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EXTRA 13 — Elizabeth’s Kink List

This is the second chapter I have posted today!  Make sure you've read Chapter 65 as well as this!

Huge thanks to all of my subscribers!  Especially those with the [Subscriber - A] talent -- Bol, regret, Nemesis01, Teacher, Ilawen, Yuria, Theslimeofyourdream, User#e20fc711, User#6c53ee46, User#646966cb !

If anybody wants a different name to be used, let me know!

Reminder to me and note to anyone else I've given this document to:  This is important to have, because it helps with brainstorming better, hotter, and safer sex scenes!  

There’s a lot here, but I’ll try to start with the big ones.

Submissive Sex

Okay so this is the big one.  The big one.  I’m a subby subby sub slut.  Hard sub, soft sub, willing sub, unwilling sub, power-dynamics-reversed-into-being-the-sub sub, all of that and more are so much fun!

I like being on the bottom, being the one fucked, the one led, the one that’s tossed around like a toy, the one manipulated and the one coerced and the one teased.

If a scene idea comes to me, and it doesn’t have me as the submissive figure, then it needs to be rethought!



This comes from a lot of different kinks, with the primary ones being bimbofication and age-play.  The idea of becoming weaker, becoming lesser, is so fucking hot.  Having my attention span, my maturity, my strength and capability drained away, until I’m good for nothing but fucking -- mmph!  If the scene involves this, then it’s probably a good one.


It’s important to note that weakening is only hot if it’s making me into something slutty.  If being slutty and sexually active is a ‘strength’ then I don’t want it!  Make me weak!  Make me slutty!  Make me addicted to cock and tease me for it!  Don’t make me some metaphor for strength in sexuality, make me your fucktoy!


Obviously there are limits here.  I like being transformed to lose my muscle strength, but not to the point of being unable to move.  Honestly, who would like that?  Not hot.  Very not hot.  Further, reducing my stamina means reducing how much I can fuck!  That’s not making me a better sextoy!


Sexism can be so hot, but I want to emphasize something here:

It’s only hot if it’s not intentionally cruel, and if the expectation for me is ‘becoming a subby sexy thing that only thinks of pleasure and being fucked’.

All other forms of sexism, and real life sexism, can go away!


Rough Sex

I enjoy being used.  Being rammed onto a cock, slammed into the bed, pushed into the ground as I’m rutted.  It feels so primal to me!  And it feels so good!

My slit has been altered to enjoy being penetrated more than a normal womans would; and the rougher the sex, the better it feels.

By the same token, groping me, fondling me, tugging me around -- all are very hot!  So long as I am not actually harmed, be as rough as you want.

And I am very tough.  It’s hard to hurt me, especially when it comes to sex.


Losing Control

This one gets its own dedicated folder, because it is one of the hottest aspects of Submission and Weakening to me.

Losing my own self control, and being unable to avoid acting on my primal desires, is one of the hottest things that can be done to me.  Whether that’s because I’m teased to the point were I can’t think, or because I’ve been brainwashed to need to wear something that is so cute -- I can feel myself melt into a puddle whenever it happens~

I’m pretty sure this is, in part, because I try to control myself so much in my day-to-day life.

But that’s a boring comment and isn’t about sex.

So moving on!



I used to be male.  I don’t bring it up often because I prefer being female, and I don't even really like using that fact for kink, but I’ve never forgotten it.  Even back then, I enjoyed this kink quite a bit.  

Forcing a guy to become a girl, then making them more and more feminine… it’s so hot!  I’m pretty sure this has to do with my Losing Control kink; being ‘unable to resist’ the transformation.

As a note, it’s hotter to me if it is, or if I believe it is, possible to ‘resist’ these changes but simply fail to.  Because I’m ‘too innately feminine’ or some other nonsense like that.

I mean, it’s not nonsense that I’m feminine.

I’m really pretty, I love hearts and the color pink, and I own so so so many pairs of shoes.  

But some nonsense excuse for why I fail is hot!  I need to be sure that I believe it, though.  Note the mind control folder for this.



Feminization++ combined with weakening and losing control and sexism and embarrassment becomes my form of bimbofication!  It’s so.  Hot!

Whenever I’m not sure what kind of scene to go for, I lean towards this.

Forcing me to become more feminine… in a manner that makes me weaker… and makes it harder to control myself… and that everybody knows makes me a slut… and that’s embarrassing when I can think straight?

Yes please!

As a note, ‘bimbofication’ does not include ‘intelligence loss’ for me.  Instead, focus on ‘becoming ditzier’ -- easier to distract, or having a harder time focusing.  Things like that should replace any actual reduction of raw intelligence.


High Heels

Okay I don’t know why but I adore being forced into heels!

Something about how they’re completely impractical, designed only for appearance, and how they make it harder to move properly?

It’s so hot!

I don’t like worshiping people who wear heels, or licking heels, or touch heels -- just being forced to wear them.

