Celebrity Lady

Chapter 73

… What’s this atmosphere?

For some reason, it wouldn’t seem awkward even if we naturally kissed in the next scene.

I was in agony in an instant, but Lark grinned, straightened his body, and took several steps back. Then, he tapped his foot on the floor a couple of times.

“Oh, my.”

Then a rose bloomed like a lie. The red rose, which was not in season and could not be found in flower shops, was precisely like the one given to me seven years ago.

Lark bent down, lightly broke the stem, “Here’s a present,” and held out the rose flower with a mischievous smile.

I stared blankly at his face and the flower, then accepted it while slightly averting my eyes.

“Thank you. You’re still such a player.”


“Aren’t you going to say something next? Like it matches my hair color or something?”

“Ohoo, you called me a player because you were upset? Why don’t you call it the sincerity of an innocent twelve-year-old boy?”

“Well, let’s say so.”

“Ruby,” the mischievous Lark called me solemnly at that moment.


“Can I ask you something?” He bent down again and smiled close to me. His eyes were bent, and his mouth slowly drew an arc.

I answered again, looking at the air, pretending not to notice, “Sure. What is it?”

“You said before that you didn’t want to date me.”

“Oh my, when did I say that? If I have to argue, it’s not that I don’t want to, but I can’t.”

“Well, that’s what it is then. You can’t because I’m the crown prince.”

“What’s the difference?”

“You know what.” Lark tilted his head slightly and added, “As long as I don’t have to get married five times, can I be your lover?”


Gulp, I was so nervous that my saliva went dry.

“Why do you ask me this?”

“No reason.” Lark shrugged. Unlike me, who was taken aback by the strange question, he was calm. His face was still handsome, his voice still languid, and his expression still sly even in this atmosphere.

I said, trying to be as oblivious as possible, “Well, I guess? I mean, since that’s why I drew a line in the first place?”

“All right. That’s enough.” Lark smiled brightly at the affirmative answer. I stared at that face.

The dark sunset behind his smile was breathtaking.

“Shall we go now?” He held out his hand to me like an escort.

I was confused about whether it was the setting sun or his smiling face that was more beautiful.

“I’ll take you home.”


I couldn’t help but laugh and put my hand on top of his at the exact same words as seven years ago.



After taking Rubette back to Lubon, inside the carriage going back to the imperial palace.

While looking out at the passing scenery outside, Lark quietly raised his hand and looked down. It was the hand that had been held all day long.

‘It was… pretty impure, wasn’t it?’

He honestly couldn’t say that he held her hand with the thought of a pure brother who was escorting his sister around like seven years ago.

“Haha…” Embarrassed, Lark burst into laughter for no reason.

“You look good.”

A sullen voice came from the side. Its source was so large that the magnificent carriage felt cramped. This impressive man with gray hair and bronze skin was Landian, Lark’s spirit.

He said with a very uncomfortable expression, “You scoundrel, how long are you going to treat me like a gardener?”


“A few days ago, you told me to plant trees here and there, but today you told me to plant flowers again?”

“You’ve been bored. Your ability won’t rust if I use it like this,” Lark said playfully, leaning back with both hands on the back of his head.

Landian laughed, dumbfounded, then turned his head to the window opposite him and muttered, “You seem like a different person these days.”


“You were caught by the emperor and got in trouble. How many imperial laws have already been violated because of that lady, and instead of working, you’re playing around like this…”

Does he not like it? Lark shrugged. “Well, I’ve been doing that lately.”

“Ah, don’t get me wrong. I’m saying you look good.” Landian looked back at Lark and smiled. “You seem to be living a more humane life than before. I like it.”

“It was hard the first time I was away from work. But it was easy from the second time.”

“So you’re going to do it again? Do you really intend to do her a favor?”

“Favor? Ah…” Lark chuckled and looked out the window again and thought of Rubette.

Before their separation, there was a request that she, who was cheeky but he couldn’t hate, took out with an insidious merchant look. The gift of the watch and clothes and the viewing of the festival together were all ulterior motives.

“That’s too much, really.” But contrary to his words, Lark’s expression when he remembered Rubette was full of laughter. “Of course I have to. What else can I do? Who made her ask?”

“Wouldn’t this one be a bit bigger? Perhaps the emperor will go into a rage.”

“Well, I can’t help it.”

Landian’s eyes widened in surprise at Lark’s insignificant reaction.

I thought he would be a bit hesitant…

“My contractor got involved with a very dangerous young lady. At this rate, you will even remove your liver and gallbladder.”

“Yes, she’s a very dangerous woman.”

In many ways. Even holding a big secret of having a contract with a dangerous spirit.

Lark suddenly remembered, “Come to think of it, you didn’t say anything because it was taboo, but you must’ve known that the princess was Vista’s contractor.”

Since spirits could communicate with each other at the Fountain of Spirits, there were no secrets. Perhaps Landian knew about Rubette’s circumstances. However, since strict taboos existed in their world, they did not readily reveal the secrets of other spirits.

