Capture Target

Chapter 67 — Y3: Drone Music

Special thanks to all of my subscribers!  The list of top-level subscribers will return with the next chapter!

Hehehe, like what you see~?

Don’t you want to just rip me out of this~?

Doesn’t it cover juuuuust enough to get your heart racing~?

Behold the power of poorly-fitting crossdressing!  The sporty tomboy!

Daisy-dukes that just barely hang onto my hips!  A T-shirt that’s stretched tight by my tits and doesn’t even reach my belly button!  A baseball cap with my glorious ponytail hair!

You know you want to rip it off me!

You know you do!

…So, uh, do it!


…Come on, come on, do it!


Nevermind, no, I hate wearing this stuff.  This outfit makes it look like I either have no idea how fashion works, or that I don't care about looking pretty!  I didn’t even put on any makeup!  What kind of slut doesn't do any makeup?!

The colors don’t match, these fabrics are uncomfortable to wear, and they’re just -- ugh!  They’re UGH!

That’s it!

If you’re not going to rip them off of me, I’ll just take it off myself!

And no!

You do not get sex today!

Nope, I don’t care, you’re too late.

Well, okay, maybe I can give one little blowjob…

And there~  I feel much better!

Especially now that I’m out of those icky clothes…

Thank you very much~  

No, really!  I remember when you were all squeamish about 'Oh what if the succubus slut doesn't want sex, what if I'm pressuring her into it and it makes her mood even worse', hah!  

Sex is the best medicine.  I always want it, and it always makes things better~  

I just need reminders sometimes, is all! 

Now!  Storytime!

It took a while to get me to stop singing lewd love song lyrics.  

My voice was lovely if I do say so myself, and has only gotten better.  But I prefer being in control of what I say, or being brainwashed properly.  Not just -- randomly singing a song!

We ended up being forced to wrap a towel around my horns on my head.  Which was… inconvenient, and getting that done involved a great many wacky hijinks, but we managed it.  And then, finally, Shimizu and I could talk about our emotions.

It was -- hah…  Look, there were awkward confessions, poorly worded clarifications, and misunderstandings abound.  

Neither of us were expecting to actually talk about this, so we were both on the back foot.  Shimizu had yet to fully understand and define her emotions, and I was getting a bomb dropped on me out of nowhere!

Well, uh.

Nowhere for me, at least.

Apparently most of my minions -- erm, friends, I meant friends -- thought that this was inevitable?

…Why are you looking at me like that?

That’s the look everybody had when they told me it was obvious.

…How was it obvious to you when I’m the one that’s telling the story?!

I am not a ditz!

…Okay, I am sometimes a ditz, but still!

Shut it!

Moving on.

In the end, the situation came down to a few key points.

From Shimizu’s side, she had -- I think it was a minor crush on me.  Her words weren’t very clear, but that was the impression I got; I've said as much, and if I'm wrong, then she's never corrected me.

She was hoping to ‘explore the possibility’ of a relationship.

And, thankfully, she had no weird ideas about us being exclusive.

Honestly, if she had been thinking that had any chance of happening, I would have had her checked out for brainwashing… that wasn’t going to happen for either of us.

As for me?

I was enjoying crushing on guys, don’t get me wrong.  And the occasional girl.  It was fun!  Having my emotions make my brain run a thousand miles a minute, realizing a wink made my legs feel weak, and just a general happy, giddy feeling that bubbled up out of nowhere when in their presence.

Before naturalizing into MISSY and becoming the sexy slut I am now, I probably wouldn’t have liked it that much.  It’s a bit overwhelming; the emotions can be very strong.  But I had been getting used to having very strong emotions ever since my brain slug slithered into my ear, so instead I was finding it something very similar to having a fun time.

That said, I had absolutely no delusions about getting into an actual relationship.

That, simply put, was not anywhere in my plans.

And if you say something like ‘sometimes it just happens’, then I will be annoyed!

Look, I had something very, very important going on.  We all did.  The Evil God of Chastity and Purity.  And I wanted it gone.

On top of that, I didn’t see a need to get into a romantic relationship of any sort.  Or at least, not the kind that Shimizu wanted to explore.

I just wanted to have fun times with fun people.  Proper relationships require a deeper commitment -- whether that relationship be familial, mercantile, or romantic.  And the commitment for a romantic relationship wasn’t one that I felt a need, or a desire for.

And sure, emotions ‘can happen’, and they do happen without us having any direct control over them… but while emotions ‘just happen’, actions do not.

When you feel a romantic need to get together with somebody, you could do it, sure.  Or you could mentally process it and go, ‘No, I don’t think I will’.  And if it lingers, you can go away from them, or just deal with the emotion.

Yes yes, porn game capture target giving advice about how to not get into relationships, haha.  I do get the irony.

…Okay, okay, yes, okay, 'But you're a hyper-feminine slut', fine, yeah, that does hit a little closer to home.  I admit that falling head-over-heels helplessly in love does sound really hot, and it's definitely something I want to experience.

