Capture Target

Chapter 30 — Y2: Meeting the Mistress

Poll at the bottom!  Check out the A/N at the end for details!

Huge thanks to all my subscribers, especially TropicalPenguin, Teacher, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, NippVanWrinkle, User#e20fc711, User#5c472977, User#646966cb, and User#6c53ee46 !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

Aaaah~  I feel better now.

…Seriously?  Out already?  We haven’t fucked that many times!  Hrmph.  Maybe I should augment you so we can go at it for longer…

What’s with that look?!  I’m only joking!


Okay, okay!  I won’t!

Unless you ask me.

Which you won’t, so I won’t!


Where were we -- ah, yes, right, thank you~  Going to meet Yuki.  There was one thing that I wanted to be resolved before doing so.

See, while the parasite in my head would, you know, inevitably lead to my super slut-dom, there are ways to handle it.  Several different pills that Sumiko has made in previous timelines.  Takeo’s memorized their formulas, and it only took a day for Sumiko to make me some.

The problem is that they’re not perfectly effective, and I need to take them when my imagination starts to act up.  Otherwise they have some… odd effects on my mind.  But so long as I knew when something was going to mess with my mind, and I had my pills on me, and I could remind myself to take one, then it would be fine!

…Yeah, hehe, I was fucked~

But now that I had that, I was going to meet Yuki.  I had some suspicions, but I wanted to know what was going on with her.  Takeo would almost certainly have known, but… Well, he said that if I asked for any knowledge he’d give it to me, but he wasn’t going to volunteer anything, because this was his ‘vacation loop’.  …As of when he gave up.  …Apparently.

I was still cautious of his ‘become my slut’ aura, so I didn’t take him up on his offer.  Instead, I marched towards Yuki’s dorm room and knocked on the door, asking to be let in.

When I heard her voice responding in the affirmative, I quickly downed a pill and entered.

Yuki was… ‘weird’ is the word I’m going to use.  Normally, at least.  She was the standard ‘spooky girl obsessed with weird magic stuff’ from Japanese culture.  Long black hair that covered her face, tall, hunched over, carrying around a weird orb…  And in this case, with a rather nice pair of tits that she kept hidden with her hunch.

That was not what I saw when I entered the room.

I saw Yuki standing at her full five foot seven, her back straight, her hair done and slightly wavy and out of her face.  She was wearing a proper, long, slightly poofy dress, and she looked like she actually went out into the sun occasionally.

This was not an image of Yuki that I had ever seen in the game.  So this, quite naturally, got my hackles up.

I was trying to figure out what to say when she started the conversation with, “Ah, Lady Ambrosia.  …You’re earlier than I expected.  What are you here for?”

I opened my mouth to respond in the momentary pause -- but she continued before I could say anything.

“Ah, no, I know.  It’s about that lovely letter I sent your father, I’m sure.  You’re welcome for that, by the way.”

There was another pause, and I again opened my mouth to speak -- to deny her claims -- before she continued.  Again.

“Oh I know you might think it unworthy of thanks just yet, dear, but don’t worry about it.  Thinking isn’t your strong suit anyway.  Just let your betters do all of the planning for you, and --”

At this point I had had quite enough.

I knew that Yuki was a seer.  I knew that she had a way of just knowing random things that she had no right to know.  I also knew that the roper that I had given birth to, that nobody should know about, was missing.

She was trying this ‘cool mistress act’, but frankly, I wasn’t buying it.

So I took out what the tentacle repel that I brought with me, tossed it at her with an underhand throw, and exited her room without saying anything.

In case you don’t remember, tentacle repels work by driving tentacles crazy.  Their senses are blind, all they know is that prey is somewhere near and they need to rape it.

This happens to work on ropers just as well as tentacle monsters.

Now if you’re close enough to them that they can grab you, using one is a terrible idea.

But if the only person in the room is the roper in question…


I hummed in satisfaction as I listened through the door, hearing Yuki’s roper rape her, knowing I did a good deed.

Or at least a satisfying one.

I mean, honestly, interfering with my life to that extent and not even letting me say a word?

She’s a seer.  She can’t see the future.  She sees parts of the future.  She severely underestimated me, or overestimated herself, and was quite insulting about it, too.  So I just waited until the sounds of ‘self tentacle rape’ stopped, humming a bit, and then opened the door.

I then slammed it shut the moment after I did so, managing to slam it onto a tentacle that darted out immediately after I opened it.  Just as I had expected.  I heard Yuki swear in pain as I held the door shut, tentacle trapped.  “Ah ah ah~”  I said with a grin, as I took out a magical camera Shizumi purchased for me, taking a picture of the trapped tentacle.  Angled juuust so I got the room number in the picture.  I then politely suggested, “...Yuki~?  Why don’t you use your Seer powers and tell me what would happen if I showed Sevens this photograph I just took?”

As a reminder, being a roper is not legal.  You’re quarantined until it’s either born, or, if it’s a mature one, until they can remove it.

