Capture Target

Chapter 27 — Year 1: End

Huge thanks to all my subscribers, especially TropicalPenguin, Teacher, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#e20fc711, User#5c472977, User#646966cb, and User#6c53ee46 !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

Hm?  Ah, hi.


Oh, right, sorry, just…

Hehehe, that’s hot - hey!  I was using that!  Don’t just close the laptop on somebody!

What?!  …Oh.  It’s that time already?  Um.  Oops?

It was just a fun game… what?  No, it wasn’t all porn!  Just.  Some of it was porn.  Most of it was actually plot, I just like a bit of adult content.  Frankly it’s irritating how some otherwise great content just ignores how sex is ‘a thing’.  I mean honestly.  It’s not ‘a thing’ for some people, but unless everybody in the story is asexual, then -

- ah.  Right.  Hehe, ah, sorry?  Right.  Right right.  Okay.

Day ten, right?  Okay.

Day 10 of 14, where things pause

Ah, this day was funny.  I got up like normal… well, mostly like normal, I was still a bit dazed from yesterday… and went to double check the calendar.  I had four days left where I was stuck at home.  I just needed to survive those four days, and then I could go back to the school grounds, and continue focusing on what mattered.  Sex.


…And the Evil God of Chastity and Purity.

That was also important.


I almost considered just leaving early.  I was thinking through the logistics of it as I got dressed.  …I remember being annoyed that day because I didn’t have enough heels to match all of my outfits.  I mean, sure, black and white go with anything, but still.

What?  It was getting annoying!  I didn’t pack all of the heels I had back at school to come with me, and wearing any of my old flats hurt due to my shortened tendons.  I made a mental note that I needed more heels in general before putting on what I could and exiting my room…

…to come face to face with my brothers.  Who were waiting for me.  Outside my bedroom.  Like creeps.

Thoughts of leaving early fled my mind as I went immediately to ‘leave this situation’, leading to me immediately trying to step backwards.  I tried to close the door before they could stop me, but it, ah.

…It ran into my tits.

Which was embarrassing and also painful.  All three of us winced as I hunched down a bit and gently held where I rammed the door into the side of my breast.  My older brother said, “Ah, we had this whole -- thing -- planned out, but…”

…I gave him a death glare.  And then looked right at his crotch.  With my death glare.

Both of them winced and instinctively took a step back.

My heels had pointy tips, and balls are soft.

My breasts might not hurt as much as I knew their cocks would if I kicked them, but at the time I really wasn’t in the mood to be merciful.  I was trying to slam the door shut and it ran into my tits!

Ryan tried to salvage the situation.  “Well, to put it simply, um.  You’re our maid now.  Due to blackmail.”

“And bets!”  Jonathon interjected.

I just gave both of them a death glare as they wilted a bit, handed me the maid outfit I’d been wearing for Jonathon, and then fled.

I slammed the door shut and kind of fell onto my bed with a sigh, and looked at the maid outfit I tossed on a chair.

…Frankly I’m not sure who was more frustrated that I wasn’t in the mood for kinky fun roleplay; my brothers, or myself.

Thankfully, Shimizu showed up later to fuck me, and I felt much better after that~  I still only resumed the fun starting the next day, though.

Day 11 of 14, where things escalate

This day was fun~  And not in the ‘funny’ way, though I can see humor in it.  I woke up, and the pain in my breast was all gone, thankfully.  I’m pretty sure slutty bodies recover faster than normal when it comes to their sexual characteristics.  …Actually I think there was a study done… ah, I’m getting sidetracked.

After I woke up, pain-free, the first thing I opened my eyes to was the slutty maid outfit I had left hanging on a chair.

Now, normally, I take, oh, say, anywhere from fifteen to sixty minutes to get ready.  Fifteen if I was channeling my previous ‘guy’ life and just throwing on whatever to get on with my day, a full hour if I wanted to make sure everything matched and I wanted to take a shower.

That day, I took two and a half hours.

Half an hour to take a long shower to clear my head.

