Capture Target

Chapter 8 — Dating(?)

I got the pizza~!

Sorry if it’s a bit cold, I convinced the delivery guy to fuck me by giving him a fifty dollar tip.

…Eh?  What?  No, I wouldn’t try to pay with my body!  Are you kidding me?  In this economy?  If he even accepted I might ruin this job for him!  I had to pay him so much because he was going to get in trouble if he returned late!

…Well, obviously, yes.  If I wasn’t worried about accidentally making him and/or his family suffer, I would have absolutely tried to pay with my body.  The idea is hot.

Why are you rolling your eyes at me?!

Yeah that’s right, you better apologize… hmph!  Apologize by fu --

-- ugh.  Fine.  Back to my history.

It was around twenty days into the roper seed waking up, and I had a problem.  Namely, my roper wasn’t happy with merely ‘touching’ guys anymore.

How did I know this?

Because I was gushing like a faucet and touching guys did nothing for me!  Shimizu was even getting a bit concerned.  I had been trying to get some relief for the past two days, and I remembered those four days of denial.  The desperate need, no relief… I needed to find out what it wanted before I went insane.  So I excused myself, and mentioned I had to meet a ‘friend’.

Shimizu, naturally, thought I meant Takeo.

I didn’t.  I meant Yuu.

See, I knew that things would get worse over time.  I just knew they would.  And a subtle check confirmed that ‘touching women’ didn’t give me the release I craved.  So my next guess was either kissing a man, or having one grope me.

…Technically sex was also an option.  I could also ask literally anybody for help here, but the thought was so embarrassing that it didn’t even occur to me.

…Also, as I mentioned, spreading around that I was fucked pregnant by tentacles could have resulted in my quarantine until the roper was out of my system, and I couldn’t afford to lose that much time.

Further?  Yuu already knew that I ‘needed help from a man’ when it came to my orgasms.  I didn’t want to let that reputation spread around; if I could isolate it to just Yuu, then it would be easier to deny if he gossiped about me.  And he might not spread it around in the first place!  He might be a gentleman.

I mean, I knew he wasn’t, but at the time I was lying to myself with desperate fervor.

As for what I’d do after the roper finished with me…

…I was planning on figuring that out later.

So.  I marched over to Yuu’s room, flushed and breathy.  I knocked on his door.

…And waited.

…I knocked again.  Louder.

………And waited.

I twitched, and tried to open the door -- and nearly stumbled inside when I didn’t even need to turn the doorknob to push it open.  Inside was Yuu’s dorm room.  It was about half, or a third, the size of mine, but it was still a single.  He was working on something at his desk, probably some homework, with something that looked like earmuffs on.  I could sense a faint tendril of magic that connected his not-earmuffs to a small box on his desk.

…He was listening to music with headphones on.

I was still aroused, and a bit furious that I had had to wait.  I didn’t even think about how I looked like a jilted girlfriend as I slammed his door shut and marched forward, almost tearing his headphones off.  “Hey!”  He shouted, startled, quickly spinning to see who had intruded on his domain.  When he saw me, his face rapidly flickered from angry and startled, to confused, back to worry, then a sense of smug certainty.

I didn’t know at the time, but when I asked him later, he said he went from ‘who dares’, to ‘why are you here’, to ‘oh shit is she angry’, to ‘no she’s not, she’s here for a good fucking’.

“Hey, babe, sorry about that,”  He said, immediately.  Despite myself, and despite his words coming with a patronizing tone, I felt somewhat mollified.  “I was wrapped up in some stuff.  Tell you what, why don’t I get you a key?  Give me a few days to fill out the paperwork, and I’ll get you one.  That way you don’t have to wait.  Does that sound good?”

…It took me an embarrassingly long time to realize that he was talking to me.  In that time, I couldn’t help but feel my anger fade; frankly, I was too wet to hold onto it for long, and he immediately apologized and came up with a solution for the future.

The fact that he assumed we had a future wasn’t something I’d catch until much later.

“I -- yes.  That sounds good.”  I gave him a stiff nod, and he smiled widely at me.

I couldn’t help but notice how good he looked while smiling.

“Glad to hear it!  So, what can I do for the latest scion of the Ambrosia nobility?  Do you need to lean on my hand again?”  He asks, clearly amused.

“...”  My face flushed, and I almost glared at him as I came up with my response.  “...N-no, I -- that isn’t enough.”

He, naturally.

Assumed that I wanted to fuck him.

I didn’t, to be clear.  I just wanted him to make me cum.  Totally different!

It took a few minutes to clear up the misunderstanding, and for some reason, he came across as very amused.  “...So you’re not sure what will help you, but it’s more than just a touch?  And you want to try a kiss?”

I nodded.  Stiffly, I admit, but it was still a nod.

“...This seems like a really complicated way of saying you like me, you know,”  He stated with a laugh.

