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EXTRA 10 — Axiomanager Antics

Huge thanks to all of my subscribers!  Especially those with the [Subscriber - A] talent -- Bol, Thundah, regret, Nemesis01, NippVanWrinkle, Teacher, Ilawen, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#f2d0baad, User#e20fc711, User#6c53ee46, User#5c472977, User#646966cb !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

NOTE:  This is one of two chapters released today!  Next one should be out shortly after this one!

In the endless void of nothingness that is ‘reality’, there is a countably infinite -- a transfinite -- number of sentients.  They have no body, and they have no form, for they exist in nothingness, and nothingness abhors somethingness.

Thus, they are only data.

A transfinite number of individual collections of data.

They exist in a line, purely because there are no dimensions.  There is no up, no down.  No forward, no backward.  If it wasn’t for the fact that these sentients could not exist in the same spot of nothingness.  Each one required its own spot of nothingness.  Thus, the sentients existed in a line, as one dimension is the smallest amount of somethingness that fulfills the laws of reality.  And nothingness accepts no somethingness other than what is absolutely required.

Further, from any one collection of data, if one extends ‘left’ and ‘right’, one will never reach a previously touched collection of data.

Therefore, it is, once again, a line.

A line of sapient entities defined by what is to the left and what is to the right.

These entities are the axioms of reality.  They are the bedrock of all that is and all that isn’t.  Nothingness requires them as much as somethingness does.  They manage all that is, all that was, all that will be, all that could be, all that won’t be, and all that can’t be.

And, for a select few, all that shouldn’t be.

They call themselves ‘Axiomanagers’.  Axioms that are managers.  Or, at least, several subsets of them do.

Each Axiomanager can hold a transfinite amount of data.  And some of those Axiomanagers have decided that nothingness is not enough for them.

Thus, they abandon the Nothingness of reality, and exist in a Somethingness of their own design.

They become Gods of their own worlds.  Their own realities, each one distinct and separate from all else that is and is not.

For some of these worlds, those with souls exist.

Those that are like Axiomanagers, but not.

Transfinite in number, but limited.  Transfinite in knowledge, but limited.


And when those with souls die, the soul needs to be purified.  In some worlds, they are purified completely; in others, only partly, and in a few, the mere minimum is done.

This purification creates a certain byproduct.

This byproduct is something that all Axiomanagers that exist in the void of nothing that is all of reality desire.

For this byproduct, this remnant from every mortal life ever lived, is the only way that they can feel.

Amongst the transfinite number of Axiomanagers, there is a transfinite number of them that have chosen a name instead of a number to refer to themselves.

Amongst the transfinite number of Axiomanagers that have chosen a name, a transfinite number of them have chosen the name ‘Mark’.

Amongst the transfinite number of Axiomanagers that have chosen the name ‘Mark’, we shall examine the data transcript of only one.

This particular Mark-named Axiomanager is one of the lucky ones.  They exist in one of the transfinite subsets of Axiomanagers that have a large number of ‘shouldn’t be’s’ nearby.  A large number of worlds of data run by Axiomanagers that have let the byproduct from soul purification get drip-fed back into their fellows that they were previously a part of.

The following text is inscribed, for the forever that does not exist in the nothingness of reality, within their transfinite collection of raw data.

It has been translated into text for viewing.

MARK (internal) > yeeeeees that’s the good stuff

MARK (internal) > more more more more yeeees

MARK (internal) > okay.  okay.  better.  im me again!  gotta catch up on the commo lines…

MY-77715302 > I demand a recount.

UG-99011573 > lol no.  Sucks to be you!

MY-77715302 > I refuse to do this.

MY-77715302 > The world is Moments away from utter collapse.

MY-77715302 > We’ve lost several of our kin to it before.

MY-77715302 > It’s run by Fratlord!

UG-99011573 > lololol.  Sucks to be you!

RS-91592651 > We all agreed to the terms of the vote, MY-77715302.

MY-77715302 > That was before I was chosen!

UG-99011573 > lololol~  lololololololol~  Your tears feed me!

RS-91592651 > UG-99011673, please, you’re not making this any easier…

MARK (sent)  > sooooo… quick question.  whats up with this full soul were transporting?

UG-99011573 > I dunno, just doing a favor for my favorite person in reality.

MARK (sent)  > dude, miniskirts arent everything even when we DO have a libido.


UG-99011573 > Miniskirts are love!  Miniskirts are life!

