Capture Target

Chapter 76 — Y4: Best Laid Plans

A special thanks to all my subscribers, especially those at rank [A]!  User#f2d0baad, User#6c53ee46,  Nemesis01, Teacher, and Ilwan!

Hmm… are you okay?

What?  No, I mean -- okay, yes, if you’re horny I would like to fuck, but --

…Oh.  Sweet!

You’re getting better all the time~

…I was asking something, what was -- right!

I wanted to see how you were doing, since the rest of your family has been gone for a while now.

You have a mother and, what, four sisters?  And all of them have been gone since before I even showed up.  Sure, you can see them on the news, you know they’re safe, but…

…Yeah.  Yeah, I get it.

Do you want a break today?  We can just chill and watch something on the TV, or you could read something… no?


Storytime it is.

One of the first things you want to do in year four of Alchemical Corruption Twelve, is immediately swap the fourth landmass's state from the present to the future.  There are resources in the future that are needed to change the present, and changing the present before getting them can block off some of those resources.

Yeah, it’s… ha.  It’s a thing.

This means going to the Hall of Mirrors.

Now, there’s something I haven’t mentioned about the Hall of Mirrors, and this is very important.  Every time slot, in the hall, one randomly chosen mirror out of the hundreds you need to walk by is enchanted with magic.  If you’re in the present, it lets you view -- and alter -- your past in a rather controlled fashion.  If you’re in the future, it lets you see your most likely future as a kind of prophecy.  One that you may not be able to alter, but that can give you access to all sorts of information.

The trick here is that the Hall of Mirrors works by running off of the world shard.  The shard that has all of the information; what the gods do, where Atlantis is, things like that.  The shard that runs ‘reality itself’ is the one linked to the Hall of Mirrors, so its changes and visions are much more accurate, sane, and complete than what you’d get from a demonic or angelic curse.

That’s actually canon to the game.  It’s a fun bit of lore that you can find if you really dig into the fourth landmass.

Now, every person has only one chance to use each of the Hall of Mirrors powers in this way, and it can only be used once every time slot.  So I, for example, could use it once to alter my past, and once to see my future, and once to do something… weirder… in the pastmen version of it, but never again.  

From then on, I could only use it to swap the fourth landmass between present, future, and past.

Now, this ‘alter the past’ incident is, actually, very useful.  It’s one of the only events in the entire game that can lower corruption without any side effects.  I was planning on using its abilities after I had obtained a few more blessings -- I was getting very corrupt, after all -- but that plan got… derailed.

I was walking down the hall towards the big mirror to shift time, with my new maid Zaylee and Sumiko.  Zaylee insisted on going with me to every location as a bodyguard, and Sumiko wanted to see the Hall of Mirrors at least once.  I saw the distorted reflections of my past, present, and future in every reflective shard of the hallway, when I suddenly saw something that made me still.

I saw my sister.

Now, if I tore my eyes away from the mirror and continued on, then that would have been that.  I could have used the change-your-past effect of the Hall of Mirrors at a later date of my choosing.

But I didn’t.

Because it wasn’t my new sister.

It was my old sister.

My old sister, from my first life, from this world.

I -- this was year four of the Land Grab; I had been in that reality for just over three years at that point.  I had more or less accepted that I’d never see my old home by that point, never see my old family, and if I was going to, it would come much, much later.  There were no clues, no hints, no knowledge about how to travel to other realities.  Shimizu being from another world didn’t help in the slightest, nor did knowing individuals from her world cropped up occasionally.

Because there was no progress in finding your way back.

There was absolutely no recorded or verified instance in the entire Alchemical Corruption series and lore of a person from MISSY… going somewhere else.

So I saw my sister, and I stilled.  I stared.  And by the time I realized I was walking towards the mirror, it was already too late.

The magic activated.

My world split in two.  Two pasts, two me’s.  One past was how I, more or less, expected it to be.  Myself, being raised by my slutty mother, with an older brother and a rich father, followed by a younger brother and a younger sister.

And I was barely responding to anything.

I know, in part of my mind, part of my frenzied, panicked mind, that I had to interfere with this past.  I knew tricks that could guarantee a corruption reduction, which would buy me some much needed time and space.

…But the rest of me didn’t care about that.