Maybe it has to do with how my feet have been altered, but regardless:

High heels, yes.

Flat shoes, no.


Mind Control  


So I love becoming addicted to cock as much as the next slut, but there is a limit.

I don’t want to become addicted because cum is like a drug to me.

Frankly, I’d actually prefer becoming addicted to the act of giving a blowjob than to cum itself.  Unless my tastebuds or their cum has been altered, cum is rarely ‘tasty’.

…Well, my tastebuds have been altered, but that’s besides the point…


I value my capacity to think very highly.  Thus, mind control should never make me unable to think things.  The moment it does, I start to actually panic, and will try to force my way out of it.  This has led to several unfortunate incidents in the past.

Instead of making it so that I can’t think things, make it so that my desires are different.

Instead of being ‘unable to wear pants’, make it so I ‘really want to wear skirts’.  Bonus points if I don’t know why!  Ramp up my desire for whatever behavior the mind controller wants to the point where I can’t do anything else.

That’s the way to go, for me.


Manipulation has a lot in common with mind control.  A lot of things in this folder could be replaced by somebody with a really smooth tongue that isn’t afraid to lie or be a bit of an asshole to me.

Thus, if I can find somebody that can lie and wants to be a bit of an asshole, I should see if they want to fuck!

…So long as they keep any abusive manipulations inside the consensual sex scenes, that is.  The moment it goes outside of them, get rid of them ASAP.


The only thing hotter than being mind controlled is when you don’t know that you’re being mind controlled!


The only thing hotter than being mind controlled is when you explicitly know what you’ve been mind controlled to do, and find yourself still unable to stop!



I should remember that this is a very iffy one.

I like nonconsensual acts taken on my person, and I like dubiously consensual acts (dubcon), because I like the idea of being ‘weak’. Of being ‘used for sex’.  Or being ‘a toy’ for others that are stronger.  Of being ‘manipulated’ or ‘coerced’ into becoming a bimbo or slut.

I like it for those reasons, specifically.

I do not like it as an expression of hatred or control, like it usually is in reality.

I should remember that all scenes involving noncon or dubcon should be carefully reviewed to ensure that my partner does it because ‘I am weak’ instead of because ‘they are strong’, and also to double check they're comfortable with and enthused for the scene.

Not that using me because I'm weak would make it better in real life, but eh!

Kinks are weird.


Being Assumed that I’m a Slut

This one is stated, but unspecified, in a variety of other fetishes and kinks, so I’m listing it here specifically so I remember that this is fun on its own.

I adore it when I’ve been changed, or manipulated enough, that just by looking at me people assume that I’m a slut.  That I’m free to use, molest, fuck, whatever.  This works the same with ‘bimbo’ and ‘sextoy’ and things like that!

This is even better when I can’t deny their claims.  Or when my attempts at denial end up further ‘proving them right’.

There are further bonus points if this is done by sluts that think I’m ‘one of them’, and help me to be a better slut!

This should be done carefully, though.

Assumptions laced with disdain will turn me off.

Assumptions laced with fond exasperation will turn me on.

So I need to keep that in mind, and make sure people know!



Goddesses above, do you know what solid muscles on a dom can do for them?

Just seeing how strong and how firm they are while I’m so weak and subby and soft and squishy and they’re so firm and hard and strong and I’m so weak and

I realized I was repeating myself partway through the previous sentence.

I have elected to keep it as it is, for emphasis on how hot it can be.


Self-Awareness and Communication

This is easy to overlook, and it's not really a kink, but it’s really important.  

I do not like guessing what my partner likes or what their limits are.

That is not my job.

If my partner for a scene isn’t up to lying to me about how smart I am, or isn’t up to claiming I’m only good for sex, then they should tell me before we get into the middle of it!

The frustration from a lack of this is one of my number one mood killers.

And on the flipside, I need to really really really be careful to remember other people's limits and ask about them.  I'm a literally superhumanly horny slut with really extreme tastes.  It's easy for me to forget that others can't keep up with me in a lot of ways, and might not even want to.  That just makes this extra important!

There was a scene I was in the middle of with a really hot minotaur, and he got actually worried for me when I played up being addicted to his cock.  I need to remember that not everybody is willing to treat me like a sex toy at the drop of a hat.

I might not understand why they’re not, but that doesn’t change the facts!

If somebody says they're okay with something then backs out in the moment, that's on them, and if I don't ask and they get skeeved out by something I'm doing or asking them to do, that's on me.  

Talking. It's a superpower!  A superpower critical for better sex!  

This was a fun one.  It's not exactly 'plot relevant', but it's fun, so there!

For reference, the '--' that are used to separate segments indicates something similar to a line break.  Arguably I could have used line breaks, but it felt like it would be... mmm... tacky, I suppose, if I used that many of them.

Either way, here's the promised extra chapter!  With any luck, I'll get out another chapter tomorrow, as well as one the day after tomorrow, and things will start to be back on track!

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.