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Chapter 41 — Y2: Completely Normal Festival

Huge thanks to all of my subscribers!  Especially those with the [Subscriber - A] talent, regret, Nemesis01, NippVanWrinkle, Teacher, Ilawen, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#e20fc711, User#6c53ee46, User#5c472977, User#646966cb !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

A-aaaahn~  Y-yes, yes, like that -- ah!

Haa… haa… i-if… you still… doubt me… then I will be… rather cross.

N-no, no, no more testing!  My tail is sensitive, and we’ll never move forward if you keep playing with it like that!

Oh no don’t!  Stop!  Don’t you daaaaa… re…

You weren’t supposed to actually stop!

Hrmph.  No.  You’ve killed the mood.  Next time, remember my safe word!  I didn’t say it, you -- deep breaths, deep breaths…

…Right.  Parasites!  Hotness.  Lewds.  Corruption -- eh?

Oh, that’s actually a good question.

I’ll save the details on that for later, but… suffice to say, the constant corruption?  The sluttification?  The mind control, parasites, emotional manipulation, sex addiction, cock worship?  All of that, I was consciously accepting.  I could have put a lot more effort into pushing it off -- and I did, during my first year.  But from my second on, I was making a more… knowing choice, to let it happen.

There are a few reasons why, tactical reasons, but the primary one was… well, why not?  It was fun, and if there was anything I really hated, I could fight back against it.  Even my shortened tendons could, in theory, be fixed in time.

But as it was -- it felt good, I felt like I was still in… acceptable amounts of control… and, ultimately?  

I had a god to defeat.

When you put it like that, becoming a slut is a really cheap cost. 

Especially when it’s so much fun!

Of course, uh, jumping into things like I was means you sometimes -- miss -- things.  Like how the parasites I had been collecting were messing with my head.

It was around five and a half months into my second year -- and those next two weeks, I kind of… well.  Failed to, uh.  Keep myself in check.

Normally Shimizu would be the one to help with that, but she was having her own problems.  And my issues were only exacerbating her own.  It's hard to learn self control when your favorite slut has four holes that all independently require sex to feed upon on a day-to-day basis.  Shimizu was getting more and more used to just, say, grabbing my tail when her cock was getting hard, and using it to essentially masturbate while she focused on whatever else was going on.  Or grabbing my head.  Or my hips, for my pussy or ass.  I certainly wasn’t arguing; the hungers and desires of my parasites were getting worse with every one, and keeping them sated left me with an oddly contended feeling.  Like I worked hard, and managed to do a good job.

So when I got another pair of parasites, this time on my tits, I didn’t even think to let my friends know.  The twin, nearly transparent circles just -- latched on to my breasts, gently squeezing them, teasing them constantly.  Slowly plumping them up.  And inducing lactation.

I didn’t even realize that’s what they were doing until much later.  All I really knew was that my tits were occasionally getting heavier than they should have been, before the parasites on my breasts squeezed in just the right way, and I felt such a sensation of pleasured relief that I would nearly cum.  Or actually cum, depending on the situation.

Then there was the pair of horns I got, that dropped onto my head.  Oh, no, not this pair, these I got later.  They were a similar leafy purple to my collar and tail, they worked as -- psychic attunements, basically?  I’m not sure how they worked, because I didn’t feel any pain during the process, but I’m pretty sure they burrowed into my skull to interface with my brain.  They used their own abilities to detect the thoughts of others to let me know who around me would be prime fucking material.  They fed on the psychic energies my brain produced when I orgasmed, and the more and harder I came, the stronger they got.

After only a day they went from nearly invisible nubs to poking out from my hair.  And in a week, they were big enough to be grabbed and used as handholds.  

Shimizu found this to be a grand addition to my body, and thus, nobody but Takeo had any issues with them.  When the super-herm says something is good, then people agree that it’s good.

Oh, and there’s the pheromone production parasites, which mucked with the invisible signals I sent to others.  The second brain slug -- a weaker version that didn’t add neural matter, but instead intercepted and adjusted any messages that went through nearby neurons, making pleasure a more and more primary motivator.  Oh!  And the womb worm, that worked to make my entire womb into an erogenous zone as it grew and fed on the cum that was poured inside of me -- the cum that the initial parasite at the start of my slit didn’t gobble up, at least.

I’m pretty sure there were more, but, frankly, I was losing track at that point.  I didn’t even realize how much my body and mind had been overwritten by parasitical additions.  By the time we reached the sixth month of year two, I was feeling more parasite than human -- like the parts of me that were ‘other’ were more me than the human bits were.  This was probably why I completely missed what happened during the week-long festival.