Because I saw my other sister.

It was in my old room, even.  The room I died in.  It took a bit to place it, but I recognized that I was looking at her as if I was where my old computer was.

I could see her.

And she could see me.

I can’t -- how could I even begin to express this?  She could see me!  She could see me!

I tried to call out to her, but though I saw her eyes glance at my mouth, she didn’t seem to say anything.  I pushed my palms into the mirror, trying to get closer, and called to her again.

No response.

I started pounding on the mirror.  My voice was rising, getting almost hysterical, as I tried with a desperate fervor to break the mirror!

I knew that I should have been able to.

I knew it.

This was, somehow, impossibly, my old world.  And it was while the mirror was looking into ‘my past’.  My sister looked older than I remembered, but it didn’t matter.

For each and every one of the mirror's abilities, you can enter it.

So I pounded harder.  And harder.  It was showing me my sister, my family that I thought I had lost, and it was keeping me from her!

I could feel the mirror start to tremble as I pounded at it.  Uncaring about my ‘other’ past, simply trying to reach my sister.  She was in her magical girl outfit, the one that she liked to think I didn’t know about, but I didn’t care.

If I cared about that at all?

It was because she, too, had magic.

Which meant there might be a chance for us to breach this stupid barrier that was keeping us from each other.

I pressed and pressed, and the mirror trembled and started to cave.  Like it was dethawing, becoming more limber, more flexible.  The membrane became softer.  Allowing me to push further into it.

I saw my sister do -- something, and turn into a ball of light, before she darted towards the mirror.

I couldn’t see my room anymore.

Just a burning, endless light, that was traveling towards me.

A light that I had to reach.

I pushed further.

I shouted more, my throat feeling sore.

I could feel the membrane of the mirror getting stretched, thinner and thinner…

…until it ruptured.

It was a small hole, but the suction from it was enough that I felt like it would squeeze the entire world through it if we weren’t careful.

I can say with confidence that I didn’t care about that at the time, as I thrust my hand through it without a second thought.  I felt something grab my hand, and then I slowly started pulling it out.  Zaylee and Sumiko scrambled to grab my waist to help.

I’m frankly not sure how my arm didn’t pop out of its socket from the suction and effort I was exerting, but I certainly won’t argue with that as I pulled the light through the small hole.

There was the sound of suction and then an odd noise that was almost like… the… reverse of ripping through thin plastic, as the hole in the mirror got patched up.

Not that I cared, as I had my back on the ground and was hugging my sister, who had appeared out of the light I tugged into this world, and nearly cried with relief.

Ugly crying, to be clear.  These were not pretty tears.

Even my appearance blessing couldn’t make me look nice with this many desperate sobs.

I had my sister back.

I had my sister back!

…So it’s probably reasonable why I didn’t notice the fact that there was a new person in the hall besides my sister until I heard a deep, masculine voice speak up.  The very sound of his voice made my legs feel weak.  The voice said:  “Hoooooot.  Now kiss!”

There was only one person in all of MISSY who had a voice that hot, and would use it to say something that dumb.

The chief god was here.

There are ways to get things to travel through realities without the gods of those realities noticing.  This requires the god in question to not be the most security conscious, and requires you to send only data.

Souls happen to count as ‘data’; bodies and divine shards do not.

Those are -- how to put it… heavier, I suppose.  Much, much heavier.

Data can be sent through whatever membrane a world has erected around itself without making a hole to dig through it.

Physical bodies and items imbued with divinity can not.

So when something like that is sent to another reality, the got in charge of it knows.  Immediately.  Because that kind of hole is stupidly dangerous.  It will suck out everything that ‘is’ and turn it into the ‘is not’ that is the basic state for everything not within a world created by a god.

I should have realized that.  I knew that we were trying to avoid attention.  I knew that something like this -- whatever I had done -- was so far out of my expectations that I would have to be aware of something going wrong.

But I was just so filled with relief that I didn’t think, and next thing I knew, the chief god -- at the time called Biggus Dickus Maximus -- was here in the hall with us.

Eh?  Oh.  Right.  The chief gods name changes based on whim and whimsy.  Whenever you’re in his presence, you know what his ‘current name’ is.