But seriously.  At the time, no, we – I, was busy.  We had a calm and rational discussion about this, like the adults we were.  …Lewdly corrupted adults with a variety of parasites and other bodily and mental modifications between us, but adults nonetheless.

…Sure, our serious discussion was interspersed with occasional fucks because we both got really horny just being near each other, but we kept it completely mature.

It took some time, but we did come to a conclusion.  Namely -- I wasn’t interested in romance right now, but I might consider it after the Evil God of Chastity and Purity was defeated.


I told Shimizu to not get her hopes up, but I’m honestly still not sure if she fully believed me…

Well, things changed for her so drastically early on into year four that I guess it didn't matter.  But that was later.

The rest of the Festival went by fairly mundanely.  

It was -- fine.  Minigames.  Sex.  Flirting.  More sex.  More minigames.  Sex.  Trying, and failing, at that fishing minigame like always.  And sex.

…Eh?  No, I’m pretty sure I only listed sex once…

Eh, whatever.

I had a fun time with all of my friends.  …And Takeo was there too.

Sumiko and I ended up getting hypnotized by a stage magician and competed over who could suck his cock the best backstage, Yuki managed to ‘trick’ me into the bondage minigame and had a fun time teasing me for hours, Omori -- uh.

…Omori was too pregnant to show up for most of the Festival, but we had a lovely chat over tea!

…I still have no idea what she got pregnant with, but it wasn’t chicken harpy eggs.  She was pregnant for the entire Festival, and just hurriedly changed the subject when I asked.

Other than Shimizu ‘confessing and not confessing’ to me, the biggest thing that happened during the festival was the two kings getting me some proper technological additions to my body.

Remember, I needed [Technosymbiosis], which required five technological implants.  I very, very much did not want the Empirical Empress to be the one that gave me all five.  That was a recipe for disaster.

That said, the Kings could not smuggle me a full five implants. Those things are expensive, and rare.  None of us wanted the chief god to get even a single whiff of what we were doing; they weren’t even sure they could manage one, but by the end of the festival, they managed to get me two.

They snuck them in as minigame prizes.  One for a trivia test, and another for a -- ah.

A sexual endurance test.

I - y-yeah, I know.  They knew me.

Still!  Uh.  With a secret message prompting me towards those minigames, I managed to get them both!

These prosthetics, instead of being purely sexual or otherwise able to manipulate me, were ones that would serve me in dangerous situations.  Like, you know, fighting and combat.  Or, uh.  More realistically, running away.

The two items were a pair of eyes, and, some-fucking-how, a magical engine heart.

I’ll get into the bullshit of that item later.  For now, the eyes!

They were one of the more ‘basic’ combat augments one could get in the Alchemical Corruption series.  I’m… not actually sure which game they first showed up in?  But it basically let one massively increase their accuracy for all attacks, as well as remove most, if not all, vision debuffs.  Lets you see in the dark, ignore fog and smoke and sandstorms, things like that.

It could also display pink hearts when I was aroused or infatuated!

So that was a nice addition.

Getting them into my head -- uh.

That.  Uh.

The cybernetics in MISSY are self-installing.

And not in a convenient magic 'poof and it's done' sort of way, in a 'you don't want to be awake for it' sort of way.

So it's treated a little like surgery, but with effectively zero actual risk.  Anesthetic in a hospital, you go under, a doctor presses the cybernetics against your body where they're supposed, and…

…Then they… Wait… And after it's done, they clean up the mess, and presto!  You wake up a cyborg!

…Yeah, I'm glossing over the literal gorey details.

Unfortunately, as hot as becoming a sexbot is, becoming a cyborg in MISSY is not clean.

I prefer parasites…  At least those don’t need to remove what was previously there to work…

Now.  For the magical engine heart.

Those things could not be made.  Nor could they be salvaged.  They could only be prayed for.

While they did appear in some mechanical monsters from time to time, they would always explode before it could be salvaged.  Now, as to what it does?

It grants the [Elemental Magic (basic) - C] talent.

This meant that it granted its wielder the ability to use any of the five basic elements of MISSY -- fire, water, air, earth and metal -- at rank [C].  It could even be improved with practice!  You could upgrade its rank, or change it to [Elemental Magic (moderate)] or even [Elemental Magic (advanced)]!  Those let you do other, wilder elements like ‘lightning’ and ‘flesh’ and even ‘time’!

…In theory, at least.

In practice, that was never going to happen without, like, a good thirty Potential-Freeing Elixirs and some of the best magic tutors across the entire world.

…This had zero effect on my [Fire Magic - B] talent.  I just had both; they worked separately.  No cool synergistic talent merging.  Tch.

Anyway, I still have no idea how the two kings got it.  They refused to tell me anything.  But they insisted it was the real deal, no strings attached.

…Yeah, it was pretty obvious it was more goddess interference.  

But also, cool magic cybernetics, and I kinda needed it.  


I went to my appointment, drank the knockout potion, and I was out so fast that it was a good thing they made me lay down first.

