Capture Target

Chapter 36 — Y2: Insulting Library

Huge thanks to all my subscribers, especially TropicalPenguin, Teacher, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, NippVanWrinkle, Nemesis01, Ilawen, User#e20fc711, User#5c472977, User#646966cb, and User#6c53ee46 !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

Ah yes~  Hypnosis, mind control, brainwashing, suggestions, subliminal messaging and more~  super hot stuff.  It’s like bondage, but for your mind!

That came out a lot dumber than I thought it would.

Well, uh, regardless, the point still stands!  Mostly.  That loss of control is delicious.  It’s also an excellent excuse to have fun with things you would normally actually do.  After all, who would actually suck every cock that popped in front of them without a second thought?

That -- you --

Besides me!

…Before I continue, I think that I should cover ‘souls’ a bit more.  I believe I’ve mentioned it briefly, back when I talked about ghosts, but we’re at about the point where it becomes… more relevant.  I think that’s the best term for it, anyway.

Now:  The easiest way to describe a ‘soul’ is that it is ‘who you are without any memories’.

It's also completely wrong.

It’s just the easiest way to get random people to stop bugging you about it.

Any ‘person’ is more than just their soul; the soul interacts with some form of mind and some form of body.  Even ghosts do, it’s just that their mind and body are formed from their soul.

Souls have memories too, just… not memories as you would think of them.  They're the memories of how you function as a person.  What being ‘a person’ means.  So a human soul would have memories of being human; one could take your ‘core self’ and put those through a being human simulation, and what comes out would be something remarkably similar to a ghost.

Now, this is important, because it’s possible to change your soul over time.

It’s easiest for humans.  I’ve mentioned that’s why ghosts like to possess them, and it’s also why Axiomanagers use them everywhere.  They’re the best and most natural fit for their profit-producing soul engines.

All you have to do is change yourself.  And that’s not easy, but it’s hardly impossible.  If you want to be a nicer person, think more generously, constantly, consistently, for years.  While believing those thoughts.  And don’t let up.  And eventually, it’ll stick!

…Yeah.  Good luck.

If you’re familiar with cognitive behavioral therapy, that’s basically what it is.  It takes a long time, and a lot of effort, but it’s doable.

Now, in worlds with magic and ghosts and other bullshit, changing the soul is a lot easier!  So long as you don’t fight it.  As a completely random example, let’s say that a super-hot slut, like, oh, a younger me, got possessed by a beauty-obsessed ghost.

You know.  Hypothetically.

Well, said super-hot slut would happen to like being super-hot.  And thus, an obsession with beauty wouldn’t actually be that out of character.  So a ghost that’s possessing her, and is constantly reinforcing and and focusing on that thought, would find it rather easy to make those habits start to stick.

You know.


So, said younger version of me would -- oh screw it, yes that’s what happened, shut up.


Anyway, around two months into my possession by Callisto, I woke up to a surprising sensation.  The sensation of yet another blessing.

[Blessing:  Manic Vanity]
[Requirements:  Have spent an excess of one week worth of consecutive time slots in which your personal appearance has taken priority over less important things, such as wealth and non-mortal danger.]
[Effects:  CONGRATULATIONS my child!  You, who fully understand the true purpose of women in this world, have obtained my truest blessing!  I grant you PERFECTION!  No longer will your sweat smell!  No longer shall dirt smudge your makeup!  Even your bedroom hair after being fucked into a twitching doll of pleasure shall only remained artfully toussled!  It is so good to see one that agrees with me on what is important, and I wish you well in spreading my words!]


That ‘effects’ list was done by Immaculata, the goddess of beauty.

Yes, that is her real name.

Yes, that is her real personality.

Immaculata is… hah… the best thing anybody can say about her is that she doesn’t make things actively worse by getting involved in them.

More annoying, maybe, but not actively worse.  Because she spends so much time focusing on her appearance and the appearance of others that she doesn’t have the time to cause trouble.

That ‘effects’ message?  That’s the same ‘effects’ message that that blessing has had since Alchemical Corruption 4.

Every other goddess's blessing messages change with every game, except for Immaculata’s.

She can’t be bothered to change them to the new standards, and the other goddesses let her get away with it, because it is so annoying to get her to pitch in.

Just -- ugh.  At least she’s not as bad as the goddess of seduction…  I’m being a bit unfair to her, but she’s just so annoying!