One hour to work myself up into a frenzy as I debated between wearing the maid outfit or not.

Half an hour to masturbate furiously as my brain had devolved into an erotic, needy mush after considering wearing the maid outfit for a full hour.

And then another half hour to take another shower.

Actually putting the outfit on only took five or ten minutes.  Mainly because by that time I was really hungry, and I couldn’t be bothered to enjoy the erotic sensations of putting it on.  Which… frankly was rather disappointing, but seriously.  Two and half hours.  I had to eat.

I was actually hungry enough that I didn’t notice my two brothers waiting for me at the dining table.  I don’t recall it perfectly, but I’m reasonably sure that they were both surprised to see that I actually wore the maid outfit.  I do remember them whispering to each other after I sat down.

I mean, their surprise was reasonable.  They handed me the maid outfit while I was giving both of them a death glare, and nonverbally threatening the sanctity of their balls.

Not that I paid much attention to that as I devoured my breakfast.  It would have been hot for my breakfast to have been cum, instead, but I couldn’t get nutrients from that.  Not yet, at least, that came later.

…No I won’t say when, you’re the one that keeps on insisting on the extra details!  If I have to deal with sharing it step by step, you have to deal with hearing it step by step.


Anyway, I only really noticed them after I was done eating, and was taking a few moments to digest.  To be more specific… I noticed that they were sitting next to me.  Ryan’s hand was on my ass, while Jonathan’s hand was toying with my upper thighs.

And I didn’t notice they were there.

I felt my face slowly turn red.  I was getting so used to having my body molested that when distracted, I didn’t even notice.  The head from the regular doses of aphrodisiac was keeping my body heated, and with how much time I spent thinking about today before I actually got up…

Jonathan gently trailed his hands up my inner thigh while I was frozen in surprise.  And he said in a soft tone, his smirking arrogance clear, “I hope you’re ready to focus on serving us.”

As he said that, he pushed his hand to my slit, pressing in just a bit -- and that, somehow, caused me to orgasm.  I couldn’t even fight back my moans of pleasure as I - eh?  You figured it out?!

Tell me!  How were they making me cum?!

…Eh?  Could you repeat that?

I’m sorry, I can’t quite hear what you’re saying.

Okay… sure, we can try that…

F… O… C… U… S…

…And that spells out a word…?  The word used to make me cum?

I don’t see it.

Why are you -- ugh, fine.  You spell the word ‘focus’ with ‘F, O, C, U, S’.

What’s with that look?!  You’re the one asking weird questions!

Okay, okay, fine.  Let’s try this again…

A word that rhymes with Hocus and Pocus?  Um… Locust?

Ooookay… so the code is, uh… 6 15 3 21 19…

I don’t get it.

Argh!  I’m focusing, I’m focusing, I’m just not understanding what you’re saying!

Can we stop this already?!


That’s it!  That’s it!  I am done!  I don’t give a damn how they made me cum if this is the result of finding out!

No!  No I won’t try one last thing!  Just -- argh!  This is supposed to be me telling you about super hot sexy smutty gender bending subby things!  Why are we spending this time with you trying to tell me what this word is?!

We are moving on, and that’s that.

Got it?!



Whatever.  The rest of day eleven was basically just me prancing about in a slutty maid outfit uselessly not-cleaning things in an aroused daze.  Orgasming regularly.  Due to a word that I don’t want you to try to tell me!

…I’m watching you.

I’m not going to even bother with the cool voice this time.

We’re just going on to day twelve now.

Okay.  Day twelve.

This was the day Shimizu realized I was spending all day in a maids outfit.

…Most of the day was spent dealing with that, actually.  It turns out prancing around in a slutty maids outfit is a huge turn on for them.  …And guys in general.  I mean.  I knew that.  I used to be a guy.  And even now, I still have appreciation for the feminine form.  But it’s different from knowing that abstractly, and needing to stop every thirty minutes to drain your non-exclusive -- uh -- herm-friend's -- balls of cum.


