Capture Target

Chapter 48 — Y2: Maidly Life

Huge thanks to all of my subscribers!  Especially those with the [Subscriber - A] talent -- Thundah, regret, Nemesis01, NippVanWrinkle, Teacher, Ilawen, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#f2d0baad, User#e20fc711, User#6c53ee46, User#5c472977, User#646966cb !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

Before we start, I have an important question to ask you:

What kind of collar do you prefer the most?

…What?  I’m serious!

Argh -- okay, look, there are as many different collars as there are slaves, and picking the right one is absolutely critical!  It’s symbolic!

For example, this one, see -- it’s a dog collar.  You can put on a nametag and attach a leash.  It’s dehumanizing!  Turns the slave into a pet.

Here’s a posture collar -- sure, it can be used for medicine, but it can also work as a form of bondage!  It restricts your movement!

If you want, you can have something light and lacy that’s more decorative!  The appearance of it can really send a message.  A sissy slave should probably get something frilly and pastel, a bimbo should get a more vibrant pink.

That’s not even getting into the weight and feel!  A collar could be just tight enough to restrict breathing a touch -- though you really need to be careful with that -- or it can be just heavy enough that you can’t ignore it.

How easily can it be removed?  Can it be locked?  How obvious is it?  Can it be easily ignored?  Can it be hidden?  What does it feel like?  What does it look like?  How do you frame presenting it to your slave, goddesses, the presentation is absolutely critical for a good first impression, you need to –

…Hey, I’m not done yet!

…Get back here!

…Fine.  But we’ll get back to the question of collars eventually!

Hrmf.  No appreciation for culture…

I brought up the topic because of the collars that Raphael Masters had all of his maids wear.  

Which was… not something I was expecting.  

According to Takeo, this sequence of events had happened maybe ten times, and whether I came back triumphant or (presumably) remained as Raphael's loyal maid-slave, I never once trusted Takeo enough to share the details.  

The only thing I knew going into this was that there was something I could do that would gain me favor with the royal family.

The fact that he had durable white lace collars, with cute little heart-shaped padlocks, that he insisted all of his maids wear at all times?

That came out of left field for me, alongside many more details.

The collar was clearly somehow magical; The lace was far more durable than it should have been, it felt like air to my fingers, and it didn't chafe at all no matter how long I wore it.  I doubted it was something too overt, but I suspected it could keep track of its wearer.  Something relatively simple and easily explainable should somebody ask why he was putting collars on all of his maids and keeping the keys in his bedroom safe.

I was mostly right; in the aftermath, I learned they let him monitor everyone's location and emotions, though the latter was very imprecise.  He mostly used it to double check  that his maids were all properly susceptible to his ‘charms’.

Which, uh, I very much was.

So despite knowing that this would complicate things, when he smiled at me and asked if I would do him this one small favor, and he said he would be so very grateful if I did?

I put it on myself, and fidgeted as he turned a tiny numbered key in my collar's cute padlock.  I remember my soft gasp at the sensation of my collar subtly tightening around my throat.  I remember my face was flaming even as his smile made me relax and smile back.  I knew that I was accepting this -- symbol of submission -- despite knowing that I wasn’t his ally.

…I, uh…

I kinda… um, I kinda let myself imagine, for a bit, about.  You know.  Not.  Doing that.  Not, you know.  Trying to, uh, ‘take him down’.  And just being his maid.

I couldn’t help it!  The thought made my heart beat like nothing else!  I even knew it was artificial, but the emotions were so strong and he was so handsome and and and --

Mmmmph!  Sorry, I – I need a moment!

Haaaa… haaa… okay.  Okay.  Better.

The emotions are just so -- mmph!  And the fact that it was faked?  Imposed upon me?

That only makes it hotter!

Even now, the memory of me just failing to resist him is in my top ten masturbatory fantasies.  The thought of me succumbing for good is in the top five!

…I admit that that’s partly because the emotions, although implanted into me, don’t go away.  I still feel them, albeit to a lesser extent, whenever I think of Master.

Uh.  I mean.

Raphael Masters.

So, um, I might get a bit distracted now and then while talking about him.  Don’t worry, it’ll be fine, just, uh.  Grope me or something if I get too weird?  Spank me or tug a nipple or whatever.  That’ll help.

Anyway.  Uh.

…Moving on.

One of the things that I quickly realized about being one of several maids for a super-hot prince is that every one of us learned to keep track of time by the eddies of our libido.

I’m not even joking.  Just spending time with our shared Master would get any one of us wet; it didn’t matter if it was Boss Maid, Tsundere Maid, Matronly Maid or Artist Maid.  All of us got aroused in his presence, our bodies priming for sex just by being near him.  It only took a matter of days before just his scent would mess me up!