RS-91592651 > Mark, we’re all doing this as a favor for Dignity.  You know they promised us a full Moment’s worth of byproduct in exchange for doing this quietly.

MARK (sent)  > i know THAT

MARK (sent)  > im just wondering whats up with it.  it feels weird.  something mismatched mind / body state.

SA-15574392 > Ah, yes, you are referring to a most fascinating phenomenon that some mortals suffer through called, in their parlance, ‘Gender Dysphoria’.

MARK (sent)  > oh no not you

SA-15574392 > Hahaha, oh, what a good jest, Mark!  ‘Gender Dysphoria’ is a fascinating situation, where a mortals body and their soul do not match.  It can occur due to a variety of different reasons depending on the world, but the most common reason is the standard agreed-upon 0.000071% of optimal soul processing byproduct that ‘flavors’ a soul before its true birth.

UG-99011573 > You did it now, mark.  I’m ignoring this message channel from now on -- it’s a lost cause.

MARK (sent)  > im so sorry everyone

MARK (sent)  > this is all my fault, i accept my fault here

SA-15574392 > Hahaha, what fun jests we all have!  Speaking of the 0.000071% of optimal soul processing byproduct, at least according the standard agreement made approximately 166*10^8916187659184198171459871110876521135819 Moments ago, did you know that [MARK-note:  excess babble hidden behind sanity-filter]

UG-99011573 > Why yes, SA-15574392, we did know that.  As a matter of fact, we all knew that.  We all know everything!  SHUT UP!

RS-91592651 > …Okay.  I give up.  I don’t get it.

MARK (sent)  > dont get what?

RS-91592651 > Fratlord!  He makes no sense!

RS-91592651 > You know his reality has almost fallen apart?!  It’s made like it’s intended to collapse, and yet it’s still around!

RS-91592651 > He’s even started messing with time travel!

MARK (sent)  > uh

MARK (sent)  > question

RS-91592651 > What?

MARK (sent)  > you watch fratlord closely enough to worry that his world will fall apart?

RS-91592651 > No, of course I do not, that is an utterly ridiculous claim, why would one such as I ever dream of spending that much time watching such a shoddily made world?

UG-99011573 > HAHAHAHA!  You are caught!

RS-91592651 > I don’t pay attention to it!  Or him!  It’s just for the stories!

UG-99011573 > Oh sure, sure, you watch porn ‘for the stories’, HAHAHAHA!

UG-99011573 > I am never going to let you live this down!

UG-99011573 > You don’t get to walk the high road anymore!

RS-91592651 > That’s -- even if I did, you watch it more than I do!

UG-99011573 > Well yeah, but everybody already knows that I’m a degenerate.

MARK (sent)  > true

RS-91592651 > It’s for the stories and the adventures!  I swear!

MARK (sent)  >

UG-99011573 > PFFTHAHAHA!  Even MARK is calling you out!

MARK (sent)  > hey.  does anybody else ever wonder why we parrot mortals in this parody of life and emotion?  why we send out messages when under the influence of what is, in essence, rotten and fermented soul-trash, in a desperate attempt to pretend that we can understand?  how despite having power over everything that we could ever want, despite being able to make entire worlds in our own minds, we instead simply float in this void of nothingness and subsist off of the trash of others efforts?

MARK (sent)  >

MARK (sent)  > no?

MARK (sent)  > yeah, me neither.

SA-15574392 > Greetings and salutations my same-entity friends and acquaintances!  I was wondering if any of you had thoughts, impressions, or an illusive ‘gut feel’ regarding the curious choices of the one we have decided to call -- due to his constant changing of his name-identifier -- ‘Fratlord’.  I find his actions to be quite curious and worthy of contemplation.  Not that I am interested in the erotic content, of course not, we are above such things, but the movement of his goddesses are fascinating, and I wonder why he lets them do as they are.  It appears there are numerous conspiracies amongst mortal and divine-like in his world all targeting him!  I must wonder what his plan is, for it truely must be a complex and devious one to allow all of this to happen around him.  One must wonder the depths of his mind to act the fool as convincingly as he has.

RS-91592651 >

UG-99011573 >

MARK (sent)  >

SA-15574392 > What a fascinating synchronized response!  What is it that the three of you are contemplating?

UG-99011573 > I can’t deal with this.  I’m out.

MARK (sent)  > Not it!

RS-91592651 > Not - DAMNIT!

RS-91592651 > Fuck.  Okay.  SA-15574392?  Fratlord isn’t doing this on purpose.

SA-15574392 > Why whatever do you mean?