Ugh.  Let’s move on.

When I woke up and saw that, I needed around a day to process my emotions.  Embarrassment as first and foremost, because blessings are keyed to the soul, not the mind.  So Callisto’s possession of me, theoretically, wouldn’t have had any effect on the blessings I would obtain.

Which means I spent a week straight agreeing with Callisto and Immaculata on the importance of my physical appearance.

And I still agreed with them!  I mean, now I can admit we’re on the same page without any embarrassment, but back then I was almost offended by the fact that the three of us were in agreement.


Look, in my line of work, appearance is a lot more important than you’d think.

Where was… right.  Embarrassment was my first thought.  But over the day, in the seconds and moments I could focus while trying to not let Callisto run rampant with my body, I felt a second emotion.


Not because of the blessing per say.  The blessing I was… mostly apathetic about.  Embarrassed, sure, but whatever.  This was my seventh one, I was getting a bit numb to the sensation.  It wasn’t even because my mind and soul had been altered enough to obtain the blessing.

No, what I was angry about was how Callisto felt.

She felt like she had done a good deed.  And not in a, ‘I’m a moral person’ way.  It was in a selfish prick kind of way.

I’m sure you know what I mean.  If somebody tries to help you, and you ask them to stop… for whatever reason… if they’re a nice person?  And they just wanted to help?  They react with confusion, or acceptance.  A bit of irritation, at most.

But if they’re a prick?

Then their reaction is ‘How dare you insult my wondrous generosity!’

In other words, they weren’t helping you for you.

They were helping you for them.

They were helping you so they could feel better about themselves.  And when you take that away from them, they act like you’re the bad guy.

I would have been fine with this if Callisto was just smug about it.  Or even if she didn’t care about the blessing at all.  Frankly, if she had planned to have me get it because I annoyed her, that would have been fine, too.

But no.

It was because she wanted me to fawn over her for ‘showing me the light’ or whatever.

So I got angry.

…And I didn’t have an outlet for it.

She was still possessing me.

The most I could do is push her to take a shower, or do some exercise.

Now… emotions, for a human, are usually tied to the body.  If you get angry, your muscles tense.  By the same token, if your muscles tense, you get primed for anger.  But in this case, the emotion came from a deep sense of ‘wrongness’.  It came from an innate sense of ‘this is not right’; it came from my core beliefs and understanding of the world, and thus, simply keeping the body calm didn’t remove it.

Because the emotion was soul deep.

And every day I went without a chance to exorcize it, to process it and work it out of my soul, it got worse.

…Until I snapped.

Shimizu was showing ‘me’ -- or, in other words, Callisto -- the progress that everybody has made on Ghost Town.  Two months into our contract with her, and it was already looking completely different.  The worst of the worst buildings had been outright torn down and rebuilt, the stone roads had been redone, and everything with bugs living in it had been thrown out.

Callisto, of course, wasn’t satisfied in the least.

This is despite being an active detriment to the work!

While possessing me, I was unable, and unwilling, to do anything that even risked tearing the red clothing I was wearing, or ruining the makeup I had put on.

And now that I had the blessing from the goddess of beauty, she was even worse!

So when I saw the one building that Callisto didn’t want us to fix, the one building she didn’t like to even mention?

I marshled my rage and rushed us into it.

And trapped the both of us in the Library of Insults.

In Alchemical Corruption 12, there are certain areas that… effectively leave you stuck in a minigame.  The easiest ones to find are those in the yearly festival, halfway through every year, but there are others you can find on every landmass.

The Library of Insults is one of those.  In the game, you go in, as the Hero, and are required to bring one or more of your female companions.  As you search for the knowledge you want through the terribly disorganized stacks, the ghosts that reside in the library will haunt your girls.

And by ‘haunt’, I mean ‘grope and insult while being invisible’.

This gradually increases their corruption, at an increasing rate the more time you spend in the library.  Now, I knew that going into the library was a bad idea.  That much was clear to me.  I wasn’t entirely certain why it was a bad idea; I just knew that it was.

That said?

I very much did not care.

I wanted Callisto to suffer.

So I pushed us into the library before she realized I was even planning something.  

The doors slammed shut behind us, locking us in for the remainder of the time slot, as I relinquished full control of my body to Callisto.  I made sure she could hear me cackling as she tried to pound at the doors to escape.

This time, I was the ghost!

