Capture Target

Chapter 5 — Roper-fication!

This is midnight, right?

...Not, say, hypothetically, around 3:40 AM?

...Anyway!  Ropers.  From a few people who have read this, some of them have mentioned ropers as 'not their thing'.  If so, don't worry, this is temporary.

After this comes the 'addicted to herm-cock' arc, which might be more your speed!  :D

Edit:  FIXED chapter number.  Ugh.

So!  About the…

…Haaaaaa… you’re not going to let me skip to the fun stuff, are you?

Fiiiine.  Ugh.

So.  After I finished my elixir, I made another for Shimizu, and that… took up basically all of our ingredients.  I was heavily abusing Shimizu’s [Swordmistress] rank B talent in order to manage it at all.  This left us with a few odds and ends and three Golden Apples left, which wasn’t as great as I was hoping for, but I could work with it.

…I should go a bit further into how the ‘land grab’ works here.

So.  The kingdom that Alchemical Corruption 12 takes place in is a single island-continent; Roughly half again the size of Japan.  On the edges of the island, at even intervals, are schools for alchemy.  And roughly every decade, the gods make or move new land to the continent, and the top scorers of the school closest to this addition get to duke it out over the land.

This is due to a compromise between the Royalty and the Nobility.  Their children and heirs all get advantages due to their upbringing and education, but not so much of one that they can simply dominate and take the entire landmass.

…There are more details as to why this came about, but they really aren’t important.  What matters more are a few practical details.

In order to claim a slice of land, you must catalog at least ninety percent of the flora and fauna that reside there, including the traits they may have.  You must also have made a number of gold coins from selling items you make from that area, and a certain number of items, as well.  The amount of gold and number of creations required goes up depending on the known value of the land.  For example, a craggy, rocky desert with no decent farmland might need you to make, say, seventy five gold pieces and have made a minimum of five items.  Perfect farmland might require making a thousand gold and making fifty items, and a mine full of rare gems would need five thousand gold and one hundred fifty items.

They have ways of confirming that you’re telling the truth, and have met the requirements.

Ways that essentially consist of, ‘asking the gods who are watching this like it’s a reality TV show’.

So.  Going back to Shimizu’s claim of ‘forfeiting her claim to land’?  That basically meant that all that she accomplishes from now on goes to me.  Any flora or fauna she cataloged, any items she made, any gold she earned.  All of that went to me, and in return, I was… essentially obligated to take her as a member of my household.  A fairly valued one, given how useful she was.  Which is why I was very frustrated the next morning, the second day of the land grab, when I realized she had already filled out the paperwork for her formal renouncement of her claim.

She was quite smug about it as I glared at her.

She claimed it was a pout, but I knew it was a glare!

Regardless, the rules of the land grab incentivized gathering as many items as possible, and making as many items as possible.  Thus, being able to gather more, from more places, and make more and more valuable items, was key.  I’m going to skip over the basic details here, because they don’t matter, but the starting equipment was trash and I wanted better gear for my coming alchemical empire.

All to defeat the evil god of Chastity and Purity!

And make money!

This brings us around to my three spare Golden Apples. Normally, I could ‘merely’ sell them at the marketplace for a pittance.  …An impressive pittance, considering their rarity, but still a pittance.

But the people here were people, instead of faceless NPCs.  …Or at minimum, close enough to people to manipulate into overpaying for the chance of making a very valuable elixir.

So.  After I glared at Shimizu for long enough, I dragged her down to the marketplace and started preparing things for the auction.  It ended up taking a full three time slots to get things ready.  The first one to file the paperwork to register the auction, the second to spread the word and the last to ensure that everything was prepared and ready.

The rules were simple:  in exchange for one Golden Apple that was guaranteed to have the key, required trait for a Potential Freeing Elixir… give me stuff I want.  The ones that offer the most stuff I want, get the apples.  Gold alone is not enough, equipment desired, please and thank you.

The auction took up the entire evening.  The first two sold quite well!  We ended up getting two Super Sonic Sneakers and a Categorically Clever Calculating Cauldron.  The former let us each explore up to three areas in a single time slot, and the latter let one of us produce up to four items in a single time slot.  Both of which were amazing, but what we really needed now was better baskets.