I was not dealing with the kind of manipulative bullshit Yuki was offering.

If she wanted to rape me, fine, but she would do so without being an ass about it!

I waited for a while until I heard Yuki say, with a sulk, “...Fine.  Come on in.”

I hummed happily and tossed the camera down the corridor, knowing Shimizu would be by shortly to pick it up.  Not immediately, but soon.

See, Yuki’s seer powers had two modes.

One is longer term.  She can ask how to achieve ‘a goal’, and get a general path of how to obtain it.  In this case, I’m assuming she asked for a goal of ‘obtaining me as a sex slave’.  Which, you know, fair enough, I’m hot.  This mode can also be used to ask an ‘if’ question.  As in, to pick a random example, ‘if I don’t do what the perfect Elizabeth Ambrosia is asking of me, how fucked will I be?’

The second warns her of any immediate threats.  Around five minutes or so into the future, with a ‘threat’ constituting a threat to her body, person, or soul.

Notably, and I know this because I’ve played the game enough to see every version of every event, ‘rape’ does not count as a threat.

So by ensuring Shimizu won’t show up for ten minutes, and by only making her rape herself as a method of protection, I can evade her seer capabilities.

It’s… hah.

It’s really, really dumb that rape doesn’t count as a threat.

But that’s just how it is in that stupid eroge world; any and every form of magic to detect ‘harm’, ‘crime’, ‘threats’, or ‘danger’ doesn't register anything sexual in nature.

It makes traps a lot lewder, because that’s the only way to guarantee you’ll avoid any form of magical detection.  They’ll detect poisons, but not aphrodisiacs.

It’s so dumb.

But, moving on, I now had Yuki… more or less… in the palms of my hands.  If I showed Sevens that photo, which Shimizu would grab in short order, then Yuki would be quarantined until the roper was removed from her body.  That would be anywhere from two months to three years depending on how much she had ‘bonded’ with it.  And I would show her if she did anything too extreme again.

So there we were, sitting in her room, Yuku sullenly agreeing to my demands.

I didn’t ask for too much, mind.  Just no more of that blatant interference, and to help us from time to time with our goals.  She still acted like I was asking for the moon and stars from her.

The conversation went on for… well, for a while.  A good while longer than it needed to be, frankly.  Because I made a mistake.

See.  There was enough time in between ‘being raped’ and ‘me opening the door’ for her to use her oracle powers once, to ask the future a single question.

This question, naturally, was something along the lines of ‘how to get revenge on me’, or ‘how to get me as a sex slave’, or something like that.  I’m not sure what the question was, but I do know the answer.

The answer was ‘run out the clock’.

Because those anti-brain-parasite pills I took?

They don’t last for long.  An hour or so, tops.

So by complaining and whining and just delaying things… While it was frustrating for me and genuine on her part… It also served the purpose of simply -- waiting.  For the medicine to wear off.  And for my libido to start to take control of me again.

I remember when I started to realize something was wrong.  It was when Yuki said, “But my tentacles need it!  Are you sure I can’t fuck you?  Ever?  At all?  Don’t you want to be fucked by tentacles?!”

She had asked that, or something in that vein, around ten times by then, and I was quite sick of it.  But this time her words rang around in my head for a bit.

Because… well.

I kinda… missed it.

Tentacle sex, I mean.

Oh sure, my entire experience with tentacles was ‘rape’ and ‘training’, but it was still so good!  I spent the first quarter of a year in that world as a tentacle fuck-puppet, and it was still some of the greatest raw pleasure I had experienced.  Other things were more satisfying due to the buildup, or due to the addictive qualities of a certain hermaphrodite's cum, but in terms of raw, pure pleasure?

It’s hard to beat tentacles.

So instead of answering, my mouth snapped shut as I felt heat rise on my cheeks.

Yuki noticed this… and pounced.

“Don’t you miss it?”  She said in a seductive tone.  “Don’t you craaaave it?”  She offered.  “Don’t you remember how good it felt?”  She whispered.

I tried to respond, but whatever I said wouldn’t have been convincing as I started to feel tentacles on my skin.  Under my clothes.  I squeaked and pushed backwards, but… no.

It wasn’t Yuki.

It was just in my head.

I quickly moved to reach my new medicine, but Yuki almost crawled over the table, her large breasts swaying in my eyes.  I couldn’t bring myself to look away from them.  “Come on…~”  She murmured in my ear.  “Just… say… yes…~”

Now.  If you’re clever.  You’ll remember that Shimizu was supposed to show up around fifty minutes ago or so.  To pick up the camera, or, if needed, to save me.

Well.  She did show up.  And she’s right outside the room.

But she didn’t interfere here.

She had her own plans, ones that she had gotten… okay, it was less ‘knowing permission’ form me, and more ‘I trust you, sure, do what you want’, which I probably shouldn’t have said without knowing what she was thinking, but it was too late by then~!

Because I said, with a whispered word, unable to stop myself, “...Yes…”

Hehehe, it was a great decision!

