Capture Target

Chapter 58 — Y3: Ambrosia-brand Milk

Huge thanks to all of my subscribers!  Especially those with the [Subscriber - A] talent -- Bol, regret, Nemesis01, Teacher, Ilawen, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#e20fc711, User#6c53ee46, User#5c472977, User#646966cb !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

Oh, hey!  Just in time!

I figured what with how long I’ve been here by now -- two or three months by now, right? -- I should do something nice for you as a ‘thank you’.

…I mean.  If you want sex, then I will happily strip down right now… but I meant besides that.

So I made you cookies!

Oh, no, you were and are out of milk.

…?  I used milk.  What else would I use to make cookies with?

What’s with that look?


My milk is delicious, you take that back!

There.  See?

They’re good.  And tasty!

Ugh, look, it’s my milk, okay?  It doesn’t need to be pasteurized so long as it’s fresh.  It’s meant for human consumption!  And I’m also literally magic.  It’s fine.

Hrmph.  Well, if you don’t want me to make you any more cookies…

…That’s what I thought~

Now!  Storytime~!

Okay, so, getting milky --

-- what do you mean you want --



So.  Yuki.  And the Kingdom’s plans.

Yay.  What.  Sexy.  Fun.

Blugh.  You’re weird, you know that?

So, as you’ll recall, over the previous two years I had had Sumiko be our ‘primary alchemist’, as well as our background planner and plotter.  However, during year three, we needed her to play nice with the Empress; by doing so, she could easily wander her lands, gain resources and study monsters with much greater ease than anybody else could.

Yes, I could do that too, but I was very busy.  I could do barely any proper land-grab things, because I had to make sure everything else was going smoothly!

I was going from farmlands to wildlands to robolands almost every day; making sure that Big Bull, Kaiser, and the Empress were doing things according to the Kingdom’s diplomats.  They sent them just two days after the third land mass appeared; something about security checks and lessons on being unnoticed by the gods, if I recall correctly.

So I was liasoning with them daily, as well as appeasing the three monarchs of the third year.

Remember, I had to get both [Romance Obsessed] and [Easy Prey] in the same time slot in order to get a blessing from every goddess; the two kings of the Kingdom were on board with that plan, mostly, due to some words from Modesty, so we had to be very careful about how and when the diplomats would approach Big Bull and Kaiser for their --

…For the --

Look!  Modesty had a hand in me coming to MISSY in the first place!  So she naturally wanted to ensure that the kings didn’t mess up her plans, and --

Obviously it wasn’t ‘random chance’ that I showed up in MISSY!  I had a body waiting for me!  I played a game that was directly based off of the events that I was going to take part in!

So, she --



No no no!

I will not go into that right now!

That’s not relevant to storytime, and if you keep on insisting on hearing the background details and knowing everything about what happens, we’re going to be doing this in order!

Which means we are not covering that right now, and we’re instead covering my tits becoming milky!

…If you keep insisting on learning about things out of order, I’m forcing you to drink my milk straight from the tap.

Oh, no, it doesn’t need to be pasteurized.  And cooking with it is completely fine.  Even drinking it after it’s been stored for, oh, five minutes or so is fine.

The problem is that when it’s fresh, it’s full of all sorts of magical chemicals and hormones.  The kinds of chemicals that made me, into me.

So, do you really want to --

Yeah, I thought so~


Milky tits time!

So.  I was in the barn with Omori, and I had insisted on the most effective method of temporary lactation that they had.

This involved a… hrm… calling it a ‘potion’ wouldn’t be accurate, because they didn’t have knowledge of alchemy.  But it was a mixture of various specially grown crops with a few herbs, mixed and fermented for a few weeks.  Apparently it’s what they used to ensure that the cowgirls always had a healthy flow of milk.

I had to drink three large cups of it.

And eat a small pile of oats, to ensure that my stomach wouldn’t get upset.

I felt stuffed by the end of it; I wasn’t hungry to begin with, and I had just shoved myself full of various food-stuffs.

Around ten minutes later, my stomach made a weird noise.  And five minutes after that, I realized I was suddenly starving.

The bulls and Omori were chuckling as I started stuffing more of their oats down my mouth.  I could feel my breasts starting to get -- heavier isn’t exactly the right word.  It’s an accurate word, but it’s not the right word.

They gained mass.

Not size.


They gained weight, and heft, and momentum.  The jiggling they were regularly doing, with my smaller motions, stopped -- but when they swayed with the big movements, it took longer for them to calm down.  And I ate, and ate, and the mass went straight to my tits.  Eventually I realized that I was feeling some kind of odd tightness in them; like my breasts were too small.