All that put together, this led to a situation where we had a bunch of hot, horny maids in relative isolation… except for each other.  Master had only a few butlers, and none of them were interested in anything sexual.  On top of that, Master himself would usually only fuck two of us a day!  Three, four at absolute most.  He liked to rotate between us.  Which should have been utterly demeaning, but he was so hot that we were all just happy that we got a turn.

This left those of us that were bereft of his attention distracted by their own libido, and with little they could do to take care of it.  Masturbation only ever took the edge off; all of us were constantly fighting a losing battle with our loins.

So, naturally, we took it out on each other.

To say that we all fucked each other is innacurate.  A few couples or triples did form, yes, and there was the occasional fling, but that was all fairly isolated.  A good third of the maids were even ‘saving themselves’ for our master!  So, no, sex wasn’t actually our go-to.

…Groping, teasing, and sexual tension was what we had instead.

Within my first two days I had had a good ten maids randomly grope my tits for ‘comparison’ or out of ‘disbelief’.  Another seven had ‘playfully’ smacked my ass as I was cleaning Master's mansion.  Even more had complemented, teased, or tried to insult my overly sexual appearance!  The entire manor was a hotbed of horny, distracted maids that could barely focus on anything but their own desires.

This came with one major benefit!  Everybody was distractible.  My fellow maids were all focused on their duties and our master, and my master was a horndog that would focus on the closest swaying skirt.  It was easy to learn what words, tone, and body language to use to make people forget what they were doing.  Boss maid only needed a reminder of what still needed to be done, for example, while Tsundere Maid would go on a rant if you suggested she actually had feelings.

Every one of his forty-three maids had their own foibles like that -- eh?  Why do I call them -- right, good question.

To keep it simple, Master had a variety of maids, all with unique personalities.  …And, uh, frankly, it was, and still is, easier to refer to them by their personality than by their actual name name.  Master didn’t even call us by our names when company was over; just ‘the maid’ or ‘that maid’.

He sold us on some bullcrap that it was to build up his reputation.  That he was implying he had so many fawning maids that he couldn’t remember their names, but in reality it was another method of keeping us under control.  …Not that it felt like that… it was really nice to serve Master, and temporarily surrendering my name was a more than fair trade.

Ack!  Right.  Right!  Got lost there a bit.  Thank you.

Um, to summarize -- this meant that all of us had a personality trait that made it easier for Master’s guests to identify us.

Me?  Oh.  Uh.

…I was Slutty Maid.

I’ll… I’ll get to that later.

A-anyway!  I lost the thread of where I was going… right!  Thank you!

Every maid, and Master himself, was easily distracted with the right tactic.  This meant that it was fairly easy to explore the manor, so long as I wasn’t anywhere really suspicious.

Opening desk drawers in the library to see if I could find any clues?  That was fine.

Snooping under Master's bed when he hadn’t called me up… that would get me in trouble.

It was really nice to be able to investigate so freely, but I couldn’t find heads nor tails of anything that would interest the rest of the royal family.  A few hints here and there, sure.  There was a note that said, ‘Do not trust the twenty eighth goddess, for she lies even to the holy.’  A journal with amateur sketchings of what seemed to be a makeshift temple.  Several books on the origins of the goddesses that I could easily see were not accurate.

But while all of that was weird, none of it hinted at anything actionable.

There was no twenty eighth goddess, drawing a makeshift temple wasn’t illegal, and inaccurate goddess biographies were a dime a dozen.

It was bizarre, but Master was allowed his -- wait, no.  


Thinking back, it was weird enough that it should have been worrying.  

I mean, there was still nothing that was worth sharing with anybody, or anything that would make me change my plans… but it was almost the… shape of things.  There were so many weird little things that it really should have been ringing some mental alarm bells.  

Like if you go into the forest, and find multiple patches of dead grass for no apparent reason.  The first time it’s just kinda weird.  But by the twentieth, you can tell something is wrong, even if you have no idea what.

…I’m actually annoyed that I didn’t notice at the time.  

I just chalked it up to Master's ‘fun’ and ‘quirky’ personality.  Despite looking out specifically for weird things, despite actively going through the entire mansion for warning signs exactly like that, I just… wrote it off.  I was so wrapped up in master’s… everything that I didn’t want to find anything suspicious.

Mmmph, that’s hot.

What?  It is!  Gods, and talking about master this much is making me horny -- mmph, look, would you mind a quick fuck-break -- ah!  I see you wouldn’t!

Much better~  

Ready to continue?


I believe I was talking about how I failed to notice the warning signs, right?  

Well.  That wasn’t the worst of it.  

I mean, yes, that was bad, don’t get me wrong.  I couldn’t see what was right in front of me because I wanted my master to be ‘good’ so badly.  That was bad, yes.  And I was spending my entire time in various states of arousal, yes.

