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Chapter 73 — Y3: Hedonism 101

A special thanks to all my subscribers, especially those at rank [A]!  User#f2d0baad, User#6c53ee46, User#646966cb,  Nemesis01, Teacher, Ilwan and Yuria!

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Now what do you say~?

…That’s a good girl!

And what do you say?

Excellent.  See?  He forgives you!  And thinks you’re cute!

Aww, that blush is adora -- huh.

She can teleport.

…I wasn’t expecting that.

H-hey!  How could I expect that?!  She hasn’t been a girl for even three months!  Magical girls need to be girls, mind and body, you know!

What are you -- oh.

I didn’t tell you, did I?


That was Mr. Stalker~

Now no longer a problem!  Just a cute young girl that… apparently needs to fight the bugs of reality…?

…I still have no idea how that happened.  I mean yes I gave her that magical gem and told her it was why she was a girl now, but…

…Ah well, at least she’ll stop bothering you and your family, right?

Hey, no, nonono, I know that look, I don’t want another lecture on morality!

Choice is… zzzz… an important right… BWAH!

Cold water, cold water!  Stop that!  I’m up, I’m up, I'm studying, I am!

Sex is… optional… zzzzz… zzzzzzzzzz…

ACK!  Stop that!

There, I finished your stupid test.  Are we done now?

…What do you mean I got a failing grade?!

ARGH!  That’s it!  I’m done!  Do you want storytime or not?!

If you dare spritz me again with that I’m leaving for a month.

Don’t you dare.



So we’re -- BLECK!  DAMNIT!

Yes, I know I said -- I was bluffing, okay?!  Look, do you want storytime today or not?

Thank you!

Ugh.  Seriously.

I couldn’t even pretend to be a slutty school girl during this…

…What’s the fun in taking tests if you can’t fuck the teacher to get a better grade?!

…You know, I had today all planned out, but then somebody decided to derail it into lectures on morality.  So today, you get to remind me where we were.




So, contrary to what your expectations must be, I didn’t just dump her into the middle of an orgy.

Instead, I made her pie.

Okay, look, before you start saying anything, listen.  Axiomanagers are essentially gods when they come into a reality.  If anything, they’re more godly than what I'm calling gods.  Gods have one or more shards, they can do simulations, interact with the base systems of a reality.  But Axiomanagers?

They have full knowledge of everything that they want to know.  There are no real surprises for them in a lot of ways… except for how they feel about things.

They have full knowledge of every book written in a reality.  Every play, every story, every song.

They even have knowledge of how every food tastes.

But while it’s easy to not pay attention to a book you already know the contents of, it’s a lot harder to do that with something super-tasty in your very mouth.

Now, while sex was the end goal of Seven’s request to ‘show her’ how I found MISSY fun, because I adored sex and seeing people become sluts, I wanted to ease her into it.  So I wanted to start by having her ‘taste’ tasty things.

This worked beautifully.

For the first time, I saw some actual life in her eyes, while she ate a fresh baked pie.

It took three time slots of cajoling, examples, half remembered biology, and logic to convince her to actually give it a try, that yes, it was worth it, and yes I was willing to push on this matter, but when she did she loved it!

The next few days were what I liked to call the ‘Desert Parade’.

Cakes, candy, donuts, pastries!  All of that and more, sugary delights presented to the sweets-loving Axiomanager!

Then she tried spicy food, and suddenly that was what she wanted.

Explaining to her why chili was not a desert was an… interesting conversation.

Still, this only lasted so long.  About a week passed before she was getting used to it, and finding the idea of more food getting -- numb.  But, she was finally willing to accept that maybe, just maybe, I knew what I was talking about.

So I told her to masturbate.  And to look maybe up some porn to assist said masturbation.

…What?  It’s -- look.

The idea of a ‘virgin who has never had sex before and doesn’t know what an orgasm is until somebody fucks them’ is hot.  

Very hot, actually.

…Why am I feeling jealous, suddenly…?

…Hrmph.  Anyway, while the idea is hot and oddly jealousy-inducing, it’s also not an accurate one.  Sex isn’t -- okay, so, for guys, sex is pretty easy to make pleasurable.  For women, not so much.

MISSY makes it a lot easy to have fun with it, but if you’re sticking with sex that is more… mmmm… ‘mundane’, that’s still not a guarantee.

So you need to know what you like.

Do you like it hard?  Gentle?  Is your clit a fun orgasm button or does it need to be worked up first?  Does penetration in and of itself make you wet and randy?

All of these questions and more are good to discover on your own, first.  In your own time.  So you can fully understand and know what your own preferences are.



It’s healthy for you!

…No, seriously, it actually is.  Look it up.

So, Sevens and masturbation-with-porn.

It went very well.

Because the time slot after I told her to pleasure herself, she locked herself in her office for three days straight.

When she finally came back out, she looked immaculate.  There wasn’t even a single hair out of place, and her office had absolutely no scent of sex in the air whatsoever.

…Bluntly, she cheated and vanished all signs of her little pleasure-session using her powers.

At the very least, the dead look in her eyes was gone!  That was my personal goal with that, and I was satisfied just knowing she wasn’t going to be a miserable grouch for the last two years of the Land Grab.

Things were great!

…And then she asked me for more.

I, uh, I had Shimizu fuck her, but she asked for more.

I had Yuki fuck her.

She asked for more.

I was getting a bit hesitant at that point, but… there was one possibility I had in mind.

So.  Omori.

She was ready to turn her [Angelic Womb Tattoo] into a [Fallen Angel Womb Tattoo].