I could feel their weight and heft as I moved, and I could feel them straining -- at first it was just an odd sensation, but the more I ate, the stronger it got.  It became more and more distracting, and I didn’t even realize I was rubbing at them.  Not for any kind of erotic pleasure, but simply to alleviate the sensation I was feeling.  It helped at first, but it quickly grew beyond the point where merely rubbing them didn’t do anything.  I stopped stuffing my face with oats for a moment to wince as I felt the discomfort start to spike into pain.  It was at that point that one of the bulls led me into one of the pens.  It took a bit of effort to snap me out of my feeding frenzy, but once they got my attention I was eager to get moving to a place where I could get some relief.

Once I was alone in the stall and given some quick instructions, I quickly removed my top.  My breasts felt swollen and sore as I discreetly activated one of the modes on my piercings, the modes that the Empress installed on them previously.  This one made the rings break apart into bars, and then fold up onto my breasts, attaching to them.

This was important, because I was about to attach some powerful suction hoses to my breasts.  Piercings don’t interfere with lactating, but tugging on them is something different.

I quickly strapped the two large suction cups to my chest, wrapping them around like a reverse backpack.

And then I set myself up -- sitting down, at first -- and turned the suction on.

Then I melted~

Being milked was a sensation unlike anything I had experienced before.  The sheer relief of having the milk removed, even as my body rapidly produced more.  The sensation of my breasts being stimulated by the suction.  The hunger and pleasure and relief and satisfaction and it all just made my mind melt~

I was moaning after just a few minutes, one hand going to my slit and the other going to stuff more oats in my mouth.  I knew that I needed to get the [Human Cattle] blessing, but this was the first time that I really felt like an animal.  Like a beast of burden; a creature that was obsessed with animal pleasures that thoughts of humanity escaped me.

It.  Was.  Bliss~

I felt myself melt into it; the sensations blurred together into one multi-orgasmic experience.

I’m not even sure how long I was in the stall that first time.  It was at least a full day -- I remember falling asleep for a bit, and some of the bulls coming in to help ensure that I remained nice and clean.  I relaxed and read something mindless for a while as I waited for my breasts to refill with milk, before attaching the suction cups to my teats and getting ready for it again.

I only stopped when, some time in the morning, one of the bulls told me that my dose had worn off.

Or, well.  He was going to.

Until he saw that a decent flow of milk was still going through the suction tubes.

At that point, I got dragged into a full medical check by one of their doctors.

It took another full day to learn the results:

A big fat question mark!

They had no idea why, or how, I was still producing milk.  The temporary dose should have worn off long ago, and yet with a bit of stimulation and the right food, I could still produce some milk.

This was, naturally, very confusing for all involved.  They couldn’t tell if it was due to the hormonal changes I had undergone because of the parasites, if it was due to how much I clearly enjoyed the sensation, or even if it was just due to how slutty my body was.

So they apologized and offered a nice stall if I came back later~  

Which I absolutely would… later.

Well.  ‘Somewhat later’, at least.  For the time being I couldn’t go all-in on outputting farm products for Big Bull, as I had a place to be in around two weeks.

Kaiser’s lake.

I met up with Shimizu after the diagnosis to catch up on her own progress, and how she was doing.

I was surprised -- and pleased -- to learn that she was having an absolute blast.  She was really working out her swordsmanship, refining her [Swordsmistress - A] talent to a razor-sharp edge.  Not to mention her [Physical Enhancement - D] and her [Mental Enhancement - D] traits.

-- wait!  No, I’m wrong, she'd actually managed to upgrade one of them by then!

She'd upgraded [Physical Enhancement], from D to C!

It was a substantial improvement, and synergized amazingly with her [Swordsmistress] talent.  She actually had to get another new blade to get one that could withstand her potential.

She could cut down trees with one strike, and could deflect blows from some of the largest beasts in the Wildlands without shaking.

She couldn’t block those hits, not yet, but she could deflect them.

And she was making her mark in the Wildlands.

It was doing some interesting things to her personality.  She was spending more time in the wilds than back at the school, just dropping by occasionally to hand off her loot and catch up with everybody.  She had stopped bothering to wear the fancy school uniform, and was instead wearing an outfit designed for long hikes in the wilderness, one that wouldn’t tear easily.

She was getting more confident, and with it, more firm in seizing what she wanted.

Mmmph, she would just take me when she was feeling a hard-on coming, not even bothering to fight the parasite that urged her on~  It was so fun!  I never knew if a conversation would end in a polite discorse or some rough herm-fucking!