But those alone -- while that was bad, it wasn’t anything that would put my goal at risk.  I knew that something would happen sooner or later, that I’d spot something that would get my hackles up.  And once I did, I’d be able to move on.

No, that stuff was bad, but it wasn’t dangerous.  On their own, the emotions never actually made me question my long-term plans.

What was really dangerous was the other maids.

Humans are social creatures.  We do not do well in isolation, and a surprising number of dangerous beliefs and behaviors can be dealt with by just having people regularly interact with each other.  We need that interaction to keep ourselves sane.  If we never talk, never share our thoughts, then we have no way of knowing if our thoughts are even sane.

We balance ourselves based on those around us.  If those around us are richer than us, we feel poor.  If those around us compliment us, we feel better about ourselves.

You can probably see where I’m going with this.

My entire social circle had been replaced by a cult of Master-idolizing horny maids, and we were all under the same kind of emotional and sexual manipulation.

If I was on my own, or even if there were just one or two other maids, I could have managed that easily.  But no.  There were dozens, scores of other maids, and we all had shared experiences.

We all felt the same way for our master.

If I had any issues or complaints about what was going on, I could find half a dozen fellow maids that would know exactly what I was going through.  It was easy, and I felt like I was part of a community.  A, uh, constantly horny and submissively servile community, but a community nonetheless!

Looking back, that was probably intentional on Master's part.  His few male servants made a point of rarely interacting with us, and pushing us to share our concerns with our ‘fellow maids’, but even if I had realized that at the time it wouldn’t have helped.

Especially because they had such great advice for dealing with the issues I was experiencing!

Feeling like I was being ignored by Master?  “Don’t worry, he’ll cycle back to you soon.”

Getting frustrated by how I was constantly horny?  “Oh we all know what that’s like; take some time to jill off if you need to, but you’ll get used to it!”

Confusion by how skimpy the uniforms were?  “Well, yeah, but look on the bright side!  You look hot in it.”

…Okay, uh, now that I’ve said that out loud, the advice wasn’t really all that great.  

But it sounded great, and it felt great.  

And it did help!  Even just sharing my frustrations, and having sympathetic nods and noises of concern did wonders for my mental health.

Before I'd even noticed it, my sense of ‘normalcy’ had started to shift.  I went from ‘never returning here after I leave’ to ‘coming back once the Evil God of Chastity and Purity was defeated’ to ‘returning for the last month every year’.  My focus on finding things suspicious about my master faded, and instead I was looking for things to clean and organize.  I would have had a hard time holding on to my sense of ‘normalcy’ in the best of circumstances, and as it was, my very sense of ‘normal’ became utterly unmoored from reality!

Remember, I was not a normal human by that point.  Even if we ignored the fact that I could cum from somebody fucking my mouth, and just moved on from how I had a tail that doubled as a sex organ, my mind was literally wired differently from ‘normal’.  That slug parasite had, by now, fully merged with my brain; I had extra neural matter that was focused entirely on pleasure, desire, and sex.

And with how easily Master distracted me?  How even a look could make my slit ready?

The portions of my brain that wanted to, that even could keep myself grounded, were easily outvoted.

This entire situation became my new normal.

So by time two weeks had passed? 

This entire situation was completely normal to me.

I was happy being a maid, and was convinced that the way I got a favor from the royals was by impressing my master enough that he offered me a gift.

…I wasn’t even sure why I hadn’t told him anything.  I was certain that it wouldn’t do any harm to just -- test the waters.  See how he reacted if I told him a bit of what I was after.  I told myself that he had proven himself; that he had shown he was a great man, one worthing of respect.  One worthy of serving.  

But I still didn’t tell him.  

It’s hard to describe.  It was almost like I was trying to walk on a thin line.  To my left were my principles and goals; to my right was my Master.  Both sides felt equally right, but I knew that choosing the wrong one would mean… something bad.  I couldn’t define what that would be, but I knew it was something I had to avoid.  

So I stayed stuck between the two, neither sharing nor running, and I started to find myself getting oddly comfortable in that state.

It was only the reactions of my fellow maids at a new announcement from Master, a bit over two weeks after I joined his service, that brought my hackles back up.

He declared that he was going to host one of his usual parties, and that we were all to serve him and his guests for the duration of the three-day mini-festival.

I noticed that every maid reacted to that with both glee and arousal. 

They were all but being told that he was going to have them pleasure his friends at his command, and not one of them even questioned it.

Even as I felt glad my fellow maids were happy, I was uncomfortably reminded of how Yuu prostituted me. 

That reminder was just enough to help me keep my mouth shut until the party started.

And that party was what finally let me put my beloved master behind bars~  

Hehehe, the maid arc is one of my favorite so far... hits a ton of my personal favorite kinks.  And we get to see Elizabeth actually Doing Things!

As well as getting fucked while Doing Things!

It's a win-win!

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