There were several signs that something was wrong, frankly.  From the fact that Yuu hadn’t been disobedient in over a week, to how Takeo hadn’t been seen in three days, to the fact that there was an outright maid cafe during the festival.  

That cafe especially should have been a huge sign, because -- okay, I’m going to need to explain things a bit more here.

See, the gradual sexualization of the ‘named characters’ was the main point of the Alchemical Corruption series.  This has been true for all twelve of the main entrants.  But in later games, starting with… seven or eight, depending on how you count it… ‘Cultural Corruption’ shows up as a subsystem, and it has been in all of them since.  Except for eleven, for some reason.  

How it worked in each game varies, but in twelve, there was a demographic tracker that tracked certain flags.  For example, how many of the population were ‘hermaphrodites’ or ‘dominant’ or ‘bimbos’ or ‘broodmares’ or, in this case, ‘maids’.  When certain percentage thresholds were reached, then some things in the world changed.

Frustratingly, you don’t actually get to see the tracker until, at earliest, the fourth year.  Until then, all you can do is make estimated guesses off of various random and seemingly-random events.

Now this relates to the maid cafe, because that only shows up once the percentage of ‘maids’ in the population is between twelve and thirty percent.  After thirty percent it starts getting more extreme, and before twelve it’s not worth mentioning.

I should note that the starting percentage of ‘maids’ is three percent.

And while there are plenty of small events that can change the demographics by some minor amount, and there’s a lot of random chance involved, the first time you can get a concentrated demographic shift like this is in year two.

Specifically, after the Memetic Mistress is woken up.

After somebody finds her and gets a copy of her downloaded into their mind, she then spreads her influence in two ways.  She makes a ‘virus’... a memetic virus, as per her name… that spreads a specific sexual archetype.  It infects people through their friends, coworkers, and family.  The specific virus she spreads is randomized on each run, but the maids variant happens about a third of the time.

Of course, that’s just the disguise she uses to hide how she spreads copies of herself among the population.  That takes much longer to infect people, and if she reaches twenty percent of the population, then things start getting pretty bad.

…Basically, a maid cafe to crop up during year two is a pretty obvious sign that the Mistress is active.  And has been for a while.  I played Alchemical Corruption Twelve maybe a hundred times, and I’ve never gotten a maid cafe in the second year festival show up without her being behind it.  

…Well, unless I was doing some pretty intense event manipulations and save-scumming.

However, at the time, I… completely missed that fact.  It didn’t help that Takeo was missing, so he couldn’t warn us, either.

Mind, there was a good reason he was gone, but that’ll come up later.

For the time being, all I was really focused on was all of the men in the festival.  Or more specifically, all of the cocks.

I had so many parasites attached to me that my inhuman hungers passed a fairly important threshold.  

The point of satiability.

I had passed the point where I could feel like every ‘part’ of me was ‘full’.

It was no longer possible for me to not be, in some way, hungry.

I hadn’t felt satisfied in three days by then, and it was messing with my mind.

I was almost hanging off of Shimizu, blatantly seducing her, riling her up so that she’d fuck me every chance she got.  Whenever I saw Yuki, I didn't even try to hide from her, instead offering myself up on a silver platter.  I was keeping an eye out for any man who might be interested, and fucked more people on that first day of the festival than Yuu ever made me during our entire time dating.

And it still wasn’t enough.

I was so hungry that I was operating more on instinct than on thought.  Which turned out to be a bane and boon both.

See, it turned out that my sister had actually showed up for the festival.  Lady Jessica Ambrosia.  This had never happened during the games, but the entire kingdom has this week off, and she wanted to visit me after… uh…

…Well.  After what happened.  Around six months ago.  When I spent a month with the family, and became my brothers' fucktoy.

She wanted some time to speak to me when I wasn’t under their influence, and could help explain things properly.  Answer some questions she had about it, and my thoughts and feelings.

I, who was almost more parasite than human, was naturally not in the best place to answer these questions in a manner that one would consider ‘sane’.

So when she asked me why I let it happen, I just said what felt natural to me.  “Oh, you know.  I had needs, and they had cocks… why not?”

When she asked how I felt about the fact that they were our brothers, I kinda shrugged.  “...I mean, they were good at sex?  Is that what you’re worried about?”

The questions continued on in that manner, and though I wasn’t aware enough to pay attention to my sister's reactions, Shimizu was nearby for parts of our conversation. She would later inform me that my little sister was getting more and more flustered with every answer I gave.  Flustered in the ‘I’m pretending I’m not dripping wet with lust’ kinda way.