Oh her cries of panic were delicious after being stuck with this vapid moron in my head for two months.  “How dare you do this, after everything I’ve done for you?!”, “I demand you assist me in leaving this horrid building at once!”,  “I shall ensure our contract lasts an eternity if we remain here one moment longer!”

You know, usual ‘panic and pretend I’m still in control’ nonsense.

I just laughed in her, in our, head, though both her demands and my laughter suddenly stopped when we felt a hand slap our ass, sending its enhanced size jiggling.  We heard the sound of somebody giggling a bit as they said, “Wow, what a fat ass~  With an outfit like that to show it off, you must be begging for some good dicking, slut.”

…The insult was hardly the best, and I was torn between snorting at how bad it was and offering suggestions.  Callisto, on the other hand, got furious.  ‘How dare you’, ‘don’t you know who I am’, ‘blah blah blah do as I say blah’.

And then we felt out tits being felt up, as if somebody behind us was groping them.  Along with, of course, another voice.  “Wowee, look at these beauties!  Good thing you have them, doll, ‘cause it’s clear this is where all your brains ended up!”

I found this insult equally stupid.  Callisto found it equally infuriating.

But the hands and insults started getting more and more common, and Callisto quickly started to move.  Staying in one place would only make our stay here longer, and the more ‘librarians’ found us, the more frequently we’d get groped and insulted.

So movement was our best bet.  Until we found a way out.

And the hands and words just kept going.

Something squeezed our ass.  “Now what’s a ditz like you doing in a library, hun?”

We felt our piercings getting lightly tugged.  “Ah, a fine starter set for a slut, but you really should get a better pair.  How else are you gonna make a living?”

A finger slipped through our panties, as if they simply did not exist, and began fingering us as we moved.  “Hey now, no need to panic.  ‘Just cause ya’ got an empty head doesn’t mean we’ll hurt ‘ya!  Just show off your body a bit more, and we’ll help guide any bimbo to the exit!  Even you!”

The insults just kept going, and… well, to be frank, they were mostly dumb.  But most insults are, really.  I felt like laughing at most of them, until we had spent… maybe half an hour in the library.  Then I realized something had started to shift.

I was starting to get wet at not only the invisible fondling… but also at the words they were saying.

That’s when I realized how, in the game, girls gained corruption from this location.  The ghosts made them like the insults.  So the more often they stayed in the library, the more wet they got when insulted and degraded, and the faster their corruption rose.  And I was in the middle of it.

For a moment, a mere moment, I thought that I might have made a mistake.

Then a hand slapped our ass and called me a bimbo ditz, and I decided that I very much hadn’t~

See, I had already found some of those insults to be… if not actively arousing, then at least good for setting the mood.  Calling me an easy slut, telling me not to worry my ‘pretty little head’ about things… they were an excellent spice for sex.  Really helped lubricate things and let me know where they were heading.

Callisto, of course, hated every moment of it.  Every insult made her more insulted, more upset, and she was getting frantic to leave.

Eventually she did manage to get her way out… but not before those wandering hands made us cum two times.

Still letting her control my body, she was panting, shivering a bit, as she leaned on the door to the library, using her body to keep it closed.  She was going on and on about how, now that I ‘knew what horrors lay within’, I would ‘never dare enter that building again’, but her words sounded weak to both of us.  Weak and hopeful, like she’s trying to convince herself that she’s right in spite of all evidence to the contrary.

We both knew that she was very, very wrong.

Because the moment she got out of the building, I let out a small sound of… disappointment.

The longer we were stuck, the more fun I was having, and I didn’t really want it to end.  Consciously I did, of course, the mind is the best party-pooper, but internally I wanted to go right back in.  Of course I was horribly embarrassed when I realized what sound I just made, but that didn’t matter.  The sound was purely mental, shared in our head, and it came out completely unintentionally.

And because she was possessing me, she knew that to be the case.

So her attempts at explaining to me why I would ‘never force us to return there’?

Yeah.  Neither of us really believed her~  Good thing, too, because she was flat-out wrong.

I would drag us back into that building every day for the next week before she caved.

Gotta say, this is one of my, personally, favorite chapters~

Not my favorite favorite, but I love what the library does to her, and this also shows how Elizabeth is starting to gain some control!

Mind, that, uh, control is basically 'I will drag us both down into slut-dom!', but still!


Look forward to Sunday, when another free EXTRA chapter comes out~

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