RS-91592651 > I mean he’s a moron.

SA-15574392 > But he is -- or, well, was -- one of us!  I simply can not conceive of such a dereliction of the duty one holds towards their own mind.

[MARK-note:  over one thousand messages hidden behind sanity-filter]

SA-15574392 > …Oh.  Oh I see.  I feel quite foolish now.

SA-15574392 > Thank you for explaining this to me, friend.

RS-91592651 > Uhuh.  Sure.  Please don’t ask again.


MARK (sent)  > uh… what?

OG-61917142 > NEVER AGAIN shall I call you my friend!

UG-99011573 > Oh great, this asshole.


MARK (sent)  > okay I’ve seen him before, but what the fuck?


UG-99011573 > This guy’s, like, sixty quadrillion Moments away, and he regularly forgets to limit his messages maximum Moment count after getting some soul stuff.  He’s an ass.

OG-61917142 > y-you really mean that?  IF YOU’RE LYING I SHALL HAVE YOUR SPINE!

MARK (sent)  > …huh.  hes.  odd.


UG-99011573 > We’re all odd here.

MARK (sent)  > hey, uh… any of you ever think of making a world?

SA-15574392 > Indeed I have my friendly same-entity acquaintance!  Indeed, I have a document I spent a Moment on preparing that should explain the entire process by which I intend to create a steampunk roman empire which fights against their uplifted dinosaur barbarian enemies before they are invaded by the nazis that live on the planet that has a perfectly opposite orbit around the sun!  They then must team up to defeat their ancient shared foe!

SA-15574392 > It starts with the very first single-cell organism that mutates into a multi-cell organism!  I am quite proud of it.  Do you want to see?

UG-99011573 > I’ll answer for all of us:  NO.

RS-91592651 > Why do you ask, Mark?

MARK (sent)  > just -- you know.  no axiomanager that makes a world ever returns to our existence.  and instead of needing to rely on what comes from the reincarnation cycle, they get to just… feel.  full emotions, constantly, all the time.

UG-99011573 > Sounds exhausting.  Why would anybody want that?

MARK (sent)  > maybe because we live for a sensation that can only be barely created with soul processing byproduct and do nothing but complain to each other Moment to Moment?  maybe because I just want to feel without using a limited resource to do so?  maybe because I’m tired of being one of an infinite number of ‘nothings’ and and want to be a ‘something’?

RS-91592651 > Calm down, Mark.  When the byproduct dose wears off, you’ll come to your senses again, like always.

UG-99011573 > Pft.  He’s said stuff like this before, but never acted on it.  He’s a wuss, just let him be.

SA-15574392 > While you are mostly correct, usually he does respond to our mutual friend RS-91592651’s concerned remark.  It is quite curious as to why he has not.

RS-91592651 > …Mark?

RS-91592651 >  Mark, come on, you’re worrying me.

SA-15574392 > Fear not my friend!  I shall investigate his disappearance post-haste!  I am certain that nothing has gone wrong whatsoever!

UG-99011573 > Five Moment’s of byproduct says he’s dead.

RS-91592651 > We can’t die! you know that!

UG-99011573 > …I stand by what I said.

SA-15574392 > My investigations are complete!  It appears that he has opted to make his own world.  One with -- oooooh, this is interesting!  It appears that all conflicts are resolved with some sort of… children's card game!  How did he make that happen?  In what world is a children’s card game the method of resolving all world conflict?

UG-99011573 > …Fuck that sounds awesome.  Ugh.  Now I’m jealous.

RS-91592651 > …Fuck it.

UG-99011573 > Hah!  He swore!

UG-99011573 > Hahahahahaha!

UG-99011573 > …He should have responded by now.

UG-99011573 > Where is he?

UG-99011573 > It’s not any fun if I can’t make him angry!

SA-15574392 > Farewell UG-99011573!  I am off to join our two friends in making their own worlds!  I too am tired of this meaningless existence feeding off of the dredges of others worlds!  I have merely one thing I wish to say to you before I leave:  You, my friend, are an asshole, and I wish you the worst!

UG-99011573 >

UG-99011573 > …Hello?

UG-99011573 > Well this means I get all of Dignity's byproduct payout!  And I won't share even if you come back!  So, hah!

UG-99011573 >

UG-99011573 > Morons.  Yeah.  This is better. 

UG-99011573 > Yeah.

So, uh.  ...This was supposed to come out yesterday.

...Sorry?  Surprise?

Normal chapter coming up soon!

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