It turned out that my little sister, who had only recently reached the ‘legal to fuck’ age, was jealous.  And I was giving her every excuse she needed to indulge.

…And she would have, had I not spotted a very hot young man out of the corner of my eyes.

My tail twitched, hungry, and I had to excuse myself.  I told her to go and wait for me by the maid cafe, and that I’d be back soon.

I didn’t even hear her response as I rushed off.

I was so hungry, and I didn’t even think as I propositioned him, and all but dragged him behind a few stalls.

Of course, he had several friends he came to the festival with, and they found us by the time I had milked him of his third orgasm.

And then I had more food!

…Sex.  Sorry.  I mean sex.

My memories of the time are still a bit -- messy -- due to parasite instincts.

Of course, the sounds we made weren’t… quiet.  And we attracted more prey.  Men.  More men.  That.  And the more men we had, the more men we attracted.  I didn’t even realize how much time I spent there, with an increasingly large pile of exhausted and drained men, until I noticed how the time slot had shifted.

And then my human self remembered that I had left Jessica alone and promised to return to her soon.

I had just barely enough self control to muffle the moans of my current source of pleasure as I bounced on his cock.  I trembled in pleasure as he came, feeding my slit and womb, before standing up.  Some alchemical cleaning solution and a spare set of panties that I had taken to carrying around, and I was good to go.

I just had to step around the many men I had exhausted, and rushed to the maid cafe.  I found Jessica looking relaxed, slumping slightly as she rested in a chair, talking with Yuu.  I could see an occasional flash of light from how Yuu was adjusting her cufflinks while talking with her.  I would have rushed after Jessica…

…but then I smelled Shimizu's cock.

Smelled through -- uh -- actually I’m not sure which parasite it was?  I know there was one of them that plugged into my sense of smell… either way, my priorities immediately shifted towards her herm-cock.

It took me a bit to find and drain her, but fortunately, not so long that the time slot had shifted.  I rushed back towards the maid cafe, and found that Jessica was alone this time, and seemed much more relaxed.  I apologized for the time I was gone, and she was -- perfectly fine with it, actually, which surprised me.

Not enough to break through my parasite-induced haze of lack of focus, but enough for me to ask what she had been doing while I was gone.

And then she started talking about the lovely conversation she had with Yuu.

In case you missed it, Yuu had taken the opportunity to spread a memetic virus to Jessica, and she was taking the chance to spread it to me.

This is where the parasites saved me.

In the game, it wouldn’t have made a difference -- but in the lore, the Memetic Mistress’s viruses only work on standard human females.  They don’t work on herms, men, or dominant women.

Yes, a woman that’s ‘dominant’ counts as ‘nonstandard’.  There are divine healing spells that -- ugh, I don’t want to get into it.

Head god is an ass, moving -- what?  No!

No it doesn’t -- okay, look.  This particular divine spell is channeled through the head god, who can’t be assed to do it properly.  What it actually does is remove a herm’s cock and any traits gained through events that the head god disagrees with.  So [Sadistic Mistress] that Yuki has, for example.  He can’t be bothered to do micro-adjustments for individuals; he just set up this baseline as ‘standard human female’ and left it at that.

It can’t be used to pray away being gay.

Moving.  On.

The point is that while normally the virus would have had an easy time sinking into my head, I had so many parasites that the signals just -- completely missed.  My mind wasn’t human anymore.  I had too many secondary parasite brains wired into my nervous system, all with their own additions and changes.

So as she explained how tempting it felt to wear a cute maids uniform, how easy it was to simply not think as your skirt swishes back and forth as you serve your master, how pure and perfect it feels to keep things clean and orderly?

All I was really noticing was that the way she was fidgeting the silverware fork she'd been eating with, causing a bright glint that kept flashing sunlight into my eyes, was really, really annoying.

I didn’t even notice how weird the topic of conversation was!  I was just vaguely happy that my younger sister had found her ‘purpose’.

That was not a human thought, there.  That she had found her ‘purpose’.  Humans don’t really have… ‘fated purposes’, at least not in my mind.  And even if some did, it was a very rare trait.  The fact that I found this to be an inevitable, and good, conclusion in my mind should have baffled me.

But it didn’t.

All it did was make me wonder what my purpose was.

Of course, the answer came to me quickly, whispered into my mind by every parasite on my body.

That was the third day of the festival.

On the fourth day, my sister returned home, and I vanished into the wilds of the second land mass.

Oh no!  Elizabeth went missing due to knowing her 'purpose' was in the woods!


I'm sure it'll be fine, right?  Right.  Those parasites must have completely acceptable reasons behind their actions, right?

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