Celestial Master of the Whole People: My Golden Light Mantra Can Be Upgraded Infinitely

Chapter 293

Chapter 293 Corpse Emperor Appears

Zhang Wuji’s voice was extremely cold.

The appearance and figure of King Kong Corpse are indeed very good-looking and large, but the other party is a zombie, Zhang Wuji will not have any idea of what happened with the zombie.

If this vajra corpse is willing to cooperate, then let her die happily.

If she doesn’t want to cooperate, Zhang Wuji doesn’t mind making her death extremely uncomfortable.

In particular, the vajra corpse is an evil object refined by the evil celestial master. It is reasonable to say that the vajra corpse should be the same as the evil Taoist celestial master, and it is something that is not allowed by the rules of heaven and earth.


If you kill the King Kong corpse, will you also gain experience for all skills?


Regardless of whether this King Kong corpse is worthy or not, she has only one way to die.

Zhang Wuji’s cold voice was settled, and the corpse of King Kong immediately shuddered.

She felt the killing intent in Zhang Wuji’s voice.

Zhang Wuji will really kill her.


King Kong Corpse, who has traveled in the human world for so long, can also guess: whether she answers Zhang Wuji’s question honestly or not.

Judging from the means Zhang Wuji has shown so far, she is afraid that she will be brutally killed by Zhang Wuji.

“Damn it, not long after getting rid of that Ma family descendant, why did I meet another evil star?”

King Kong corpse fell into despair.

She felt that she was definitely the most miserable King Kong corpse in the world.

She is obviously the King Kong corpse, one of the three strange corpses, why do you have to face things that might lose your life twice in a day?

These thoughts flashed away in my heart, and the corpse of King Kong only felt “breathing stagnation”, and the whole person was about to suffocate.

She was strangled by Zhang Wuji’s neck and throat, and she was completely unable to control the mana in her body to fight back.

What made the King Kong corpse even more horrified was that the breath released by Zhang Wuji showed that his cultivation was only in the Heavenly Master Realm.

The Heavenly Master Realm equivalent to Mao Zong, even his Fei Zong, who is equivalent to the Great Heavenly Master Realm, can easily subdue him.

What the hell is going on in this world?

Why is there always such a super evildoer who can easily leapfrog battles?

The key is: she is also a genius and evildoer. Although she cannot easily leapfrog battles, she will definitely not be worse than the casual Saint Teacher Realm.

She is comparable to a saint.

However, Zhang Wuji was able to subdue her to the point where she was completely unable to resist.

So Zhang Wuji’s strength is comparable to that of a divine master?

The cultivation of the Heavenly Master Realm is comparable to the strength of the God Master Realm.

When thinking about this clearly, the “zombie heart ¨ 〃 dirty” of King Kong Corpse’s unsatisfactory “puff”, “puff”, “puff”… beating violently.

At this moment.

“Aren’t you going to tell me?”

Zhang Wuji squeezed the neck of King Kong Corpse a little harder, and his face turned blue and white.

Fortunately, zombies don’t actually need to breathe, otherwise she will definitely be strangled and suffocated by Zhang Wuji.

“I, I said!”

King Kong Corpse said very hard:

“It’s not that I want to fight her, it’s that she has to fight me.”

“I have no ill intentions, I, I… can save her. As long as she refines my blood, it is possible for her to return to a normal person.”


When the words of the King Kong corpse fell, Zhang Wuji couldn’t help but be stunned for a moment.

Can the corpse of King Kong rescue Ma Linger?

This is what Zhang Wuji didn’t expect.


If the corpse of King Kong did not lie, then the corpse of King Kong could not die for the time being.

Because she may be Ma Linger’s only hope to survive.

Thoughts flashed in my mind.

Zhang Wuji was too lazy to say that, like a domineering president, he was still choking the corpse of King Kong by the neck, and golden wings appeared behind him again.

With the sound of “hum”, the golden light wings vibrated violently.

the next moment.

Zhang Wuji pinched the King Kong corpse like this, and quickly chased after Tang Qinglong’s family at a terrifying speed far exceeding that of the King Kong corpse.

The surrounding scenery turned into nothingness again, and the heart of King Kong corpse trembled, not in love, but in horror.

She really can’t understand, why a small human being in the Tianshi realm can be so powerful to such a terrifying level?

There is no need to say more about the King Kong corpse and Zhang Wuji.


Malinger’s side.

Zhang Wuji guessed right, Tang Qinglong’s family had already caught up with Ma Linger at this time.


With tears in her eyes, Ma Xiaoyu looked at Ma Linger, who was already emitting corpse gas all over her body, and shouted in a choked voice:

“Don’t run anymore, mom won’t hurt you.”

“You promise mother, go back with mother, and mother will find a way to cure you.”

Tang Qinglong looked at Ma Linger, his eyes were red, he gritted his teeth and said: “Sister, don’t run away, you can’t run away, as long as my parents and I are here, we will not let you have any trouble. If you get a zombie, we will support you for the rest of your life, and we will try our best to help you get back to normal.”

“.”Yes, Linger.”

Tang Dingguo clenched his fists, and also persuaded: “You know, your father and I like to do research, and your mother’s research level is also very strong. For the rest of our lives, my mother and I will not do other things, but study how to make You’re back to normal.”

“Just listen to your brother and your mother and go back with us.”

Ma Linger’s quick escape stopped.

In other words, Ma Linger, who was blocked by Tang Qinglong, Tang Dingguo, and Ma Xiaoyu in a triangular formation, had no way to escape.

Ma Linger’s eyes have turned grayish blue.

That’s the harbinger of a near-total zombification.

There was not much sanity left in her mind.

But in front of his own family, the reason that was about to disappear completely was actually urged again like this.


There was a low growl from Ma Linger’s mouth.

She tried her best to control her emotions, and a low voice (Nuo Li Zhao) came out of her mouth:

“Brother, dad, mom, go back, I want to go back with you too, but I’ve already charged…”

After that, Ma Linger didn’t finish her sentence.

She was like a complete corpse poison attacking her heart. Her head was lowered, but she suddenly raised her head.

She turned to look at the weakest Tang Qinglong, there was no human voice in her mouth, but a low growl like a beast, and the zombie fangs and zombie nails shot out instantly.

Ma Linger rushed towards Tang Qinglong.

“Qinglong, hurry back and step back.”

Seeing that Ma Linger has completely lost her mind, she chose Tang Qinglong, a soft persimmon, to pinch.

Tang Dingguo’s expression changed immediately.

He was about to lose Ma Linger’s daughter, but he didn’t want Tang Qinglong’s son to become a zombie.

Tang Dingguo snorted, stepped out, appeared in front of Tang Qinglong in an instant, and grabbed Ma Linger’s body with one hand.

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