Come to think of it.

It’s a really good thing that that cock was literally addictive and made me feel amazing every time I tasted it, or its cum

Otherwise I’d probably have gotten sick of it in short order.  As it was, I was already getting a bit sick of the taste of normal cum.  I mean, that got fixed eventually, but at the moment I was still ‘mostly human’.  And you can only have the same thing so often before you start getting sick of it.

Thankfully, with Shimizu, that wasn’t a problem~  And that’s a good thing, because, frankly, I lost count of how many times I sucked her off that day.  She was just following me as I did my brothers-assigned chores.

It was a fun day~

Okay.  I’m feeling better now.  I can do the cool voice again.

Day 13 of 14, when I get fucked

Sooo you’re no doubt wondering why I’ve mostly been giving blowjobs and getting groped so far, right?  At least, by my brothers and Shimizu.

There’s a few main reasons for that.  The first one is, uh, embarrassment and reluctance to go further.  There’s something different about putting a cock in a mouth and a cock in a slit, you know?  I really didn’t want to fuck strangers, and my brothers took some time to push past that barrier with me.

And the second reason is…

Okay so the main person I was having sex with right now was Shimizu.  She needed it, and she produced more than her fair shares worth of cum.

Blowjobs had less cleanup afterwards.

I know, I know, don’t give me that look!  It’s like the least sexy reason to do something!  But it’s true!

When I fucked her, inevitably, inevitably, some of her cum would slip out of my slit.  It would stain my panties -- uh, more so than my own arousal would -- and tended to land on the floor.  If I used my mouth, I could ‘catch’ it all.

On top of all that, it’s easier to open your mouth and kneel than it is to remove your panties and bend over while your partner stands up.

I know, I know, the reasons are boring and practical.  But they exist.

That said, that day was when some of that reluctance started getting worn down.  Primarily because my brothers were both pent up.

They spent all day yesterday wanting to mess with me, but were, uh… well, intimidated by Shimizu.  She’s tall.  And strong.  And spent her spare time sparring with our guards, absolutely dominating them.  It’s not like Shimizu would have stopped them from having their fun, but they didn’t know that.

The one that cracked first was, of course, my younger brother.  Ryan.  Just a few hours after I had gotten changed and was doing my ‘prancing around looking sexy’ routine, I heard a frustrated shout of, “Argh!  Fuck it!”

I started a bit from where I was, and spun around to look at the source of the sound.  Shimizu was sitting in a chair with a book, and looked with me to see Ryan standing in the doorway of the room.  He was looking furious with his face flushed.  His precise words were, “I can’t take it anymore!  You’ve been prancing around in st-stupid, slutty clothing for over two weeks!  And, sure, whenever you focus you cum, but I -”

I didn’t hear some of what he said, as I was dealing with a sudden orgasm.

No, I still don’t know why, shut up before I stop telling you anything!

…Better.  By the time I recovered enough to hear what Ryan was saying, he was on to, “- s-so I’m going to fuck you, I’m going to fuck my slutty sister, fuck fuck fuck fuck!

…I realized that I had broken him.  I made him crack.

From teasing him constantly, to having him grope me, to watching me writhe in pleasure, to an entire day working as a futanari cum-absorber, he couldn’t take it anymore.

I needed some time to process this.

I had almost two weeks worth of aphrodisiacs in my system, after all.  And I spent most of the entire last day going through orgasm after orgasm.  I was feeling a bit fried.  On top of that, Shimizu was there!  I, hilariously, thought that Shimizu would stop him.

…Instead of making things worse.

I realized that my brother was bending me over a table, and moving to rip off my panties, as Shimizu laughed.  She said, “It’s about time!  I’ll get your other brother, and you can have some real fun.  Your mother should have recovered from the other day by now, anyway…”

I had no real idea what she was talking about with the later half there, but I think the reason she was entirely free the day before was because she had fucked my mom into a stupor before that.