See, each of us could only carry around fifty items at a time, total.  That included what we were bringing out into the fields, like those Tentacle Repels from earlier.  We desperately needed some better baskets, and while I could make some given a month of time, that time would be much better spent gaining more land and resources instead.

Which is when Otsuka Takeo showed up.  The protagonist of the game.  “I offer two Massive Mega-Baskets for the last apple.  And a potion of libido-killing.”

I stared.  I couldn’t help it, for two important reasons.  The first is that his offer was insane.  Those baskets could each hold three hundred items.  That was six times what we could currently hold!  And the libido-killing potion -- that would grant me a full six time slots with no arousal.  Full control over my mind!  No constantly thinking about the pleasure I felt yesterday while being raped!  It was something I desperately wanted, but at the same time, couldn’t afford to make.  The ingredients would be hard to get for the first few years, and the potion even harder to produce.

This world is set up for porn and sex.

A potion that counters its goal is not, by definition, easy to make.

The second reason I stared was because this wasn’t supposed to happen.  He wasn’t supposed to even know how to make baskets!  Something weird was going on, and I was, obviously, pretty suspicious… but… we really needed those baskets, and I knew the protagonist could be smart, so…

…I had to bite my tongue when I realized that I thought he was ‘pretty smart’.  That thought came from his [True Gods Aura] trait, I knew it did.  It was almost as bad as thinking about how he looked oddly fit in his uniform when compared to yesterday!

And it was then that I literally slapped myself on stage, and had Shimizu accept in my stead.

Which was a shaaaame… Takeo was hot now!  It would have been amazing to fuck him!  But no.  I had to be ‘careful’ and ‘reasonable’ and blah.

After we wrapped up and started heading back to the dorms, Shimizu asked me why I acted so oddly around Takeo.  I was a bit too flustered to give her a proper response, so I tried to wave it off.

This, fortunately, gave her a grave misunderstanding.  She thought I already had a crush on Takeo, and was just too embarrassed to admit it.

I didn’t, that comes later.

But that misunderstanding would be one of many that would make my time during the land grab very, very fun~

Shimizu and I spent the next six days working in a frenzy.  Gathering up all of the easy land that we could get; with our new shoes and baskets, we managed to claim the entirety of my first goal -- a hilly forest that abuts the mountain in the middle of the new land.  It had an entrance into a cave system that should carry some valuable gems that are useful for making money.

I rapidly shot into the lead of the Land Grab, gathering admiration and jealousy in equal measures, and I quickly realized something that was very, very important for my new life:


Guys are super hot.

Like, I can’t even explain it properly.  Having a guy taller than you, with muscles, and a thick body, and a charming smile -- ooooh just the thought makes me giggle!  At the time I was in denial, of course, but with all of the guys that came up to flirt with me as my lead grew and grew… well, suffice to say, Shimizu had to make me realize that they were trying to ask me out on dates.


What?!  They were charming, my body was that of a sluts, and the roper seed inside my womb was growing!

…Oh, right, that.  Hehehe~

In the event that you don’t know, a ‘roper’ is, effectively, a human merged with tentacles.  These tentacles molest both the roper itself, as well as nearby female companions, seeking, you know.  To make more ropers.  And more tentacles.  And more fuuuuucking hot stuff, gods!

The roper seed in Alchemical Corruption 12 takes seven days to incubate once a fertile female gets one implanted in their womb.  Over that time, it gradually starts interfacing with the hosts endocrine system, effectively hijacking the hormonal production facilities of the body.  It steadily ramps up the hosts libido and sexual desire over the course of those seven days at a rate that’s hard, if not impossible, to notice, in preparation for it ‘hatching’.  After hatching, it stays in you for three months before you ‘give birth’, and you’re back to normal!  …If you can be normal after that endless pleasure, anyway.