At that point in time, his current name was ‘Biggus Dickus Maximus’.

…I wish I was kidding.

The one person we absolutely wanted to avoid noticing us was here.

In person.

…And he wanted me to make out with my sister.

My, uh, my first thought was, ‘well, she is hotter than I remember’.  I actually started leaning forward without thinking, before realizing that she wasn’t moving to do the same.  I stopped still, forced what remained of my sanity to take charge, quickly scrambled up to curtsy to the chief god, and… and I…

…The chief god cheats.  Oh, he’d claim it wasn’t cheating, but it absolutely is.

He designed his entire reality to be based around sluts and fucking.  His entire reality is based on those two things.  And he decided that his body would be the perfect slut-breaker.

And so he decided, and so it was.

He was only wearing a simple loincloth -- one that wasn’t long enough to fully hide his cock.  You could see the head peeking out from under it.  His body was made of muscles and power, and his voice was deep and sexy despite talking like he was actively trying to turn me off.

Just his voice got my panties wet, but his body?  When I got a good look at him?

His eyes seemed to pierce my heart.

I realized I was giggling a bit, feeling flustered, as my slutty biological imperatives worked overtime to remove my common sense.  I stammered, and I babbled, and I said ‘it’s a pleasure’ and ‘what can I do for you’ and I curtsied and tried to show off my cleavage without thinking and I could barely think!

I don’t think it’s possible to explain just how badly his presence affected and still affects me when I’m not ready for it.

You know how otherwise smart, intelligent, rational individuals can suddenly become desperate fools when given a smile from a pretty girl or a hot guy?

Take that, and multiply it by a thousand.  

By several thousand.

Zaylee and Sumiko were affected, as well, I could tell by how they looked out of the corner of my eyes.  The only person that wasn’t affected was my sister.


Same name as my sister from MISSY, too.

She was the only one that didn’t seem impressed.  Indeed, her expression screamed such a sheer level of ‘unimpressed’ that I had to wonder if she had, somehow, altered the rules of reality to raise the cap of ‘unimpressed’-ness in expressions.

…And I wasn’t sure who she was less impressed by.

The obvious moron wearing a too-short loincloth like some kind of bad halloween costume…

…Or the three girls that were so into it.

He laughed and raised a hand, almost magnanimous, at my fawning.  “There there,”  He said, every sound from his throat making my clit quiver with heat, “I merely came here to investigate a threat to the stability of reality itself.  Really, there’s no need to thank me.  I was just doing my job.  As, you know.  A god.”

Okay, so, I knew that that was bullshit self-aggrandizing.

It was obvious.

Painfully obvious.

Even in my lust-induced fog, I knew that.

But all I wanted at that moment was for him to like me.

It was really hot.




I mean scary.

It was really scary being brainwashed like that, and the memory of it doesn’t make me soaking wet in seconds, not at all.

…Okay, more seriously?

I knew on some level, now, that I had a big problem.  This was a terrifying ability, one that seemed to turn my body against my mind in moments, one that felt so natural I didn’t even realize something was strange until I was already fawning over him.  It felt like me.  And that was the most terrifying… and, uh, yes, and hot… part of all.

Goddesses can -- and do -- make it harder for them to be seduced.  Otherwise, Chief God the Moron could walk into a room and they’d all immediately fawn over him.

I knew that.

But I didn’t realize just how effective his ‘I am the hottest thing you have ever experienced, period’ aura was.

He had only said two things.

Both of them moronic.

And I was already dripping with need.

There’s a lesson, here.

If your enemy is a slut?  Somebody who craves sex and cock and all that fun stuff?

Your best defense is being stupidly hot.

I realized, dimly, with what small part of my mind was left to panic, that this defense was working far too well on me.

…f-fuck.  I’m wet again, just thinking about it.

I’ll share more next time, for now, fuck me!


A magical girl?!

Nobody could have predicted that!

...Secrets are starting to be revealed in the fourth year as things progress~

Also, sorry this is late!  My editors and my own sleep cycles are a bit wacky, and they didn't meet up properly for once.  Expect this weeks chapters to come out a day late, though we'll try to get them all out on time.  Either way you'll still get all three!

Also also, some of my flaws as a writer.  Those are in a spoiler if you want more details.


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