Let me tell you, having access to all the basic types of elemental magic on top of having perfect vision and an archery talent?

It was a rush.

I still had no chance against Shimizu, and Takeo would beat me nine times out of ten, but they were both freaks of nature.  I was a perfectly average girl, and I could now deal some real damage when fighting monsters.

…What’s with that look?

I know you were thinking something unflattering…

Hrmph.  Well.  Whatever.

As for my magic, I sadly didn’t get a lot of time to explore it.  The -- uh, fade to black scenes happened towards the end of the festival; I had a day before it ended, and after that I had to go to the Empirical Empress.

And that’s -- uh.

…That’s when things went off the rails.

As a reminder, I had to get [Technosymbiosis], then score an alliance from all three rulers in the same time slot, and then drag them all to the center of the island for the big final battle.  From there -- well, things got even more granular, but I was fairly confident in pulling it off.

Until I went off for my first visit to the Empirical Empress after the Festival.

I messed something up, somewhere.

I’m not sure what it was.

Maybe it was the diplomats talking to Big Bull and Kaiser, and Empress's sexbot infiltrators reporting back about that.

Maybe I hadn’t shown up often enough for her.

I’m still not sure what it was.  I only know it wasn’t a forgotten event; my memory of Alchemical Corruption Twelve was, and remains, absolutely flawless.  Heck, I can even remember the buy and sell prices for every item in the game.

What I do know is that things started going very poorly very fast.

As I got closer, I heard a -- rhythmic sound, in my head.  Something synthesized, and yet still regular.  A droning noise.  I thought I was just hearing the standard buzz of electrical equipment that was ubiquitous in the robolands, but no.  It was something else.

By the time I realized that, I couldn’t stop moving forward.

The sound was rattling in my head, shattering thoughts as it echoed.  It was telling me that I wanted to be a good drone.  A good drone was rewarded, after all.  

And the rewards were pleasure.

To be a good drone, I had to keep on walking.  Move closer to the sound.  Become a better drone.  Get rewards.

I felt a dull panic in the back of my mind, but by then it was too late.  I could see the Empress’s palace in front of me.  The droning music was so loud -- I had a hard time hearing my own thoughts.  Or, uh.  I would have.

If I was thinking any thoughts at all.

The sound -- it was a signal from the Empress’s palace.  Sent specifically to me, through my horns.  The closer I got, the more pleasure I felt.  My legs were moving forward without any input from my mind, and I simply wanted to be a good drone.  No -- not a good drone.

The best drone.

I moved forward in a robotic fashion, my slit drenched with arousal, and I walked to a servants entrance hidden to the side.  I moved forward without saying anything, the actual robotic attendants of the palace stepping aside to get out of my way as I walked to get into my new, official outfit.

This outfit was, as I’m sure was obvious if you’ve had a wide enough porn experience, a pure black latex fetish suit that covered all of my body from my lower jaw down, with a glossy, faceless metal-and-plastic helmet that never came off.

I then went to serve my owner -- owner, because drones don't have masters, they have owners -- in any way they wanted.

And like that, I was trapped for one full month.

For one month, I was an obedient drone.  I didn’t have any thoughts.  All I wanted was to be a good drone.

I didn’t cum once during that time.  I was simply so aroused that even if the music stopped, I still wouldn’t be able to think.

The Empress lorded over me how easy it was to ‘claim’ me, how she’d gladly teach me exactly how to be -- when she wanted to.  After I learned some obedience.

I didn’t care about that at the time.

I was content with being a good drone.

And for that full month, I was content with being a good drone.

As I cleaned I was content.  As I patrolled I was content.  As I organized I was content.

Sumiko saw me, once or twice, as she worked in the palace studying the Empress's technology.  She suspected who I was, but she never got close enough to confirm.  

I saw her too.  I even recognized her, but I didn’t care.

Because I was a good drone.

…Until I got a new blessing.

It wasn’t [Technosymbiosis].  The Empirical Empress hadn't installed a new prosthetic in me.

No, what I got was [ERROR:28]

Let me tell you what it does.

[ERROR:  Catch the eye of ERROR while fighting a futile fight.  Have a small part of your mind still resist the irresistible brainwashing of an S-class or greater phenomenon after one month of time.]
[ERROR:  Nonconsentual mind control will never last longer than four consecutive hours on you.]
[ERROR:  Haha, there’s no way anybody’s gonna get this message!  Hey, future me, Dick-Dominius Dom here, get one of our sluts to make this sound all official-like!  It should say something dumb like ‘report to admin’.]
[ERROR:  Twenty seven.  One above them all. And one more below them.]

I immediately made excellent use of my newfound mental freedom to freak out.

I'm sure everything is fine.

I'm sure that there are no error codes in the fundamental membrane that holds all of reality together that consist of 'TODO' comments by an idiot chief god that replaced his brain with a larger dick.

Things are fine!

Perfectly fine!

I'm not panicking, you're panicking, AAAAAAAAAAH!

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