly.  Incestuous blackmails these days.  No bravery.

It started with Ryan, my younger brother, as usual, who demanded that I let him grope my tits.

Now, as a reminder, he had already done so once, and this would be the first time I let him touch me --

Right.  Yes.  Hypnotism.

When did my mom even have the time to do all this to me…?  Even if she had help… hrm…

Ah?  Right, back to it.

So, this was his, ah, ‘first time’ touching me, and something about the situation made my face flame.  …Probably the hypnotism, frankly.  That, and the three days of steady aphrodisiac that was entering my system every main meal.

It felt good.  Far better than it should have.  The shame and embarrassment combined with the building need between my legs, and turned into something that felt almost addictive in quality!

…Okay.  Saying it out loud like that, it’s obvious that hypnotism had something to do with it.

But frankly, right now, I don’t care!  It was so hot!  Mmph!  To be under his thumb like that, my bratty younger brother --

-- ah, right, I almost forgot.  Let me just wrap this portion up real quick.

He groped me for just a few minutes, but it felt like half an hour.  Just him mauling my naked tits with his hands.  Then he sent me off, and I went to do another bet with Anthony.

Same terms as before, but this time, Anthony had something else in mind when I lost.

He held up a french maid costume.

Already prepared in my size.

…Not even hypnosis could stop me from giving him a bland, dead-eyed look at that realization.  I had to ask, “...Really?”

To his credit, he did flush with a bit of embarrassment, but he didn’t let up!

I rolled my eyes and accepted the addition to my loss.  After all, I was certain I wouldn’t lose again, so what did it matter if I did his chores while dressed like a sexy maid?

It would clearly only happen once!

Or so I thought.

Because hypnotism~

And we’re not even halfway through the week yet!

Hehe, fun stuff, right?  Gotta admit, some of my favorite mind control stories have incest in them.

Say, would you guys be interested in my thoughts on writing?  I can add them to the A/N's, but I wouldn't want to artificially amp the word count if nobody was interested.  Had a whole thing written before I realized it was an extra, like, three hundred words, and didn't want to put that in without a good reason.

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