Without even waiting for me to process what I said, I felt Yuki’s soft lips on mine, pushing our breasts together, as she grabbed me with her limbs.

All of her limbs.

Her arms were wrapped around me, wrapping around the chair I was sitting on to hold me to it.

Her legs wrapped under me, as she sat on my lap.

And her tentacles swarmed me from the bottom up.

They wrapped around my legs.  Up my stomach.  Around my breasts.

I was already moaning and whining, writhing a bit on the chair, as my body went from ‘zero’ to ‘fuck me’ in record time.  Every sensation was amplified, every pleasure extended, as I felt the goo-coated tentacles mark me, trace over me.  I felt them under my clothes, as I was still wearing them, treating them like little more than inconveniences.  Simply things to… essentially… ignore.  They slipped under my skirt, and through my blouse.  Wrapping around my tits in spirals as they groped me.  Up my neck and prodding at my ears, as if knowing something had entered them recently, but they weren’t able to enter.


And, of course.

I felt them slip under my panties, slipping under with thin tendrils before expanding and pushing them down.  Getting bigger, and thicker.

And once they were large enough… they, naturally, entered my wet pussy.

I screamed into the kiss out of raw pleasure, distantly hearing her giggle a bit as our lips broke apart… so a tentacle could take her place.  I heard the sound of a picture being taken, but I quickly forgot about that as I was ravaged by tentacles for the first time in over six months.

I realized that I was feeling an itch that I wasn’t even aware of being scratched.  It felt so good!  Like something was finally sated or fed.  The delicious goo replaced the stale air in my lungs, rejuvenating me like the freshest class of cold water.

I wanted more.  And I tried to beg for it.

The tentacle was in my way, but thankfully, Yuki understood.

All she wanted in return was permission to fuck me whenever she wanted.

…Naturally, given how good it felt, given the parasite in my brain, given my slutty nature?

I nodded my head.  Repeatedly.

Yuki gave a cooing noise of satisfaction, and her tentacles redoubled their efforts to ravage me.

…I passed out from the pleasure not long after.

When I woke up, feeling dazed, exhausted, and good, I heard the sound of flesh smacking into flesh.  As I opened my blurry eyes, I saw Shimizu pounding her cock into Yuki’s snatch.  Oh there were tentacles alright, tentacles that were writhing around Shimizu and fucking her as she fucked their host, but unlike with me, it was clear Shimizu was the one in control… especially given how, after pausing and grunting a moment, she just stopped fucking Yuki after she came.

And then she grinned at me, in a fond, teasing, friendly, dommy way, and told me that my agreement with Yuki stood.

…She’d just step in if she thought anything went over the line.

Which was why she fucked her.  To get her addicted.  To gain leverage.

She came in after Yuki exhausted herself fucking me into a puddle, and took advantage of that exhaustion to rape her.

Normally I’d be more upset about crossing that moral boundary, but with Yuki, who immediately went from ‘oh I won’t try to enslave you’ to ‘give me permission to fuck you 24/7’... who would be aware of any threat to her body, mind, or soul…

…I frankly couldn’t be too upset.

Don’t give me that face, it’s -- look, yes, rape is bad.  And… in retrospect, looking back, this probably crossed more than a few lines.  It’s not an excuse, but Shimizu was very careful to ensure that this particular action was an act of dominance.  Not an act of suffering.  It helps it… mesh, with Modesty’s adjustments to how rape affects people.

That doesn’t make it ‘okay’, per say, but my mind was already warping to the standards of the society I was living in.  Regardless of the moral implications, it worked, and we had Yuki more or less under control.

Of course that meant that I now had a sadistic roper who could see the future out to turn me into her sex slave on my side, but by now, that was frankly a footnote.

I had other things to worry about.  Things that weren’t yet another sexy, consent-ignoring, corrupting super-hot dom trying to turn me into their personal slut.

I already had, like, three of those.  One more was just a new flavor of the week.

Okay.  There are two things I want to note.  I've left my original A/N, that I wrote for this chapter before releasing it, in a spoiler.  It's about how extreme Shimizu's actions are, a bit of my thoughts on the point of this story.

However, there's something else that come up immediately that I wanted to get everybody's opinion on.

Of this story, I've gotten three fairly common complaints.  The writing style and the setting are two of them, and neither of those I intend to change.  The third, however, is about a lack of others perspectives.

I've thought about that, and I tentatively agree that it would make the story better.  But a lot of things would make the story better, and I don't do all of them because they each take up time and energy.

Thus, the poll below.

The idea is thus:  Starting from the beginning of the story, I would create an 'Interlude' every 5-10 chapters, giving a different individuals perspective about what the main character is talking about.

I am not proposing that I would write an extra chapter a week for these interludes; instead, the idea that the interlude would take up one of the three normal chapters until I get caught up.  I'm not sure how that would work with Subscribestar, but I'd figure something out.

What do you all think of that idea?  Let me know with the poll and your comments, please!



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