That’s why I had trouble saying no to the men who were flirting with me.  I mean, yes, I was a natural slut, obviously, but I was still in denial at that time -- I wouldn’t find a guy getting close to me worthy of one of my giggles!  I would instead try to run away!  Or kick them in the balls.  Fifty/fifty, really, I was on edge in those early days.

So.  It was the seventh day of the land grab.  It was evening, and I was planning out what to make in the cauldron while ruminating on my progress in the land grab.  If I really wanted to blast through this game, I needed to get a few more people on my side, after all.  I was thinking… maybe a girl with big tits, or a guy with a massive cock…

…And that was when I realized something was wrong with my thoughts.  I mean, logically, what I wanted were individuals with rare and valuable talents.  Not ones that were hot.  But my nipples were getting hard, my slit was getting wet, and I realized that I was panting right over my cauldron.

I tried to focus.  To push past it.  I started to make a random mixture, with my one Long-Dong Banana that I managed to find, stirring it into the base… aaaand immediately realized what a stupid move that was.  The Long-Dong Banana was very rare!  You could only get one long dong in a month, if that, and short dongs really weren’t worth much.  And!  Even though the dongs were very long -- hehehe, okay, okay, I’ll stop.

The point remains, however, that they were a very valuable and rare ingredient, and I just tossed one into a cauldron due to having my priorities overridden with a more… base, desire.

I managed to focus well enough for a time.  I like puzzles, and I really enjoyed alchemy -- doing it in ‘real life’ was even more interesting than doing it through a game.  I tossed in some Lazy Land Fish for their water to feed the Long Dong’s wood… no, I’m not joking, blame the game developers... and added in some Raw Iron for the Metal to feed a beneficial trait from the Lazy Land Fish.

By then, I was panting, and my legs were trembling.  And I realized that something was fucking me.  From the inside out.

Now, in ‘normal-land’, the cervix isn’t penetrable.  It’s meant more as a seal to keep you healthy and safe.  You can reach it if your cock is long enough, but it depends on the woman whom you are fucking in question on if that actually feels good.

You can ignore all of that in eroge-porno-land.

Because the roper seed had no problem blatantly ignoring biology and physics and stuffing my pussy full of a huge tentacle that originated from my womb.

Now, I freely admit that the only things I’d felt in my snatch were tentacles.  I had no proper way to judge ‘girth’; no comparison to make to it, when compared to an average cock.  Or as average as cocks got there, at least… regardless.  While I can’t tell you the absolute, factual truth, I can tell you what I experienced.  And I experienced being stretched.

It was like it was taking the full size of my pussy, and then pushing outward.  Not enough to harm, but just enough to make sure I knew it was being stretched.  I could feel it going down centimeter by centimeter, as my entire body shook; my hormones were out of control, and I hadn’t cum in a full week.  Even without the roper seed in me, I would have been going a bit crazy after that blissful rape from the seed’s father.

I had to grip the edges of the cauldron, panting, my legs shaking as it managed to reach out of my wet hole… and all it needed to do was brush against my engorged clitorus, pushing my panties down in the process, to make me cum.  I screamed in pleasure and barely managed to avoid falling down, panting… and I realized, distantly, that I had dropped… something, into the cauldron.  One of my other ingredients.

I heard the water go ‘plop’, but I still don’t know what exactly I put in there.  I panicked, then.  And then I looked down, instinctively, and saw… well, I saw my tits, but after pushing them in, I saw the tentacle that was still extending out from my crotch.

It looked like it was nearly as thick as my arm.

I don’t know if that was the case.  Practically speaking, I was probably a bit feverish with lust and adrenaline; the slight panic wouldn’t have helped, either.  It was, most likely, much thinner than that.  But all that I could think was that I had a tentacle as thick as my forearm inside my vagina.

And it felt so good!

Unfortunately, I couldn’t focus on it.

I had the Long-Dong Banana currently melting in the cauldron, along with some other random ingredient.  So I had to focus.

I couldn’t do anything about the tentacle that was reverse fucking me at the moment, but I might be able to salvage my concoction into… something other than an explosion and a pile of unusable dust.  It was currently overwhelmed with wood, so I needed some metal to calm it down…

I tried to ignore the tentacle that was crawling out of me, but I couldn’t quite ignore it when it was joined by another.