She was, in a way, going native -- but it was a good thing for her.  It’s -- hrmph.

I want to be clear here that this is not because of the chief god.  His poor world design, when left alone, would have caused the reality to collapse; and even if it didn’t, it wouldn’t have ended with anything beneficial.  This is due to the hard work that the goddesses beneath him, like Argenta and Modesty did.

In MISSY, and this is one of the things that other worlds don’t tend to have; it's easier for a person to change, physically, to who they truly are -- or who they truly want to be.

For example, my mother is borderline infertile -- and yet she’s had four kids.  I can joke about that being because of how much sex she has all day long, but part of it is because she genuinely wanted to be a mother, and crafted potions and took herbs to help encourage her fertility.

Shimizu was gaining more confidence.  Yuki was becoming more elegant.  Sumiko was relaxing more, and I was -- well.

Hehehe~  You know what I was becoming.  

Even Takeo was changing over time.

But yes.  Shimizu was becoming more of herself, and it was good to see in her.  I told her that, once.  And then her face went red, she mumbled something, and then she said she was going to fuck me until I passed out.

And then she did!

It was a great day.

Anyway~  Shimizu had been growing as a warrior, as the Wildlands had noticed.  She was having some trouble holding the land she claimed, but taking it?

Apparently some of the beasts were whispering about the coming of a second Kaiser.

…Until Kaiser overheard them and taught them the difference between the two of them.

Regardless, she was fitting in wonderfully, to the point where Kaiser was actually starting to favor her.  Not in a ‘actual trust’ way, but in a ‘you get rewards to encourage others to try harder’ way.

One of those rewards happened to be permission for one trip to his personal lake.

Which was exactly what we wanted.

The full moon was coming up in two weeks, after all, and that would be our best chance to get the Pure Lotus we needed for a new variant of the Potential-Freeing Elixirs.  Sneaking into the lake was possible, finding other ways to get permission was possible, heck, in one run through Alchemical Corruption Twelve I held Kaiser off with half my party while the other half looted the place to the ground!

But none of those would be as easy and convenient as this coming night.

If the alchemy went perfectly, one Pure Lotus would become one Elixir.  If we needed just enough for our team, we needed five.

…Eh?  No, I counted Omori.

Yes, it’s five.

Me, Shimizu, Sumiko, Yuki, Omori.



Technically, for just our team, we needed six.  That’s what Shimizu said back then, too… stupid… hrmph.

Ugh, no, it’s -- look.  I was getting along better with Takeo, and if I need to be honest, I consider him one of my most reliable friends.

But he’s so annoying!

Do you know how much effort I have to go through to seduce him?!  And how he always acts like he knows better than me?!

And he knows me so well!  He can always get under my skin, and I can’t manage that in return!

So, yes, fine.  He’s a friend.  And an ally.  He’s just also annoying.

And yes, he would get one of the elixirs.


So.  Six Elixirs.  Six lotus’s, at minimum -- we were hoping for something closer to thirty if we got really lucky, and twenty if we didn’t.  We’d use the best six we made ourselves, keep one or two just in case, then sell the rest to the Kingdom for a mint.

This meant that Shimizu and I had to figure out a way to subtly grab the lotuses.  If Kaiser noticed us grabbing one or two, that would be fine.  If he saw us grabbing as many as we possibly could… he’d probably stop us, if for no reason other than to remind us that we were in his house and to ask what the heck we were doing looting the decorations.

And, honestly, he would've been right to.  We were grabbing diamonds out from under the nose of somebody who thought they were coal.  This wasn’t something I am proud of, or was happy about even then… we considered asking for them, but we couldn’t guarantee we’d get them if he did.  His portrayals in Alchemical Corruption 12 weren't precisely flattering, and Takeo backed up that he was the conquering warlord type if he ever decided to commit to it.

And we really needed those flowers.  We needed every advantage we could get.

Thus began operation:  Ravish Kaiser.

Or, well, uh.

Operation:  Be Ravished by Kaiser.

Because, you know.

I’m me~

Ambrosia brand milk!  Ambrosia brand milk!  Completely fresh, brand new, ice cold Ambrosia brand milk!

Fun fact:  Humans are not actually supposed to be able to digest cow milk.  That is just a mutation that has become so common that those that don't have it are weird.

When taking that into account, the idea of having human woman modified to have cow traits and constantly leaking massive amounts of milk makes a bit more sense, doesn't it?


Don't answer that, don't ruin my illusion!

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