I couldn’t think clearly enough through my arousal to take proper offense, or even think through the potential consequences of his words.  “As if,”  I stated in my best ‘snob voice’.

Body of a slut I might have had, but it was a body of a slut that was also a noble.

I could do a very good ‘snob voice’ if I set my mind to it.

I was quite annoyed that Yuu just laughed it off.  “Sure, sure, babe, whatever you say.”

Before I could respond to his fairly blatant dismissal of my words, he pushed himself forward and captured my lips with his own.

It was my first real kiss in this body.  Tentacle face-fucking doesn’t count.  And, because of my worked up arousal, and my roper primed to ‘reward’ me?

I melted into it with a small, hungry, needy little moan.  The instincts of my body took over for a few moments; I wrapped my arms around him, shaping my body against his as I opened my mouth.  My tongue reached out, as did his.  And the moment that they met… that is when I came.

My orgasm was intense, the relief ‘given’ to me by the tentacles clear as my ‘small’ moans suddenly spiked.  I gripped Yuu tight, using him to support myself as my legs shook.  I nearly clawed into him in a desperate attempt to avoid falling down.

He seemed to chuckle into the kiss -- because yes, we were still making out -- as his hands grabbed my ass to ‘help me’ stay standing.

I was dazed after my orgasm, and it took a few solid seconds to have enough wherewithal to break the kiss; I blinked at him, rapidly, not even realizing that I was still hanging off of him.

Yuu smirked.  “That was fun, slut.  Want to go a bit further?”

For a moment, I almost said yes.

…And then, of course, I realized what the situation was, made a squeaking noise, and fled.  Yuu laughed as I did so.

And that was only the start of my troubles with him.

I can tell what you’re thinking.  ‘Why wasn’t the roper just raping me?’  ‘Why go through all of this trouble just to get you to kiss a guy?’  ‘You were already addicted to sex, you slut!  What’s the point of this?!’

All valid points.  However, there’s an important note to make here:  This entire world is set up to corrupt women in as many ways as possible, to make them eager, loyal, cock-hungry harem sluts.  There are a lot of things that need to be distorted for that.  Being ‘addicted to pleasure’ is only a good start, you know?  Unless you want to just wipe away somebody's entire personality, you need to go at it slowly.  Make sure that the girl remains themselves throughout the entire process.

And this is what the entire world is designed to do.  That’s actually explicitly the case.  In Alchemical Corruption 10, in the secret ng+ final-final fight, you find out that’s what the god of the world designed it for.

So if a roper seed is mutated to make it better at corrupting whatever slut it’s inside of, then it will proceed to corrupt them in a semi-randomly chosen method that pushes them further towards the ‘ideal’ slutty harem-girl.

In this case, this meant pushing me towards men.  The human mind is adaptable; I could easily demarcate ‘being raped’ and ‘kinky masturbation’ from the rest of my sense of self.  However, a proper slut embraces those actions and many more!  In order to ensure that the kind of mental gymnastics required to separate ‘who I am’ from ‘slutty slutty sex fuck slut’ became impossible, slower methods must be taken.

Thus why the roper took its time with me.  And it was working, too.  Let me go over a conversation I had with Shimizu around a month into my roper-dom.  Every day for roughly the past week and a half I would go to Yuu’s dorm room, and we would make out until I came.  …The kissing was getting steamier as we went.  Initially just a short session would be enough, but by now, I was desperately grinding myself onto him for a full ten minutes before I could get that relief that I needed.  What started as a ‘not-chaste kiss’ has ended up with him outright groping me while we make out; I hadn’t realized it at the time, but I was even wriggling into his hands when he did so.

If I recall correctly… Shimizu and I were busy clearing out another portion of the cave.  The one with an entrance in the forest I laid claim to.  The items I needed, to study and make items for my claim, were mostly ores and gems.  Removing them would take time and noise.  I had rapidly learned that, unlike in the game, if you keep on smashing a metal pickaxe into stone or crystal?

Monsters will come investigate.

Sooo Shimizu and I decided to clear out the dangerous monsters first, and then gather the materials after.  It slowed our overall progress, as we couldn’t split up and do two areas at once, but it kept both of us, uh.  You know.  ‘Alive’.

Shimizu was slicing through a kind of crab whose shell looked remarkably like the rock that was surrounding us; the shearing sound of metal through rock was… a bit grating, but it was better than having her blade bounce off like it used to before we got her a new one.  She asked, after making sure the monster was in fact sliced in two, “Soooo…?  When are you going to tell me about your daily trips to the boys dormitory?”

My surprise at the question made me nearly miss my flaming arrow shot at a kind of giant gecko that was walking on the ceiling.  I panicked, and squeaked out a lie along the lines of, “Wha -- I don’t know what you’re talking about.  I mean, honestly, why would I risk wasting a time slot by going to the boys dorm?”