I squeaked, eyes wide, freezing for a moment as I felt a second tentacle seem to spiral around the first as it pushed its way out.  I was panting, body trembling, and was looking forward to my relief when it reached my clit… but it didn’t touch it.  It didn’t touch it, and I was left trembling, on the verge of orgasm, staring down in betrayal at the tentacles as my cauldron belched and drew my attention back to it.

I tossed in some Pig Iron for the Metal, and was about to add in a pair of Gardener’s Clippers, when suddenly, a tentacle rammed its way into my mouth.

The first one had been sloooowly growing out of me, creeping up out of my line of sight as I focused on things less important than the sex and pleasure, and slammed itself into my mouth when I wasn’t paying attention.

And then the second tentacle brushed against my clit.

I came as my mouth was raped by a tentacle that came from my womb.

It was so good!

I nearly fell down, but instead, came again as a third tentacle almost rushed out of my slit; the two free tentacles acted as anchors.  One wrapped around my chest, sliding under my jacket and blouse, wrapping tight to help keep me upright.  The other wrapped around the cauldron, pulling me towards it and using it to help keep me balanced.  I was practically left lifted up by the tentacles as all my focus was on keeping my legs locked to avoid falling down.

I gurgled, and coughed a bit around the tentacle in my mouth, before the goo, the same that its father made, started replacing the oxygen in my lungs.  I barely even noticed, but it let me pant as I was face-fucked by the tentacle parasite.  I stared down at my cauldron, barely able to think, but I could tell it was bubbling in a dangerous way.  It had too much metal, now.  I needed fire.  I tossed in something that felt fire-y, I think it was some charcoal or some lighter fluid, when the tentacles started to get really active.

See, by now I had three tentacles, all coming out of my slit.  One went straight, and two wrapped around it -- leaving me feeling full to capacity with some kind of weird, goopy spiral monster-cock pushing out from my womb into my vagina and out to the rest of me.  And then more started coming out.  Some parallel to it, some spiraling down in the same direction as the first two, or in the opposite.  Some almost felt like they were zig zagging.

I have no idea how I felt that much in my slit, but it was a truly alien experience.  Every moment I was convinced that there couldn’t be more without tearing something, and every moment I was proven wrong.  Tentacles escaped my vagina without any care for possibility or rationality.

They wrapped around me.  Around my legs, to keep me from falling.  Around my arms, to keep my grip steady.  Around my head, to keep my eyes directed.  It was less like I was in charge of my body, and more like I was a meat-puppet whose entire existence was overwhelmed by sheer orgasmic pleasure, and the roper was the one in control.

Despite that, I had some small, small measure of sense left.  Enough to focus on my potion.

I had too much fire, so I needed some water.  And I solved that with tentacle goo.

At the time I wasn’t even sure how I managed that.  I just knew that’s what I needed, and a spare tentacle, as I was shaking with orgasm, reached out over my cauldron and dripped into it.  But that, finally, somehow, stabilized the concoction.

I felt something -- bloom, within me.  A strange energy.  And a moment later, I felt so much hornier than I did before.

See, I had earned my first of many blessings.

A blessing from the Goddess of Alchemy and Drugs, Argenta.

[Blessing: Alchemist's Fortune]
[Requirements:  Make an item using alchemy with an SS or greater quality core ingredient.  Craft over 20 items in one day using alchemy.  Salvage a failed alchemy craft with success of at least A-]
[Effects: All elixirs, drugs, and potions produced by you have increased potency and increased chance to be successfully brewed]

See, there’s a loophole there, in those effects.  It affects all drugs you produce.

Technically, the roper seed was a parasite attached to me.  What it produced, counted as what I produced.

And ‘drugs’ included its manipulation of my hormonal system, and the already aphrodisiac tentacle goo that it was slathering my entire body with.

I had a very, very fun time slot as it had its way with me… and though I refused to admit it to myself after I woke up?

I was looking forward to the upcoming three months I would have with this thing messing with me~

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