“Vista, is it…?” For some reason, Landian smirked and tilted his head slyly.

“What? What’s that response?”

“Well, she’s definitely a dangerous lady, but you need her more than anyone else. It’s a big trouble if she gets caught and sealed, so please protect her.”

Lark, who had been watching Landian’s expression with puzzled eyes, muttered quietly, “I need…”

Having Vista’s contractor on my side is undoubtedly a huge boon, but…

“Well, I don’t think it matters now whether she has Vista.”

“What do you mean?”

Lark shrugged and added, “The thought I had to keep her by my side out of necessity already passed a long time ago.”

“…” Landian’s, who had been staring at Lark with his eyes narrowed, mouth slowly opened. Soon he shook his head with a frown and murmured, “You fell for her. You really did…”


A few days after that.

In a photo studio painstakingly set up on the second basement floor of Lubon’s villa for this day.

A phrase to be used as a substitute for subtitles was written nicely on the white-painted inner wall.

His luxurious secret—

Standing with my back to the wall, I slowly walked forward, looking at the video equipment placed at various angles one at a time.

It’d been a while since I’d been a model walking on set, but I was used to it because it’d been my lifetime job.

I walked out to the end and said with a smile.

“You smiled haughtily here. And-” Looking straight at the video stone on the left, I said the dialogue, “In the winter of Blanc de Ruby.”

Hit, turn.

I put my hands in the pockets of my suit pants and turned around to show my back, and then I looked back. “How about it? It’s not hard, is it?”

Lark was also in the studio.

My angel and my light, who listened to my request to model without hesitation!

“… Princess.” Lark, who was blankly watching my demonstration, blinked a couple of times.

“Yes. Which one do you think is hard?”

“No, it’s not that… Where the hell did you learn this? That’s amazing.”

“Fufu, what’s so hard about this? This is easier than eating cold soup. Now, give it a try.”


A bit hesitant as if he was embarrassed, Lark soon walked over to me on the spot.


As he got closer, he turned with an arrogant smile on the corner of his mouth as ordered.

‘W-What is this?’

Tall, close to 190. His broad shoulders and fabulous, straight legs. The God-sent inverted triangle body proportion. His physicality would shine even if he wore a straw mat, but it was blinding to see him wearing a luxurious black suit and walking like a veteran model.

My mouth, which had been hardened as it was, slowly opened.

‘Why are you better than me?’

It turns out that Lark could match a model-turned-Hollywood star…

“What do you think? Is this okay? Should I loosen up the cravat a little bit, too?”


“…Why? You don’t like it? Where should I fix it?” Lark asked worriedly as if my silent reaction was embarrassing.

I blinked, stared at him for a while, and then slowly shook my head.

“No… You’re just so perfect and handsome that I’m at a loss for words. There’s nothing to fix. You can do it like that, and I think the gesture of releasing the cravat would be perfect.”

I thought I was a genius, but I guessed this wide, wide world was full of talented people.

Like our exclusive model, Sarah, and Lark, who seems to have had nothing he couldn’t do since he was born…

Excited, I quickly tried to put Lark in the video area but hesitated.

“Um, by the way, Your Highness.”


“You know… I appreciate your favor, but will it be okay?”


“It’s a bit late for me to say these things now, but I thought it would be too much of a burden to Your Highness. There’s also your image…”

The one currently modeling for clothes in the dressing room was the empire’s crown prince, Lark.

The promotional video would appear on the video board of the boutique street, so his face would be sold to the neighborhood.

‘It’s definitely a little shameless, right?’

When I first tried to use Lark as a model, I wasn’t perturbed because I had a thorough business mindset…

“Didn’t you say His Majesty was strict? Won’t you get scolded again if you film something like this?”

“It’s fine.” Unlike me, who was worried, Lark smiled casually.

“Don’t just blindly say it’s fine. If there’s something that bothers you, you don’t have to…”

“I know what you’re worried about, but it’s really fine. I didn’t do it simply because it was your request. I’m also trying to make a profit here.”

“… Profit? How?”

“Honestly, shouldn’t I have some fun, too? You’re my benefactor, but I’m also a human being, so I can’t just do things that cost me, right?” Lark raised one eyebrow and smiled.

At his expression of wanting something, I became happy because that’s what I wanted.

It was uncomfortable to keep asking for favors after only helping a few times…

“Oh, my! Of course!”

I rubbed my hands together like Lark’s loyalist.

“What and how do you want to benefit… If it’s a model fee, I’ll take care of it very generously.”

“Hahahaha…!” Lark, laughing at my playful tone, shook his head and said, “I have enough money.”

“Then what do you want? Just say it. I’ll listen to anything.”

Lark said with a grin, “Please lend me your lips.”

“… What?”

“Why, don’t you like it?”

No, that’s a bit…

Embarrassed, I immediately took a few steps back as if running away, holding my lips tightly.


Lark, who had been watching me in curiosity, grabbed his forehead and burst into laughter.

“Hey, I didn’t mean that.”

… Ah?

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