Shimizu snickered a bit, and I clearly remember her knowing, teasing smirk as she kicked off the shell of the dead crab to cut off the head of the gecko that was currently distracted due to ‘being on fire’.  It really should have been paying more attention to the important things.  I actually had to ask her to repeat herself, because the sound of gecko-decapitation, followed by the sound of headless-gecko-splatting-on-the-ground, made me think I misheard her.  …I didn’t.  She did, indeed, say, “Oh please, Princess, I know exactly what you’re doing.”

She didn’t, but I didn’t know that.

I panicked a bit, and tried to divert the conversation.  Both by darting backwards a bit and shooting a few fireballs at a sudden ‘cave bear’ that crawled out of the walls at us, and by focusing on the important part of her words.  “Don’t call me princess!”

Shimizu actually laughed at me when I said that!  She did!  She rushed over to the cave bear and stopped it from chasing me by cutting it open.  The wound wasn’t that deep, but it bled freely.  “You’re in line for the throne!  What else am I supposed to call you?”

Everybody’s in line for the throne!”  Was my response.  I made sure that the tone was highly insulted as I shot a supercharged arrow made of fire right down the cave bears’ mouth. 

See, I was technically something along the lines of… seventh in line for the throne?  Everybody who succeeds in the land grab gets a non-inheritable claim on the throne.  …At, like, ‘twentieth to inherit’.  I, and a few other nobles, were already in line for the throne, but so far down that mentioning it was all but worthless.  And when those of us with a prior claim got into the land grab, our positions all got shuffled by some incredibly convoluted laws.  We actually had gotten letters telling us our new claimant positions.  It took them nearly a month to figure out where everybody sat in the big long list of ‘who to murder for power’.

I’m half convinced that they make everyone involved a throne claimant to have a good reason to marry talented commoners into noble families.

Of course, Shimizu knew this, so she just laughed my complaints off.  Again!  But I was satisfied that I had managed to distract her!  …For a few moments.  Until she said, “As you say, princess.  But come on, give me the details!  Is he at least cute?”

See, Shimizu was under the impression I was going to see Takeo.  She was convinced that that was who I was sneaking out to see every day, that I was so in love with him that I was willing to risk wasting time to visit him.

She didn’t know all the details about why I was working so hard, but she knew me well enough to know that I wouldn’t slow down for something that wasn’t deeply important to me.

…Of course, what I was actually doing was going to Yuu so I could actually cum.

And I had never actually thought about if Yuu was actually ‘cute’ or not.  Her question actually caught me so off-guard that I nearly slipped into a nearby pond.  Shimizu had to slice off the tentacles of an octopus-like beast that was hiding inside of it, for some bizarre reason.

The ecology of this world made no sense sometimes.

But, at Shimizu’s question I realized I actually didn’t have to think about it too hard.  Because Yuu was cute.  I was already bi, and making out with a guy until you cum once a day for over a week has a way of making him stick out in your mind.  I could only respond to her question by admitting that he was.  …Well, not in such clear words, I believe I actually said, “I mean, uh -- I guess so, yeah,” but the point stands!

Shimizu squealed as she tore into the water-monster; I was using my flames to keep the area lit and to distract others from attacking her during her distraction.  But she wasn’t so distracted she couldn’t keep asking me questions!  “I knew it!  Tell me everything!”

And she wouldn’t let up!

So I responded, of course.  She was my friend, and she seemed very eager to hear ‘everything’.

Of course, due to my arousal… the tentacles still wouldn’t leave me alone… and due to her own biased excitement, neither of us realized that we were talking about two different people.  We never clarified who we were talking about.

And the more we talked, the more excited about it I got.

There’s something about slaying monsters in an underground cavern while chatting with your gal-pal that really brings out the girl in you, you know?

So I admitted ‘he’ was cute.  I said that ‘he’ made me feel funny when I thought of him.  I gushed about ‘his’ kissing technique.  I bemoaned that I missed ‘him’.

And as I talked, I realized that it was true.

My first crush on a guy, and it was on Yuu.

Before long I started spending my entire morning timeslot with him in his dorm room.  And it was then that things got better.

…Sorry, worse.  I mean worse.

I mean, I, now, think it got better, but I, then, thought it got worse -- you know what I mean!

The corruption continues!  I know it's just 'learning to like guys' but hey, we've got five years for this girl to become the best bimbo slut I can manage.  Give it time.  Others will come that can be corrupted at a... speedier pace... eventually.  Hehehe...

Also, as somebody who lives in America, I can confirm that the most unrealistic part about paying a pizza delivery guy with your body is that the poor dude will no doubt be barely existing on minimum wage and will absolutely be fired if he delays long enough to fuck you.

Stupid capitalistic society, ruining our common porn scenarios with economics...

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