I tried to make some noises to halt the process, or slow it down, but frankly I couldn’t bring myself to say ‘no’.  I couldn’t bring myself to even consider saying ‘no’.  My snatch was soaking wet, I was panting, I needed to cum so badly.  I had no idea why I was so desperate for it.  I didn’t know I had been drugged over the course of thirteen days.  I didn’t realize it was a plan my brothers and mother came up with, with Shimizu gleefully enabling them.

All I knew was that I was dressed in a slutty maids outfit because of my two jerk brothers, and I was so wet that I couldn’t think.  I needed to cum.

So when I felt my brother's cock enter me, I screamed in pleasure and writhed on the table I was bent over.

Oh the cock wasn’t impressive.  I mean, don’t get me wrong, it was bigger than average for here, but for the world of Alchemical Corruption it was just ‘normal’.  And after taking Shimizu’s massive dong, well, there’s no way that Ryan’s thing would ever feel big for me.

But that didn’t matter.

It was big enough.

Despite being my brothers.  Despite his lack of skill.  Despite my fraying attempts at self control.  Despite all that, I came, and screamed while doing so.

I was in a daze, afterwards.  I distantly realized that Ryan orgasmed almost as soon as I did.  …He had a lack of experience, and that only made it worse.  He had no sexual stamina, and, somehow, he brought me to a screaming orgasm.

I felt a heady giggle bubble up out of my throat as I failed to process this.

I did not understand.

It did not compute.

I distantly heard the door open again, and heard Johnathan talking with Ryan.  And then I felt another cock enter me, this one from my elder brother.

I knew it was his cock, because I could tell it was different from the one before it.  And it obviously wasn’t Shimizu’s.  That combined with the fact that father was still out of the house meant that it could only be Johnathans.

I recognized him by his cock.

And he hadn’t even fucked me until just then.

I felt another part of my self identity, my conviction that I wasn’t a slut, just… ‘pop’.  It just ‘popped’, right then, right there, as I felt my older brother’s cock bring me to a second screaming orgasm.

He had more stamina than Ryan, so he kept going.  I wasn’t sure what was going on at that point, but I heard an order to open my mouth.

I didn’t know who said it, but it sounded authoritative.  So I didn’t think, and just opened my mouth, as I felt myself get repositioned.  And then Ryan’s cock shoved into it.

I made something similar to a squeaking noise, but I was far too gone to put up any resistance.

I felt myself cum again.  And again.  And again.

The entire day passed by in a haze; I didn’t get any ‘cleaning’ done.  I was just a toy for my brothers to use.  To relieve themselves with.

Now, maybe I could have snapped out of it.  Maybe.  I vaguely remember starting to come to, and I remember that it looked like it was just starting to get dark.

I then felt a cock cum in my mouth.  I wasn’t sure whose it was, I could barely focus, but I knew it wasn’t Shimizu’s.  I didn’t hear anybody say anything, either.

And I came.


From a cock cumming in my mouth.

Sure, I was being fucked at the same time, but I could tell that my clit needed a bit of time to recover before it could help me crest the peak again.

…I realized that all of the triggers that my brothers had been using to make me cum when I blew them?

That had finished the training that the roper had started.

From the roper, to Shimizu, to this.

I would now orgasm whenever I got somebody to cum in my mouth.

Another bubble of my conviction, of my resistance to being a slut, went ‘pop’.

And my focus faded for the rest of the day.

…But I still wasn’t entirely sold on the idea.  On the idea of being a ‘slut’.

No, no.  That finally broke the next day.

Day 14 of 14, Dad’s home

Not much happened that day.  Not really.  I didn’t even put on the maid outfit; I had to pack to get ready to leave, and I couldn’t find it.  …Because Shimizu swiped it, obviously, but I was just glad to have an excuse to leave it alone.

We were going to stay and have a full family lunch. Father was finally back from his work consolidating the family's gains from the Land Grab, both political and material, and was going to spend some time with us before I had to return to school.

