Celestial Realm Alchemy Sovereign

Chapter 41 – Jade Fruits

"One Sword, Seven Waves!"

With Terra Su's ninth layer of the Inducing Qi Realm strength, combined with the Waves Stacking Slash at the Seven Waves level, killing a Monster Beast of the same realm was no problem at all. Let alone four Martial Practitioners at the eighth layer of the Inducing Qi Realm—it was like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut.

With one slash, the four Iron Armor Gate practitioners at the eighth layer of the Inducing Qi Realm didn't even have a chance to resist; they were all decapitated in an instant!

One sword, four lives!

The three young men who had been watching from the side were now gaping in astonishment. These four Iron Armor Gate practitioners were not weak, with one even at the peak of the eighth layer of the Inducing Qi Realm. Yet, they were all killed by Terra Su in a single strike!

"This young man is even younger than us, but his strength is terrifying!" The three young men looked at Terra Su with newfound respect and awe.

Terra Su, however, paid them no mind. He used his long sword to pry open the clothing of the six Iron Armor Gate corpses, taking anything valuable.

There wasn't much of value, just some scattered silver notes amounting to a few hundred taels, and a few healing elixirs.

Terra Su unceremoniously pocketed everything.

The three young men exchanged glances. The leader, a young man in his twenties, walked up to Terra Su and said, "Little brother, thank you for saving us. Where are you from?"

"Clear River City," Terra Su replied.

"So, you're from Clear River City. We're from Yellow Stone City, part of the He family," the young man introduced himself.

Terra Su knew of Yellow Stone City; it was one of the five major cities under Anyang County, just like Clear River City.

However, Yellow Stone City was farther from the Rising Sun Mountains. These three must have traveled a long way to get here.

Seeing Terra Su's expression, the young man explained, "We came to the Rising Sun Mountains specifically for training. This morning, we found two Jade Fruits in a cave. Just as we picked them, we ran into those Iron Armor Gate people."

"They accused us of stealing their Jade Fruits and demanded we hand them over. They even tried to kill us. We fled and then ran into you."

"So, you found Jade Fruits?" Terra Su was a bit surprised.

In the deep mountains, some plants absorbed the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth over many years, eventually becoming rare treasures. These treasures contained a large amount of Spiritual Qi, making them much more valuable than ordinary herbs and extremely rare.

Jade Fruits were one such treasure. When consumed by practitioners at the Inducing Qi Realm, they could rapidly enhance one's cultivation level. Unlike elixirs, which could accumulate toxins in the body if taken continuously, these natural treasures had no such side effects.

Knowing how precious Jade Fruits were, Terra Su was astonished by the trio's luck.

The young man carefully opened a cloth bag from his waist, revealing two jade-green fruits. The fruits were plump, vibrant, and emitted a tempting fragrance—indeed, they were Jade Fruits.

The young man looked at the fruits with a pained expression, then gritted his teeth and said, "Little brother, you saved us. We have nothing to repay you with, so we'll give you these two Jade Fruits."

Terra Su was surprised and looked at the young man anew. "You want to give me both Jade Fruits?"

The young man nodded resolutely. "Our He family has a rule: repay kindness with gratitude. You saved our lives, and nothing is more valuable than life itself. Compared to our lives, two Jade Fruits are nothing."

He glanced back at his two companions. "My two brothers support my decision."

The other two nodded in agreement.

"Little brother, please accept them. The Iron Armor Gate people said there are more of them nearby. We need to leave quickly before they catch up."

The young man handed the bag to Terra Su.

Terra Su thought for a moment, then took one Jade Fruit from the bag and tossed it back to the young man.

The young man and his companions were surprised.

"You found the Jade Fruits. I saved you, but I can't take them all. One is enough for me," Terra Su said with a smile. One Jade Fruit for himself and one for the three of them seemed fair.

Besides, the first Jade Fruit had the most effect. Subsequent ones would have diminishing returns.

"Thank you very much." The young man accepted the Jade Fruit and said, "We need to leave quickly. According to the Iron Armor Gate people, their young master is nearby. If they catch up, we'll be in trouble."

Terra Su calmly replied, "I killed the Iron Armor Gate people. If they want revenge, they'll come after me. Just don't go in the same direction as me and leave the Rising Sun Mountains quickly. You should be fine."

"But what about you..." the young man began.

"Just go! As you said, there are more Iron Armor Gate people nearby. They could be getting closer as we speak," Terra Su urged.

The young man had no choice but to clasp his hands in thanks before leading his companions away swiftly.

"I should get going too," Terra Su muttered to himself. He still needed to find the location marked on his map.

But before leaving, he had to consume the Jade Fruit.

These natural treasures lost their Spiritual Qi rapidly once picked, so consuming them quickly was best.

Of course, special containers could slow the loss of Spiritual Qi, but nothing beat consuming them on the spot to avoid waste.

Terra Su found a hidden spot among the trees and began eating the Jade Fruit. It was crisp and juicy, with a natural fragrance. As he swallowed, a warm sensation spread through his throat, making him feel comfortable.

Once the fruit was fully ingested, the warmth exploded in his stomach, similar to the effect of an elixir but much gentler, like spring rain nourishing everything. The energy flowed through his body, nourishing his flesh and bones.

Terra Su began to circulate the Chaotic Immortal Records, absorbing all the Spiritual Qi from the Jade Fruit and converting it into True Qi in his Dantian.

His cultivation level soared at an astonishing speed.

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