Celestial Master of the Whole People: My Golden Light Mantra Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 291

291 1 Step Late

“Where are you holy?”

King Kong Corpse was really frightened.

She stayed in the human world for more than half a year, and directly advanced from the realm equivalent to Mao Zong (Heavenly Master) to the realm equivalent to Feizong (Great Heavenly Master).

Moreover, it is still a 7-star flying zombie, and it will take another year at most to advance to the corpse king realm.

Such a huge progress proves that the talent of King Kong Corpse is very powerful.

but now.

Facing a “little zombie” that is only equivalent to the earth division realm, she actually had a fatal crisis.


The corpse of King Kong looked at Ma Linger’s figure with split eyes. After screaming in horror, she completely gave up the idea of fighting with Ma Linger here. Qi gushed out directly from her body, bringing gusts of gloomy wind and flying away in the direction away from Ma Linger.

Yes, just fly away.

Although Ma Linger’s “Nine Five Seven” has the strength to rival the Great Celestial Master under the blessing of the zombie state, after all, she is only in the realm of the Earth Master.


She still can’t fly.


Flying away is the best way for a corpse to escape.

“Boom” sound.

The ground was trampled down by the impatient King Kong corpse, and the body of the King Kong corpse rose into the sky. From a distance, only a huge cloudy wind could be seen drifting into the distance.

And just when the corpse of King Kong turned into a cloud of yin wind and drifted into the distance, “Woo~~” a roar of dragon with a violent breath resounded.

the next moment.

A gray “Dragon?” full of corpse aura emerged from the void.

The first time the gray dragon appeared, it opened its mouth, revealing two zombie fangs, and looked in the direction the King Kong corpse fled.


Another manic roar spread, and the gray dragon rose into the sky, under the control of Ma Linger, followed the figure of the corpse of King Kong.


The gray dragon is flying too fast.

Almost there, I am afraid that even Zhang Wuji will be dignified.

In front of the gray dragon, the speed of the King Kong corpse was just like the tortoise in the race between the tortoise and the hare, so slow that it could be ignored.

In less than three seconds before and after, the King Kong corpse was caught up by the gray dragon.

“Damn, why is this? Why did her strength increase so much after she became a zombie?”

The corpse of King Kong was so frightened that her face turned pale with fright, and the thought that made her anxious flashed through her mind.

Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced behind her and saw that the gray dragon was already in front of her. She opened her big mouth with exposed fangs and bit her hard.

all of a sudden.

The heart of King Kong corpse trembled violently.

“Am I going to die here?”

The delicate face of the King Kong corpse has become much paler.

She looked at the dragon’s mouth with exposed fangs, getting closer and closer to her body… Suddenly she gritted her teeth and suddenly changed direction, her body was like a cannonball, smashing towards the ground.

She didn’t believe it anymore.

After Ma Linger turned into a zombie, the “Evil Dragon of the Ma Family?” that she cast could continue to operate.

As long as she can consume the energy contained in the “Ma Jiaxie Dragon?” cast by Ma Linger, she can escape alive.

“Boom” sound.

The body of the King Kong corpse hit the ground.

In order to survive, this zombie, which is almost indistinguishable from humans, didn’t even care about her appearance or clothes. She directly hit the ground with her head, piercing through the layers of soil and rocks on the ground.

And while penetrating the soil and rock layers, the King Kong corpse kept moving away from Ma Linger.

She believes that no matter how strong Ma Linger is now, the attack methods she displays will have energy limitations and distance limitations.

If there is no such restriction, then Ma Linger is not invincible?

She succeeded.

As she thought, Ma Linger’s strength is indeed very strong now, but the skill of “Ma Jiaxielong” still cannot escape the rules of heaven and earth that are limited by energy and distance.

When the King Kong corpse slammed into the soil, the gray evil dragon also turned its direction and flew to the ground, but when it hit the ground, it encountered obstacles.

The soil and rocks on the ground, although it is not a huge obstacle to the gray evil dragon, can continue to consume the energy contained in the gray evil dragon and slow down the pursuit speed of the gray evil dragon.

“Boom” “Boom” “Boom”…

The ground was directly penetrated by the gray evil dragon, creating a huge hole.

Immediately after, the gray evil dragon drove straight in from the hole, and smashed a crooked and spacious passage, locking the body of the vajra corpse.

The King Kong corpse breathed a sigh of relief.

She could clearly feel that the gray evil dragon behind her was chasing her slower…

This shows that her method is useful. Even if the gray evil dragon can kill her, it is a dead move after all, and she doesn’t know how to properly track a “person”!

Time just passed by like this.

one second.

two seconds.

three seconds.

Almost ten seconds passed.

The corpse of King Kong has moved more than 8,000 meters underground.


With the sound of “Boom”, the gray evil dragon exploded in the ground, causing the ground to collapse, completely losing the ability to track the King Kong corpse.

The King Kong corpse looked back at the place where the gray evil dragon exploded, and was completely relieved.

next second.

Her body penetrated the soil layer on the ground and flew high into the air, without stopping for a second, continuing to fly away from Ma Linger.

King Kong Corpse has made up his mind.

In the future, Ma Linger’s gossip, she will not care about it, she will run away as soon as she encounters Ma Linger.

Humans say that the King Kong corpse is one of the three strange corpses.

But where is Ma Linger strange to her?

Ma Linger hasn’t completely turned into a zombie yet, she’s already so strong.

Then~~ When she completely turns into a zombie, how terrifying her strength will be? Wouldn’t it directly reach the level of a corpse king?


It’s just terrifying!

And after the King Kong corpse kept away from Ma Linger and escaped.

Malinger’s side.

She no longer has the consciousness of chasing the King Kong corpse.

2.5 In other words, the trace of her remaining consciousness was all used to retain a trace of reason.

If even this sanity disappears, then she will be completely reduced to a zombie.


When she tried her best to keep a trace of sanity, Ma Linger couldn’t help but look deeper into the Mausoleum of Ten Thousand Corpses. An unstoppable desire emerged in her mind.

It was as if in the depths of the Mausoleum of Ten Thousand Corpses, there was something that was full of fatal temptations to her.

Na Ling’er’s little sanity made her realize that there is something in the depths of the corpse that has a fatal temptation to her. It must be something that can make her turn into a complete zombie faster and the evolution of the zombie bloodline. .

She should not go to the depths of the Mausoleum of Ten Thousand Corpses.

But she couldn’t control her body.

a certain moment.

With the sound of a low zombie roar resounding, Ma Linger galloped towards the depths of the Mausoleum of Ten Thousand Corpses.

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