So I put on a bright smile and pretended everything was normal as we all ate lunch at the dining table.  My brothers didn’t say anything.  My sister didn’t say anything.  My mother didn’t say anything.  Shimizu didn’t say anything.  It was all just -- normal.  And fine.

Dad, so you know, is built like a brick.  Tall, muscled, and only age has reduced him from ‘oh my fucking god’ to ‘wow, he’s hot’.  It’s a bit humorous to see him next to my small mother, but they made it work, in, uh, their way.

He asked me all about the land grab, and I responded with some… carefully edited answers.

I didn’t inform him I was raped by tentacles on the first day.

I didn’t inform him that I illegally hid the fact that I was a roper.

I didn’t inform him that I was sold as a prostitute by my ex.

I didn’t inform him that I accidentally caused Shimizu’s little herm problem.

I didn’t inform him I was addicted to sex and pleasure.

I didn’t inform him I had a growing bimbofication kink.

I didn’t inform him that my brothers blackmailed me into a maid outfit.

I didn’t inform him that I fucked them all day yesterday.

I didn’t inform him of a lot of things.

…But you can’t lie to your parents.

He knew anyway.

…Do you remember the one other person I mentioned during the blessing ceremony?  The seer?  Koiki Yuki.  Who got the [Sadistic Mistress] blessing at the ceremony.  She was moving behind the scenes for most of the first year, and all to send my father a single letter.

A letter with photographic evidence, signed with her name.

Of my true first year.

And it had arrived, at his office, yesterday.

I remember it vividly.  It’s scarred into my mind.  “You have made the family proud, Elizabeth.  You have made great gains during the Land Grab, further cementing our position as nobility.  I’m glad to see that you took after me, for your intelligence and drive.  …And I want you to know, as my daughter, that even though you’re turning out to be an even bigger slut than your mother, I’m still proud of you.  So long as you don’t let your needs get in the way of your progress, I will back your every decision.  Even the more… questionable, ones.”

I broke, then.

I tried to process that and I failed.  I remember him taking out the pictures to show the entire family.  I remember him assuring me that it was okay that I was a needy slutty nymphomaniac.  I remember him saying he was still proud of me, but to maybe not send him pictures next time.

I don’t even know what I said.

All I remember after that was when I was traveling with Shimizu, back to the school, and I asked her, in a dazed voice, “...Am I really a slut?”

Shimizu looked up at me for a moment, from her book.  “...Yup.”

She looked back down as I giggled a bit, feeling drunk.

And that was how my first year of the Land Grab ended.

It was an amazing time~

Hehehe~  I have a lot of things I could say about this chapter.

From how I try to make every year a 'corruption capstone' of sorts, to how my editor would have found Elizabeth's problems with hypnosis a lot less frustrating if the word still worked on her.

But yeah!  This is the end of year 1 of Capture Target.

Year 1 is an interesting one, and it feels unfocused now that I'm almost finished with writing year 2, but that works well with the overall narrative of Elizabeth's growth as a character.  And yes, she does grow.  ...In ways beyond her tits.

Really!  I swear!

...I mean, her tits do grow as well... arguably even more than her character...

...I'm just going to move on.

Year 1 is all about her reacting.  It became a lot clearer to me in the aftermath, looking over the year as a whole; Elizabeth is mostly just finding where she stands in this world she's found herself in.  She's dealing with problems as they come up, and dealing with consequences as they occur.  She's also mostly blind to some of the more complicated things that are happening in the background.

I'd share what they are, but that would be spoilers~

Year 2, which is up next, will have her regaining some control over her own narrative.  Not without hiccups, mind, but in general she starts taking more control.

And in year 3... well, I'll save that for later~

I hope you all enjoyed Year 1 of Capture Target, and that you'll stay with it all the way until the end of Year 5!

...I was going to make another 'about writing' note regarding comments and reviews, but this A/N has already become long enough.  For now I'll just ask for fans to leave reviews if they're willing, and I'll explain more about why authors beg for them, especially any more complicated versions, in the next chapter.

See you all Monday, for the start of Year 2~

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