And she wanted to trigger its transformation with a bang.

For weeks, she had been planning a… party, of sorts.  Both to make the trigger as intense as possible, and as a thank you to me.

I’m certain you can guess what kind of party this was.

What?  No!

It was an orgy!

Come on, really?

Well, anyway, she had, uh.  Invited.  Me.  To the orgy.  As well as a few of our shared friends, like Yuki, Shimizu, and Sumiko.  Personally, I was still debating.  I was actually leaning against going, believe it or not.

But Sevens wanted more, and more, and more and more and more, and so… well, in an effort to… frankly I’m not sure if I was trying to tempt her or scare her off, but I mentioned Omori’s planned orgy.

This was a mistake.

It turned out that Sevens was really interested in the idea of an orgy.

Just a simple mention of the plan was enough to have her ask to join.  At that point…

…Well, at that point, I was kinda, uh.

…I was kinda trapped.

I must admit, I did try to leave the conversation in a hurry, but I hadn’t gotten used to my new minimum heel height by that point.  It slowed me down, and by the time Sevens was done thinking it through, I hadn’t even managed to get halfway to the exit of the room.

And so, naturally, she said, “And you’ll be joining us, right?”  With a…

…Okay.  Look.

I had never seen Sevens smile.  

Not once.

Doesn’t matter if it was through the computer screen while playing Alchemical Corruption Twelve, or or in the… nearly two years, then… since she had arrived.  In the game, she never really knew how to express emotions.  She had it down ‘technically’ but never in practice.  And in person, she always had this -- dead inside, 'given up on life' look in her eyes.

So when she smiled at me with such a bright, almost pure smile, her eyes shining with an oddly innocent glee at the thought of being, uh, ‘orgy buddies’...

…Well, at that point, I couldn’t say no.

Omori’s orgy was very…

It was very her.

There was a huge spread of food on a table, and lots of water and stamina potions.  There were several enchanted towels to help keep hands clean when eating, and some very important ‘no touching’ spells on the food.

Clean your hands or don’t eat was the rule in that orgy.

There was Omori, Sumiko, Sevens and me in the… uh…

The ‘being gangbanged’ role.

Goddesses above, just remembering this is making me groan.  It’s so embarrassing and I don’t even know why!

There were a dozen, maybe a dozen and half in the ‘doing the gangbang’ role; a bunch of bulls, chicken-harpies, and, of course, Shimizu and Yuki.

We were all naked.

It was in the Farmlands.

And everybody was just --


They were just talking!

Like it was a barbeque!

I heard two of the bulls talking about their wives and how they got their friends to take care of their wives ‘sexual needs’ to come here!

Shimizu was laughing with another bull as they were sharing stories about combat and arm wrestling!

Yuki was giving the chicken harpies ideas!

Sevens, Omori, and Sumiko were all just --

-- they were gossiping!

Like this was a group date!

‘Oh, he has a huge cock, you’ll want him in your slit’

‘That one really knows how to fuck your ass’

‘He eats a lot of nuts -- his cum is really tasty!’

It was insane!

How was I the only sane one there?!

It wasn’t a barbeque!  It wasn’t a group date!

It was a hedonistic fuck-party!

I don’t get it!  Do you get it?!

I am not always like that!  Stop talking nonsense!

Ugh!  Fine.

It started with Omori clapping her hands and getting everybody together for a ‘speech’.  Reminding everybody why we were here.

…To fuck the four of us into puddles until none of us could stand anymore.

I covered my face with my hands as I blushed, unable to believe it, as she went on and on about it for a solid half an hour!

It was a fuck party!

They needed to start fucking and stop talking about fucking!

I mean, seriously!

Apparently, I wasn’t the only one who thought so, because after that half hour -- when Omori took a deep breath, obviously getting ready to continue -- one of the bulls just walked behind her, grabbed her hips, and started fucking.

And then we started.

I, uh… okay, I admit that by the time we started, I was soaking wet.

It’s just -- it was clear why we were all there!  There were so many hot guys!  And hot girls!  And a hot herm!

I could feel my arousal on my upper thighs, my legs trembling as I watched Omori getting fucked, some of the bulls starting to surround her.  I heard Sevens squeal with delighted pleasure as some of the bulls decided that that porcelain white woman was interesting enough to fuck.

I heard Sumiko begging Yuki to fuck her for mere moments before tentacles rammed into two of her holes.  I saw the bulls surrounding all of them, laughing and chatting with each other about the fun of this event.  Comparing cock sizes, talking about how squishy the breasts and asses on the girls were, sharing tips…

…And none of them were fucking me!

I felt something crack as my libido and frustration decided that ‘shame’ was for losers who didn’t get dicked.

I grabbed a nearby bull with fire in my eyes and said, “Fuck me, or I’m going to bury you.

He didn’t seem to believe me until I used some earth magic to make his feet sink up to his ankles into the soil.  

Then he started to fuck me.

And then others started to fuck me!

And things were, finally, right with the world once again.

From what I have heard of orgies (I, sadly, have never been to one), you can expect them to go about as well as any other meeting of like-minded individuals.

It starts one and a half hours later than intended and has a fifty-fifty chance of having everybody be distracted by something completely irrelevant.

Leaving a bunch of naked people with lube on a nearby table and mattresses on the floor, all cooing about somebody's new pet tortoise or something.

As another note, this is the penultimate chapter of year 3, and I just finished my rough draft of the final chapter of year 4 earlier today!  One more year to go, woo!

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